Ijite 11 01211
Ijite 11 01211
Ijite 11 01211
Abstract:- Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing is a in the transmitter and receiver of MIMO system [2]. In the
scheme used in the area of high-data rate mobile wireless transmitter, the serial data symbol stream after the necessary
communications such as cellular phones, satellite space-time processing is sent to the transmit antennas, and
communications, wireless LANs and digital video/audio
then transmitted to the receiver. In the receiver, the received
broadcasting. This method mainly utilizes to combat ISI. OFDM
data symbols are recovered through a variety of space-time
is a special form of Multi Carrier Modulation with densely spaced
subcarriers with overlapping spectra, thus allowing for multiple-
detection technologies. In order to guarantee effective
access. These multiple subcarriers overlap in the frequency separation of the various sub-data symbol streams, the
domain, but do not cause Inter-Carrier Interference due to the antennas must be separated with a sufficient distance (usually
orthogonal nature of the modulation. Multi Carrier Modulation is more than half a carrier wavelength) in order to prevent too
the principle of transmitting data by dividing the stream into much correlation between the received signals at the different
several bit streams, each of which has a much lower bit rate, and antennas. Fig. 1 illustrates a MIMO system.
by using these sub-streams to modulate several carriers. This
technique is being investigated as the next generation
transmission scheme for mobile wireless communications
networks. Multiple transmit antennas may be used to obtain
transmit diversity and to form MIMO channels. In this review
paper we have analyzed MIMO systems for archiving the
improvement in the performance further the capacity by a factor
of minimum number of transmit or receive antennas.
VOLUME-11, NUMBER-01, 2015
flexibly to meet the different rate of downlink and uplink To analyze performance of a communication system, there is
transmission. OFDM can be jointly used with other access a need a channel model. There are three key components of
methods that improve the reliability of signal transmission in the channel response: 1) path loss, 2) shadowing and 3)
physical layer. Generally, in OFDM, a certain length of the multipath.
guard interval should be added and it overcomes the ISI
when the duration of GI is greater than the maximum MIMO Channel
multipath delay spread of the radio channel. Typically the GI
MIMO system employs multiple antennas in the transmitter
is filled with a cyclic prefix.
and/or receiver. The correlation between transmit and receive
antennas is an important aspect of the MIMO channel. In the
literature, two methods of modeling a correlated MIMO
channel are used: a correlation matrix-based Intelligent
Multi-Element Transmit and Receive Antennas channel
model and a ray-based 3GPP spatial channel model. The
correlation matrix-based channel model can be implemented
with a spatial correlation matrix for the spatial channel. The
ray-based channel model requires neither Doppler spectrum
nor spatial correlation matrix, as the mobility effects and the
antenna correlation are directly calculated from the time
development of the modeled rays.
A major advantage of OFDM technology is that fast Fourier y1 h11 h12 ⋯ h1N T x1
transform (FFT)/ inverse fast Fourier transform (IFFT) could y2 h21 h22 ⋮ h2N T x2
be used for the implementation of modulation and ⋮ = ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮
demodulation of orthogonal sub-channels [5]. For the N yNR hN 1 hN 2 ⋯ hN R N T xNT
point FFT operation, one needs N × log (N) complex n1
multiplications, which would be required by a straight n2
+ ⋮ (1.2)
forward implementation. OFDM is the key technology in
LTE. There are various joint OFDM technologies also: V- nNR
OFDM, W-OFDM, F-OFDM and MIMO-OFDM etc. In this,
Where NT represents the number of transmit antennas and
it will focus on the study of five different detectors of
MIMO-OFDM in LTE. NR represents the number of receive antennas, y denotes
NR × 1 received signal vectors, x denotes NT × 1
II. SYSTEM MODEL transmitted signal vectors and n denotes NR × 1 noise
vectors. The element of the NR × NT channel matrix H in
Channel Model position (i, j) denotes the channel from the transmit antenna
to the receive antenna.
While the wireless signal travels from the transmit antenna to
the receive antenna, the characteristics of the signal changes III. LITERATURE REVIEW
because of the following factors: 1) the distance between the
two antennas, 2) the path taken by the signal and 3) the Sahrab, A.A. & Marghescu, I. [1] investigated in the
environment (building and other objects) around the path. Multiple-Input Multiple-Output systems offer considerable
The medium between the transmit antenna and the receive increase in data throughput and link range without additional
antenna is called the channel. The effects of the channel can bandwidth or transmit power by using several antennas at
be characterized by a linear response. For MIMO-OFDM in transmitter and receiver to improve wireless communication
frequency domain, the received signal and the transmitted system performance. At the same time, Orthogonal
signal may be expressed as Frequency Division Multiplexing has becoming a very
popular multi-carrier modulation technique for transmission
y = Hx + n (1.1) of signals over wireless channels. OFDM eliminate Inter-
Symbol-Interference and allows the bandwidth of subcarriers
VOLUME-11, NUMBER-01, 2015
to overlap without Inter Carrier Interference. A MIMO- themselves to high data rate situations. In this work, author
OFDM modulation technique can achieve reliable high data first analyzed the performances of the ASTC codes in
rate transmission over broadband wireless channels. This correlated Rayleigh channel. Author considers a coherent
research deals with the analysis of a MIMO-OFDM system demodulator using different decoding schemes and they
by using MATLAB software. The performance of the system analyze the Bit Error Rate (BER). In order to increase the
is evaluated on the basis of Bit Error Rate and Minimum spectral efficiency and to maximize the coding gain, ASTC
Mean Square Error level. have been proposed for MIMO flat fading channels. To deal
with the frequency selectivity, they use the OFDM
Matsuoka, H.; Doi, Y.; Yabe, T.; Sanada, Y. [6] presented modulation. They analyze the performances of an ASTC-
the performance of an overloaded multiple-input multiple- MIMO-OFDM system in terms of BER.
output (MIMO) orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
(OFDM) system with a repetition code. It has been Long Shi; Wei Zhang; Xiang-Gen Xia, [9] researched the
demonstrated that diversity with block coding prevents the Partial interference cancellation group decoding is an
performance degradation induced by signal multiplexing. attractive decoding alternative for multiple-input multiple-
Though, the computational complexity of a joint decoding output (MIMO) wireless communications. It can well deal
scheme increases exponentially with the number of with the tradeoff among rate, diversity and decoding
multiplexed signal streams. Thus, this research work complexity of space-time block codes. In this research work,
proposes the use of a repetition code in the overloaded a design criterion of full-diversity space-frequency codes
MIMO-OFDM system. In addition, QR decomposition with (SFC) is proposed for MIMO-OFDM systems with the PIC
M-algorithm (QRM) maximum likelihood decoding (MLD) group decoding. Based on the criterion, a systematic design
is applied to the decoding of the repetition code. QRM-MLD of full-diversity SFC is proposed that can achieve full
significantly reduces the amount of joint decoding diversity under the PIC group decoding. Simulation results of
complexity. In addition, virtual antennas are employed in the newly proposed codes demonstrate the theory.
order to increase the throughput that is reduced by the
repetition code. It is revealed that the proposed scheme Mang Liao; Youguang Zhang; Zixiang Xiong, [10] worked
reduces the complexity by about 1/48 for 6 signal streams on space-time-frequency (STF) codes have focused on
with QPSK modulation while the BER degradation is less frequency-selective but independent fading channels for
than 0.ldB at the BER of 10-3. MIMO-OFDM systems. This work give the effect of STF
coding on the performance of MIMO-OFDM systems with
Yabe, T. and Sanada, Y., [7] Abstract: This research presents general spatial, temporal, and frequency/path correlated
a correlation reduction precoding scheme for joint decoding channels. Specifically, they first derive an upper bound on
in an overloaded multiple input multiple output (MIMO)- the maximum achievable diversity and then prove
orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system. achievability by giving an STF code design example. Finally,
In the overloaded MIMO system, the number of receive they show that author’s general diversity result recovers
antenna elements is less than that of transmit antenna those in the existing literature for special correlation
elements. Through joint maximum likelihood (ML) decoding structures.
frequency diversity suppresses the BER degradation owing
to the spatial multiplexing of signal streams. This research Doi, Y.; Inamori, M.; Sanada, Y., [11] presented a low
work proposes the precoding scheme that reduces the complexity joint decoding scheme of block coded signals in
correlation on the Rician channel. Numerical results obtained an overloaded multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO)
through computer simulation show that the proposed scheme orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system.
improves the BER by a factor of 1/10 on the Rician channel In previous literature, a joint maximum likelihood decoding
with the Rician factor of 10. scheme of block coded signals has been evaluated through
theoretical analysis. The diversity gain with block coding
Ben Hassine, I.; Bouallegue, R., [8] Abstract: With their very prevents performance degradation induced by signal
Algebraic-construction based on Quaternionic algebra, multiplexing. Though, the computational complexity of the
Algebraic Space Time Codes (ASTC), called the Golden joint decoding scheme increases exponentially with the
codes, have a full rate, full diversity and non-vanishing number of multiplexed signal streams. This research
constant minimum determinant for increasing spectral proposes a two step joint decoding scheme for the block
efficiency. They have also uniform average transmitted coded signals. The first step of the proposed scheme
energy per antenna and good shaping; readily lend calculates metrics to reduce the number of the candidate
VOLUME-11, NUMBER-01, 2015
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