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DLL Math-2 Q2

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Grade Two

School Grade Level

LOG Subject/Quarter/ Mathematics-Quarter 2, Week
Teacher Love Teaching
Week 1
A. Content Standards demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates
understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of
subtraction and subtraction and subtraction and subtraction and
multiplication of multiplication of multiplication of multiplication of

whole numbers up whole numbers up whole numbers up whole numbers up
to 1000 including to 1000 including to 1000 including to 1000 including
money. money. money. money.

B. Performance Standards is able to apply is able to apply is able to apply is able to apply
subtraction and subtraction and subtraction and subtraction and
multiplication of multiplication of multiplication of multiplication of
whole numbers up whole numbers up whole numbers up whole numbers up
to 1000 including to 1000 including to 1000 including to 1000 including
money in money in money in money in
mathematical mathematical mathematical mathematical
problems and reallife problems and reallife problems and reallife problems and reallife
situations. situations. situations. situations.
C. Learning visualizes, represents, and visualizes, represents, visualizes, visualizes, represents,
Competencies/Objectives subtracts 2- to 3-digit and subtracts 2- to 3-digit represents, and and subtracts 2- to 3-
numbers with minuends numbers with minuends subtracts 2- to 3- digit numbers with
up to 999 without and up to 999 without and digit numbers with minuends up to 999
with regrouping. M2NS- with regrouping. M2NS- minuends up to 999 without and with
IIa-32.5 IIa-32.5 without and with regrouping. M2NS-IIa-
regrouping. M2NS- 32.5
Visualizing, representing, Visualizing, representing, Visualizing, Visualizing,
and subtracting 2- to 3- and subtracting 2- to 3- representing, and representing, and
digit numbers with digit numbers with subtracting 2- to 3- subtracting 2- to 3-digit
minuends up to 999 minuends up to 999 digit numbers with numbers with minuends
without and with without and with minuends up to 999 up to 999 without and
regrouping regrouping without and with with regrouping
A. References K-to-12 MELC Guide K-to-12 MELC Guide K-to-12 MELC K-to-12 MELC Guide
page 202 page 202 Guide page 202 page 202
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook Pages Mathematics for Mathematics for Mathematics for Mathematics for
Everyday Use pp. 54-65 Everyday Use pp. 54-65 Everyday Use pp. Everyday Use pp. 54-
54-65 65
4. Additional Materials from Learning
Resources (LR)
B.Other Learning Resources
A. Before the Lesson  Prayer  Prayer  Prayer  Prayer
1.Setting the Stage(Drill, Review  Sing a song  Sing a Song  Sing a song  Sing a Song
and Motivation) “I love Math” in  Review on the  Review on  Review on
the Tune of “Are parts of how to how to
you Sleeping” Subtraction subtract 3- subtract 2-
 Show a picture  Review on how digit digit numbers
of a beach and to subtract 2- numbers from 3-digit
ask questions digit numbers from 3-digit numbers with
about it. from 3-digit numbers regrouping
numbers. without Ask:
Ask: regrouping -What is your favorite
-What fruit-bearing fruit?
tress do you have in Ask: -Why is it your
your backyard? -What do we get favorite?
-What do you do when from a calamansi
- Have you gone to you harvest the fruits?
-Is it healthy to
a beach already?
drink the extract of
- What do you do
when you go to a
-Is it good to share
the things we have
to our neighbors?

2. Explaining what to do (Tell Today, we will learn Today, we will learn Today, we will Today, we will learn
the objectives of the Lesson) about subtraction of 2- about the value of learn about the about the value of
digit numbers from 3- planting fruit-bearing value of eating eating fruits the
digit numbers without tress in our backyard fruits and subtraction of 3-digit
regrouping and its parts. and the subtraction of generosity and the numbers from 3-digit
3-digit numbers from 3- subtraction of 2- numbers with
digit numbers without digit numbers from regrouping.
regrouping. 3-digit numbers
with regrouping.
B. Lesson Proper(All Teacher’s Present a story problem Present a story Present a story Present a story
Activity) Presentation through problem problem problem
Modeling, Illustration and Ana has gone to the
Demonstration beach to pick up shells Mr. Ramos picked 345 Sito harvested 352 In a farm, there are
for her project. She has Indian mangoes. He calamansi. He 425 mango trees. Of
picked up 356 shells and sold 132. How many shared 89 these trees, 297 are
has given 23 to her Indian mangoes were calamansi to his apple mangoes. How
friend, Marvelon. How left? neighbor. How many are not apple
many more shells are many calamansi mangoes?
left to Ana? were left?

1. Guided Practice (1st Ask the following Ask the following Ask the following Ask the following
Assessment) questions: questions questions questions
1. What is asked in the
word problem? 1.What is asked in the 1.What is asked in 1.What is asked in the
2. What are the story problem? the story problem? story problem?
numbers given?
3. To know the number 2. What are the 2. What are the 2. What are the
of shells left to Ana, numbers given? numbers given? numbers given?
what shall we do?
3. To know the number 3. To know the 3. To know the
Tell the class what is of Indian mangoes left, number of number of not apple
subtraction and tell the what shall we do? Calamansi left, mangoes, what shall
parts. what shall we do? we do?
 Minuend- the 4. How important it is
number where to have fruit-bearing
the subtrahend trees at home?
is subtracted
 Subtrahend-the
number being
subtracted from
 Difference-
answer in
2. More Practice (2nd Solve the problem. Solve the problem. Solve the problem. Solve the problem.
Assessment) 356 345 352 425
- 23 - 132 - 89 - 297
333 213 263 328
The number of shells There were 213 Indian There were 263 328 are not apple
left to Ana is 333. mangoes left. calamansi left. mangoes.

-Provide more examples -Provide more -Provide more -Provide more

of subtraction without examples of examples of examples of
regrouping. subtraction without subtraction with subtraction with
regrouping. regrouping. regrouping.

3. Independent Practice Solve the following. Solve the following. Solve the following Solve the following.

C. After the lesson/Closure How do we subtract 2- How do we subtract 3- How do we How do we subtract
(Summarizing/Generalizing) digit numbers from 3- digit numbers from 3- subtract 2-digit 3-digit numbers from
digit numbers without digit numbers without numbers from 3- 3-digit numbers with
regrouping? regrouping? digit numbers with regrouping?
1. Subtract the numbers 1. Subtract the regrouping?
that fall on the ones numbers that fall on
place. the ones place. 1. Subtract the 1. Subtract the ones
2. Next, subtract the 2. Next, subtract the ones first. If the first. If the minuend is
numbers that fall on the numbers that fall on minuend is less less than the
tens place. the tens place. than the subtrahend, borrow a
3. Lastly, bring down the 3. Lastly, subtract the subtrahend, ten from the tens and
number that falls on the numbers that fall on borrow a ten from add it to the ones.
hundreds place. the hundreds place. the tens and add it Rename the tens.
to the ones. 2. Subtract the tens. If
Rename the tens. the minuend is less
2. Subtract the than the subtrahend,
tens. If the take ten from the
minuend is less hundreds and add it
than the to the tens. Rename
subtrahend, take the hundreds.
ten from the 3. Lastly, subtract the
hundreds and add hundreds.
it to the tens.
Rename the
3. Bring down the
1. Application Group Activity: Solve Group Work: Group Work: Group Work:
the story problem. Solve the story Solve the story Solve the story
problem. problem. problem.
Mr. Garcia harvested
284 cavans of palay. He Mr. Cruz baked 336 rice Mother picked 265 Teddy picked 353 star
sold 52 cavans. How cakes. He sold 114. calamansi. She sold apples. He sold 147.
many cavans were left? How many rice cakes 98. How many How many star apples
were left? were left? were left?
Guide Questions: Guide Questions: Guide Questions: Guide Questions:
1. What is asked? 1. What is asked? 1. What is asked? 1. What is asked?
2. What are the 2. What are the 2. What are the 2. What are the
numbers given? numbers given? numbers given? numbers given?
3. Show the solution. 3. Show the solution. 3. Show the 3. Show the solution.
4. What is the final 4. What is the final solution. 4. What is the final
answer. answer. 4. What is the final answer.
2. Evaluation (3rd assessment) Subtract the following Subtract the Subtract the following
Subtract the following numbers. following numbers. numbers.
1. 356 2. 568
-- 24 -- 53
3. 185 4. 426
-- 72 - 15

D. Additional activities for .

application or remediation

The lesson have The lesson have The lesson have The lesson have The lesson have
successfully delivered successfully delivered successfully successfully delivered successfully delivered
due to: due to: delivered due to: due to: due to:
____pupils’ eagerness ____pupils’ eagerness ____pupils’ ____pupils’ eagerness ____pupils’ eagerness
to learn to learn eagerness to learn to learn to learn
____complete/varied ____complete/varied ____complete/ ____complete/varied ____complete/varied
IMs IMs varied IMs IMs IMs
____uncomplicated ____uncomplicated ____uncomplicate ____uncomplicated ____uncomplicated
lesson lesson d lesson lesson lesson
____worksheets ____worksheets ____worksheets ____worksheets ____worksheets
____varied activity ____varied activity ____varied activity ____varied activity ____varied activity
sheets sheets sheets sheets sheets
A.No. of learners who earned 80% in the ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who
evaluation earned 80% above earned 80% above who earned 80% earned 80% above earned 80% above

B.No. of learners who require additional ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who
___ of Learners ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who
activities for remediation who scored require additional require who additional
require require additional require additional
below 80% activities for activities for
additional activities activities for activities for
remediation remediation
for remediation remediation remediation
C.Did the remedial lessons work? No. of ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No
___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No
learners who have caught up with the ____ of Learners who ____ of Learners who
____ of Learners ____ of Learners who ____ of Learners who
lesson caught up the lesson caught up the lesson
who caught up the caught up the lesson caught up the lesson
D.No. of learners who continue to ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who
require remediation continue to require continue to require who continue to continue to require continue to require
remediation remediation require remediation remediation
E.Which of my teaching strategies Strategies used that Strategies used that Strategies used Strategies used that Strategies used that
worked well? Why did these work? work well: work well: that work well: work well: work well:
____Group ____Group ____Group ____Group
collaboration ____Group collaboration collaboration collaboration
____Games collaboration ____Games ____Games ____Games
____Solving ____Games ____Solving ____Solving ____Solving
Puzzles/Jigsaw ____Solving Puzzles/Jigsaw Puzzles/Jigsaw Puzzles/Jigsaw
____Answering Puzzles/Jigsaw ____Answering ____Answering ____Answering
preliminary ____Answering preliminary preliminary preliminary
activities/exercises preliminary activities/exercises activities/exercises activities/exercises
____Carousel activities/exercises ____Carousel ____Carousel ____Carousel
____Dlads ____Carousel ____Dlads ____Dlads ____Dlads
____Think-Pair- ____Dlads ____Think-Pair- ____Think-Pair- ____Think-Pair-
Share(TPS) ____Think-Pair- Share(TPS) Share(TPS) Share(TPS)
____Re-reading of Share(TPS) ____Re-reading of ____Re-reading of ____Re-reading of
Paragraphs/poem/stori ____Re-reading of Paragraphs/poem/ Paragraphs/poem/sto Paragraphs/poem/stori
es Paragraphs/poem/stori stories ries es
____Differentiated es ____Differentiated ____Differentiated ____Differentiated
instruction ____Differentiated instruction instruction instruction
____Role instruction ____Role ____Role ____Role
Playing/Drama ____Role Playing/Drama Playing/Drama Playing/Drama
____Discovery Method Playing/Drama ____Discovery ____Discovery ____Discovery Method
____Lecture Method ____Discovery Method Method Method ____Lecture Method
Why? ____Lecture Method ____Lecture ____Lecture Method Why?
____Complete IMs Why? Method Why? ____Complete IMs
____Availability of ____Complete IMs Why? ____Complete IMs ____Availability of
Materials ____Availability of ____Complete IMs ____Availability of Materials
____Pupils’ eagerness Materials ____Availability of Materials ____Pupils’ eagerness
to learn ____Pupils’ eagerness Materials ____Pupils’ eagerness to learn
____Group Cooperation to learn ____Pupils’ to learn ____Group
in doing their tasks ____Group eagerness to learn ____Group Cooperation in doing
Cooperation in doing ____Group Cooperation in doing teir tasks
their tasks Cooperation in their tasks
doing their tasks
F.What difficulties did I encounter which ____Bullying among ____Bullying among ____Bullying ____Bullying among ____Bullying among
my principal or supervisor can help me pupils pupils among pupils pupils pupils
solve? ____Pupils’ ____Pupils’ ____Pupils’ ____Pupils’ ____Pupils’
behavior/attitude____S behavior/attitude behavior/attitude behavior/attitude___ behavior/attitude
cience/Computer/Intern ____Colorful IMs ____Colorful IMs _Science/Computer/I ____Colorful IMs
____Colorful IMs ____Unavailable ____Unavailable nternet ____Unavailable
____Unavailable Technology Equipment Technology ____Colorful IMs Technology Equipment
Technology Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment ____Unavailable (AVR/LCD)
(AVR/LCD) ____Science/ (AVR/LCD) Technology ____Science/
et Lab Computer/Internet Lab ____Science/ Equipment (AVR/LCD) Computer/Internet Lab
____Additional Clerical ____Additional Clerical Computer/Internet et Lab ____Additional Clerical
works works Lab ____Additional works
____Additional Clerical works
Clerical works
F.What difficulties did I encounter which ____Bullying among ____Bullying among ____Bullying ____Bullying among ____Bullying among
my principal or supervisor can help me pupils pupils among pupils pupils pupils
solve? ____Pupils’ ____Pupils’ ____Pupils’ ____Pupils’ ____Pupils’
behavior/attitude____S behavior/attitude behavior/attitude behavior/attitude___ behavior/attitude
cience/Computer/Intern ____Colorful IMs ____Colorful IMs _Science/Computer/I ____Colorful IMs
____Colorful IMs ____Unavailable ____Unavailable nternet ____Unavailable
____Unavailable Technology Equipment Technology ____Colorful IMs Technology Equipment
Technology Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment ____Unavailable (AVR/LCD)
(AVR/LCD) ____Science/ (AVR/LCD) Technology ____Science/
et Lab Computer/Internet Lab ____Science/ Equipment (AVR/LCD) Computer/Internet Lab
____Additional Clerical ____Additional Clerical Computer/Internet et Lab ____Additional Clerical
works works Lab ____Additional works
____Additional Clerical works
Clerical works

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