Verification of The Ramberg-Osgood Material Model
Verification of The Ramberg-Osgood Material Model
Verification of The Ramberg-Osgood Material Model
2, 9 – 15
DOI: 10.2478/sjce-2023-0008
Samer Nemer 1 *
Abstract Address
© 2023 The Author(s). This is an open access article licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution
4 .0 License (
Vol. 31, 2023, No. 2, 9 – 15
mann’s model, which is derived from transient-state tests on are able to predict the real behavior of steel members at elevat-
beams (Rubert and Schaumann, 1986). In addition to the dete- ed temperatures. Additionally, improving the accuracy of the
rioration of strength and stiffness when the temperature increas- material models incorporated in a fire design is also important
es, the clear yield point at a normal temperature disappears at with regard to the safety and economy of a steel structural de-
elevated temperatures, and the yield strength becomes difficult sign. Based on the available literature given above, it can be
to identify as the behavior becomes highly nonlinear with the stated that there is a lack of certainty in and many disadvan-
rising temperature. For this reason, and because of large strains tages of the current EN1993-1-2 material model. Therefore,
shown in steel members at elevated temperatures, it is more usu- this paper aims at evaluating the applicability of the modified
al to consider the effective yield stress at a total strain within a Ramberg-Osgood material model as an alternative material
range between 0.2% to 2.0% (ECCS, 1989; BS 5950, 2000). model for the fire design of steel members. The parameters for
EN 1993-1-2 adopts an effective yield strength at a 2.0% total this fire design model were presented by (Outinen et al., 1997)
strain for classes 1,2,3 cross-sections. For class 4 cross-sections, based on an actual test that was not investigated or verified
the 0.2% proof strength should be used (EN 1993-1-2, 2005). later by other researchers.
The material model investigated in this paper is that given by
(Outinen et al., 1997) it was proposed using the calculating meth-
od developed by (Ramberg and Osgood, 1943); the mechanical 1.3 The content of the paper
properties of S355 steel at elevated temperatures are calculated
using simple formulas based on transient state tensile test results In this paper, the EN1993-1-2 and the modified Ram-
carried out at the Laboratory of Steel Structures at the Helsin- berg-Osgood material models are first presented; then the nu-
ki University of Technology (SFS-EN 10 002-5, 1992; EN 10 merical model is explained. Subsequently, the local buckling
002-2, 1992; EN 10 002-4, 1992). These formulae are proposed capacity of a steel beam studied by (Prachar et al., 2016) and
instead of the reduction factors given in EN1993-1-2. Wang et al. the global buckling strengths of columns and beams are cal-
(2012) reported that the Ramberg-Osgood equations are capable culated by a geometrically and materially nonlinear analysis
of providing a convenient way to express stress-strain curves as (GMNIA) incorporating the two material models.
a continuous function. Very important research was conducted
by (Pauli et al., 2012), who carried out extensive experimental
investigations on the material behavior of carbon steel at elevat- 2 M ATERIAL MODELS AT ELEVATED
ed temperatures and on structural stub and slender columns on TEMPERATURES
fire. It was reported that the EN1993-1-2 material model for car-
bon steel has difficulties in describing the stress-strain relation- This section covers the description of two material models,
ships from tensile tests due to the fact that it overestimates the which represent the material response of carbon steel at elevat-
strain hardening for strains smaller than 2% and underestimates ed temperatures, i.e., (1) the EN1993-1-2 material model and
it for larger strains. Moreover, the shape of the modelled stress- (2) the Ramberg-Osgood material model.
strain curve of EN1993-1-2 cannot be adapted to the individu-
al stress-strain relationships of the experimental results. On the 2.1 The EN1993-1-2 material model
other hand, adapting the one-stage Ramberg-Osgood model and
its modification by Gardner-Nethercot [Gardner and Nethercot, The material model for carbon steel at elevated tempera-
2004), has led to the better modelling of experimentally obtained tures, as given in the fire section of Eurocode (EN1993-1-2,
individual stress-strain relationships of different steel grades and 2005), is presented in Fig. 1. The response of the material is
temperatures. Moreover, for high temperatures above 600 °C, it divided into four stages as follows:
has been shown that the stress-strain relationship has an almost The first stage is linear-elastic up to the proportional limit
bilinear shape (Pauli, 2012). Another disadvantage of the Euro-
code material model was reported by (Wang et al., 2012) who
stated that the rate of change of the gradients (the tangent modu-
lus) at the points between the limit of proportionality fp θ and yield
points fyθ is not continuous, even though the values of the stress
and tangent modulus are continuous. According to (Knobloch et
al., 2010), the effect of the nonlinear stress-strain relationship of
steel at elevated temperatures on the overall buckling strength is
of high importance. In addition, it was concluded that adopting
the temperature-dependent stress reached at a 2 % strain leads to
unreliable results for the cross-sectional capacity in pure com-
pression. Moreover, the unsafe nature of the EN1993-1-2 curve
was also reported by (Nemer and Papp, 2021).
Fig. 1 EN1993-1-2 material model for steel at elevated
temperature θ [1]
1.2 The aim of the current research
Thorough knowledge and proper implementation of the point fp,θ (the end of the elastic stage), at which the stress is
behavior of materials at elevated temperatures is extremely proportional to the strain. At this stage, only two basic material
important for developing accurate numerical models, which parameters are needed, i.e., the slope of the linear elastic range
for steel at elevated temperatures (Eθ) and also the proportional σi , εi: represent the stress and corresponding strain, respec-
limit for steel at elevated temperatures (fp,θ). Then, the linear tively, at temperature θ
elastic range is followed by an elliptical curve between the nθ: coefficient that enables the curvature to be adjusted;
proportional limit fp,θ to the effective yield strength of steel at β = 6/7.
an elevated temperature (fy,θ), which is defined as the strength
at a 2% total strain. In the third stage, the stress remains con- Outinen et al. (1997) proposed simple formulas to deter-
stant between εy,θ = 2% and the limiting strain for the yield mine the parameters of the Ramberg-Osgood equation (2,3,4)
strength, εt,θ = 15% . In the last stage the stress drops to zero at based on the test results for steel grade S355, as follows:
the ultimate strain εy,θ = 20%, which means a fracture.
Fig. 2 shows the stress-strain curve according to the fire For 200℃ ≤ θ ≤ 700℃:
section of Eurocode EN1993-1-2 for S355 steel at three diffe
rent temperatures (400, 500, 600 ℃). (2)
Tab. 2 Characteristics of different sections investigated in this paper The load was modelled by applying the distributed forces
on the flanges and on the web of the loaded end using the mod-
Cross-section h b tw tf r ified RIKS tool, which is available in the ABAQUS library
IPE160 160 82 5.0 7.4 9 (ABAQUS, 2018).
In this section, the two material models were used for calculat-
ing the buckling capacities of steel members under pure bending.
The results of the comparison of the lateral torsional buck-
ling capacities (M) for members made of IPE180 and HE500B
Fig. 7 Comparison of the buckling capacity-displacement curves of cross-sections at three different temperatures 400 ℃, 500 ℃,
the beam investigated and 600 ℃ are presented in Fig. 9, where Mpl,t,Rd is the plastic
Fig. 9 Comparison of the buckling capacities for columns made of IPE160(Left) and HE100B (Right)
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