Pre-Board Questions 2005

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cultural Board Review Miteridls II-1

Pre-board euestions 2005

Farm Economics pre-board Exam


1. Anything of value possessed

an enterprise is considered
used by the business that belongs to its creditors is
_ (x) _ while anything
a'x = equity; y= stocks
(V) _
6.v= prop€t'cy;y=ownership
-61 I = asset; y= liability d.x=invistmenqy= income
Ans. b
Costs that are unaffiected by changes in activity level of a farm
enterprise are referred to
as (x) _, examples of which include (V)
-a, x = variable costs; y = labor, seeds, fuel
b. x = maintenance and operating costs; y = farm labor, fertilizer, fuel
c. x = fixed costs; y = land, farm rnachinery, irrigation system
d. x = initial costs; y = land, machines, irrigation
Ans. c
3' (x) is a market situation that exisE when there are few supplierc
of a product
- a. -x Perfectcompetitionly _ _
service that the action by one will rmult in (V) action by the others
- 'or
= = indefinite c. x= Monopoly; y= sirnilar
b. x = Monopoly;y = opposite d. x = Ofigop"lyiy = similar
Ans. d
4. Which of the following is a mismatch?
a.assets - farmhouse, land, cash, farm implements
b,liabilities - taxes, wages, prepaid income
c.consumer goods and services - tractor, feftilizer, farm animals
d.producer goods * vehicre for transporting products,
farm machinery,
Ans. c
5' white sugar, whichsells for P26.50 per kg-pac( can be repacked
and sold by a retailer
at a variable cost of P20-0 per SOkg-sack, -If each sack of slgar
costs p750 and fixed
costs amount to P30,000 per month, how many sacks of whlle
sugar rnust the retailer
repack and sell each month to break even?
a. 50 sacks b. 70 sack$ g0 sackd. 90 sacks
Ans. c
6- commodity surplus occurs when the selling price is
attained when the sellers agree to sell at a wfricfr
_ _,
(x) but equilibrium is

vendors __'fD _ are willing to buy

9.x= lrigh; y= c. x= low;y = *rr*6
x = low; Y=vendors d. x= high;'y= consumers
Ans. d
In producing farm tillers, Kasaka Ltd. has determined that its
selling price and the
quantity it can sell per month are related by
the equation p = p13S-O'_ Of iUwnere p is
the price and D is the quantity it can sell oi produce. If fixed
.orL p., month amount to
P200,000 and the variable cost per unit is Pi00, then
the numneiof units that will
maximize net profit is
a. 2,40A b, 1,250 c. 6,000
Ans. d @ r,soo
In no. 7, the maximum net profit is
P469,000 1r.r,M
a. b. P1,637,500 ' c. P1.05M d. P892,400

rii .

ricultural Materials
Board Review VI - 2
a.rP800 and P700 b. P600 and P900 c. P950 and P550 d. P750 each
/Ans. a

a lending institution for small-scale enterprises lends P4,000 per client. At the end of one
'/0.mont{, the client had to repay P4,020. What is the nominal annual interest rate?
\a) 6% b) B% c) 10% d) t2o/o
Xns. a

Afarmer just made the first quarterly payment of P900 in interest for a loan that carries
-V{. an
\ interest rate of 12 a/o pecr year, compounded quarterly. The original amount of the
\ loan is:
\ a. P18,750 b. P35,000 c. P140,000 (i,i:o,ooo
Ans', d
12. The value of the interest factor needed to calculate equal payments to be made every
year for 9 years to repay a loan of P300,000 at an interest rate of 13% per year
3.4069 b. 0.0649 c. 5.1317 d. 0.1949
Ans. b
fn.value of A in the cash flow below, if interest rate is 60lo per year, is closest to


c. A = P284.60 d. A = P362.4A
alen for a loan Y(

Year interest earned for Principal payment Total end ofyear

- 've?r- .i !\ navment
Plan 7 {1
1 /t ' 1: '
7,60A 6,161 7,761
2 L,107 ^\ 6,654 7,767
3 575 7,185 7,767
Plan 2
1 7,6AA /'' 8,000' 9,600
2 960 Z0oo 7,964
3 400 5,000 5,400
Plan 3
1 1,6A6< -0".,, 0-j
20,000 25,194

The initial arqo.unt of the loan is

a. P16,00Q b) P20,000
nzo,ooo c. P21,000
P21, d. cannot be determined from data
Ans. b
. rlli.
,- flt tJ, LJ

,{ interest on the loan is

[i) av"
b' 10%
Itn l_fi) t'[., - -vo,, d' 74%
ft/ r,,"'ttll ). rzv.
jl I
lL,1-fi I ',\tlV
/. Xns. a t/

{, you invest P25,000 now in a farm business venture that promises to return p3g,338,
how soon must you receive P39,338 in order to make at least !2o/o per year on your
Board Review Materials

3 years b.,4 years c. 5 years d. 6 years
Ans. b
17. The interest formula for equal payment series applies when the cash flow consists of
uniform amounts with the first occurring at the (x) _ _
of year 1 and the last (v) _ _
the number of interest periods, n
a. x= beginning;y= coincidingwith
b. x = end; y= coinciding with
x= beginning; y= overlappingwith
d. x = end; Y = occurring one period before
Ans. b
,f$ At what rate of investment, compounded quarLerly, will an investment double itself in 5
a, 14.\to/o b.3.530/a c.3.72% d; t4.B7o/o
Ans, d
19. The projected cash flow
for investing in a new product is given below. You had been
tasked to determine whether it is worth investing in the product, when the cost of capital is
Year Cash flow Year Cash flow
0 -P600,000
1 -150,000 6 P400,000
2 200,000 7 450,000
3 250,000 g 500,000
4 300,000 g 550,000
5 350,p00 10 600,000
What is the discounted payback period for the investment?
a) 5 years b) 6 yeais c) 7 years d) 8 years
Ans. b

,''20. Compute the net present value at i=15% per year, compounded annually, for the cash ,
flow below:

a, P1,582 ,741 c. P3,048 d.

Ans" b
l,t,r- r L, r)! . l]
IYL',; 1p1:t1/ , li {1,,j ,f),trtt
An obligation of P20,000 is to be repaid at a rate of P4,000 per year plus the interest that
- is owed based on the beginning-of-the-year unpaid principal. If the loan has to be repaid
over a S-year period, at an interest rate of 70o/o, what is the total amount of interest to
be repaid?
a. P7000 6,000 c) P6,380 d) P8,000
Zd, An irrigation control dam with a 100-year life has an initial cost of p15M. The gates in the
dam must be replaced every five years, at a cost of P2M. If the interest rate is 8% per
year, compounded annually, what is the capitalized worth of the annual cost of
a. P5.6B3M b) p7.24BM c) P4.261M d) P6.148M
Ans. c
4'; : q ,'i
23 A certain project has the followinq ci rsh flow: t

Cash flow for each year

0 1 2 3 4
initial cost -P30,000

Pre-Board Exams
PSAE Regiol! rv - _-
Agricultural Engineering Board Review Materials vr - 4
Revenues 40.000 30,000 30.000 25,000
Expenses 20.000 18.000 10.000 12.000
If the desired MARR is 157o, the project's NPV is
a. P22,568 b. P25,000 c. P24,033 d. P17,048
Ans. d
24. The benefit cost ratio obtained by the traditional (conventional) method for the project in
no.23 is
a. 0.90 b. 1.15 c, 1.23 d. 1.0
Ans. C

\ 25. A small firm manufacturing farm products is considering the purchase of a new machine
\ to modernize one of its cuirent pioduction lines. A certiin machine has a service life of 6
years, initial cost of P85,000, estimated salvage value of P10,000, annual operating and
maintenance cost of P5,200 and needs engine overhaul every 4 years at a cost of
P2,800. What is the estimated annual worth of the cost of this machine at an interest
rate of 12%?
a. P23,047 b. P25,073 c. ?32,467 d. P27,701
Ans. d
26. An agricultural engineer purchased a new machine for P18,000. It is expected to have a
useful life of 10 years and a salvage value of P3,000. At i=157o, how much additional
revenue must the machine generate to at least recover its cost?
a. P3,900 b. P3,557 c. P2,990 d, P3,440
Ans. b
//Zl. nP100,000;
water pumping system has the following associated cash flows: Initial cost =
annual savings = P10,000; annual maintenance cost = P500; expected life =
20 years; salvage value = P5,000. A minimum attractive rate of return (MARR) of 6% is
desired. Calculate the modified B/C ratio for the pumping system.
a. 1.15 b. 1.09 t. 1.13 d. 1.20
Ans. c
28. An agricultural rirm can invest into a 15-year project that will produce an annual revenue
of P200,000 per year. Initial investment required is P165,000, while yearly operating
expengeewill be P145,000. What is the iRR for this opportunity?
a) 18.5% b) 26.40/o c) 33.1% d) 36.0%
kfis. c
/,/rg. Aexpected
machine purchased for P45,000 had a depreciable life of 4 years. It will have an
salvage value of P5,000 at the end of its depreciable life. Using the-sum-of-the-
yeaqdrgits method, what is the depreciation amount for year 3?
- 1") P8,000 b. P12,000 c. P10,000 d. P18,000
Xns. a

.A If the double declining balance method of depreciation is used, what is the depreciation
amount for year 3?

Ans. b
a. P10,000 b. P5,625 c. p11,250 d, p17,500


1. Geologic formations arranged in decreasing econonric attractiveness of pumping

a. aquifer, aquifuge, aquitard, aquiclude
b. aquifer, aquiclude, aquitard, aquifuge
c. aquifer, aquitard, aquifuge, aquiclude
d. aquifer, aquitard, aquiclude, aquifuge

Pre-Board Exarns
PSAE Regton IV - Agricu

2. It is the right of each land o\/ner along the stream which entitles him/her to have
the water flow in its natural channel undermined in quantity and unpolluted in
a, appropriation right c. water right
b. riparian right d. irrigation right

3" The minimum distance from the center of the lone pumped well wherein no drawdon
will be obserued is the
a. well radius c. radius of inteference
b, radius of influence d. drawdown curve

4. The infiltration equation based on the exhaustion process

a. Lewis-Kostiakov's c. Philip's
b. Ho#on's d. Darcy's

5. It is the ratio of the dry mass of the soil to the mass of water with volume equal to
the soil bulk volume.
a. Paticle densitv c. Real specific gravity
b. Bulk density d. Apparent specific gravity
6. Distribution control structures placed across an irrigation ditch to block the flor&
temporarily and to raise the upstream water level.
a. turnouts c. culvefts
b. checks d. weirs

7. It accounts for the losses incurred before the water is delivered into the field ditches.
a. Application efficiency
b. Conveyance efflciency
c. Water inflow.
d. Water outflow.

8. Itrefers to the composite parts of the irrigation system that divert water from natural
bodies of water such as rivers, streams and lakes.
a. main canal c. irrigation structures
b. diversion dam d. headworks

9. The International Soil Science Society describe sand as a soil particle with a
ciiameter of
a. 0.02 to 2 mm c. 0.002 to 0.02 mm
b. 0.2 to 2mm d. 0,002 to 0.2 mm

10. Irrigation method used for row crops wherein only a part of the surface is wetted.
a, basin floodino C. border irrigation
furrow irrigation d. border-strlp flooding

what is the expected annual rice production for a 5-ha farm with 140% cropping
intensity and 2 croppings per year if the average yield is 4 tons per hectare?
a. 56 tons c. 20 tons
b. 28,6 tons d. 28tons
72. Drain layout for fields with relatively flat portions in the middle. m2lhr
a. herringbone c. double main
b. grid iron d. natural

Pre-Board Exams
rv- ricultural E Board Review Materials vr-6
For a 9m x 9m sprinkler what is the design sprinkler throw for a 4Ao/o
a. 12.6 m 6.3 m

150m x 1BOm if the laterals are set parallel to the longer side of the field? Sprinkler
spacing !s 6m x 6m, irrigation water requirement is 150mm and irrigation period is 6
a. 0.250 lps c. 0.500 tps
b. 0.375 lps d. 0.125 tps

Ld Compute the land soaking requirement for a soil ( depth of rootzone = 30cm) with
-qesidual moisture content of 760/o by weight, bulk density of 1,200 kg/m3 and
porosity of 45o/o. Standing water for planting is 25 mm.
a. 136.4 mm c. 77.4 mm
b. 102.4 mm d. 111.4 mm
,{- Compute the unidirectional flow in two parallel drains; 1000 m apart if the soil
hydraulic conductivity is 12mlday and the water level at the drains are 6 and B
a. 0.168 m3/day _c, 0.0005 m2lhr
b. 0.012 m3/day
dj.) 0.007 m27hr
.tr. A 20-ft thick confined aquifer with hydraulic conductivity of a0Oft/day was tapped by
a 4"9 shallow tubewell. with a radius of influence of 2500 ft, determine the
maximum discharge of the STW in liters per second. Assume an allowable
drawdown of 12 ft.
a. 22.17 c. 62.7L
b. 2a.s7 .,'r !) ,rr d, 2s.63

,a6 A 21.6mm/day water requirement is equivalent to

a. 23.8 gpm/ha c. 2.5 lps/ha
b. 0.9 lpsiha d. 14.3 gpm/ha

19. In Hooghoudt's drain spacing formula it is assumed that

a. The water table is in equilibrium wl the rainfall or irrigation water,
b. The drains are evenly spaced.
c. Darcy's law is valid for flow through the soils.
All of the above.

20. Tensiometers are not capable of measuring a wide range of soil moisture content
because they can only measure soil moisture tension up to
a. _.
0.7 atm c. 75 Kpa
b. 68.4 cmHg d. 608 mmHg
2t-24. An unconfined aquifer is situated above a horizontal impervious base and is
composed of sand with a hydrauiic conductivity of 12mlday. In this aquifer, two fully
penetrating ditches from a strip of land with a constant width of 1200m. The water
level in the left and right ditches rises to B and 12m above the impervious base,
respectively. The recharge by rainfall is 6.5 nimlday. Evaporation losses amount to
2.5 mm/day.

Pre-Board Exams
PSAE ion IV - ricultural Board RevisHaErials vt-7
Determine the location of the stagnation point of the groundwatei flow.
a. 662 m from the left drain
b. 700 m from the left drain Xt=!, i
c. 538 m from the right drain m2lhr
d. 550 m from the right drain
c. 1
Compute the flow into the right'drain.
,,r, -LW+
a. 3.5 m2l day c. Z.amz tdav
,.;;, iali' rr.- Iw t.zu,rJ t
b. 4.3 mz l day d.

Compute the flow into the left di'ain.

/ a, 3.5 m2i day
q3 mz day
c, 2.a mz l day
b. l d. 2.8 m2 I dav

24. Compute the maximum elevation of water table inside the strip of land.
14.94 m
!3.47 m
16.05 m
20.10 m ("@
25. Determine the head loss in a 4" aluminum lateral 500 ft long if sprinkler spacing is 50
ft. Sprinkler discharge is 0.25 lps,
a. 6.86 ft c, 3.60 ft
b. z,72ft d. 1.43 ft
Farm Marketing Managernent 2005

Multiple choice. Write the letter corresponding to the best answer.

1. The term "marketing" is best identified in todafs business world with the concept of:
A) making a sale D. satisfliing customer needs
B) creating customer needs E. maximizing competition
C) communication through advetising
Answer: D
2. A want suppoted by buying power is best described as a:
A) demand D. exchange
B) desire E. manifestation of greed
C) need
Answer: A
3, Which of the following is true:
A) Want is more important to marketers than demand
B) The major objective of marketing is customer satisfaction at a profit,
C) Need is more impoftant to modern-day marketers than wants,
D) Customer satisfaction even without profit is most important to marketers.
E) None ofthe above.
Answer; B
4. Which of the following is not one of the four Cs of marketing?
A) communication
B) customer cost
C) convenience
D) customer solution/satisfaclion
E) commitment
Answer: E
Pre-Eoard Exams
PSAE Region IV - Ag.ic
5. Which of the following statement about a product is not true?
A) Ideas and services are examples of products
B) There are five levels of a product namely: core, generic, expected, augmented and
potential product
C) Product is the core of the marketing mix.
D) A product is anything offered to a market for attention, acquisition and consumption.
E) A good product is enough to warrant high sales in the market.
Answer: E
6.' What three most important factors input into the determination of prices?
A) Cost, demand, competition
B) Target market, promotional expenses, distribution channels
C) Market share, competitive moves/ substitutes
D) DSmqgFphits, purchasing habits, shelf position
Q/Customer value, nature of the product, production efficiency
Answer: A
7. The first step in pricing is:
A) computing the unit cost
B) determining the prices of competitors
C) setting pricing objectives
D) determining market's sensitivity
E) evaluating different pricing methods
Answeff C
B. What factors would lead a marketer to adopt a going-rate pricing strategy?
A) There are no product differentiation and competitor moves are unceftain.
B) The pricing policy is 207o recovery on production cost.
C) There is an unusually high demand for the product.
D) The product is inferior.
E) There are few substitutes for the product,
Answer: A
9. Which of the following Cs in marketing is directly linked with the place or distribution
A) customersatisfaction D) cost recovery
B) conrrenience E) competitiveness
C) communication
Answer: B
10. Which of the following are characteristics of a good channel of distribution?
A) It has a good track record.
B) It has the capability to handle a wide variety of products.
C) It has growth potential
D) It has a high product market commitment
E) All of the above.
Answer: E
11. Promotion corresponds to what C of marketing?
A) Communication D) Convenience
B) Cost E) Customer orientation
C) Customersatisfaction
Answer: A
12. is any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of products,
A) Advertising D) Personal selling
B) Sales promotion E) Direct marketing
C) Public relations
Answer: A
PSAE icultural Enoineeri Board Review Materials VI,9
Basic Statistics 2005

1. which of the following situations illustrate(s) decriptive statistics?

I' Presenting the population of Los Bafros by constructing bar graphs indicarinq - :-i=
number of constituents by barangay dur-ing the last census
II, Concluding that the Agricultural Engineering board exam is easy after asking the opinion
of 10 randomly selected reviewers andnotingthat 9 of them felt that the exim is easy
A. I only B. II only C. Both I and II D. Neither t noi tt
For numbers 2 and 3:
A statistician wants to determine the number of jobs of computer technicians in Los Bafros for the
month of June.
2. The universe of the study is
A. Los Bafros
B. all computer technicians in Los Bafros
C. the number of jobs of computer technicians in Los Bafros for the month of June
D' the average number of jobs of computer tech nicians in Los Bafros for the month of June
3, The variable of interest in the study is _.
A. Los Bafros
B. all computer technicians in Los Bafros
C. the number of jobs of computer technicians in Los Baffos for the month of June
D. the average n umber of jobs of computer tech nicians in Los Bafros for the month of June
For numbers 4 and 5:
Mr. Albert and his famiiy are pianning to nrove to a cet'rain si-rburb Where hrost of the houses are
being leased' Before moving to a new house, he obtained a list of all the houses for lease in the
suburb together with some additional information. The list consists of the following:
C = color of the house
M = monthly rent (in pesos)
p = pres€nce of furniture in the house (yes/No)
T = t.ype of house (duplex, apartment etc.)
$ = presence of a swimming pool in the house (yes/No)
4. Variable T is measured in the level of measurement.
A. nominal B. ordinal C. interval D. ratio

5. Variable is a quantitative variable,

6. Li-an had an assignment to accomplish, She had to submit to her professor a list of ten
liquids (e.9. vinegar, bleach, water, etc.) and their corresponding pH content. To
do this,
she borrowed a pH meter from the laboratory, bought the liquids and measured their pH
contents using the pH meter. Li-an used the _ method of data collection.
A. graphical B, subjective C. objective D. use of existing

For numbers 7 to 10:

consider the stem and leaf plot of the age of mother as of last birthday (in years) of 25 statistics
L students.
3 78889
-t 074455577779
5 122459
6 24
Board Review Materials

The ;inA
vY! mother as of last birthday (in years) of 25 Statistics 1 students is

A, 45.0 B. 45.5 c. 45.5 D. 47.2

8. Which of the following is(are) TRUE?
L The median age of mother of 25 Statistics 1 students is 47.
I.L There are 3 modes in the data set.
iA) I only B. II only C. Both I and II D. Neither I nor II
9. On the average, the age of mother as of last birthday of 25 Statistics 1 students deviate from
the mean by _.
A. 7.38 B. 7.s3 c.
54.48 D. 56.75
i0. Which of the following is(are) TRUE?
I.The range of the age of mother as of last birthday of 25 Statistics 1 students is 27.
II. The distribution of the ages of mother as of last birthday of 25 Statistics 1 students is
positively skewed.
A. I only B. II only , Cj gofl-r I and II D. Neither I nor iI
11. A Statistics made up of two simultaneous sessions. The 1't session has 6
presenters while the 2''o session has 5 presenters. In how many ways can the presentation
in the conference be arranged?
A. (oCsX sCs) B. (oPoXqPs) C. (oCe) + ( sCs) p., oPs

12. Justin's parents bought 4 new shirts, 2 pqirs of shoes and 3 pants for him as gifts for
finishing secondary education with flying colors. If he chooses to wear only two of eich gift,
how many choices does he have?
) (+CzX zCzX sCr)
B. (qPr( zPzX:Pz) c. (4x2x3) D. sCo
13. The organizer of a whole-day seminar on health invited 4 guests (A, B, C and D) who will
serve as resource persons. In how many ways can the organizer arrange these 4 persons if
resource pierson B requests that he be the 2,,d speaker?
A. 1 8.2 c.6 D, 24
For numbers 14 and 15:
Owel, CJ and Mayan are in-charge of cleaning their living room and washing the dishes everyday.
To distribute the chores, they decided to select two persons (without replacement) who will db
the task each day by using lottery method. The first one will clean their living room and the
second will wash the dishes. Let o stand for owel, c for cJ and M for Mayan.

14, The sample space, .! of the random experiment is

A. S = {clean living room, wash dishes}
B. S={O,C,M}
C. S = {(O,C),(C,O),(O,M),(M,O),(C,M),(M,C)}
D. 5 = {(O,C),(C,O),(O,M),(M,O),(C,M),(M,C),(O,O),(C,C),(M,M)}
15, The event, E, that owel will clean their living room and wash the dishes is
A. g = {(O,O)}
B. E={O,C,M}
C. E = {(O,C),(C,O),(O,M),(M,O)}
D. E={}
For numbers 16 to rB:
of 500 Business Administration students in a certain university, 200 are currently enrolled in
Accounting (A), 300 in Business statistics (B) and 150 in both courses. Let A be the event that a
Board Review Materials

student is enrolled !n Accounting and B be the event that a student is enrolled in Business

i6' The probability that a randomly selected student is enrolled in at least one of the courses is

A. 4.24 B. 0.30 c. 0.70 D. 1,00

17. The probability that a randomly selected student is not enrolled in either course is
A. 0 B. 0.30 c. 0.70 D. A.76

18, Which of the following is(are) TRUE?

L Events A and B are mutually exclusive.
II. Events A- and B are independent,
A. i only B. II only C. Both I and II D. Neither I nor Ii
19' The Agricultural Engineering Board Exam Review Class has B0 students. The birthdays of
these students constitute a sample from the 365 days of the year. The probability that at
least two of these students have the same birthday is
r rD8a, -----.
ii. 1- ,u,F,'.:
(:os)" (:os)"'
A, I only B. II onty C. Both I and II D. Neither I nor II
For numbers 20 to 22:
A market study on the feasibility of putting up a large department store in a town consisting of
52 barangays will be conducted. Each of the 52 barangays consistsof at least j.00 households.

20. Fifty households will be randomly selected from each barangay in the frame. The sample
be obtained from the 52 barangays is called a .- slmple.
A. simple random B. systematic c, ctuster D. stratified

21' If flve barangays out of the 52 will be randomly selected instead and all the households
comprising the five barangays will be included in the sample, then the sampling method
is ..- sampling,
A, simple random B. systematic C. cluster D. stratified

22' A sampling frame consists of names of 500 call center trainees numbered from 1
to 500. A
simpie rancjom sample (SRS) of size 50 wiil be selected from the frame. The first four
random numbers generated from the calculator are 0.790,0.191, A.4A7,0.07i.
Thus, the
A. 395,96, 204 and 3g c. la,2a,30 and 40
B. 79,79,41 and 8 n, g,'2,4 and 1
23' A pilot's group claims that among aborted takeofts leading to an aircraft's going
off the
end of the runway, 70o/o are due to bird strikes. To test this claim, a random
sample of 74
abo(ed takeoffs in which the aircrafl overran the runway was taken. if.,L upp.priate
procedure to use is
A. t-test on one mean
---, C. t-test on two means from related
B. Z-test on one proportion D. F-test for ANOVA
24.In a biological experiment, 4 concentrations of a certain chemical are used to enhance the
growth of a certain type of plant over a specified period of time. It is of interest to
determine if there is a significant difference in the average growth of the plants for the
different concentrations of the chemical. The appropriate test procedure to use is

A. t'test on one mean C. t-test on two means from related samples

B, Z-test on one proportion D. F-test for ANOVA

25_r-in-which of the following situations will correlation analysis be useful?

,..' I.' A sociological study was undertaken to investigate the relationship between the
/ population density of a metropolitan area and its crime rate.
i II. Two different hardening processes (saltwater quenching and oil quenching) are being
' compared. It is of interest to test if metal alloys subjected to saltwater quenching are
harder compared to oil quenching.
(n only
I B. II only C. Both I and II D. Neither I nor II

1.A 10. C 19. B
2,8 11. B 20. D
3.C 12. A 27. C
4,, A 13. C 22. A
5.D 74. C 23. B
6.C 15. D 24. D
7, D 1b. C 25. A
B.A 77. B
9.A 18. D

Farm Electrification Questions


1. What is the current I in the circuit shown below? (b)

a) R3/ (R1R2 + R2R3 + RrRs)

b) V R3/ (R1R2 + R1R3 + RzRs) -v\\*'
c) V R2l (R1R2 + R1R3 + RzR:) _L
d) VR2/(R2+R:) >
What is the current in the resistor R:?
aZ (b)

to vT

(a) 3.33 amps ((b)r6.oz amps (c) 10.0 amps

(d) 13.33 amps '(ef so.o amps

Pre-Board Exams
PSAE Region rv - Agricultural Engineering Board Review Materials \/I - 13
,3. A 120 volt generator- delivers 30 kilowatb to an electric furnace. The current supplied by the
generator is about: (d)

-gfsoO amps (b) 4 amps (c) 100 amps (d)i250 amps (e) 360 amns
4. A 10 ohm resistor is connected in parallel with a capacitive reactance of 24 ohms. V/hat is
the total impedance? (c)

(a) 26.55 ohms (b) 13.73 ohms /(c),9.23 ohms

(!) 1a'56 ohms (e) none ofthe above

Y Haw much energy is required to operate an 5 hp motor used every other day for 5 hours and
a 500 watt lamp used daily for 4 hours a day, both during a 30-day month? (b)

(a) 195.9 kw-hrs (b) 339.6 kw-hrs (c) 27.8 kw-hrs

(d) 368.6 kw-hrs (6) none ofthe above

g..Knxis the current flowing in the center teg? (d)

(a) 4 amps (b) 6 amps (c) 5 amps

(d);3 amps (e) 7 amps

/ tne pctential acrcss two pcints in a complex network is 50r,,olts. Eight amperes of current
are flowing. What is the Thevenin equivalent circuit? (c)


'"L_" "'L_
6.2i ohls
T. '-
6.25 ohus

r .rnA

6.25 ohms


z or,*.

(a) (b) (c) (e)

gt''A aerca resistor network has Ru= 30 ohms, Ru= 10 ohms, and &= 20 ohms. What is the
' equivalent wye network? (a)

(i); rO ohms, 5 ohms and 3.33 ohms (b) 3 ohms, 6.66 ohms and 7 ohm
(r1 6 onms, 9 ohms and 10 ohms (d) 5 ohms, 8 ohms and 3.33 ohms
(e) 6.65 ohms, 3.33 ohms and 10 ohms

9. A No. 10 AWG wire transmits a 220 V, 5-amp current through a distance of 2,000 ft. What
is the voltage drop across the line? (b)

(a) 10 voltS (b) 20 volts (c) 15 volts

(d) 25 volts (e) none of the above

Z{ a 30 ohm resistor, a 0.095 Henry inductor and a 318 pfarad capacitor are connected in
series across a 240 volt 60 Hz supply. what is the total impedance of the circuit? (b)

(a) 8.34 ohms @ +o.os ot',r, (c) 25,2 ohms

(d) 32.3 ohms le) none of the above

{,, ,lli i
PSAE Region IV - Agricultural Engineering Board Review Materials vI - 14

Easy /
y'A residence is
'/ be supplied OydeteFlined to need 60 lighting and convenience outlets, not including those to
sniatl appliance circuits. What type and how many Z0-amp branch circuits are
needed? r
(a) + i#[-r,
t)*-ui rt
(b) B

(d) 10 t-lrL[t]
(e) none of the above
An apartment has an outside dimension of B m by 10 m and has four appliance circuits. What
is the approximate lighting (b)
(a) 4,560 watts -- i,{lir lr 6, 2,560 watts (c) 1,500 watts

ha5ohmresistor? (c)
(a) 2watts f..VA
(d) 1.5 watts
A 10 ohm resistor is connected in series with a capacitive reactance of 24 ohms. What is the
jqtpl impedance? (a)
i(a) 26 (b) 13 (c) 34
td) r+ (e) none ofthe above

The resistivity of a wire is 1.69 x 10-B ohm-m. If it has a diameter of 0.1 cm, what is its
length if the total resistance is/0.ohms? (b)
(a) 5,674 m ((b)r465 m (c) 1,200 m
(d) 350 m Ydj none of the above
6. ,F,. 3-phase Y-configuration system, (a)
lglline current and the phase current are equal
b. line voltage and phase voltage are equal
c. phase current always lags the phase voltage
d. phase voltage always lags the phase current

/acapacitance of 50 pF and a resistance of 200 ohms are connected in series across a Z2A-V,
50 Hz mains. What is the power factor? (d)
Jg,l 0.e3 (b) 0.7s (c) 0.83
((d\D.97 (e) none of the above
8. The main advantage for the use of 3-phase systems is that for the same voltage and current,
a 3-wire, 3-phase system will deliver this mrrch amount of power as a 2-wire, single-phase
system, (d)
Q) 3 times (b) 2 times
(c) 1.41 times
((d) 1.73 times (e) none of the above

9' What is the magnitude of allowable 2% voltage drop for a 2-wire run with length of 200
meters at220 volt supply and B ampere circuit? (d)
a. 6.5 volts b. 1.5 voltsc. 2.3 volts
d. 4.4 volts e. none of the above

10. A certain farm operation that requires rotary power can be successfully performed by hand.
What size of motor is recommended? -(-cI"
(a) % hp (b) t hp (c)'% hp
(d) 2 hp (d) none of the above'
Pre-Board Exams

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