AMM V 27.07
AMM V 27.07
AMM V 27.07
711 May 2014
ISSN-L 2068-3324
ISSN 2068-3324
711 May 2014
Although each abstract has been reviewed by a peer-reviewer, the authors take full responsability for the scientific content.
Background: Obesity is a major health problem.Previous studies have confirmed that mutations in the fat mass
and obesity associated (FTO) gene is associated with body mass index (BMI) ,levels of leptin and ghrelin
hormones. Objective: The aim of our research was to evaluate, in a case-controlled study, if the polymorphisms of
RS9939609 and RS17817449 FTO genes are associated with obesity. Material and methods: We obtained the
approval of the Ethic Committee of The University of Medicine and Pharmacy Tg.Mure.Our study included a
control group with 89 children whit age,gender and social status similar to those in the patients group,consisting of
90 young obesity patiens.We obtained from the analysis results(1stPediatrics Clinic Tg.Mures) the values of Leptin
and BMIz-score(standard deviation).Genetic DNA was extracted from peripheral leukocytes after that was
submitted to restriction fragment length polymorphism-chain polymerase reaction(RFLP-PCR).Amplified products
were digested with ScaI respectively AlwNI fast digest enzymes.The results were seen by electrophoresis and a
source of UV light. Results: The mean value of BMIz was +2.243 and the mean leptin level was 15.974 ng/ml.In
the control group the RS9939609 genotype was found in the following variants: wild type at 33, Heterozygous at 42
and Homozygous mutant on 14. The RS17817449 in the same group was found as Heterozygous at 54 and
Homozygous mutant at 35.In the patients group the RS9939609 genotype was found in the following variants: wild
type at 28, Heterozygous at 29 and Homozygous mutant on 33. The RS17817449 in same group was found as
wild type at 3, Heterozygous at 60 and Homozygous mutant at 27. Conclusions: In statistical terms there is a
correlation between RS9939609 gene mutation and obesity. BMIz and leptin levels are directly proportional with
the number of mutant allele, an maximum risk have the patients homozygous mutant. No association was found
between RS17817449 gene mutation and obesity.
Keywords: Obesity, FTOgene, BMIz
Background: Urothelium is the epithelium that lines the bladder mucosa. This epithelium may present variations
from the normal structure (metaplastic or reactive proliferation changes), which can be clinically confused with
bladder neoplasms. Objective: The aim of the study is to describe these variations and to emphasize the
importance of recognizing them, in order to be differentiated from benign or even malignant bladder tumors.
Material and methods: 335 Trans-Urethral Resection (TUR) of the bladder performed in the Urology Department
and examined in the Pathology Department of Emergency County Hospital Mures between January 2013 and
December 2013 were reviewed. The following features were looked for: Von Brunn's nests, considered as solid
urothelial nests budding beneath the urothelium, squamous metaplasia representing the replacement of the
urothelium by a stratified squamous epithelium, cystitis cystica (CC) in which von Brunn nests become cystically
dilated and acquire a luminal space, cystitis glandularis (CG) a glandular metaplasia of the urothelium and
nephrogenic adenoma (NA) a distinct metaplastic lesion characterized by a proliferation of gland-like structures
lined by hobnail cells. Results: 11 cases of CG were identified, 8 were typical CG, 1 was of intestinal type, and 2
were associated with chronic and encrusted cystitis. We found 5 cases of CC, 2 of them associated with chronic
and encrusted cystitis, while in one case CC and CG were associated. Also a case of NA was identified. Von
Brunn's nests and squamous metaplasia were frequently found on TUR fragments, but they are not mentioned in
the diagnosis since they are considered normal structures, although they are different from typical appearance of
the urothelium. Conclusions: This study shows the importance of recognizing the variations from the normal
structure of the urothelium and of considering them in the differential diagnosis of bladder neoplasms. Their correct
diagnosis can avoid inappropriate treatments.
Keywords: Urothelium, Squamous metaplasia, Nephrogenic adenoma, Von Brunn's nests
Background: The casts pieces, exposed in the Museum of Anatomy and Embryology from of the University of
Medicine and Pharmacy Tg. Mure represents the epigenetic stages of the embryo-fetogenic development of the
central nervous system and the decisive moments of neurohistogenesis. Objective: The use of gypsum 13 cast
pieces is organically completing the visual, auditiv and proprioceptive learning methods. Material and methods:
The demonstrative pictures with the nomina embryologica, associated the these casts have the same role. The
majority of the exhibits wereelaboratedaccording the classicalanatomical atlases, transforming the plane
images,whichwere magnified, with thehelp of skilfull molding technicians, up to 200-1000 times of the original
size. Results: The neurulation that follows of the blastocistgenesis and the gastrulating has been reproduced in
tridermic state. The casts are the reciprocal materialization of the neural tube. The formation of the neural plate is
lead by the cordomezoblast. The forming and closing of the sulcus neuralis, the presence of the former anterior
and posterior neuroporus, under the inductive action of the dorsal chord are represented on 5 casts, 8 casts are
representing metamerisation of the neural folds. Their division into 5 cerebral vesicles, the appearance of the
rombencephalic-pontin curve, is followed by the duplication of the telencephalic vesicle. The rombencephalic
swellings united on median plane marks thebeginningof the development of thecerebellum.The appearance of
the telen-diencephalic derivates, the optic vesicles, the olfactive bulbs are significant. Conclusions: Increasing
the number of the casts assures a larger acces of the demonstrative material. The classical method of gypsum
casts has beenpartiallyreplaced by high resolutionmicroscopes guided by softwares capable of transforming
plane pictures to 3D images.
Keywords: neurulation, neurohistogenesis, telendiencephalic derivates
Background: Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is characterized by an increase in the number of myeloid cells in the
marrow and an arrest in their maturation, frequently resulting in hematopoietic insufficiency,with or without
leukocytosis.Genetic defects are thought to be important factors in determining the desease and the response to
chemotherapy and outcome. Xeroderma pigmentosum group D(XPD) are mainly involved in base excision
repair(BER) and nucleotide excision repair(NER) of DNA repair pathways. Objective: The aim of the study was to
estabilish some genetic relationship between AML and XPDArg156Arg and XPDLys751Lys genes polymorphisms.
Material and methods: Our study included a number of 98 patients and a control group whit 157 healty
persons.Genetic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood than was submitted to chain polymerase
reaction(PCR).The PCR products was digested whit 2U of TfiI for XPD156 respectively PstI for XPD751 fast-digest
enzymes.The results were seen by electrophoresis in 2% agarosis gel and a source of UV light. Results: The
average age of both groups is 48.55 years, 59.50% being men and the remaining women.In the control group the
results for XPD156 genotype were: 42% homozygote normal, 37.5% heterozygous and the other 20.5%
homozygote mutant. In the patients group for the same gene 30.7% was homozygote normal, 52% heterozygous
and 17.3% homozygote mutant.In the control group the results for XPD751 genotype were: 43.3% homozygous
normal,43.9% heterozygous and the remaining homozygous mutant. In the patients group for the same gene
33.6% was homozygous normal, 53% heterozygous and 13.4% homozigous mutant. Conclusions: In statistical
terms there is a correlation between XPDArg156Arg heterozygous genotype,one of the DNA repair pathway and
AML(p=0.0321;OR 1.902;CI:1.074-3.368), not the same we can say about XPDLys751Lys gene mutation and
susceptibility to AML.To our knowledge this is the first study from Romania who investigated both genes at the
same time.
Keywords: DNA repair pathways, XPD, AML
Background: Soft tissue tumors are relatively rare and constitute a highly heterogeneoushistopathologic group of
neoplasm, difficult to be diagnosed. In case of malignant tumors, the main prognostic parameter remains their
histological features. Objective: To perform a preliminary study about the clinicopathological aspects of soft tissue
tumors. Material and methods: The data was retrieved from the archives of the Department of Pathology of the
Emergency County Hospital of Targu-Mures, Romania. All consecutive cases diagnosed as soft tissue tumors
between 2009 and 2014 were taken into account. Results: A total of 1758 soft tissue tumors were diagnosed over
tis period. From these, 461 cases were pseudotumors, being excluded from the study. Out of the remaining 1297
cases, 12.79% were malignant tumors diagnosed in similar percentage in both females and males (M:F=1:1.01).
The median age of patients was 44.83+20.22 years, ranging between 1 and 89 years. Most of the benign tumors
were lipomas (40.67%) and hemangiomas (30.24%). RRegarding the origin of the malignant tumors, tumors of the
connective tissue were predominant (29.41%), followed by adipose tissue (22.94%), muscle differentiation
(17.06%), the vascular, cartilaginous and primary bone tumors being more rare (9.41%, 8.23% and 4.12%,
respectively). However, 8.83% of the malignant tumors were diagnosed as "undifferentiated sarcomas".
Conclusions: Despite the utility of immunostains currently ussed in the daily diagnosis, soft tissue tumors remain
a challenging tumor group whose histogenesis is still undetermined.
Keywords: soft tissue tumors, liposarcoma, hemangioma, histogenesis
Background: International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) was developed to measure physical activity.
The short form IPAQ has been tested extensively and is now used in many international studies. Objective: Seek
for an association between MET score computed using IPAQ and BMI. Seeking a correlation between MET score
and heart rate/blood pressure recovery time after submaximal stress test. Material and methods: Cross-sectional
study includes a convenience sample of 85 voluntary students (spring 2014). "Short last 7 days telephone format"
IPAQ was administered. Demographical data was recorded and the subjects underwent a cardiovascular stress
test (Schellong II). Blood pressure and heart rate were determined until reaching pre-test values using a Sanitas
SBC25 monitor. Statistical analysis was performed using Microsoft Excel and GraphPad InStat 3.06. Results: Our
study included a larger female sample (M:F =0.49) with an average age of 20.98 years (Standard deviation=1.32
years). Physical activity MET-minutes/week ranged between 9012 and 66 with a high physical activity level in
60.82%, while low and medium activity level represents 19.59%. While BMI ranged from 17.17 to 28.08 comparing
it across MET quartiles we found the highest median on the first quartile (22.53) but without statistically significant
differences (p=0.057). However an association was found between MET lower than 1000 and BMI over 25.Most of
the students recovered normal BP and HR in 2 minutes (84.71% fully-recovered in 4 minutes). We found a weak
negative correlation (r=-0.18), statistically non-significant (p=0.09) between MET values and recovery time.
Conclusions: Medical students in early years present a good physical activity state, with an active life and
appropriate nutrition. As expected higher BMI was found in patients with lower MET-minutes/week, overweight
subjects presenting an association with MET-minutes under 1000. BP and HR recovery correlation with MET need
more data to gain a better perspective.
Keywords: Physical Activity, Schellong II, IPAQ, BMI
Background: On worldwide scale, the cervical carcinoma is ranked second ,after breast cancer, in female cancer
pathology .Recently conducted studies show that adjuvant therapy significantly improves overall survival for highrisk, early-stage patients who undergo surgical treatment for cervical carcinoma. Regarding the more sensitive
problem of the cervical adenocarcinomas, studies tried to classify them by their pattern of invasion in order to
recommend lymphadenectomy. Objective: The aims of our study were to asses and evaluate the
histopathological aspect and management of the lymphatic nodules and the presence of malign tissue in patients
suffering from cervical carcinomas, given the microscopic type, clinical staging and preoperative treatment.
Material and methods: Our retrospective study was conducted on a sample of 160 cases and included patients
suffering from cervical carcinoma who have undergone surgical treatment . We analyzed and compared the data of
the histopathological reports from the years 2012-2013 of the Laboratory of Pathology , SPCLUJ Tirgu Mures.
Results: From 160 cases, 124 suffered hysterectomy with lymphadenectomy of whom 37.10% received
preoperative treatment and 27.41% had lymphonodular metastasis. Of the total of 53 cases which had been
preoperative treated, we discovered that 60. 37% of them showed residues of malign tissue but from the 46
patients that have undergone treatment and had lymphadenectomy only 15.21% presented lymphonodular
metastasis. Cervical adenocarcinomas and other epithelial tumors were diagnosed in 18.75% of total cases, all
being in the 1st and 2nd clinical stage except for one mucinous adenocarcinoma found in the 4th clinical stage and
from these, 4 of them, had lymphonodular metastasis. The rest were squamous cell carcinomas. Conclusions: At
every clinical stage of the squamous cell carcinoma, lymphonodules with metastases were predominant in cases
that didn't receive preoperative treatment. As for the adenocarcinomas and other epithelial tumors, lymphonodular
metastasis were identified in both preoperative treated patients and non-treated patients.
Keywords: lymphonodular, cervical carcinoma, metastasis, adenocarcinoma
Background: Pregabalin is an antiepileptic drug from the new generation. It has analgesic, anxiolytic, and
anticonvulsant effects due to a particular mechanism of action. Objective: To investigate the analgesic effect of
pregabalin in acute administration on inflammatory induced pain in rats. Material and methods: 40 male Wistar
Bratislava rats were included in the study. The animals were randomized in 4 homogenous groups of 10 rats: a
control group treated with saline solution (0.5 ml/100 g), 1 group treated with diclofenac (15mg/kg) and 2 groups
treated with pregabalin (PGB) (30 mg/kg, 15 mg/kg). Acute inflammation was performed by injecting 0.1 ml of
kaolin into the posterior left paw. Inflammatory edema was followed up by measuring paw volume using a Ugo
Basile plethysmometer. Pain threshold was measured at both paws and noted on response latency hyperalgesia
produced by mechanical compression. The data were analyzed with statistic significance at p <0.05. Results:
Measurement of paw volume after PGB administration did not reveal significant changes of edema. Groups treated
with PGB reveals elevated pain threshold in the first hours after administration. In PGB group treated with 30
mg/kg there is an inverse correlation between inflammatory edema and pain threshold at 2 hours (r = -0.698, p =
0.02). Pain threshold values are increased significantly compared to control group at 1 hour (5,661,75 vs
4,471,67) and 2 hours (6,331,67 vs 4,761,48) for group 3 (p=0,04), and at 1 hour in group 4 (7,662,48 vs
4,471,67p=0,03). Conclusions: PGB did not significantly modify the volume of inflammatory edema in rats. Both
doses of PGB show significant anti-hyperalgesic effect within 4 hours after administration on inflammatory induced
pain. Anti-hyperalgesic effect is dose-dependent.
Keywords: Pregabalin, pain, inflammation, rats
Background: Lung tumors with neuroendocrine differentiation include a wide spectrum of clinicopathological
entities. These have some common morphologic, ultrastructural, immunohistochemical and molecular
characteristics, but show significant differences in epidemiological, clinical, histological, survival and molecular
characteristics. Objective: To review and study neuroendocrine lung tumors incidence and pathological features
of cases registered at the Pathology Department at our institution. Material and methods: We studied 52
neuroendocrine lung tumors diagnosed at the Pathology Department of Targu Mures County Clinical Emerngency
Hospital over a ten year period, between 2003-2013. We studied parameters concerning various
clinicopathological features. Results: The selected 52 neuroendocrine tumors represent 10,8% of total lung
tumors diagnosed at the same period. These were divided into two groups: low grade (28,8% of cases) and highgrade (71,2%) tumors. Former includes typical carcinoids and atypical carcinoids, the latter includes small cell lung
carcinoma and large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma. Average age in the first group is 50 years and in the second
one 58 years, this difference being significant (p=0.02). Immunohistochemical profiles show the following: the first
group was positive for Chromogranin A (100%), Synaptophysin (26,6%) and CD56(20%) whereas the second
group showed less Chromogranin A (43,7%), Synaptophysin and CD56 (18,7%) expression. Conclusions: The
incidence of neuroendocrine tumors in our institution is slightly lower compared to other similar studies and
represent a significant proportion of diagnosed cases. We found that patients with low-grade tumors have a lower
average age. Additionally there are some differences regarding the immunohistochemical expression of various
neuroendocrine markers, most notably Chromogranin A. Despite the fact that there are studies regarding lung
tumors in selected Romanian population, to our best knowledge so far there are no recently published data
concerning tumors with neuroendocrine differentiation particularly.
Keywords: neuroendocrine, immunohistochemistry, lung, tumors
Background: Osteoporosis and osteopenia represent a public health problem which will continue to rise as
population ages. Autophagy is one of the possible mechanisms which might influence bone mineral density and
total bone mass. Autophagy is a process which plays a critical role in the cell's defense against various stress
stimuli and failure of this mechanism in osteocytes might explain their increased death rate with age, eventually
leading to osteopenia and osteoporosis. Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of a
polymorphism in the autophagy related ATG16L1 gene with regard to osteoporosis and osteopenia in population
groups from Romania. Material and methods: By means of molecular genetics techniques, respectively PCRRFLP (Polymerase Chain Reaction - Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism) we analyzed the genotype and
allelic distribution of a polymorphism, rs2241880 in the ATG16L1 autophagy related gene, in three population
groups. Each group consisted of 55 individuals and by means of bone densitometry they were classified as
following: a control group with healthy individuals, a group composed of osteoporotic individuals and a group
composed of osteopenic individuals. Statistical analysis was performed for two separate models, dominant and
recessive, using Fisher's exact test. Results: We obtained an allelic frequency for the risk wild type allele of the
ATG16L1 rs2241880 polymorphism of: 45.5% in the control group, 56.4% in the osteopenic group and 52.7% in
the osteoporotic group. We obtained no statistically significant differences between the study group when
comparing the genotypes distribution in either analysis model. Conclusions: Our work represents the first casecontrol study between allelic variants of the ATG16L1 gene and osteoporosis and osteopenia. We found no
statistically significant difference between the study groups, hence the rs2241880 polymorphism is not a genetic
risk factor for low mineral density in our population.
Background: Adenocarcinoma, according to most studies, has become the most common histological type of lung
cancer, surpassing squamous cell carcinoma. Histological type is an important prognostic factor, nevertheless
genetic studies, such as EGFR and KRAS mutation analysis have proven to have significant impact on survival,
treatment resistance or outcome. Objective: To review and study adenocarcinoma lung tumors incidence and
clincopathological features of cases registered at the Pathology Department. Material and methods: Our
retrospective study included 140 adenocarcinoma lung tumors diagnosed at the Pathology Department of Targu
Mures County Clinical Emergency Hospital over a ten year period, between 2003-2013. We studied parameters
concerning various clincopathological features. Results: The selected 140 lung adenocarcinomas represent
29.20% of total lung tumors diagnosed in the same period. Data shows increased incidence in men (71,40%) and
an average of 60 years, with no significant differences between genders. We divided the cases into two groups:
low-grade (58,4%) and high-grade (41,6%) tumors. Maximal size of tumor in the first group is 39 mm whereas in
the second group is 51 mm, the difference being significant (p=0.01). We also studied parameters that may
suggest, according to some studies, possible EGFR or KRAS mutations. We obtained data for a five year period
(2003-2007) about presence of necrosis (70% of cases), atypical glandular differentiation (35%) or mucin growth
patterns (10%). Conclusions: The incidence of adenocarcinoma in our country is slightly lower compared to other
regions, but is steadily increasing compared to squamous cell carcinoma. There are some well established
histological types however a new classification scheme is expected to emerge in 2015. Since EGFR and KRAS
mutation analysis is an important step in the optimal treatment of these patients, it would be desirable that these
tests be introduced into everyday practice.
Keywords: adenocarcinoma, EGFR-KRAS mutation, lung, tumors
Background: Noise is a harmful factor present in human's environment. It is a public health issue all over the
world caused by mechanization, urbanization and growth of the urban population. Objective: The purpose of this
paper is to assess the impact of noise pollution on the health of the Romanian urban population. Material and
methods: A qualitative study was done in Romania as part of the program for monitoring the urban noise, in
2010. The study was done through questionnaires, at a national level in 9 important cities, on a sample of people
of different ages, living in flats and individual houses. Results: The frequency of people disturbed by traffic noise,
in areas with heavy traffic, is almost 3 times higher than the one in residential areas with little traffic. The analysis
of the recorded symptoms in relation to the age of the persons that have been interviewed shows that children
often have problems in learning process after noise exposure like: low performance, fatigue, attention deficit
disorders as well as problems with relaxing and resting. Adults manifest a different profile with the following
indicators: fatigue, irascibility, insomnia, stress, headaches. Pregnant women are more sensitive to noise than
other vulnerable categories. Other health issues caused by noise pollution can be: cardiovascular diseases are
most frequent in people over 60 of age (24%), psychological diseases are more likely to appear to adults who are
over 60 (17.6%) than to those who are under 60. This study also showed a high frequency of hearing problems
(12.35%) in adults who are over 60, this is also due to the senior age. Conclusions: The quality of the
environmental factors influences the population health status. Monitoring the risk factors and assessing the impact
of noise on the population's health represents an essential component of the prophylactic medical activities.
Bgiu Adriana-Marta1, Todor (Maftior) Denisia-Suzana1, Cean Daniela-Edith
Background: "A sound mind in a healthy body " - Every child has the right to receive information about healthy
eating and well-being. Objective: Evaluating eating habits and behaviors of a group of students from the rural
area located in Braov county, to emphasize the importance of the "Health Education" classes, and also
evaluating dietary intake, lifestyle and knowledge they have on the topics up to this moment. Material and
methods: This was a prospective epidemiologic study, using surveys on eating habits and lifestyle. The surveys
were filled by students from the Lunca Clnicului Elementary School, Braov. 155 students, aged between 10
and 15 years, previously informed about the objectives of the investigation, were questioned. Data collection
took place between 01.11.2013 and 19.12.2013. The methodology included questions related to
demographic (age, gender) and anthropometric (weight, height) data and questions about eating habits and
life style. They were measured according to standard procedures and were followed by Body Mass Index
calculations. Results: The results of this particular study were not in agreement with present-day studies, which
stress an alarming increase of obesity in schools. Out of the total number of the participating students, 63 percent
have a normal weight, 35 percent are underweight and only 3 percent are overweight. The majority of the
questioned students have the habit of -food, soft drinks and sweets in excess as well as leading an unhealthy
lifestyle. Conclusions: All the gathered information underline the students' defective food intake and unhealthy
lifestyle, which makes "Health Education" classes imperative for this institution.
Keywords: nutrition, child, obesity, rural
Background: Smoking, as a major risk factor for the health of the pregnant women and her child, is an important
matter of public health, influencing the development of the family and community as well. Objective: To assess
attitudes towards active and passive smoking during pregnancy in a group of newborn moms from Tg. Mures
obstetrical hospitals wards. Material and methods: We used in 2013 a crossectional study based on a
questionnaire assessing lifestyle and smoking behavior during pregnancy, in a group of 240 women from Mures
county, with a mean age of 27.9 years. Results: In the study group 19% were pre-pregnancy smokers from wich
14.91% had smoked during pregnancy, and 8% were ex-smokers, also more than 20.4% are passive smokers
during pregnancy. The risk factors associated with smoking in pregnancy were: 2.62% of them held a restrictive
diet in the last months of pregnancy, 43% had consumed at least 3 cups of coffee per day, 2.62% had consumed
alcohol weekly, 36.5% have reduced alot their physical activity, 20% had a low intake of dairy and 10.67% have
gained 20 kilos during pregnancy. Conclusions: The protection of the mother and her baby is a priority in
healthcare because these population groups are most exposed to environmental risk factors and have an
increased susceptibility to diseases. Some behavioral risk factors in pregnancy have to be followed closely by the
General Practitioners, Midwife or the ObGyn Specialists in order to avoid complications and to maintain the health
of the mother and fetus.
Keywords: pregnancy, smoking, risk factor
Background: The Sciatic nerve classically emerges from the lesser pelvis through the greater sciatic foramen,
inferior to Piriformis muscle, and separates into Tibial nerve and Common Fibular nerve at the superior angle of
the popliteal fossa. Rarely, the Sciatic nerve may divide within the pelvis. In such case, there are different ways the
Tibial nerve and Common Fibular nerve emerge from the pelvis. Objective: This paper describes an antomical
variation of Sciatic nerve division into its two major branches, Tibial nerve and Common Fibular nerve, whitin the
pelvic cavity, and the particular exit of these two branches through the greater sciatic foramen. Material and
methods: The subject of our paper is a formalin-fixed cadaver from the Anatomy Department of the University of
Medicine and Pharmacy of Trgu Mure. During dissection of the gluteal regions we have found a bilateral
variation of the Sciatic nerve division and a rare relation between Tibial nerve, Common Fibular nerve and
Piriformis muscle. Results: The Sciatic nerve divides in the pelvic cavity into Common Fibular nerve and Tibial
nerve. The Common Fibular nerve exits the pelvis through suprapirifom foramen, completly separated from the
Tibial nerve, which finds his way out of the pelvic cavity through infrapiriform foramen. Conclusions: In
conclusion, this paper presents the abnormalities of the Sciatic nerve division and the relation between Tibial
nerve, Common Fibular nerve and Piriformis muscle on a formalin-fixed cadaver. In addition to the anatomical
aspects, there are some practical consequences we should consider: these variations may facilitate nerve
compression by surrounding anatomic structures resulting in non-discogenic sciatic; surgeons should be aware of
the potential complications that may appear during interventions on posterior hip; injuries associated with deep
intramuscular injections in the gluteal region; possible failure of anesthesia during sciatic nerve block.
Keywords: Sciatic Nerve, Common Fibular Nerve, Tibial Nerve, anatomic variation
Background: Renal carcinomas are a group of tumors histologically and prognostically heterogeneous. According
to the most recent recommendations, histopathological type, in addition to tumor stage and grade are the strongest
prognostic markers in renal carcinomas. Presence of sarcomatoid differentiation must also be taken into
consideration. Objective: To present the prognostic factors in renal carcinomas and the way they are assessed on
surgical specimens. Material and methods: In our retrospective study we included 266 cases, all evaluated in the
Pathology Laboratory of Mures County Hospital, between January 2009 and December 2013. All the samples were
processed following a standard protocol: fixation in neutral formalin, paraffin embedding, sectioning and staining
with hematoxylin-eosin. The parameters assessed for each patient were: age, gender, histopathological type (
according to WHO classification), pathological stage (according to TNM classification), Fuhrman grade, and
presence of sarcomatoid differentiation must also be taken into consideration. Results: Of 266 cases 87.21% were
clear cell renal cell carcinomas, 6.39% papillary renal cell carcinomas (35.29% type 1 and 64.70% type 2), 6.01%
chromophobe renal cell carcinomas and 0.37% Bellini collecting duct carcinomas. Most of the tumors were
diagnosed in pT1b pathological stage, with a Fuhrman grade 2. The tumor size varied between 12 and 130 mm. In
9.02% cases we noticed sarcomatoid differentiation. Conclusions: Correct tumor classification, grading, staging
and systematic examination of radical nephrectomy specimens are essentials for patient management. Tumor
type, tumor stage and Fuhrman grade are independent histopathological factors which should be included in
pathology reports.
Keywords: renal carcinoma, prognosis factors, histopathology
Background: Peripheral T cell lymphoma is a rare variant of neoplasms but very aggressive and with poor
outcome. The current WHO classification (dating 2008) for lymphomas still has categories such as unclassified or
unspecified, demonstrating that this field is yet to be discovered. Objective: The purpose of the study was to
establish clinical and histological determinations for a number of 29 patients diagnosed in the Trgu Mure County
Hospital during a period of six years:2008-2013. Material and methods: We used demographic information as:
age, gender and clinical determinations as: sites of the primarily tumor, also histological and immunohistochemistry
findings. Results: Throughout years, the number of peripheral T cell lymphoma had been decreasing from 12
cases (41.4%) in 2008 to 3 cases (10.3%) in 2013. A higher frequency of peripheral T cell lymphoma is observed
among men:18 patients (62.1%) as well as in subjects around their fifth decade of life. In genetic testing, there had
been used markers like CD3 and CD45 RO both positives in 12 cases (41.4%), only CD3 in 14 cases (48.3%) and
only CD45 RO in 2 cases (6.9%). For the 3 cases of anaplastic lymphoma, ALK protein was positive, but only in
66.6% CD30 was strongly positive. Conclusions: Peripheral T cell lymphoma represents a rare variant of T cell
lymphomas. Our study data are in correlation with those from specialized literature, most affected being the male
gender and persons in fifth decade of life. The highest incidence was in 2008, 12 new cases from the total of 29
included in our study.
Keywords: peripheral T cell lymphoma, anaplastic, CD30
Rduly G1, Dr. Pap Zsuzsanna
Background: The development of the gastrointestinal tract starts in the embryonic period and it has 3 phases. In
the first phase, until week fourteen, the unique histological structure of each segment is estabilished. Between
week fourteen and thirty, the second phase, the lymphoid elements appear in the wall of the gastrointestinal
tract.The period between week thirty and fourty which is the third phase, is characterized by growth and
maturisation of the gastrointestinal tract. HER2, EGFR, p53 and PTEN, being a part of a complex intracellular
signaling pathway, have important role in embryiogenesis and development of certain organ systems, including the
gastrointestinal tract. Objective: Our goal is to study the expression of these markers in the digestive tract of 9-24
weeks old fetuses. Material and methods: We studied tissue samples of fetal esophagus, stomach, small and
large intestine collected from 18 post mortem fetuses of 9-24 weeks with Ultravision immunohistochemical
techniques using p53, HER2, EGFR, PTEN primary antibodies. Results: HER2 expression appears in the early
fetal period whilst EGFR expression appears in the later fetal period. They reach their maximum at week 21, then
their expression decreases until it dissappears. PTEN expression also appears in the early fetal period and in the
later fetal period it becomes constant and uniform, after week 21 it is restricted to some parts of the epithelium.
Conclusions: Although the expression of HER2, EGFR and PTEN appears in the intestinal epithelium in the early
fetal period the expression of HER2 and EGFR dissappears but expression of PTEN is enhanced in the later fetal
Keywords: HER2, EGFR, PTEN, fetal
Background: Self-medication can be defined as the use of drugs to treat self-diagnosed disorders, the intermittent
or continued use of a prescribed drug for chronic or recurrent disease or symptoms. According to recent surveys
on self-medication in Romania, 87% of the people self-managed their medication and 50% considered to have
enough knowledge to self-administer drugs. Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence
and attitudes towards self-medication among students of the Faculty of General Medicine, UMF Targu-Mures.
Also, the study intended to appreciate students' knowledge and the associated risk factors with self-administration
of drugs. Material and methods: Using a self administered questionnaire, approved by the Ethics Committee,
data was collected in order to realize a cross-sectional designed study. The target population was represented by
720 students from the I-VI years, who answered it voluntarily and anonymously. Results: Results found that over
90% of the students used drugs without prescription, 49% of them, monthly and 39% at least once a year. One out
of three interviewed students use pharmacist's advice in self-medicating. Moreover, by using self-medication,
19,5% of students tried to avoid long waits when a medical examination. VIst year students responded in a
considerable number (62%) that their medical practice is appropriate to choose the right medicine. It is relevant
that 43% of the Ist year students advise other people, while 91% of VIst year students do the same. Also, 59.83%
of respondents do not believe or do not know whether self-medication is a risk factor or not. Conclusions: Selfmedication was proved to be widely used among students. Further approaches to educating the general population
is an important issue to be tackled. Therefore, field educational media programs should be taken into
consideration. Regarding medical students, having Clinical Pharmacology Communication Sessions would be
useful by presenting advantages and disadvantages of self-medication.
Keywords: self-medication, UMF students, associated risks
Background: The study of anatomy blossomed between 18th and 19th centuries. A major role in the history of
anatomy is played by Alexander Monro family, a family of three Scottish anatomists who held the chair of anatomy
at the University of Edinburgh for 126 years, from 1720 to 1846. The founder of this dynasty of medicine was John
Monro, a military surgeon who moved to Edinburgh around the year 1700 and influenced the development of a
medical school in that town. Objective: The purpose of this study is to prove the value of a strong legacy, left
behind by an unusual family, that involves three generations of anatomists at Edinburgh University. Material and
methods: Our descriptive study is based on gathering information from online journals and historical articles,
which provided us a collection of factual knowledge about Monroes' medical career, discoveries and publications.
Results: From our research we found out that Alexander Monro family, formed by primus, secundus and tertius,
published around 89 scientific papers and books and described Monro's ependymal cyst, interventricular foramen,
point of incision in ascites, olecranian intratendinous bursa and hypotalamic sulcus. Alexander Monro secundus
also described Monro-Richter line, an important landmark in diagnosis of appendicitis. Probably one of the most
important theory of Monro dynasty is the Monro's doctrine. Conclusions: It is well known that the Monro dynasty
stands as one of the most notable families in the history of medicine. Their studies involved many medical fields,
such as nervous, gastrointestinal, lymphatic and reproductive systems. Without any doubt, the Monro family
brought a priceless treasure to history of medicine.
Keywords: Monro, anatomy, foramen, bursa
Gabor Estera1, Toma(Gabor) Ana-Maria1, Bagdasar Alina1, Stanciu N1, Conf. Dr. Monica Tarcea
Background: Nowadays junk food is highly accessible to teenagers, given the growing number of fast-food
restaurants in the proximity of educational establishments and the wide range of packed snacks and soft drinks
affordable in every store. The young people's preference for an unhealthy diet is common knowledge at the level of
the entire society. Objective: The purpose of this paper is to analyse the young generation's consumption of junk
food, the degree of acknowledgement of its negative effects and the teachers and parents' involvement in their
education regarding this issue. Material and methods: We performed a descriptive study on 378 students from:
"Europe Elementary School", "Unirea" National College and " Transilvania" Economical High School Targu Mures,
"Auto" Technical College Drobeta Turnu Severin and "Traian Lalescu" Teoretical High School of Orova. As
measure of assessment a questionnaire has been applied.GraphPad and Microsoft Excel programmes were used
for the statistical interpretation of the data. Results: The participants were 51% girls and 49%boys. 55% of the
participants consume junk food rarely, 21% 1-2 times a week, 11% 3-4 times/week, 3% every day, 10 % don't
consume at all. The majority of participants (79%) consume junk food because of its good taste. 79% of the
participants showed interest in improving their diet. 81% of the participants said that their teachers mentioned the
healthy eating habits during classes. Conclusions: Theintake of junk food among teenagers it is an important
problem in nowadays society, but our study revealed the students' interest in making improvements in their diet.
Keywords: junk food, teenagers, diet issue
Background: The existence of the Antero-lateral ligament has been documented for over 100 years, but its
importance was neglected. Paul Segond first described the anterolateral ligament in 1879 as a fibrous tissue
between the lateral femoral condyle and tibia. However, recent studies have shown that the Antero-lateral ligament
has a major importance both clinically and surgically, providing knee stability. Objective: Provide an anatomical
description of the anterolateral ligament of the knee (ALL) and describe its clinical correlations. Material and
methods: A dissection of the anterolateral region of the knee was performed in eight paired cadaveric knees, 2
males and 2 females, considering our possibilities in the Anatomy Department. The ligamentous structure was
clearly observable in all dissected knees. The origin was found on the lateral femoral epicondyle, and there were
two points of insertion: one in between Gerdy's tubercle and the fibular head, and the other one with a small fibrous
extension on the lateral meniscus. Its tract was found in a close relation to the lateral collateral ligament(LCL).
Results: The ALL was identified in all 8 knees, completely independent from the iliotibial band and the LCL. The
origin was found 2 mm anterior and 3 mm inferior to the LCL. The measurements were: 38 mm in length, 7 mm in
width and 3 mm in thickness. Conclusions: The ALL is an independent structure in the anterolateral region of the
knee. It is considered to have a major role both anatomically and clinically, providing stability to the knee and
medial tibial rotation(pivot-shift). Its importance may be of great surgical utility in relation to ACL injuries, but further
studies are needed.
Keywords: ALL description, Anterolateral ligament, knee anatomy
Background: The role of the hypolipemiant medication in bone remodeling is a subject that has sparked
controversy. Though some authors has demonstrated their action in the sense of stimulating osteogenesis, others
have demonstrated a stimulation of bone resorption. Bone remodeling balance is given by the balance between
osteoblastic and osteoclastic activity and by the mode of action of statins and fibrates on them. Objective:
Purpose of the paper is to demonstrate the histologic mode of action of statins and fibrates on bone remodeling
and callus process. Material and methods: For our experimental study we used Wistar rats and all sufferd a
mediodiaphysary fracture. We analyzed 6 subgroups of 12 rats each: 1- ovarectomized control, 2- ovarectomized
treated with statins, 3 ovarectomized treated with fibrates, 4- nonovarectomized control, 5-nonovarectomized
treated with statins and 6- nonovarectomized treated with fibrates. Results: On bone structure, at week 6 and 8
statins reduced the bone trabeculas size on nonovariectomized rats, but increased them in osteoporotic rats, while
fibrates showed no difference in comparison with the control groups. The fracture healing process was enhanced
when simvastatin was administred, regardless if the bone was osteoporotic or not. At the same time, no obvious
positive effect of fenofibrate on fracture healing process was observed, the outcome of the fracture being similar in
fenofibrate treated rats and control group, both without osteoporosis. Conclusions: Hypolipemiant treatment
influences the fracture repair process and we sustain the treatment with simvastatine in the cases of an
association between osteoporosis and dyslipidemia
Keywords: Statins, Fibrates, Osteoporosis, Bone structure
Background: We all know that electromagnetic radiation is found everywhere and numerous studies have shown
how dangerous it can be.A topical issue that everyone is interested in,is how harmful this radiation is,when mobile
telephones are on standby and especially during conversation. Objective: The objective of this study was to
observe how the radiation emitted by mobile telephones and wifi routers is affecting cellular division of plants and
thus making a comparison with the daily effects of atmospheric electromagnetic radiation. Material and methods:
This study was carried out since March 25 to April 1, 2014 at the "Lotus Life"Integrative Medicine Center.We
cultivated four groups of seeds of Broccoli.Each group was placed on a culture media consisting of a dry piece of
cotton wool,a plastic plate and a piece of polystyrene.Between each group was maintained a distance of 2 meters
and all groups were placed in a well lit room at an average temperature of 20 degrees and average humidity of
50%. Results: First group exposed at wirelles with frequency of 2,4 GHz:from 50 seeds developed 46 plants(92
%) with an average length of 1,5 cm.The second group exposed 24 hours/day on telephones on stand-by with
frequency of 1,9GHz:from 56 seeds grew 35 plants(64%)with an average lengh of 0.8cm.The third group exposed
24hours/day on mobile telephone which 12 hours/day in conversation:from 56 seeds grew 26 plants (46 %)with an
average length of 0.7cm.Control group:from 57 seeds developed 37 plants (64%)with an average length of 1 cm.
Conclusions: The obtained results relieved that the development of the four groups was unequally, depending on
the frequency of the electromagnetic waves on wich the groups were exposed.The top group was the one that has
been exposed to wirelles waves and the weakest group based on the criteria of germination and growth rate was
the third group.
Keywords: Electromagnetic exposure, Mobile telephones, Wifi routers, Brassica Oleracea
Background: Cervicovaginal infection is one of the most common problems in clinical medicine. Although the
cytologic evaluation reveals a wide range of tissue modifications caused by multiple factors ( microorganism
infections), usually, the cause of these changes is HPV infection. In most cases these changes in the tissue
structure are reversible, still they can lead to cancer development. Objective: Our aim was to determine the
prevalence of pathogenic microorganisms infections in cervicovaginal smears and the tissular modifications that
occur during and after the infection. Material and methods: It was a retrospective study including 239
cytodiagnosis reports ( Bethesda 2001) between March 2011 and March 2014. All the data was analysed using
Microsoft Xcell 2007 and EpiInfo 7. Results: Our analysis showed that 36.4% were from urban area and 36.4%
rural, the mean age being 42 years. The data analysis also revealed that there were 45.18% cases of Candida
infection, 17.57% Cocobacillus infections and 2% Trichomonas infections. Conclusions: The most prevalent
pathogens were Candida and Cocobacillus regardless of age, hormonal status and socialenvironment.
Keywords: candida, infection, cytology, microorganisms
Background: Toxic compounds (pesticides, mycotoxins, heavy metals) are incriminated in many toxicological
mechanisms, through their effects on biosystems. It is implied the necessity of a new specific method, rapid and
cheap, for detection of different samples: water, food, biological fluids. Objective: This study has proposed
optimisation of enzyme electrochemical biosensors as viable alternative for applications in toxicology, environment
analyses or studies about food quality. Material and methods: We studied and optimized electrochemical
biosensors which use commercial and mutant acetylcholinesterases for possible detection of organophosphorus
pesticides (chlorpyrifos ethyl oxon, methyl paraoxon) and heavy metals (cadmium, lead). Results: There were
characterized kinetic parameters for two types of electrochemical biosensors, obtained by immobilisation of
acetylcolinesterase on the working electrode. There were electrochemical analysed the inhibitory action of different
compounds studied by obtaining the corresponding calibration curves and inhibition degrees. Conclusions:
Studies have identified different inhibitory activities of the compounds studied, which can be exploited for analytical
analysis of real samples. Using enzyme biosensors in screening or assay provides rapid and sensitive analytical
methods for quantification in toxicology.AcknowledgeThe research leading to these results has received partial
funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant
agreement n 245199. It has been carried out within the PlantLIBRA project (website: This
report does not necessarily reflect the Commission views or its future policy on this area.
Keywords: electrochemical enzyme biosensors, chlorpyrifos ethyl oxon, methyl paraoxon, heavy metals
Background: The cytological examination of the pleural effusion has a major role in the management of patients
with suspicion of or confirmed lung cancer. Smears created from pleural effusions are sensitive to smear
preparation and technique. Objective: The purpose of our study was to present a new method for enhacing
pleural effusions diagnostic accuracy by improving cellular yield using microfiltration. Material and methods:
Pleural effusion from 10 patients with confirmed or suspected lung cancer were used. We subjected them to
microfiltration, created smears by touching the microfilter to the slides. The smears were stained with Hemacolor
(air-dried smears) and Cytocolor (alcohol-fixed smears). Microphotos (4x objective) were taken of the smears. We
evaluated and counted cellularity and noted the presence or absence of cellular aggregates. Results: We found
that microfiltration of pleural effusion produces better cellularity, in average 400 cells/field. This, compared to other
methods was significantly higher. Cellular conglomerates were present in nearly all cases, also a better
preservation of cellular morphology was observed. Additionally we found that smears stained with Cytocolor
showed visibly better quality as compared to Hemacolor stained slides. Conclusions: Microfiltration of pleural
effusions is a new method of improving smear cellularity. Its routine use is expected to enhance the diagnostic
value of effusion cytology in the management of lung cancer patients. This method also concentrates cells in
smaller area, therefore requires a shorter smear analysis time compared with other techniques. The presence of
cell aggregates further underlines its potential in increasing pleural effusion cytology specificity and sensitivity.
Keywords: Microfiltration, pleural effusion, lung cancer, cytology
Background: "Off-label" medication represents using drugs based on clinical experience with recommendations
not included in the MA (Market Authorization) and without the support of phase III trials. Objective: Prescribing "offlabel" medication could be very efficient sometimes, but imposes conscious risk taking by the prescriber..
Material and methods: We analyzed clinical records from the Endocrinology and Pediatrics II Clinics from Tirgu
Mures over the years 2011-2013. The "off-label" uses of Metformin in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and of
fluoroquinolones on pediatric patients were searched. and unlicensed medication in pediatric use. Results: The
risk-benefit balance was analyzed in terms of efficacy versus safety to the above mentioned medications for use
without the MA. 23,25% (30 of 129 cases) of PCOS patients were treated with Metformin in mono-therapy or
associated with antiandrogenic drugs. Fluoroquinolones were used in pediatric patients only in imperative
situations (0,79%, 56 from 7074 searched cases), in infections with bacteria resistant to other antibiotics.
Conclusions: The risk-benefit balance was analyzed in terms of efficacy versus safety to the above mentioned
medications for use without the MA. 23,25% (30 of 129 cases) of PCOS patients were treated with Metformin in
mono-therapy or associated with antiandrogenic drugs. Fluoroquinolones were used in pediatric patients only in
imperative situations (0,79%, 56 from 7074 searched cases), in infections with bacteria resistant to other
Keywords: off-label medication, efficacy, safety
Background: Infertility can be defined as the failure to conceive following twelve months of unprotected
intercourse. Although, in many cases, infertility results from unidentified factors (10%), a variety of reasons are
implicated: problems with sperm (35%), problems with ovulation (in 20%), fallopian tubes illnesses (30%) and
cervical mucus abnormalities (5%). The genetic causes of infertility are various and include chromosomal
abnormalities, single gene disorders and phenotypes of multifactorial inheritance. Considered a reproductive
disorder, spontaneous abortion represents noninduced embryonic or fetal death or passage of products of
conception before 20 weeks of gestation. Objective: The aim of this study was mainly to illustrate the findings in
cytogenetic investigations conducted on infertile men and women and also on females facing spontaneous
abortion (SAB) in the reported cases. Material and methods: This cross-sectional analysis, operated between
2010 and 2013, consisted in investigating 128 patients suffering from fertility ailments, out of whom 71 (55,47%)
are males and 57 (44,53%) are females. Results: The study showed that 12,5% of included patients were aged
under 30, and 82,81% were older than 31. Genetics revealed that 99,21% have had a karyotype investigation and
8,6% of them have been investigated for genic disorders. Results showed that 54,38% of females, diagnosed with
reproductive diseases, have had two or more spontaneous abortions. Comparatively, in case of males the study
disclosed 29.57% pathologically modified semen analyses, which was less than the result obtained in mentioned
studies (35%). Conclusions: It has been proven that underlying causes of infertility and abortion are multiple and
the treatment scheme must be kept up to date. Our conclusions addressed the problem of reproductive
disorders(infertility and abortion). Genetic investigations should be often performed when suspecting diseases
interfering with conception, by encouraging the inclusion of cytogenetic analyses into the follow-up.
Keywords: reproductive disorders, cytogenetics, infertility factors
Background: Although the coronary artery disease is one of the most common heart problem in the world, the risk
factors are not totally clarified yet and some studies show contradictory results. Objective: Our aim was to
investigate the interrelation of coronary heart disease (CHD) and CRP-, total cholesterol- and triglycerides level
from the blood. Material and methods: Fasting triglycerides and total cholesterol as well as serum C-reactive
protein (CRP) were collected on 41 men and women aged 22 to 83 years in the Internal Medicine Hospital III and
IV, Targu-Mures from October 2013 to January 2014. 20 individuals were with CHD and 21 patients randomly
selected for the non-CHD control group. Blood samples for CRP were collected a few days after admission. All
data were statistically analyzed on PC. Results: We did not find statistically significant difference between the two
groups, concerning the aforementioned laboratory parameters (P value was 0.3372 for CRP; 0.1727 for cholesterol
and 0.8010 for triglycerides). Conclusions: Our examination did not demonstrate correlation between coronary
artery disease and serum CRP, total cholesterol and triglyceride values. The numbers of tested individuals were
few, undetected heart disease between elderly patients or lipid-lowering therapies may have influenced the
Keywords: trigycerides, total cholesterol, CRP, coronary artery disease
Background: Bacterial meningitis is an inflammation of the meninges, in particular the arachnoid and the pia
mater, associated with the invasion of bacteria into the subarachnoid space. The inflammmatory process also
affects the brain parenchyma(meningoencephalitis), the ventricles and spreads along the spinal cord. Acute
complications include cerebral edema, increased intracranial pressure, ventriculitis, brain abcess, cerebral
infarction, hydrocephalus. Objective: Our purpose for this study was to establish the most common meningeal
pathogens and also the onset of bacterial meningitis. Material and methods: We performed a retrospective study
and our research materials consisted of the medical records of the patients admitted in the Paediatrics Clinic of
Targu-Mures between 2008 - 2012. Results: In the 5 year period (2008-2012) a number of 19 cases were
diagnosed, 52.63% being boys and the remaining girls. In 2008 there were 0 cases, in 2009 were diagnosed 3
patients(15.78%),in 2010 - 5 patients(26.31%), in 2011 - 7 cases(36.84%) and in 2012 we found 4 cases(21.05%).
There were 4 deaths(21.05%), with an equality between boys and girls, two of them had acute
meningoencephalities and two had tuberculous meningitis(10,52% from all cases, 50% from deaths).The
pathogens involved were: Haemophillus Influenzae type B (10.52%), Streptococcus pneumoniae(10.52%),, E.
Coli(10.52%),Mycobacteriam tuberculosis(10.52%),Neisseria meningitidis(5.26%) and 52.63% with unknown
pathogens (10 cases, 7 with meningoencephalities - 36.84%). 52.63% were under 3 months, 21.05% between 324 months and 26.31% over 2 years old. Conclusions: The factors of organism, age group and year significantly
affected incidence, but the sex did not.Although it does not affect a large number of infants and children, it kills or
permanently damages at least one fifth of those affected.
Keywords: Bacterial meningitis, infants and children, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitidis
Background: Nowadays, the modern society offers a large set of possibilities to entertain oneself, such as the
sports of chances, involving gaming and betting, the so called "gambling". But when is the thin line between the
"recreational" gambling and the pathological one, being crossed? Objective: The pathological gambling belongs to
the group of the Impulse Control Disorders and it is an addiction defined by a persistent and urging desire to
engage into activities of risk and faith. It is often associated with other Impulse Control Disorders, substance abuse
or dependence. The aim of this paper is to outline the maladaptive patterns of gambling behaviour. Material and
methods: Questionnaires and conversations with the target group have been used as a method of psychological
investigation. Results: The great variety of gambling choices provides a high number of gamblers. Either it is
about casino games or non-casino gambling games, betting or staking systems("betting strategy"), all these
actions require three elements to be present: consideration, chance and prize. The maladaptive behaviour of these
people seems to be the result of a diminished sensitivity toward gratifications of any kind. In this manner, there
appears the need to involve larger amounts of money in order to get the same feeling of excitement, leading to
unsuccessful attempts to stop gambling. Conclusions: Every gambler is unique, so the recovery has to be
particular, involving counseling and medication therapy. The observation of the target group over the years should
be taken into consideration, in order to reach a better understanding of this public issue.
Keywords: gambling, control, addiction, money
Background: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune, chronic disease that has a various clinical
manifestation, evolutions and outcomes. Prognosis in SLE was significant improved in recent years, but the
damage specific organs remains an important cause of morbidity in these patients. Objective: The aim of the
study is to analyse the evolution and the prognostic factors of the patients diagnosed with SLE. Material and
methods: This is a retrospective and prospective study performed on 74 patients hospitalized in the
Rheumatology Department of Tg Mures County Clinical Emergency Hospital between 01.01.2009-30.12.2013.
GraphPadPrism 5.0 (the Spearman correlation and the Anova Test) was used to assess the statistical dates.
Results: In the study group 71 (94,95%) were women and 3 (4,05%) man. The mean age of our SLE patients was
36,0411,84 years old. 14 (18,91%) developed infections, there was no statistically significant difference between
infection occures and treatment with cyclophosphamide (CYC) (p=0,35). A positive, statistical correlation between
the CYC and systemic vasculitis was noticed (p=0,001 r=0,38). Lupus nephropathy (LN) was seen in 10 (13,51%)
of the patients. A 50 (67,65%) of patients were treated with corticosteroids, 10(13,51%) developes psychiatric
disturbances, 4 (2%) femoral head avascular necrosis, 1 (2%) Cushings syndrome, 1(2%) osteoporosis.
Conclusions: Therapy with corticosteroids was associated with many side effects which may influence prognosis
in SLE and LN is one of the most severe manifestations of SLE important for prognosis.
Keywords: SLE, prognosis, LN, treatment
Background: Patients with systemic rheumatic diseases may be admitted to Intensive Care Unit because of
worsening of or development of a new manifestation of the rheumatic disease,infection or adverse effects drugs.
Objective: To evaluate the outcome of the patients diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis admitted in the Intensive
Care Unit. Material and methods: An observational study on the patients admitted in the Intensive Care Unit for a
critical condition due to the natural evolution of their previous condition - rheumatoid arthritis. We included all the
critically ill patients admitted during the last decade, retrospectively for the first six years considered and
prospectively for the remaining four years, that is between January the 1st 2003 and the last day of 2012. We used
Graph Prism Pad5 to analyze the data. Results: Of the 521 patients treated for rheumatic arthritis, only 23
evolved to a critically ill status . We dropped out 4 surviving patients due to unreliable data management. The
reasons for admission were: acute respiratory failure , multiple system organ failure and acute kidney failure. Five
in 19 patients had a diagnosis of severe sepsis, two patients had necrotizing vasculitis and one patient had
myeloma. The following scores were calculated at admission: Acute Physiology and Chronic Health
EvaluationII=15.41+-7.38; Sequential Organ Failure Assessment=6.529+-3.243; Simplified Acute Physiology Score
=2 41.29+-13.52. The scores were correlated with demise, the cause of death and treatment. The only statistically
significant correlation appeared to be Simplified Acute Physiology Score with sepsis (p = 0.047; r = 0.302).There
was no significant difference between length of stay for survivors or dead; Acute Physiology and Chronic Health
EvaluationII correlated with demise; Simplified Acute Physiology Score correlated with sepsis and demise.
Conclusions: While Acute Physiology and Chronic Health EvaluationII correlates with demise in rheumatic
arthritis envolved to a critical condition, Simplified Acute Physiology Score correlates with sepsis as an
aggravating factor.
Keywords: rheumatoid, arthritis, critical, outcome
Background: Neurodegenerative diseases including Parkinson's disease represent a major target area for
outcome improvement. Levodopa/Carbidopa intestinal gel (Duodopa) is used to treat advanced Parkinson's
disease. Objective: The purpose of our study is to observe the benefits of the use of enteral L-dopa infusion on
non-motor symptoms for a period of six months at patients with advanced Parkinson's disease. Material and
methods: We performed a retrospective study of 18 patients with advanced Parkinson's disease, hospitalized in
Neurology Clinic of Targu Mures County Hospital which were selected for treatment with Duodopa.Each patient
was quizzed according to "Non-Motor Symptom Assessment Scale for Parkinson's Disease" during an
interview.The used scale comprises 9 domains:(Cardiovascular, Sleep, Mood, Perceptual problems,
Attention/Memory, Gastrointestinal tract, Urinary, Sexual function and Miscellaneous).Each symptom included in
this scale was scored respecting the severity and the frequency. Results: By comparing the dates obtained at
baseline with those resulted after six months of treatement with Duodopa we have the following results: the
symptoms included in the cardiovascular domain are the only with an unfavorable progres (overall score has
increased by 62.5 percent) and the most significant improvement was of sexual function symptoms (overall score
has decreased by 33.1 percent) and of sleep/fatigue (a decrease of 19 percent of the score). Conclusions: By
providing a continuous flow of medication directly to the intestines, where it is absorbed, Duodopa can help
maintain a constant level of levodopa in the blood and by that it decreases the number of times a patient alternates
between stiffness and uncontrolled movements (on/off). Duodopa has also benefits on non-motor symptoms
mainly on sexual function and sleep/fatigue.
Keywords: Parkinsons disease,, non-motor symptoms,, Levodopa/Carbidopa intestinal gel (Duodopa).
Background: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a symptom-based diagnosis characterized by chronic abdominal
pain, discomfort, bloating, and alteration of bowel habits, where extraintestinal symptoms occur frequently.
Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze comorbidities, which appear with greater frequency in patients
diagnosed with IBS. We took in consideration the following areas: psychiatric disorders, other gastrointestinal
disorders, metabolic disorders and cardiovascular disorders. Material and methods: We performed a
retrospective study of 2459 patients hospitalized in Gastroenterology Clinic of Targu Mures County Clinical
Emergency Hospital between 01.01.2012 -31.12.2013. Results: During the studied period there were diagnosed
73 (2.9 %) patients with IBS. The average age of patients was 53.4 years, predomining at females (ratio of F/M
2.2/1) .It was noticed a semnificative association with other gastrointestinal disorders ( gastritis 64.3 %, hiatal
hernia 35.6 %, hepatic steatosis 26 %, disorders of biliary pathway 20.5%, reflux esophagitis 16.4 %, hepatitis 4 %
) and psychiatric disorders ( anxiety 38.3 %, depression 38.3 % , schizophrenia 5.4% ). Other problems
encountered were:cardivascular disorders 36.9 %, metabolic disorders 27.3 %, osteoarticular disorders 26 % .
Conclusions: Including the fact that IBS is a disorder without an anatomical support the patients presenting this
syndrom were hospitalized for their associated pathology.Most often IBS occurs at young women with
psychological symptoms, such as anxiety and depression.
Background: Hyperglycemia in the long term causes hemodynamical changes in the microcirculation of the
kidneys, membrana basalis thickening, increase in the volum of the extracelular matrix, mesangial expansion,
fibrosis. These form the Kimmelstiel-Wilson syndrome. It is characterised by diffuse or nodular glomerulosclerosis
afferent and efferent hyaline aterosclerosis, leading progressively towards renal failure. Objective: Verifying if the
most common cause of Chronic Kidney disease (CKD) in patients with diabetes is Diabetic Nephropathy,
respectively what other factors can be taken into account as triggers of renal damage, and Chronic Kidney Disease
(CKD). Material and methods: Retrospective study involving 100 patients suffering from both Diabetes Mellitus
and Chronic Kidney disease. Patients are from the Mures and Covasna counties in Romania. Patienst who are in
stage 1 of CKD are excluded from this study because at this stage diagnosis is difficult; patient is asymptomatic,
proteinuria and a rise in creatinin may indicate it however. In order to remove inaccuracies we chose to ignore
those cases and focus on patients in more advanced stages. Results: Our study has shown that Diabetic
Nephropathy is the most significant trigger of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in patients with diabetes. Other
triggers such as infection(pyelonephritis), and obstructive nephropathy have proven to be a lot less frecvent.
Conclusions: In patients suffering from Diabetes mellitus the most common cause of Chronic Kidney Disease
(CKD) is Diabetic Nephropathy- also known as Kimmelstiel-Wilson syndrome.
Keywords: Nephropathy, Diabetes, Hiperglycemia
Background: Cirrhosis is known as a highly alarming disease, moreover it is a frequently met pathology among
the patients of Gastroenterology departments. Alcohol abuse and viral infection are the worldwide most common
causes. Objective: The aim of this study is to establish the main epidemiological and clinical aspects of this
disease in our geographical area. Material and methods: A retrospective study was performed which included all
the patients with liver cirrhosis admitted in Gastroenterology department of Trgu Mure Emergency County
Hospital between 01.01.2013-31.12.2013. The patients were divided in two groups: newly diagnosed, and the ones
with a known diagnosis. The readmissions were excluded. Additionally, according to age the patients were
stratified into 2 groups: under the age of 50 years old and over 50 years old. Results: During the studied period
302 cirrhotic patients were admitted in the Gastroenterology division of Trgu Mure Emergency County Hospital.
In the study were included 239 patients with a median age of 58.13 years old. There has been noticed a male
prevalence of cirrhotic patients (149 male vs 90 female) with a M/F ratio of 1.65/1. A higher predominance was
noticed in the under 50 years old group with an underlined ratio of M/F of 2.5/1. Regarding the etiology, the most
frequent is the toxic one, which was identified in 62.34% (n=149) of cases, followed by the viral etiology (HCV)
detected in 27.19% (n=65) of cases. The distribution of both etiologies was concluded to be consistent even after
the sample division in two subcategories; still with a predominance of toxic etiology in the under 50 years old
group, 77.55% (n=38) vs 58.94% (n=112) of patients over 50 years old. Conclusions: All these findings confirm
that cirrhosis is a frequently encountered disease. Oftentimes it is diagnosed even among the young population
being caused by alcohol abuse, succeeded by viral etiology.
Keywords: Cirrhosis, HCV, Alcohol abuse
Background: Patients with diabetes have an icreased risk of developing along life, one or more depressive
phases.Studies made upon patients with depression have showed a big rate of comorbidity with type 1 or 2
diabetes. Objective: Investigating the relation between depression and the quality of life of patiens suffering of
diabetes type 2, being under treatment with oral antidepressants. Material and methods: A prospective study
made on a number of 256 patiens with diabetes type 2 , treated in Mediab Center from Targu Mures in
colaboration with specialized ambulatory of Psyhiatric ClinicNo.1,during September 2011-2013.Batch No.1 :128
patients have recived daily dozes of Duloxetina (60mg/day).Batch No.2:128 patients have recived daily dozes of
SSRI (Sertralina 50mg,Escitalopram 10 mg).Short form of the quality of life evaluation questionaire was given,main
request being asking them to describe the quality of life from their past month.The questionaire was completed in
the begining of the antidepressive therapy and 1 year of therpy. Results: High results were obtained for all
questionnaires ,the average score was around 31.6 regarding the group which was supposed to take Duloxetina
and 30.5 regarding the group which was to take SSRI.After one year,during which patients have continued the
treatment with antidiabetics and antidepressant (Duloxetina and SSRI),the impact of diabetics and quality of life
was reevaluated , obtaining a reduction of over 70% of all item in the questionnaire, scores being 8.4 in Duloxetina
group and 13.4 in SSRI group. Conclusions: Comorbid depression of diabetes is associated with the reduction of
life quality of patiens.Treatment with Duloxetina is superior to the one with SSRI when it comes in improving the life
quality of patients suffering of depression associated with type 2 diabetes.
Keywords: depression, life quality, diabetes type 2
Background: Regional contractility plays an important role in determination of the pattern of ventricular
remodeling following an acute myocardial infarction. Objective: We aimed to study the correlation between
regional contractility and regression of left ventricular remodeling following revascularization of occluded coronary
arteries using a 3D complex echocardiographic analysis. Material and methods: We enrolled 38 cases with
chronic total occlusion on left anterior descending artery that was revascularized. A reduction of the left ventricular
diastolic diameter with more than 15% at 3 months after revascularization was considered to represent reversed
remodeling (RR). Group 1 included 22 patients with RR positive, while group 2 included 16 pts without RR.
Regional index of contraction amplitude was determined using 3D echocardiography, defined as the ratio between
the sum of contraction amplitude in myocardial area irrigated by the occluded artery and the number of those
myocardial segments. Results: Baseline EF was lower in group 1 while ventricular volumes and RICA were
significantly higher in group 1 as compared with group 2 (2,70 vs 2,05, p=0,01). We recorded a statistically
significant correlation between RICA and the regression of remodeling (p=0,02). ROC analysis indicated a superior
good predictive value of RICA for ventricular remodeling regression (area under the curve of 0.72, p=0.003). We
identified a RICA cut-off point of 2.6, presenting a sensitivity of 77%, and a specificity of 69% for regression of
ventricular remodeling regression. Conclusions: Regional contractility could play a significant role in predicting the
recovery following revascularization of chronically occluded artery, as indicated by regression of ventricular
remodeling in patients with less severe impairment of regional contractility.
Keywords: remodeling, revascularization, myocardial infarction, left ventricle
Background: Calcium score is used as a prognostic tool Objective: We aimed to assess the role of the calcium
score as an indicator of severity of coronary artery disease in subset of patients with acute coronary syndromes
(ACS). Material and methods: We enroled 30 patient with acute coronary syndromes who underwent Cardio
Computed Tomographic Angiography (CCTA), for assesment of coronary artery circulation and calculation of
calcium score. Patients were divided into three groups, according to their calcium score levels: group 1 7 patients
with calcium score below 100, group 2 12 patients with calcium score between 100 and 400, and group 3 11
patients with calcium score above 400 Results: Mean calcium score was 25.08 +/-21.94 in gr.1, 203.97 +/- 76.68
in gr.2 and 808.8 +/- 369.48 in gr.3 (p<0.0001). Mean age was 60 years in gr.1, 65 years in gr.2 and 64 years in
gr.3. Ejection fraction was significantly lower in gr.3 as compared with the first two groups (54,33% in gr.1, 53% in
gr.2 and 48,09% in gr.3, p=0.03). Location of the culprit artery in the left anterior descendent artery was
encountered more frequently in group 3 (72,7% vs 66,7% vs 66,7%). Also, 3 vessel disease was more frequent in
gr.3 (16,7% in gr.1 vs 3,3% in gr.2 vs 27,3% in gr.3) while one single artery disease was more frequent in group 1
83,3% in gr.1 vs 58,3% in gr.2 vs 9,1% in gr.3 (p=0.02).Conclusions: Calcium score is significantly associated
with the severity of coronary artery diseaase and can be used as a useful prediction tool to evaluate the prognostic
significance of coronary lesions in a non-invasive way.
Keywords: Calcium score, coronary syndromes, coronary artery disease
Background: The prevalence of diabetes mellitus in the European population is 6-8%, so it is considered a
widespread disease. Prevention and management strategies are well defined and very similar in the European
Union. However the implementation of these strategies is different in different countries. Objective: The aim of this
study is to investigate the differences and its consequences in diabetes management, in a Romanian and German
Day care Center. Material and methods: In our cross-sectional study we have carried out a comparison of
different parameters such as glycated hemoglobin, body mass index, waist circumference, diabetic
polyneuropathy, retinopathy, nephropathy on a group of 100 persons from Trgu Mures, Romania with another
one also consisting of 100 persons from Mlheim, Germany. All of the patients had type 2 diabetes. Results: The
main difference between the two populations is that 93 % of the German persons participated in individual or group
training sessions or even both, while none of the Romanian persons visited such a lesson. The mean HbA1c was
not statistically different (6,92 %, measured 1 time/year on average in the Romanian vs. 7,18 % in the German
population, determined 3,63 times/year). BMI was 29,8 kg/m2 (German) vs. 30,17 kg/m2(Romanian), mean waist
circumference was 108 cm (Romanian) vs. 106,84 cm (German), the differences are not statistically significant.
However microvascular complications of diabetes were more frequent in the Romanian population compared to the
German population (p<0.05): polyneuropathy 73% vs. 54%, retinopathy 28% vs. 7%, nephropathy 22% vs. 8%.
Conclusions: There are no significant differences between the two groups concerning HbA1c, BMI and waist
circumference, but it was a higher prevalence of microvascular complications in the Romanian group, which could
be the consequence of the inadequate training and monitoring of HbA1c.
Keywords: Diabetes-related disease,, Prevention,, Comparison
Background: Lymphoma is a type of blood cancer that occurs when B or T lymphocytes divide faster than normal
cells or live longer than they are supposed to.DNA repair genes, such as XRCC1 gene have an important role in
protecting individuals from cancer-causing agents. Polymorphisms in DNA repair genes have been identified and
individuals with reductions in the capacity to repair DNA damage are observed in the population, but the impact of
specific genetic variants on repair phenotype and cancer risk has not yet been clarified. Objective: The aim of the
study was to investigate in a case-control study if XRCC1 Arg399Gln gene plays a role in susceptibility to
malignant lymphoma, response to chemotherapy, radiotherapy and outcome. Material and methods: Our study
included a number of 94 cases and a control group with 113 controls. We obtained from patient medical charts
(Hematology Department of Tirgu Mures County Hospital) the values of interested data.Genetic DNA was
extracted from peripheral blood, than was submitted to PCR- RFLP technique. Results: Analyzing our data we
found the mean age was 57.45 years, of which 40.42% were males and 59.57% females. The chemotherapy was
applied at 82.22% of patients, chemotherapy and radiotherapy at 11.11% and 6.66% have not received any
treatment. The total remission was observed in 13.51% of patients, partial remission at 36.48% and 50% were
resistant to treatment. All of this was reported at the genotype of XRCC1 gene. Conclusions: In statistical terms
exist a correlation between heterozygous genotype(Arg/Gln) and the susceptibility to lymphoma in male patients
(p=0. 03; OR: 0.38; CI:0,161-0,923). The homozygous mutant genotype is associated with the lack of total
remission. To our knowledge this is the first study from Romania who investigated this gene mutation reported to
clinical events.
Keywords: XRCC1 Arg399Gln, gene polymorphism, lymphoma
Background: Mucopolysaccharidoses (MPSs) are a group of rare genetic disorders within the larger family of
lysosomal diseases. MPSs disorders are caused by a deficiency in the activity of a specific lysosomal enzyme
required for the degradation of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). MPS type II, also called Hunter syndrome consists in
a deficiency of an enzyme, iduronate-2-sulphatase. Objective: To present the details about one of our patients
diagnosed with Hunter syndrome and a literature review. Material and methods: Though several cases with
metabolic disorders were diagnosed in our clinic during the years, only one patient remained under treatment and
the follow-up details of this case are presented. Results: A 2.7 year-old boy who was admitted to the Paediatrics
Clinic with symptoms of a respiratory tract infection and a history of frequent ear infections and respiratory tract
infections. His clinical examination showed the following abnormalities: high stature, moderately overweight, facial
dismorphism (coarse facial features, prominent forehead, a depressed nasal bridge), small stubby fingers with
flexion of distal interphalangeal joints, joint stiffness, protruding abdomen with umbilical hernia, hepatomegaly and
splenomegaly, and also mild mental retardation.The clinical aspect was suggestive for MPS type I, II or VII.
Dosage of enzymes with role in mucopolysaccharide lysosomal metabolism revealed low levels of iduronate-2sulphatase, changes that bent for MPS type II. Enzymatic diagnosis was confirmed by molecular DNA analysis that
showed a homozygote mutation of iduronate-2-sulphatase gene in intron 3 (c.419-2A> G). Enzyme replacement
therapy with recombinant human iduronate-2-sulfatase (Elaprase) was started.The evolution of the case after
almost two years of treatment with Elaprase is sensitively favorable, without the lost of neurological acquisitions.
Conclusions: Despite the modern methods of diagnosis and treatment, most of the patients with metabolic
disorders dye in their childhood period.
Keywords: Hunter, mucopolysaccharidose, treatment, Elaprase
Background: Non-adherence to medication regarding chronic diseases represents a major public health problem,
which is difficult to manage. Adherence is also lower than it is expected in rheumatoid arthritis. This fact
aggravates the evolution to invalidity of the disease and this is not only a medical problem, but also a social
problem. Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the adherence to treatment in patients with
rheumatoid arthritis and to look for possible factors associated with non-adherence in order to prevent this
phenomenon. Material and methods: A correlational, descriptive study of 50 patients hospitalized in the
Rheumatology Clinic of Emergency County Hospital of Targu Mures between 1st July and 1st October 2013 was
performed. There has been applied a questionnaire based on questions referring to the behavior of the patients to
their treatment and it has been followed the possible factors that may influence the adherence to medication.
GraphPad program and Microsoft Excel program were used for the statistical interpretation of the data. Results:
The adherence of the studied group was 66%. There were statistically significant differences between the patients
under 60 years old and the patients over 60 years old (p=0,01; RR=1,7). Very significant differences were found
between the group of the patients affected by the disease less than 10 years (inclusive) and the group diagnosed
for more than 10 years old (p=0,05; RR=1,8). Conclusions: The adherence to treatment is a problem for patients
with rheumatoid arthritis. The age of the patients and the number of the years from diagnosis may influence the
adherence to treatment.
Keywords: adherence, rheumatoid artritis, medical problem
Background: The advanced stage of Parkinson's disease is characterized by motor fluctuations which are often
difficult to control with traditional, peroral levodopa medication. They occur in most cases due to the progressive
decreased efficiency of the oral treatment. Objective: Levodopa/Carbidopa formulated as a gel suspension
(Duodopa) permits continuous delivery into the small intestine using a portable pump. The aim of our study was to
follow-up the patients who received this treatment and to monitor the changes in motor fluctuations before and
after the treatment. Material and methods: A total of 31 Parkinson's disease patients were assessed for Duodopa
pump therapy between 2011-2013. Only 19 patients presented different types of motor fluctuations except for
diskynesias. These patients were monitored before and after the treatment. Results: The mean age of the
investigated patients was 65.The reason for the infusion was related in most cases to "wearing-off' and "freezing"
fluctuations. Objectively, all 19 patients experienced a significant reduction in the fluctuations, while achieving a
better gait function. Conclusions: We conclude that continuous duodenal infusion with Duodopa is a good and
safe alternative for patients with advanced Parkinson's disease, especially because of the symptom relieving and
stabilizing effect.
Keywords: Parkinson, Duodopa, motot fluctuations, reduction of motor symptoms
Background: Poor nutritional status among paediatrics oncologic patients is a serios medical nowadays
problem.Evaluation of body composition gives useful information abaut nutritional status of the patient,helping the
doctor to manage and stop the nutritional deterioration applaying necessary hygienic-dietary measures. Objective:
The purpose of the study is to determine the nutritional status of the paediatrics patients with cancer using
anthropometric measurements and bioelectrical impedance. Material and methods: We performed a prospectiv
study on 45 children hospitalized in the Paediatrics Clinic I Targu-Mures,between October 2013 and March
2014.The children wer divided into two groups:group I,15 patients whit malignant diseases and group II,30
patients whit various pathologyes.We performed body composition using bioelectrical impedance:bio-impedance
(BIA),fat%,fat mass (kg),fat-free mas (FFM),muscle mass,total body water (TBW),TBW%,and the following
antropometric measurements:weight,height,body mass index (BMI),middle upper arm circumference
(MUAC),tricipital skin fold (TSF).Data obtained from the two groups were statistically evaluated. Results: The
children with malignant diseases have height,weight,body mass index lower than control group,but whitout
statistical significance (p>0.05),according to FFM (kg),TBW (kg),muscle mass (kg),BIA without major differences
between the two groups.We found statistically significant differences according in MUAC:p=0.05; TSF:p=0.05;
Fat%:p=0.02; Fat mass (kg):p=0.05; TBW%:p=0.03. Conclusions: The study reveals that children with malignant
diseases have a poor nutritional status comparing with the children suffering from other diseases.
Keywords: Bioelectrical impedance, Anthropometry, Children, Malignancy,Body composition
Background: The connection between the pulmonary system and cardiovascular system is well appreciated.
Pulmonary vascular abnormalities and cardiac affections are frecvently present at patients with respiratory
affections like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, sarcoidosis, affections of the
neuro-muscular system or thoracic wall, hypoventilation syndrome in obesity. The presence of pulmonary heart
disease suggests a bad prognosis and increased risk of death. Systemic manifestations of pulmonary affections
are important because they often increase the risk of cardiac death. Objective: Studying the correlation between
the pulmonary and cardiovascular affections Material and methods: We effectuated a statistical study of pleuropulmonar affections associated with cardiovascular affections in the causitry of the Forensic Medicine Institute of
Trgu Mure in the 2008-2010 period. Results: The most frecvent pulmonary affections in this period were the
pulmonary edema (35 cases in 2008, 120 cases in 2009 and 79 cases in 2010) and pulmonary stasis (17 cases in
2008, 67 cases in 2009 and 51 cases in 2010). The most frecvent cardiovascular affections associated to
pulmonary edema were the coronarosclerosis (68,57% in 2008, 68,33% in 2009, 74,68% in 2010) and
miocardosclerosis (51,42% in 2008, 50,83% in 2009, 59,49% in 2010). The most frecvent cardiovascular affections
associated to pulmonary stasis were coronarosclerosis (64,70% in 2008, 67,16% in 2009 and 78,43% in 2010),
miocardosclerosis (58,82% in 2008, 58,82% in 2010) and cardiomegaly in 2009 (56,71%). Conclusions: In the
examined period, the most frecvent pulmonary affections were pulmonary edema and pulmonary stasis. The most
frecvent cardiovascular affections associated to these pulmonary affections were coronarosclerosis,
miocardosclerosis and cardiomegaly in the case of pulmonary stasis.
Keywords: pulmonary edema, pulmonary stasis, pulmonary system, cardiovascular system
Background: Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common autosomal recessive disease among caucasians. The
genetic defect is due to mutations in a gene on the long arm of chromosome 7, the gene that is responsible for
encoding and regulating clor transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR). Deficiency in the CFTR leads to
clinical manifestations. Respiratory tract secretions are dehydrated and the extremely viscous mucus causes
airway obstruction and secondarily infection, besides this, the mutation lead to chronic fat malabsorption and
malnutrition. Objective: Highlight the evolution of patients diagnosed with CF. Material and methods: We
performed a retrospective study in 2003 - 2013 on 22 cases diagnosed with CF in Pediatric Clinic 1. The data were
analyzed with chi-square test. Results: Sweat test was performed in 68.18% cases, in the other ones the
diagnosis was based on clinical signs and symptoms, which revealed that 59% of patients had respiratory forms
and 18.1% digestive form, while 22.7% of patients had combined form. The main respiratory signs and symptoms
were productive cough: 72.7%, dyspnea: 59.1%, malaise: 50%, recurrent wheezing: 31.8%; while the digestive
ones were: dystrophy: 45.5%, diarrhea: 40.9%, fatty stools: 36.4%, hepatomegaly: 63.6%. Family history shows
that 18.2% had newborns or infant brothers deceased without a determined cause, and 9.1% had a family history
of CF. In long-term evolution, 59.1% of patients have repeated pneumonia, the average hospital stay was 11 days.
The patients average age on diagnosis of CF was 1 year. Conclusions: The quality of life in patients with CF has
improved significantly due to early diagnosis and treatment, however, frequent and prolonged hospitalizations, the
cost of chronic treatment, complications and lack of etiologic therapy, causes still low life expectancy of these
Keywords: Child, Cystic Fibrosis, Respiratory Infections, Malabsorption Syndrome
Background: Suicide by hanging is one of the major causes of violent death, being carried out through selfasphyxiation by strangulation. Hanging associated with alcohol ingestion is one of the most common methods of
suicide worldwide and has become a public health issue. Objective: To establish an epidemiological profile and
evaluate blood alcohol concentrations in victims of suicide by hanging in the Mures county. Material and methods:
Cross-sectional study includes 93 victims of suicide by hanging autopsied in IML Mures in 2012. Data collected
from the department's archive, follows up similar attributes: gender, age, area of origin, social status, location and
date of death, forensic pathological diagnosis, blood alcohol concentration at the time of autopsy, medical history.
Statistical analysis was performed using both MS Excel and GraphPad InStat 3.06. Results: The suicide incidence
was higher(3.4 times) in victims from the rural environment.Blood alcohol was present in more than half of
victims(50.53%), providing no statistically significant association with sex or environment. A significantly
association was shown between age below 25and the presence of blood alcohol at time of
autopsy(p=0.0257).The mean age of those who had not ingested alcohol(48.75 years) did not significantly differ
from those with levels of alcohol up to 2.9 g/100ml.The mean blood alcohol value was significantly higher in males
than females(1.611-1.057, p=0.04). A history of psychiatric disorders was found in 39.8% of victims, depression
representing 78.37% and schizophrenia 13.51%. Married victims with psychiatric disorders (13-Depression, 1Schizophrenia, 2-Epilepsia, 1-Dementia) present a higher number of cases than not married ones(8-Depression, 3Schizophrenia, 1-Epilepsia). Post mortem examination revealed hanging mark(93), stasis(76), cardiovascular
diseases(66) and cerebral edema(65). Conclusions: Study reveals an evaluation of epidemiologic profile
registering higher values for alcohol ingestion in male victims and inhabitants from rural environment. Also
depression was shown to be the main psychiatrical disorder.
Keywords: Alcohol, Hanging, Depression, Suicide
Mir-Kohler B Q A1, Al Namat Nadia1, Nedelea P, Cimpoesu Diana
Background: The incidence rate of cardiac arrest in Romania has increased over the years due to cardiovascular
disease and trauma. The documented outcome of patients after an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) or an inhospital one (IHCA) yet remains poor. Resuscitation is often over shadowed by the failure of neurologic recovery of
the affected patients. Objective: To understand better the differences in management and outcomes between
OHCA and IHCA. Material and methods: We present a retrospective study. This was done at the Emergency
Department of the University County Hospital St. Spiridon in Iasi, Romania between January 1st and December
30th of 2013. Results: There were 109 recorded patents with cardiac arrest (CA) - (59 OHCA, 50 IHCA), aged 29
to 88 years old with an overall survival rate of 7,3% (8 patients, 4 in the OHCA and 4 in the IHCA group). The
aetiology of CA was mainly cardiac (36,7%). The initial rhythm of CA was a shockable one in 29 cases (26,6%)
versus non-shockable in 80 cases (73,4%). Initial return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) was achieved in 36
patients (33,02%) of the whole study group. The outcome of discharged patients was directly influenced by the
duration of chest compressions (p<0.01); 2 patients from the group with IHCA were discharged with a cerebral
performance category (CPC) 3, while 3 patients with a CPC 2 (2 from IHCA group and 1 from OHCA); only 2
patients were discharged with a CPC 1, both from the OHCA group. Conclusions: The success of resuscitation,
both in OHCA and IHCA, is low. Similarities were found in other European reports, having multiple causes.
Furthermore, the outcome of discharged patients was directly influenced by the duration of chest compressions
during CPR.
Keywords: In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest, Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, Cardiac Arrest
Al Namat Nadia1, Mir-Kohler B Q A1, Dumea Mihaela, Cimpoesu Diana
Background: Domestic Violence is a pattern of behaviour which involves the abuse by one partner against
another in an intimate relationship. The chronic exposure to domestic violence can cause not only immediate
physical injury, but also mental shifts that occur as the mind attempts to process trauma or protect the body.
Objective: To understand the nature and differences in domestic violence. Material and methods: We present a
retrospective study. This was done at the Emergency Department of the University County Hospital St. Spiridon in
Iasi, Romania between January and December 2013. The study included adult patients diagnosed with lesions
caused by domestic violence. All patients in the study recognised the abuse, by family or first/second degree
relatives, verbally. Results: There were 1105 patients, of which 105 (9,5%) were harmed physically and/or
psychologically by one or more members of the family. We report an average age of 46,64 years, 82 women
(78,1%) and 23 men (21,9%). Patients brought into the Emergency Department were mainly from the countryside,
by ambulance accompanied either by physician or nurse - 56 (53,3%) or paramedics - 21 (20,0%). The
mechanisms of lesions were presented either by punches - 60 (57,1%), blunt objects - 22 (21%) or mixed
mechanisms - 23 (21,9%). The lesions were known to be caused mainly by a single aggressor - 98 (93,3%),
husband - 53,4% - statistically significant correlation (p<0.01) identified the preponderance of female aggressed by
a single aggressor (husband), and cases of males by several aggressors represented by second degree relatives.
In all cases the association with sexual abuse was 1%. Conclusions: During that period domestic violence was
frequently identified in cases of females from an urban environment, aggressed by close relatives. Sexual abuse
was not recognised. This study requires confirmation at national level, in areas having different socio-economic
and demographic features.
Keywords: Domestic Violence, Physical Trauma, Psychological Trauma
Background: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common disease of the central nervous system that causes
permanent disability in young adults. Whether it is accompanied by superimposed relapses or not, the secondary
progressive form induces a gradual disability over a variable amount of time. Objective: To evaluate the
symptoms and to highlight the evolution of patients with diagnosed Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis
(SPMS) at the Neurology Clinic no 1 in Trgu Mure. Material and methods: We have retrospectively analyzed the
discharge charts of patients diagnosed with SPMS, admitted from January 2011 until December 2013. We have
used clinical and paraclinical parameters such as: age, gender, onset symptoms, admission symptoms, EDSS
score, cerebral and spinal MRI exams; resulting data was analyzed using with descriptive statistical methods.
Results: From a total of 349 MS cases, 54 had the secondary progressive form (16%), out of which 59% were
men and 41% women, the average onset age was 35 11,4 years (32, 96 for women and 39,05 for men), with an
11 years evolution for women and 7.9 years for men. The clinical onset was monosymptomatic for 69% of those
admitted to hospital and plurisymptomatic for the remaining 31%. The prevalent symptomatology had to do with
the motor deficit pyramidal syndrome both at onset and admission. The average EDSS score at admission was 6
(between 4 and 8.5). Conclusions: Multiple sclerosis is a disease with profound heterogeneity in its clinical course
and although it is more common in women and may appear at an earlier stage in life, it is more severe in men and
with a faster evolution towards the secondary progressive form.
Keywords: SPMS,, EDSS,, Heterogenity,, Descriptive.
Background: Gastritis is an inflammatory process, acute or chronic, localized diffuse or focal in the gastric
mucosa of the stomach. The positive diagnosis of the gastritis is given on Sydney's system criteria: endoscopic
and histological. From etiologic point of view there are two forms of gastritis: the primary one (caused by bile reflux
or Helicobacter pylori infection) and secondary one (caused by burns, infections, drugs, head trauma, caustic and
corrosive substances, system diseases etc). Objective: The aim of study was to determinate the incidence, to
evaluate the symptoms, the diagnostic methods and the gravity of risk factors in pediatric gastritis. Material and
methods: We performed a retrospective study on 209 patients of 2-17 years of age, admitted to the Pediatric
Clinic I Targu-Mures, between 2009 and 2012. The obtained data were statistically processed considering
variables like: age, gender, risk factors and their correlations with the symptoms, the outcome of endoscopy and
the histological changes that confirms the gastritis. Results: Gastritis occurs more often in females (61,7 %) from
the rural area and in patients aged between 10-14 years of age (40,2 %). The most common symptoms were:
abdominal pain (89,4 %), nausea (39 %), vomiting (38 %) and loss of appetite ( 29 %). We found Helicobacter
pylori infection in about 23% of cases, the highest percentage was registered in the group aged between 10 and
14. Conclusions: Clinical manifestations were correlated with the age group: younger children had unspecific
symptomatology, the older had in most of the cases typical clinical picture. We remarked a seasonal evolution of
the disease in children to, with two morbidity peaks: spring time and autumn.
Keywords: : child, gastritis, symtoms
Background: The most common deficiency diseases in children are anemia, rickets and malnutrition. Although
prevention methods are used for these diseases, serious cases requiring hospitalization and long-term treatment
are identified. Objective: To evaluate the favoring factors in deficiency diseases in children. Material and
methods: We performed a retrospective study over a period of four years, in children hospitalized in the Pediatric
Clinic No. 1, diagnosed with anemia and rickets between 2009 and 2012. We used Chi-square test to analyze the
data. Results: The study population consists of 79 children: 69 were diagnosed with anemia and 10 with rickets.
We considered anemia and rickets favoring factors: prematurity, short or absent breast feeding, early cow milk
introduction, incorrect diversification, inadequate living conditions and inappropriate rickets prophylaxis. Of the 69
patients with anemia 55,1% had inadequate living conditions, 39,2% were incorrectly diversified and 29,0% were
premature; we had only 10 patients with rickets, 30,0% were prematures, 40,0% did not receive prophylaxis of
rickets with vitamin D, 20,0% were incorrectly diversified and 50,0% had inadequate living conditions.
Conclusions: Deficiency diseases are relatively common in children although we have methods of prophylaxis
during pregnancy and in infants. The relative low number of our cases is because these were the hospitalized ones
as moderate and severe cases, the mild forms were treated by the general practitioners. To decrease incidence of
these diseases training of mothers regarding prevention and nutrition is necessary and also the monitoring of
children with risk factors for deficiency diseases by the general practitioners.
Keywords: anemia, rickets, children, deficiency
Background: Vaccines- nowadays represent a very controversial topic. Although they were invented to stimulate
the immune system, the number of parents who have declined the vaccination of their child has increased.
Objective: Our aim was to investigate the vaccination protocols and the punctuality of their effectuation. We also
researched the common reasons that are making parents skeptical. Material and methods: In a prospective
study we investigated the patient material of the "Dr. Constantin Martha Maria" private practice from September
2013 to March 2014. We processed the data of 45 children. We analyzed the effectuation and the punctuality of
the obligatory vaccinations due between the first 2-12 months. If there were cases where the parents declined the
vaccination, we inquired the motives of their refusal. Results: After processing the data we obtained the following
results: 73,68% of the children received the mandatory vaccine after the first two months of life, 83,33% after the
forth, 77,27% after the sixth month. In the twelfth month 44,44% were administered Pentaxim and 33,33%
ROR/Priorix. In 36,84% of the cases in the first, 38,88% the second, 50% the third, 22.22% the forth and 11,11%
fifth vaccine there was a delay in the administration. During our research time 5 parents refused the vaccination. In
3 of the cases they feared the risk of complications from vaccines more than the complications from infections. In
one of the two remaining families they were skeptical about the effectiveness of the vaccines. In the last case the
parents refused to vaccinate the infants because they suspected toxic ingredients in them. Conclusions: Due to
much media attention parents have become suspicious of the vaccination protocols. Despite the strong opinions,
anti-campaigns, vaccines remain on of the greatest tools in the public health arsenal. They offer the promise of
protection against a variety of infectious diseases and they should be administered at the designated time.
Keywords: vaccine, protocol, pediatrics
Background: Although the past decade has witnessed extensive progress in the field of pulmonary arterial
hypertension(PAH), need remains for better understanding and management of this disease. Objective:
Evaluation and 1-year follow-up of clinical manifestations and ultrasound parameters of children suffering from
PAH, receiving Bosentan, Sildenafil or combination therapy. Material and methods: A total of 41 children were
included, 21 from Trgu Mure Emergency Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases and Transplantation and 20 from
the National Institute of Cardiology Gottsegen Gyrgy, Budapest. Patients were enrolled between January 2008March 2013, aged between 4 months and 15 years (mean age 5.16), and divided into 4 groups based on the
causative disease: idiopathic PAH, post-operative PAH, Eisenmenger's syndrome and bronchopulmonary
dysplasia(BPD). Symptoms, functional class, results of the six-minute walk test and heart ultrasound parameters
have been evaluated at enrollment and one year after. Results: In the Eisenmenger group, saturation improved
with a mean value of 3.23%(3.8%), whereas distance walked increased with 30.6m(9.1%). Although saturation
decreased averagely by 0.75%(0.8%) in the idiopathic group, and the drop in oxygen saturation at the end of the
test was pronounced, distance walked increased significantly, with a mean value of 89.33m(28.7%). Right atrial
area increased in all groups, most in BPD by 1.79cm2(39.9%), and least in the post-operative group by
0.75cm2(5.36%). TAPSE decreased in the idiopathic group with a mean value of 2.02mm(10.9%), and increased
in the remaining three, most in the BPD group with 3.25mm(20.2%). Conclusions: Bosentan and Sildenafil are
efficient in improving life quality, functional status and exercise capacity in PAH, but do not significantly improve
cardiac status, only stall the progression of the disease.Differences in disease progression can be noted,
Eisenmenger patients react better to treatment than those suffering from idiopathic PAH. Further research is to be
made to develop specific aetiologic therapies to combat this devastating disease.
Keywords: Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, Pediatric Cardiology, Echocardiography, 6 Minute Walk Test
Background: Bipolar disorder is a severe and persistent mental illness.It is a highly recurrent disorder with a
lifetime prevalence of around two percent.Approximately 10 percent of patients will end their life by suicide.Bipolar
disorder is associated with interpersonal stress, job difficulties, high unemployment, low work productivity, difficulty
maintaining, long-term relationships and reduced overall social, physical and emotional well-being. Objective: The
study`s objective was to determine the efficiency of the psychoeducation of the patients with bipolar disorder as a
control method in life. Material and methods: This is a retrospective study on a group of 35 general practitioners
from Trgu-Mure and 20 patients hospitalized in the Clinic of Psychiatry Trgu-Mure, with clear diagnosis of
bipolar affective disorder. Results: We discovered that psychoeducation of bipolar disorder patients is important
for general practitioners and for this kind of patients.General practitioners are prepare for educated patients with
bipolar affective disorder. Conclusions: The implication of psychoeducation is necessary because promoted
significant changes in patients lives.Patients with bipolar affective disorder started to led a normal life thanks to
education promoted by general pratitioners.
Keywords: Psychoeducation, Bipolar Affective Disorder, General Practitioner
Background: Lymphoma is a type of cancer that begins in immune system cells called lymphocytes. Like other
cancers, lymphoma occurs when lymphocytes are in a state of uncontrolled cell growth and multiplication. Some
genetic syndromes characterized by defects in DNA repair (for example XRCC1Arg194Trp or XRCC1Arg399Gln)
may be associated with elevated risk of lymphomas. Objective: The aim of this case-control study was to evaluate
if the XRCC1Arg194Trp polymorphism contributes to the development of lymphomas. Material and methods: We
have realized a retrospective, analytical and observational study on a total number of 94 patients hospitalized in
the Hematology Department of the Tirgu-Mures County Hospital, during March 2002 and November 2013, and a
control group of 113 patients. We have extracted and analyzed data from the patients charts such as: age, gender,
LDH or Ann-Arbor staing. XRCC1Arg194Trp genotypes were determined by using a PCR-RFLP method. Results:
Our study revealed that the average age of the patients diagnosed with lymphomas is 57.45 years. From the total
of 94 patients, 40.42% were males and 59.57% were females. Between the two groups of heterozygotes we have
obtain a value of p=<0.0001, OR=7.346 with 95% CI 2.664-20.259. In the patients group, the results were: 71.27%
normal homozygotes, 24.46% heterozygotes and 4.25% variant homozygotes. In the control group we have
obtained: 94.69% normal homozygotes, 4.42% heterozygotes and 0.88 variant homozygotes. Conclusions: This
study showed the existence of a correlation between XRCC1Arg194Trp polymorphism and a high risk for
developing malignant lymphomas.
Keywords: XRCC1Arg194Trp, gene polymorphism, lymphoma
Background: Acute stroke represents an important category in cerebral pathology because of the frequency and
serious consequences that result.One of the main imaging method for diagnosing acute cerebral stroke remains
computer tomography (CT) because it's more accessible and faster. Objective: The purpose of this study is to
determine the distribution of acute stroke according to brain disorders,gender,age and topography. Material and
methods: The retrospective study included 8940 patients examined with CT scan in the Radiology and Medical
Imaging Department of Trgu-Mure Country Clinical Emergency Hospital between January,2013 and
December,2012.Studied parameters:types of neurological disease,gender,age and topography. Results: The
study revealed that 51,4% of all cases identified were ischemic strokes,26,2% hemorrhagic strokes and 22,5%
brain tumors.The distribution of patients according to gender shows that acute stroke is more common in
men(53,6%) than women(46,93%).The male/female ratio is 1,13/1.Regarding the age distribution,the most affected
age group is 40 to 70 years (58%).Concerning the topography,acute stroke is more common in the left cerebral
hemisphere(53,06%) than right cerebral hemisphere(46,93%). Conclusions: CT remains the most accessible
imaging investigation to diagnose acute cerebral stroke.This study shows that there are more cases of ischemic
strokes than hemorrhagic strokes or brain tumors.This reveals also that acute stroke is more common in men and
in the middle-aged.According to the lesion topography,left cerebral hemisphere prevails regarding acute stroke.
Keywords: acute cerebral stroke, CT, age, topography
Background: Brain tumors are intracranial expansive and proliferating processes,developed from local anatomical
structures or they are the results of secondary determinations.The exploration using native or contrast computer
tomography (CT) is one of the basic imaging methods that provides information about the location, extension and
tissue characteristics of intracranial masses. Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the brain tumors
distribution by gender,age,topography in patients investigated with CT. Material and methods: This is a
retrospective study on a group of 2080 patients investigated with computer tomography in the Radiology and
Medical Imaging Department of Targu-Mures Country Clinical Emergency Hospital between 2003-2012. Results:
The results showed that 52,1% were women and 47,9% men.Concerning the age,the most affected age group for
both genders was the 40 to 70 years, being present in a proportion of 63%.Topographically,the most affected
cerebral hemisphere from the perspective of brain tumors is the left hemisphere at a rate of 53,1%. Conclusions:
Brain tumors remain an important category in cerebral pathology through the consequences so that their diagnosis
using CT is proving one of the best imaging methods of investigation.The study revealed that this pathology affects
mainly women, people in middle age and it meets with a higher frequency in the left cerebral hemisphere.
Keywords: brain tumors, CT, gender, topography
Background: The urinary tract infection(UTI) is caused by the emergence of certain bacteria in the bladder and
sometimes in the kidneys,most commonly involved bacteria is E.Coli. UTI most often is associated with
certain,renal malformations,including hydronephrosis,renal duplicity,vezicoureteral reflux(VUR). Objective: The
purpose of this study is to determine the risk factors that lead to the emergence of UTI in infants 0 to 12 months
depending on age,gender,urine culture,renal malformations. Material and methods: We performed a
retrospective observational-analytic study(2009-2013) on 261 infants aged 0 to 12 months,boys and girls. All the
patients were diagnosed with UTI at Pediatric Clinic II Targu Mures. We watched the value of creatinine to track if
they had or not nitrate retention. Studied parameters: gender,age,creatinine,urine culture. Results: The results
have shown that in the first year of life most commonly affected by UTI are the boys(57,5%) compared to
girls(42,5%). Of the 261 cases studied,161 infants had the value of creatinine more than 0,3mg/dl,what indicates
that they presented nitrate retention. We done the urine culture to all pacients and this showed us at a rate of 70%
that the most involved in the emergence of UTI in infants between 0 to 12 months is E.Coli. Regarding renal
anomalies,results showed this: hydronephrosis(17,9%), pyelectasis(8%), renal duplicity(5,4%), VUR(4,5%).
Conclusions: In the firs year of life,UTI affects most often the boys and the bacteria that is involved most
commonly is E.Coli. It is important to diagnose in early stages a kidney abnormality,because a renal malformation
can mantain a UTI and this way we can try to prevent renal demage through the administration of a
Keywords: urinary tract infection, renal malformations, infants, urine culture
Background: Respiratory physiotherapy program in the ICU is destinated to improve the vital prognosis of
critically ill patients, who require early mobilization, for recovery and prevention of numerous diseases caused by
prolonged bedrest. Objective: The objective was to evaluate the benefits of a respiratory rehabilitation
programme, performed by a physiotherapist on the mechanically ventilated patients. The end points were: the
maintaining of the ph to normal values, the lowering of the pCO2, the increasing of the pO2, the increasing of the
SaO2. Material and methods: In the ICU of the Emergency County Hospital of Tirgu Mures, a prospective,
interventional study was performed started from March till July 2013. A respiratory physiotherapy was initiated,
twice a day, to a randomised group of mechanical ventilated patients. Twenty-eight patients were included in our
study, divided in two groups (the treated and the control group). The variables used to monitor the effects of the
respiratory physiotherapy were those depicted by the blood gase analysis. Data were analysed with GraphPad
Prism 6.0. Results: On the first day we noted high values of the ph and pCO2 at 4 patients from the respiratory
rehabilitation group. After the manoeuvres the value of paCO2 decreased from a mean value of 48.86 +/- 17.18 to
45.03 +/- 17.47 (p 0.0273). The pO2, after an initial decrease (p 0.0195) on the first day, we observed a constant
rise. The SaO2 in the rehab group we noticed a normalisation of the mean value from 71.84% to 91.60%. On the
fifth day the SaO2 values were similar with the ones from the first day (69.80% +/- 49.80%). An acid value of the
ph (7.319+/- 0.184) was associated with the decreased SaO2. Conclusions: The additive respiratory
management, supplied by a physiotherapist in respiratory rehabilitation, is beneficial for the outcome of the
mechanical ventilated ICU patients.
Keywords: ICU, respiratory, physiotherapy
Background: Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) is a common complication of prematurity and a life-threatening
condition. Corticosteroids administered to women at risk of preterm delivery help enhancing fetal lung maturation.
Objective: The aim of this study is to determine the benefits of antenatal costricosteroids in decreasing the
severity of RDS, intrahospital mortality and complications among preterm infants. Material and methods: Our
retrospective observational study enrolled 219 premature babies of 24-36 weeks, with RDS, treated in Mures
Country Neonatal Intensive Care Unit between 2012-2013; population divided into two groups: group 1- babies
whose mothers received corticosteroids and group 2- babies with no prophylactic corticotherapy. Results:
Antenatal corticotherapy was administered to 48.9% of patients.The incidence of moderate/severe RDS was
47.1% in the group 1, compared to 52.9% in group 2. Moreover, 75% ( 12 cases) of all neonatal deaths due to
RDS, were from group 2 (p=0.04).Prenatal corticotherapy decreased the need for subsequent mechanical
ventilation in neonates born between 28 -31 weeks of gestation: 42.9% vs. 57.1% (p=0.03) and reduced the
incidence of intraventricular hemorrhage in neonates with a BW < 1500 g : 36.4% vs. 63.6% (p=0.03). No other
outcomes were statistically significant. Conclusions: We confirm the effectiveness of prenatal corticotherapy in
leading to better outcomes in preterm infants.
Keywords: premature, corticosteroids, respiratory distress syndrome
Background: A national screening program for congenital hypothyroidism (CHT) and Phenylketonuria (PKU) was
started in 2009. PKU is a metabolic disease caused by an enzimatic deficiency, leading to severe psychoneurological retardation. Untreated CHT causes severe delayment in motor and neurological development.
Objective: 1. Evaluation of the results of the screening program for CHT and PKU in Mures county. 2. Follow-up of
confirmed cases. Material and methods: The study included all children born in the 8 maternities in Mures
County for which the screening for CHT and PKU was performed. The levels of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)
and phenylalanine (Phe) were tested by fluorometric assay. Newborns with levels of TSH greater than 10 UI/L,
respectively Phe greater than 3 mg/dl were retested. Results: Elevated levels of TSH or Phe were found in 28,
respectively 8 cases, out of 24151 tested. After retesting, CHT was confirmed in 6 cases and PKU in 6 cases. All
children with confirmed CHT or PKU are followed-up at the Endocrinology Clinic (CHT) or Pediatrics Clinic I(PKU)
in Targu Mures. Three children with confirmed PKU are evaluated periodically and receive special dietetic
products. Conclusions: CHT and PKU are rare diseases with severe consequences. By discovering them at birth
through neonatal screening they can be therapeutically controlled.
Keywords: Screening, Congenital Hypothyroidism, Phenylketonuria
Background: Anxiety disorders are prevalent mental disorders characterized buy a "fear without object" and
excessive worry and apprehension accompanied by psychic and somatic symptoms of stress. Somatic signs are
usually associated wich indicates an overactivity of there autonomic nervous system. Objective: The aim of the
study was to evaluate the incidence of the anxiety disorders in different populational groups and also to find out
wich group is more likely to develop this mental disorder. Material and methods: We used preliminary
retrospective study on group of 68 patients admitted to 2 Psychiatry department of Targu Mures County Clinical
Emergency Hospital between 1 January 2013 31 December 2013.The following parameters were analyzed: the
patients background; gender; professional training level; social network support; adaptive skills during the critical
stress ages; patients special features and the symptomatology . we also reviewed the modern therapeutics
approach for this disorder. Results: 75% of the patients are females; 76,4% live in a urban environment; 58,8 %
had medium level of training social network support; 60,29% had proven difficult adaptive skills during the critical
stress; specials features were found in all patients; none of the patients underwent behavioral therapy and 70% of
the patients were treat with SSRI and benzidiazepines Conclusions: Anxiety disorders is more frequent in the
female subjects. Persons who live in a urban environment are more likely to develop anxiety disorders. The most
efficiency therapeutic method is the bitherapy, that associated benzodiazepines and SSRI and no patient did
behavioral therapy.
Keywords: Anxiety disorders, clinical features, treatment in anxiety disorders
Background: Inflammation plays an important role in the evolution of coronary artery disease. Highly sensitive C
reactive protein represent a new inflammatory marker which has been proved to be associated with the severity of
coronary artery disease. Objective: We studied the correlation between hs-CRP circulating levels in the
postinfarction phase, the severity of coronary artery stenoses and the evolution of left ventricular function.
Material and methods: We studied 83 with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and primary PCI divided into 2
groups based on hsCRP levels, after setting the cutoff point for hsCRP value at 2 mg/dl: group 1 35 patients with
low-risk, and group 2 48 patients with high-risk.
Results: Involvement of a multivascular disease was recorded
in 48.5% of patients in group 1 and in 72.9% of patients in group 2 (p=0.037), with a mean number of coronary
arteries with significant stenoses of 1.69 in group 1 vs 1.97 in group 2 (p=0.019). Location of the culprit lesion in
the left anterior descending artery was identified in 47.9% of cases in group 1 and in 20% of cases in group 2
(p=0.01). Left anterior descending artery stenosis was identified in 42.8% of patients from group 1 and in 83.3% of
patients in group 2 (p=0.0002). Elevated levels of hsCRP values significantly correlated with the values of ejection
fraction (r=-0.52, p<0.0001) Conclusions: Increased levels of hsCRP indicate an overexpressed inflammatory
status which is correlated with a more severe coronary artery disease and a worse ventricular function in the
postinfarction phase.
Keywords: CRP, acute, myocardial, infarction
Background: Epicardial fat represents a new inflammatory marker which has been proved to be associated with
the severity of coronary artery disease Objective: We aimed at assessing the correlation between the amplitude of
the left ventricular (LV) remodeling at 6 months post acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and several markers
expressing an increased inflammatory status, such as epicardial fat thickness (EFT) and persistence of elevated
circulating levels of highly sensitive C-Reactive Protein (hs-CRP). Material and methods: The study included 92
patients with revascularized AMI: group 1 (n=49) - hsCRP <3.0 mg/l, and group 2 (n= 43) -hs-CRP >3.0 mg/l; left
ventricular end-diastolic (LVED) and end-systolic (LVES) volumes were determined at baseline and at 6 months,
together with EFT, ejection fraction (EF) and remodeling index (RI). Results: The mean EF at 6 months was
46.2+/-3.7% in group 1, and 40.8+/-4.2% in group 2, p=0.0006. Six-month EF significantly correlated with hs-CRP
circulating levels at baseline (r=-0.57, p<0.0001) and with the EFT (r=-0.61, p<0.0001). Patients in gr.2
demonstrated a significantly larger EFT (8.7+/-1.8 mm vs 6.3+/-1.7 mm, p=0.0006) and a significantly more
pronounced adverse remodeling (RI 17.8+/-5.6 vs 12.4+/-6.7, p=0.005). Linear regression demonstrated a good
correlation between hsCRP level and EFT (r=0.6251, p<0.0001). Multivariate analysis revealed that hs-CRP
values >3.0 mg/dl (Odds ratio [OR] 2.8, p=0.02), an EFT > 7.0 mm (OR: 6.3, p=0.001) and the anterior location of
the infarction (OR: 2.6, p=0.03) were independent predictors for deleterious left ventricular remodeling after an
AMI. Conclusions: A larger amount of epicardial adipose tissue and the persistence of a marked inflammation at
seven days post-infarction are associated with a more severe impairment of ventricular function in patients with
Keywords: inflammatory, markers, coronary, syndromes
Background: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains the leading global cause of death. It's the no. 1 killer of
women followed by cancer. Although there is an overall reduction in the death rates due to CVD over the previous
decades, the decline rate is slower in females than males. Objective: To evaluate and compare the evolution
prevalence, and risk factors of CVD in women from 2012 till 2014 to recommend future management and
prevention plans accordingly. Material and methods: A search for statistical reports about prevalence and risk
factors of CVD in women was done. This study was based on statistical reports of The American Heart Association
(AHA) for years 2012 and 2014. Results: The comparison between AHA statistical reports of 2012 and 2014 in
women showed that the death rate of CVD declined by 4.6%. The most common type of CVD is coronary heart
disease (CHD). It's prevalence declined by 12%. From these CHD, myocardial infarction (MI) and heart attack had
no change in the prevalence rate. Angina also had the same prevalence rate. Stroke survivors declined by 13.6%.
Heart failure (HF) declined by 7.69%. Risk factors include hypertension, dyslipedemia, smoking, physical inactivity
and diabetes. Death rates due to hypertension declined from 56.1% to 55.2%. Cholesterol rates over 200 mg/dL
decreased from 46.3% to 43.9%. Smoking rates decreased from 17.5% to 16.7%. Inactivity rates increased from
16.4% to 17.7%. Diabetes rates increased by 1%. Conclusions: Reports revealed a decline in the death rates
due to CVD in women mainly CHD, stroke and HF while MI and angina had the same prevalence rates. Risk
factors like hypertension, smoking and dyslipedemia showed a decline in rates. On the contrary, physical inactivity
and diabetes rates increased. Results reveal that essential need for modification of management and prevention
plans for CVD in women to reduce the prevalence and death rates are required.
Keywords: Cardiovascular DIsease, Females, Risk Factors, Prevalence
Background: The environment has been considered an important factor influencing children's nutrition and
growth. Children in urban areas are considered to be more advantaged than those from rural areas thanks to
higher standards of health, protection, education and sanitation. Objective: Our purpose was to assess the
differences among children from urban and rural areas with focus on auxologic parameters. Material and
methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on a random sample of 1168 children 6-14 years of age, from 4
rural and 4 urban areas in Mures County from November 2013 to January 2014. Variables analyzed: age, sex,
environment, Tanner stage, age at menarche and SD scores (calculated with GrowthAnalyzer) for weight, BMI,
waist, height, arm span, head circumference using the recommended Swiss standards.Our research was approved
by the local Ethics Committee and each legal representant signed an informed consent. Statistical analysis used
M.O. Excel and GraphPad InStat v.3.06 with a level of significance of =0.05. Results: 51.88% of children came
from urban areas and 50.25% were boys. Children from urban areas are shorter in mean compared with those
from rural areas (p<0.001), even after adjusting for age and sex. The environment does not significantly influence
children's weight (p=0.55) or breastfeeding period (RR 1.02, IC 95% 0.88-1.2, p=0.76). There's no significant
difference between the mean age of onset of puberty, even after controlling for age (10.03 years in rural vs 10.22
years in urban girls, p=0.41 and 10.35 years rural vs 10.42 years in urban boys, p=0.52). The urban environment
presents a higher risk of short stature (RR 2.6, CI 95% 2.01-3.36, p<0.001), but not for overweight. Conclusions:
This study shows that for our region the environment has significant influence on height, but not weight and the
previous described differences between rural and urban areas need to be reconsidered.
Keywords: Rural, Urban, environmental difference, children
Background: The prevalence of childhood overweight and obesity has increased worldwide in recent decades.
Obesity in childhood is associated with a wide range of serious health complications and an increased risk of
premature illness and death later in life. Objective: Our purpose was to estimate the incidence of overweight in
school-aged children using different growth standards. Material and methods: A cross-sectional study was
conducted on a random sample of 1168 children between 6-14 years, from 8 rural and urban school institutions
from Tg. Mures County from November 2013 to January 2014. Variables: age, gender, environment, standard
deviations for weight, BMI and waist using WHO and Swiss standards. For measuring their heights we used a
stadiometer, for their weights an electronic scale metrological checked and a mechanic taliometer for their waist.
To calculate standard deviations we used GrowthAnalyzer and Anthroplus software and for statistical analysis
M.O. Excel and GraphPadInStat v. 3.06 with statistical significance threshold =0.05. The study was approved by
the Ethics Committee from UMF Targu Mures and each legal representative signed an informed consent to
participate. Results: 49.91% of subjects were girls, and 50.17% boys. The incidence of weight disturbances was
different depending on the standards used: for girls 5.73% overweight and 2.95% low weight and for boys 6.92%
overweight and 2.24% low weight when using Swiss standards, respectively 7.65% overweighted girls and 2.6%
with low weight and 10.55% overweight and 2.76% low weighted boys with WHO standards. There is a statistical
significant difference for both weight and BMI between the two standards (p=0.0001). Conclusions: This study
proved that there is a real difference between various anthropometric standards used for weight evaluation, hence,
in order to obtain accurate data for our population we need to develop and implement our own standards.
Keywords: overweight, children, standards
Background: Ankylosing spondilitis is a chronic inflammatory disease affecting the axial skeleton, the entheses
and occasionally, the periferal joints. While the role of HLA-B27 in pathogenesis is still incompletely elucidated, it
has become increasingly clear that the presence of this molecule can be associated, with the entire group of
seronegative spondylarthropaties. This molecule can be detected by two techniques: phenotypic (by flow
cytometry) and molecular biology tests. Objective: Flow cytometry technique is relatively fast and cheap but
recent studies showed that it has an important limitation: interference of specific monoclonal anti HLA B27 antibody
with other related phenotypes. This study is meant to emphasize the interference problem in patients diagnosed in
Emergency Hospital of Tg. Mures during May 2010- March 2014. Material and methods: A retrospective study
was conducted on a random group of 98 persons 14-80 years of age, from Rheumatology Department. We relied
on data from patient medical forms, including the clinical symptoms, diagnosis and laboratory results. We
performed flow cytometry tests with a BD FACS Calibur analyser, using BD HLA-B27 kit which is a qualitative twocolor direct immunofluorescence method for the rapid detection of HLA-B27 antigen expression on circulant T
lymphocytes. For the samples with uncertain results, HLA-SSP and HLA-SSO typing techniques were used to
clarify genotype. Results: Our study includes 41 females and 57 males. The flow cytometry showed us 27
positives and 58 negatives results. For 13 subjects flow cytometry revealed a dim expression of HLA B27.
Genotypes HLA B07 and HLA B39 has been frequent identified by molecular biology techniques, which were
mandatory to clarify the incert situation. Conclusions: We conclude that flow cytometry is a useful test in
screening for the presence of the HLA-B27 molecule, and cross-reactivities have to be determined by molecular
Keywords: ankylosing spondilitis, HLA-B27, cross-reacticity, flow cytometry
Background: The evaluation of height in children and the indication of further investigations are hyghly dependent
on the growth charts used. The recommended standard for our country is the Swiss one, developed in 1989.
Objective: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the different standards used for height measurement of
children in Romania. Material and methods: Type of study- cross-sectional. The target population was children 614 years of age. Sample- randomized, represented by 1168 children from 8 schools in Mures County evaluated
from November 2013 to January 2014. Variables analysed: age, sex, height, environment, height standard
deviations using WHO and Swiss standards. Method: height was calculated as the average of at least 2
measurements whit the same stadiometer. We used GrowthAnalyzer and AnthroPlus to calculate standard
deviations. Short stature was defined as height at least 2 SD below the standards used. The statistical analysis
used M.O. Excel and GraphPadInStat3.06., with a level of statistical significance=0,05. The study was approved
by the Ethics Committee UMF Targu Mures and each legal representative signed an informed consent to
participate. Results: Sex ratio favoured the boys (50.13% vs 49.86) and the more than a half of subjects came
from urban areas (51.95%). Short stature incidence was different depending on the standards used (8.3% Swiss
and 3.9% with WHO standards), with an agreement between Swiss and WHO standards of 43.75% for girls and
45.83% for boys. When comparing the SD obtained with each standards, there is a statistical significant difference,
regardless of sex or age (p<0.001). Conclusions: There is an important difference in the incidence of short stature
depending on the standards used. The low rate of agreement between the standards might show a source of error
when defining short stature according to a certain standard and underlines the need for national references.
Keywords: short stature, height, measurement, children
Background: Objective: This study aims to assess the influence of perinatal factors on the debut of puberty and
on height and weight in children. The research is motivated by the current debate about the importance of the
prenatal environment as a determinant of later disease risk. Material and methods: A cross-sectional study was
conducted in 1168 school-aged children, 6-14 years of age, from November 2013 to January 2014, in 8 schools
from Mures County. Age, gender, environment, gestational age, weight at birth, breastfeeding duration, standard
deviations on weight and height using GrowthAnalyzer, Tanner stage, and menarche age were assessed.The
study was approved by the local ethics committee and all legal representatives have signed an informed consent
form. Results: For both boys and girls, the mean age of puberty onset did not differ according to birth-weight (girls:
AGA 9.55 1.5 years vs SGA 10.211.45 years, p=0.122; boys: AGA 10.291.6 years vs SGA 10.691.56years,
p= 0.32), breastfeeding period( girls: breastfed 10.021.5 years vs formula fed 10.061.3years p=0.97; boys:
breastfed 10.541.48 years vs formula fed 9.921.52 years, p=0.068) and gestational age (girls: premature
10.871.49 years vs at term 10.081.47years, p=0.13; boys: premature10.331.75 years vs at term
10.341.56years, p=0.94).Both boys and girls, aged 6 born SGA are smaller, in terms of weight (for girls, 25.2
kg vs 27.8 kg, p=0.03; for boys, 22.65 kg vs 28.53 kg, p<0.0001) and height (for girls, 124.26 vs 127.59cm,
p=0.028; for boys, 121.174 vs 128.590cm, p<0.0001).Compared with formula fed, breastfed boys, aged 6 are
thinner (26.83 kg vs 28.98 kg, p=0.026).Also, premature girls are thinner (mean weight: 22.629 kg vs 27.958 kg,
p=0.0006) and shorter (mean height: 122.43 cm vs 127.56cm, p=0.0034). Conclusions: Although gestational age,
birth weight and breastfeeding do not influence the onset of puberty, they influence weight and height later in life.
Keywords: perinatal factors, puberty, height, weight
Background: Breastfeeding duration, gestational age, birth weight are all important factor that influence a child's
development. According to the latest evaluation, our country has one of the lowest percentage of exclusive
breastfeeding in Europe. Objective: The evaluation of various factors considered having an influence on normal
development Material and methods: Type of study: cross-sectional; randomized sample of 1168 children from 8
schools in Mures county, 6-14 years of age.The study was approved by the Ethics Comitee UMF Tg-Mures; a
signed consent from the legal representant was obtained for every subject.Variables analyzed: age, sex,
environment, age of the menarche, Tanner stage, gestational age, breastfeeding period,birth weight, medical
history (vaccination, cardiac, renal, malabsorbtion, rickets).Method: questionnaire for medical and perinatal history;
clinical evaluation for pubertal status.M.O. Excel was used for statistical analysis. Results: Sex ratio:boys 50.25%
and girls 49.74%; environment ratio: urban 51.88% rural 48.11%; age repartition: 41.52% 6-9 years of age, 58.73%
10-14 years of age.For 27.05% of children we have no data regarding the breastfeeding period; 45.65% of the rest
of the sample were breastfed at least 6 months and 17.37% were not breastfed at all.8.35% of the children were
born with low birth weight. The mean age for puberty stage II was 10.351.6 years for boys and 10.261.58 years
for girls.Cardiological history was present in 3.32%, renal disease in 1.28%, rickets in 2.76%, and malabsorbtion in
0.7% of subjects. Conclusions: 1. There is an improvement in the percentage of children breastfed according to
WHO recommendations.2. The incidence of low birth weight is about the same as the last evaluation available
from the WHO.3. The age of onset of puberty has not lowered in our country, compared to the global tendency.
Keywords: child development, breastfeeding, birth weight, onset of puberty
Background: Unfortunatelly, errors that parents make in child solid foods may have serious immediate
repercussions on the body and especially on its development, but the repercussions can also be delayed, resulting
suffering as: obesity, diabetes, rickets, malnutrition, etc. Objective: The purpose of this paper is to highlight the
nutritional mistakes that parents make in child solid foods and to assess their repercussions on the children's body.
Material and methods: The study was performed between June 2013- February 2014 and included 100 children,
aged between 6 months and 9 years, hospitalized in the Pediatric I Clinic of the Emergency County Hospital,
Targu -Mures . We prepared a prospective study, using a questionnaire consisting of multiple questions targeting
general information about child nutrition, how to achieve diversification, the organization of the family, etc. Results:
Of all questioned parents, we noticed a 45% smoking parents, and this is correlated with the fact that 48.4 % of
children in the study were presented to the doctor for respiratory diseases. The average age of breast milk
consumption is 6 months (47.6 % cases ), a percentage of 50.5% cases were fed with powdered milk and cow milk
diet was used in 65 % of children ( which was introduced at the earliest in the diet at age 2 months).Solid foods
was performed in 32.1 % of cases early and late in 21.4% cases, only a percentage of 25.2 % at 6 months parents
initiating diversification . During diversification, they made errors, such as the introduction of improper
food combinations at inadequate age, thus breaking the basic rules of proper diversification. Conclusions:
Mismanagement of diversification and the introduction of inappropriate food items at small age can cause a
number of diseases since a young age, stature - targeting evolution rate.
Keywords: Children, Nutrition, Errors, Diversification
Background: Henoch-Schnlein purpura (HSP) is the most common vasculitis in children, with a self-limiting
evolution in over 90% of the cases and mainly affects skin, gastrointestinal tract, joints, and kidneys. The long term
prognosis of HSP is moustly determined by the extent of renal involvement. Objective: To evaluate renal
involvement and factors affecting the prognosis in patients with HSP. Material and methods: From 2008 to 2013,
characteristics and clinical manifestations were reviewed from medical record of the Pediatrics Department of the
Emergency County Hospital of Trgu-Mures, Romania. The collected information included age, gender, clinical
manifestations, relevant auxiliary examination results, renal echography and treatment. Results: There were 43
hospitalized children with Henoch-Schnlein purpura from January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2013 consisting of 18
male (41,9%) and 25 female (58,1%). Mean age was 7.46 years (2-17 years). Approximately 65% of cases were
presented during winter and spring. Upper respiratory tract infection was the most frequent event that preceded
HSP (51,1%). In most patients (86,04%) purpura was the first symptom, twenty eight pacients (65,11%) had
arthritis or arthralgia and thirteen pacients (30,23%) had gastrointestinal manifestations. Renal involvement was
determined in 48,83% of cases. Proteinuria was in all of the cases mild (<3 g/24 h), haematuria was microscopic in
66% and macroscopic in 34% of cases. All pacients with Henoch Schnlein nefritis needed more than two
hospitalization as a result of hematuria and proteinuria relapse. Conclusions: Abnormal urinalysis (microscopic
hematuria or proteinuria) are predictive factors of renal involvement in HSP.
Keywords: child, Henoch Schnlein pupura, renal involvement
Background: Meningitis is a disease caused by the inflammation of the protectiv membranes covering thebrain
and spinal cord known as the meninges. Different forms of meningitis are associated with HIV infections .
Objective: The study's objective is to assess the epidemiology, clinical status and evolution of patients with
meningitis and HIV. Material and methods: This is a retrospective study on patients with meningitis and HIV
infection, between 2012-2013 in Tg. Mures. Results: The study group included 14 patients with meningites and
HIV infections( 13 maels and 1 femal). We had 9 patients in 2012 and 5 patients in 2013. Based on etiology we
had 57% with meningitis with TB. Conclusions: Individuals who are HIV seropositiv are at an increased risk for
the development of certain types of meningitis the HIV seronegativ patients.
Keywords: meningitis, HIV, meningitis patients with HIV
Background: Public health indicators displayed the true efficiency and state of healthcare systems. Objective:
Comparison of the healthcare system in Romania and other 12 EU Member States. Material and methods: We
used the comparison of various indicators for the system financing, performance indicators and indicators of the
workforce for Romania and 12 EU Member States, using international databases or reports of Romanian
indicators to various international institutions. Results: During the studied period Romania was the last place at
financing, with an increase of the co-payments percentage in 2004 ( 2nd place) but with a return to the initial value
(6th place). Performance indicators are maintained in plateau with elevated values for the number of acute care
admissions, acute care hospital beds and average length of stay for acute care (bed-days). It can be observed a
maintaining in plateau of the number of physicians and nurses throughout the period ( the last respectively
penultimate place) and the number of graduated physicians and graduated nurses ( 2nd place) followed by a
decrease in 2008 (4th place). Conclusions: Although the financing of healthcare services increased, it can be
observed a continuing attempt to reduce the expenses for the medical and pharmaceutical services at EU level. It
is necessary a reduction of the acute care hospital beds and a policy to maintain the healthcare professionals in
Romania for a better coverage of the population with health services.
Keywords: healthcare systems, indicators, funding
Background: It is already known that on a genetic base, autoimmune diseases tend to coexist in the same
pacients. Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of other autoimmune diseases in
pacients with thyroid autoimmune disease. Material and methods: Retrospective study(based on observation
sheets) between January 2011 and December 2013 on a group of 407 pacients of which 349 women and 58
mens, all admitted in the Endocrinology Clinic of Tg. Mures University Hospital. Results: The estimated
prevalence was 7,86%. The most frequent associated disease was Addison's disease(1,71%), followed by DM
type I and psoriasis (0,98%). The other ones found as associated had a prevalence less than 0,5% (miastenia
gravis, rheumatoid artrithis, vitiligo, Sjgren syndrome, polimyositis, scleroderma, autoimmune hypofysitis,
autoimmune trombocitopenia, antifosfolipidic syndrome, sustemic lupus eritematosus and celiac disease.) The
highest prevalence was found in males(10,3%) compared to female (7,4%). The most frequent diseases in males
were Addison's disease(5,17%) and DM type I(3,44%), followed by 1 case of psoriasis(1,72%). The most frequent
autoimmune disease found in women was Addison's disease(1,14%), too, followed by rheumatoid atrithis
,miastenia gravis, vitiligo, psoriasis (0,57%). Conclusions: Assessing the fact that in general population the
prevalence of autoimmune diseases is smaller and includes the thyroid autoimmune diseases who are on a high
prevalence, we can conclude that in pacients with a thyroid autoimmune disease, other autoimmune diseases are
more frequent associated..Associated autoimmune diseases appear more frequently in males who were affected
by a thyroid autoimmune disease.
Keywords: thyroid, autoimmune, coexisting diseases
Background: The atrioventricular block is an impairment of the conduction which can be diagnosed in pediatric
age groups. There are two distinct clinical entities of this pathology, namely congenital AVB and AVB that occurs
post-surgery for congenital heart defect. Objective: The goal is to analyze retrospective and prospective major
disorders of driving from etiological point of view, therapeutic, evolutionarily. Material and methods: In this study
we analyzed the individual papers of children hospitalized between 2008-2013 in the Cardiology Clinic II. We noted
the full age, diagnosis, investigations and laboratory tests: ECG Holter EKG 24 hours monitoring, ultrasound,
stress test. Results: The study included 91 children between the ages of 2 and 18 years of age. 17 patients were
with congenital AVB and 74 with AVB which appeared after the cardiac surgery. Heart malformations operated
according to this pathology were followed by: ventricular septal defect, transposition of the great arterias, atrial
septal defect, mitral insufficiency, aortic insufficiency. Analyzing the associated pathology we found that the
children of atrioventricular delay of ventricular fibrillation is frequently observed after complex operations for
congenital heart defects (VSD = 45.28%, TGA = 26.42%, ASD = 18.87% mitral insufficiency = 5.66%, aortic
insufficiency = 3.77%). In the study, most patients require implantation of pacemaker: in the group with congenital
AVB 11 cases (65%), while in the AVB post-surgery 43 cases (58%). Conclusions: Congenital AVB is a major
rhythm disorder that requires cardiology dispensary. Over 50% of patients require pacemaker implantation. AVB is
one of the complications of surgical treatment of CHD. Some of these patients have evolved with the recovery of
atrioventricular conduction.
Keywords: AVB, pacemaker, ECG, malformation
Background: Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) are idiopathic, chronic diseases of gastrointestinal tract of
unknown etiology. The two major types of inflammatory bowel disease are Ulcerative Colitis (UC) and Crohn
disease (CD). Objective: The purpose of the paper is to follow the evolution of patients with inflammatory bowel
diseases, to improve symptoms and to monitor possible gastrointestinal complications. Material and methods:
The retrospective study was conducted on patients investigated by endoscopy laboratory of Emergency County
Hospital of Trgu Mure for a period of two years: January 1st 2012 until December 312013. Results: From a total
of 2761 patients, only 4.16% are known with inflammatory bowel disease. Among these, 16.52% are known with
Crohn disease and 83.48% with Ulcerative Colitis. Gender distribution of IBD revealed a female distribution of CD:
68,42 % and a male distribution of UC: 58,34%. In terms of distribution we can notice that prevails urban areas:
60,68 %. Out of the total, half presented local complications such as fissures and fistulas, 78% presents general
complications, out of which 10% were cutaneous . Conclusions: Time-trend analyses showed statistically
significant increases in the incidence of IBD over time, especially at young age. Years ago, the incidence of UC
was several times higher than that of CD. Crohn's disease incidence in our days is approaching UC with an
evolution aggravated by multiple complications.
Keywords: Crohn, Colitis, inflammatory bowel, endoscopy
Background: Scleroderma (SSc) is a connective tissue disease characterized by fibrosis and degenerative
lesions of the skin and internal organs. Excessive fibrosis is preceded by complex vascular structural and
functional abnormalities and perivascular inflammation Early in the disease, the peripheral microangiopathy may
be well recognized and studied by nailfold capillaroscopy or better with the videocapillaroscopy, a non-invasive and
safe technique , which is well reported to have both diagnostic and prognostic . Objective: The aim of the study is
to follow the nailfold video capillaroscopy effectiveness in the diagnosis of patients with systemic sclerosis.
Material and methods: This study was performed on 10 patients admited in the University Clinic of
Rheumatology Tg. Mures. Nailfold video capillaroscopy (NVC) was used to analyse microvascular abnormalities in
patients with systemic sclerosis diagnosed according to ACR criteria. Changes nailfold capillaries were evaluated
by Videocap 3.0 magnification contact lenses 200X; Capillaroscopic examinations were performed at fingers II-V
on both hands in all patients. Microvascular damages were classified according to the Cutolo recomandations: ,,Early" -,,Active" - ,,Late" NVC pattern Was made Anti Scl-70, Anti-centromer, Anti Ro-52 antibodies,
performed by ELISA methode. Results: In the study group 9 patients (90%) were women and 1patient (10 %) was
men. The mean age of our SSc patients is 46,5 years old. Presence of antibodies: Anti Scl-70 (7patients) Anticentromer (2patients)Anti Ro-52(1patient);7 patients presented "active to late "NVC pattern, 2 patients "late"
NVC pattern, and 1 patient "early" NVC pattern Conclusions: Nailfold video capillaroscopy represents the best
and safest method for detecting and analysing microvascular abnormalities and allows to monitoring this patients
with greater accuracy.
Keywords: SSc microvascular damage, Nailfold video capillaroscopy (NVC), Antibodies (Anti Scl-70,anticentromer, anti Ro-52
Background: This paper captures how diabetes affects the quality of life of patients. Objective: The study
establishes a relationship between the patient's level of intervention on diabetes and implications of the disease in
patients lives. Material and methods: Conversation , observation and questionnaire comprising ten questions
referring to patient's quality of life on physically, mentally and socially plan. Results: The results are based on a
sample of 50 people , rural and urban , male and female , ages 25 to 75 years, who were handed the
questionnaire: - Females are affected at a rate of 58%, while the proportion of males is 42%; - The quality of life of
diabetic patients is affected more intense in rural areas (66%) than urban areas (34%); - The quality of life is most
affected to the population group aged over 75 years old (26%) , followed by ages 50-70 years old (10%), then the
group aged 25-35 years old and 40 -45 years old (4%) , the last place occupied being the population group aged
35-40 years old and 45-50 years old (2%). The remaining information shows a relationship based on intervention
and acceptance. Conclusions: Diabetes mellitus has implication in the quality of life of the diabetic patients, but
closely related to their level of education , the environment in which they live, their age and level of acceptance and
understanding of the disease.
Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, Quality of life, Patients
Background: Graves' disease is characterized classically by diffuse goiter , thyroid nodules and thyroid cancer
rarely appear amid these disease . In contrast, in Hashimoto chronic autoimmune thyroiditis is commonly nodular
goiter , and described the association of thyroid cancer often . Objective: Evaluation of thyroid morphology in
Graves and Hashimoto diseases ; to study the frequency of thyroid malignant processes amid Basedow disease .
Material and methods: The retrospective study included 145 patients with Graves' disease and 100 with
Hashimoto hospitalized in Clinic of Endocrinology Department of Targu -Mures , between January 2009 and
December 2013. We watched hormonal dosages ( TSH , free T4 , free- T3) , antithyroid antibodies ( TRAb , anti TPO) , the results of scans thyroid , of fine needle aspiration biopsy , of histopathological examinations , and
specific treatment followed . Results: 34.4% of the cases of Basedow's disease had nodules : in 10.3 % as
uninodular goiter, in 24.13 % as multinodular goiter . 64 % of them were with thyreostatic treatment ( with
methimazole), 36 % have not yet received this therapy . 2.06 % of Graves disease amid nodules were malignant :
100 % papillary carcinoma thyroid . 40 % of patients with Hashimoto 's disease had thyroid nodules .
Conclusions: Thyroid nodules appeared rather frequent in the Graves disease , possibly because of
methimazole therapy , but with a lower rate of malignancy . In nodular goiter Hashimoto appeared more frequently
Keywords: thyroid, nodule, cancer
Background: Many clinicians view the Marfan syndrome in term of classical cardiovascular, ocular and
musculoskeletal abnormalities. Aortic root disease, leading to aneurysmal dilatation, aortic regurgitation and
dissection, is the main cause of morbidity and mortality in MFS. Mitral valve prolapse is frequently identified in
patients with MFS. However only one point in the systemic score is assigned for MVP. Objective: The aim of this
study is to show a follow-up image of the cardiovascular disorder in children with Marfan syndrome. Material and
methods: We conducted a retrospective study at the Pediatric Cardiology Clinic from Targu-Mures in the period
2003-2013. We had a total of 15 patients with MFS (all of them presenting MVP and mitral regurgitation ) and a
control group comprising 15 patients with chronic MR and MVP without any other pathologies associated. Studied
parameters were: age, sex, area, family history, the clinical and echocardiographic status at the moment of
diagnosis, periodic controls, the occurence of arrythmias, the efficiency of the treatment, the need of surgical
interventions. Results: MFS was found to be more common in females (73.34%) from the rural area (60%).
53.33% of the children showed a family history of MFS. At the moment of diagnosis 73.33% of the patients had an
aortic root dilatation and 40% had medium MR. 80% of the patients with medium MR at initial diagnosis suffered
mitral valve replacement surgery whereas only 12.5% of patients who had initial minor MR suffered a surgical
treatment. In what concerns the control group: 60% had initial medium MR and only 55% suffered surgery
treatment in time. Conclusions: Life expectancy in Marfan syndrome is quite reduced but the early diagnosis and
the improvement of the treatment, especially the surgical one, improves the prognostic.
Keywords: Marfan syndrome, follow-up, mitral regurgitation, aortic disease
Background: In transmural AMI, the myocardial necrosis causes changes in the electrical phenomena of the
heart, which is visible through the ECG: elevated ST segment. The extent of the necrosis can be decreased
through revascularization (thrombolysis or PTCA), which will cause a resolution in the ST segment elevation
amplitude. Objective: The present study aims to identify a correlation between mortality in STEMI patients and ST
segment resolution following revascularization (PTCA). Material and methods: In total, 298 patients with STEMI
who underwent pPCI were included in the study. We calculated the integrated score of ST segment elevation
(ISSTE) by summing the amplitude of the ST segment elevations in all the leads and compared the pre and postPTCA scores. An efficient revascularization was defined as a decrease in the ISSTE score by >=50%.The study
population was divided into 2 groups: group 1= patients that presented >=50% decrease in the ISSTE; group 2=
patients that had a decrease in the ISSTE of <50%.The analysis of the data was performed by using MS Excel,
GraphPad InStat and Fisher's exact statistical test. Results: Out of the total 298 patients, 259 (86.91%) presented
a >=50% ISSTE decrease (group 1), whereas 39 (13.08%) patients had a <50% ISSTE decrease (group
2).Patients in group 1 showed a lower mortality rate (6.56% - 17 cases) than patients in group 2 (25.64% - 10
cases), p=0.0008, the difference being highly statistically significant.There were no statistically significant
differences between the 2 groups regarding age (p=0.6371), sex (p=0.7202) or the infarct related artery
(p=0.8784). Conclusions: The study demonstrates the correlation between ST segment amplitude decrease, postPTCA, and mortality in STEMI patients. An over 50% decrease in the ISSTE score, following revascularization, is
associated with a decrease in mortality in STEMI patients.
Keywords: STEMI, revascularization, ISSTE, mortality
Background: The degree of ventricular remodeling following an acute myocardial infarction might be influenced
by the concentration of inflammation markers in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Objective: We aimed at
assessing the correlation between the amplitude of the left ventricular (LV) remodeling, epicardial fat thickness
(EFT) and persistence of elevated circulating levels of an inflammation marker -highly sensitive CRP (hs-CRP)- at
7 +/- 2 days after an AMI in patients with type 2 DM. Material and methods: The study included 45 patients with
type II DM: group 1 22 low-to-intermediate risk, (hsCRP <3 mg/l), group 2 23 high-risk, (hsCRP >3 mg/l). The
LV function and remodeling were assessed at baseline and at 6 months after the infarction. Results: The hs-CRP
values were 1.71 +/- 0.78 mg/l in group 1, which was classified as low-to-intermediate risk, and 12.3 +/-11.1 mg/l in
group 2, which was classified as high risk (p=0.0001). The clinical baseline characteristics of the study population
showed no significant differences between the low-to-intermediate risk and the high-risk group in respect to age
(p=0.8), gender (p=0.3), the presence of hypertension (p=0.7), dislipidemia (p=1) obesity (p=0.9), smoking status
(p=0.2) and fasting glucose level (p=0.1)The echocardiographic and angiographic assessments at baseline
revealed no statistically significant differences between the groups in regards to the ejection fraction (p=0.07), the
LVED volume (p=0.14) and the location of the infarction. Ejection fraction (EF) at 6 months was significantly lower
in gr.2 (46.27 +/- 4.7%, vs. 40.85 +/- 5.16%, p=0.0006). The Remodeling index was more pronounced in group 2
(12.49 +/-6.76% vs. 17.86 +/- 5.6%, p=0.005) and significantly correlated with circulating levels of hs-CRP (r=0.39,
p<0.001). Multivariate analysis identified the hs-CRP values (OR: 4.09, p=0.03) as significant independent
predictor for LV remodeling. Conclusions: Persistence of a marked inflammation at 7 days post-infarction is
associated with a more severe remodeling and impairment of ventricular function in patients with type 2 DM and
Keywords: acute myocardial infarction, diabetes mellitus, hs-CRP, ventricular remodeling
Background: Coronary angiography has become nowadays thegold standard technique for diagnosis of coronary
arterystenoses, including those located in the left main (LM)coronary artery.A positive coronary angiography
showing severenarrowing of the LM indicates an urgent need for revascularization,which could improve the
tolerance to ischaemicevents in other coronary territories and reducethe progression of the associated ventricular
dysfunction. Objective: The aim of our study was to asses theincremental value of Coronary Computed
TomographyAngiography (CCTA) added to classical coronary angiography,for complex characterization of
coronary lesionsand prediction of procedural complexity in patientswith significant Left Main (LM) stenoses.
Material and methods: Thirty-six patients with LMdisease were enrolled in the study, and each subject
underwentCCTA followed by coronary angiography andpercutaneous revascularization. Results: Logistic
regression analysis indicated agood correlation between the angiographic-calculatedand the CCTA-derived Syntax
scores for the wholegroup (r=0.87, p<0.0001) and for the high risk subgroup(r=0.86, p<0.0001), but not for the low
and intermediaterisk (r=0.38, p=0.21 and r=0.62, p=0.07 respectively). Incases which required complex PCI
procedures, both angiographicand CCTA Syntax score were significantlyhigher than in those who did not require
complex revascularizationprocedures (24.5 +/- 11.5 vs 32.2 +/- 14.6,p=0.09 for Angio Syntax, 35.3 +/- 11.5 vs 25.2
+/- 11.3,p=0.01 for CCTA). In the same time, Ca scoring wassignificantly higher and plaque volumes were
significantlylarger in cases requiring complex revascularizationprocedures (299.5 +/- 359.6 vs 917.3 +/495.4,p=0.04 for calcium score, 79.7 +/- 28.5 vs 108.7 +/- 25.3mm3, p=0.002 for plaque volumes).Multivariate
analysis identified the following CCTAparameters as significant predictors of increased risk forcomplex intervention
in LM lesions: plaque volume , Ca scoring and CCTASyntax score . Conclusions: CCTA derived parameters
provide incrementalinformation to classical Coronary Angiographyfor preoperative assessment of lesion severity in
complexleft main stenosis. CCTA derived Syntax score significantlycorrelates with the classical Coronary
AngiographySyntax score and identifies the subgroup ofpatients who will be more exposed to procedural
complicationsduring the revascularization interventions.
Keywords: left main, syntax score, coronary computed tomographic angiography
Background: Community aquired pneumonia in children can be described as the presence of clinical signs and
symptoms of pneumonia occuring in a previously healthy child.The child has not been hospitalized in the last 14
days before the onset of disease. Regarding the aetiology 80%-85% of infections are viral, 10% are bacterial while
the rest of them have others causes. Objective: The aim of the study is to determinate the frequency, sex and age
distribution, causes, clinical and laboratory findings of community aquired pneumonia in school children and the
effectivenes of the treatment. Material and methods: From 265 children with pneumonia, addmited in to the Targu
Mures Pediatric Clinical Hospital, during three years, only 58 of them met the criteria of inclusion in the study:age,
a definitive diagnosis of pneumonia, no history of cronic diseas, immunosuppressants and immunodeficiency, the
onset of the diseas while the patiens was in community(not in hospital). The study is retrospective and the data
were optained from the observation charts. Results: Most patients were between 6 and 10 years and most than
half were female. Regarding clinical findings , caugh was the main sign (93%), followed by fever (86%), while short
of breathing could be found in only 15% of cases. Less then half had neutrophilia and CRP, while ESR was
elevated in 90% of cases.Only 20% had a radiological picture suggesting the diagnosis. About 90% of patient
recived antibiotica, the most used being Cefuroxim, and the evolution was good in all cases. Conclusions:
Community aquired pneumonia raise special problems due to the high frequency, school absenteeism, difficulties
of diagnosis and the cost of treatment.
Keywords: pneumonia, children, community, clinical findings
Background: The most frequent tachyarrhythmias in children are supraventricular tachycardias (SVT). The
majority of them are with normal structural hearts and despite being more frequent there`s a high incidence of
tachycardia resolution especially in the younger children and the life-threatening events are less likely to occur.
Objective: To evaluate the incidence of each type of arrhythmia, evolution by age groups, the presence of
tachycardia induced cardiomyopathy and the treatment required. Material and methods: We performed a
retrospective study in the Pediatric Cardiology Department of Tirgu Mures between January 1 st 2005 and
December 31 st 2013 that analyses the patient`s medical papers, ECG strips, treatment protocols and the patient`s
evolution. Results: From the total of 67 pediatric patients with SVT the repartition was as follows: 48 (72%) were
diagnosed with paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT) and 19 (28%) were diagnosed with permanent
tachycardias in the form of atrial ectopic tachycardia AET (18 cases, 27%) and permanent jonctional reciprocating
tachycardia PJRT (1 case, 1%). Tachycardia induced cardiomyopathy was present in 8 patients (12% from the
general group and 42% from the permanent tachycardias group). The long-term therapy used in the PSVT cases
was: Beta-blocker (41 cases, 86%), Amiodarone (4 cases, 8%), Sotalol, Propafenone and Verapamil each with 1
case (2%); in the AET cases was: Beta-blocker (6 cases, 33%), Amiodarone (8 cases, 44%), Sotalol (3 cases,
17%) and Propafenone (1 case, 6%) and the only case with PJRT was treated with a Beta-blocker. The long-term
evolution divided the patients as follows: cured (18 cases,27%,statistically correlated with the onset in the younger
age p<0.0001), under chronic treatment (22 cases,33%) and those who needed radiofrequency ablation (27
cases,40%). Conclusions: The PSVT was the most frequently observed tachyarrhythmia. From the permanent
tachycardias cases there were several who developed cardiomyopathy. A significant group of pediatric patients
had a complete resolution of the tachycardia.
Keywords: Pediatric patient,, Supraventricular tachycardia,, Tachycardia induced cardiomyopathy
levelsandeGFRinbothgroups. Conclusions: Increased levels ofserumMg+2were noticed especially in
HDpatients.Patients with higher serum Mg+2 levels tend to have lower PTH levels;therefore, controlling this two
parameters isofmajorimportanceinbothESRDandHDpatients.
Keywords: end stage renal disease(ESRD), Magnesium( Mg+2 ), parathormone (PTH)
Background: Unhealthy eating and sedentariness induced in the last years a growth of obesity among the
worldwide population, including Romania. Thus, fat reduction became a necessary element in beauty and health.
Objective: The purpose of this article is to study the patient satisfaction and social implications after a monopolar
radiofrequency treatment with Energy Flow Control for fat reduction in comparison to other methods. Material and
methods: A satisfaction survey conducted in the Dermatology Clinic of Targu Mures in 2013, using 20 questions
on 18 patients that underwent a radiofrequency treatment with Energy Flow Control for fat reduction. Results: All
patients fully answered the questions of the survey, and almost 94,44% of them initially felt dissatisfied with their
weight and appearance. All patients have used other techniques of loosing weight and almost 66,66% of them
would rather use this technique instead of other especially for the minimum effort (in almost 58,33% of the cases).
An average of 88,88% of the patients felt satisfied of the results, and almost 61,11% of them felt more pleased
about their aspect after this procedure. Almost 55,55% of the subjects observed an ease in creating and
maintaining personal relationships and an average of 44,44% felt more appreciated in work and society. The
majority of the patients also felt a higher level of confidence and wellbeing. Although almost 55,55% of the patients
admitted that they did not follow the exact indications of their doctor, an average of 72,22% would recommend this
technique to other people. Conclusions: The majority of the patients felt a high grade of satisfaction after the
monopolar radiofrequency treatment with Energy Flow Control and acknowledge a positive impact of the results in
their social and personal life.
Keywords: monopolar radiofrequency, satisfaction, social impact
Background: Febrile seizures are the most common seizure disorder in childhood. They are a benign epileptic
manifestation of infancy occurring between 6months and 5years of age and affecting an estimated 2-5% of
children with no neurological history. Objective: Evaluation of febrile seizures on children hospitalized in
Pediatrics 1 Clinic of Targu Mures County. Material and methods: We performed a retrospective study at
Pediatrics 1 Clinic of Targu Mures County on 195 patients hospitalized in the period 2009 2012.Results: Febrile
seizures frequency was higher in 2012, with a male preponderance (M / F 1.41/1) in the rural environment. The
age group 6 months to 5 years was most affected (91.3%). Associated diseases were: superior (80%) and inferior
(24.1%) airway infections, urinary infections (8.2%), acute enterocolitis (2.6%), eruptive diseases (9.7%),
vaccination reaction (3.6%), bacterial infection (97.4 % ). Tonic-clonic seizures were frequent (56.4 %) and
recurrent seizures were presented in 25.6% cases. Duration of the seizures was under 15 min in 87.7%.
Maximum age of onset below 1 year happened in 25.1% of cases. Family history of epilepsy appeared in 6.7%.
Conclusions: As in the literature, this study demonstrates that short and single, simple febrile seizures, with
tonic-clonic manifestations appeared most frequently, especially for male children between 6 months and 5 years
old. Recurring febrile seizures are associated with age at first seizure under 1 year.
Keywords: seizure, fever, children
Background: A 27 year old man that presented with repeated rectal bleeding , itching and soreness after
defecation. An anoscopy was performed and during this procedure a biopsy was taken. The histological
examination showed markers for HPV infection (koilocytes) and he was diagnosed with condyloma accuminata. He
was diagnosed with condyloma accuminata. Following this diagnosis we decided to try a treatment with argon
plasma coagulator.This is a non-contact method of endoscopically delivered high-frequency thermal coagulation
allowing well-controlled superficial tissue destruction. Objective: The purpose of this work is to present a new
approach in treating anal condyloma accuminata with argon plasma coagulation. Material and methods: A 27
year old man that presented with repeated rectal bleeding , itching and soreness after defecation. An anoscopy
was performed and during this procedure a biopsy was taken. The histological examination showed markers for
HPV infection (koilocytes) and he was diagnosed with condyloma accuminata. He was diagnosed with condyloma
accuminata. Following this diagnosis we decided to try a treatment with argon plasma coagulator.This is a noncontact method of endoscopically delivered high-frequency thermal coagulation allowing well-controlled superficial
tissue destruction. Results: After two argon plasma coagulator treatments the condylomas accuminata were
resolved , with no complications during the interventions and the follow-up. Conclusions: The results obtained
indicate that plasma argon coagulation seems a safe and effective treatment for anal condylomas. Using this
method anogenital warts can be removed in layers in a controlled manner. Furthermore we can notice the
excellent quality of cicatrization and the complete lack of incidents during or after the treatment.
Keywords: condyloma accuminata, plasma argon coagulation, HPV, alternative treatment
Background: Sexual dysfunctions in men affect not only the sexual life of the person involved but also the
couple's harmony. The most frequent cause for such a disorder is either socio-economical or psychogenic.
Objective: This study wants to evaluate the nature of sexual dysfunctions in men. Material and methods: We
followed, according to their medical records, 958 patients that were evaluated at ON clinic Tg Mures between 1st
december 2005 and 1st december 2008. The nature of the observations is retrospectiveand statistical. We focused
on individual patological antecedents but also on smoking, alcohol and coffee use. Results: Regarding the ageof
the patients that acused sexual dysfunctions, there aren't any large varietions in the range age 18-60, the number
of men over 60 that acused this sort of disorder is significantly lwer compared to the others groups. Psychogenic
sexual dysfunctions were confirmed only in 5.74% of the patients and out of those who had organic based
dysfunction , 1 out of 5 had hyperglicemia/diabetes 2 out of 5 had dyslipidemia. Conclusions: According to our
study, sexual dysfunctionsare mainly of organic causes and are often found overshaodowing high risk factors for
stroke, HBP, IC. Sexual dysfunction is a disease not a taboo topic and the knowleadge of this reality may increace
both the qualityof the life and it's lifespan.
Background: Smoking is a serious threat to global health, killing nearly 6 million people each year. Although
tobacco use has declined in developed countries, smoking rates has increased in developing countries. Health
care professionals occupy an important role in supporting smoking cessation among their patients, hereby
improving health. Objective: Since many of physician's personal habits and attitudes are formed during their
education, and because it is proven that their smoking status is influencing their ability in counseling smokers, the
aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of and attitudes toward smoking among medical students.
Material and methods: In March 2014 a self-administered survey was conducted among first year students at the
University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Trgu-Mure using an adapted version of Global Health Professional
Students Survey (GHPSS) questionnaire and evaluating the prevalence of smoking, knowledge and attitudes,
training received in cessation counseling. The World Health Organization (WHO) developed GHPSS in 2004 to
collect data on tobacco use and cessation counseling among health-profession students. Results: 159 first year
students completed the questionnaire (69 medical students, 90 nursing students). The overall smoking rate was
20.75% (25.56% nursing students, 14.50% medical students). 19.49% had already quit smoking. 4.4% started
smoking after starting their studies. 5.03% related that they had smoked inside of the main building of the
university. More than two- third of students supported tobacco control measures. 72.78% thinks that healthprofessionals should be role models for the society. Only 17.83% reported receiving training in tobacco cessation
counseling and 80.25% thinks that should be important receiving a training like this. Conclusions: Smoking
prevalence among medical and nursing first year students is high. The majority of students is supporting tobacco
control policies. There is a serious need in providing tobacco prevention and cessation training among students.
Keywords: tobacco use, health-profession students, cessation
Background: Vaccination depends on infectious diseases's epidemiology. There's no vaccine that has 100%
efficiency and does not have side effects. Objective: The aim of the study was to compare and analyze the
relationship between doctors knowledge , beliefs and attitudes about vaccination and their intentions to vaccinate
the populations. Material and methods: We used a prospective study and analyzed 79 persons applying a
questionnaire which contained 27 questions for 3 months from January, February and March 2014. This
questionnaire was applied only on pediatrics doctors and family physicians. They were classified according to:
gender, age, years of practice, level of knowledge, reasons for not undergo vaccination.The data were
descriptively analyzed. Results: Out of the 79 subjects 46,8% were family physicians and 53,2% were pediatrics
doctors. 45,6% of them had the age between 45-54 years, 54,4% of them made scientific research ; 59,5% were
primary doctors, 13,9% were specialist doctors and 26,6% were resident physicians; 17,7 of physicians think that
more then 10 children/week were scheduled for vaccination, 48,1% between 1-5 children/week and 34,2%
between 6-10 children/week. 91,1% of subjects agreed with the National Program of Immunization and 79,7%
recommend optional vaccines. Conclusions: Most of the physicians agreed with the fact that vaccination is
necessary to prevent the infectious diseases and they also recommend optional vaccines.
Keywords: vaccination, infectious diseases, side effects, prevent
Background: Polycythemia Vera (PV) is a myeloproliferative disorder with predominantly erythroid hyperplasia,
but also leukocytosis and thrombocytosis, in which thrombosis is the most common complication. Objective: The
aim of this study is to analyse the clinical characteristics, laboratory data and the association of thrombotic
complications of PV with various patient characteristics. Material and methods: A retrospective study was
performed on 60 patients admitted in Hematology Clinic in Targu-Mures between 2000-2013 with the diagnosis of
PV. The various characteristics of patients who had developed thrombosis were statistically compared with those
of patients without thrombosis. Results: From 60 patients with PV 80% were males and 20% were females, with
an average age of 57 years. The averages at diagnosis were18,2 g/dl for hemoglobin, 55,7% for hematocrit,
13,7x109/l for white blood cell count and 468,2x109/l for platelets count.47 thrombotic complications were recorded
in 32 patients: 31,9% of these episodes occurred before diagnosis and 68,08% occurred at presentation and
during follow-up. The most commonly affected vascular beds were cardiac, cerebrovascular and deep vein
thrombosis.71,6% of patients with PV had one or more cardiovascular risk factors. Hypertension and dyslipidemia
were most prevalent (51,6%), followed by smoking (18,3%) and diabetes (13,3%).Statistically in PV patients with
thrombosis compared to those without thrombosis wasn't a significant difference in the mean hemoglobin,
hematocrit, white cell count and platelet count. There was a nonsignificant association between hypertension and
thrombosis (OR = 1,372; p = 0,743), while between dyslipidemia and thrombotic events was a significant
association (OR = 4,655; p = 0,0142). Conclusions: Thrombotic complications in Polycythemia Vera are common
and more frequent at patients with raised platelets count (>450x109/l), raised white blood cell count (>15x109/l)
and dyslipidemia.
Keywords: polycythemia vera, thrombosis, dyslipidemia
Background: Implantable cardiac defibrillators (ICDs) ensure proper and quick treatment of malignant ventricular
arrhythmias, both in primary and in the secondary prevention. ICDs therapies reduce mortality and improve
outcomesbut the impact on quality of life (QOL) is not well known. Objective: The aim of this study was to assess
QOL in relationship to clinical parameters in patients with implanted ICD for ventricular arrhythmia. Material and
methods: 16 patients (14 men and 2 women) with implanted ICD for primary and secondary prevention of
malignant ventricular arrhythmia were enrolled. The Medical Outcome Trust Short Form (SF-12v2) Health Survey
was completed for all patients and the physical status score (PSS) and mental status score (MSS) were correlated
with a series of clinical dates and ICD therapy. Results: For all study subjects, the meanSD baseline PSS
scorewas 419.69 with a median equal to 40.5 andthe mean MSSscore was 5012.78 with a median of 48.There
were 8 patients with PSS score 40.5, classified as'low' PSS group. They were older (518.35 vs 4621.69) and
more likely to have severe heart failure and myocardial infarction compared with patients with higherscores. The
MSS was also lower (4514.83vs5410.10) in low PSS group. For the8 patients with MSS score 48 classified
aslow MSS group,they were also older (5313.72 vs 4417.96) and more likely to have severe heart failure and
myocardial infarction. The PSS was lower (398.91vs 605.99, p=0.00006) in low MSS group.Interestingly, the
type and number of ICD therapies do not appear to influence any PSS or MSS. :Except PSS between Low and
high MSS group, the differences are not statistically significant Conclusions: The link between clinical
characteristics and QOL in patients with ICD are still incompletely defined. Following more patients over extended
periods may indicate that the clinical features correlate significantly with QOL change.
Keywords: quality of life, ICD, SF-12v2 Health Survey
Background: Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a primary cardiac disorder caused by various mutations in the
genes that encode the sarcomere proteins. Catheter based treatment has become the therapy of choice in the
European space, due to great improvement in symptoms, highly decreased gradient and, of course, its minimally
invasive character. Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the risks and outcome of the
interventional therapy, by analyzing the decreasing level of LVOT gradient and SAM persistence at the moment of
echocardiographic reevaluation. Furthermore, we evaluated the prevalence, severity and management of ASA
complications. Material and methods: We focused our retrospective observational study on 18 patients sample
with septal ablation performed between 2009-2014, at the Emergency Clinical County Hospital of Targu Mures.
Results: The processed data revealed that 33,3%(6) of the patients did not experience any complications after the
ablation procedure. There was no early mortality associated to the ASA, although we had experienced 3
cases(16,6%) of spontaneous ventricular fibrillation in the immediate periprocedural period, which were
successfully converted to sinus rhythm. Among the other complications, RBBB had the highest frequency:
38,8%(8), followed by transient 3rd degree AVB in 27,7%(5) of the cases. Also, 16,6% experienced paroxysmal
AF, 2 patients developed a 1stdegree AVB and 1 developed a permanent 3rd degree AVB. 2 patients requiered
pacemaker implantation after ASA.As far as the postprocedural echocardiographic criteria are concerned,
27,7%(5) of the patients had no pathological gradient In the LVOT, 16,6%(3) had a 30 mmHg residual gradient,
16,6%: 25 mmHg, 2 patients: 20 mmHg, 16,6%: 15 mmHg, 1 patient: 10 mmHg and 1 patient: 60 mmHg. After
ASA, SAM was absent in 72,3%(13) of the cases, and still present in 27,7%. Conclusions: Results of the study
show that alcohol septal ablation can be done with high success and, even though complications are not rare, they
are manageable.
Keywords: OHCM, alcohol septal ablation, interventional therapy
Background: Nowadays, several diseases such as atrial fibrillation encountered in clinical practice requires
several types of scores to stratify stroke and bleeding risk.Bleeding risk and stroke risk are closely related.
Objective: The aim of this study was to established whether HAS-BLED score is a better predicting score
compared with other clinical scores for the category of patients that benefit from oral anticoagulation when balacing
ischaemic stroke against intracranial bleeding and to compare CHADS2 and CHA2DS2-VASc risk categories.
Material and methods: We performed a retrospective studies that involved 146 patients of which 131 (89,72%)
were on anticoagulating oral treatment, from the medicine and cardiology departments in our hospital, with a follow
up period of 6 months. For each patient we calculated the CHADS2, CHA2DS2-VASc and HAS-BLED scores. We
also divided the stroke risk categories calculated through CHADS2 and CHA2DS-VASc scores in low, medium and
high. A HAS-BLED score>3, a CHA2DS-VASc>= 2, and CHADS2>2 were considered high. Results: We found a
statistical correlation between the CHA2DS2-VASc>=2 and the hemorrhagic events (p=0,0004, t test) and between
the HAS-BLED score>3 and the bleeding events, with a a superior correlation of HAS-BLED score. We did not find
a statistic difference between the CHADS2>2 score and the bleeding rate (p=0,065), on the other hand the
CHADS2 score in anticoagulated group statistically correlated with the ischaemic events. There was a shift of risk
degree from the CHADS2 stroke risk score compared to CHA2DS2-VASc. Conclusions: Patients with atrial
fibrillation and a high HAS-BLED score develop a higher clinical benefit from oral anticoagulation when balacing
ischaemic stroke against intracranial bleeding. HAS-BLED score was superior to CHA2DS2-VASc in predicting
bleeding events.
Keywords: stroke risk, anticoagulation, major bleeding
Background: The spectrum of anxiety disorder is among the most prevalent psychiatric disorders and according
to the fifth edition of DSM,it includes''features of excessive fear and anxiety and related behavioral
disturbances''.The latest studies show that internet addiction has been labeled with mental disorders like anxiety,
depression, stress and obsessive compulsive disorder. Objective: The purpose of this study is to seek out the
relation between the levels of anxiety and the levels of internet usage among students from UMF Targu Mures.
Material and methods: Demographic data was gathered from a survey lot of 34 students which have been using
the internet for more then 3 years.Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale(HARS) and Internet Addiction Test (IAT-survey
provided by Dr. Kimberly Young) were applied.Statistical analysis was performed in Excel and GraphPad. Results:
From 34 participants,21 women and 13 men, with the average age of 24; 61% are celibate, 30% are in a
relationship and 9% are married .Regarding the religious orientation 82% are ortodox ,12% adventists,3% muslims
and 3% atheists.HARS showed that 71% of them have mild anxiety and 29% have moderate anxiety .IAT identified
that 18% of the students are rare internet users, 50% are average users, meening that online surfing is a little bit
too much at times and 32% are experiencing occasional problems because of the internet. Correlation analysis
between HARS and IAT assessed a strong correlation coefficient (r=0,74),with a p value < 0,0001 ,statistically
considered extremly significant. Conclusions: Results indicate that the students from UMF Targu Mures are
facing mild or moderated anxiety disorder in the context of average and high internet addiction .This outcome is in
line with the results of other recent studies that were made in the internet addiction field.
Keywords: Generalized anxiety, Internet addiction, HARS, UMF students
Background: Urticaria appears as raised, well-circumscribed areas of erythema and edema involving the dermis
and epidermis that are very pruritic. The etiologic agent is more likely to be identified in acute urticaria (40-60%)
than in chronic urticaria (10-20%). Chronic urticaria may be caused by many factors. Objective: We want to find
out if there is a causative relation between hyperuricemia and chronic urticaria. Material and methods: We
describe a 56-years old-man , with a history of acute pancreatitis (June 2013). He presented to our department for
multiple episodes of generalized urticarial lesions which started 3 month before the presentation. Despite the
treatment with oral corticosteroids, first and second-generation antihistamines he presented 3 days before the
fibrinogen=327mg%(NV=150-400), CIC=8.72ug Equiv/ml(neg<16), ANA=neg, serum Ig E=35 UI(NV<100),
TSH=N, Ac anti-HCV=neg, Ag HBs=neg, VDRL=neg, Ig G antitoxoplasma gondii=pos. During hospitalization he
has been treated with Rovamycine without any signs of amelioration. Abdominal CT scan didn't describe
modifications. Moreover he also presented a gout flare (swelling, redness, heat and pain of metatarsophalangeal
joints) with uric acid=9.9mg%(NV<5.7) . After 8 days of treatment with Allopurinol 3x100mg the uric acid value
decreased to 6.4mg% while the urticarial lesions disappeared. He is treated at home with Allopurinol and secondgeneration antihistamines with significant signs of amelioration in present. Results: Although we have not found
studies underlying the relation between hyperuricemia and urticaria, we tend to think that urticarial lesions
appeared as a consequence of increased serum uric acid levels. Conclusions: The correlation between
urticaria and hyperuricemia should be studied in large trials.
Keywords: urticaria, hyperuricemia, angioedema
Background: Atrial fibrillation, according to European Society of Cardiology is the most common diagnosed
cardiac arrhythmia. A physician must take into consideration not only thromboembolic risk, but also the risk of
bleeding, comorbidities and patient's compliance. Objective: The purpose of this study was to highlight the
etiology, the correlation between the pathology and the structural changes of the left atrium and the assessment of
therapeutic conduct. Material and methods: In this retrospective study we have included patients treated in
Cardiology I Clinic, Mures County Emergency Clinical Hospital, between January 2012 and May 2012,with
diagnosis of atrial fibrillation. Results: We found 210 patients diagnosed with AF,of which 54.3% males and most
of all patients (36.7%)were between 65-74 years old.The highest percentage ,41%, have permanent AF and
regarding the etiology,non-valvular AF has the greatest preponderance(66.7%).Also, the left atrium diameter and
area modify their values mainly in permanent AF and they are influenced by the existence of a valvulopathy or
dilated cardiomyopathy. From all patients with AF, 140 patients have non-valvular AF and we have calculated the
CHA2DS2-VASc score:4.2% have a low thromboembolic risk(score=0), 16.9% have an intermediary risk (score=1)
and the rest of the patients have a high risk(score2).Concerning the therapeutic conduct 86.7% of 210 patients
receive a standard treatment according to the European guidelines. Conclusions: . In our study, non-valvular AF
is the most frequent. Left atrium dimensions are influenced by the existence of a valvulopathy or a
cardiomyopathy.There is a statistical significant correlation between left atrial dimensions and permanent AF. A
part of high risk patients have not received anticoagulant, although the bleeding risk was not high because of the
reduced patient compliance and associated pathologies.
Background: Cerebral Venous Thrombosis (CVT) has a diverse etiology, sometimes very hard to establish,
representing a major neurological emergency. Objective: Following the clinical manifestations and imagistic
investigations of CVT. Material and methods: This is a retrospective study which included 25 cases with CVT
admitted in the Neurology Clinic of Mure Clinical County during 2012-2103, noticing the age, sex , early clinical
manifestations, demographics and affected venous areas. For establishing the diagnosis, the patients have been
investigated using paraclinical and imagistic methods. Results: From this study, CVT represents 1.31% of the total
1895 patients with stroke. The majority of patients (76%) were women. 60% were from rural areas. The age range
with the highest incident rate is 30-59 years old. The most frequent early symptom was headache (41.66%),
followed by seizures (22.22%), intracranial hypertension (16.66%), cranial nerve syndrome (13.66%) and other
manifestations (5.55%). Most often the lesions were located in the Superior Transverse Sinus (39.28%), Sigmoid
and Superior Sagital Sinus (both with 25%), Cavernous Sinus (7.14%) and Deep Venous System (3.58%). In this
study the most frequent risk factor were hypercoaguable disorders, followed by infections, inflammatory diseases
and puerperium. The imagistic investigations were MRI (38%), angio-CT (24%), angio-RMN (20%) and CT (18%).
Conclusions: The most common form of debut in CVT is the atypical form. Recognizing this pathology is essential
for prompt treatment in particular clinical circumstances.
Keywords: thrombosis, seizures, headache
Background: Child obesity represents a problem of certain actuality in the field of pediatrics, due to its increased
incidence and its associated complications, that appear to be in relationship with the low-grade inflammation
known to be present in the context of excessive adiposity. Interleukin-6 is an inflammatory cytokine, extensively
studied as possible marker of obesity complications; the IL-6 gene 190 T/C polymorphism influences the producing
and plasma-level of this cytokine. Objective: The aim is to establish the relations between anthropometric and
biochemical parameters of a group of obese children and these gene polymorphism. Material and methods: A
prospective study which assessed 182 children hospitalized in the First Pediatric Clinic, divided into two groups: 86
obese patients (Body Mass Index, BMI over 2SD) and 96 controls, children with normal nutritional status. We
assessed anthropometric parameters (BMI; Middle Upper-arm Circumference, MUAC; Tricipital Skin-fold
Thickness,TST), biochemical tests were performed (lipid profile, proteins, albumins) and both groups underwent IL6 190 T/C polymorphism analysis. Results: The CT genotype was observed to appear more frequently in the
obese group (75%) than in the control group (statistically significant difference, p=0.0001). In the whole cohort,
89.3 % of the cases had the C allele. The polymorphism of the gene IL-6 190 T/C was correlated with
anthropometric and paraclinical parameters: MUAC and TST had statistically significanttly higher values in the
obese group for the IL-6 190 CC, CT and TT haplotypes (p=0.0001). Conclusions: The polymorphism of the gene
IL-6 190 T/C may modulate genes to determine the nutritional status; it provides a good characterization of the
profile of an obese child. The IL-6 190 C alleles appeared more frequently in obese children; anthropometric
parameters (BMI, MUAC, TST) and serum albumins levels correlate with C allele carriers of IL-6 190 gene in
obese children.
Keywords: anthropometry, child, IL-6 gene-190 T/C polymorphism, obesity
Background: Screening tests are used commonly to make a presumtive diagnosis for urinary tract infections
(UTI). They use analysis of urine nitrites (NIT) for indicating bacteriuria and leukocyte esterase (LE) for detecting
pyuria. But there are known factors that can lead to a false negative test. Objective: To estimate the sensitivity,
specificity, positive and negative predictive values of urine dipstick as a screening test for UTI. Material and
methods: We performed a retrospective analysis of patients admitted in the Nephrology Department of Targu
Mures County Clinic Hospital between 2010 and 2013. Only patients with urine dipstick test, urinary sediment and
urinalysis in observation sheets were included in the study.Sensitivity, specificity and predictive values were
analysed for nitrite test, leukocytes and both, using urine culture as the gold standard method for diagnosting UTI.
Results: The study was conducted on 556 patients ( 333 women and 223 men), of which 151 had criteria for UTI (
monomicrobial urine culture with 100.000 colony forming units per ml).The sensitivity of nitrite test was 29% with a
98% specificity. Associated with a positive predictive value (PPV) of 96% and a negative predictive value (NPV) at
58%. The sensitivity for LE test and the combined LE plus NIT test were 75% and 97%. Positive NIT plus LE had
NPV at 99% with a poor PPV 30%. Conclusions: NIT test had 2% chance for a false positive and 71% for a false
negative, meaning a positive NIT test implies a likely UTI but a negative test is unreliable. Testing for both LE and
NIT gives better overall performance than either test alone because of it's highest sensitivity. Also a negative
combined test seems to be useful to exclude the presence of infection.Confirmation is still needed, so urine culture
and multiple screening tests, not just dipstick, are recommended.
Keywords: nitrite test,, leucocyte-esterase test,, urinary tract infection,, screening
Background: The esophageal cancer is the sixth most common cause of cancer death worldwide. 95% of this
kind of cancer are adenocarcinoma or SCC (squamous cell carcinoma). Even if the histology and incidency of
adenocarcinoma and SCC is different, many risk factor (smoking, nutrition habits), and the formation process of
cancer cells are similar. The esophageal cancer is diagnosed in 90% of cases in anvanced stages. Despite the
evolution of diagnostic and therapeutic methods the prognostic is poor, the five year survival is between 10-13%.
Objective: Our aim was to follow the evolution of esophageal cancer in Mure county between 2008-2013,
following the incidence, distribution by sexes, place of provenance, by group of ages, the six month, one and two
year survival. Material and methods: We performed a retrospective study on 66 pacients (55 male, 11 female),
threated in the Oncology Clinics of Targu Mure with esophageal cancer, from 2008 to 2013. Results: The
incidence of esophageal cancer is low, between 0.3113-0.8751% of all cancer cases. The highest man/woman
ratio was in 2009, 10, and the lowest in 2013, 2. Rural/urban ratio was the highest in 2009, 10, the lowest in 2010,
1,5. The age group with the highest incidence was between 51 and 60, followed by the patients with ages between
61-70. The six month survival was the highest in 2010, 80%, the lowest in 2008, 40%, the one year survival is
between 50%, in 2010 and 18,19% in 2009, the two year survival is low, between 26,7%, in 2008 and, 9,09% in
2009. The most frequently used cytostatic drugs in 2012-2013 were carboplatin and cisplatin. Conclusions: The
incidence of esophageal cancer is low, between 0.3113-0.8751%. Is more common in men (83%), and in rural
areas (62%). The incidence peaks in the sixth decade. The two year survival is low, between 26,7% and 9,09%.
Keywords: esophageal cancer, poor prognostic, commoner in men
Background: HIV is a lentivirus that causes the AIDS, a condition in humans in which progressive failure of the
immune system allows life-threatening opportunistic infections and cancers to thrive. The treatment of these
disease is a huge problem worldwide. The cost is very high, and it grows bigger as the disease evolves.TB is a
major cause of death among people living with HIV/AIDS, whose impaired immune system make them particulary
vulnerable to the devastating effect of TB. Objective: The purpose of this study is to find out if there are
differences in the cost of the treatment of patients with HIV/AIDS and HIV seropositive patients co-infected with
TB. Material and methods: A retrospective study was performed which included all the HIV seropositive patients
admitted in Infectious Disease Hospital nr.1 between 01.01.2013-31.12.2013. The patients were divided in two
groups:HIV seropositiv patients with TB co-infection an without TB co-infection. Results: During the studied
period 24 HIV seropositive patients with TB co-infection were admitted. 5 of this patients were readmitted more
then 4 times (a total of 45 admissions). 196 patient without TB co-infection were admitted. We chosed randomly
24 patients from this group. TB co-infected patients spent in hospital a total of 467 days, in average 19 days and
the cost of the treatment was 250709 ron, in average 1044,23ron. Patients without TB co-infection were in hospital
a total of 273 days, 11 in average, and the treatment cost was 150774, in average 6282,25 ron. Conclusions: The
treatment of HIV/AIDS patients without TB co-infection is 35% cheaper and they spent 42% less days in the
hospital. We can reduce the cost of the treatment by preventing TB infection.
Keywords: HIV, TB co-infection, Cost, Treatment
Background: Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia, a neurological disease characterized by
loss of mental ability severe enough to interfere with normal activities of daily living. Alzheimer's disease usually
occurs in old age, and is marked by a decline in cognitive functions such as remembering, reasoning and planning.
Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the most common co-morbidities that occur in dementias due to
Alzheimer's disease, and also to point out the most customary clinical aspects of the disease in discussion.
Material and methods: I have conducted a retrospective study on 228 patients hospitalized in year 2013 to the
Psychiatric Institute of Targu Mures. I have evaluated the patients based on their medical backgrounds, focusing
mainly on the coexisting general medical conditions and the most frequent clinical manifestations. Results: Out of
228 patients 146 (64,03%) were female and 82 (35,96%) were male with an average age of 82 years. The most
commonly encountered pathologies were arterial hyperstension (46,05%), chronic ischemic cardiomyopathy
(38,59%), stroke in the silvian territory (30%), diabetes type II (10,96%), permanent atrial fibrillation (7,89) and
atherosclerosis (15,78%). Clinical features most frequently found were agnosia, apraxia, aphasia, temporo-spatial
disorientation and decline of self management, anxiousness, irritability, acalculia, memory impairment and decline
of thought processing and mixed insomnia. Less common clinical features were depressive mood disorder,
delirious paranoid ideas, auditory and visual hallucinations. Conclusions: Dementias due to Alzheimer's disease
are pathologies which affect women and men in a 1,8:1 ratio with an average age of 82 years. The most frequent
underlying general medical conditions are arterial hypertension and chronic ischemic cardiomyopathy. Clinical
manifestations such as decline of self-care, agnosia, apraxia or aphasia are sever enough to interfere with the
patient's daily living.
Keywords: Dementia, Alzheimer's disease, Co-morbidities, Clinical features
Background: There are common factors involved in the development of Diabetes Mellitus and Metabolic
Syndrome which will lead to later cardiovascular complications. Objective: The aim of the study is to evaluate the
link between Diabetes Mellitus and Metabolic Syndrome. Material and methods: We included 106 patients being
in the evidence of three General Pactitioners Cabinets from Tg. Mures. Information was provided from the medical
records of all patients diagnosed with both Diabetes type 1 and 2, evaluating them for: gender, age, medical
conditions, complications, medical tratament and laboratory analysis. Results: Patients were divided in two
groups: group A included 70 patients following treatment with oral antidiabetic medication and group B included 36
patients following insulin treatment. In group A the average age was 64 years. The average blood glucose level at
diagnosis was 181.5 mg% and after 4 years of treatment: 120.3 mg%, p<0.0001 considered extremely significant.
Glycated hemoglobin average value at diagnosis was 6.7% and after 4 years 5.2%. LDL average at diagnosis was
187.7mg%, HDL average was 41.1 mg%, TG average was 348.9 mg% and blood pressure was 180/100 mmHg. In
group B the average age was 45 years. The average of the blood glucose level at diagnosis was: 311 mg% and
after 4 years of treatment 113.3 mg%, p<0.0001 considered extremely significant. Glycated hemoglobin average
value at diagnosis was: 7.9% and after 4 years 5.1%. LDL average at diagnosis was: 157.3 mg%, HDL average
was: 38.2 mg%, TG average was: 325.1 mg% and blood pressure was 160/90 mmHg. Conclusions: Diabetes
Mellitus has a negative influence over the lipid metabolism, carbohydrates and cardiovascular system, thus
treating patients diagnosed with Diabetes is a task that requires a team of physicians from different specializations.
Keywords: diabetes, carbohydrates, metabolism
Background: In the 21st century the problem of neurocognitive disorders (NCD) is growing. The NCDs influence
the cognitive functions, temporo-spatial orientation, decrease the standards of living of the patient ant their family.
It makes difficult to integrate into the community, and probably has an influence on mood, sleep, and
cardiovascular system. These factors gradually contribute to a possible depression, lethargic state, frustration,
guilt, melancholia and suicidal thoughts . Objective: To Assess the administered antidemential treatment and the
prevalence of comorbidities. Material and methods: Patients with dementia at 1st Clinic of
Psychiatry,TarguMures, between day hospitalizations from January 01.2012 to January 01.2013. 375 patients
were examined. The analyzed parameters: the type of dementia, gender incidence, distribution of comorbidities
and the used antidemential therapy. Results: 68% (254 patients) had major or mild NCD due to Alzheimer's
disease, 19% (71) had Vascular NCD, 13% (50) had NCD due to multiple etologies. Gender distribution: 59,5%
(223) female and 40,5% (152) male. Comorbidities: 39% (145 patients) know with hypertension, 31% (115
patients) know with chronic ischemic cardiopathy, 37% (138) had acute psychotic disorder and 13% (48)
respectively 11% (41)of the patients had major depression and organic mood disorders. The administered
antidemential-treatment: in 39% (145 cases) galantaminum, in 30% (114) rivastigminum, in 24% (89)
memantinum, in 23% (87) donepezil hydrochloride; in 21% of the cases combinations were used as: memantinum
and galantaminum in 9% (35 cases), memantinum and donepezil hydrochloride in 5% (20) and memantinum plus
rivastigminum in 5% (18). Conclusions: Alzheimer's disease is the most frequent NCD, is more common between
female then male patients, the treatment was corresponding to the guidelines: the antidemential treatment was
chosen corresponding to the severity of the NCD, the dose was raised gradually, and combinations were
used.Our results are in concordance with international guidelines and literature.
Keywords: "neurocognitive disorders", "antidemential therapy", "distribution of comorbidities"
Alina Beresteanu 1, Tabacitu (Toma) Adela1, Banescu Claudia
Background: The DNA repair gene XRCC1 is located on chromosome 19q13, and its gene product is implicated
in single-strand break repair and base excision repair mechanisms. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the
XRCC1 gene (exon 10, Arg399 Gln, dbSNP no.rs25487) leads to the supposition that variant alleles may diminish
repair kinetics, influencing susceptibility to adverse health effects, including cancer. Objective: The aim of this
study is to evaluate the association between XRCC1 Arg399Gln gene polymorphism and myeloproliferative
neoplasms risk. Material and methods: We performed a case-control study. In the case group were included 58
patients with myeloproliferative disorders(polycythemia vera, essential thrombocythemia, primary myelofibrosis)
diagnosed in Hematology Clinic 1 Tirgu Mures, and 113 healthy persons. We used PCR-RFLP assay for
genotyping. Results: Data were analyzed using GraphPad (Fisher's Exact test). Significant association was
detected between variant Arg399Gln genotype and incidence of myeloproliferative disorder (P=0.0345; OR= 2.070;
95% CI: 1.088 to 3.937). Conclusions: XRCC1 mutation correlate with a genetic transition to malignancy and is
implicated in pathogenesis of chronic myeloproliferative disorders.
Keywords: Arg399Gln polymorphism, gene, myeloproliferative disorders
Background: The relationship between personality dimensions and alcohol use disorder has always been a
fundamental, but insufficiently discussed problem in psychopathology. Objective: The purpose of this study is to
find correlations between the dimensions of the Big Five model, measured by questionnaireDisposition Extraversion - Conscientiousness - Agreeabilness - emotional Stability (DECAS) and alcohol use disorder.
Material and methods: We evaluated in terms of personality 50 patients admitted to the Psychiatric Clinics I and
II, Targu Mures, diagnosed with alcohol use disorder, using the questionnaire DECAS. Data were pooled and
processed by statistical methods. Results: We found a negative correlation between the dimensionof Disposition,
Conscientiousness, Agreeabilness and emotional Stability and alcohol use disorder. Despite the results published
in the literature, we have not found a significant positive correlation between the dimension of Extraversion and the
alcohol use disorder. Conclusions: Low Disposition, Conscientiousness, Agreeabilness and emotional Stability,
as variants deviated considerably from the statistical norm of the dimensions of Big Five, are a risk factor for
alcohol use disorder, and bring another argument to the concept of the premorbid personality in psychopathology.
As a result emerges an approach with opening towards complex therapeutic strategies that includes all bio-psychosocio-cultural concepts.
Keywords: alcohol use disorder, personality, Big Five
Background: Leading cause of death in today's world is from cardiovascular risk factors and cardiovascular
diseases. It is considered that MPV, which correlates with platelet reactivity, is also an independent risk factor in
the atherosclerotic disease. Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate the relation between overweight
patients and mean platelet volume (MPV). Material and methods: This is a retrospective chart review study of
100 hospitalized patients in the Cardiovascular Recovery Clinic between 01.01.2013 and 01.12.2013. All diabetic
patients have been excluded from this study. Results: patients present a mean age of 61 and a standard deviation
of 13.01 years; 60% of the patients are males; 40% live in a urban environment; 70% of patients are smokers;
there are no statistically significant correlations between MPV and patients between 40 and 49 of age (p>0.05);
there are statistically significant correlations between MPV and patients between age 50-59 (p<0.05); there are
statistically significant correlations between MPV and patients between age 60-69 (p<0.05); there are statistically
significant correlations between MPV and patients between age 70-79 (p<0.05); Conclusions: The platelet count
and MPV was detected to be increased in overweight patients.MPV is an important, simple, always available as
well as a cost effective tool that can be useful in predicting cardiovascular events.
Keywords: MPV, prediction, factor
Background: Lately there has been a tendency among the psychological scientists and psychiatrists of having a
more reconciliant attitude towards the spiritual dimension of the human psychic, thus modern psychology is trying
to integrate the religious system of a person in both the understanding of some pathological deviation of the mental
condition and the therapeutic strategy for the mental disease. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine
the level of correlation between the anxiety score and the spirituality score among medical students. Material and
For this study, the anxiety S.T.A.I.(State Trait Anxiety Inventory) questionnaire and spirituality D.S.E.S.(Daily
Spiritual Experience Scale) questionnaire have been used on 220 students from UMF Targu Mures. The data has
been processed using Pearsnons correlation coefficient. Results: In 4 out of 22 lots of students there was a
statistically significant correlation coefficient: the lot of 5th-6thyear dental medical students(r=0,2715, p=0,0449),
the lot of 5th-6th year medical students(r=-0,2923, p=0,0304), the lot of first-second and 5th-6th year medical
students(r=-0,2147, p=0,0243) and the lot of all female participants(r=0,3493, p=0,0054). Conclusions: The lot
formed by 5thand 6th year dental students and the lot of female students presented a weak positive correlation,
suggesting that in these, spirituality may induce anxiety, while the lot of 5thand 6th medical students and the lot of
all medical students showed weak regression, suggesting that in these cases, spirituality may have a protective
effect on the level of anxiety. The divergence of the results may be caused by the very different approach on
spirituality by the individual human being and also by the heterogeneity of religions and belief systems in the study
lots. There might also be a mutual interrelation in the sense that an increased level of chronic anxiety will probably
determine some individuals to search for for higher spiritual experience, thus affecting the outcome of the
correlation study.
Keywords: anxiety, spirituality, correlation, S.T.A.I. , D.S.E.S.
Background: One of the most common arrhythmias seen in hyperthyroid patients is atrial fibrillation, most
frequently discovered before the changes in the thyroid hormones. Data in literature showed that the incidence of
atrial fibrillation increases in the case of a suppressed thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) level. Objective: The
aim of our study was to determine if there is a correlation between the TSH levels and the incidence of atrial
fibrillation in a group of patients with hyperthyroidism and also how atrial fibrillation progressed during antithyroid
pharmacotherapy. Material and methods: We made a retrospective analysis of the patients hospitalized in the
Endocrinology Department, between 2009-2012, for thyroid diseases. From 1450 patients we chose 72 patients
with hyperthyroidism. During each hospitalization we checked the TSH level, heart rate and the specific medication
for their condition. We also looked for the prevalence of atrial fibrillation in these patients and how it progressed
during treatment for hyperthyroidism. Results: From the initial 72 patients observed, 75% were women and 25%
were men. The etiology of hyperthyroidism was: 48.8% Basedow-Graves disease, 31.9% toxic polinodular goiter,
13.8% amiodarone induced hyperthyroidism and 5.5% toxic adenoma.During at least a one year follow-up, 72.5%
of patients had a statistically significantly increase of the TSH level after antithyroid pharmacotherapy, and the
atrial fibrillation converted spontaneously to sinus rhythm. The rest of the patients continued to have atrial
fibrillation, despite the normalization of thyroid function. Conclusions: The incidence of atrial fibrillation increases
along with a suppresed TSH level and during antithyroid pharmacotherapy most of the patients convert
spontaneously to sinus rhythm.
Keywords: hyperthyroidism, atrial, fibrillation, TSH
Background: The Roma are the second largest ethnic minority in Romania, the most socially and economically
disadvantaged minority. There is a lack of studies on perinatal infection in roma women. Objective: The study
aimed at determining the prevalence of perinatal infection and comparing pregnancy outcome in roma and
romanian pregnant women Material and methods: In this prospective study total of 252 pregnant women were
enrolled from August 1, 2012 to October 2013 at a tertiary care hospital in Targu-mures, Romania. Women were
screened for bacterial carriage on admission for premature rupture of membranes and delivery. Insemination
sample were collected from maternal cervix. Risk factors for colonization were collected by a questionnaire,
coupled with data from an existing database. Results: The average age of roma patient was 22 + 5, respectively
28 + 6 of the control group. There were more teenage pregnancies in the Roma group, Romanian women
delivered more frequently after age 35. There was a significant difference in socioeconomic status of the two
groups. Roma women had less hypertension, gestational diabetes and obesity, more induced abortion, preterm
deliveries and grand multiparity. The prevalence of negative test result in the roma and the control group were 75
% and 81 %, respectively Conclusions: However the majority of roma women had a low socioeconomic status
with deficient pregnancy follow up, significant differences between the groups in the rates of the perinatal infection
were not observed. Further clinical trials are needed to confirm these findings
Keywords: Perinatal infection, bacterial colonization, Roma
Background: Meningiomas are usually benign tumors. However, those with growth near the major dural venous
sinuses, provide management problems due to possible invasion. Objective: The aim of our study was to
analyze the correlation between meningiomas involving the major dural sinuses (MDS) and post-operative
complications. Material and methods: A single-center single-surgeon retrospective study was conducted on 257
patients with intracranial meningiomas, who underwent surgical treatment between January 2008 and December
2013 in the Neurosurgical Department of Cluj County Emergency Hospital. The mean age of the patients was 60
(ranging from 15 to 85), 62% of them being women. Aspects regarding World Health Organization (WHO) grade of
tumors, MDS involving and post-surgical treatment complications were analyzed using EpiInfo software. The
following were considered as major post-operative complications: hydrocephalus, hemorrhage, cerebral edema,
venous infarction, seizures and motor deficit. Results: Of 257 patients, 21,79% were reported with MDS invasion
and the most frequent dural venous sinuses invaded were superior sagittal sinus (57%) and cavernous sinus
(30%). Major post-operative complications occurred in 22,95% of patients. The most common post-operative
complications were hemorrhage (35%) and cerebral edema (21%). Meningiomas with higher WHO grade were
more prone to invade the venous sinuses than those with lower grade (p=0.03). Patients with MDS invasion had a
higher risk of post-operative complications [p=0.01; OR=2.3(CI95% 1.2-4.4)]. Conclusions: The study
emphasizes an increased rate of post-operative complications among patients with MDS invasion by meningiomas
compared with those who had not invaded dural sinuses.
Keywords: meningioma, dural sinus, invasion, complications
Background: "Injuries to the brain are among the most likely to result in death and permanent
disability."(IBIA)Caracteristics: trauma to the head, alteration in consciousness,need for emergency care,
secondary injuries and posttraumatic disorders. Objective: Etiological evaluation.Distribution of TBI occurrence by
gender, age groups, enviroment.Vascular involvement.Predisposing factors.Mortality ratio and complications.To
create a baseline statistical evaluation for further studies. Material and methods: Retrospective study on 1496
patients (1201 male, 295 female) hospitalized with the diagnosis of CCT at the Department of Neurosurgery of
Mures County Emergency Hospital btw. 01.01.2008-31.12.2012.GraphPad,MedCalc,Excel Results:
Predominance of male patients: 80,28%.Age, 50-70 age groups, CDC database scale shows higher occurrence
rate at the working class between the ages 27-59 years 40,97%.Urban areas 57,7%; population density and
workplace diversity offer a larger etiology.Four major groups: falls 61,7%, accidents 15,57%, traffic accidents
16,78% and agression 5,95%. In the case of falls 41,17% of the cases occur from the same level.In 61,95% of the
cases we found hematomas and hemorrhages. Most common: SDH 29,41%,SAH 12,09%,IV & IC hem. 11,64%
EDH 8,82%.Predisposing factors: Age, Epilepsy 9,16%, Chronic alcoholism 16,71%.Mortality : 13,03%.38% of the
cases were high risk scenarios, who underwent surgery: GCS<8, severe head trauma, CT scans showing severe
abnormalities. 53,76% of them survived (RR=1.3677; P<0.0001); Polytrauma and Chronic alcoholism were among
thestrongest factors in the decease ratio of high risk patients. Conclusions: TBI afflicts in higher percentage
men.Age category of 50-70 years of age, and mostly in the working class Predominance of Falls and AccidentHigh
percentage of vascular involvement
any trauma strong enough to cause a fracture will most likely cause
hemorrhage.Patients with CCT have a moderately high level of mortality.With the help of CT, surgical intervention
can increase the rate of survival.Alcohol abuse and epilepsy along with age are the main predisposing
factors.Postoperative death is mainly caused by: Politrauma: heart,lungs; Chronic alcoholism.
Keywords: Craniocerebral trauma, evaluation, hematoma, politrauma
Background: The combination between aortic valve stenosis and coronary lesions represents a particular group
of pathology whose severity is given by the association of the left ventricular hypertrophy and reduced blood flow
toward the myocardium. Objective: The aim of the study is to evaluate the surgery results at this category of
patients with increased surgical risk. Material and methods: We retrospectively reviewed 83 patients with aortic
valve stenosis (AoVS) and coronary artery disease (CAD) who were operated at the Cardiovascular Surgery
Clinic from the IBCvT Trgu Mures on a period of 4 years, 2010-2013, in this study being included 3 other groups
of patients with valvular lesions associated to the existing AoV : AoVS with aortic insufficiency(38), AoVS with
mitral insufficiency(6), AoVS with mitral valve stenosis(4) who also presented associated coronary lesions.Were
evaluated the pre-surgical data related to the aortic valve disease (left ventricle hypertrophy, ejection fraction of the
left ventricle, the aortic ring size, the number and the severity of the associated coronary lesions, pre-surgical
acute coronary events), details of the surgery and the postoperative evolution. Results: From the 131 cases the
male patients represented the largest number of cases (67,2%), whereas female patients were 32,8%, with the
medium age of 66 years. Was performed aortic valve replacement with mechanical valve prosthesis in 79 cases
and biological prosthesis in 48 cases. To them was also performed coronary artery bypass grafting with
autologous saphenous vein graft in 73 cases on the left anterior descending artery, 10 cases on the left circumflex
artery, 53 cases on the right coronary artery, and in 16 cases was used the left internal mammary artery.
Conclusions: Although the association of these two groups of diseases represents a combination with severe
prognosis for the patient, with appropriate surgical treatment were obtained good results and favourable evolution
of the patients.
Keywords: aortic valve stenosis, coronary artery disease, aortic prosthesis, coronary artery bypass grafting
Background: Medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) reconstruction is a surgical procedure indicated to patients
with severe lateral patellofemoral instability. The first to describe this procedure was Dr. Ellera Gomes in 1992, and
since then there have been various approaches to this technique. The most important structure that stabilizes the
patella and helps prevent patellar subluxation or dislocation is MPFL. Injury or destruction of this ligament is one of
the main causes of acute and recurrent patellofemoral instability. Objective: The objective of this study was to
evaluate the short-term clinical results of patients after MPFL reconstruction. Material and methods: The study
included the first 10 cases of MPFL reconstruction performed in the Orthopaedic and Traumatology Clinic, in Trgu
Mure, during 2012 - 2014. There were 6 female and 4 male patients aged between 16 - 38 years old who had
recurrent patellar dislocations and underwent MPFL reconstruction with double bundle technique which replicates
the native shape of the MPFL using a gracilis autograft. The clinical evolution of the patients was evaluated by
using the Tegner Lysholm Knee Scoring Scale preoperative and postoperative. Results: All 10 cases had
between 2 - 7 patellar dislocations before undergoing surgery. There were no postoperative patellar complications
or redislocations and the patients regained full mobility after 6 weeks. The mean value of Tegner Lysholm score
improved to 90.8 (range 82 - 95) from a preoperative mean value of 63.5 (range 55 - 72). Conclusions: Regarding
the different methods of treating lateral patellofemoral instability MPFL reconstruction is one of the most promising
procedures performed nowadays. Our results show a significantly improved knee function and physical activity in
patients treated with this procedure, but in order to clearly state the long-term benefits of this reconstruction
technique a large scale case study, based on more cases, is required.
Keywords: MPFL reconstruction, patellofemoral instability, Tegner Lyshom Scale, patellar dislocation
Background: A heart transplant is a surgical procedure performed on patients with end-stage heart failure or
severe coronary artery disease.Pediatric heart transplantation is now accepted therapy. Objective: This paper
presents the particularities of the recipient, the variety, difficulties and the specifics of the approaches when heart
transplantation is to consider. Material and methods: The paper outlines more aspects, like: medical conditions of
the pediatric patients, most commonly end-stages of heart diseases; the poor availability of donors compatible with
the pediatric recipient - the heart comes from a recently deceased or brain dead pediatric donor, also called 'a
beating heart cadaver'; the surgical approach, that is particular to each case separately, considering both the
pathology and anatomical particularities of the recipient and the heart of the donor. Results: The data collected in
our clinic, "Emergency Institute for Heart Disease and Transplantation, Trgu-Mure", points out some particular
cases of heart conditions in which heart transplantation is the only solution. There are 4 cases of heart diseases in
children ranging 3.5 to 17 years old having undergone cardiac transplantation. The long-term results are patients
socially reintegrated with lower dose maintenance immunosuppression.The surgical approach is adjusted
according to each particular case. Conclusions: We want to support pediatric heart transplantation in Romania,
based on the promising results obtained so far.Heart transplantation is not considered to be a cure for heart
disease,but a life-saving treatment intended to improve the quality of life for recipients.It is very important to
understand that the heart transplant is the transition from a fatal condition to a chronic disease.
Keywords: pediatric, heart transplant, end-stage disease
Background: Nowadays laparoscopic colecistectomy is the gold standard procedure for treating gallblader
diseases.In this study ,we determinated ,over a period of 5 years, the main reasons for conversion from
laparoscopic to open colecistectomy and also the frequency of these cases. Objective: The purpose of this study
is to point out a decline in the number of procedures requiring conversion from laparoscopic to open
colecistectomy, but also to account for the particular cases in which such a procedure was mandatory in ensuring
the optimal results. Material and methods: This is a retrospective study undertaken between 1st january 2008
and 31 st december 2012 at the first surgical Clinic of Mures county Emergency Hospital.The study involved 3.030
patients which underwent laparoscopic colecistectomy,from this number we found 30 cases which required
conversion and we further analysed them for possible causes. Results: The data we colected revealed the
number of cases requiring conversion compared to the total number of laparoscopic colecistectomies as follow: 7
out of 516 cases in 2008,5 out of 650 cases in 2009, 10 out of 648 cases in 2010, 6 out of 563 cases in 2011, and
3 out of 659 cases in 2012. The main factors demanding conversion were: rupture of the inflamed gallblader (
cholecystitis) ,pericholecistitis, cholecystitis with empyema. Conclusions: Our study has found that the number of
conversions has decreased and out of all occurrences of this procedure,the greater part were caused by the
rupture of the inflamed gallbladder ( cholecystitis).
Keywords: laparoscopic cholecistectomy, conversion, complications
Background: Plastic surgery has evolved as a medical specialty at the beginning of the twentieth century,
especially during and after the First World War, out of the necessity for treating burns and post-burn deformities.
Objective: The aim of this clinical presentation is to emphasize some particularities in the surgical and
conservative treatment of deforming scars. Material and methods: In this scientific paper there are presented
three cases of post-burn scars with various locations and a case of a postoperative keloid scar. The first three
cases were treated using surgical techniques: large excision, local flaps, Z-plasty, full-thickness skin grafts and so
on. The last case has been treated in a conservative manner: local infiltration of triamcinolone with xylocaine.
Results: Surgical treatment is preferred for those cases where the postoperative result is considered to be
superior to the initial aspect. Surgical techniques are applied only to old, neglected scars (hypertrophic scars are
submitted only for conservative treatment). The regions where conservative treatment is mandatory are known as
"noli me tangere" (the retroauricular, presternal and deltoid regions), invasive surgical techniques must be avoided
at all costs. Conclusions: Scar management (especially for post-burn deformities) is an arduous process requiring
long term follow-up and a perfect collaboration between patient and physician. Even after the reconstructive
intervention, monitoring and conservative treatment of the surgical result is mandatory. Preventing scar
development through various techniques (frequent light and deep massage, special topical gels, wearing of
pressure garments) is the cornerstone of all therapeutic procedures involved in scar management.
Keywords: keloid scars, post-burn deformities, surgical treatment, conservative treatment
Poh Hock M J1, Gallaby K1, Barnabe Vera Catarina1, Wee Liam O1, Budrescu Mihaela2, conf. DR Tinica grigore, Dr.
Sivanand Siveetharan
Background: The prevalence of coronary heart diseases(CHD)is drastically increasing. However,with today's
increasingmedical cost,and recovery time of the patient,enumerating infection and mortality rate, a standard
CABG seems inaccessible these days. Objective: Our objective is to search for a single surgical technique:
advanced yet simple enough in-order to tackle all the above stated issues that can be applied to all medical
institutes and preexisting protocols. Material and methods: In August2012 the authors traveled to India to
research and collect data from the developer of this technique himself. This technique is a modified CABG,
reducing its incision length to only 6cm compared to it predecessor of 14 cm, and refusing usage of heart-lung
machine.There is no more need for a sternotomy(unless complications) thus reducing the pain scale and the
length of hospital stay. The technique, starts as a 6cm incision at the 4th intercoastal space or at the midline,
insertion and usage of Marquet Stabilizer, then the repair of the artery is done. All within 1-2 hours. Results: The
"Mini CABG" technique that we are researching targets all the aberrations of a conventional CABG. Additionally
producing better results not only on a medical scale but also on a socio-economic level including reduced cost(10x
less), recovery time(3weeks only), pain score(3/10), admittance period(3-5 days), surgical duration(1-2 hours
maximum), infection rates(0.22%), nil usage of heart-lung device, incision length(6CM ONLY), nil or partial
sternotomy, massive decrease of blood transfusion needed.AS Such, with lower risk of infection and a smaller
scar, less recovery time and pain, decreased bleeding risk, mortality rate decreased, and finally a much lower cost
gives an unprecedented result of an improved quality of life to our patients. Conclusions: Based on the data and
results of our findings,The"Mini CABG",proves superior to the conventional CABG in every aspect possible.We
highly recommend that the standard protocol along with its indications should be altered in the coming future
based on all its advantages.
Keywords: Mini CABG, Coronary artery bypass grafting, Cardiac Surgery, Open Heart Surgery
Background: Unlike the past, Today we have the ability to detect and diagnose an ectopic pregnancy using early
multi modal methods. However the classical management negates the patient of any other normal pregnancy. The
classical Treatment for tubal ectopic pregnancy are salpingectomy or salpingostomy, either performed
laparoscopically or by open surgery. Objective: Our research analyses a new and unusual approach of the
management in Romania of multiple tubal ectopic pregnancies applied by the physicians of Cuza Voda Hospital
Iasi. This new approach gives a chance to hopeful young patients especially, to have a successful future
pregnancy prior to surgical treatment for the ectopic pregnancy. Material and methods: Our approach utilizes a
scoring system also known as the Fernandez index to grade the severity of the ectopic case followed by a medical
treatment of methotraxate transvaginally injected at the site of implantation assisted with ultrasonography or by
intramuscular route. Results: We analysed 143 data from our patients in Cuza Voda Hospital, and found a better
success rate in managing multiple ectopic pregnancies, comparing to the classical salpingectomy and
salpingotomy. complete elimination of the ectopic pregnancy and a decline of serum hCG to undetectable levels.
Conclusions: After interpreting the data from our results, we conclude that management with MTX holds a better
success rate thus allowing the patients to salvage their Fallopian tube allowing future pregnancies, ectopic it
maybe, but it provides a better quality of life for the patient knowing that they still have a chance to have a normal
Keywords: multiple ectopic pregnacies, MTX, fertility, salpingectomy/salpingostomy
Background: Postoperative abdominal incisional hernias are tardily complications of the different types of
laparatomy.There are many factors that favor them.Several of them are endogenous(obesity,
smoking,hypoproteinemia) and others are exogenous(work condition,postoperative wound infection,abdominal
incision type,drug treatments).The analysis of these factors enabled an understandig of the mechanism of
production and the choice of optimal treatment modality. Objective: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the
relationship between different risk factors and the occurrence of postoperative incisional hernias.The study also
analyses the chosen treatment modality trying to asses the postoperative results. Material and methods: This is a
descriptive retrospective study performed on a lot of 337 patients admitted and treated in the first Surgical Clinic of
Mures County Emergency Hospital betwwen 1.01.2009 and 31.12.2012. Results: The study involved patients who
developed either primary or as a recurrence an incisional hernia whence 85 cases in 2009,81 cases in 2010,72
cases in 2011 and 99 cases in 2012.The results showed that:66,5% were woman and 33,5%
men(p=0,001).Concerning the age,the most affected age group was the 50 to 60 years,being present in a
proportion of 32,9%.The most frequent location for incisional hernias was encountered below and over the navel at
a rate of 41,8%.In terms of risk factors:diabetes present in 37 cases(11%),chronic pulmonary diseases in 9
cases(2,7%)including-asthma in 4 cases(1,2%),smoking in 13 cases(3,9%),consumptive syndrome in 31
cases(9,2%). Conclusions: Postoperative incisional hernias still remain an important class of diseases in the
abdominal wall pathology being responsible for a high number of late readmission.Incisional hernias are more
common in woman,6th decade of life and obese patients with or without association of septic time intra and
Keywords: incisional hernia,, risk factors,, treatment modality
Background: Ebstein's disease is an extremely rare congenital heart malformation which accounts for less than
1% of all congenital heart anomalies. It consists in the downward displacement of the septal and/or posterior leaflet
of the tricuspid valve. This affects the atrial and ventricular anatomy and as result the part of the ventricle situated
between the abnormal insertion of the valve and the normally positioned annulus becomes atrialized. The
hemodynamic consequence is a tricuspid insufficiency. The anatomical spectrum is extremely wide making the
symptoms and age of presentation to be different for each patient. Objective: The objective of this study is to
support the surgical management of Ebstein's disease in children at Institutul de Boli Cardiovasculare i Transplant
Trgu-Mure. Material and methods: This study is a retrospective chart review based on 8 patients who
underwent surgical treatment between 2005- 2013. Parameters including gender, age, weight, paraclinical
investigations and associated pathologies were evaluated. Results: In this study were included 8 patients (1 male
and 7 female) with the mean age of 5.58 years and the mean weight of 20.47 kg. All cases had a similar clinical
presentation. Of the 8 patients, 1 (12.5%) died and 7 (87.5%) survived. Conclusions: Due to the anatomic
variation of Ebstein's disease there is no standard treatment for this malformation. The surgical treatment must be
individualized and therefore it is extremely important to have an early diagnostic and detailed analysis of the
anatomy and function of the heart.
Keywords: Ebstein, cardiac malformation, children, surgical treatment
Background: The definition of preterm birth, accepted all around the world is pregnancy ending before 37 weeks
or 259 days of gestation. Intrauterine infection has been recognized as a frequent and important mechanism in
preterm birth. Objective: The purpose of this study is to determine the frequency of preterm births associated with
infections in urban versus rural environment and the age at which is the most frequently seen premature birth.
Material and methods: We performed an observational retrospective study on women admitted for preterm birth,
under 37 weeks, during January - August 2013 in Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic no.2 from Targu Mures.
Results: There were 102 preterm birth in this period, 37 (36,27%) from urban environment and 65 (63,73%) from
rural environment. In 21 cases microbiological tests were not performed; in the 81 cases with microbiological
tests, 51 were positives and 30 negatives. 74,19% of preterm birth in rural areas have been associated with
infection compared with only 25,81% of preterm birth in urban areas. Conclusions: Infections in preterm birth are
most frequently in rural areas, perhaps because of socio-economic conditions, as well as the lack of health
Keywords: risk factors, infections, preterm birth
Background: The unexpected delivery at home is a rare case but represents a particular situation, emotionally
charged and often anxiety. First two previously in good health concerned, on the other hand, the prehospital care
not are exceptionally familiar with this situation. Medicine of Reproductive Health is unanimously recognized by the
international community as a public health problem by first intention. Worldwide daily record is 536 000 of
maternal deaths, or about one maternal death every minute, 30 cases of severe maternal morbidity correspond to
each maternal death. Also, 3 million neonatal deaths, 3 million stillborn and yearly, 10 million women that as a
result of birth will survive, but with complications, some with definitive repercussions on their social life and family.
Objective: The analysis of the sudden birth phenomenon outside hospitals in department of obstetrics Nr 123 in
SCM 1. Material and methods: There had been analysed patient cards through years 2011-2013 and 2 lots
selected. the case lot and the control, also the analysis of statistics of both lots. Results: In the study, we
examined cases of unexpected births in Clinical Municipal Hospital Nr.1, during the period 2011-2013 (in 2011
were 8300 births, of which 22 unexpected births (0,27 %); in 2012 8400 births, of wich 35 unexpected births
(0,42 %) and in 2013 - 8450 births, 36 unexpected births (0,43 %)) analyzing the causes, major complications,
ongoing process and subsequent health of mother and child. Conclusions: The sudden birth is a phenomenon
that occurs more frequently in women with multigestational or secundary pregnancy, before 35 years, or from
social vulnerable classes. The rise of incidence of the phenomenon should alert the doctors.
Keywords: Unexpected birth, Maternal mortality, Fetal mortality
Background: The tonsil diseases are among the most common problems related to health in the general
population.Difficulties in identifying clinical and laboratory changes involved in the tonsils physiopathology created
confusion in precise conclusions about treatment. Objective: Describe the correlation in frequency of occurrence
between age groups, gender and living environment in patients with chronic hypertrophic tonsillitis and evaluate
whether histopathological diagnosis correlates with the clinical diagnosis. Material and methods: This study was
conducted within 3 years, from 2011 to 2013 on a cohort of 89 adults with hypertrophic and atrophic chronic
tonsillitis prospectively enrolled, representing a simple randomized sample. They were divided in 3 age groups:1830 years, 30-50 years and > 50 years; 2 living environments: urban and rural; by gender: male and female.The
followed parameters: histopathological, clinical diagnosis, age, living environment and gender. Results: There are
84 patients with chronic hypertrophic tonsillitis and 5 with atrophic.The average age for hypertrophic is 31,24 years
with a majority of male patients(n=43; 51,19%).There was no statistically significant difference in terms of chronic
hypertrophic tonsillitis regarding gender(p=0,9525, t=0,06727), living environment (p=0,7949, t=0,2963) and age
groups(p=0.8775). The correlation of clinical and histopathological diagnosis shows a significant difference
between them, only 52,81%(n=47) of them match(p=0,1745, t=2,068). Conclusions: There is no significant
difference of occurrence related to age, gender and living environment.In most cases the treatment is instituted
before the histopathological result is available, so in order to establish the best conduct it is highly important that
the clinical diagnosis and the histopathological one to coincide.This studies shows that almost half(47,19%, n=42)
of the patients have different histopathological and clinical diagnosis, conducting, perhaps, to errors in the medical
Keywords: clinical, histopathological, tonsil, adults
Background: Radical tumor resection following colorectal cancer remains the only curative procedure. The
outcome of the intervention is influenced by serious postoperative complications such as anastomotic leak (AL).
Therefore, identification and control of certain risk factors for AL could be of decisive importance in improving the
outcome of these patients. Objective: Our aim is to identify risk factors in resection of colorectal neoplasm and
assess their correlation with AL. Material and methods: We conducted a retrospective study by selecting 310
patients with colorectal cancer, 121 female and 289 male, treated between 01.01.2013 - 31.03.2014 at The 3rd
Surgery Clinic from the "Prof. Dr. Octavian Fodor" Regional Gastroenterology and Hepatology Institute in ClujNapoca. All of the subjects underwent curative surgical intervention (resection and anastomosis) for colorectal
neoplasm. Medical records and the standard form designed for this study were used for data collection. Results:
Anemia and hypoproteinaemia represent significant risk factors for AL. No significant correlation was found
between postoperative complications and tumor size. Also, intraoperative events did not influence the
postoperative evolution. In contrast, delayed postoperative oral nutrition and patient mobilization increased the risk
of AL. In this study there were 15 cases of postoperative deaths. Conclusions: AL consecutive neoplastic
colorectal resections is determined by hypoproteinaemia, anemia, delayed postoperative oral nutrition and
mobilization. The anastomosis technique (mechanical/ manual) did not prove to be a risk factor for AL.
Keywords: colorectal cancer, colorectal resection, anastomotic leak
Background: There is worldwide a major deficit of organ donors, that triggers permanent measures as: to improve
the system by increasing the number of donors,laws change,protocols and media campaigns. Objective: The aim
was to follow and to analyze the organ donation system from the last eight years in Romania, and quantify a
possible increase in the number of donors after legislative changes and after the PROTV's campaign "There is Life
after Death." Material and methods: I ran a retrospective-observational study.I have analyzed the donors' and
potential donors' medical records from the Tg-Mures ICU Emergency County Hospital and from similar
units(Cluj,Timisoara,Bucuresti,Iasi,Craiova).Ialso studied the information provided by PROTV through the 110
author news and their rating.Data were statistically analyzed with GraphPad: student-t test,Fisher,chi2. Results:
The comparison between the increase of donors from 2012 to 2013 and the average increase(2006-2012)to
2013:p=0.9813(relative values). Comparison of the absolute number of donors in 2013and average number(20062012) :p=0.0116,and 2013 with 2012:p=0.037. The comparison between increasing the percentage of donors out
of all the potential donors in 2012-2013 compared to the average growth (2006-2012)-2013:p=0.4950. Statistical
correlation study:the number of donors and prospective donors from 2012 and 2013:p=0.7725,RR=1.21,CI:0.572.59. The average of donors and potential donors of the years 2006-2012 compared to
2013:p=0.54,RR=1.39,CI:0.58-3. Correlation test for percentage values regarding increasing the number of donors
and potential donors from 2012to2013 and the average increase in the years 2006-2012 to
2013:p=0.0351,RR=0.87,IC<1. Conclusions: Increasing the number of donors was achieved by augmenting the
number of brain dead patients identified as potential donors.It was an increase in the total base, added to an
increase in the number of patients in brain death who fulfilled the donor criteria.There was no improvement of the
evolution of patient's status from "potential donor" to "donor".This failed to increase the rate of donation
agreements and also the brain dead patients' management has not improved to allow viable organ harvesting.
Keywords: brain dead organ donor, transplant in Romania, donation agreement
Background: Total anomalous pulmonary venous return(TAPVR) is a rare congenital cardiac malformation in
which pulmonary venis drain into the right atrium. The anomaly forms are classified in four groups, depending upon
the abnormal connections to the systemic veins : supracardiac, infracardiac, cardiac and mixed. Partial anomalous
pulmonary venous return(PAPVR) is a condition in which not all the pulmonary veins drain into the left atrium. The
incidence of APVR is 1-2% of cardiac congenital anomalies and there is no sex difference in frequency observed in
our study. Newborns with TAPVR are usually cyanotic with cariac insufficiency and also atrial septal defect is
associated. Objective: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the surgical and post-operative management of
total and partial anomalous pulmonary venous return at Institutul de Urgenta pentru Boli Cardio-Vasculare si
Transplant Tirgu-Mures. Material and methods: This retrospective study describes our experience with APVR
based on 24 patients, 16 male and 8 female,aged between 2 days and 18 years, who underwent surgical
treatment between 2011-2014. 9 patients were presenting supracardiac TAPVR, 2 infracardiac and 5 cases of
cardiac type. 8 patients presented PAPVR. Results: The surgical management for the TAPVR patients consisted
in all cases in the ligation of the vertical (innominate) vein and connection of the common pulmonary veins collector
to the posterior aspect of the left atrium. In PAPVR the anomalous pulmonary vein is redirected and connected to
the left atrium. The atrial septal defect was present in all TAPVR cases and in 7 cases (87,5%) of PAPVR. The
ASD was corrected using heterologous pericardial patch. Conclusions: In the past several years there has been
a significantly increase in the surgical treatment of APVR, showing great results with low mortality rate. Further
clinical studies are needed to evaulate the post-operative status in patients that underwent surgical APVR repair.
Keywords: APVR, congenital cardiac anomaly, pulmonary veins drainage in right atrium
Background: The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) has an important role in maintaining knee stability, mostly by
resisting the anterior translation of the tibia. Rupture of the ACL is a common injury and the treatment is mostly
surgical. Objective: The aim of this study is to determine and compare the quality of life on a monthly basis on
different groups of patients who underwent ACL surgical reconstruction. Material and methods: This is a shortterm retrospective study that analyses data between October 2013 and March 2014 at the Orthopedics and
Traumatology Clinic in Tirgu-Mures. The study involves 36 patients, 27 male, 9 female, aged between 16 and 44
(with a mean age of 29.2). All patients involved in the study underwent arthroscopically reconstruction of the ACL
using the hamstring autograft technique. The patients were questioned using the Tegner Lysholm scoring scale,
which describes 8 commonly affected everyday life abilities. In order to be able to compare the monthly quality of
life conditions, the patients were divided into six groups according to the monthly period when the surgical
intervention took place. The score ranges from 0 to 100, a higher value means a better life condition. Results: The
results of the questioning show a monthly Tegner Lysholm score of: 50(range 43-64) in the first month, 69 (64-73)
in the second month, 76 (68-82) in the third month, 87 (76-100) in the fourth month and fifth month,and 90 (81-94)
in the sixth month. Conclusions: The study shows a significant increase in the patients quality of life from one
month to another, patients being able to retain almost full function of the knee in approximately six months from the
surgery. However, more detailed studies are required in order to fully understand the rehabilitation process.
Keywords: Tegner Lysholm scale, monthly comparison, ACL rehabilitation
Background: Rhinosinusitis is a common and well-recognized clinical syndrome that affects a significant
percentage of the patients from a Otorhinolaringology Department.Functional endoscopic sinus surgery(FESS) is
now a well established strategy for the treatment of chronic rhinosinusitis(CRS) unresponsive to medical treatment.
Objective: The objective of this study was to assess the correlation between histological and clinical diagnosis in
rhinosinusitis, by evaluating the results of histopathological examination of postoperative material from FESS.
Material and methods: This study is a retrospective analysis based on patients who underwent FESS over a 5
years period. The analysis covered 674 results of routine postoperative histopathological examination material
from Targu-Mures County Hospital's Department of Otorhinolaringology who underwent surgical procedures
between the years 2009-2013. The histopathological examination was conducted in Hematoxylin and Eosin and
PAS staining in Targu-Mures County Hospital's Morphopathology Department. Results: The study comprised 673
patients, aged 5-87(mean age 47), of which 280 were women and 393 were men. Of the 673 patients, 535(79,9%)
were identified with chronic inflammation and/or nasal poliposis. Inflammatory polyps within the nose and
paranasal sinuses were confirmed by histopathological examination in 56(8,3%) patients. Hypertrophic changes
were diagnosed in 45(6,6%) patients. Fungal rhinosinusitis was present in 18(2,6%) patients including 2 with
fungus ball. Inverted papilloma was recognized in 12(1.7%) patients of whom 3 were women and 9 were men.
There were 4 cases of pyogenic granuloma, 1 case of Wegener granulomatosis,squamous-cell carcinoma,nasal
hemangiopericytoma,nasal angiofibroma,myospherulosis and 1 case of respiratory epithelial adenomatoid
hamartoma. Conclusions: The preoperative clinical diagnosis can be inaccurate in patients with CRS.
Histopathological examination of postoperative material in patients who underwent surgical treatment, offers
valuable information for post-operative care, it also does not imply any risk to the patient and could always add
value to the future clinical approach. The histopathological examination's importance is underlined by the number
of clinical misdiagnosed tumoral afflictions in this current study.
Keywords: rhinosinusitis, fess, correlation, histopathological
Background: The shoulder is one of the most complex joints of the human body, with the largest range of motion.
Therefore, shoulder lesions are frequent and shoulder pain is a common source of distress. Subacromial steroid
injections are often used in patients with shoulder pain as a short-term palliative treatment. However, the
deleterious long-term effects of steroid injections have been documented. Objective: The aim of this study is to
determine the most frequent shoulder pathology in patients who had received subacromial steroid injections.
Material and methods: We conducted a prevalence study between January 2013 and December 2013 at the
Orthopaedics and Traumatology Clinic I in Tirgu Mures, involving 65 patients, 31 females and 34 males, aged
between 21 and 86 (mean age 51.96). We analyzed patients who complained of chronic shoulder pain and had
received one or more subacromial steroid injections. Their conditions were diagnosed using clinical examinations
and para-clinical examinations (X-ray, ultrasonography, MRI ). Results: The data we collected from the 65 patients
indicated that the most frequent impairment of the shoulder was the supraspinatus tendon tear (45%), followed by
the chronic shoulder instability (29%) and shoulder impingement syndrome (26%). 24 patients (36.92%) underwent
surgery, out of which 16 (67%) were classic open surgeries and 8 (33%) were arthroscopic surgeries.
Conclusions: The most frequent lesion which followed a subacromial steroid injection was the supraspinatus
tendon tear.
Keywords: shoulder, rotator cuff, corticosteroids
Background: Osteo-articular and soft tissue suppurations usually have multiple causes and they represent a
disabling pathology with a big material and energetic consumption and a high medical cost. Therefore an early,
and if it's possible a definite solution for this category of pathology is the most important objective of the treatment.
In this work we present three cases of chronic osteitis treated by the protocol of Plastic Surgery department of the
Mures County Hospital. Objective: To emphasize the technique of continuous lavage in the focus of the
suppuration as postoperative treatment of chronic bone infections. Material and methods: We selected 3 cases in
which the evolution was the most suggestive for demonstrating the efficiency of our treatment technique. In all
cases extensive excision and continuous lavage placed in the remaining cavity(5 weeks, first 2 weeks ciprofloxacin
1g/24 h, 3 weeks concentrated clorhexidine gluconat) was performed. Results: All the three cases had a favorable
outcome, the suppurating and necrotic process was eradicated. We have to highlight that the lavage was made
gravitationally in all cases, to permit the antiseptic and respectively the antibiotic fluids time to action inside the
remaining cavity.The follow up of all cases was for a long period( 3-4 years) during this time no relaps has been
noticed. Conclusions: The large excision of bone and soft tissue involved in the suppurative process is an
essentially and necessary procedure in the therapy of chronic infections. The treatment with continuous lavage
with antibiotics and antiseptics can give really good results in the definitive healing/care of the chronic bone and
soft tissue suppurations if it is correctly applied.
Keywords: osteo-articular suppurations, continuous lavage, wide resection
Background: Arthroscopic procedures can be performed either to evaluate or to treat many orthopedic conditions,
including torn floating cartilage, torn surface cartilage, ACL reconstruction and trimming damaged cartilage.
Objective: The aim of the study was to assess the quality of life after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
(ACL) with hamstring autografts, using the IKDC knee score questionnaire. Material and methods: We
restrospectively studied a number of 66 patients who were admitted to the Clinic of Orthopedics and Traumatology
of Targu Mures; the patients underwent ACL reconstruction with hamstring autografts, between January 2012 and
January 2014. All interventions were performed with a femur-first technique and close braided loop fixation on the
femoral side with biocomposite screw fixation on the tibial side. In order to make the clinical assessment, we used
the IKDC knee rating system, from the 10th to the 52nd week postoperatively (by phone interview). Questionnaire
item included symptoms, functional limitations in sports and daily activities and also included the patients'
perception of the knee condition, sports and occupational activity levels. Results: The IKDC knee rating system
score after ACL reconstruction was included in the interval between 79,5-97,7 with an average score of 89,9 which
is actually considered to be appropriate. The mean age of the patients was 38, with a range between 34-53 years,
including 53 male and 13 female patients. All patients had both a normal active life as well as a normal physical
activity. Conclusions: The main goal of rehabilitation after ACL reconstruction surgery is to minimize
postoperative complications and to protect the graft while allowing a quick return to normal daily activities. We
considered that the IKDC knee rating system score after ACL reconstruction, with a value of 89,9 was a good
Keywords: Anterior cruciate ligament, ACL reconstruction, IKDC knee scor
Background: Obstructive Sleep Apnea Hypopnea Syndrome is characterized by reccurent episodes of partial or
complete upper airway collapse during sleep. Clinical consequences are daytime sleepiness, fatigue, impaired
concentration, memory disorders, irritability, diminished libido and erectile dysfunction. Pacients with OSAHS also
have other comorbidities like obesity, hight blood presure, face abnormalities and chronic ethanolism. Objective:
The aim of this study was to analyze the implication of RDI and the number of desaturation in the evaluation of
pacients with OSAHS and to demonstrate if there is some correlation between these indices and the apnea
hypopnea index. Material and methods: We performed a descriptive, collectiive, correlational study using the
correlational Spearman test, on 151 pacients of the Galenus Clinic from Targu Mures, between the years 20062013. Results: The 151 pacinets were clasified in 4 groups according to the apnea hypopnea index.The snoring
group with AHI<=10, the light apnea group with 10< AHI<=30, the moderate apnea group 30<AHI<=50 and the
severe apnea group with AHI >50. The correlation between RDI and the number of desaturation wes significant for
the snoring and severe apnea groups and nonsignificant for the other two.For each group we found a significant
correlation between the AHI and RDI. Conclusions: The cardiorespiratory polysomnography is an important tool
for the diagnosis and evaluation of pacients with OSAHS. Is important to treat these pacients' comorbidities and to
improve their quality of sleep because the clinical consequences are affecting their lives.
Keywords: respiratory disturbance index, apnea-hypopnea index, obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome
Antoniu R1, Tabacar M1, Czeg Renta1, Muresan M G
Background: A hiatal hernia is the protrusion of the upper part of the stomach into the thorax. When hiatal hernias
are symptomatic, acid reflux usually produces the symptoms. If the hernia itself is causing chest discomfort or
other symptoms, surgery may be necessary. The main surgery performed is called fundoplication. Nissen, Dor and
other procedures with somewhat different indications are the surgical techniques used. Objective: To asses the
surgical techniques used for the treatment of hiatal hernias and their incidence in the Surgery Clinic no.2, Mures
County Hospital during the last five years. Material and methods: A retrospective descriptive study was initiated.
Eighty five patients diagnosed with hiatal hernias were included in our study. They were classified according to
gender, age and to surgical techniques. All of them were examined and treated in the Surgery Clinic no.2, Mures
County Hospital between January 2009 and February 2014. Results: There is a visible tendency for the
laparoscopic approach to this kind of pathological condition during the years. Out of 85 patients diagnosed with
hiatal hernia during the last five years 8.2% were treated using Dor procedure and in 91.8% Nissen technique was
applied. Conclusions: Minimally invasive surgery is becoming more and more common in the treatment of hiatal
hernias in the Surgery Clinic no.2, Mures County Hospital during the years, Nissen fundoplication being the typical
Keywords: hiatal, hernia, fundoplication, mures
Background: The male breast cancer is a rare disease, representing 0.2-1.5% of male neoplasms and 1-5.7% of
breast neoplasm, according to literature.Despite the fact that the pathology is similar to that of the female breast
cancer, the unfavorable evolution at men is due to the diagnosis in late stages of the malady. Objective: In this
paper we aimed to emphasize the particularities of this type of neoplasm at man, the factors which delay the early
diagnosis of the illness and also the clinical signs that should catch our attention on the disease. Material and
methods: This is a retrospective and multicentric study analyzing the frequency and particularities of this lesion
within a 10 years interval (2004-2013), in the Surgical Clinics from Targu Mures. In this 10 years we found a
number of 35 male patients operated of breast cancer. Results: The mean age of presentation was 63.8 years
(rage 20 to 87 years) with a prevalence of urban areas: 74.28% of the patients.The majority of the tumor were
localized in the left breast (19 patients- 54.28%).The fixation of the tumor in skin and muscles was diagnosed in 28
cases -80%. 2 patients (5.71%) had distant metastasis. The predominant histological type (82.8%) was the
infiltrating ductal carcinoma, 41.37% of these carcinomas being in the second phase of histological malignity.One
of the carcinoma associates with Paget's illness of the areola.Other types of neoplasms were highlighted:
angiosarcoma, round cells sarcoma, leiomyosarcoma, Burkitt limfoma, fibrosarcoma breast metastasis, malign
melanoma.The elective surgical treatment was Pattey radical mastectomy (85.71%).The instant post operatory
mortality was 0. Conclusions: The ignorance of the patient and not checking the breast during the routine
controls, make the men to come in more advanced stages than women.Asymmetry, eccentricity, firmness, fixation
or ulceration of the breast should raise suspicion.For early diagnosis of the illness,is necessary to develop
screening programs.
Keywords: male, breast cancer, practical aspects
Background: The actual study represents an efficiency of the laparoscopic hysterectomy upon the classical
technique(laparotomy) Objective: The idea is that the laparoscopic hysterectomy could be more efficient than the
classical technique. Material and methods: A retrospective study was effectuated upon 74 women Patients
which starts in 2006 until 2014. Were finalised 56 of the cases with laparoscopic technique while 18 of them were
converted on laparatomy due to the intraoperatory complications or the difficulties that appeared : the difficult
anatomical conditions(adhesions), a voluminous uterus, nodules with intraligamentar development and technical
difficulties concerning the laparoscopic equipment. Results: The procedure was endoscopic to 56 (75,7%) patients
from which 40 (54%) were HyLT and 16 (21,6) were LAVH and the patients are aged 31-83 years old. The LAVH
cases were done, having a pathology such as genital prolaps and it has been required a complementary vaginal
plasty. The HyLT were done removing the uterus through transvaginal way. In 90% of cases the vagina was
sutured laparoscopic (Simple knot or Surjet). It didn't exist any early postoperatory complications while the
hospitalisation was 3-5 days after the surgery Conclusions: The laparoscopic hysterectomy represents a feasible
technique and it should be applied on every patient in departments that are equipped with laparoscopic
instruments, but before applying this technique we need a good evaluation on each situation: Mobile uterus,
voluminous uterus, a less adipose abdominal wall and without previous incisions. LAVH is recommended also
when genital prolaps occurs, but the gynecologist surgeon should be aware of the possible difficulties that may
appear during the surgery and he should inform the patient about a possible conversion into laparatomy.
Keywords: laparoscopic, Hysterectomy, Surgery
Keywords: sphenoid ridge meningioma,, skull base meningiomas, Simpson grade
Background: The ACL is the main structure that stabilizes the knee. The injuries of this ligament are the most
common lesions found in knee trauma. Over the years various reconstruction techniques were used, the most
recent studies show that drilling the femoral tunnel through a medial portal has many advantages, Objective: To
show that the ACL reconstruction using the semiT technique with the femoral tunnel drilled through the medial
portal has a lot of advantages regarding the outcomes than drilling the femoral tunnel transtibial. Material and
methods: We performed an observational retrospective study on 120 patients admitted and diagnosed with ACL
tears in the Orthopedic and Traumatology Clinic I on a period of 4 years ( 2010 - 2013 ). All these patients
underwent ACL reconstruction using the semiT technique.42 patients ( group 1 ) had the femoral tunnel drilled
through the medial portal and 78 patients ( group 2 ) had the femoral tunnel drilled transtibial. Results: The followup at 3 and 6 months showed that the pivot shift phenomenon was absent in all patients from group 1 comparing to
the patients included in group 2, in which only 5% of them had no pivot shift phenomenon. Conclusions: The
malposition of the graft affects the joint stability and the final outcomes. The pivot shift phenomenon ( anterior
translation and internal rotation of the tibia ) is the main cause for the unsatisfactory outcomes. This phenomenon
appears as a result of the graft verticalization. By drilling the femoral tunnel through the medial portal this
malposition of the graft an be avoided.
Keywords: ACL reconstruction, medial portal, semiT technique, pivot shift
Background: Injuries of the knee joint occur most often due to trauma at this level, the most commonly affected
being the anterior cruciate ligament , as well as both the internal and external meniscus. The anterior cruciate
ligament and the two menisci are prone to injuries when the knee rotates during a sustained effort. The severity of
this type of injuries depends on its location, on the degree of stretching, as well as on physical shape and muscle
strength. Objective: The purpose of this study is to highlight the correlation between MRI and arthroscopic in knee
injuries. Material and methods: Data were collected from 60 patients who suffered knee injuries during
1.10.2013-1.05.2013, and received medical care at the clinic of Orthopedics and Traumatology 2 Targu Mures.
Results: 43 patients suffered ligament damage to the anterior cruciate, damage is noticeable both on MRI and
arthrosocpic in proportion of 79%. 2 patients had lesions of the posterior cruciate ligament and both stood out on
MRI and at arthrosocopy 44 patients presented external meniscus lesions, stood out both on MRI and arthroscopy
in 93% 28 patients had lesions of the internal meniscus, which revealed both on MRI and arthroscopy in proportion
of 57% and 7 patients had presented Baker cyst which has been described by both MRI and arthroscopy in
proportion of 14%. Conclusions: MRI and arthroscopy were compared by using the Kappa coefficient method.
The value of the coefficient showed a high agreement between the two techniques.
Keywords: MRI, arthroscopy, knee injures, trauma
Background: Using templates for preoperative planning of total hip replacement is an important step in preparing
for the surgical intervention- not only does it provide an estimate of the size of implants, but it also anticipates the
position , insertion depth and possible pitfalls in obtaining a biomechanically adequate hip endoprosthesis.
Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the preoperatively planned size of cemented total hip implants
with the postoperatively obtained measures in a series of consecutive patients. Material and methods: The study
included 30 consecutive patients treated in the Clinic of Orthopaedics and Traumatology of Targu Mures that
underwent cemented total hip replacement (ZCA All-Poly acetabular cup, Metabloc TM stem , Zimmer) during June
2013 and April 2014. We recorded preoperative estimates of radiologic magnification, acetabular and femoral
component size and limb lengthening.Postoperatively we measured the same variables and compared them to the
anticipated values. Results: Our study group included 21 female and 9 patients with a mean age of 68 years
(range 62-77 years). Principal diagnosis was primary hip arthritis in 83,33 % of cases ,with 5 cases of secondary
coxarthrosis: 3 with protrusioacetabuli and 2 with developmental hip dysplasia.The preoperative estimates of
radiologic magnification and the actual magnification were different in 63,33 % of cases. Acetabular cup size
estimates were correct in 63,33 % of cases, while femoral stem size was correctly anticipated in 76,66 % of cases.
Postoperative limb lengthening was in accordance with the estimated preoperative value in 21 cases.
Conclusions: There is a need for a better standardized radiologic examination of patients in order to correct the
discrepancies between preoperative planning and the actual surgical intervention. The important differences in
estimated and actual magnification of the radiologic image can interfere with the measurements of acetabular and
femoral components and possibly influence adequate component positioning.
Keywords: preoperative templating, cemented total hip replacement, radiologic magnification
Background: Traumatic amputation of the hand is a mutilating injury with a great psychological impact on the
patients. Replantation is an important tehnique in the management of hand trauma. Objective: The aim of the
study is to analyze the injury patterns , to evaluate the frequency of complication occured after replantation and to
study the functional results of 55 completely amputations in 120 patients, aged 3 to 75. Material and methods: A
retrospective study based on the observation sheets and surgical procedure was conducted on patients with
traumatic hand amputation at different levels of the hand ,treated at the Department of Plastic Surgery and
Reconstructive Microsurgery of the Clinical Emergency County Hospital from Targu Mures during January 2008
and December 2013. Results: From those 120 patients, 88 were men and 32 women.Was observed a prevalence
of amputation in the age group 41-60 years,especially males. Out of the total number of amputation, 55 were
complete amputations and 65 were partial amputations.21 amputation were transmetacarpal, 26 were at the first
metacarpophalangeal joint, 23 at the radiocarpal joint and 50 through digits II-V. The most common mechanisms
of amputation were: guillotine in 78 cases, avulsion in 31 cases and crush in 11 cases.There was no major
immediate and late complications in 83 cases , necroses occured in 21 cases and in 10 cases appeared vascular
complication and there was 6 cases with infections.We observed that hand parts which are amputated by guillotine
forces have better reattachment and a lower risk for complications. Conclusions: Viability of the replanted part is
guaranted by the successful vessel anastomosis and by the quality of nerves, tendons and bone repair.Results
improved with more careful selection of patients and more experience in the technique.The main factor influencing
functional result is the type and the mechanisms of amputation.
Keywords: traumatic hand amputations, mechanisms of amputation, replantation, complications
Background: Osteochondritis Dissecans Tali (OCD) is an osseous lesion of the talus due to avascular necrosis
with secondary involvement of the overlying cartilage. In the early stages both, a potential of restoration with
complete healing and progression with separation of an osteochondral fragment with gradual fragmentation of the
articular surface, are possible. Objective: The purpose of this study is to gain an overview of the clinical picture
and possible treatment options of OCD, with special focus on ipsilateral mosaicplasty type autologous
osteochondral graft of the talar dome. Material and methods: Literature searches and review concentrated on
published scientific papers discussing the disease and possible treatment options individually or in comparison,
both reviews and primary studies. Special focus was put on a case of stage III OCD and the surgical treatment with
an ipsilateral mosaicplasty type autologous osteochondral graft of the talar dome. Results: On basis of the
literature men seem to be more prone to develop OCD. It is most common in the second decade of life and up to
40-50% of cases in yound adults the disease is reported to resolve spontaneously. Mechanical and traumatic
factors are etiologically dominant, with some sources mentioning a probable genetic predisposition. Clinical
symptoms are unilateral and unspecific. MRI is the diagnostic and staging tool of choice, separating non-surgical
(stage I, sometimes stage II) from possible surgical lesions (stage III and IV). With the aim to avoid arthrosis of the
joint, several treatment options are discussed, but no consens could be found. Conclusions: Ipsilateral
mosaicplasty type autologous osteochondral graft of the talar dome seems to be a viable treatment option of
unresolved osteochondritis.
Keywords: Osteochondritis Dissecans, Ankle, Talus, Mosaicplasty
Background: Endometriosis is defined as the presence of endometrial glands and stroma outside the endometrial
cavity and the uterine musculature. The pelvis is the most common site of endometriosis, but endometriotic
implants may occur nearly anywhere in the body. Objective: Evaluating the diagnostic correlation between the
preoperative and postoperative diagnosis in pelvic endometriosis. Material and methods: We performed a
retrospective study that aimed to identify all cases of pelvic endometriosis operated in the Obstetrics and
Gynecology Clinic I between 01.01.2012 and 31.12.2013; we evaluated the concordance between the preoperative
diagnosis and the postoperative diagnosis. Results: A total of 163 patients were included in the study, of which in
only 103 cases (63%) we found a concordance between the preoperative and postoperative diagnoses.
Conclusions: A correct preoperative diagnosis of pelvic endometriosis is often difficult because of the lack of
symptoms or pathognomonic signs, thus confusion with other pelvic pathology is very common.
Keywords: endometriosis, correlation, preoperative diagnosis, postoperative diagnosis
Background: The mammary gland can be a site of rare conditions, that may simulate a broad spectrum of primary
breast malingancies. Objective: We intend to highlight the peculiarities of these extremely rare conditions, to
correlate clinical simptoms with imaging, microscopic and serological examinations in order to avoid an extensive,
useless surgery. Material and methods: The current study was conducted on a group of 17 patients undergoing
surgery in surgical clinics from Tirgu Mures during a 10 year period (2004-2013). Results: Of the 17 tumors, 9
were lymphomas, 3 were tuberculous in nature, 2 melanomas, 1 hydatid cyst, 1 toxoplasmosis and 1 APUD tumor.
The mean age of presentation was 51. The majority of tumors were located in the breast (11). 6 mastectomies, 10
sectorectomies and 1 fine needle aspiration cytology were performed. Conclusions: In most cases (12),
confusion with breast neoplasm was due to presence at the breast level of an irregular mass, with different
degrees of attachment to the skin and surrounding tissues, as well as existance of an almost constant axillary
adenopathy. We suggest a closer correlation of clinical imaging, fine needle aspiration, cytology and serological
tests, for a better preoperative diagnosis. Thus we could avoid broad unnecesary surgical excision instead of a
sistemic treatment of the underlying disease.
Keywords: tumor, breast, surgery, imaging
Background: The vascular surgeon needs to correctly evaluate the revascularization candidates, in order to
choose the right procedure, in both infrainguinal and aortic obstructive arterial disease. Objective: To assess all
patients admitted for either intermittent claudication or critical ischemia of the lower limbs to Surgery Clinic No. 1
from Mures County Hospital, as symptoms for aortic obstructive disease, between January 2009 and December
2013. Material and methods: We included 177 cases in our study, evaluating them for: gender, age, blood
pressure, blood glucose level, body mass index smoking habit, claudication index, type of surgical procedure
performed, early graft patency. Results: 90.3% of the patients included were men and 9.7% were women with the
average age of 60 years with values ranging from 36 to 80 years. Patients presented an average value of the body
mass index (BMI) of 26.3 corresponding to the overweight pre-obese category after the WHO classification. The
average value of the systolic blood pressure was 140 mmHg and the average value of the diastolic blood pressure
was 87 mmHg. Blood glucose levels ranged from 77 mg/dl to 495 mg/dl with the average value being 132.7 mg/dl,
68% of the patients being diagnosed with diabetes mellitus whille 32% of the patients weren't diagnosed with
diabetes mellitus. Regarding smoking habit 91% of the patients were smokers while only 9% of them were nonsmokers. Based on Leriche-Fontaine classification, 8.7% of the patients were included in the stage 2, 32.6% in
stage 3, 34.1% in stage 4 and 24.6% in stage 5. Conclusions: The majorty of the patients were men, with
elevated BMI, both with high blood pressure and blood glucose levels, smokers with an advanced index of
claudication. Most of the patients seek medical help when they are already in an advanced stage of critical
Keywords: claudication, ischemia, smoking
Background: Colorectal cancer is a disease that affects increasingly more people and is the second cause of
death after lung cancer for male and the third cause of death for female, after breast cancer and cervical cancer.
Besides inherited conditions, age, radiation or food habits, there are associated factors such as cholecystectomy
or cholelithiasis which can increase the risk of developing colorectal cancer. Objective: The purpose of our study
is to observe and demonstrate if patients with cholelithiasis or cholecystectomy in their past have an increased risk
to develop colorectal cancer. Material and methods: We performed a retrospective study of 942 patients with
colorectal cancer, hospitalized in Surgery Clinic I of Targu Mures County Hospital between 2003 and 2013, aged
between 24 and 89. Results: In this group 6.05% developed cecum cancer, 5.84% ascending colon cancer,
14.76% transverse colon cancer (including the right and the left colic flexure), 3.93% descending colon cancer,
18.68 sigmoid cancer, 17.30% recto-sigmoid cancer and 33.44% rectum cancer. From this group a percentage of
patients had gallbladder disorders: a part of them had cholecystectomy and a part had gallstones at the moment of
the diagnosis. Conclusions: In our group there is a meaning percentage of patients with gallstones and
cholecystectomy which can emphasize that colorectal cancer is more frequently to patients that had been suffering
of different forms of gallbladder disorders.
Keywords: colorectal cancer, cholecystectomy, cholelithiasis, correlation
Background: Anterior cruciate ligament tear is one of the most frequently knee trauma.Tegner Lysholm Knee
Scoring Scale is one of the most used scale in the evaluation of anterior cruciate ligament deficient knee.Some
have even claimed it to represent the "gold standard" method. Objective: The aim of this study is to demonstrate
the efficiency and importance of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and rehabilitation of the patients with
ACL tears in order to improve daily/sports activities. Material and methods: We realized a short retrospective
study involving 47 patients, 18 females and 29 males, aged between 13 and 59 (mean age 27,4) with anterior
cruciate ligament tear treated at the Orthopaedics and Traumatolgy Clinic in Targu Mures, during 2012-2013. All
the patients were assessed using Tegner Lysholm Knee Scoring Scale that takes up symptoms during daily
activities. Results: We determinated the Tegner Lysholm Knee Scoring Scale before surgery and in 10 cases
(21,3%) we obtained values between 65-83 (wich means a fair outcome) and in 37 cases (78,7%) we obtained a
score <65 (wich means a poor outcome).In the age group 20-25 years we observed mostly cases with a poor
outcome (12 cases) and with a fair outcome mostly cases were <20 years (4 cases).After anterior cruciate
ligament reconstruction we obtained in 7 cases (14,9%) values between 65-83 (a fair outcome), in 27 cases
(57,4%) a score between 84-94 (good outcome) and in 13 cases (17,7%) values between 94-100 (excellent
poutcome).In the age group >36 years we observed mostly cases with a fair outcome (4 cases), a good outcome
were observed between 20-25 years (11 cases) and <20 years we had mostly cases with an excellent outcome (5
cases). Conclusions: Using Tegner Lysholm Knee Scoring Scale we have managed to demonstrate an
improvement of life condition of the patients after ACL reconstruction and rehabilitation.
Keywords: anterior cruciate ligament, Tegner Lysholm Knee Scoring Scale, ACL reconstruction and rehabilitation
Zacharias Cora1, Suciu H, Stroe V
Background: Acute injuries of vessels constitute an important therapeutic problem, representing a serious threat
to life. Vascular injuries in large numbers are usually seen only during military conflicts. However, with the
increasing number of vehicular accidents, violent crimes and the common use of arterial cannulation, such injuries
are being seen more frequently in civilian practice as well. The incidence of vascular trauma varies among
countries and also between urban and rural areas and accounts for approximately 10% of all deaths. Objective:
This clinical study describes the experience of arterial trauma at the Emergency Cardiovacular Disease and
Transplant Institute of Tg.Mures. Material and methods: The retrospective study was made between 2010 and
2014, including 123 pacients: 91 (74%) pacients with iatrogenic injury and 32 (26%) pacients with penetrating and
blunt trauma. There were 25 (20%) penetrating injuries caused by industrial, domestic, agresion and autoagresion
trauma and 7 (5,7%) blunt injury that caused politrauma.The mean age for traumatic injuries such as domestic,
industrial, road trafic accidents and penetrating injury was on young patients between 17 and 45 years. Results:
Early extremity fasciotomies were performed for compartment syndrome after acute ischemia and
revascularization in 8 patients (6,5%) with arterial trauma. Two patients needed multiple skin grafting procedures
or myocutaneous flaps to close the wound. Two amputations were required for limb ischemia. Both patients were
involved in routier accidents (blunt trauma).There were two deaths caused by penetrating injuries. Conclusions: A
multidisciplinary approach to the management of the arterial trauma patient will help create circumstances in which
optimal care can be provided. Early fasciotomy has been cited as a major factor contributing to limb salvage and
preservation of function, especially in politraumatic injuries with multiple fractures and dislocations. Primary
amputation must be taken into consideration if the duration of ischemia is >6 hours, as a life saving procedure.
Keywords: arterial injuries, fasciotomy, limb salvage, multidisciplinary team
Background: Regarding the surgical treatment of low anorectal cancer one theme of debate was if sphincter
saving procedures are the appropriate choice in terms of oncological radicality, the rate of local complications and
functional results achieved. Objective: Our aim was to compare sphincter saving procedures with other surgical
techniques used for the treatment of low anorectal cancer. Material and methods: We made a retrospective study
on 320 patients (N=320) treated in the Surgery I Clinic of the Targu Mures Emergency Clinical County Hospital,
from 2004 to 2013, for low anorectal cancer. We have studied the postoperative results and complications after
sphincter saving procedures made for low anorectal cancer (very low Dixon anterior rectal resection; low rectal
resection with peranal anastomosis) and compared them with those after other surgical procedures involving a
colostomy (Milles's abdomino-perineal rectal amputation; Hartmann's procedure). Results: Over a 10 years period
we reviewed a number of 320 cases of patients treated for low anorectal cancer. To 35% of them a sphincter
saving procedure was used (a very low Dixon resection in 22.18% and low rectal resection with peranal
anastomosis in 12.82% of cases) and to 58.44% a surgical procedures involving a colostomy was performed (in
51.26% the Milles rectal amputation and for 7.18% the Hartmann's procedure). A number of 21 (6.56%) cases
were inoperable. After sphincter saving techniques a rate of 19.64% of immediate postoperative complications was
found. Conclusions: Surgical techniques of sphincter preservation represent viable alternatives to operations that
make the patient a permanent bearer of a colostomy, if thorough oncological principles are respected and a
rigorous selection of cases is made. The technological progress of medical devices, in recent years also come to
facilitate these conservative techniques, for the benefit of the patients.
Keywords: sphincter saving procedure, low anorectal cancer, oncological
Background: FNA cytology of the thyroid gland is considered to be an essential test in the diagnosis of the thyroid
diffuse lesions or nodules. This is because of the great accuracy it has in confirming benign lesions and avoiding
unnecessary surgery which can lead to thyroid hormone dependence in patients with benign lesions. Other
complications may be hypoparathyroidism and lesions of the laryngeal nerve. Objective: The aim of this study is
to evaluate the accuracy of fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) in the diagnosis of thyroid nodules which should
be referred for surgery. Material and methods: This is a retrospective study conducted on 319 clinically
diagnosed cases of thyroid nodules which were referred to our clinic and underwent FNAcytology for diagnosis.
The categorizing system for the results was according to the Bethesda classification: insufficient for diagnosis,
benign, atypical follicular lesion of undetermined significance, suspicious for malignancy, malignant sampling. The
gold standard of this study was the final histological diagnosis or ecography follow-up after at least 6months in
case of non-malignant nodule. Results: The median age was 53 years and the occurrence in female was 90,6%
while in male only 9,4%. 53 cases (17,5%) were diagnosed as insufficient for diagnosis, 199 cases (65,7%) as
benign, 46 cases(15,2%) as atypical follicular lesion of undetermined significance, 4 cases (1,3%) as suspicious
for malignancy and 1 case(0,3%)as malignant sampling. Cytology diagnoses were compared with their
corresponding histological ones. FNAC achieved a sensitivity of 76,47%, a specificity of 83,1%, a positive
predictive value of 35,1%, a negative predictive value of 96,7%, a false positive rate of 16,9%, a false negative rate
of 23% with a total accuracy of 82,3%. Conclusions: FNA cytology has a good accuracy in the initial diagnosis of
patients with thyroid nodules or diffuse lesions, reducing unnecessary surgery.
Keywords: FNA cytology, Bethesda, thyroid nodule
Background: Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death.The appropriate treatment for these
patients is removal of all colonic and rectal affected area. Objective: The aim of the study was to compare the
results of colorectal surgery for cancer in two differents countries:Italy and Romania. Material and methods: Were
included in this retrospective study 600 consecutive patients who undergone colorectal surgery for cancer at the
Department of General Surgery and Emergency of Bologna,St.Orsola Hospital(group1) and the last 600 patients
who had colorectal surgery for cancer at Targu Mures County Clinical Hospital(group2). Results: Significant
differences were found in the stage of the disease with a higher incidence of advanced disease in group2(T3-T465%-group1,80%-group,p<0,05).In group1,a radical resection of tumor was performed in95% of cases and 75% in
group2.This could be explained with the use of colonic cancer screening in Bologna.In group1,70% of patients had
an emergency operation,30% an elective operation,otherwise in group2 were30%versus70%.The higher incidence
of emergency operation in group1could be explained with a different organisation plan of Hospital Unit.A
laparoscopic approach was performed in40% of patients in group1 and 7% in group2(p<0.01).Statistically different
were also found in the comparison between mechanical and manual anastomosis(70%-group1,20%-group2).There
were no significant differences regarding mortality,morbidity post-operative 30-day and hospital stay:group13%,28%,9days; group2-5%,27%,13days. Conclusions: This study demonstrated that the results of colorectal
surgery for cancer are similar in the two countries if we only analyse the mortality and morbidity,but shows some
significant differences in the management of colorectal tumors.There is a higher number of advanced disease and
palliative operation in group2, probably due to a lack of screening program for colorectal cancer in
Romania.Moreover in group 2 there is a more traditional approach with a lesser use of laparoscopy and
mechanical devices.
Keywords: colorectal, cancer, laparoscopic, surgery
Background: Taking into consideration the impact of the lifestyle on current and future individual and societal
wellbeing and development, it is important to understand the behavioral patterns and related specific determinants
for the lifestyle of the Romanian young generations. Objective: To assess the lifestyle quality of young people
based on a survey investigating some behavioral aspects such as eating habits, physical activity, rest, etc. It also
looks at the influence that the family and the entourage play in developing a healthy lifestyle. Material and
methods: The survey was conducted between December 2013 and April 2014, through an on-line questionnaire.
It included 41 questions regarding: socio-demographic data, anthropometric measurements and habits regarding
nutrition, family (and personal) medical and behavioral history. The study group comprises 168 young people,
aged between 15 and 35 years, four from each county of Romania, with symmetric gender distribution; the
average age is 22.4 and the median 22. This presentation is confined to nutritional aspects. Results: 75% of
surveyed people presented normal body weight, 12.5% are overweight and 12.5% are underweight. 110 (65.4%)
of the respondents are omnivores, 42 (25%) are vegetarians, and 6 (3.5%) are vegans. 60.7% have breakfast
daily, 16.6% 2-3 times a day, 15.4% seldom and 7.14% almost never. 78.5% from the total eat fast-food
occasionally, 4.1% often and 17.2% never. 123 (73.2%) received education regarding healthy lifestyle habits
within their families. Out of these 84.5% have assimilated them. 54.7% were taught to read food labels from which
68.4% avoid food additives. 69.6% of participants consider it would have been easier if they had been taught some
healthy habits in childhood. Conclusions: The family environment plays an important role in shaping the lifestyle
of children. On the understanding and application of this principle depends the health of future generations.
Keywords: lifestyle, youth, nutrition, education
Background: To evaluate the knowledge and attitudes in a group of people in Targu Mures on additives in food
consumption and the risk thats confronts population health. Objective: Material and methods: Transversal
descriptive epidemiological study was conducted on a representative sample of 90 people aged between 18 and
45 from Targu Mures during November 2012-April 2013, achieved by applying a questionnaire consisting of 29
questions concerning knowledge and attitudes towards additives and estimated food consumption of additives in
food. Results: In our group 71% know what food additives means, and the remaining 29% do not give importance
to these additives, 67% are aware that additives can be harmful to the health, 77% considers artificial additives
more harmful than natural ones, 71% considers these substances are necessary for the food safety, 80% consider
that it distributes more food of inferior quality containing increasingly higher additived for 43% the official controls
on food quality are sufficiently rigorous, 55 % recognize and undersand the significance of Es; are considered
harmful the following: 3% antioxidants, 38% sweeteners, 36% acidifiers and 63% colorants. Conclusions: In the
group there is a significant percentage showing unhealthy food behavior and an increased intake of food additives,
although thei knowledge of the presence and risk of food additives are well developed.
Keywords: nutrition,, additives,, health
Laura Fisus1, Victoria Ancuta Rus 1, Paca Maria Dorina
Background: The medical student becomes more and more aware that his dietary decisions influence his
life,health and development in the medical domain.The disease has more than one father,but only one
mother:nutrition. Objective: The conducted study aims to find out the importance and the impact of the food label
over the medical student. Material and methods: The psychological investigation-questionnaires(300 subjects180 Ist year and 120 final year General Medicine) Results: Read the labels:Ist year 77.77%,final year-83.33%,are
interested in the label Ist year-79.44%,final year-75%.Allotted time and attitude:before paying Ist year-66.11%, final
year-66.66%,after exiting the shop,Ist year-20.83%,final year-16.66%,not reading label at all Ist year-17.23%,final
year-12.51%.Where does he read it:in the shop- Ist year-76.11%,final year-66.66%,before eating it 1st year12.50%, final year-12.50%,in a hurry,Ist year-11.04%,final year-20.84%.How do you read it:in a rush-Ist year-36.11
%,final year-50 %,carefully-Ist year-37.77 %,final year-33.33%,selectively-Ist year-26.11%,final year-26.11%.How
do they read it:only what interests him-Ist year-50%,final year-25%,reads all-Ist year-39.44%,final year58.33%,doesn't read it-Ist year-10.56%,final year-20.84%.Layout:unclear-Ist year-80%,final year-75%,uninterestingIstyear-10,55%,final year-16.66%,dull-Ist year-9,44% final year-8.33%.Changes:clearer labels year-80%,final
year-75%,uninterested-Ist year-12,22%,final year-33.33%,more colorful year-5,71%,final year-8,33%.Reads
the labels for-products without additives,synthetic dyes-Ist year-67,22%,final year-54.16%,no calories-Ist year20%,final year-25%,out of boredom-Ist year-12,77%,final year-20.83%.Don't like the label year-66,66%,final
year-41.66%,not interested year-22,22%,final year-37.5%,read full label year-16,66%,final year-20.83%.
Conclusions: Judging by the conducted study,an important number of medical students pay attention to the
product labels but still,there are some who do not pay attention to the label.Therefor further education on the
importance of the product label is needed.
Keywords: health, medicine, label, product
Background: Gastritis are acute or chronic inflammation of the stomach mucosa, the disease affecting a rate of
approximately 50% of the total population. Objective: The aim of this research is to show the importance of
rational food, both in the prevention, and also in the treatment of chronic gastritis. Material and methods: This is a
retrospective observational analytical study carried out under direct and indirect questionnaires. The study shall be
carried out on a sample of 200 persons, 100 diagnosed with gastritis, 100 healthy, men and women. Results: Out
of the 100 cases of patients diagnosed with gastritis , 91% intend to change their way of life to treat the disease
,but only 53% of the 100 healthy individuals were intend to change their way of life to prevent problems.Regarding
to the distribution by gender , a percentage of 95% from the female were more open to change their lifestyle, they
have kept a restrictive diet and have obtained good results. . In this restrictive diet is forbidden the consumption of
carbonated drinks, acidic foods, fried foods, animal fats and sweets. At the opposite pole 30% of men refused to
keep a diet and only 25% of those who accepted a scheme have accepted a strictly one. The results were: at the
men who had refused the regime, gastritis got worse and it was necessary medicinal therapy. Conclusions: The
study shows that a balanced lifestyle helps dealing with the treatment and the healing, and it is also efficient in the
prevention of the disease.
Keywords: gastritis, lifestyle, diet
Background: Diet provides the essential foundations for long-term success. The daily food intake has to maintain
health and avoid the occurrence of injuries, assist in developing the best shape and, last but not least, it has to
support the body in all the stages of training to bring the athlete to the start line of the competition. Objective: To
evaluate the knowledge of young athletes in the field of sports nutrition. Material and methods: A transversal
qualitative study was conducted to evaluate the nutritional knowledge of pupils from an institution such as the
"Szsz Adalbert" Sports High School in Trgu Mure in 2013. A total of 100 students, members of various sports
teams, were questioned, 76% males, 24% females, with a mean age of 17.84. Results: A small precentage 17%
of the young athletes planned their menu for the following day; 59% knew the correct answer to protein content
foods; only 6% of the respondents answered correctly to questions related to foods containing carbohydrates; only
12% possessed knowledge about foods containing lipids. Conclusions: The pupils' knowledge in nutrition is
reduced to a worrying level for the proper development of the body because athletes need a sufficient amount of
energy to do sports and for the proper development of the body. One major goal and a solution would be a solid
education in nutrition which could be done in schools.
Keywords: Sports nutrition, athletes, foods, protein carbohydrate fat
IBCVT Tg Mures
UMF Trgu Mure
Background: Many widely used xenoestrogens have been recently identified. These compounds are used in a
large variety of food stuffs, personal care products and consumer goods. Negative health effects on fertility and
pregnancy outcomes were correlated with the presence of such compounds in maternal circulation.Corelation
between intrauterine exposure and the side effects of this exposure is followed. Objective: The purpose of this
paper is to obtain an HPLC method suitable for determination of the following xenoestrogens from pregant
womens'urine and placental blood (buthylated hydroxytoluene, phenoxyacetic acid, bisphenol A, 2,4-dichlor
phenol, 2-nonoethyl hexyl phthalate, triclosan, benzophenone, mono buthyl phthalate, mono benzyl phthalate, 2,5dichlor phenol, methyl p-hydroxybenzoate, propyl p-hydroxybenzoate) in order to dose the quantity of those
compounds in their system. Material and methods: An HPLC-UV method was developed using reagents and
solvents compatible for an MS detection. Gradient elution was used; mobile phase consisted of water brought to
pH 2.5 with acetic acid and acetonitril.Quizzes regarding daily intake of xenostrogens were delivered to the
subjects. Results: All xenoestrogens were successfully separated at the baseline. Large amounts of phthalates
were found on consumer goods that come daily in contact with children or pregnant women. Conclusions: The
new HPLC method that was developed is suitable for separation of the most frequently used xenoestrogens or
their metabolites. The level of these substances should be monitored in foodstuffs and consumer goods and
avoidance of such products should be recommended by health care personnel to pregnant women and children.
Keywords: xenostrogens, pregnancy, intrauterine exposure, foodstuff
Background: The identification of the main risk factors related to the coronary patients' diet can be the starting
point for the conception of an educational plan regarding nutrition for these patients. Objective: The given study
makes an evaluation of the lifestyle and eating habits, in connection with other personal data, as risk factors in the
occurrence and development of coronary disease, on patients hospitalized in the Cardiology Clinic II Adults,
IUBCVT Targu-Mures. Material and methods: We have investigated a group of patients hospitalized during
October, 2013 - March, 2014, diagnosed with Coronary Cardiopathy, by answering a questionnaire asking for
personal information, lifestyle and diet, anthropometric data, laboratory analysis. Results: The study group
comprises 40 patients, ages between 43 and 82, out of which: 14 are women and 26 men. 87,5% have a medium
level of education; 95% have low/average income. Regarding lifestyle: 62,5% are smokers or former smokers,
77,5% are sedentary or with little physical activity, 77,5% have average/high level of stress. The diet analysis
reflects a high consumption of: refined cereals (52,5%), fatty meat and sausage (57,5%), other animal fats (95%),
refined vegetable oils (65%), low intake of: vegetable (55%) and fruit (45%), legume (47,5%), oleaginous (62,5%),
fish (60%). In conformity with the anthropometric data, 82,5% have the BMI>25, being overweight or obese, 92,5%
have the abdominal circumference over the normal limit. All patients are dyslipidaemic under treatment, 70% have
high blood pressure, 27,5% have type II diabetes or altered tolerance to carbohydrates. Conclusions: The
outcome suggests the fact that low income and low level of formal education, as well as smoking, increase the risk
of coronary disease occurrence, together with a high-calorie diet, rich in animal fats, little intake of fruits and
vegetables, by facilitating the development of dyslipidemia and obesity.
Background: Dietary assessment is an important part of general assessment, but it is time consuming and
subjective. Medical students are supposed to have healthy eating habits. Objective: Comparison of dietary habits
of students from UMF Tg. Mures. Material and methods: Type of study - cross-sectional; target population medical students; sample - 91 students divided in two groups from the first (46 subjects) and fourth year (43
subjects) of General Medicine at UMF Tg. Mures. Method - 24hr recall questionnaire. Variables analyzed: age,
sex, environment, study year, body mass index, waist, percentage of fat, protein, carbohydrate, fiber, empty
calories, recommended caloric intake, number of meals, physical activity frequency. Results: 71.4% of students
consume at least 3 meals/day. 75.8% consume more empty calories than the recommended quantity. When
comparing the macronutrient composition there was no statistically significant difference between the 2 groups, but
only 6/91 have a balanced diet according to the dietary recommendations. 56.04% of students consume more
calories than their calculated requirement. Students from the first year are more likely to engage in physical activity
(RR 1.54, 95% CI - 1.03-2.3, p=0.03). The incidence of weight disturbances was 30.4% in the first year group and
24.4% in the fourth year group. Conclusions: Medical students tend to consume high amounts of empty calories,
have an imbalanced diet and do not exercise. The 24hr recall is a useful tool for evaluating personal diet and
allows tailored recommendations. More emphasis should be put on nutritional education among medical students.
Keywords: 24hr recall, macronutrient, empty calories, physical activity
Background: Diet evaluation should be a part of general medical assesment and tailored recommendandations
should be provided. Objective: The evaluation of the food pyramid of medical students. Material and methods:
Type of study target population medical students;sample-76 students divided in two groups
from the first(45 subjects) and fourth year (31 students) of General Medicine at UMF Tg.Mures. Method self
administered food frequency questionnaire developed based on the NHANES III and adapted to local dietary
habits. Variables analyzed: age, sex, environment, study year, body mass index, waist, number of meals, physical
activity frequency, and food pyramid. Results: 54.83% of fourth year students and 46.67% of first year students do
not engage in regular physical activity. None of the subjects have a normal food pyramid. When comparing the
food pyramid of the 2 groups, we found that first year students consume higher number of portions from all food
groups, significant for fruits and vegetables (7.18 vs. 5.18 portions/day, p=0.006) on average, and have a higher
chance of normal fruits and vegetables portions consumption (RR=0.49, 95% CI 0.28-0.86, p=0.01). 59.21% of
all subjects consume the recommended number of portions of fruits and vegetables and only 18.42% do not
exceed the recommendations for concentrated sweets and fat. Conclusions: Medical students tend to consume
higher amouts than the recommended number of portions of all food groups and do not engage in regular physical
activity. A nutritional evaluation should be performed at the start of each school year with individualised diet
Keywords: food frequency questionnaire, food pyramid, physical activity
Background: Although ascorbic acid may be considered as "probably the most studied substance in the history
", very few publications are available about the biodisponibility of salts and derivatives of ascorbic acid from
different products that are administered orally. Related to oral administration of vitamin C, calcium ascorbate has a
strong interest in the medical practice, but there is no data in the medical literature about the bioavailability of this
salt. Objective: The purpose of this study is to describe the physical-chemical properties of calcium ascorbate in
order to predict the absorption, respectively correlating the absorption with the ascorbic acid concentration in
plasma, following administration of a dietary supplement containing 90 mg calcium ascorbate and bioflavonoids.
Material and methods: We have measured the pH value of this preparation.We have determined the partition of
calcium ascorbate between a solution and octanol, at 2 different pH values, the concentration of ascorbate being
measured with an UV spectrophotometric method, initially and after extraction. The dissociation constant has been
determined using 5 buffer solutions with different pH values, the concentration of ionized/nonionized forms being
measured with an UV spectrophotometric method. The ascorbic acid plasma concentration has been determined
by a high performance liquid chromatographic method. Results: The measured pH value supports that calciumascorbate is less acidic than ascorbic acid. The partition coefficient value higher than ascorbic acid's value
indicates a better absorption in the body, which can be correlated with the measured concentrations. Conclusions:
Calcium ascorbate supplemented with bioflavonoids can be an effective alternative to oral administration of vitaminC.
Keywords: calcium ascorbate,, partition coefficient,, plasma concentration,
Background: The kindergartners' diet has to be varied and plentiful, no matter where the nutritional act takes
place, at home or at the kindergarten. At this age children are very active and therefore need a diet that is rich not
only in nutrients but in energy as well. Objective: Investigating kindergartners' nutrition in the educational
environment. Evaluating kindergartener's nutrition in the educational environment from the parents' point of view.
Material and methods: The study population was comprised of 50 parents of children between the ages of 3 and
6, that are attending kindergarten with an extended schedule. Data was collected by means of conversation and
questionnaire filling. The questionnaire focuses on details of the daily menu plan, the children's nutritional behavior
and the quality and quantity of the vitamins and macronutrients in the children's diet. Results: According to the
parents' answers, almost all of them (84%) are content with their children being offered a meal by the kindergarten
and also by the quality of the food provided there. Most of them (66%) do not wish to change this situation,
because they have observed positive changes in the nutritional behavior of their children during the time spent in
kindergarten they feed themselves, they enjoy eating together with other people and are more orderly in their
eating habits. It has been observed that some parents (48%) are knowledgeable about the quality and quantity of
vitamins and macronutrients in food while others. 48% are not. The parents were not involved on establishing the
daily menu served by the kindergarten, and have been informed about it only on their request. Some parents
(18%) want to introduce some changes in their children's diets, consisting of increasing their intake of fiber from
fruits and vegetables. Conclusions: There is a lack of nutritionist in the preschool educational environment that
needs to be addressed.
Keywords: kindergartners, educational environment, nutrition
Background: Nutritional disorders are afflictions characterized by changes in the nutritional behavior that have
serious physical and psychological consequences. Anorexia is one such a disease that causes havoc among
teenagers. Objective: Investigating the impact of anorexia on the self-esteem of teenage high school girls and
assessing the risk of developing the condition. Material and methods: The study population consisted of 80
adolescent girls with ages between 15-18 years, going to the most prominent high schools in Tirgu Mures. Data
was collected using a questionnaire, the Rosenberg scale and the conversation method. The questions in the
questionnaire were meant to evaluate the risk of developing anorexia, while the Rosenberg scale measured the
girls' view of their self-image, self-esteem and confidence. Results: Among the 80 girls included in the study, 50
(62.5%) have a high risk of developing anorexia, while the other 30 (37.5%) show a low risk of developing the
condition. Most (60%) of the subjects possess a very low self-esteem. It has been observed that teenagers follow
very strict diets, poor in nutrients, that are often combined with physical exercise, occasional purging by selfinduced vomiting and/or laxative or diuretic abuse, with the purpose to lose weight. Conclusions: The study
shows that the teenagers that suffer from anorexia have precarious self-esteem and display a number of nutritional
Keywords: anorexia, self-esteem, teenegers, nutritional disorders
Background: The concept of quality of life is very broad and dynamic. According to the World Health Organization
it is the perception of the individuals' position in life, expectations, standards and concerns. Objective: The aim of
the study is to analyse the beneficials of kinetotherapy in improving the risk of falling of the geriatric patients, and
such their quality of life. Material and methods: This is a prospective study performed on 10 geriatric patients
between 1st of November 2013 till 1st of March 2014. The Tinetti and the Berg scales were used in order to
assess the gait. All the patients followed a physical rehabilitation programme and were reevaluated after one week,
a month, and three month. Graph Pad Prism 5.0 was used to assess the statistical date. Results: The mean age
of the subjects involved in the study was 70.10 +/- 8.55 years old. Six were females and 4 males. Half of them
were diagnosed with hypertension and one with atrial fibrillation. Three patients were obese and one suffered of
osteoarthritis. At the initial evaluation four out of ten patients presented with medium risk for fall, three with high
risk of falling and three with low risk of fallling according with the Tinetti scale. The Berg scale noticed 2 persons in
need of an assissted device for walking,and 3 persons dependent of another one. The mean value of Berg scale at
the beginning of the study was 37.40 +/- 19.11, unchainged after 3 months of physical exercise. The Tinetti scale's
mean values at the beginning were 18.70+/-8.17 and at the 3 months of 20.78+/- 5.16.; but one patient died during
the study. Conclusions: Despite the new rehabilitation programme imposed, none of the subjects involved in the
study improved their outcome in terms of risk of falling and regaining independence.
Keywords: Kinetotherapy, quality of life, fall
Background: Achilles tendon represents the strongest tendinous structure of the human body. Even though, it can
be bend to direct or indirect traumas, their effect being the rupture at different levels. Objective: The aim of this
study is to demonstrate the balneophysiotherapy recovery methods in patients with total rupture of the Achilles
tendon, which suffered a reconstruction surgery of the structure. Material and methods: For realizing this paper, I
have included into study a number of 16 patients taken on record in Department of Orthopaedic and Trauma
Surgery and in Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery from the Mures County Emergency Clinical
Hospital, during January 2010 February 2014. The 16 patient were separated in two groups, Group A and Group
B, by the levels of Achilles tendon criteria. Group A was formed from 8 patients with the tendon injury at the
musculotendinous junction, and Group B from another 8 patients, with the tendon injury at the calcaneal insertion.
All the patients suffered surgical interventions for tenorrhaphy of the Achilles tendon, with postoperative
immobilization in flexion position for the first 6 weeks, and a 90 talocrural joint immobilization in the next period of
time. After the gypsum removal, the patients received a balneophysiotherapy and kinetotherapy treatment for the
mobility and muscle strength recovery at the injury level. Results: After the balneary and kinetics treatment, we
observed extremely positive results in 12 out of 16 patients, 7 patient from Group A and 5 patients from Group B,
their mobility being recovered 90-100%. In 4 patients, 1 from Group A and 3 from Group B, we noticed difficulties
in joint movement and muscle strength exercises. Conclusions: In Achilles tendon injuries at different levels, the
reconstructive surgery of the structure is important, but balneophysiokinetotherapy is the most responsible for the
restoration of function and mobility of the segment.
Keywords: tendon, kinetic, achilles, mobility
Background: This study shows that obese women can be at high risk of several complications during pregnancy
and delivery, which is also true for newborns. Objective: To study the effects of excessive weight gain during
pregnancy on both the mother and the newborn and to study how much weight before pregnancy can affect the
outcome of the birth. Material and methods: My study group consists of 322 pregnant women (called Group A),
who were admitted to the Targu Mures Obstetrics Clinic between 1st January 2012 & 1st January 2013. Group A
has been further divided into: Group B (women weighing >=70kg at the beginning of pregnancy), Group C (women
weighing <70kg at the beginning of pregnancy) and Group D (women who added >=15kg during pregnancy).
Results: Women in Group B added more weight during pregnancy than women in Group C. Babies born to
women in Group B weighed more than those born to women in Group C. Women in Group C had a higher risk of
premature birth. Women in Groups B & D had a higher need to receive Oxytocin injections compared with those in
Group C. Women in Groups B & D also had a higher risk of developing gestational diabetes, high blood pressure,
preeclampsia and varicose veins compared with those in Group C. Conclusions: Women from Groups B & D
have a higher risk of developing pathological associations and of needing C-sections compared with women from
Group C.
Keywords: Pregnancy, Obesity, Weight Gain, Pathological Associations
Background: Electrocutions are the most complex and destructive thermal injuries with high mortality and extensive loss of
soft tissues.These injuries are produced, when electric current cross through the human body and have to be differentiated from
other electrical injuries such as: electric flame or electric arch. Skin lesions (entrance and exit points) are known as electrical
marks.Objective: This paper will deal only with electrocutions,when electric current penetrates a distinct anatomic
area crossing through the human body and escaping by an opposite site, producing characteristic lesions.
Material and methods: This topic presents the case of a 34 year old man that climbed on an electrical pole connected to the
industrial electric network (20000 V) ,in order to steal the electric wires. When he touched the electric wire with his left hand he
received a powerful electric discharge that penetrated the radial border of his second finger exiting by several exit points: the
elbow joint, the anterior thigh and the right thorax,determining full-thickness burns and extensive necrosis of fascia and
underlying muscles. Early escharotomies and extensive excision where mandatory to prevent severe sepsis and acute renal
failure due to rabdomyolysis.Results: A very good granulation bed has been obtained at the end of several weeks of local
treatment and intensive care IN THE BURN ICU, these very good granular bad has eventually been grafted with meshed
autologous S.T.S.G. harvested from the right thigh.Conclusions: All electric injuries have to be admitted and cared as soon
as possible in a Burn Centre,very large dissections and extensive excisions are the only way to explore the damage determined
by the electric current, thus avoiding early and late complications such as sepsis, acute renal failure, amputation and devastating
Background: This is a clinical presentation demonstrating the efficiency of the combination between the
sequential tangential excision and the autolytic debridement on behalf of different synthetic dressings. Objective:
Thermal burns are produced by open fire, electric flames, hot liquid or the contact with hot objects. Full-thickness
burns are those lesions involving all skin structures. Skin layers transform into a leathery, dry eschar, so the only
adequate treatment is the excision of the eschar as soon as possible and skin grafting of the remaining defect.
Material and methods: This paper presents only 2 cases with full-thickness burns selected from the period
between 2011-2013; the other 15 cases with deep burns admitted in the above mentioned period have been
treated by the same protocol, so any statistic analysis is difficult. In the Burn Centre of Targu Mures (due to
the 'local conditions' in this medical unit) in the last 15 years has been used a 'special protocol' which is a mixture
of early sharp debridement combined with autolytic debridement that remove the burn eschar and obtain an
adequate granulation for skin grafting. Results: This incomplete tangential excision of the burn eschar gave very
good results. The thin layer of eschar remaining at the end of the sharp debridement prevents the accidental
removal of healthy tissue avoiding the brisk bleeding requiring blood transfusion. Complete removal of the burn
eschar and adequate wound bed preparation followed by early cover with STSG is the only way to prevent early
and late complications of full-thickness burns. Conclusions: The surgical procedure mentioned above is a cheap,
safe and easy way to achieve the goals mentioned at the beginning of this paper, thus avoiding all major early and
late complications which could follow more aggressive surgery.
Keywords: burn eschar,, sharp debridement, autolytic debridement,, synthetic dressings,, skin grafting.
Background: Neoplasm pathology remain a major health problem. Gastric cancer in particular requires special
attention in preoperative and especially postoperative nursing. Objective: Identification of pre-operative risk
factors in patients with gastric cancer and their correlation with postoperative patient evolution. Material and
methods: We studied, retrospective observational, a group of patients with gastric cancer (n = 195) during
01.01.2010- 31.12.2012 following age, gender, origin, diagnosis, laboratory examinations, mortality, Charlson
comorbidity index, operation, postoperative evolution, postoperative index Clavien-Dindo. Results: Of all the
patients where postoperative complications were observed, we could establish a direct link between Charlson
comorbidity index and postoperative complications (Clavien-Dindo index) with other factors (age, sex, laboratory
exams) that influence the patient evolution. Conclusions: Anticipation of postoperative complications in patients
with gastric cancer confers a strategic advantage in management / nursing of these patients.
Keywords: gastric cancer, index Charlson, nursing
Background: Parastomal hernias are a local, late complication that takes place after a stoma procedure:
colostomy, enterostomy, gastrostomy. Objective: The aim of this study is to follow the surgical treatment and
postoperative course of patients with parastomal hernias. Material and methods: We performed a retrospective
study on a group of 100 patience suffering from postoperative hernias, hospitalized and treated at Surgery Clinic I
of the Targu-Mures County Clinical Emergency Hospital, between 1st January 2013 and 31st December 2013. The
criteria used have been demographics, comorbidities and the type of stoma that caused the hernia. Results: Of
the studied group, parastomal hernias made up 6% of the cases. Gender proportions showed a prevalence in men
(2:1). Obesity is a frequent comorbidity in postoperative parastomal hernias with the BMI's average of 31,23. In 3
of the cases, the hernia appeared after a terminal colostomy, while in 3 other cases it appeared after a lateral
Maydl loop colostomy. The reconstruction of the abdominal wall was done using monoplane technique in 3 cases,
by the use of a polypropylene mesh in 2 cases and in another case repositioning the colostomy was preferred.
Conclusions: Parastomal hernia is a late postoperative complication that requires specific surgical treatment, the
local septic element implies the choice for an adequate surgical procedure.
Keywords: parastomal, hernia, treatment
Background: Incisional hernias are one of the common complications that might occur after a laparotomy.
Although significant progress has been made, correcting incisional hernias continues to be problematic, with a
recurrence rate increasing. In the case of large incisional hernias, surgical treatment can often prove to be difficult.
The use of a mesh in order to reinforce the abdominal wall can be necessary for a lasting result. Objective: The
aim of this study is to follow the types of surgical procedures and the postoperative course of patients with large
incisional hernias. Material and methods: We performed a retrospective study on a number of 100 patients
diagnosed with insicional hernias, admitted at the Surgery Clinic I of the Targu-Mures County Clinical Emergency
Hospital between 1st January 2013 and 31st December 2013. We analyzed the incidence in correlation with sex,
BMI, the type of the surgical treatment, the diameter of the hernia and of the parietal flaw. Results: In 15% of the
cases the incisional hernias were large, the size of the hernia being an average of 24 cm. Gender comparison
showed a prevalence of 3/2 male/female ratio. Obesity is a frequent co-morbidity in large incisional hernias with
the BMI's average of 30.27. In 66% of the cases the most frequent surgical treatment was the reinforcement of the
abdominal wall with a polypropylene mesh placed on lay. The Oscar Ramirez procedure was used in 26% of the
cases. Conclusions: The main aim of the surgical treatment for large incisional hernias was to reestablish
abdominal wall integrity. This could be achieved by using a mesh. The type and positioning of prosthetic devices is
crucial and demands an adequate selection of patients.
Keywords: large, incisional, hernia
Background: Within hospitals, a proper decontamination of surfaces and hands of the staff is mandatory,
considering the need of nosocomial infections prevention. Objective: The comparison of antibacterial activity of
various antiseptics and disinfectants that are commonly used in hospitals. Material and methods: We analysed
the activity of four type of antiseptics and four disinfectants on seven different bacterial species, using the standard
CLSI microdilution method. In microtiter plates, binary dilutions were made of each decontaminant to a final
volume of 100 l. The bacterial suspensions were prepared at a concentration 0.5 McFarland, from which 10 l
were inoculated in 9990 l Muller-Hinton broth. From the resulting inoculum, 100 l were inoculated into each of
the plate wells. The plates were incubated at 35C for 24 hours. For each bacterial species and for each
decontaminant, the last dilution were no growth was found was noted. Results: Of the disinfectants, two showed
very good antibacterial activity, keeping their efficiency even in dilutions of 1/4096. E. coli and Pseudomonas
showed the highest resistance to these, the minimum inhibitory concentration being identified to a dilution of 1/256.
Among the antiseptics, the most effective was the iodine based solution, which retained its efficiency on
Clostridium in dilution 1/256; the sanitary alcohol presented the lowest activity, which in dilution of 1/32 has lost its
bacteriostatic activity against staphylococci. Conclusions: The disinfectants have strong antibacterial activity, but
there are some bacterial species which resist better than other, especially if these substances are diluted too
much. For the decontamination of skin, other antiseptics than alcohol are recommended.
Keywords: antibacterial, antiseptics, disinfectants
Background: The colorectal cancer represents a worldwide health issue, with an increasing tendency in
incidence. In the complex treatment of the colorectal cancer, the surgical resection represents the main step,
without which, the hope for a cure is not possible. The progress of the medical devices industry comes to support
both the surgeons but mainly the patients by adding to the surgical arsenal of the sealing-cutting devices LigaSure
type. Objective: This study's objective was to highlight the advantages of LigaSure devices usage in colorectal
surgery. Material and methods: We made a retrospective, randomized study, which included a number of 440
patients treated for colorectal cancer, between 2010 and 2013, in Surgery I Clinic of the Targu Mures Emergency
Clinical County Hospital. The positive effects of using LigaSure devices in the ablative surgery of the colorectal
cancer, to realize the tumor resection and an extended lymphadenectomy, were followed. Results: Out of the total
number of patients, 12,06% were treated for right colon cancer, for 17,28% the localization was in the transvers
colon, 2,95% to the left colon, in 63,4% of the cases, the tumor was localized in rectum, and in 4,31% into the anal
channel. The LigaSure usage benefits, represented by: the shortening of the surgical time, reduced intraoperative
blood losses, reduced post operatory complications, through the ''no ligatures'' resection, and using of more ''airy''
surgical kits, were analyzed. Conclusions: The efficiency of LigaSure devices usage in the surgical treatment of
the colorectal cancer makes possible a resection and an extended lymphadenectomy without ligatures, in safe
conditions and in shorter surgical time.
Keywords: colorectal cancer, LigaSure, no ligatures, resections
Background: Colorectal cancer represents an important medical and social issue due to its high incidence and
associated mortality. The most important step in treating this disease is the surgical treatment accompanied by
additional oncologic treatment. Cause of the poor biologic status of these patients, the colorectal surgery for
cancer can be associated with high rate of postoperative complications. Objective: The aim of this study is to
identify associated factors that can be related with the apparition of the postoperative anastomotic fistula after
colorectal cancer treatment. Material and methods: We made a randomized, retrospective study on a number of
1005 patients that have underwent a resection, for colorectal cancer,followed by an anastomosis, between the
years 2003 and 2013, in the Surgery I Clinic of the Targu Mures Emergency Clinical Country Hospital. The rate of
postoperative anastomotic fistulas has been studied in relation with the biological status of the patients and the
localization of the tumor. Results: From the total of 1005 patients, in 5,67% the tumor was located in the
cecum,5,47% in ascending colon,13,83% in transvers colon,3,68% in the descending colon,17,52% in the sigmoid
colon,16,22% was located at the rectosigmoid junction,31,34% was rectal cancer and 6,27% anal cancer. The
postoperative anastomotic fistulas had a higher rate after the rectal resection and even higher after emergency
procedures. Conclusions: The colorectal surgery for cancer, due to the poor biological status of those patients,
often having a locally advanced tumor, is associated with a high percentage of anastomotic fistulas, mainly in
cases operated under emergency condition. A preoperative preparation, if possible, could be attempted in order to
decrease the number of postoperative complications.
Keywords: colorectal cancer, anastomotic fistulas, biologic status
Background: Colorectal cancer is known as the second cause of death by cancer in Europe.Surgical treatment
represents the most important part in the medical management of this disease accompanied by the oncologic
treatment.Being an important cause of morbidity and mortality, postoperative complications can be associated to
biologic factors that are known to increase its rate. Objective: The purpose of this paper is to study the
postoperative complications that appear after surgical interventions for colorectal cancer and to identify associated
factors. Material and methods: Our retrospective study includes a number of 1005 patients that were operated for
colorectal cancer between the years 2003 and 2013 in the Surgery Clinic I of the Targu Mures County Hospital.We
have studied the rate of postoperative complications in the relation with the localization of the cancer in the
colon,the type of operation made and the biological status of the patients. Results: From the total of 1005 patients,
in 5.67% the tumor was located in the cecum, 5.47% in ascending colon, 13.83% in transvers colon( including left
and right flexure), 3.68% in descending colon, 17.52% in the sigmoid colon, 16.22% in the recto-sigmoid junction,
31.34% rectal cancer and 6.27% anal cancer. The postoperative complications were mostly represented by
fistulas, wound infections and evisceration. Conclusions: The poor biological status encountered in cancerous
disease is influencing the rate of postoperative complications. Locally advanced and complicated tumors, often
operated in emergency condition, are associated with a higher percentage of fistulas and wound infections. An
adequate preoperative preparation, to improve the patient's biological status, can decrease the number of
postoperative complications.
Keywords: colorectal cancer, postoperative complications, biologic status
Background: Analysis of the occlusion in primary dentition consists in the arrangement of deciduous teeth and the
occlusal relations of the anterior and posterior segments of both arches.Considering these observations, the
characteristics of the permanent dentition occlusion can be predicted very well. Objective: The objective of this
study was to assess the occlusal characteristics of primary dentition and difference in various parameters, at
children between 3 and 6 years of age. Material and methods: A total of 172 children between 3 and 6 years of
age with complete primary dentition, from several Mure county preschools were examined. The study group was
assessed for several occlusal parameters: primary molar and canine relations, degree of overjet and overbite,
anterior and posterior crossbite, sissors bite, presence or absence of physiologic spaces and crowding. Results:
Sagittal, vertical and transversal occlusal planes emphasise the following:Percentage distribution of terminal molar
relationship showed flush terminal in mesial step on 36% of subjects, while 58% presented ideal flush terminal
relations in sagittal plane.The degree of overbite was analysed, 70% of children showing normal 1/3 dental
coverage or edge-to-edge incisal relation, compared to openbite found in only 11% of the cases.Overjet higher
than 4mm has been observed in 15% of the children examined.The incidence of anterior crossbite has been
identified especially on the Lateral Incisor at a rate of 13% , indicating that 24 out of 172 children had this
disorder.Although we have identified a flush terminal in distal step of only 5% proportion, occlusal parameters
suggesting functional mandibular retrognathism are at a rate of 15% for overjet and 22% for Class II canine
relation. Conclusions: The significant increase in distal canine relations and overjet above 4mm, leads to Class
II/1 Angle abnormalities, as age increases. Presence of physiologic and primate spacing allow the normal dental
Keywords: primary dentition, occlusion, flush terminal
Background: A detailed description of the root canal anatomy which is considered normal, regarding the number
of roots and root canals of one specific tooth, is a basic condition for a successful endodontic treatment. During the
years, many efforts have been made in order to systematize and clarify the root canal configurations of permanent
teeth, but even today we face difficult endodontic situations. Objective: The purpose of our paper is to present
some rare anatomic aspects that were encountered during the endodontic treatment of permanent teeth, which we
consider that are important to be taken into consideration. Material and methods: We conducted a retrospective
radiographic investigation based on all endodontic treatments provided by dental undergraduate and postgraduate
students at the Faculty of Dental Medicine in Tg.Mures, between October 2011- February 2014. All anatomical
variations related to unusual radicular form, number of roots and root canals were recorded and for each group of
teeth the frequency of such alterations was calculated. Results: The results showed that the upper front teeth
presented with curved roots in 17% of cases, for lower front teeth we found double canals in 32%, upper premolars
had 3 roots in 6% of the cases and the first upper molar had 4 canals in 39% of the cases. Conclusions: In
conclusion, we must integrate these results into every day dental practice and in our work a major step forward
was accomplished by the introduction of the endodontic microscope and cone beam computed tomography.
Keywords: endodontic configuration, teeth anatomy, root canal treatment
Background: Early carious lesions induce odontoblast stimulation in tertiary dentine formation even before the
lesion reach the dentine. The most used material for indirect pulp capping procedures was calcium hydroxide,
which in the last decade was replaced frequently with Mineral trioxide aggregate. Objective: The purpose of our
study was to assess the histological characteristics of tertiary dentine induced by these materials in permanent
molar teeth . Material and methods: We used 23 molars scheduled for extraction for orthodontic reasons in
patients of 18-24 years of age who gave a written agreement to participate in this study. In a time interval of 4-8
weeks prior to extraction, occlusal cavities were prepared and obturated with MTA or calcium hydroxide and glass
ionomer cement. Results: In teeth obturated with MTA as an indirect pulp capping material we noticed early
development of dentine bridge, with a tubular structure, similar to secondary dentine. In the case of calcium
hydroxide, the amount of new dentine formation was delayed, atubular dentine and stones were noticed.
Conclusions: MTA proved to be superior to calcium hydroxide in inducing dentine bridge formation, which
appered early after treatment. In time the differences in the amount of tertiary dentine between these materials are
reduced, but there is a tendency of difuse mineralization induced by calcium hydroxide.
Keywords: MTA, Calcium hydroxide, capping procedures, dentine bridge.
Background: Biocompatibility is a condition that must characterize all materials used in conservative dentistry,
which means no risk of side effects on contact with host tissues. In the case of pulp capping materials, this is
expressed by many variables such as carcinogenesis, cytotoxicity, biocompatibility and antimicrobial effect
Objective: The aim of this article is toevaluate the biocompatibility of materials used in pulp capping procedures,
by measuring the degree of inflammation induced by these products after subcutaneous implantation in rats
Material and methods: We used 12 animals divided in 3 study groups and 1 control group; implants with Mineral
trioxide Aggregate, Life cement andCalxydwere placed in subcutaneous tissue and histological evaluation was
carried out after 7, 14 and 21 days. Results: We obtained comparable results between MTA and Life cement,
which demonstrates that these materials have similar degrees of biocompatibility Conclusions: Based on this
experimental study, MTA and calcium hydroxide containing cements express similar biocompatibilities, but this is
not enough in order to eliminate the letter from every day dental practice. Further clinical studies are necessary in
order to evaluate the potential of MTA to induce dentin bridge formation on exposed dental pulp
Keywords: MTA, calcium hydroxide, biocompatibility, pulp capping
Background: Hypomineralisation is a qualitative defect of 1-4 first permanent molars with or without the affection
of permanent incisors. MH is the molar hypomineralisation, in this case there are no affected incisors. MIH is the
molar incisor hypomineralisation, in this case there are at least one affected first permanent molar and one
affected permanent incisor. Objective: The aim is to examine 261 children with or without hypomineralisation in
order to develop the hypomineralisation severity index (HSI). An other objective is to clarify aetiological factors.
Material and methods: There were examinated with visual criteries 261 children between 9-11 years, 63 of them
showed signs of hypomineralisation ( prevalence of 24,1%). There were 9 children with MH and 12 with MIH. The
parents completed a questionnaire describing their perinatal and medical histories.An index of hypomineralisation
severity was computed, based on the extension of the affection on dental surfaces. Results: Some medical
conditions affect the mineralisation of the first permanent molars and permanent incisors ( antibiotic use, fevers,
ear infections, tonsillitis, asthma, infections and illnesses during pregnancy, birth prematurity, birth complications
etc.). One or more conditions were collated with hypomineralisation at 57 children of 63, this means 90,47%.In MH
in 77,77% there were only one affected first permanent molars, and in MIH in 75% there were affected all four first
permanent molars. Conclusions: The first conclusion is that hypomineralisation severity index of MH is allways
lower than hypomineralisation severity index of MIH, this means MIH is a more severe form of hypomineralisation
than MH. An other conclusion is that some medical conditions can affect the mineralisation of the enamel.
Background: The treatment of intra-oral herpes simplex can also be performed by alternative methods. Objective:
The aim of our research was represented by the determination of the healing properties of six products obtained
from the use of collagenous gel extracts from marine fish skin, combined with tree marine algae, in the treatment of
intra-oral herpes simplex. Material and methods: The extracts from the marine algae were incorporated in type I
non denatured collagen matrices.The trial was conducted on 42 patients (17 women and 25 men, aged between
11 and 46), affected by intra-oral herpes simplex. We determined the required number of applications and the time
needed for healing, for every gel, respectively the remission period of the intra-oral herpes simplex lesions.The
application of the gels was performed two times daily, for 3 days, on the affected area.The objective assessment
consisted of: recording the decreasing level of the dimension and erythema of the herpes lesion and the remission
period of the disease. For the subjective assessments, the patients were asked to state the presence/absence of
pain while tasting, speaking and eating/chewing.The evolution of the clinical symptomatology, after the first
application of the gel, was evaluated daily, for 7 days, in order to ascertain the healing process, both objectively
(the healing state of the herpes lesions and the remission period of the disease), and subjectively (the receding
degree and time for the pain).All the patients were kept under observation for one year and a half. Results: The
obtained results showed that the most efficient gel in the healing action was the collagenous gel containing 10%
Ceramium Rubum. Conclusions: The resources offered by the Black Sea bio-system can be used, with good
results, to reduce the healing time in patients suffering from herpes simplex.
Keywords: marine fish and algae, herpes simplex, treatment
Background: Dentine hipersensitivity is a common global oral health problem affecting many individuals.He is
generally reported by the pacient as a sharp pain caused by one of several different stimuly and which cannot be
explained by any other form of dental diseas.Many treatment regimens have been recomanded over the years and
in particular, attention has been focused on toothpastes containing various substances that obliterete the dentinal
tubules. Objective: The study aimed to evaluate and compare the clinical efficiency of Calcium Sodium
Phospholicate (Novamin), arginine and calcium-carbonate (Pro--Argine technology), sodium fluoride and classic
paste without fluoride used as placebo in treating dentinal hypersensitivity. Material and methods: 40 patients
with dentine hypersensitivity based on symptoms and differential diagnosis were included in the study and divided
in 4 groups.They received different toothpaste as treatment for dentine hypersensitivity as follows: gropuA (n=10)
toothpaste with Novamin, group B (n=10) Pro-Argine technology, group C (n=10) flouride toothpaste and group D(
n=10) classic toothpaste without fluoride.The reduction of dentinal hypersensitivity was evaluated using a Visual
Analog Scale at first, second, third and fourth week of treatment. Results: Reduction of dentinal hypersensitivity
was observed in all groups, even in group D ( classic toothpaste without fluoride), the placebo effect being quite
strong in some subjects. Conclusions: The study shows untill now that all toothpastes gave good results and
satisfactory for patients.Is the placebo effect an important determinant of results? The study is still in progress.
Keywords: dentine hypersensitivity, toothpaste, visual analog scale
Background: Following past studies on the incidence of dental trauma in athletes, it was noticed that they do not
have enough knowledge regarding the use of mouthguard during sports activities. Objective: To investigate the
incidence of dental trauma in adolescent athletes and their knowledge on the use of mouthguard while practicing
sports. Material and methods: We made 70 questionnaires each comprising 10 questions addressed to the
young athletes in the 9th grade at the Sports High School "Szasz Adalbert" of Targu Mures. Data were collected by
individual interview with each child. Based on these questionnaires we obtained information concerning their age,
the sport they practice, their knowledge on the use of mouthguard and the dental trauma they suffered while
practicing sports. We also wanted to know if the trauma they suffered was a dental or a soft tissue trauma, and if,
after such trauma, they went to see the dentist. Results: We found that 51% of the interviewed athletes suffered
dental and soft tissue trauma during play and training, the sports they practice most being football and handball.
Also, 44% of the atheletes have knowledge of mouthguard , but only a very small number of them (1.4%) use it
during the practice of sports. Most of the adolescents who have suffered a dental trauma went to see the dentist
after 1 day. Conclusions: The study results showed that young athletes need more knowledge and education on
the prevention of dental trauma to be offered by their coaches and by dentists. The importance of an appropiate
facial protection in contact sports should be supported and encouraged both by sports coaches and parents.
Keywords: Adolescent athletes, Dental trauma, Mouthguard
Background: Occlusal indicators are used for the occlusal contacts registrations. There are several types of
conventional occlusal indicators made of different materials with various colors, thicknesses and marking abilities.
Bausch uses wax and a bonding agent for his articulating films in order to increase their quality and to make them
capable of marking especially on occlusal surfaces which are hard to test. Objective: In this study we compared
three occlusal indicators in order to observe the marking ability on ceramic teeth. Material and methods: Five
patients with metalo-ceramic crowns were included in the study. Sixteen teeth with ceramic occlusal surfaces were
examined and 46 pairs of occlusal contacts were compared. The occlusal indicators used were Bausch Articulating
Foil (8), Henry Schein Articulating Paper (80) and Bausch Articulating Paper (200). The occlusal surfaces were
photographed in similar conditions for all indicators. Using specific computer software the area of each occlusal
contact was determined and statistical tests were used to compare the results. Results: There were 40 contacts
registered with the 8 Foil, 42 contacts with the 80 Paper and 39 contacts with the 200 Paper. In several cases
one contact registered with the 200 and 80 Paper was marked by two or three areas registered with the 8 Foil.
The comparison of the 46 pairs of occlusal contacts shows that the difference between 8 Foil and 80 Paper was
not significant, but a significant difference between 200 Paper and the other ones (p<0,0001) was found.
Conclusions: The 200 paper marks larger areas than the 8 and 80 indicators. The registrations on the occlusal
surfaces are similar with the 8 foil and the 80 paper. The significant difference of the three occlusal indicators is
given by the thickness and not by the marking ability of the indicators. All three indicators are able of marking
ceramic surfaces, after drying the teeth.
Keywords: conventional occlusal indicators, marking ability, ceramic surfaces
Background: It is well known that one of the causes of the failure of endodontic therapy is the inability to localize
and treat all the canals of the endodontic system. All categories of teeth may have extra roots and/or canals, but
the likelihood of finding aberrant canal configurations is higher in premolars and molars. Objective: The purpose of
this study is to determine if magnification could enhance the operator's ability to locate more than three canals in
maxillary molars. Material and methods: In this study 18 extracted first and second permanent maxillary molars
were used. After creating the access cavity a sharp endodontic explorer was used to identify the canals. In order to
increase the canal entrance detection, the pulp floor was stained using methylene blue. Each tooth was examined
by single blinded operators with different experience, without magnification and using dental loupes at 4x
magnification and surgical operative microscope (SOM) at 29.5x magnification. Results: The study results showed
that after creating the access cavity, using no magnification, methylene blue and dental loupes, the undergraduate
students found 4 canals in 2 teeth (11.11%).With the use of the surgical operative microscope, the results
increased to 4 teeth (22.22%). Following the same steps the endodontic specialist discovered 4 canals in 22.22%
without magnification. Using loupes and operative microscope 4 canals could be detected in 44.44% and 5 canals
in 5.56% by the same specialist. Conclusions: The results of this study suggested that the use of magnification
loupes and operative microscope (SOM) increases the ability of the operators to locate more than three canals in
the first and second permanent maxillary molars. The operators experience has a great influence on locating
canals in teeth with complex anatomy.
Keywords: surgical operative microscope, acces cavity, dental loupes, teeth canals
Background: In planning the orthodontic treatment for children (7-16 years old), it is very important to assess the
dental maturity (dental age), which can lead to a simple and uncomplicated treatment (for example: the orthodontic
treatment in a child that has a dental maturity which is delayed can be started later, which will lead to a shorter
treatment time).Dental age assessment (DAA) is used in situations where age is unknown (ex: forensic medicine).
DAA is achieved using analysis techniques that integrates the known ages of the teeth at different tooth
developmental stages. Objective: Determination of dental age from panoramic radiographs (OPG) using the
Demirjan method.Evaluating the nature of correlation between Chronological and Dental age. Material and
methods: The study was undertaken on 120 radiographs,both boys and girls within the age group 6-16. Data was
collected and analyzed using the Demirjan method, by 2 examineers. The used method analyzed the development
stages of the 7 mandubular left teeth. Results: A correlation has been found between dental age and
chronological age.In girls, an advanced dental maturation was seen in all age stages, with an average of 42 days.
Significant differences were seen in the 5.5-7 age group, and 11-14 age group, where growth spurt occurred. In
boys, the chronological age was ahead of the dental age with an average of 87 days. Big gaps among dental age,
which were higher, and chronological age, were observed in the age group 13-16. Boys in the age group 12-14
years, had a delayed dental age. The lowest difference between chronological age and dental age was observed
in the 6-9 years age group. Conclusions: Estimating the dental age using the Demirjan standards will lead to a
fairly approximate age assessment of the chronological age in healthy children.
Keywords: Dental age, Chronological age, Radiographic evaluation, Correlation
CAZACU N C E1, Cazacu C
Background: Dental Dam is the safest and most efficient isolation technique in endodontics and restorative
dentistry. It is also used in esthetics, orthodontics, prosthetics, pedodontics and periodontology (for teeth
immobilization). Objective: The aim of this study is to list which elements of the clamp should be modified in order
to assure a tighter constriction on the anchor tooth. Material and methods: 26 patients were examined,
diagnosed and treated from various diagnoses like: simple decay, gangrene, chronic apical periodontitis,
endodontic retreatments. The clamps used in this study are produced by HuFriedy, Hygenic and SDI. In those
clinical cases where the anchor tooth did not provide enough stability to the standard clamp as provided by the
producer we have done some adjustments to some of the elements of the clamp: the arch, the wings, the
plateau, the active area, the contact points. Results: In 6 cases were necesarry different adaptations in order to
assure a secure constriction of the clamp on the anchor tooth. Conclusions: The classic clamps cannot provide
enough grip in all the clinical cases due to the huge variety and position and implantation of the anchor teeth.
Therefore in such situations, the clamps should be adapted in order to provide enough stability and assure the safe
isolation during the treatment. The modified clamps with fine adjustments - will be useful in other similar cases,
so they must be kept.
Keywords: Dental Dam, clamp adaptation, Dr Cazacu, HuFriedy, Hygenic, SDI
Background: The safest and most efficient isolation technique in endodontics and restorative dentistry is the
dental rubber dam. It is also used in esthetics, orthodontics, prosthetics, pedodontics and periodontology.
Objective: This study evaluates the attitude of students in clinical years concerning the use of the rubber dam.
Material and methods: A structured questionnaire was developed in order to measure students perceptions of the
use of the rubber dam and circulated to the current fifth and final year clinical students in dentistry in Romania.
Results: A secure and comfortable isolation was identified as the main advantage of using a rubber dam, while the
difficulty to place is considered as the main disadvantage. More than a half of students appreciated they had
received adequate training in rubber dam use for adults. The most commonly cited difficulty in placing a rubber
dam was tight contacts. Most students are confident regarding which system and which clamps to use. The
majority of students prefer to use the rubber dam on adults than children for the same procedure. Conclusions:
Students in clinical years prefer to use the rubber dam in endodontics. More exercise on patients will improve
students' confidence and certainly will reduce the time spent to place the dental dam.
Keywords: Dental dam use by students, difficulty in placing dental dam, Dr Cazacu
Background: Candida and especially Candida albicans colonizes the oral mucosa and becomes invasive when
the immune system weakens. Therefore, frequently oral and maxillofacial pathology can be associated with
Candida. Objective: The qualitative and quantitative assessment of yeast colonization of the oral cavity in patients
with oro-maxillo-facial (OMF) conditions, and the establishment of an association between the different contributing
factors and colonization. Material and methods: The samples were collected by rinsing the mouth with sterile
saline, from 70 patients hospitalized in OMF clinic; historical data were also collected. The samples were analysed
at the Microbiology Laboratory of UMF Tg Mures; Sabouraud agar medium was used. For each isolate, the
antifungigram for fluconazole and voriconazole was performed following the CLSI standards. Results: From 70
samples, 45.7% were positive for 11 different yeast species. Among the studied predisposing factors, smoking
was significantly associated with yeasts colonization (OR=2.34; 1.42-3.84 at 95% IC, p<0.05). Men presented
higher colonization than women, although not significant (OR=1.863; 0.94-3.67 at 95% IC, p=0.075). Poor oral
hygiene can also determine Candida colonization (from 18 people who never brush their teeth, 10 have Candida
55.6%).Candida albicans was the predominant species (56.8%),fact confirmed by the literature. In 5 cases several
yeast species were identified in the same sample. The testing of C. albicans and non-albicans to fluconazole
showed an increased resistance (52.4%) in both cases, while the resistance to voriconazole was 50% and 12.5%
respectively. Conclusions: Colonization with yeasts of the oral cavity is present in about half of the patients with
OMF conditions and this is probably not only due to classical predisposing factors, but also due to chronic oral
pathology. There is a high diversity of yeast species, which showed a high resistance to the currently used azoles
in oropharyngeal mycosis therapy.
Keywords: OMF pathology, oral colonization, Candida
Background: Facial and dental attractiveness represents an important element of quality of life for patients
seeking orthodontic treatment. Many people find that a beautiful smile adds to self-esteem, social acceptance and
leads toward self-confidence.Even though adults are no longer growing, they can also enjoy improvements that
come from orthodontic treatment Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the social and psychological
changes that orthodontic treatment involves. Material and methods: The survey included 80 students from the
University Of Medicine And Pharmacy both males and females. They were questioned regarding 'Dental Selfconfidence', ' Psychosocial impact', `Pain endurance` caused by dental treatment and `Satisfaction after
orthodontic treatment`. Subjects were also required to share some amusing moments while wearing dental braces,
and what improvements they would bring to it. Results: The results of the study show that 58% of the questioned
subjects decided to wear braces after medical advice and 55% of them were determined by their need to improve
their dental aesthetics.Also 74% of the subjects affirm that the pre-treatment didn`t affected their spirits as much as
the pain endured throughout the first part of the treatment.80% of the subjects stated that dinning was difficult, but,
surprisingly, rigorous hygiene was easy to maintain for 74% of them. Conclusions: Compared to the general
population medical students seek orthodontic treatment without being referred by general practitioners, their
knowledge allowing them to a better evaluation of their dental status. Despite the difficulties involved in wearing a
fixed dental appliance, patients still focus on the final result, which increases their self-esteem, social acceptance
and self-confidence.
Keywords: Orthodontic treatment, Psychological changes, self-esteem
Background: Antibiotics have played an important role in the treatment of bacterial infections of dental diseases
but they also have negative influences due to inappropriate prescription or overdoses. This may cause resistance
to the human body, as several bacteria have developed resistance to a large scale of antibiotics. The issue is not
using antibiotics, as they showed up to be a great help in treating different types of diseases, but their usage.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess the current use of antibiotics in dentistry. Material and
methods: 100 dental practitioners from Targu-Mures were asked to complete a self-made questionnaire regarded
to antibiotic prescription and proper usage of antibiotics. Only 70 completed the questionnaire, others refused.
Results: Due to this survey we have found out that the most prescribed antibiotic was based on a preparation of
amoxicillin and clavulanic acid, as practitioner's first choice. Their second choice was based on a derivate of
lincomycin. Monthly prescriptions were reported as: only 14% write over 15-20 antibiotic prescriptions per month,
29% reported an average between 5-15 prescriptions and other 55% say they have an average of 1-5 antibiotic
prescriptions per month. The antibiogram used before prescribing was considered by 44,6% of the practitioners
unnecessary and 55,4% reported as important. Out of the 55,4% only 12% collect samples from periodontal
infections. Others do not collect samples as they say they do not have the needed equipment for this process.
Conclusions: It has been noticed that more than 50% of dental practitioners are aware of the usage of antibiotics
but prescribe them without having a secure result of the antibiogram that may cause resistance of the bacteria in
the human body. There has been also a discrepancy towards the usage of antibiotics in different diseases. Many
practitioners prescribe antibiotics for minor causes which may not need it.
Keywords: antibiotics, resistance, antibiogram, prescription
Background: It is known that dental practitioners generally use gingival retraction methods for successful
prosthetic treatment. Problems that occur in the process of impression are the marginal details. Objective: The
purpose of this study is to evaluate the possible interactions and inhibitory potential between gingival retraction
solutions and different elastomers used for the impression process. Another objective is to see if these materials
affect the setting of impression materials. We also studied the effect of latex gloves and cords contaminated with
latex on the impression materials setting. The impression details were studied after gingival retraction on plastic lid
models. Material and methods: This study involved using four impression materials: a polyether, two
condensation silicones (hydrophilic and hydrophobic) and an addition-silicone. It was also used a conventional
gingival retraction solution with aluminum chlorine, ferric sulfate, aluminum sulfate and zinc chloride. The effects of
the retraction material, retraction cords and latex gloves were tested in-vitro on each impression material. The
impression material was mixed and packed into a plastic lid where retraction solution was added. It was also
evaluated the interaction between impression materials and latex. There was a contact between retractions cords
and latex gloves with elastomers. Polymerization inhibition was firstly analyzed by the examination of impression
materials and then by the molded surface. Results: The polyether was inhibited only by aluminum sulfate and
ferric sulfate solutions. The hydrophilic condensation silicone had its polymerization inhibited by sulfur
compounds. Sulfuric solutions inhibit the polymerization of the addition- silicone. Because of latex contamination
on cords, the polymerization of addition- silicone and polyether was inhibited. Conclusions: Gingival retraction
solutions are one of the predisposing factors that may inhibit the setting of impression materials and affect the
details of mold reproduction. Dentists could not be capable of detecting inhibitory effects of gingival retractions
materials or cords because the phenomenon tends to occur at levels that are beyond visual detection.
Keywords: gingival retraction, impression, setting, latex
Background: Nail-biting is a common but unsolved problem in psychiatry, psychology, medicine and dentistry. It is
often associated with somatic complications and decreased quality of life. Objective: The purpose of the study
was to evaluate the differences between people's oral carriage of enterobacteriaceae with and without nail-biting
habits (NBH). The correlation of onychophagy with dental wear on certain teeth surfaces and with the existing tics
and conditions and the correlation with age at which this habit starts were also evaluated. Material and methods:
A prospective study was conducted on 100 people (50 with NBH, 50 without NBH). Saliva samples were collected
by oral rinsing with 10 ml of sterile saline solution. The samples were centrifuged, 10 l from the sediment was
inoculated on MacConkey agar and on Sabouraud agar, each colony type being afterwards identified to the genus
level by biochemical tests. Subjects completed the self-made questionnaire with 7 items and they were reviewed in
terms of dental health. The questionnaire was evaluated statistically. Results: Oral carriage of enterobacteriaceae
was identified in 24% of the subjects with chronic NBH, while only 18% of the subjects without these habits had it,
this difference not being statistically significant (p=0,6242). Klebsiella spp. were the most frequent species
identified at the subjects with chronic NBH (50%), followed by Escherichia coli (25%) and Enterobacter spp. (25%).
In three cases, without chronic NBH, there was more than one species of enterobacteriaceae identified. Dental
wear was discovered in a small number at the subjects with chronic NBH (18%). Onychophagy was found as a
manifestation under stress (82%), boredom (34% ) and also as a habit (48% ). Conclusions: In this study,
chronic NBH was not found as a risk factor for oral carriage of enterobacteriaceae. It may interfere with the overall
body health, with dental wear and with exposure to some infectious diseases.
Keywords: nail-biting, habit, enterobacteriaceae, dental-wear
Background: Tea is one of the most popular drinks. It is obtained by infusing the dried leaves of Camellia sinensis
or other plants or dried fruits. The consumption of this beverage is encouraged due to its many health benefits. A
disadvantage to be considered, however, is the high fluoride concentration. Objective: The purpose of study is to
assess the safety of drinking tea in Romania and Republic of Moldova by correlating individual consumption habits
with the quality of commercialized products. Material and methods: We have developed an online questionnaire
regarding individual preferences and brewing habits of tea in the Moldovan and Romanian population. 321 people
aged 15 to 60 years (originally from Romania and Republic of Moldova) completed the questionnaire. According to
the performed ranking, we selected 71 varieties of teas (16 of them are common in both countries) and analyzed
them at the Biochemistry Department of UMPh Tirgu Mures. We used a fluoride ion selective electrode Orion 720
A and Hanna pH meter. Results: Nearly 9 out of 10 Moldovans drink tea daily, most of them consuming 2 cups a
day. In Romania only 4 out of 10 people drink tea daily, and the majority only a cup a day. The mean fluoride
concentration in teas commercialized in Moldova (n=45, [F]=1 ppm) is lower than in Romania (n=42, [F]=1.5 ppm).
Conclusions: Republic of Moldova records a higher tea consumption than Romania. Although we found a lower
fluoride level in teas marketed in Moldova, its toxic effect is amplified by the large concentration of fluoride in the
country's drinking waters. In Romania the risk of fluorosis is increased by a consumption of more than 2 cups of
tea per day and the risk is higher in children.
Keywords: fluoride, food safety, tea, pH
Background: Halitosis represents a common dental condition, although sufferers are not always aware of it.
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of halitosis in a sample of Romanian students and
to examine the correlation between self-reported halitosis and instrumental halitosis measurements in these
subjects. Material and methods: 52 students (mean age: 20 years) were included in the study. A self-reported
questionnaire was used to detect self-reported halitosis and other variables possibly linked to it (medical and
dental history, oral hygiene and others). Organoleptic halitosis measurement was carried out by an odor judge, and
compared with instrumental halitosis measurement by sulfide monitoring using KISS ME METER halitometer. The
results were statistically analyzed using correlation tests. Results: The results show that the values recorded by
halitometer correlated best with organoleptic assessment and least with self-reported results. Conclusions: Due
to the diverse influencing factors, proof of halitosis should always be obtained with two different methods. The
combination of KISS ME METER and organoleptic approaches enables simple, reliable and fast detection.
Keywords: halitosis, organoleptic measurement, instrumental measurement
Background: Nowadays cephalosporins are one of the most important and probably the most frequently used
antibiotics in the world, both in terms of the number of compounds currently on the market as well as of their use
for the treatment of infectious diseases. Although in therapeutics cephalosporins are not usually administered
together, in our studies complex mixtures cephalosporins were analyzed in the same run to prove the suitability of
the method for determination of all studied compounds. Objective: Our aim was to develop a rapid, simple and
efficient method for the simultaneous separation of cephalosporins from different generation , to study the
electrophoretic behaviour of certain cephalosporins, and also the optimization of the analytical conditions in order
to obtain good separation resolution and short analysis time. Material and methods: In this study we analyzed ten
cephalosporins derivatives: cefalexin, cefadroxil, cefaclor, cefazolin- first generation; cefuroxime, cefoxitin- second
generation; cefoperazone, cefotaxime, ceftazidime, ceftriaxone-third generation. As separation method we used
capillary zone electrophoresis, method based on the differences between the own electrophoretic mobilities of the
analytes. Results: We performed a systematic screening of different background electrolytes at different pH
values in order to determinate the optimum electrophoretic conditions. We obtained the best separation at a pH- 7,
using a 25 mM disodium hydrogenophosphate - 25 mM sodium dihydrogenophosphate mixed buffer, + 25kV
voltaje at a temperature of 25 C. Using the optimized electrophoretic conditions we achieved the baseline
separation of seven cephalosporins in less then 10 minutes. The analytical method parameters of the optimized
method have been checked for: repeatability, linearity, limit of detection. Conclusions: Using the described
optimized electrophoretic procedures, capillary electrophoresis can be used for the identification and determination
of cephalosporins in formulated pharmaceutical products and for separations from complex mixtures.
Keywords: cephalosporins, capillary zone electrophoresis, separation, electrophoretic mobility
Background: Doping is defined as the presence in the human body of substances which are prohibited according
to the list published by the International Olympic Committee and/or the international organization of the member
organization in question. The use of doping is prohibited within the sport of athletics; athletes who are found to
have used such banned substances, either through a positive drugs test or public admission, receive a competition
ban for a length of time, which reflects the severity of the infraction. Objective: The aim of this study is making a
brief comparative presentation of substances and methods used for doping at the beginnings of professional sport
to the modern ones that are used nowadays. Material and methods: Since antiquity the athletes used
substances, which could give them additional powers, but in those days "doping" wasn't known. It became a big
problem in modern sports in the XIX-th century; until 1960 when the first anti-doping committee was establish,
substances like: amphetamine, ephedrine, diuretics, high growth hormone, were used. Despite the fact that
antidoping rules became increasingly stricter, and more substances were prohibited, there are still athletes, which
are "cheating". Results: There are lots of substances blamed for enhancing the capacity of concentration or the
muscular mass, as: anabolic agents, peptidic hormones, growth factors, corticotrophins, beta 2 agonists,
hormones and metabolic modulators, diuretics; but also we can mention forbidden methods like: blood
transfusions, blood components manipulating. Conclusions: As the time is passing new methods of cheating by
doping appear, substances that are untraceable (clean substances). Genetic doping could be a new tool used by
today athletes. Sadly we can conclude that nowadays taking in consideration human nature and the social and
economic implications of professional sports end of doping in athletics is unrealistic.
Keywords: athletism, doping, performance enhancing drugs, history
Background: At the beginning of the 1940's the H1-antihistaminergic drugs were introduced via the first
compound, phenbenzamine. After this molecule, the scientists started to develop other new compounds that were
integrated in the first generation of H1-antihistaminergic compounds (e.g. clemastine, clorpheniramine, cyclizine
and promethazine). Due to their well known side effects such as sedation or fatalities after overdose, the second
generation had been developed with the aim of improving the quality of life based on their safety profile.
Objective: New directions for the development of H1-antihistamines class are the result of a sustained concern for
these drugs. After several studies, the scientists highlighted the benefits of the second generation in other
diseases. Material and methods: Besides recent studies which shown with accuracy their molecular mechanism
as inverse agonists, the studies revealed some interesting uses for several molecules (e.g. astemizole,
hydroxyzine, cyclizine a.s.o.). These new discoveries give the opportunity of introducing them in the clinical use
with the purpose of curing other diseases, for example astemizole in bruxism. Also the cyanoguanidine derivates of
loratadine proved their efficacy in the tumor and inflammatory processes. Results: Although they were
categorized like antihistamines, the significant differences in pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and their
adverse effects led to a new approach for these molecules in order to be used for the treatment of other diseases.
Conclusions: The future directions for the H1-antihistaminic drugs put them under high priority update because
there is an assiduous necessity to improve the clinical use in therapy and to develop new strategies of using these
Keywords: H1-antihistamines, mechanism of action, astemizole, cyanoguanidine derivates
Background: Because of increasing bacterial resistance to classic antibiotics the synthesis of new molecules with
antibiotic effect is a necessity and a permanent challenge. Discovered in the late '80s, the oxazolidinone class is
one of the relatively new classes of synthetic antibiotics that is effective on Gram-positive bacteria, including
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, penicillin-resistant streptococcus and vancomycin-resistant
enterococcus. The first approved representative was linezolid. Objective: The aim of the study is to highlight the
spectacular evolution of oxazolidinones class by presenting synthesis methods, the mechanism of action,
biological effects and the new and promising molecules. Material and methods: At least thirty pharmaceutical
companies tried to develop new improved molecules, starting with the linezolid structure. Some compounds did not
exceed the phase 1 of the clinical trials, including eperezolid, ranbezolid. The reasons were inappropriate pKa
properties, low solubility, poor safety profile or no significant difference from linezolid. Though there are more
compounds under investigation. Results: Sutezolid appears to be superior to linezolid like a tuberculostatic agent.
Also tedizolid phosphate is superior to linezolid by potency, spectrum and the safety profile. Promising derivatives
are radezolid and posizolid. A very interesting class are the hybrids of oxazolidinone: catazolid (promising in the
treatment of Clostridium difficile infections), MCB 3837 (does not produce bacterial resistance), a mefloquine's
hybrid (anti-tubercular activity), a hybrid biarylooxazolidinone (superior translation and bacterial inhibition), and
nitroimidazolyl-oxazolidinone hybrids (potency at non-cytotoxic concentration). Other biological effects and
possible uses are under investigation for some derivatives: anticoagulant activity, antidepressant, CNS depressant,
phospholipase inhibitory, centrally acting muscle relaxants, antithyroid agent, antiblastic activity in chemotherapy,
cycloserine analogues and even agriculture fungicide. Conclusions: The class of oxazolidinones is characterized
by the particular mechanism of action and the chemical structure of the compounds. Oxazolidinones comprise,
alongside of linezolide, a series of compounds in different stages of development that are very promising as
effective antibiotics but also for other biological effects.
Keywords: oxazolidinones, linezolid, hybrids
Background: Many toxicological problems were associated with the presence of nitrate and nitrite in water and
food. Especially sensitive to the toxic effects of these anions are children and pregnant women. Known sources of
nitrate are water and vegetables, while milk and cheese products are usually considered nitrate free. Objective:
Our purpose was to evaluate the possibility to generate toxic byproducts of nitrate when nitrate rich vegetables are
mixed with cheese. Material and methods: Different samples of cow and sheep curd were fortified with increasing
amounts of nitrate anion (50, 100, 250, 500, 750 mg/kg NO3-). The amount of nitrite generated during the
maturation of curd was assed by an HPLC-VIS method. Griess reaction was used for the derivatization of nitrite.
Results: Formation of the toxic nitrite in high amounts was recorded in all samples. Maximum amount of nitrite
was recorded in a cow curd sample (27.7 mg/kg). During the end of the maturation process concentration of nitrite
significantly decreased. Conclusions: The results show that mixing high nitrate content vegetables with curd, high
amount of toxic nitrite could be formed during the maturation process. Disappearance of nitrite once is formed
could not be considered a "detoxification" process since there is a risk of formation of far more toxic compounds,
as nitrosamines. Further studies are needed for clarification of these processes.
Keywords: cheese, nitrate, nitrite, nitrosamines
Background: Fluoroquinolones (FQs) are a class of synthetic antibiotics, with a structure based on the model of
nalidixic acid. The fluorine atom at position 6 and the piperazine substituent at position 7 enhanced the spectrum of
activity and improved pharmacokinetics parameters. The 4-oxo and 3-carboxyl groups confer FQs excellent
chelatation properties with metallic ions. The silver ions and silver-based compounds are known to be toxic to
microorganisms through a strong biocide effect. Some silver complexes of FQs have been already obtained and
studied for increased antibacterial and antifungal activity. Objective: The aim of this paper is to summarize the
existing data regarding the silver complexes of FQs in terms of synthesis method, physico-chemical properties,
biological effects, and new directions for development. Material and methods: Although the synthesis methods of
the silver complexes of FQs are relative simple, the real challenge is to determine precisely the chemical structure
of the obtained complexes and their phisico-chemical properties. Finally their biological activities and potential as
safe active substances arethe next level in the research work. Results: Nowadays, there are several study
directions regarding the complexation of FQs with silver. The characterization of this type of complexes is still a
challenge for many scientists. Their antimicrobial and antifungal activities are promising; therefore trials are being
conducted regarding bioavailability and further formulation of new pharmaceutical products. Silver complexes of
FQs ought to be examined in term of potential drug resistance; as there are chances that those bacteria that are
insensitive to pure FQs might be sensitive to silver complexes of FQs. Conclusions: It has been noticed that the
bacteria have developed resistance towards a numerous number of active substances; therefore the need for new
active antibiotics is greater than ever. Viewing the current situation, silver complexes of FQs may prove to be
useful in the future
Keywords: fluoroquinolones, silver, silver complexes, complexation
Background: Acne vulgaris is a chronic disease of the pilosebaceous follicle that most usually occurs during
puberty. It causes polymorph cutaneous lesions such as comedones, papules, cysts, pustules and abscesses.
Although it is not a life-threatening condition, it has a major impact on the quality of life of teenagers and adults
alike. Objective: The objective of this paper is to gather data on the currently available treatment forms and also
to explore new treatment options in order to establish future research directions. Material and methods: The
means of research used were online medical articles and studies regarding the treatment of acne in controlled
groups, as well as post trial maitenance studies. Results: While topical retinoids have been in use for 30 years, it
is considered that they should be used as first-line therapy. One such example is an antibiotic-free, combination
gel with adapalene 0.1% and benzoyl peroxide 2.5%. Topical antibiotics such as erythromycin, doxycycline or
clindamycin are still being used, but the development of bacterial resistance and cross resistance is an important
issue to be adressed. The new disposition in the treatment of acne is targeting the environment in which
Propionibacterium acnes thrives, either by limiting within the pilosebaceous follicles it's "nutrients", or by having
bacterial members in the skin microbiome whose development is competitive,rein in the overgrowth of P. acnes.
Also, a recent study states the benefits of a peptide named LZ1(a Tryptophan-Lysine-rich peptide) with 15
aminoacid residues that contains powerful antimicrobial activity against bacteria pathogens of acne vulgaris.
However beneficial topical treatments may be, we must not forget the importance of dietary habits in the
development of acne(the Western diet or the role of dairy products). Conclusions: The present documentation is
the starting point for identifying the future perspectives in developing more targeted acne treatments.
Keywords: acne treatment, adapalene, future
Background: Over the recent years, olanzapine has become one of the most commonly prescribed atypical
antipsychotic drugs due to its superior efficacy in treating the negative and cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia
and its lower propensity to cause hyperprolactinemia and extra-pyramidal side-effcts. However, there are major
concerns about the long-term treatment metabolic disturbances that can lead to iatrogenic metabolic syndrome,
but there is limited experimental data available on its dose-dependent toxicity. Objective: The aim of our study
was to examine the side effects induced by olanzapine in doses ranging from high to toxic and to get a better
understanding of the mechanisms underlying these effects. Material and methods: Experiments were carried out
on rats. Olanzapine was administered via oral route in doses of 2, 4 and 6 mg / kg bw / day for 8 weeks. Toxicity
signs were evaluated. Results: Olanzapine causes dose-dependent toxic effects, hypercoagulability, tachypnea,
wheezing. Conclusions: The side effects associated with olanzapine long-term treatment have not been
systematically explored yet. Studies carried out in rodents may offer valuable insight into the mechanisms that
underlie these serious side effects.
Keywords: olanzapine, toxic effects, hypercoagulability
Background: Mirtazapine is different from other antidepressants, because it acts on the feed-back mechanisms of
catecholamine release in the CNS. Objective: It seems that long-term therapy, may enhance the appearance of
modifications in the lipid metabolism. This study pursues lipid metabolism parameters compared to a control grup.
Material and methods:
Mirtazapine was administered to two groups of rats orally in a dose of 10mg/kg body weight and 40 mg / kg body
weight for six weeks, and the third group served as control.During this period of six weeks, lipid metabolism
parameters were compared to the control group. Results: After this established period, blood samples were
analysed for the determination of triglycerides and cholesterol. The results showed a statistically significant
increase in the level of triglycerides as against the control group. Conclusions: The results of this experiment
indicates the problem of inducing dyslipidemia in prolonged treatments with Mirtazapine.
Keywords: mirtazapine, antidepressants, lipid metabolism, triglyceride
Background: Metabolic effects of Venlafaxine Objective: Antidepressant therapy is often associated with
metabolic changes consecutive differential effects on appetite (anorexia in the first place, followed by increased
calorie intake). Venlafaxine is an antidepressant whose mechanism of action is controversial and only partially
elucidated, so are its unpredictable side effects after prolonged administration. Material and methods:
Venlafaxine was administered to two groups of rats orally in a dose of 10 mg / kg body weight and 40 mg / kg
body weight for six weeks, and the third group served as control. We monitored parameters of lipid metabolism
and body weight compared with control grup. Results: At the end of the administration period, we observed
statistically significant increase in the weight of experimental animals compared to control grup. Conclusions: The
result can be associated with the induction of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism disorders correlated with excess
of weight.
Keywords: Venlafaxine, antidepressants, metabolic effects, body weight
Background: Snake venom proteomes are complex mixtures of biologically active substances. The most
important compounds are the enzymes, which have already demonstrated their therapeutical potential. The venom
of Naja haje, an Elapidae member, has been analyzed from this point of view. Understanding the fully biochemical
role of its enzymes has determined the scientists to find new separation and identification methods. Objective:
Our goal was to develop a proper RP-HPLC with UV detection and gel electrophoresis method for separation and
identification of Naja haje snake venom enzymes, known for its neurotoxic venom. For achieving a good
resolution, analytical conditions were optimized. Material and methods: Analysis of venom was performed on an
"Ultimate 1100" Dionex HPLC system equipped with a quaternary pump, a C18 RP-HPLC column and UV
detection at different wavelength values using two mobile phases, A and B, containing different concentrations of
acetonitrile and trifluoroacetic acid aqueous solution at different pH values. An elution gradient at a flow of 0,600
mL/min was used. The samples were prepared by diluting pure venom with mobile phase A. The RP-HPLC
method was followed by an electrophoretic separation, for a better insight of the venom chemical composition.
Results: An optimal RP-HPLC method has been developed by changing different parameters such as the pH
value of mobile phase A, elution gradient and using different UV wavelengths. The best resolution were obtained at
a pH value of 7,4, in gradient elution varying from 5% to 45% in mobile phase B at a wavelength of 210 nm.
Conclusions: Proteomic analysis of the venoms of Naja species supports the hypothesis that snake venom
proteomes contain a large number of enzymes. A comprehensive catalog of venom composition may serve as a
starting point for studying structure-function correlations of individual toxins for the development of new research
tools and drugs of potential clinical use.
Keywords: Snake venom,, RP-HPLC,, Gel electrophoresis,, Enzymes.
Background: Atypical antipsychotics are used for the treatment of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or autism. They
are also the most commonly used antipsychotics in pregnancy, because they have fewer side effects than classic
antipsychotics. Objective: The aim of our study was to seen how olanzapine is affecting fetal development in
Wistar rats. Material and methods: The study was made using two groups of pregnant rats. Group I, or control
group (n=20) those receiving saline solution and Group II (n=20) treated with 6 mg/kg body weight olanzapine. At
the end of the gestation animals were anesthetized, cesarean dissection wad done and the uterine content was
examined. The number of live fetuses, death fetuses, implantation sites and resorptions were noted. Results: In
rats treated with olanzapine death fetuses and early or late resorbed embryos were identified along with healthy
fetuses. Conclusions: Olanzapine affects the gestation in different developmental stages.
Keywords: Olanzapine, dead fetuses, resorptions
Background: Tiliae flos represents a medicinal plant used in therapy, both in traditional and modern medicine for
its sedative, antispasmodic, immunomodulatory and slight carminative properties. Nowadays, extensive studies on
Tiliae sp. are mainly conducted by Mexican researchers, while in Romania several years ago a group conducted
by Prof. MirceaTamas (UMF Cluj) analyzed some of the Romanian endemic species. Objective: The aim of our
study was to assess the pharmaceutical quality of the linden tea samples found in pharmaceutical network
(according to Pharmacopoeial provisions), in order to prove an existent correlation between the chemical
composition of the plant material and the biological properties. Material and methods: Samples were bought from
pharmaceutical network in Iasi and they were codified with numbers from 1 to 5, two as bulk and three as sachets
packages. The samples were analyzed starting with macroscopic and microscopic features. For the chemical
analysis we obtained hydro-alcoholic (ethanol 60%) extracts 5g/100mL. The phytochemical study included
qualitative (TLC) and quantitative methods (spectrophotometry), whereas the biological properties was assessed
by DPPH technique. Results: We noted that there are differences between the samples from macroscopic point of
view. TLC revealed that there is a similar compound spectra for all samples, with rutin and hyperoside as common
substances in all five extracts. Samples 1 and 2 (bulk-50g) contain the highest quantities of polyphenols, whereas
samples 5 has the lowest value. The best antioxidant potential was noted for sample 2 in direct correlation to its
chemical composition. Moreover, sample 4 (sachets) from the same producer had the second best activity.
Conclusions: Some of the samples can't be identified macroscopically (Pharmacopoeia monograph) due to
intensive grounding. The provenience of linden is of extreme importance; both samples (2-bulk, 4-sachets) from
the same producer had the best antioxidant potential. For all samples we could correlate the biological activity with
the phenolic content.
Keywords: linden, antioxidant, phenolic content
Background: Nowadays, esters of parahydroxybenzoic acid, also known as parabens, are widely used as
preservatives by cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. These compounds used mainly for their bactericidal and
fungicidal properties are known as being a potentially harmful substance. Research suggests a link between these
substances and many health issues. One of the most common is breast cancer but they also can affect men's
reproductive system and are linked to endocrine disruption, reproductive toxicity, immunotoxicity, neurotoxicity and
skin irritation. We can avoid them and protect our health by using paraben-free products. Objective: Our aim was
to find out whether these parabens are present or not in the analyzed cosmetic products and quantify them.
Analytical conditions were optimized in order to achieve a good resolution and a short analysis time. Material and
methods: Analysis of parabens was performed on an "Ultimate 1100" Dionex HPLC system equipped with a
quaternary pump, a C18 RP-HPLC column (250 mm x 4.6 mm, 5 m) and UV detection at different wavelength
values using two mobile phases, A and B, containing different concentrations of methanol and phosphoric acid
aqueous solution. An isocratic elution with a flow of 1,0 mL/min was used. Standard were prepared at a
concentration of 0.1 mg/mL in mobile phase A, while samples were purified using a SPE procedure. Results: An
optimal RP-HPLC method has been developed by changing composition of the mobile phase. The best resolution
were obtained using 25% mobile phase A and 75% mobile phase B, in less then 12 minutes, at a wavelength of
272 nm . Conclusions: The developed method was applied for the determination of several parabens from
different cosmetic products with a good reproducibility. A correlation of obtained values with accepted limit by
European legislation was made.
Keywords: Parabens,, RP-HPLC,, Optimization,, Parahydroxybenzoic esters.
Background: Postpartum depression usually occurs in the first four weeks after birth and is affecting 1 of 500
women. Confusion, mood changes or paranoia are the most common symptoms that can make the mother to kill
herself or her child; so the treatment is imperative. The antidepressants can cross the blood-milk barrier and the
child is exposed to the medication. When the treatment is initiated the doctor should take into account the potential
adverse effects in the breastfed children. Objective: The aim of the study was to determine how fluoxetine is
excreted into sheep milk. Material and methods: The study was made using six sheep treated daily with 20 mg
fluoxetine for two weeks, until the drug reached the steady-state concentration. Plasma and milk samples were
collected daily for 20 days to see how the drug is excreted into milk. On day 14 blood samples were also collected
from lambs. The drug concentrations in the samples were then measured by HPLC/MS method. Results: Both
fluoxetine and its active metabolite, norfluoxetine were identified in significant concentration in plasma and sheep
milk. In lambs plasma there were found only small amounts of fluoxetine. Conclusions: Fluoxetine is excreted
into milk and can be ingested by the children therefore it is recommended that breastfeeding to be done before the
next dose, when drug concentration in maternal blood is the lowest
Keywords: fluoxetine, concentration, breastfead
Background: The increasing popularity of alternative treatments demands a serious debate about scientific
documentation, efficacy and safety. Different methods of treatment, referred to as alternative treatments, are used
by millions of patients every day. Reflexology is one of these treatments. Objective: This article is intended to
illustrate reflexotherapy as an example of complementary or alternative therapy. Material and methods:
Documentary study. Results: Our documentation revealed that reflexology is based on the idea that human body
is a holistic system, and if you disturb the balance in any of the parts, it is immediately displayed on the rest. It has
been shown that applying pressure on specific areas of the body during a massage helps to improve the function
of organs or helps to reduce pain. This kind of therapy can be applied to all ages, it has no toxicity like many of the
allopathic drugs, the recovery is fast and the patients do not have to take pills at a certain hour or day.
Conclusions: We are living in a world which is constantly progressing and our resistance to drugs is lower so we
have to take several pills for one disease. We try to reduce the stress, to be more relaxed but for these we have no
pills. So why not try a massage which is functioning as a treatment too?
Keywords: reflexotherapy,, foot therapy,, predefined pressure points
Background: Milk is basic food since the first days of our lives, and together with its derivatives becomes the main
source of calcium and magnesium ions that ensure a harmonious development of the body. The question is "what"
and "how much" of these products should be eat to maintain a balance. Although nowadays the price and taste are
first things that come in mind of regular customers, we need to know how to read and understand the information
on the label to obtain maximum nutritional benefits. Objective: Our aim was to determine and quantify calcium and
magnesium in diary products to ensure enough supply of these ions based on the daily recommended doses.
Material and methods: Analysis of calcium and magnesium were done on a Perkin Elmer ICP as well as using
complexometry analysis (titriplex III with colour indicators). Samples were prepared using and adopted literature
method. Results: While complexometry gave information for total quantity of magnesium and calcium, ICP was
able to provide more detailed data. Surprisingly water collected from salted cheese ("telemea") was extremly rich in
both calcium and magnesium with more than 1 g/ml Ca2+. Also other kind of cheese were analyzed as well as
water used in the manufacturing process. All data gave a good reproducibility with RSD values less than 5.0.
Conclusions: The main component of milk is water, first link in the chain of manufacturing, therefore use of a
natural source rich in minerals is "the ace" of every producer. Knowing the recommended daily dose for minerals it
is possible to ensure necessary ion quantity without resorting to supplements Developed method was able to
assay calcium and magnesium from different cheese products with a good reproducibility. A correlation of obtained
values with recommended daily dose was made.
Keywords: Complexometry, ICP, Calcium and magnesium, Cheese
UMF Craiova
Background: Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the sitagliptin therapy effect on glycemic control
and total cholesterol level in normal and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. We also investigated the tolerability
of multiple oral doses of sitagliptin in diabetic rats by monitoring the side effects. Material and methods: Sitagliptin
was administered orally once a day at normal and diabetic rats. Glucose and cholesterol levels were measured
from tail bleeds with a glucometer/cholesterolmeter. Postprandial plasma glucose was measured at specified time
points after meals. Results: Oral administration of a single dose of sitagliptin at normal rats determines glucose
postprandial mean levels significantly lower comparative with the corresponding mean values of untreated control
animals. At diabetic rats after a single dose of sitagliptin postprandial glucose average values have increased, but
close to the reference, measured before treatment administration. After three weeks of daily treatment with single
oral dose of sitagliptin, in diabetic rats were noted elevated average values of blood glucose and total cholesterol
during the research. Conclusions: These observations confirm that sitagliptin improves postprandial
hyperglycemia levels, but failed to bring to normal blood glucose levels of diabetic rats. Mean level of total
cholesterol remained elevated during treatment of diabetic rats, confirming that metabolic changes cannot be
restored only by sitagliptin.Sitagliptin is a useful oral drug for type 2 diabetes, especially for postprandial glycemia
control. It must be emphasized that in patients with type 2 diabetes to improve glycemic control, dipeptidyl
peptidase-4 inhibitors (sitagliptin) should be administered in combination with other oral antidiabetic agents such
as biguanide or sulfonylurea, especially when diet and exercises plus mentioned oral antidiabetic, at the maximum
tolerated dose, do not provide adequate glycemic control.
Keywords: diabetes,, sitagliptin,, postprandial hyperglycemia
Background: Nowadays, atherothrombotic pathophysiology caused by atherosclerosis, became the main public
enemy, especially because of the consequences of the coronary and cerebral vascular occlusions.In most cases,
hospitalized pacients present increasing factors for thrombotic events- congenital procoagulation disorders.
Objective: Drug interventions to prevent thrombosis and/or intimal hyperplasia leading to reocclusion/restenosis
of treated arteries to these patients. The main issues to consider concerning such drug interventions are: - the
most effective and safest antithrombotic therapy; - the duration and modality of the antithrombotic treatment; - the
efficacy of dual therapy with antithrombotic drugs. Material and methods: During the last 2 years, in the Institute
of Cardiovascular Medicine from Timisoara, 987 pacients with ACS were hospitalized, 518 of whom were
diagnosed with STEMI, being managed with PCI and 469 pacients with NSTEMI. The most common Blood Craze
Disorders were: protein C and S decrease: 9 pacients (37,5%), severe increase of PCR hs: 7 pacients (29%), von
Willebrand factor increase: 3 pacients (12,5%), hyperhomocysteinemie: 2 pacients (8.3%). Results: Some of
these pacients used the association between Dual Antiplatelet Therapy (clopidogrel+acetylsalicylic acid )+inhibitor
of GP IIb/IIIa(Eptifibatide) and anticoagulants s.c. in limited use: Enoxaparine (antifactor X), and others used,
antifactor II-a for anticoagulation, for a minimum period of 30 days: Dabigatran associated to the antiplatelet
terapy. Intrastent thrombosis rate was extremly high, 8 of the patients were diagnosed with Acute Thrombosis
or Subacute Stent Thrombosis (33,3%), 4 of them died (16,6%) after reiterate thrombosis, Myocardial Infarction.
Conclusions: According to prothrombotic evolution, the pacients diagnosed with Acute Ischemic Syndrome,
especially myocardial, despite of a correct therapeutical attitude, we must suspect an genetical disorder caused by
coagulability or prothrombogenity, that came to aggravate the atherotrombotic process initiated by the
atherosclerosis risk factors.
Keywords: Acute Coronary Sindrome,, in-stent thrombosis,, anticoagulants,, congenital prothrombotic state
Background: It is known that calcium is a mineral with difficulties in its absorption because it is affected in the
body by the concomitant administration of vitamins like A, D, C and some minerals. In these situations it is
recommended to consume calcium-fortified products: citrus juices. They contain citric acid ,which has an essential
role in calcium absorption through the gut. Objective: We have proposed benchmarking of calcium content in
fresh juices obtained from fruits of some species of Citrus genus by applying atomic absorption methods
(elemental calcium), permanganatometric and complexonometric methods (ionic calcium). Material and methods:
Orange, lemon, mandarin and grapefruit fresh juice, balance, juice extractor, atomic absorption spectrometer
Thermo Scientific ICE 3000, centrifugal, vacuum filtration set, pH meter, laboratory glassware, chemical reagents
prepared in accordance with requirements of RF X. Results: The juice was filtered, centrifuged and the liquid
phase was collected. For detection and quantitative determination of calcium by atomic absorption spectrometry
samples were diluted, and in order to avoid partial flame ionization the lanthanum chloride solution was added. A
calibration curve was established and the absorbance of elemental calcium was measured in acetylene-air flame.
Elemental calcium was calculated: orange - 30 mg/100 ml, mandarin - 35 mg/100 ml, grapefruit - 84 mg/100 ml
and lemons - 34 mg/100 ml. To determine the amount of soluble calcium ions, which are found in citrus form in its
predominant form as citrate, the permanganatometric and complexonometric determinations were made. The
results from both methods are similar, showing same trends and correlations. Conclusions: Comparative
evaluation of calcium ions and the amount of elemental calcium in analyzed citrus juices shows that the
percentage of ions in soluble phase is more in lemon fruit. This is explained by much higher content of citric acid in
lemon fruit compared with other species of Citrus genus fruits.
Keywords: calcium,, atomic absorption spectrometry,, complexonometric, permanganatometric, citrus juices
Background: It was created a new pharmaceutical form - combined ointment with izohydrofural and methyluracil,
which combines the antibacterial action of izohydrofural and the regenerating action of methyluracil. This ointment
can be used in treating skin diseases, in surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, ophthalmology, proctology due to
high efficiency and good way of application. Objective: The new pharmaceutical form for external use - combined
ointment with izohydrofural and methyluracil is researched. The aim of this study was to elaborate the method of
quantitative determination of active substances from the combined ointment by physico-chemical methods UV-VIS
spectrophotometry. Material and methods: In research it was used: the combined ointment with izohydrofural and
methyluracil, dimethylformamide, UV-VIS spectrophotometer Agilent-8453. For the quantitative determination, first
of all active substances were extracted from the ointment with dimethylformamide. Results: Absorption
spectrophotometry in ultraviolet and visible (UV-VIS) is regarded as one of the classical methods of analysis of
drugs, although its importance has not reduced over time. The interest of researchers for this method is explained
that it is simple, fast and relatively cheap. It was examined the possibility of using this specific method for
quantitative determination of the combined ointment with izohydrofural and methyluracil. It was analysed the
extraction of active substances with dimethylformamide from the ointment. It was obtained the absorption spectrum
in the wavelength of 190-300 nm, reference solution being dimethylformamide. Izohydrofural gives a maximum of
absorption at wavelength of 373 nm and methyluracil at 267 nm. This research allows elaboration of quantitative
determination of active substances by spectrophotometric method. Conclusions: It was elaborated the
quantitative determination of the combined ointment with izohydrofural and methyluracil by spectrophotometric
method. In conclusion, the method is exactly and reproducible, errors are within acceptable limits of drug control
Keywords: combined ointment,, izohydrofural,, methyluracil,, quantitative determination, UV-VIS spectrophotomet
Background: Over the time there were two generations of ethnobotanical products containing substances like:
mephedrone, flephedrone, methylone and MDPV, that became illegal. However, since 2011 a third generation was
released having some structural derivatives of some already known compounds that were not included on the list,
but with farmacophore groups that provide pharmacological tropism in the central nervous system and with
potential psychotropic effects. Objective: The goal of this study is to analyze the effects and risks that come along
with the substances present within the composition of some ethnobotanical products like : Special Gold, Magic,
Charge, Explosion, Maraciuca or Zen. Material and methods: We conducted a survey among ethnobotanical
product users and the most noteworthy substances were analyzed from a structural, physico-chemical,
pharmacological, toxicological point of view, also adding populational data (obtained from the consumers). Results:
The data obtained was statistically compared with that found in the literature, with those provided by the National
Antidrug Association from our country and those provided by UPU Mures. Conclusions: The processing of
questionnaires and the pharmacotoxicological analysis of the specified substances helped us to establish the
prevalence and the incidence and to elaborate a hypothesis on the risk factors associated with consumption.
Keywords: etnobotanicals,, mephedrone,, flephedrone,, methylone, MDPV
Background: Benzituron is a new substance with isothiouretic structures is able of decrease blood pressure on
the base of activation of Nitric oxide-synthetase. Objective: The development of new sensitive and fast method
for Benzituron assay from pure substance and from injectable pharmaceutical form is present. Material and
methods: An Agilent 1200 HPLC-DAD instrument and pure Benzituron in substance and its injactable solutions of
10%. The proposed HPLC methods uses a inversed phase mechanism for the analyte separation, on Zorbax
Eclipse XDB C18 column (150X 4mm, 0,5 ?m) with gradient elution of 1 mL/min flow rate at 30oC. The mobile
phase consists of a mixture of tricloracetic acid and acetonitril = (80:20). The detection is set at 222 nm. Results:
The calibration curve is linear on the range 0-25 mg/mL with a quantification limit of 0,05 mg/mL for Benzituron.
Equation regresion is expressed by y= 604,9 x - 64,6 and correlation coefficient of Pearson is valued as r2=0,9998.
HPLC methods for assay was validated according to ICH requirements, such as: the parameters of repeatability,
reproducibility and fidelity. Conclusions: In calculating all these parameters were used the results of assay of
three experimental series of Benzituron in pure substance and its injectable Solution of 10% with 5 replicates for
each series.
Keywords: Benzituron,, HPLC assay,, validation
Background: Soft drinks are food products made of flavored concentrates, fruit and/or vegetable juice, fruit and/or
herbs syrup, flavoring substances, drinkable water or mineral water, natural or synthetic sweeteners, with added
vitamins, coloring, with/without added carbon dioxide.These products can be qualitative assessed based on
sensory, physicochemical and chemical parameters according to the legislation in force. Objective: Our research
has aimed the qualitative assessment of 17 types of soft drinks, according to the Soft Drinks Standard (STAS 256787). Material and methods: We analyzed 17 samples of soft drinks from different makers. We determined the
sensory properties and chemical properties (total acidity, sugar content). We also identified the colorings (natural
or synthetic) and the flavoring substances using paper chromatography. Results: As far as the sensory
assessment (aspect, viscosity, smell, taste) is concerned, the products meet the quality requirements, according to
their nature. The acidity (grams of citric acid per liter) for the analyzed soft drinks varies between 1.85 g citric
acid/L and 8.00 g citric acid/L. The total sugar content is less than stated on the label, the difference varying
between 0.27% and 2.07%, except for one sample which claimed to be sugar free and the experimental results
were accordingly. The chromatographic identification of colorings and flavoring substances led to results in
accordance with the information on the label. Conclusions: Our analysis has proved that the 17 soft drinks meet
the quality requirements of the legislation in force.
Keywords: soft drinks,, legislation,, acidity, sugar content, flavors and colorings
Background: Every year in the European Union alone, an estimated 25 000 patients die because of a serious
resistant bacterial infection. Antibiotic resistance increases the costs of treatment because of longer hospital stays,
more expensive antibiotic drug use and treatment, as well as indirect costs to families and society. In many
countries in the European Region, antibiotics can be bought over the counter. Often data is not collected on
antibiotic resistant infections, so although doctors are very well aware of the problem, its scale is not being charted.
Objective: 1. Appreciate the antibiotic resistance level for the pathogens most commonly involved in respiratory
infections.2. Update the action spectra of antibiotics used to treat respiratory infections. Material and methods:
The researches have been performed at the National Centre for Public Health, Epidemiology Centre for extremely
dangerous diseases laboratory, Respiratory diseases department.As the object of study, bacterial strains that are
most often involved in respiratory infections in Moldova were selected. The bacterial resistance was studied to
antibacterial agents most often used in the ethiotropic therapy of respiratory diseases. Results: 665 antibiograms
of microorganisms strains, detected at 83% of patients diagnosed with respiratory infections, were investigated.
Action spectra of amoxicillin, cefuroxime, ceftriaxone, ciprofloxacin and the macrolide group of antibiotics
(erythromycin, clarithromycin and azithromycin) were updates. Conclusions: The highest rates of resistant
pathogens involved in respiratory infections were found to macrolide antibiotics group (especially to erythromycin).
The lowest rates of antibiotic resistance were found to cephalosporins (particularly ceftriaxone).
Keywords: antibiotic resistance,, respiratory infection,, action spectrum
Background: The concept of Process Analytical Technology (PAT) was recently introduced by FDA, EMA and
ICH in drug manufacturing guidances. Near Infrared (NIR) spectroscopy is a key component of the PAT toolbox
due to enabling rapid and direct analysis of pharmaceutical powder blends and intact solid forms. Objective: The
aim of this study is to develop and validate NIR-chemometric methods for the pharmacotechnical characterization
of indapamide sustained release tablets. Material and methods: Calibration samples consisting of powder blends
for tableting and indapamide sustained release tablets were prepared according to an experimental design with 3
variables and 5 levels (25 samples were prepared). The samples were measured using a NIR spectrometer (MPA,
Bruker Optics, Germany) in transflectance mode for powder blends and in transmittance mode for tablets. PLS
regression method and different pre-treatment methods: straight line subtraction (SLS), vector normalization
(SNV), min-max normalization (MMN), multiplicative scatter correction (MSC), first derivate (FD), FD+SLS,
FD+SVN, FD+MSC were used in the developement of the calibration models. Results: Different calibration
models were evaluated regarding the quantification of indapamide, lactose and HPMC in powder blends for
tableting and tablets (80-120% API) and the pharmacotehnical properties of tablets (crushing strength, friability and
kinetic release) using NIR-chemometric technique. Then, using the best calibration models (FD+MSC for powder
blends for tableting and FD for tablets), the methods were fully validated according to the ICH guidance. The
validation results showed good precision, trueness and accuracy, between +/-10 acceptance limits for the
prediction of indapamide content and pharmacotehnical properties of tablets and between +/-5 acceptance limits
for the prediction of lactose and HPMC content.. Conclusions: Such quick NIR-chemometric methods can be
used for on-line, in line or at line monitoring of the manufacturing process of indapamide sustained release tablets
and are helpful in achieving the goals of the PAT concept.
Keywords: NIR spectroscopy,, chemometry,, indapamide,, sustained release tablets
Background: Polymer-based drug research aims to develop modern release systems of medicinal substances in
order to obtain maximum efficiency and to reduce to minimum the undesirable side effects; systems that are
capable of transporting micro- or macromolecular substances to desired location in the human body: organ, tissue,
cell or intracellular formations. The use of polymers in order to achieve prolonged release systems is based on
their capacity to generate systems that decompose chemically and are disposed by normal metabolic routes.
Objective: Nanotechnology development led to an extension of applications of treatments with microspheres,
microemulsions, nanospheres, nanocapsules based on polymers.Many of these systems use carriers or molds are
made of biodegradable polymers and used as controlled release forms administered orally and parenterally. The
availability of a wide range of biodegradable polymers, both natural and synthetic influences significantly the
therapy in many diseases. Material and methods: There is a growing interest for this type of polymers, justified by
their ability to achieve controlled release drug systems which are likely to disappear from the body, this process
being of particular importance for systems intended for parenteral administration. Obtaining injectable polymers,
biodegradable polymers incorporating microspheres, microparticles, nanoparticles, organ and tissue grafting,
polymeric implantable formulation systems for the cancer treatment, the encapsulation of biologically active
materials, replacing the cancerous breast with a biodegradable polymer matrix, healing of wounds by implanting a
collagen matrix, cartilage and vascular tissue engineering, are just a few of their applications. Results: Taking in
consideration its characteristics, nanodevice polymers can be used as innovative tools for detection and monitoring
disease diagnosis and for treatment. Conclusions: The therapy of the future is currently oriented towards the
development of nanodvices including biosensors and biodetectors for the quantitative determination of traces of
biological substances or pathologic proteins that can be used as biomarkers of pathologic processes in the body.
Keywords: biodegradable polymers,, nanotechnology,, tissue engineering
Background: A fundamental part of the recognition and the description of biodiversity is the species identification.
Apart from traditional methods, alternative ones have been discovered such as DNA barcoding technique. This
technique is based on a short fragment of genomic DNA. Objective: The aim of the study is to present DNA
barcoding technique with its advantages and its accuracy to identify the differences between a number of species
of the genus Aconitum L. Material and methods: The plant samples were collected from different locations in
China between 2007 and 2009. They were identified by the professors from Chinese Academy of Sciences. Fresh
leaves of the samples were dried in silica gel. Genomic DNA has been isolated from 10 mg of each leaf sample
and using the DNA barcode psbA - trnH intergenic spacer. Results: Among two of the most widely Aconitum
species used in medical purposes in Chinese medicine A.carmichaeli and A.kusnezoffii inversions of the sequence
were observed. The studied samples were gathered in ten groups by the sequence alignment and most of the
presented Aconitum species could become differentiated by the psbA-trnH intergenic spacer. Conclusions: DNA
barcoding is a powerful tool which is inseparably associated with taxonomy and it will improve species discovery.
By combining the psbA-trnH intergenic spacer, other DNA barcode sequence and geographic information, psbA trnH is a useful maker for the identification of Aconitum species.
Keywords: DNA barcoding,, Aconitum,, intergenic spacer
Background: The study of superoxide dismutases (SOD) has gained a significant increase because of the
implication of the reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the human physiopathology. There are four types on SODs,
classified by their prosthetic group: Cu,Zn-; Fe-; Mn-; and Ni-SOD. They catalyze the disproportionation of the
superoxide anion to hydrogen peroxide and molecular oxygen. To study the mechanism of catalysis, purified
enzymes, SOD-maquettes or SOD-mimetics can be employed. Objective: This paper presents two potential NiSOD-mimetic coordination complexes and their interaction with the superoxide anion. Material and methods:
Both complexes are bimetallic coordination compounds with one octa-coordinated Zn(II) or Ni(II) center and a
square planar Ni(II) center which should play the role of active site.The supposed interaction between each of the
complexes with the superoxide anion was studied spectrophotometrically, using a UV/Vis titration method. The
solvent used for the reaction was DMSO. The crown ether 18C6 was used to prepare the KO2 titrant solution. Two
concentration levels for both complexes' solutions and the superoxide solution were used. Spectra were recorded
between 270 and 1300 nm, each 5 minutes, after a fresh addition of superoxide solution. Results: The changes in
some absorption bands, during titration, demonstrate the reaction of both bimetallic complexes with the superoxide
anion. Conclusions: Based only on these results, it cannot be yet stated for sure whether or how the square
planar Ni(II) is involved.AcknowledgementsThe author would like to thank Prof. Dr. Winfried Plass and Dipl.-Chem.
Markus Schimidt for all the support given during the ERASMUS-Placement time at Friedrich-Schiller University
Keywords: Ni-SOD,, UV/Vis titration,, superoxide,, ROS
Background: Objective: This paper aims to study the morphology and anatomy of Thymus stojanovii and its
compliance to the botanical group Labiatae, known for its high content in essential oils, flavones and tannins, with
multiple applications in human diseases. Material and methods: The vegetative organs (stem and leaves) of
Thymus stojanovii have undergone the following stages:- Establishing and preserving fresh material in 70%
alcohol;- cross cutting;- washing sections with sodium hypochlorite;- Washing sections with acetic water and
distilled water;- coloring the sections with iodine green and red rutheniu. Results: - The outline of the upper cross
section is square shaped with attenuated ribs; the external wall of the epidermis is covered with a striate cuticle
and secretory and tector hairs; the rib has colenchyma; the central cylinder has ring shaped leading tissues, the
wooden ring closing a thick spinal;- Cross-section through the lower stem is almost circular; the epidermis has cells
with striated external walls; the colenchyma is present in the ribs; the central cylinder is large; the marrow contains
cells with cellulose walls.- Leaves have diacitic stomata; in cross section, both epidermis contain large, rare tector
and secretory hairs; the mesophyll has lacunose and palisadical tissue; the median beam is the most developed,
covered by a thick sclerenchyma cord. Conclusions: Taking all these into account, it was found that Thymus
stojanovii has all the general anatomical and morphological characteristics of the Labiatae botanical group.
Keywords: Thymus stojanovii,, part of the, botanical group Labiatae
Background: In recent years, the scope of in vitro dissolution testing has expanded considerably to include
screening and predicting the in-vivo performance of drug formulations. Since the new objectives were of high
complexity, the compendial dissolution tests proved to be frequently inadequate, due to an ignorance of
physiological phenomena. Objective: The aim of the study is the development of biorelevant dissolution tests for
oral formulations containing a BCS Class IV drug, norfloxacin, and comparison with the compendial methods in
terms of successful predicting the in-vivo performance and in-vitro-in-vivo correlations (IVIVC). Material and
methods: Drug release experiments were performed with USP Apparatus 2 at 50 rpm. Experiments were run in
triplicate.Compendial USP30 simulated gastric fluid (SGF), simulated intestinal fluid (SIF) and acetate buffer pH
4.0 (the dissolution medium stated under the Norfloxacin Tablets Monograph) were used to evaluate the release
kinetics of norfloxacin.Biorelevant dissolution media simulating fasted and fed state in both gastric and intestinal
environment were prepared by using physiological surface active agents (bile salts and lecithin). Results:
Comparison of dissolution profiles obtained in compendial and biorelevant media indicated that bile components
play an important role in the solubilization of norfloxacin.The in-vitro dissolution profiles were compared with the invivo pharmacokinetic data, by using the FDA Level A (Wagner-Nelson) correlation method. In contrast to results
obtained with biorelevant media, compendial media failed to match the in vivo data as they do not reflect the
essential conditions for the solubilization of norfloxacin. Conclusions: In-vitro dissolution testing using biorelevant
media was combined with in-silico physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling for the generation of
simulated plasma profiles and the development of IVIVCs. Following this approach, prediction of the plasma profile
of orally administered norfloxacin and validation of the biological relevance for the dissolution tests was achieved.
Keywords: Norfloxacin,, Biorelevant dissolution media,, In Vivo - In Vitro Correlations (IVIVC)
Background: Nowadays, a slim body is a beauty standard for most people. Some people try to obtain a weight
loss by turning to so called "natural" sliming products. These products, most of the time, contain substances as
caffeine and ephedrine which in some circumstances can be effective for reducing felling of hunger and increase
mental and physical abilities. Unfortunate, overdosing with such products is possible especially since they are most
of the time marketed as harmless products and some active substances are not even listed on the label. Because
of this, many people tend to overdose the product.Such overdose is a serious health threat because ephedrine and
other adrenergic stimulants can cause hypertension and tachycardia that might be even lethal. Because such
adverse effects in some countries ephedrine was withdrawn from the market but still appears as "natural herbal
supplements". Objective: Our goal was to measure using the HPLC technique the content of caffeine and
ephedrine in natural supplements and teas recommended for weigh loss programs. Material and methods: A
simple reversed phase HPLC-UV method was employed for analysis of pills and teas recommended for a weight
loss programs. Results: Results showed that the tested products are not a health danger from the caffeine point of
view because most of them contained similar quantities to those consumed by an "usual" coffee drinker.Ephedrine,
however, was present in high amounts in some products. Use of such products can lead to an ephedrine intake
that exceeds the dose of 24 mg/day, accepted by FDA . When ephedrine was present, it was unlisted in most of
the cases making impossible for one to distinguish between risky products and harmless herbal supplements.
Conclusions: Based on our results can be seen that a tight control of herbal supplements is needed since they
can be in certain conditions a health threat.
Keywords: ephedrine,, caffeine,, weigh loss,, natural supplements
Background: Ocimum sanctum is a well known aromatic plant from Lamiaceae family. Besides its culinary uses, it
is considered to be sacred in different traditional Hindu practices. According to Ayurvedic medicine, Tulsi is used
as treatment for colds, headaches, stomach cramps, inflammations, malaria, cardiac disorders and other poisoning
disturbances. On the other hand, Ocimum basilicum is cultivated worldwide and numerous mixtures of basil are
used for supportive therapy of gastrointestinal malfunctions. Objective: The present study aimed to asses the
chemical composition and antioxidant potential of the hydroalcoholic extract (50%) obtained from O. basilicum, O.
basilicum var. rubrum and O. sanctum included in biocultures from Romania (Biological Research Center Stejarul
Piatra Neamt).For a fuller screening, the volatile oils were included in the research. Material and methods: The
volatile fractions isolated by steam distillation in Neo-Clevenger apparatus were analyzed using gas
chromatography (GS-MS). The polyphenols were determined using Folin-Ciocalteu method. A high performance
liquid chromatography (HPLC-MS) was used to identify the main compounds. In addition, the antioxidant capacity
was investigated by two tests: scavenger of DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) radicals and pherozine chelating
activity. Results: As expected, the GS-MS analysis showed that there were qualitative differences between the
two types of isolated volatile oils: linalool, the main compound of basil volatile oil, lacks in Tulsi oil. The phenolic
derivatives profile established by HPLC proved that O. sanctum sample was different both qualitatively and
quantitatively from both samples of O. basilicum varieties: the flavonoides were represented in O. sanctum oil.The
antioxidant test results were correlated to the chemical composition with differences between the two species.
Conclusions: All in all, the results state once again that O. sanctum has a different chemical profile and, therefore,
should not be substituted by O. basilicum in food supplements.
Keywords: Basil,, bioculture,, antioxidant,, GS-MS, HPLC
Background: Finding a new way of approaching the practical training of students in the pharmacy is mandatory,
one in accordance with the changes concerning the concept of modern pharmacy. Objective: The purpose of the
study was to evaluate the perception of the organization, the development and the evaluation of the initial stage in
the internship of students, in order to to establish the adequate objectives for the current standards of the
pharmacist profession. Material and methods: An online survey was made using Google Docs-Create Form
extension and was completed by students from the 2nd, 3rd and 4th year of study, from the Faculty of Pharmacy,
University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Iuliu Hatieganu" in Cluj-Napoca. Results: The study was conducted on 308
students. 89.90% of the respondents had actually participated in the internship and the main responsibilities of the
students included: ordering and storage of pharmaceutical products(93.81%); reception of products(79.15%);
working with the receipts(57.32%); providing drugs and health products(33.55%). Most of the students appreciate
that they were very well integrated into the work in the pharmacy(31,92%),this being due largely pharmacist tutor,
who, in general, expressed interest in mentoring activities. Most of the students believe that only 25% of the
theoretical knowledge gained in college was useful during the internship and 89.57% considered useful to develop
a practice guideline adapted to the year of study. Conclusions: Feed-back from the students shows that they are
aware of the usefulness of the internship, but believe the theme must be updated and a better correlation between
work in pharmacy and theoretical knowledge gained in college has to be made. A first step is to develop a practical
guide adapted to each year of study.The involvement of the tutor pharmacist is also essential to the success of this
Keywords: pharmaceutical practice,, practical guide,, internship of students,, professional development
Background: Phytotherapy is a widely applied form of medical treatment which relies on the use of plants in the
treatment of many diseases. The used herb products can have great results, but can be very dangerous when they
are not utilized properly. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the awareness of people towards the
medicinal plants used and its correlation between the benefits and risks of phytotherapic treatment. Material and
methods: In order to achieve the goals of study, the following research methods have been used: observation,
personal interviews, questionnaire (with 30 topics) and statistical processing of the results. Results: The
evaluation of questionnaires has revealed the most informative indices of risks and failures when using medicinal
plants: wrong way of preparation and use of the plant products, lack of diagnosis, ignoring medical consultation,
treatment of one disease and ignoring the attendant maladies.The results have shown that 91 % of respondents
consider phytotherapy to be a useful treatment method, and 65% experienced at least once secondary effects after
using medicinal plants. High level of errors are due to the particularities of administration, sickness and individual
ones.It is gratifying that even having experience in using medical plants, 74% of those interviewed still consider the
consultation of a specialist to be absolutely necessary when taking the decision about phytotherapic treatment.
Conclusions: The study shows a need for a qualitative and accessible information of the population about the
benefits and risks of phytotherapy.
Keywords: phytotherapy,, responsability of treatment,, risks
Background: Chromatographic and electrophoretic separations has proven their value in pharmaceutical industry,
offering good selectivity, specificity and linear range, however they may also require lengthy method development,
separation and analysis times.The key to the present issue seems to be given by the chemometric interpretation of
spectroscopic data (PCA and PLS regression analysis), where quantitative information regarding pharmaceuticals
can be easily extracted without a prior sample pretreatment and/or separation. Objective: The aim of this study is
to develop a rapid and non-destructive method which determines the chiral purity of pharmaceutical preparations
with propranolol. Material and methods: The enantiomers of propranolol are physisorbed on the surface of
coloidal silver nanoparticles and in the presence of a chiral selector (beta-ciclodextrine) their spectroscopic
behaviour is significantly dissimilar. Their enantiospecific interaction has been characterized by Surface Enhanced
Raman Spectroscopy (SERS - Advantage 785 Raman Benchtop Spectrometer, Intevac, USA) and the same
spectroscopic technique combined with multivariate data analysis (Simca-p+ software package - Umetrics) has
been employed for the assessment of its enantiomeric purity. Results: Known molar fractions of propranolol?s
enantiomers with a fixed concentration of beta-cyclodextrine and silver nanoparticles were analysed by SERS
using a 785 nm excitation laser. The validation sets? spectra were used for the build up of the PLS model which
eventualy served for the prediction of the enantiomeric excess of real pharmaceutical samples (tablets).
Conclusions: The obtained results demonstrate once again the high analytical value of multivariate data analysis
in general, and regression modeling in particular.Separation sciences may benefit the most of this data treatment
toolbox, especially in applications where time is crucial, separation and sample pre-treatment is complicated and
Keywords: propranolol,, chiral purity,, SERS,, multivariate data
Background: Surface Enhanced Raman-Scattering (SERS) has the main advantage of being able to provide
specific unimolecular information. The characterization of different molecules has been made, but no methods
were created for the assessment of enantiomeric purity of substances using SERS. Objective: The study of
interaction between target drug molecules (propranolol) and noble metal colloids using molecular modeling and
Surface Enhanced Raman-Scattering (SERS). Material and methods: For the spectroscopic assays a DeltaNu
Raman spectrometer (excitation laser 735 nm) and silver or gold colloids were used. In order to create a chiral
environment and develop the premises for chiral analysis using chemometric treatment of SERS spectra, the
influence of different native and semi-synthetic cyclodextrines was also investigated. Molecular modeling (density
functional theory) was used for the prediction of spectral behavior of the target molecule and also for the
confirmation of the nature of guest-host type interaction between the beta-blocker and the chiral selector. Results:
Major spectral differences between R and S isomers are observed in the presence of beta-cyclodextrin. The R
isomer presents a characteristic spectrum denoting an enantiospecific interaction of the physisorbed beta-blocker
molecule and beta-cyclodextrin, whilst the spectrum of S isomer shows no specific change. The influence of
different factors (pH, ionic force, target:selector molar ratio, etc.) and also the kinetics of the interaction has been
studied in detail. Conclusions: Adding beta-cyclodextrin to the silver metal colloid and understanding the
undelaying interaction mechanism enables the simple assessment of the enantiomeric purity of propranolol from
different pharmaceutical formulations in the absence of any tedious sample pre-treatment and expensive chiral
separation techniques.
Keywords: propranolol,, SERS,, beta-cyclodextrin,, chiral selector,chiral purity
Background: Nowadays innovation in many therapeutic areas such as cancer, inflammatory or infective diseases
arise in synthesis of new potent drugs. However, many of them failed in initial phases of development due to
limited solubility, stability and high toxicity. Therefore new doors for therapeutic delivery and targeting of drugs
have been opened by using new drug-delivery systems and new modes of action. Objective: A number of
macromolecular delivery systems are under investigation in which the drug molecule is encapsulated inside a
macrocyclic host molecule, forming discrete host-guest complexes. Several carrier types are highlighted focusing
especially on new supramolecular delivering systems. Material and methods: Documentary study. Results: .
Conclusions: In conclusion the supramolecular carriers exhibit great potential as efficient drug delivery improving
the targeting properties by decreasing the dosage amount to be administrated, minimizing the side effect and
lowering the toxicity.
Keywords: supramolecular chemistry,, drug delivery,, bioavailability,, host-guest
Background: Vitamin D is a group of fat-soluble secosteroids. In humans, vitamin D is unique both because it
functions as a prohormone and because the body can synthesize it (as vitamin D3) when sun exposure is
adequate (hence its nickname, the "sunshine vitamin").Vitamin D fits within the definition of vitamin as it is "an
organic compound required as a vital nutrient in tiny amounts by an organism. Additionally, like other compounds
called vitamins, in the developed world vitamin D is added to staple foods, such as milk, to avoid disease due to
deficiency. Vitamin D is converted to calcidiol in the liver. Part of the calcidiol is converted by the kidneys to
calcitriol, the biologically-active form of vitamin D. This circulates as a hormone in the blood, regulating the
concentration of calcium and phosphate in the bloodstream and promoting the healthy growth and remodeling of
bone. Calcidiol is also converted to calcitriol outside of the kidneys for other purposes, such as the proliferation,
differentiation and apoptosis of cells; calcitriol also affects neuromuscular function and inflammation. Objective:
The goal of this study is to analyze human knowledge and significant impact on the vitamin in the body, and its
use. Material and methods: We conducted a study based on a questionnaire with 20 questions on 114 subjects
aged 0-89 years. Results: The data obtained were processed statistically, but not compared with other studies.
Conclusions: Survey results revealed the human knowledge regarding vitamin D3, and the importance of
transmission of as much information about it.
Keywords: vitamin D3,, sunshine vitamin,, calcitriol
Background: Currently, an increasingly number of Romanian people chose the vegetarian diet because
epidemiological studies all over the world have shown that vegetable-rich diets are associated with higher life
expectancy. The harmful effects of vegetarianism that result from the deprivation of some essential micronutrients
have been addressed repeatedly. Objective: The aim of the present study was to examine the impact of a
vegetarian diet not supplemented with vitamin B12, on the antioxidant status, through the evaluation of oxidative
stress biomarkers and vitamin B12 status, in healthy volunteers: ovo-lacto vegetarians and non-vegetarians from
Romania. Material and methods: The vegetarian subjects were divided according to the duration of adherence to
a vegetarian diet in three groups: 2-10 years (A), 11-20 years (B) and 21-27 years (C).We investigated the activity
of the erythrocyte superoxide dismutase (SOD) on a Cobas Mira Plus (Roche) using Ransod kit. The serum
vitamin B12 assay was performed using electrochemiluminiscence immunoassay on Roche Elecsys 2010
analyzer.. Results: Mean serum vitamin B12 was highest in omnivores than in ovo-lacto vegetarians subjects
(p<0.05). We did not observed a statistically significant association between the duration of adherence to the
vegetarian diet, in the investigated groups, and serum vitamin B12 level. We have observed significantly higher
values of SOD activity in the vegetarians from group A in comparison with the control group. In the other two
groups (B and C) the activity of SOD was significantly decreased (p<0.05). Conclusions: Ovo-lacto vegetarians
have lower concentrations of serum B12 vitamin in comparison with omnivores. The variation of the SOD activity
dependent on the duration of adherence to a vegetarian diet suggests an adaptive response of the organism to the
increase of the oxidative stress due to the decline of vitamin B12 level.
Keywords: B12 vitamin,, superoxide dismutase,, vegetarian diet
Background: Objective: Nowadays, the pharmaceutical industry needs fast and cheap methods in order to
obtain pure enantiomers, so that the molecules can be well characterized or in order to find a way to extend the
characterization of the practical applications of a certain subtance. Material and methods: An optimisation for
acidic, neutral and bifunctional compounds was performed after a rapid screening method development for basic
molecules.The stationary phase was cellulose tris(3-chloro-4-methylphenylcarbamate) and the main mobile phase
was acetonitrile.The temperature was setteled at 25?C and the flow-rate was 1.0 ml/min.In this rapid screening
were used basic additives (buthylamine, triethylamine and diethylamine) and acidic additives (acetic acid,
trifluoroacetic acid and formic acid). The nature and the concentration of these additives were found to be
significant on the enantiomers retention, selectivity and resolution.The best results were obtained with acetic acid
and diethylamine.The optimisation was performed by varying the concentration of the basic additive,
diethylamine(0.01-0.1%) and the concentration of the acidic additive, acetic acid (0.1-0.3 %) . Results: After the
optimisation process the method offered a complete resolution of 58% of the studied compounds, but when the
screening results are combined, 79% of the non basic compounds were enantioresolved. Conclusions: The rapid
screening revealed the strong impact of the addition of a small quantity of both acidic and basic additives on
enantioresolution, enantioselectivity and retention of these chiral compounds.
Keywords: HPLC,, Enantiomers,, Chiral compounds
Paler Ioana1, Avrigeanu Veronica, Gaz-Florea Serban Andrei
Background: Metal-containing macromolecules in the human body are extensive including various metals such as
iron (transferrin, hemoglobin), molybdenum (xanthine oxidase), vanadium (hemovanadin), zinc (carbonic
anhydrase) or copper (hepatocuprein). Therefore, an increasing interest in the introduction of different metal ions
within biological macromolecules such as proteins and nucleic acids is manifested in a continuing area of research.
Whereas many organometallic compounds are toxic and unstable in air and water, some of them, especially the
ferrocenyl derivatives have a low degree of toxicity with therapeutic value. Objective: Many organometallic
compounds play a key role in cancer treatment in nowadays? society. For example, cisplatin is a common drug
used in chemotherapy. Although platinum based drugs (such as cisplatin and carboplatin) are successful, they also
have unfavorable side effects and are unable to treat some types of cancer. For this reason, ruthenium and iron
compounds are now being studied extensively for their anticancer abilities, ferrocifen being currently one of the
best candidates as treatment with antitumoral effects. Therefore the application of different organic metalcontaining derivatives as antitumoral drugs is being described. Material and methods: The use of organometallic
medicinals is widespread including meralein (mercury, antiseptic), silver sulfadizine (prophylactic treatment for
severe burns), arsphenamine (arsenic, antimalarial). Results: Conclusions: In conclusion, the use and evaluation
of these compounds as potential anticancer agents offer opportunities which cannot be achieved by ordinary small
molecules. New and modern compounds with possible antitumoral effects could be obtained by the stereoselective
synthesis or modification of multifunctional natural products such as sugars.
Keywords: antitumoral,, organometallic,, ferrocifen
Background: Glycation is the major cause of spontaneous damage to cellular and extracellular proteins in
physiological systems. There are multiple types of glycation adducts identified "in vivo" in tissues and blood; they
form as a result of a nonenzymatic reaction between reducing sugars and protein amino groups. The initial
glycation reaction is followed by a cascade of chemical reactions resulting in the formation of intermediate products
(Schiff base, Amadori and Maillard products) and finally to a variety of derivatives named Advanced Glycation End
products (AGEs). Objective: In the present study we aim at evaluating the AGE level in serum samples isolated
from senescent patients, compared to controls. Material and methods: We selected 30 patients: 20 senescent
ones (75-85 years old) and 10 control healthy subjects, ages 30 to 44 years, without any diagnosis of cardiovascular pathology.On serum samples we assessed the advanced glycation end products level, using a rapid, nondestructive fluorimetric method. Results: The results show that the senescent group was characterized by a
significantly higher AGE level; the results obtained for the selected parameter correlated with the age of the
patients. Conclusions: Specifically, AGEs are considered to be formed slowly throughout life and their
concentration in the blood and tissues is considered to represent the life-long accumulation of glycation adducts.
So, the AGE level is associated with the ageing process. The AGE level is correlated with the age of the patients
and could be used for the assessment of the risk of cardio-vascular disease.Understanding AGE formation and
biochemistry as well as AGE-induced effects on extracellular and intracellular functions will serve in the process of
finding effective therapies that block excessive accumulation of these species and their pathological outcomes.
Keywords: glycation,, AGE,, cardio-vascular,, disease, biochemistry
Background: Objective: The aim of the paper is to evaluate the quality of products obtained from grapes
regarding their tannins and anthocyanins content, which gives their astringency and colour. Material and methods:
The material is represented by the three products obtained from black grapes: must, homemade wine and
merchandised wine (Patrician Wine,Constanta 2009). In the paper were used officinal spectrofotometric methods
from the European Pharmacopoeia 6th Edition. Results: Astringency and the colour of the products are correlated
with the content of tanins respectively anthocyanins. Tannin content of the three products obtained from grapes
showed that the must, which stays the least in contact with the marc of grapes has the lowest quantity of tannins:
9,94 mg % (m/V). Comparative analysis of the tannins content from the two wines showed that tannins are higher
in the merchandised wine (78,67 mg%, m/V) than in the homemade wine (50 mg%, m/V). This difference can be
explained by the improvement in the manufacturing methods by adding oenological tannins to increase
astringency. The lowest quantity of antocyanins is in must (9,94 mg%, m/V) and is correlated with a lighter colour
of the product. In the wine sortiments the colour is darker in the merchandised wine, inspite of the low content of
anthyocyanins, due to the oenological tannins added which determines a brown nuance. Conclusions: Astringent
taste of the products is correlated with the tannins content. The colour, as a quality parameter, is influenced not
just by the anthocyanins content, but also by the oenological tannins added.
Keywords: Wine, ., .
Background: In reality homeopathic medicine is also highlighting the existence of the second type with the drug
commonly used in international therapeutic namely allopathic medicine. The common name of "medicine" concept
reflects a common origin, function and similar structure. This is why, as there are allopathic pharmacology, by
analogy, there should be a science of homeopathic medicine, "homeopathic pharmacology". Objective: The aim of
the work lies in evaluation of the existing situation of homeopathy in Moldova based on interviewing patients,
pharmacists and doctors, and evaluation of the homeopathic medication in touch on allopathic medication.
Material and methods: This study is a selective research-district. Raw data were collected through surveys, using
structured questionnaires and official statistics published by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Moldova and
Drug Agency. To collect the necessary information three questionnaires havw been prepared using the opinion of
patients, pharmacists and doctors. Results: After data collection, all questionnaires were analyzed and analytical
tables were elaborated. Today, homeopathy is still in a period of reviewing precisions and attempts to be placed
with principles based on evidences. Conclusions: The analysis is underlining defining facts and accomplishments
from the end of XVIIIth Century (The Past) to the beginning of the XXIst Century (The Present). Based on the
obtained dates, we will make an incursion in the future (Perspective of homeopathy).
Keywords: Homeopathy, alopathy., alopathy, .
Background: Morinda citrifolia L. (Rubiaceae), known as Noni, is widely distributed in tropical Asia, India and the
Pacific Islands. Preparations from its roots, stems, bark, leaves and fruits have been used in folk remedies by
Polynesians for over 2000 years. Morinda citrifolia has been reported to have a broad range of therapeutic effects,
including antibacterial, antitumoral, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, hypotensive and immune enhancing effects.
Objective: Noni products are used as dietary supplements and distributed by several companies, also in the
Romanian pharmacies; Noni juice, obtained from M. citrifolia fruit, has become a popular tonic in recent years
since and it is reputed to prevent lifestyle-related diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and
atherosclerosis.The effects of M. citrifolia have not been elucidated in detail. However, there is some evidence for
biological activities in various assay systems. The anticancer activity of an alcohol-precipitate of Noni fruit juice
was demonstrated on mice infected with Lewis lung carcinoma. Several studies were carried out on aqueous and
hydroalcoholic extracts from fruits and roots of M. citrifolia in order to evaluate their antioxidant effects (free-radicalscavenging activity, inhibition of low-density lipoprotein oxidation, hydrogen peroxide scavenging effects).The use
of herbal products for therapeutic purposes is common for women during gestation and lactation periods.
Citotoxicity studies revealed that extracts of Morinda citrifolia affected prenatal development and labor process, but
did not induce maternal toxicity in Wistar rats. Material and methods: Results: Many of Noni major constituents,
which may contribute to its reputed and diversified health benefits, have been identified (anthraquinones,
flavonoids, polysaccharides, lignans, triterpenoids). Conclusions: The consumption of Noni supplements around
the world is currently high and despite the marketing strategies around Noni, these supplements should be
investigated for quality control purposes (especially regarding their standardisation) so that the pharmacist would
be able to advise the pacient properly.
Keywords: Morinda, citrifolia, L.
Background: Quaternary ammonium derivatives are widely spread in drug therapy and the research in this group
present an increased interest for the development of new molecules. The thiazole ring is present in many
consecrated drugs and it is of great interest in the drug synthesis domain. Our research is based on the synthesis
of some new quaternary ammonium derivatives which have at the basis the 2-aryl-thiazolic system differently
substituted in the 2 and 4 positions. Objective: The objectives of the study are the synthesis, purifying, elucidating
the structure, testing the pharmacological activity and evaluating the chemical structure-activity correlation of the 2aryl-thiazole quaternary ammonium derivatives. Material and methods: The synthesis of these compounds was
carried out by alkyling some nitrogen containing non-aromatic heterocicles with halogenated compounds which
contain the 2-aryl-thiazolic system.Some compounds containing a nucleophilic component represented by a nonaromatic heterocicle (piperazine, pyperidine, morpholine, N-methyl-pyperidine, N-methyl-morpholine, N-methylpiperazine) were alkylated with 2-aryl-4-halometilen-thiazolic derivatives in order to obtain some quaternary
compounds.Compounds that have the benzenic nucleus in the 2 position of the thiazolic ring susbtituted in para
with electron withdrawing groups (e.g. -CF3) or electron donating groups (e.g. -CH3) have been synthesized with
the purpose of testing the influence of the substituents upon the reaction's yield and upon the biological activity.To
elucidate the structure of the synthesized compounds elemental quantitative analysis, UV, IR, 1H-NMR and Mass
Spectroscopy were performed. Results: The quantitative analysis and spectral analysis allowed establishing the
chemical structure of the compounds. As for the biological activity, the compounds presented a significant
contractile action. Conclusions: Depending on the obtained results for both the pharmacological activity and
structure analysis, it will be possible to establish some structure-activity relations.
Keywords: quaternary ammonium derivatives,, the 2-aryl-thiazolic ring,, contractile action
Badea Mihaela 14
Badiu Ancuta Diana 76, 79
uteu Carmen 31
Bagdasar Alina 11, 40
ilea I 59
Balan D 23, 45, 46
Balas Reka Borka 27
Balasa Adrian MD,Phd 75
Bancu Ligia 53
A. Curticapean 125
Banescu Claudia 1, 3, 15, 58
Achim A 69
Banias Laura 18
Achim Marcela 119
Barnabe Vera Catarina 21, 22, 65, 66
Aconstantinesei D 69
Barsan Ioana 22, 50, 54
Adam Teodora Irina 69
Bechir E S 100
Adrian Boan MD, PhD 65
Bejan Maria-Andrada 125
Adrian Botan MD, PhD 92
Benedek I 23, 35, 36, 45, 46
Adrian Man 105
Benedek Teodora 35, 36
Adriana Chifor 104, 105
Benedek Theodora 23, 45, 46
Al Hussein Stela Mariana 63
Bentz Oana 42
Al Namat Nadia 28, 29
Berdan Anca-Teodora 112
Albert B 106
Bianca Tudor 13, 104, 105
Alecu A 13
Bica Cristina 97, 99, 100
Alexandra Grosan 114
Blaj (Sngeorzan) Andrada 94, 95
Alexandru B 78
Blebea Cristina Maria 71
Alice Simionescu 60
Blidaru Iolanda 66
Alina Beresteanu 58
Boan Adriana 65
Alina Grama 48
Boanca Maria Magdalena 125
Aloje Maria Magdalena 48, 50
Boarescu P M 5
Amani Diana Barmou 8, 56
Bobb A F 98
Ana Maria Toderic 12, 49
Bocan Corina Ioana 5
Anca Berbecaru 115
Bocicor Andreea-Elena 59
Anciuc Madalina 57, 78
Bodescu Virginia 46
Andone S 5, 7
Bodoki Ede 124
Andrea Rab 53
Bogdan(Cocos) Izabela-Diana 44
Andreea Gaurean 83
Bokor Emke- Anita 50
Andreea Ionita 60
Borda Angela 9
Andrei Andreea 106
Borka-Balas Reka 30
Andrei Ioana 37, 39
Boros (Huza) Luminita 85
Andrica Florina-Maria 115
Botan A 92
Anton M 118
Branea Oana-Elena 10
Antoniu R 71, 72, 73
Branea R 71
Anuta Valentina 121
Brezeanu R 99
Arcus Mariana 121
Bucur B L 101
Ardelean M 52
Bucur Laura 127
Armean Iulia 37, 38, 39
Bud E 102
Asis. Univ. Dr. Mircea Gherghinescu 66
Bud I T 63
Asist. Dr. Pitea Anamaria 54
Budrescu Mihaela 21, 22, 65
Asist. Univ. Dr. Candea Marcela 50
Buicu F 41
Asist.Univ.Dr.Dana Cmpan; Asist.Univ.Drd.Valentin Ion 59
Buicu Gabriela 22, 52
Assoc.Prof. Marian Dorin 78
Bujorean P 70 Tarcea Monica 8
Alexandra Ancuta
Associate Professor, Doctor Of Medicine, Burnusus Constantin;
Of Obstetrics
And Gynecology, State University O
Bura V 69
Attila S 55, 62, 86
Burdun Oana-Cristiana 53
Aurelia Pop 53
Burianov Alina 20
Avrigeanu Veronica 124, 126
Burlacu Lilia 106
Buruian M 32
Buzdugan Dumitria 9
Bag Simona 42
Bgiu Adriana-Marta 7, 8
Baciu Diana 26
CAZACU N C E 102, 103
Calalb Tatiana 123
Calin R 117
Camil E. Vari 111
Campean Roxana-Cristina 34, 47, 75
Capraru Oana 60
Caraca E 52
Caravan I 62
Carmen Duicu 40
Catinean A 49
Cazacu C 102, 103
Cean Daniela-Edith 8
Cecilia Petrovan 103
Cernica D R 63
Chelmea Ligia 14
Chifan Maria 13
Chincean Mihaela 26
Chiotoroiu Andreea-Luciana 48
Chira Liliana 4
Chiriac Evelyne-Christine 4
Chiril Ioana 5
Chis Oana-Laura 34
Cimpoesu Diana 28, 29
Cioanca Oana 122
Cioban Oana-Dorina 112
Ciobanu- Huma Miriam 70
Cirstea Iuliana 47, 75
Ciucu A P 97
Ciurca Diana 112
Clapon Anca Geanina 67
Claudia Banescu, MD 24, 32
Claudiu Marginean MD, PhD 91
Coovanu A 8
Codoiu Andra Laura 104
Colcer Ioana 22
Coman Oana 70
Conf. DR Tinica Grigore 65
Conf. Dr. Banescu Claudia 54
Conf. Dr. Monica Tarcea 11
Conf. Dr. Rodica Blaa 29
Conf. Univ. Dr. Psih. Pasca Maria Dorina 43
Constantin Mihaela 118
Contra Alexandra 80
Copotoiu Monica 19, 89
Copotoiu Sanda-Maria 69
Corduneanu Alina-Georgiana 57, 86
Corduneanu Roxana-Mihaela 86
Cormos B 112
Coroiu C 76, 78, 95
Cosma Codrua 97, 104
Costan Claudia 2
Costas Diana Claudia 51
Cotoi O 9
Craciun Adriana 30, 44
Craciun Elena Cristina 125
Creta Aurica 44
Crisan Gianina 120
Crisan Madalina 22, 50, 54
Crisan Maria Iulia 62
Dru Oana-Petronela 28, 34
Dan Viorel Cozma MD, PhD 65
Darie Ruxandra 11, 51
David Cristina 66
Deak K 80
Dobreanu D 41, 51
Dobreanu Minodora 38
Dobrin Diana 112
Doctor Szasz Jozsef Attila 20
Dodu Roxana Anamaria 12
Dogaru Maria 10, 111, 112
Dolghii Xenia 21
Dorgo Monica 52
Dorin Dorobanu 76
Dr. Adrian Boan 72
Dr. Adrian Ivanescu 71
Dr. Carmen Caldararu 55
Dr. Constantin Martha Maria 30
Dr. Dan Farcas 85
Dr. Germn- Sall Mrta 50
Dr. Gozar Liliana 42
Dr. Grigore Dogaru 55
Dr. Mrta Simon 34
Dr. Mezei Tibor 14
Dr. Monica Copotoiu 34
Dr. Pap Zsuzsanna 10
Dr. Radu Florin Demian 55
Dr. Russu Octav 64, 70
Dr. Ruxandra Copotoiu 34
Dr. Sivanand Siveetharan 65
Dr.Fodor Geza 17
Dr.Grama Alina 39
Dr.Molnar Calin 93
Dr.Virginas Annamaria 17
Dragomir Niculina 14
Duicu Carmen 25
Duka E 55, 62, 86
Dulau P 98
Dumea Mihaela 29
Dumitrachi B 101
Dumitru Dana-Ioana 69, 81
Ede Bodoki 123
Edit Gogolak Hrubecz 2
Edwards Ardelean Maria 91
Elena Bobrov 116
Enciulescu C 11
Frika Gertrd 14
Flp Ibolya 85
Fagarasan Amalia 44
Fanfaret I S 9, 57, 78, 86
Farcas Elena 126
Farcas M F 6
Farcas Marcela Leontina 19, 67
Farr Ana-Maria 82
Faur Marinela-Radiana 4, 28
Fazakas Zita 57, 106
Feier A 12, 67, 70
Feier Ingrid 24
Florea S A G 112, 114
Florian Ioan tefan MD, PhD 62
Florin T 1, 3, 24, 54
Florina Daniela Ruta 8
Floroian Laura 14
Frandes V 37, 38, 39
Furda Roxana Patricia 69
Gspr Hanga-Katalin 31
Gabor Carmen Silvia 97
Gabor Csiki 27
Gabor Estera 4, 11, 25, 40
Gabos Grecu I 56
Gabos Grecu Marieta 18
Gabos-Grecu I 57
Gal Mihaela-Alexandra 4, 64
Gal Timea 17
Gallaby K 21, 65, 66
Garbovan Cristina 40
Gavril Iulia Laura 44, 48, 50
Gaz Florea S A 113
Gaz-Florea Serban Andrei 124, 126
Geambasu S 13
George C 1, 3, 24, 32
Georgescu R 22, 80, 81
Georgiana Mihaela Halip(Asofronie) 41
Gherasm Andreia 52
Gherghinescu M 93
Gherghinescu Mircea 93
Gherman Ioana-Vasilica 8, 64
Ghiciuc Cristina Mihaela 21
Ghiragosian C 35
Gincu Svetlana 127
Gliga Laura Elena 113
Hadadi L 41
Hadarean V 28
Hadma Roxana-Maria 84, 85
Haidau Alina 112
Halatiu V B 2
Halip B 41
Hanca Ancua 12
Hancianu Monica 122
Hancu G 108
Hancu Gabriel 107, 108, 119
Hegedus Csilla 2
Hintea Oana Bianca 9
Hodas Roxana Ioana 35, 36
Hosu Oana Alexandra 123
Hunor P 55, 62, 86
Hussam A H 12, 63
Huza Adelina 68
Iancu C 69
Iancu Ioana 121
Ibolya Flp 109
Ielciu Irina 128
Ilie Mihaela Bianca 4
Ioan Macarie, MD 32
Ioan-Adrian S 42
Ioana Alina Miu 60
Ioana Banea 94
Ion Mihai G 7, 8, 56
Ion R 13, 78
Ionela Pascanu 37, 39
Ismaiel A 36
Iulia Rijnoveanu 74
Iuresco Tatiana 116
Iurie T 116, 117
Ivnescu A 12
Ivanescu A 75
Ivanescu Adrian 77
Ivanof Bianca-Mihaela 127
Jerdea B D 4, 23, 28, 64
Joo Eva 62, 86
Juncu V 68
Jung Ioan 3
Klmn E 14
KzdiZaharia E. Iring 56
Keller D P 67
Khaled A S 100
Kolcsar Melinda 111, 112
Kovacs M A 70
Kovacs Z 21, 56
Lapusneanu Diana-Ionela 48
Laura Fisus 83
Lecturer Cioanca Oana PhD 113
Lecturer Dr. Carmen Duicu 33
Lepdatu Ioana 31
Libenciuc Andreia 62
Linul C 66
Livia Uncu 116, 118
Loghin Andrada 9
Lostun G 71
Lucian Puscasiu 77
Lukacs Emese 31
Lupu Anca 40
Mrginean Oana 26
Mrtinic Adelina 93
Macarie Melania 20, 21
Macavei I 54
Macec Adelina 76, 78, 79
Madaras A 62
Magyar Jlia 56
Majeri A 102
Man A 94
Man Adrian 103
Mares R 34, 64
Margina Denisa 127
Marginean Maria Oana 1, 25, 54, 57
Marginean Oana 1
Maria T. Dogaru 111
Marian B 60
Marian Cosmina 80
Marian D 74
Marin Argyriou D 43, 74
Marinciuc Andra Madalina 68
Marinciuc Patricia 68
Marius U 98
Marta Toderic 12, 49
Martin Alexandra 27, 30, 35
Martin S A 84
Mateescu Corina-Ioana 57
Matei Alecsandra Cristina 90
Mateiciuc C 59
Mathe L 21
Mathe Rita 120
Mejia D 66
Melit Lorena-Elena 25
Mezei T 7
Miclea Alexandra Cristina 52
Mihaila Daniela 89
Mihaila I D 89
Mihalcea I A 26
Mihalcut Roxana Ioana 74
Mihanos (Grama) Armina 43, 44
Mihuti Alexandra Diana 74, 78
Miklsi Dorottya 30
Mir-Kohler B Q A 28, 29
Mircea Dumitru Croitoru 109
Mircia Eleonora 119
Mirel Simona 122
Mirela Gliga MD,Phd 47
Mirica Mdlina-Nicoleta 29
Miron Anca 128
Miron Ingrith 21
Mititelu V 117
Mitre Adriana 51
Mitrea Niculina 127
Mocan L 69
Modi Viviana Alexandra 72
Modroiu Adriana 85
Moga M 14
Moisa Alina Georgiana 52
Moiseev Ana 123
Moldovan C 98, 99
Moldovan Carmen Oana 45, 46
Molnar C 78, 80, 93, 94, 95
Molnar Clin 93
Molnar-Varlam Cristina 105
Monea Adriana 100, 106
Monea Monica 98, 99, 100
Monica Copotoiu 19, 25
Monica Monea 98
Morar Andreea 49
Morar Anicuta Ionela 19, 69
Morar Silvia Ioana 43
Moraru L 63
Morosan A 113
Muhlfay G 71
Muica A 104
Murar Alexandra 52
Muresan Andreea Daiana 87
Muresan M G 73
Nagwa I 36
Nagy Iulia Andrea 33, 34
Neag Alexandra 49
Neagos Adriana 73
Neagos Adriana, MD 68
Neagu C 41, 48
Nechifor Oana 15
Nedelcu Monica 74
Nedelea P 28
Negoita Florentina 39
Nicoara R 124
Nicolae Neagu 90
Nicolau C R 74
Nicoleta Todoran 114
Niculina-Oana Diaconu 27, 30, 35
Niculiseanu Stela 47
Niculoiu Iulia 114
Niculoiu Iulia Maria 124
Niretean A 31
Nirestean A 35, 58
Nomi Marta Istvnfi 95
Oana Andrea Edina 32, 33, 34
Oana Pocol 40
Oancea C 62
Ognean L 114
Oltean Andra 42
Oltean Ioana-Violeta 46, 50, 55
Opincariu Diana Elena 45, 46
Orban Timea 99, 100
Orbeanu Georgiana 128
Ortopan Maria 32, 33, 34
Ostopovici Marta 11, 70
Osz Bianca Eugenia 112, 114
Otvos-Moldovan Andrada 37, 38, 39
Pvai Z 8
Paca Maria Dorina 83, 87
Pacurar Mariana 100
Pager Brigitta 15, 57
Pakucs Annamria 30
Palage Mariana 128
Paler Ioana 126
Parfene (Arghira) Alina 94, 95
Parvu Mirela 43
Pasca Maria Dorina 87
Pascanu Ionela 38, 39
Pascanu Ionela Maria 34
Pascari Nicoleta 114
Pavai Z 12
Pentek Krisztina-Georgina 93
Peter Izabella Paula 14, 62
Petra Luchian 100
Petrescu L 115
Petrovici Raisa 114
Petrut M 77
Pitea Ana-Maria 34
Poh Hock M J 21, 22, 65, 66
Rduly G 8, 10
Racoiu Viorela-Alexandra 120
Rad Lorena Emilia 18
Radu Cristina Georgiana 24, 32
Raluca Petroi 40
Raluca Pop 37, 39
Razvan Liviu F 127
Reka Borka- Balas 30
Reka Gyero 21, 56
Rendes A 26
Roboschi Stefania 13
Rolando B 49
Roman Adina 5, 7
Roman Flavia-Cristina 8, 18, 64
Roman Nicoleta 19, 67
Romaniuc Andreea 64
Rotaru Marta-Elena 64
Rudzik Roxana 51
Russu C 94, 95
Russu C P 80
Russu Eliza 78
Russu O 79
Russu Octav 72, 76
Rusu Aura 108, 109, 110
Rusu Simina-Elena 27, 30, 35
Rusz Carmen Maria 113
Ruzsa P 4, 23, 64
Sabau Ionela 111
Safta V 127
Sala Nicoleta 53
Salagean Madalina 22, 46, 55
Santa Damaris-Felicia 109
Sasebesi Adina 107
Scoupi N 71
Sef Lucr. Dr. Andrada Loghin 2
Sef Lucr.Dr.Daniel Popa 66
Sef Lucrari Dr. Bica Cristina 100
Sef Lucrari Dr. Pop-Radu Corina Cristina 41
Sendrea O 47
Septimiu V 8
Serbu Corina 127
Seregelyi T 77
Seserman Rania Timeea 99
Silaghi M 100
Silviu Horia Morariu 48
Sima Diana Carmen 64
Simion Elena Adriana 110
Simion I I 78, 95
Simona Bag 84
Sincaru Suzana-Vasilica 35, 36
Sipos R 86
Sipos R S 12
Sipos Remus 49
Sirbu Cristina 119
Sirbu Eliza-Dumitrita 18, 64
Sirbu Ileana Voichita 53
Sita D D 105
Smaranda Demian, MD 24
Soaita Claudia 101, 104
Soare Maria Ruxandra 119
Solyom Arpad 77
Somesan Rodica 114
Somkereki Cristina 41
Sos Adela 111
Spirchez Ralisa 43, 74
Stana Anemona-Madalina 92
Stanciu N 4, 11, 28
Stefan Anda 24, 32
Stefan Ioana Lavinia 122
Stifiuc R 123
Stiufiuc R 124
Stoica A 15
Stoica Alexandra 98, 99, 101
Stolnicu Simona 4
Stratulat Felicia 13
Stroe V 70, 79
Suba Dora-Ildiko 15, 57, 86
Suciu Anca Raluca 46, 54, 55
Suciu H 63, 70, 79
Suvanjeiev R G 57
Sylvestre Dosso Katina 126
Szllsi A 8
Sznt Zsuzsanna 44
Szsz J A 26
Szab Mnika 24
Szabo Anamaria Roxana 98
Szabo Bela 61
Szasz I 58
Sztan Adela 93
Tnsuc Camelia 51
Tabacar M 12, 71, 73
Tabacitu (Toma) Adela 33, 58
Tanase Elena - Ionela 37, 38, 39
Taran Livia 22, 35
Tarca Aurelia Alexandra 57, 78, 86
Tarcea Monica 7, 83, 84
Tatiana Calalb 116
Temistocle Despina Luciana 103
Tibor Mezei, MD 5
Tocariuc Dorina Petronela 105
Todea Andreea Madalina 87
Todirica D 102
Todor (Maftior) Denisia-Suzana 7, 8
Todoran Nicoleta 110
Tofan F 22, 64
Tognel Rodica 31
Tohati A 106
Tolus Simona Loredana 82
Tolvai Karola 109
Toma Felicia 94
Toma M 78
Toma(Gabor) Ana-Maria 11, 25
Tomuta I 119
Torcatoru Anca 101
Trifan Adriana 128
Tsolakidou Charikleia 23
Tudor Anca-Mihaela 127
Turc Alexandra Lavinia 90
Turcu M 9
Uncu A 116
Ungureanu Loredana 75
Ureche Corina 53
Vsii R 106
Vacariu V 2
Valentin Stroe, MD And PhD Student 64
Valentin Stroe, MD, PhD Student 67
Valeria Tonini 81
Vancea Szende 86
Vari C 15
Vari C E 10, 114, 117
Veronica Grozescu 104, 105
Versari G 81
Victoria Ancuta Rus 7, 83
Vig Camelia 27
Virginas Annamaria 61
Virginas B 17, 61
Vitalis L 72, 75
Vlad R 108, 110
Voda T 89
Voidazan S 50
Wee Liam O 21, 22, 65, 66
Zacharias Cora 79
Zahan Larisa Marina 71, 75
Zaharia Madalina 121
Zaharia Raluca Adnana 18
Zazgyva Ancuta 76
Zecheru Ioana Luciana 84, 85
Zegrean Madalina 101
Zgureanu Veronica 117