Lin 2013
Lin 2013
Lin 2013
h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t
• Product 2C12 PSi possesses identical As the products’ concentration and the chain lengths of the hydrophobic groups increased, the magnitude
foam-flowing height and stabiliza- of surface tension reduction varied: when the concentration exceeded the CMC, the surface tension
tion height. value was shown to approach stability, indicating that the liquids’ surface tensions achieved a stable
• The I1 /I3 ratio was reduced only when equilibrium.
the chain length of the hydrophobic
groups increased.
• Product 2C12 PSi had the smallest par-
ticle size and possessed the largest
surface activity.
• Adding the products triggered the
dye to disaggregate, which ultimately
improved its absorbance rate.
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In this study, polydimethylsiloxane, polyethylene glycol, and various fatty alcohol (m = 0, 6, 12, 18) were
Received 15 June 2013 employed to produce a series of functional silicon-based gemini surfactants (2Cm PSi). Subsequently,
Received in revised form 10 August 2013 surface properties such as surface tension, contact angle, fluorescence, foaming property, dispersion, and
Accepted 12 August 2013
emulsion ability were tested. The surface excess concentration ( CMC ) and the surface area occupied
Available online 21 August 2013
by the surfactant molecule (ACMC ) were calculated. Furthermore, we used UV–vis spectroscopy to study
the interactions of dye with the silicon-based Gemini surfactants in aqueous solution. The experimental
results show that the series of products all possess good surface activity, and the product with 12 carbon
Silicon-based gemini surfactants
Surface activity
chains is best one. In addition, products with long hydrophobic chains and dispersed dyes merge into a
Micelle complex, shifting the maximum absorption (max ) toward long wavelengths to produce a red shift effect.
© 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0927-7757/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
882 L.-H. Lin et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 436 (2013) 881–889
in practical applications. Therefore, the properties of PDMS were The residual solvent and ECH were then removed using a vacuum
changed to functional silicon (Si)-based surfactants [9,10]. Because oven. This process produced the step 1 product. The structure of
of their unique molecular structure, which is dissimilar from the step 1 product may be determined by infrared analysis. The
traditional surfactants, their surface activity is less affected by general transformation was the reaction of the OH group of PEG
temperature. This ensures good surface activity under high temper- with ECH, leading to the formation of the characteristic adsorption
atures while possessing the ability to mitigate, prevent, or stabilize of C O C at 1050–1100 cm−1 . Next, the step 1 product (0.02 mol,
foam. The toxicity of Si-based surfactants is extremely low and are 162.24 g), 300 ml of acetone, 30% NaOH aqueous solution (0.1 mol,
commonly used in cosmetics and related industries [11]. 1 g), and TBAB (0.003 mol, 1 g) were placed into a 1-L four-necked
Gemini-based surfactants are made from two or more reaction flask equipped with a stirring rod and a thermometer.
hydrophilic or hydrophobic groups, which are connected to form The compound was then stirred uniformly for 30 min at 70 ◦ C.
a structure with symmetrical sides. [12–15] Compared to tra- After the temperature was reduced to 55 ◦ C, 300 ml of n-hexane
ditional surfactants, gemini-based surfactants exhibit superior and PDMS (0.01 mol, 34 g) were added into the flask and reacted
surface activities in practical applications. This includes the follow- for 5 h.
ing features: (1) lower critical micelle concentration (CMC) values; At 55 ◦ C, the reaction products slowly deposited various layers
(2) better foam stability; and (3) better emulsion properties. at the bottom of the flask, exhibiting clear signs of insolubility in the
The extreme flexibility of the Si O Si linkage allows the methyl acetone and n-hexane solution. The purification process involved
groups of siloxane surfactants to position at the interface advanta- multiple extractions using acetone and n-hexane in 60 ◦ C aqueous
geously enhancing their surface activity, which differentiates them solution. These solvents removed the unreacted PDMS, phase trans-
from traditional surfactants that contain only hydrocarbon bonds. fer catalyst TBAB, and NaOH within the compound. Subsequently, a
The primary functions of Si-based surfactants include the follow- pressure-reducing condenser and vacuum oven were used to pro-
ing: (1) good defoaming ability; (2) surface property remains active, duce the step 2 product (2C0 PSi).
even when dissolved in a solvent; (3) soft molecular chain segments The 2C0 PSi (0.02 mol, 392.4 g) and 30% NaOH aqueous solution
that allow tight surface arrangements; and (4) excellent wetting (0.1 mol, 1 g) were placed into a 1-L four-necked reaction flask
ability [8,9]. equipped with stirring rod and a thermometer. The compound was
In this study, PDMS was adopted as the intermediate and then heated to 70 ◦ C for the compound to dissolve. Next, the tem-
polyethylene glycol (PEG) as the hydrophilic groups. Hydrocar- perature was maintained, and an excess of carbon chain alcohol
bon bonds with various chain lengths (m = 0, 6, 12, and 18) were (m = 6, 12, 18) was added to react for 5 h.
attached to ends of the hydrophilic groups to form the hydrophobic Once the reaction was complete, the product was poured from
groups. By combining these substances, the compound became a the container for purification. The product (ca. 60 g) was dissolved
surfactant that was DMS-based, gemini-based, and polymer-based. in acetone (150 ml) and extracted twice with saturated Na2 CO3
Subsequently, the compound’s surface properties were tested, such solution to remove any unreacted fatty alcohol. Finally, a pressure-
as surface tension, contact angle, fluorescence, foaming, dispersion reducing condenser and vacuum oven were employed to produce
ability, and emulsion ability. We also investigated the interactions the final product (2Cm PSi).
between dyes and micelles of the silicon-based Gemini surfactants
in aqueous solutions.
2.3. Analysis
The foam height was recorded after 1 h and again after 5 min of spectrometer, the excitation and emission wavelengths were mea-
stabilization. sured at 335 nm and 350–450 nm.
2C0PSi 60
2C12PSi 45
0.01 0.1 1 10
4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500
-1 Log C (mmol/L)
Wavenumber (cm )
Fig. 3. Surface tension versus concentration of silicon-based gemini surfactants.
Fig. 2. Infrared spectra of silicon-based gemini surfactants.
Table 2
Contact angles of silicon-based gemini surfactants.
Compound Contact angle (degrees)
Table 3 1.15
Foaming properties of silicon-based gemini surfactants.
Compound Maximum height (cm) Stabilized height (cm)
I1/ I3
foam membrane signify a more organized and tighter arrange-
ment of molecules, which subsequently increases the thickness and
strength of the foam membrane. The molecular arrangement also 0.80
affects the strength of the foam membrane. When the molecular
arrangement is chaotic, the foam membrane’s contact with the air 2C6PSi
causes the foams to burst. This subsequently results in defoaming 0.70
and foam-inhibiting-related studies by other researchers [25].
Table 3 shows the maximum foam height and the stabilized
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
foam height of silicon-based gemini surfactants after sitting for
5 min. As shown in the table, their foam heights were less than Concentration (mmol/L)
2 cm; consequently, they are categorized as low foaming products.
Fig. 5. Fluorescence intensity ratio versus concentration of silicon-based gemini
The height of the flowing foams increased in conjunction with the surfactants.
chain length of the hydrophobic groups, and the stabilized foam
height after sitting for 5 min was zero, which also indicates traits
of low foamability. Among all the products, Product 2C12 PSi pos- exceeded the CMC has the largest I1 /I3 ratio. Among all of the prod-
sesses identical foam-flowing height and stabilization height. This ucts, Product 2C12 PSi at the concentration exceeded the CMC had
is attributable to the following reasons: (1) the texture of the foams the lowest I1 /I3 ratio, indicating a neater and tighter arrangement
formed from Product 2C12 PSi were delicate and small, which shows within the molecular layer adsorbed on the pyrene, which sub-
good foam stability, and that the foams are not prone to burst- sequently contributed to the greatest nonpolarity of the micelles.
ing over time; (2) the hydrophobic group chains prevented the Despite having the longest hydrophobic group chains, the I1 /I3 ratio
molecules from forming a stable and uniform bimolecular layer on of Product 2C18 PSi was higher than Product 2C12 PSi. This was pri-
the foam membrane. The excessively long molecular chains tangled marily because the hydrophobic group chain length was too long,
on the foam membrane, creating empty holes and uneven bimolec- which caused the tangling and chaotic arrangement of molecules
ular layer thickness, which ultimately caused the foams to burst adsorbed on the pyrene. This resulted in the uneven thickness of the
[26]. molecular layer adsorbed on the pyrene, and reduced the intensity
of the nonpolarity, while increasing the I1 /I3 ratio [28].
3.5. Aggregation properties
3.6. Emulsification
The interaction between surfactants and pyrene affects the
properties of the system, such as the surfactants’ aggregation or During the emulsification process, surfactants are called emul-
dissolving of pyrene. When this occurs, the initial properties of sifiers that can take on the following two forms: (1) surfactant
the surfactants are altered. Therefore, the study of the interaction molecules are adsorbed on the oil particles, where the hydrophilic
effect between surfactants and molecules on medical treatment, groups face toward the water, whereas the hydrophobic groups
dye operation, and various other industries is exceptionally cru- face toward the oil, thereby reducing the surface tension between
cial. By using fluorescence analysis to observe the interaction effect the two phases; and (2) the surfactant molecules are arranged and
between pyrene and surfactants, the polarity and CMC of the adsorbed on the oil particles, forming a solid protective layer. The
micelles prior to and after formation were investigated. The flu- surfactant molecules cause the oil to carry zeta potential, where the
orescence spectrograph shows that the main characteristic peaks zeta potential within the particles forces them to repel, and sub-
were the first and third peak (374 and 384 nm, respectively), and sequently separate. However, to improve emulsion stability and
that the fluorescence intensity ratio (I1 /I3 ) affected the polarity of prevent oil and water from stratifying, the zeta potential value
the microenvironment [27]. Investigations were conducted on the between the particles must be amplified so that they can sepa-
relationship between the change in concentration and the I1 /I3 for rate the particles through repellence. In addition to increasing the
various products with different hydrophobic group chain lengths, zeta potential value, the thickness and strength of a molecular layer
where smaller ratios indicate greater nonpolarity in the formed adsorbed on the oil particles should be enhanced. This is because
micelles. For pyrene surrounded and adsorbed by neatly arranged greater molecular layer thickness and strength prevents particles
molecules, the nonpolarity intensity of their micelles increased. from aggregating in a collision [29].
Conversely, for pyrene surrounded by chaotic molecules or those Fig. 6 shows the zeta potential as a result of the change in pH of
containing poorer surface activity, their I1 /I3 ratio increased. silicon-based gemini surfactants. As shown in the diagram, the zeta
Therefore, the I1 /I3 ratio could be used to indicate the level of potential for the series of products was negative. Under acidic con-
neatness and tightness of a molecular layer adsorbed on the ditions, the zeta value was close to zero, which changed to −100 mV
pyrene. when the conditions were basic. This was because after being dis-
Fig. 5 shows the I1 /I3 ratio of silicon-based gemini surfactants. sociated in water, the alkalis would increase the negatively charged
As shown in the table, the I1 /I3 ratio for the series of products layer, making collisions less likely because of the repulsion between
dropped as the level of concentration increased. The I1 /I3 ratio particles. Nonionic surfactants can adsorbed onto the colloids, cre-
began stabilizing once the level of concentration exceeded the CMC, ating steric hindrance, which interferes with ionic mobility and
where the I1 /I3 ratio was reduced only when the chain length of thus with zeta potential. As the pH value increases, the zeta poten-
the hydrophobic groups increased, 2C18 PSi at the concentration tial value is decreased, thereby increasing the negative charge. An
L.-H. Lin et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 436 (2013) 881–889 887
0 3
-20 2C18PSi
Zeta Potential (mV)
2C0PSi 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
0 2 4 6
Fig. 6. Changes in zeta potential as a result of the change in pH of silicon-based Time (hrs)
gemini surfactants.
Fig. 8. Average particle size of silicon-based gemini surfactants over time.
60 585 nm-590 nm
2C18PSi 2C0PSi 619 nm-624 nm
2C12PSi 0.5
Volume (%)
30 0.3
20 0.2
10 0.1
0 0.0
0 1 2 3 4
400 500 600 700 800 900
Particle Size ( µm) Wavelength (nm)
Fig. 7. Particle-size distribution of silicon-based gemini surfactants. Fig. 9. Interaction effect between Product 2C0 PSi and Dye C.I. Disperse Blue 56.
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