Bvae 078
Bvae 078
Bvae 078
Advance access publication 8 May 2024
Expert Endocrine Consult
Pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas (PPGLs), rare neuroendocrine tumors arising from chromaffin cells, present a significant diagnostic
challenge due to their clinical rarity and polymorphic symptomatology. The clinical cases demonstrate the importance of an integrated
approach that combines clinical assessment, biochemical testing, and imaging to distinguish PPGLs from mimicking conditions, such as
obstructive sleep apnea and interfering medication effects, which can lead to false-positive biochemical results. Although a rare condition,
false-negative metanephrine levels can occur in pheochromocytomas, but imaging findings can give some clues and increase suspicion for a
pheochromocytoma diagnosis. This expert endocrine consult underscores the critical role of evaluating preanalytical conditions and pretest
probability in the biochemical diagnosis of PPGLs. Moreover, a careful differentiation of PPGLs from similar conditions and careful selection
and interpretation of diagnostic tests, with focus on understanding and reducing false positives to enhance diagnostic accuracy and patient
outcomes, is crucial.
Key Words: pheochromocytomas, paragangliomas, diagnosis, pitfalls, false-positive
Abbreviations: 131I-MIBG, metaiodinebenzylguanidine labeled with iodine 131; BMI, body mass index; CPAP, continuous positive airway pressure; CT,
computed tomography; HU, Hounsfield units; LC-MS/MS, liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; PPGL,
pheochromocytomas and paraganglioma.
Pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas (PPGLs) are rare heterogeneity and are frequently associated with hereditary
neuroendocrine neoplasms arising from chromaffin cells with syndromes, with up to 40% of cases linked to genetic disor
in the adrenal medulla, known as pheochromocytomas, or ders [8, 9]. Surgical excision remains the cornerstone of initial
from paravertebral sympathetic ganglia in thoracic and ab treatment, with the potential to achieve complete symptom
dominal regions, as well as from cervical parasympathetic resolution in PPGLs [1].
ganglia or the skull base, referred to as paragangliomas [1]. The diagnostic journey for pheochromocytomas is fraught
Pheochromocytomas account for approximately 80% to with complexities, from nuanced clinical presentations to
85% of all PPGLs, with the remaining 15% to 20% being par the intricacies of biochemical and imaging assessments. The
agangliomas [2]. Distinction between these entities is solely rarity of PPGLs juxtaposed with the polymorphic nature of
predicated upon their anatomic location, as they are histo their symptoms often leads to misdiagnosis or significant de
pathologically indistinguishable [3]. Although the term lays in proper identification of the disease, thereby exacerbat
“pheochromocytoma” has been entrenched in clinical ver ing patient morbidity [10]. Moreover, the diagnostic overlap
nacular, the World Health Organization has recently advo with more prevalent conditions masks these neoplasms in clin
cated for the nomenclature “adrenal paraganglioma” in an ical suspicion, culminating in a conundrum for the unwary
effort to standardize terminology [4]. clinician. As we venture further into the subtleties of diagnos
PPGLs are noted for their clinical rarity, with a prevalence tic criteria, it becomes evident that a comprehensive and
of less than 0.05% in the general population, rising to 0.2% multifaceted approach is essential for an accurate detection.
to 0.6% among patients with hypertension [1]. Despite their This article seeks to dissect these diagnostic intricacies, eluci
infrequent occurrence, PPGLs carry a substantial burden of date the common pitfalls encountered, and propose methodo
morbidity and mortality, predominantly due to cardiovascu logical enhancements to refine the diagnostic algorithm. By
lar complications and their propensity for metastatic disease amplifying our understanding of these challenges and updat
[5, 6]. Metastatic lesions are detected in 15% to 20% of ing our diagnostic strategies, we aspire to improve patient out
PPGL cases, denoted by metastatic dissemination to nonchro comes and bridge the gap between initial presentation and
maffin tissues [7]. These tumors exhibit profound clinical definitive treatment.
Received: 28 January 2024. Editorial Decision: 12 April 2024. Corrected and Typeset: 11 May 2024
© The Author(s) 2024. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Endocrine Society.
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2 Journal of the Endocrine Society, 2024, Vol. 8, No. 6
Figure 1. (A, B) Case 1. (A) Abdominal CT revealing an undetermined right adrenal nodule measuring 1.8 × 1.2 cm (white arrow) with 18 Hounsfield unit
(HU) in the precontrast phase with arterial phase peak enhancement of 117 HU and an absolute washout of 65%. (B) Slight nodular thickening up to 1.4 ×
0.8 cm (−4 HU) in the left adrenal gland (white arrow), suggestive of adenoma. (C) Case 3. Abdominal CT revealing a right adrenal nodule measuring 5.2 ×
4.0 cm (white arrow) with 34 HU in the precontrast phase with arterial phase peak enhancement of 122 HU and an absolute washout of 75%.
Cases 1 2 3
Metanephrine (nmol/L) 0.3 (<0.375) 0.3 (<0.324) <0.2 (<0.375)
Normetanephrine (nmol/L) 1.3 (<0.747) 1.2 (<0.6889) 0.6 (<0.747)
Renin (4.4-46 μIU/mL) 36.8 15.4
Aldosterone (ng/dL) 9.9 6.8
ACTH (pg/mL) 15.7 28
Cortisol (μg/dL) 7.0 11.2
Cortisol after overnight 1 mg dexamethasone (μg/dL) 2.3 1.7
DHEA sulfate (ng/mL) 1152 (189-2050) 872 (189-2050)
for adrenal adenoma when using adrenal washout CT [33]. I-MIBG is greater for pheochromocytoma (88%) than for
Although pheochromocytomas show a high peak enhance paraganglioma (67%) [30]. Notably, MIBG sensitivity is
ment in early arterial phase, a cut-off of 100 HU had only a markedly reduced in patients with SDHx gene mutations
moderate sensitivity (63.6%) and a high specificity (100%) [39, 40]. With the advent of newer radiopharmaceuticals,
to differentiate pheochromocytoma from other lipid-poor ad the once central role of radiolabeled MIBG in pheochromocy
renal lesions [34]. toma/paraganglioma imaging has shifted towards a screening
MRI is the preferred imaging modality for patients with tool for 131I-MIBG therapy [41].
metastatic disease, head and neck paragangliomas, iodine Ga-DOTA-SSA studies have shown excellent lesion-
contrast allergy, or those requiring reduced radiation expos based sensitivity in detecting PPGLs, often more than 92%
ure, such as children, pregnant women, and individuals with [30]. A metanalysis comparing the sensitivity of 18F-FDG
germline genetic defects [13]. The utility of high signal inten and 68Ga-DOTA-SSA found that the sensitivity of
sity on T2-weighted MRI images in localizing pheochromocy Ga-DOTA-SSA (95%) was superior to that of 18F-FDG
tomas, although less common than previously believed, can (85%) [30]. An additional metanalysis demonstrated that
still be valuable [7, 11]. Head and neck paragangliomas typic the sensitivity of 68Ga-DOTA-SSA (93%) was superior to
ally shows slowly enlarging masses, often manifesting as F-FDOPA (80%), 18F-FDG (74%), and 123I/131I-MIBG
carotid-body tumors and vagal tumors, or as conductive hear (38%) [42]. Overall, 68Ga-DOTATATE should be considered
ing loss and pulsatile tinnitus in cases of jugulotympanic para the tracer of choice for evaluating metastatic pheochromocy
gangliomas [6, 35]. The tumor’s low-signal voids, typical of toma, metastatic paraganglioma, SDHx mutant carriers, and
paragangliomas, present a “salt-and-pepper” pattern on head and neck paragangliomas [7, 43]. An exception is pheo
MRI spin echo imaging sequences [36]. chromocytoma or paraganglioma associated with polycy
Nuclear imaging serves as a valuable adjunct to morphological themia, MAX mutations, or apparently sporadic
imaging in the diagnosis and staging of diseases [20]. It has the pheochromocytoma, for which 18F-FDOPA may be preferable
added advantage in accurately predicting tumor response to even [20, 41]. Genetics of PPGLs translates into 3 main clusters
tual treatment with radiolabeled nuclear analogs in patients with with distinct tumor locations, biochemical features, tumor re
avidity for the tracer. Radiopharmaceuticals, distinct from ceptor characteristics, and risk of metastatic disease.
contrast agents, offer specificity to the PPGL lesions, thus facilitat Nowadays, the choice of radionuclides to diagnostic work-up
ing the detection of diminutive lesions in scenarios of multifocal and treatment is based on the germline genotype [44].
or metastatic disease [37]. These agents yield critical molecular in
sights, exemplified by compounds like 131I- MIBG, 18F-FDOPA,
and somatostatin receptor positron emission tomography, Pretest Probability
though it is notable that 18F-FDG lacks this specificity [38]. The pursuit of PPGLs is frequent, yet their actual detection re
MIBG functions as a functional analog of norepinephrine, mains a rarity. This leads to a scenario where the pretest
being incorporated into secretory granules for storage and prevalence of PPGLs is notably low, and the incidence of false-
subsequent exocytosis [19]. Recent research, including a positive results in biochemical assessments is correspondingly
broader spectrum of paraganglioma cases, indicates a general high [10, 45]. Contrasting with singular, subjective indica
ly lower sensitivity of MIBG in detecting these tumors, par tions, the presence of 3 or more symptoms indicative of cat
ticularly in hereditary undifferentiated pheochromocytoma echolamine excess (including hyperhidrosis, palpitations,
or paraganglioma [37]. Typically, the sensitivity of pallor, tremor, or nausea), in conjunction with a BMI below
6 Journal of the Endocrine Society, 2024, Vol. 8, No. 6
25 kg/m2 and a heart rate exceeding 85 beats per minute, [49]. In previous reports where blood sampling was con
markedly increases (by 7.5 times) the likelihood of an under ducted with subjects in a seated posture, a reduced diagnostic
lying PPGL [12]. specificity (approximately 76% to 85%) was observed, not
In addition to identifying these neoplasms in individuals pre withstanding the preservation of a notably high diagnostic
senting with overt signs and symptoms of catecholamine ex sensitivity (ranging from 93% to 97%) was observed [15].
cess, there is a growing trend of detecting these tumors The incidence of false-positive results for plasma methoxytyr
incidentally [1, 6]. This often occurs during anatomical im amine is notably higher in nonfasting patients than in those
aging procedures conducted for reasons unrelated to the pri who observe an overnight fast. Dopamine, which significantly
mary clinical suspicion of PPGL. Parallel to these influences measured levels of itself and its metabolites, is
developments, the acknowledgment of hereditary factors in abundantly present in bananas, and is also found in various
the etiology of PPGLs has led to their increased identification other fruits, vegetables, and assorted foods [15, 50].
within surveillance programs [37]. These programs specifically In the diagnostic investigation of PPGLs, it is crucial to me
target individuals harboring germline pathogenic variants of ticulously assess the patient’s medication history, as various
genes associated with tumor susceptibility, intensifying the fo drugs can significantly influence biochemical test results, lead
cus on preemptive testing. Within this cohort, a notable pro ing to potential misdiagnoses. Drug interactions contribute to
hyperactivity disorder treatments with methylphenidate, and at least one month [1]. The consumption of beverages contain
antiobesity drugs such as phentermine, all known to stimulate ing caffeine within the last 24 hours should be avoided, particu
catecholamine release, may contribute to false-positive results. larly in situations where tests have shown previously mild
L-DOPA, frequently prescribed for Parkinson disease, can also elevations [15, 54].
lead to false elevations of 3-methoxytyramine and metanephr In chronic kidney disease, the biochemical evaluation for
ines. Similarly, sympathomimetics including ephedrine and PPGLs is rendered complex due to a confluence of factors, in
pseudoephedrine enhance catecholamine production along cluding sympathoadrenal activation, the accrual of interfer
with their metabolites [50]. Additionally, withdrawal from sed ents in the bloodstream, and altered circulatory and renal
atives such as benzodiazepines, opioids, clonidine, and alcohol clearance dynamics [15]. The utility of urinary metanephrines
can elevate sympathetic activity, further leading to false-positive measurements is compromised in chronic kidney disease due
results. The medications that interfere with the diagnosis of to the effect of renal impairment on catecholamine and meta
PPGLs and their respective implicated mechanisms are summar nephrine excretion, although this impact is less pronounced in
ized in Table 3. Prior to the sampling of metanephrines, it is rec cases of mild to moderate renal dysfunction [55]. Plasma free
ommended for patients to discontinue all medications that could metanephrines, predominantly cleared via extraneuronal
potentially influence urinary or plasma metanephrines levels for mechanisms similarly to catecholamines and with minimal
8 Journal of the Endocrine Society, 2024, Vol. 8, No. 6
Table 3. Medications that interfere with the biochemical diagnosis of pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas and their respective implicated
Tricyclic antidepressants Amitriptyline, nortriptyline Inhibit reuptake of norepinephrine and serotonin, potentially increasing
catecholamine levels
Nonselective α-adrenoceptor Phenoxybenzamine Inhibits norepinephrine uptake
Serotonin–norepinephrine Venlafaxine, desvenlafaxine, duloxetine Inhibit reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine, potentially raising
reuptake inhibitors catecholamine levels
Atypical antipsychotics Quetiapine, clozapine, and risperidone Adrenergic activity of some antipsychotics may affect catecholamine levels
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors Phenelzine, tranylcypromine Inhibit monoamine oxidase, an enzyme involved in catecholamine
breakdown, potentially increasing catecholamine levels
Sympathomimetics Pseudoephedrine, albuterol, phentermine, Directly stimulate adrenergic receptors or increase catecholamine release,
renal involvement, emerge as a more reliable indicator in pa Given the widespread occurrence of obesity and obstructive
tients with severe renal impairment or end-stage renal disease sleep apnea, distinguishing between the latter condition and
[15, 19]. In the setting of hemodialysis, re-evaluating plasma PPGLs has become a prevalent and challenging scenario.
metanephrines levels postdialysis and from dialysis shunt sam Interestingly, CPAP therapy improved the dysregulation of
ples is recommended [15]. The 97.5th percentile for normeta the autonomic nervous system [61] and normalized elevated
nephrine and metanephrine levels has been established in urinary normetanephrine levels [62]. Recently, King et al
patients with stage III and stage IV/hemodialysis chronic kid [63] demonstrated that plasma normetanephrines are less like
ney disease [56]. ly to yield false-positive results for the diagnosis of PPGL than
In the acute clinical setting, accurately diagnosing a PPGL 24-hour urinary normetanephrines in patients with obstruct
as the underlying cause of a catecholamine-induced hyperten ive sleep apnea.
sive crisis presents significant challenges [57]. This condition Additional factors including BMI, gender, time of
is often compounded by various comorbidities and acute sample collection during the day, and menstrual cycle phase
stressors such as panic disorders, hypoglycemia, ischemic seem to have a negligible impact on the biochemical diagnosis
heart disease, or circumstances surrounding emergency de of PPGLs [50].
partment admission, which can interfere with biochemical
evaluations and potentially lead to misdiagnosis. Severe acute
and chronic illnesses are itself frequently accompanied by Differential Diagnosis
sympathoadrenal activation as a part of the body’s homeo In the clinical diagnostic landscape, the identification of pheo
static response [50]. These acute states can cause mild to sig chromocytoma stands as a complex endeavor, demanding
nificant increases in plasma and urinary metanephrines, careful differentiation from principal alternative diagnoses.
especially normetanephrine [15]. Consequently, biochemical This spectrum includes conditions that mimic adrenergic re
testing for catecholamine excess in these scenarios is less likely sponses, such as hypoglycemia, climacteric hot flashes, other
to produce interpretable results [58]. secretory gastrointestinal neuroendocrine neoplasms, and
Obstructive sleep apnea is a very prevalent and underdiag psychiatric and cardiovascular disorders, each potentially pre
nosed disease associated with a high cardiovascular morbi senting with symptoms similar to those observed in PPGL
mortality [59]. The pathophysiological mechanisms of the presentation [64]. The differential diagnoses for PPGLs are
development of arterial hypertension in patients with ob comprehensively compiled and enumerated in Table 4.
structive sleep apnea include a disorder of the autonomic ner Anxiety crises and panic disorders are conditions that should
vous system with excessive sympathetic activation due to frequently be considered in the assessment of patients present
intermittent hypoxia during the night [60]. Obstructive sleep ing with symptoms of adrenergic paroxysms. Nevertheless, in
apnea leads to increased nocturnal catecholamine release instances of long-standing panic disorder that is resistant to
and a higher rate of false-positive test for norepinephrine medication, it is crucial to rule out the diagnosis of pheochro
and normetanephrine. mocytoma [13, 65]. This intricate diagnostic scenario
Journal of the Endocrine Society, 2024, Vol. 8, No. 6 9
accentuates the necessity for a thorough and meticulous evalu overactivity may arise independent of catecholamine-
ative process to accurately diagnose PPGLs [13]. secreting tumors [67, 68]. In the elucidation of pseudo
Pseudopheochromocytoma is an atypical medical pheochromocytoma pathophysiology, Sharabi et al pro
condition that mirrors the clinical presentation of a vided evidence of an atypical catecholaminergic profile in
true pheochromocytoma without the presence of a these patients [66]. Their findings indicated that, compared
catecholamine-secreting tumor. Patients with pseudopheo with healthy controls, individuals with pseudopheochro
chromocytoma exhibit episodic hypertension, headaches, mocytoma did not exhibit elevated norepinephrine levels
palpitations, and diaphoresis, the classic symptoms associ but did demonstrate significantly increased baseline plasma
ated with pheochromocytoma, yet biochemical testing does concentrations of epinephrine and metanephrines [66, 68].
not demonstrate elevated catecholamine levels as expected This dysregulation may be intrinsically linked to psycho
in true pheochromocytoma [66]. The precise pathophysio logical stressors, with some studies suggesting a higher
logical mechanisms underlying this condition remain elu prevalence of underlying psychiatric conditions such as
sive and are believed to be multifactorial. There is a anxiety or panic disorders among these patients [66].
consensus that the aberrant regulation of the autonomic The management of pseudopheochromocytoma is inherent
nervous system plays a central role, wherein sympathetic ly challenging due to its symptomatic mimicry of pheochromo
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