NMCG STP List July 2023

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Projects Status as on 30th June 2023

No of No of
No of Total
No of Sanction Cost Projects Projects AA&ES
Sl No Projects Undertaken Projects Expenditure
Projects (Rs in Cr) Under Under Issued
Completed (Rs in Cr)
Progress Tendering
Sewage Infrastructure
1 Sewage Infrastructure 192 30387.24 106 45 33 8 12990.08
Modular STPs Decentralized
2 1 410.00 0 0 1 0 0.00
Entry Level Activites
Old Ghats & Crematoria (Projects
under NRCP/NGRBA-in State of West 24 204.39 24 0 0 0 180.16
Ghats & Crematoria (New Projects
74 1070.12 54 13 4 3 708.00
under Namami Gange Programme)

4 River Front Development 7 461.19 1 4 2 0 319.59

Sub Total 105 1735.7 79 17 6 3 1207.75

Solid-Waste Management
5 Ghats Cleaning 5 59.84 3 2 0 0 51.82
6 River Surface Cleaning 1 33.53 1 0 0 0 19.49
7 Solid Waste/Sanitation 6 201.89 5 0 0 1 120.93

Sub Total 12 295.26 9 2 0 1 192.24

Institutional Development (Non -Infrastructure)
8 Ganga Knowledge Centre 7 153.27 2 5 0 0 44.20
Industrial Pollution Abatement
(1.Pollution Inventorization,
Assessment and Surveillance on
Ganga river,2.Strengthening of
Environmental Regulator,3.Water
9 Quality Monitoring system for River 19 1581.12 6 11 2 0 462.89
Ganga, 4. Strengthening of
laboratories, 5.)Inspectuion &
Monitoring of Industries,STPs &
CETPs, 6.Upgradation of
Infrastructure of Existing CETP
10 District Ganga Committee 1 2.30 0 1 0 0 0.00
Sub Total 27 1736.69 8 17 2 0 507.09
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Projects Status as on 30th June 2023

No of No of
No of Total
No of Sanction Cost Projects Projects AA&ES
Sl No Projects Undertaken Projects Expenditure
Projects (Rs in Cr) Under Under Issued
Completed (Rs in Cr)
Progress Tendering
Project Implementation Support/Research Infrastructure
& Study Projects/Public Relations and Public Outreach
Project Implementation
Support/Research & Study
11 35 235.95 8 26 0 1 39.70
Projects/Public Relations and Public
Educating Schools & Communities for
12 conserving habitat of Ganga River 1 1.28 1 0 0 0 1.28
Assessment of fish & fisheries of the
Ganga river system for developing
13 4 20.83 3 1 0 0 18.65
suitable conservation & restoration
14 Biodiversity Conservation 5 166.92 2 3 0 0 72.12
Sub Total 10 189.03 6 4 0 0 92.05
15 Afforestation 37 525.18 27 10 0 0 346.87
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Projects Status as on 30th June 2023

No of No of
No of Total
No of Sanction Cost Projects Projects AA&ES
Sl No Projects Undertaken Projects Expenditure
Projects (Rs in Cr) Under Under Issued
Completed (Rs in Cr)
Progress Tendering
Sewage Infrastructure
Composite Ecological Task Force & Ganga Mitra
Composite Ecological Task Force and
16 6 200.18 5 1 0 0 159.11
Ganga Mitra
17 Bioremediation 16 259.02 6 10 0 0 37.34
Construction of IHHL across Gram Panchayats near Ganga River
Construction of toilets across Gram
18 Panchayats near Ganga River ( States- 1 1421.26 0 1 0 0 1020.44
Grand Total 442 37395.51 254 133 42 13 16592.67
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Sewage Infrastructure
Projects Status as on 30th June 2023

STP Ceation of STP STP capacity Sewer

sanction Sewer Network Total Fund Total No of
Sl No of Capacity to capacity through STP Capacity created through Network
States Cost to be laid Released Expenditure Projects
No Projects be created rehabilaition of Old Created rehabilaition of laid (in
(Rs in Cr) (in km) (Rs in Cr) (Rs in Cr) Completed
(In MLD ) STP in MLD Old STP in MLD km)

1 Uttarakhand 41 1581.59 223.14 164.50 196.23 174.91 743.67 743.67 36

2 Uttar Pradesh 67 13550.29 1925.24 319.95 669.51 275.25 1896.86 1798.73 4909.85 4909.85 35

3 Bihar 37 6160.15 744.60 0.00 273.50 0.00 1791.59 1297.82 3481.24 3481.24 13

4 Jharkhand 5 1310.30 261.50 15.50 151.36 87.90 205.87 182.21 2

5 West Bengal 27 4742.02 698.18 187.04 242.03 137.04 975.38 858.50 1701.33 1701.33 11

6 Haryana 2 217.87 70 75 70 75 41 51.62 218 217.94 2

7 Delhi 9 1951.03 882.00 386 318.00 386 37.32 36 1640.99 1581.63 6

8 Himachal Pradesh 1 11.57 1.72 0 1.72 3.75 3.75 1

9 Rajasthan 1 258.48 36.00 36.00 146.00 130.93 187.04 168.46 0

10 Madhya Pradesh 2 603.94 219.38 0.00 15.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0

Grand Total (UK,UP,BH,JH,

192 30387.24 5061.76 967.99 1790.76 873.29 5250.98 4436.26 13091.68 12990.08 106
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Sewage Infrastructure
Projects Status as on 30th June 2023
Total Cost of
No of works Project Under Under AA&ES
Name of State Completed
Taken up (Rs in Cr ) Progress Tendering Issued
UK 41 1581.59 36 2 3 0
UP 67 13550.29 35 17 10 5
BH 37 6160.15 13 13 10 1
JH 5 1310.30 2 1 2 0
WB 27 4742.02 11 8 8 0
Haryana 2 217.87 2 0 0 0
Delhi 9 1951.03 6 3 0 0
Himachal Pradesh 1 11.57 1 0 0 0
Rajasthan 1 258.48 0 1 0 0
Madhya Pradesh 2 603.94 0 0 0 2
(UK+UP+BH+JH+WB+ 192 30387.24 106 45 33 8
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Sewage Infrastructure
Projects Status as on 30th June 2023
Rs. in crores

Funds expendit Brief Physical Status -
Approved STP STP Sewer Sewer released ure Overall T-Tendering
Non Project Awarded Cost by GoI & incurred Actual /
Sl. Capacity to Capacity Network network Physical N: Work yet to start
Towns EAP/EAP/ Cost Date of Sanction Name/Nature of works State (includin Tentative year
No. be created created (in to be laid laid progress P: Under Progress
NGP Share g State of completion
(in MLD) MLD) (km) (Km) (%) C: Completed
share) O: O & M Stage

Total Capital Total Total Total

Completed.(C) Work
completed in Aug 2017
1 Badrinath Non-EAP 7.26 7.26 7.26 16.10.08 Interception and Diversion (I&D) 7.53 7.53 7.25 7.25 100

Completed on July 2020
Original AA&ES
Pollution Abatement works
2 Badrinath NGP 18.23 11.95 11.95 (Interception and Diversion with 1.01 1.01 9.45 9.45 100
Revised AA&ES
Date: 29.03.17

Completed on July 2016
3 Devprayag Non-EAP 3.66 3.49 3.49 22.07.09 Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) 1.40 1.40 3.50 3.50 100

Completed on October
4 Devprayag Non-EAP 7.27 6.71 6.71 08.07.09 Interception and Diversion (I&D) 0.22 0.22 7.60 7.60 7.18 7.18 100 2017

.Completed on Aug 2016
Restoration and Reconstruction of
5 Devprayag Non-EAP 4.50 4.10 4.10 25.06.15 Sewerage Scheme due to disaster 4.10 4.10 100
in Devprayag

Completed. Completed
6 Joshimath Non-EAP 9.61 9.93 9.93 17.03.10 27.66 27.66 9.46 9.46 100 on March 2016
Interception and Diversion (I&D)

Completed. Completed
Original AA&ES on February 2023
16.03.17 Revised Interception and Diversion
7 Joshimath NGP 62.40 21.21 35.33 3.78 3.78 2.50 2.50 39.77 39.77 100
AA&ES Date: (I&D)with STP

Completed. Completed
8 10.18 9.73 9.73 18.03.10 35.63 35.63 9.73 9.73 100 on March 2017
Gopeshwar Non-EAP Interception and Diversion (I&D)

Completed. Completed
Original AA&ES on February 2021
Chamoli- 29.03.17 Revised Interception & Diversion and STP,
9 NGP 64.34 45.49 45.49 4.38 4.38 1.04 1.04 33.01 33.01 100
Gopeshwar AA&ES Date: at Chamoli
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Projects Status as on 30th June 2023

Rs. in crores

Funds expendit Brief Physical Status -
Approved STP STP Sewer Sewer released ure Overall T-Tendering
Non Project Awarded Cost by GoI & incurred Actual /
Sl. Capacity to Capacity Network network Physical N: Work yet to start
Towns EAP/EAP/ Cost Date of Sanction Name/Nature of works State (includin Tentative year
No. be created created (in to be laid laid progress P: Under Progress
NGP Share g State of completion
(in MLD) MLD) (km) (Km) (%) C: Completed
share) O: O & M Stage

Total Capital Total Total Total

Completed (C) and O
& M Stage(O) O & M
10 Rishikesh Non-EAP 7.23 7.23 7.23 23.03.11 Sewerage Scheme at Triveni Ghat 1.02 1.02 4.36 4.36 100 start from 01.06.2015.

Completed (C).
EAP-World Interception and Diversion Completed on Feb
11 Rishikesh 158.00 72.43 126.37 16.03.17 26.00 26.00 2.50 2.15 98.88 98.88 100 2022
Bank (I&D)with STP

Completed (C)and O &

M Stage(O). Completed
Sewerage system and STP for on May 2016
12 Tapovan (Tehri) Non-EAP 24.12 24.12 24.12 23.03.11 3.50 3.50 11.04 11.04 15.55 15.55 100
Tapovan area

(C).Completed on April
13 Tapovan (Tehri) NGP 2.19 1.02 1.02 16.03.17 upgradation of 3.50 MLD STP 0.72 0.72 100 2018

Completed (C) and O

& M Stage(O) from
Sewerage Scheme at Ahbab Nagar 28.12.2014
14 Haridwar Non-EAP 24.84 13.69 13.69 23.03.11 13.49 13.49 16.98 16.98 100
Jwalapur Zone E-2 at Haridwar

Completed (C) and O

& M Stage(O) from
Construction of 18 mld STP at
15 Haridwar Non-EAP 24.91 20.81 20.81 23.03.11 18.00 18.00 20.69 20.69 100 01.04.2014.
Sarai, Haridwar

on February 2020
Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) at
16 Haridwar NGP 273.37 171.53 171.53 16.03.17 Jagjeetpur(68MLD) & 82.00 82.00 117.51 117.51 100

Tetiary treatment of existing 27 Completed.Completed

MLD STP at Jagjeetpur & on September 2019
16.03.2017 Upgradation of existing 18 MLD
17 Haridwar NGP 32.65 21.28 21.28 Revised AA&ES STP at Sarai 14.87 14.87 100
date: 16.01.2018

Interception and Diversion works Completed. Completed

at Sarai & Jagjeetpur on April 2019
18 Haridwar NGP 116.28 75.05 75.05 16.03.17 17.10 17.10 95.77 95.77 100

Laying of Sewer Lines in Arihant Completed

Vihar & New Vishnu Garden, (C).Completed on
Kankhal in Haridwar December 2018
19 Haridwar NGP 4.68 2.21 2.21 16.01.2018 3.65 3.65 3.35 3.35 100
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Projects Status as on 30th June 2023

Rs. in crores

Funds expendit Brief Physical Status -
Approved STP STP Sewer Sewer released ure Overall T-Tendering
Non Project Awarded Cost by GoI & incurred Actual /
Sl. Capacity to Capacity Network network Physical N: Work yet to start
Towns EAP/EAP/ Cost Date of Sanction Name/Nature of works State (includin Tentative year
No. be created created (in to be laid laid progress P: Under Progress
NGP Share g State of completion
(in MLD) MLD) (km) (Km) (%) C: Completed
share) O: O & M Stage

Total Capital Total Total Total

Completed (C) and O
& M Stage(O).
Sewerage System and STP for Completed on October
20 Gangotri Non-EAP 10.48 6.54 6.54 23.03.11 1 1 2.75 2.75 7.83 7.83 100
Gangotri Dham 2017

Completed on October
Restoration and Reconstruction of 2016
21 Gangotri Non-EAP 0.45 0.45 0.45 25.06.15 Sewerage Scheme due to disaster 0.45 0.45 100
in Gangotri

Completed (C) . Work

completed on September
Restoration and Reconstruction of 2017
22 Uttarkashi Non-EAP 4.84 4.84 4.84 23.07.15 Sewerage Scheme due to disaster 3.48 3.48 100
in Uttarkashi

Completed (C) .
Completed on December
23 Uttarkashi NGP 10.03 7.59 7.59 16.03.17 Upgradation of 2MLD STP(Gyansu) 3.94 3.94 100 2018

Scheme of I&D for

Karanprayag was
Interception and Diversion (I&D) 0.94 0.94 12 sanctioned on
Original AA&ES: 20.07.2009 for 3.5 KM of
24.12.08 I&D works with an
24 Karanprayag NGP 12.09 8.83 8.83 0.35 0.35 4.73 4.73 Completed.(C).
Revised AA&ES
issued on 16.03.17 Completed on February
Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) 7.53 7.53 100 2020

Scheme of I&D for

Rudraprayag was
Interception and Diversion (I&D) 6.69 1.62 0.67 0.67 12
sanctioned on
Original AA&ES:
22.09.2009 for 6.69 KM
22.09.09 Revised
25 Rudraprayag NGP 13.14 10.36 10.36 Completed.(C).
AA&ES issued on
Completed on November,
Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 8.07 8.07 100 2020

Under Progress (P)

I & D and STP for Gauri Kund and
Tilwada, District Rudraprayag, Date of start-
26 Rudraprayag NGP-II 23.37 10.68 18.67 04.08.22 0.31 Mar-2025
Uttarakhand' under Namami Gange 03/04/2023
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Projects Status as on 30th June 2023

Rs. in crores

Funds expendit Brief Physical Status -
Approved STP STP Sewer Sewer released ure Overall T-Tendering
Non Project Awarded Cost by GoI & incurred Actual /
Sl. Capacity to Capacity Network network Physical N: Work yet to start
Towns EAP/EAP/ Cost Date of Sanction Name/Nature of works State (includin Tentative year
No. be created created (in to be laid laid progress P: Under Progress
NGP Share g State of completion
(in MLD) MLD) (km) (Km) (%) C: Completed
share) O: O & M Stage

Total Capital Total Total Total

Completed on July 2018
Pollution Abatement works for
27 Kirtinagar NGP 4.23 3.77 3.77 16.03.17 River Alaknanda (STP creation of 0.06 0.06 2.30 2.30 100
10KLD & 50KLD)

Completed. Completed
on April 2019
28 NGP 22.51 20.73 20.73 29.03.17 Interception & Diversion and STP 1.00 1.00 2.30 2.30 16.45 16.45 100

Upgradation of Existing STP (3.5 Completed on February
29 NGP 15.40 6.05 6.05 29.03.17 4.36 4.36 100
MLD ) 2019

Completed (C).
Completed on April 2019
30 Nandprayag NGP 6.46 4.36 4.36 29.03.17 Interception & Diversion and STP 0.15 0.15 0.38 0.38 4.51 4.51 100

Completed (C).
Completed on September
EAP-World Rising main (500m) and STP of
31 Muni Ki Reti 80.45 37.98 67.02 29.03.17 12.50 12.50 3.50 3.50 47.33 47.33 100 2020
Bank 12.5MLD

Sludge Management Completed on January
Plant at Chorepani, Muni Ki Reti 2022
32 Muni Ki Reti NGP 8.67 08.10.2020 4.59 4.59 100
Uttarakhand State, under Namami
Gange Programme

Under Tendering

I & D and STP works at Muni ki

33 Muni Ki Reti NGP-II 94.06 06.09.2022 12.80 4.50 Apr-2025
reti, Neelkanth, Swarg aashram

29.03.17 Revised Completed on December
Swargashram Upgradation of Existing STP (3.0
34 NGP 5.20 4.13 4.13 AA&ES issued on 2.40 2.40 100 2018
(Paudi Garhwal) MLD )

Completed on Feb
Interception & Diversion Works for 2023
Dehradun 13.09.2018
Rispana & Bindal River in
35 (Rispana & NGP 63.75 54.01 57.81 Revised AA&ES 31.00 27.00 43.31 43.31 100
Dehradun (under Namami Gange
Bindal River) 20.12.2019

Completed on July 2021
15.02.2019 Interception & Diversion of Nallas
Ramnagar (Kosi
36 NGP 55.06 27.59 50.09 Revised AA&ES Discharging in Kosi River at 8.50 8.50 1.70 1.70 30.43 30.43 100
date 03.12.2019 Ramnagar

Completed on Feb 2021
Srikot-Gangnali Pollution Abatement of River
37 (River NGP 7.86 3.17 6.70 08.03.2019 Alaknanda at Srikot-Gangnali Part 0.13 0.13 4.20 4.20 100
Alaknanda) A
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Projects Status as on 30th June 2023

Rs. in crores

Funds expendit Brief Physical Status -
Approved STP STP Sewer Sewer released ure Overall T-Tendering
Non Project Awarded Cost by GoI & incurred Actual /
Sl. Capacity to Capacity Network network Physical N: Work yet to start
Towns EAP/EAP/ Cost Date of Sanction Name/Nature of works State (includin Tentative year
No. be created created (in to be laid laid progress P: Under Progress
NGP Share g State of completion
(in MLD) MLD) (km) (Km) (%) C: Completed
share) O: O & M Stage

Total Capital Total Total Total

Under Progress (P)
(I&D) and STP work of 06 nos.
Polluted River Stretches to
Udham Singh Rejuvenate River Bhela, Dhela,
38 NGP-II 199.36 127.55 167.04 17.09.2021 30.30 3.70 38.42 38.42 25 Jan-2024
Nagar (Dhela) Kichha, Kosi, Nandhore, Pilakhar
and Kashipur Sewerage (I&D)
Scheme (Dhela River)
Under Tendering
Co-Treatment of Septage at
existing STPs of Haridwar-150 KLD
(100 KLD Jagjeetpur + 50 KLD
39 Haridwar NGP-II 8.60 11.06.2022 Sarai), Rishikesh-50 KLD, Srinagar 0.23 0.00 0.00 Dec-2023
30 KLD and Devprayag-5.0 KLD in
Uttarakhand under Namami Gange

Repair and Restoration (Protection Completed on
works) in existing STPs/Sewerage February 2023
network and its appurtenant works
damaged during natural calamity
40 Devprayag NGP-II 0.87 04.08.2022 (Cloud Burst & Glacial Breakdown) 0.33 0.33 100
2021 in Uttarakhand at Devprayag,
Karanprayag and Chamoli-
Gopeshwar’ under Namami Gange

Dehradun I&D with STP works at Sapera Under Tendering

41 NGP-II 78.99 25.10.2022 15.00 3.70 Apr-2025
(Suswa River) Basti, Dehradun

Grand Total 1581.59 867.87 1042.28 223.14 164.50 196.23 174.91 743.67 743.67
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Sewage Infrastructure
Projects Status as on 30th June 2023
State - Uttar Pradesh
Rs. in crores
STP Total Total Brief Physical Status -
Creation of
capacity Funds expenditur Overall T-Tendering
capacity Sewer Actual /
NON- Approve Awarded STP capacity STP capacity created Sewer released e incurred Physical N: Work yet to start
Sl. Date of through network Tentative year
Towns EAP/EAP/N Project cost Cost Name/Nature of works to be created created (in through Network to by GoI & (including Progress P: Under Progress
No. Sanction rehabilitatio laid of completion
GP (in MLD) MLD) rehabilitat be laid (km) State State (%) C: Completed
n of old STP (Km)
ion (in share share) O: O & M Stage
(in mld)
Total Total mld) Total
Completed (C).Completed on
Sewerage & Non-Sewerage schemes for March 2016
1 Prayagraj Non-EAP 199.26 118.02 6.05.10 Pollution abatement of River Ganga at 85.00 85.00 10.88 10.88 174.70 174.70 100
District-'B' & 'E' of Allahabad

Completed (C) Completed on

Sewerage & Non-Sewerage schemes for March 2016
2 Prayagraj 106.08 97.95 6.05.10 Pollution abatement of River Ganga at 20.00 20.00 9.24 9.24 89.85 89.85 100
District-'A' of Allahabad

Completed(C) O & M Stage

132.86 (O).Completed on June 2016
3 Prayagraj 128.64 22.02.11 Sewerage work in Swerage District-E 109.20 109.20 138.25 138.25 100

Non-EAP 9.14

Completed(C) O & M Stage

4 Prayagraj 42.40 53.39 27.11.13 14 mld STP at Salori, Allahabad 14.00 14.00 34.93 34.93 100 (O).Completed on September
27.11.13, Completed.Completed on
EAP-World Sewerage System in Sewerage District- January 2019
5 Prayagraj 170.95 120.82 Revised AA&ES 134.19 134.19 165.07 165.07 100
Bank C & Allahpur, Allahabad (Prayagraj)
Completed.Completed on
20.02.14 Revised
EAP-World Sewerage Works in Sewerage District-A October 2019
6 Prayagraj 299.40 288.94 AA&ES 241.63 241.63 287.81 287.81 100
Bank of Allahabad
Completed.Completed on
EAP-World 30.12.14 Revised Sewerage system with Sewer network- April 2019
7 Prayagraj 300.84 265.86 214.88 214.88 293.02 293.02 100
Bank Date 11.11.2019 (District B)

Completed.Completed on
Sewer Network in District E of Allahabad
EAP-World May 2018
8 Prayagraj 52.78 43.56 28.09.2016 -Part 2 (Additional Work) under 42.66 42.66 50.43 50.43 100
Component "A"
Completed.Completed on
June 2023
Interception, Diversion and Treatment
Works for Naini (District G) Phaphamau
(District F) and Jhunsi Area District :
9 Prayagraj NGP 767.59 19.05.2017 Allahabad (under Hybrid annuity 72 72 13.21 13.21 276.97 276.97 100
based PPP model-Namami Gange
Programme) STP-42 MLD Naini, 16
MLD Jhusi and 14 MLD Phahphamau

Completed. Completed on
Rehabilitation and Operation & June 2021
Maintenance of existing Sewage
Treatment Infrastrcture at Allahabad
10 Prayagraj NGP 904.00 09.03.2018 80.00 80 261.06 261.06 100
(under Hybrid annuity based PPP
model-Namami Gange Programme)-
Rehabilitation of Naini SPT (80 MLD)

Completed (C).Completed on
JICA assisted Ganga Action Plan Phase- Nov 2018
II Project at Varanasi (EAP - JICA)
11 246.44 140.00 140.00 100
Construction of 140 MLD STP at

Completed (C).Completed on
Construction of interceptor sewers, Nov 2018
12 165.76 28.00 28.00 100
relieving trunk sewer & rising mains

14.07.10 Completed (C).Completed on

Revised AA&ES Construction of 3 pumping stations Nov 2018
13 Varanasi EAP-JICA 39.57 688.44 597.67 597.67 100
issued on (Chaukaghat, Phulwariya & Sariya)
Completed (C).Completed on
14 89.95 Rehabilitation of old trunk sewer 100 June 2022

Rehabilitation of 5 Ghat pumping Completed (C).Completed on

15 20.52 stations and STPs at Dinapur & 100 July 2020
Completed (C).Completed on
Non Sewerage, Institutional
16 126.20 100 September 2021
Development & Other works

Completed.Completed on
April 2018
17 Garmukteshwar Non EAP 46.51 34.46 24.02.11 Sewerage system & STP works 9.00 9.00 69.00 69.00 44.21 44.21 100
Page 12 of 63

Projects Status as on 30th June 2023

State - Uttar Pradesh
Rs. in crores
STP Total Total Brief Physical Status -
Creation of
capacity Funds expenditur Overall T-Tendering
capacity Sewer Actual /
NON- Approve Awarded STP capacity STP capacity created Sewer released e incurred Physical N: Work yet to start
Sl. Date of through network Tentative year
Towns EAP/EAP/N Project cost Cost Name/Nature of works to be created created (in through Network to by GoI & (including Progress P: Under Progress
No. Sanction rehabilitatio laid of completion
GP (in MLD) MLD) rehabilitat be laid (km) State State (%) C: Completed
n of old STP (Km)
ion (in share share) O: O & M Stage
(in mld)
Total Total mld) Total
Completed.Completed on
24.02.11 Revised November 2021
Moradabad Sewerage system & STP works (Phase I
18 Non EAP 330.05 330.05 AA&ES issued on 58.00 58.00 264.25 264.25 277.21 277.21 100
(Ramganga) )
31 .07.2020

Under Progress (P)

Pollution Abatement Works for River
Ram Ganga at Moradabad (Sewerage
19 NGP 118.69 99.68 23.07.2018 Zone-2)under Hybrid annuity based 25.00 1.76 1.76 10 Jan-2025
PPP model-Namami Gange

Sewerage system & STP works (Phase Completed.Completed on

20 Kannuaj (Kali) Non EAP 43.66 39.65 24.02.11 1.00 1.00 62.50 62.50 40.67 40.67 100 April 2018
Completed. Completed on
April 2018.
EAP-World Revised AA&ES Sewerage scheme at Narora,
21 Bulandsahar 48.45 34.87 4.00 4.00 21.03 21.03 47.69 47.69 100
Bank issued on Bulandshar
Completed. Completed on
EAP-World Sewerage Works in Anup Shahar, February 2019.
22 Anup Shahar 75.79 78.89 19.05.14 2.50 2.50 58.88 58.88 69.82 69.82 100
Bank Buland Shahar

Completed. Completed on
26.12.13 ,
February 2020.
Bithoor, Revised AA&ES Sewerage scheme and STP at Bithoor
23 NGP 13.40 9.99 10.73 10.73 100
Kanpurnagar issued on Kanpurnagar, (UP)
Completed. Completed on
Sewerage Treatment Plant (STP) for June 2021
Ramana Assi-BHU Sewerage District at Ramana
24 NGP 161.31 161.31 02.03.2017 50.00 50.00 122.23 122.23 100
(Varanasi) (under Hybrid annuity based PPP
model-Namami Gange Programme)

Completed. Completed on
Ramnagar Interception,diversion of Drains & June 2021
25 NGP 72.91 69.41 28.07.2017 10.00 10.00 0.44 0.44 26.32 26.32 100
(Varanasi) Sewage Treatment works at Ramnagar

Completed. Completed on
Interception/Diversion of Sisamau Nala April 2019
26 Kanpur City NGP 63.80 57.12 03.10.2016 of Kanpur City under Component "B" 1.63 1.63 60.36 60.36 100
of Namami Gange Programme

Completed. Completed on
18.10.2016 September 2021 (
Kanpur EAP-World Sewerage Works in Sewerage District 1 Expenditure includuing
27 430.49 309.11 Revised AA&ES 401.50 397.48 456.41 456.41 100
( District 1 ) Bank of Kanpur Price Escalation of Rs.43.53
Under Progress (P)
Rehabilitation of existing Sewage
Treatment Infrastructure , Development
of sewage Treatment Plant at Pankha
(30 MLD) along with appurtenant
works, and 15 years O & M at Kanpur in
28 Pankha-Kanpur NGP 967.23 708.70 12.03.2018 30.00 130.00 30.00 130.00 16.50 13.20 220.73 220.73 96 Sep-2023
the State of Uttar Pradesh under
Hybrid Annuity based PPP mode
under Namami Gange Program.
Rehabilitation, Operation & Maintenance
of 130 MLD STP in Jajmau Zone

Rehabilaition of Sewerage Completed. Completed on

29.03.2017 February 2020.
Infrastructure &
29 Vrindavan NGP 42.82 33.50 Revised AA&ES 4 4 21.42 21.42 100
Augmenation/Upgradation of STP (4
Under Progress (P).
Interception,diversion of Drains &
Sewage Treatment works at Unnao
30 Unnao NGP 102.20 68.67 28.07.2017 15 15 3.3 3.30 52.01 52.01 95 Sep-2023
(under Hybrid annuity based PPP
model-Namami Gange Programme)

Under Progress (P).

Interception,diversion of Drains &
Sewage Treatment works at
31 NGP 65.18 38.87 28.07.2017 Shuklaganj (under Hybrid annuity 5 0.15 0.08 19.82 19.82 69 Dec-2023
based PPP model-Namami Gange
Under Progress (P).
Interception, Diversion and Treatment
Works for abatement of Pollution of
32 Mirzapur NGP 129.08 151.58 28.05.2020 River Ganga at Mirzapur Town (under 18 2.07 0.55 53.61 53.61 59 Mar-2024
Hybrid annuity based PPP model-
Namami Gange Programme)
Page 13 of 63

Projects Status as on 30th June 2023

State - Uttar Pradesh
Rs. in crores
STP Total Total Brief Physical Status -
Creation of
capacity Funds expenditur Overall T-Tendering
capacity Sewer Actual /
NON- Approve Awarded STP capacity STP capacity created Sewer released e incurred Physical N: Work yet to start
Sl. Date of through network Tentative year
Towns EAP/EAP/N Project cost Cost Name/Nature of works to be created created (in through Network to by GoI & (including Progress P: Under Progress
No. Sanction rehabilitatio laid of completion
GP (in MLD) MLD) rehabilitat be laid (km) State State (%) C: Completed
n of old STP (Km)
ion (in share share) O: O & M Stage
(in mld)
Total Total mld) Total
Completed. Completed on
June 2021
Faecal Sludge Management for pollution
33 Chunar NGP 2.70 2.04 07.03.2019 0.01 0.01 1.98 1.98 100
abatement at Chunar

Interception , Diversion & Sewage Under Progress

16.10.2017 Treatment Works in Farrukhabad-
34 Farrukhabad NGP 261.12 57.23 Revised AA&ES Fategarh (under Hybrid annuity 45 2.70 5.76 0.00 69.96 69.96 52 Apr-2024
date 09.02.2021 based PPP model-Namami Gange
Completed. Completed on
Rehabilaition/Renovation of Mathura
June 2022.
13.12.2017 sewerage scheme : Construction of 30
35 Mathura NGP 460.45 437.95 Revised AA&ES MLD STP at Masani (under Hybrid 30.00 37.30 30.00 37.30 295.23 295.23 100
date 11.06.2018 annuity based PPP model-Namami
Gange Programme)
Under Tendering
Sewerage Scheme (I&D and STP Works
36 Mathura NGP-II 292.56 07.09.2022 for balance drains) under Hybrid 60.00 11.26 Apr-2025
Annuity based PPP mode

Completed. Completed on
Ayodhya- February 2020.
Interception & Diversion (I&D) of drains
37 Faizabad (Saryu- NGP 37.67 29.02 11.06.2018 5.00 5.00 16.82 16.82 100
at Ayodhya, District-Faizabad

Pollution Abatement Works for River Under Progress (P)

Saryu/Ghaghara at Faizabad town,
38 (Saryu/Ghaghara NGP-II 221.66 149.47 06.05.2021 33.00 13.81 13.81 32 Dec-2024
District Ayodhya (Interception &
Diversion with STP)
Under Progress (P)
24.12.2018 Interception & Diversion with STP at
39 NGP 70.18 60.41 Revised AA&ES Sultanpur (Construction of New 7 mld & 17.00 17.00 8.00 7.76 43.89 43.89 97 Sep-2023
(Gomti River)
04.12.2019 Upgradation of existing 5 mld to10 mld)
Kasganj Interception & Diversion with STP at Completed :Completed on
40 NGP 76.73 67.56 24.12.2018 15.00 15.00 2.80 2.80 39.28 39.28 100
(Kali river) Kasganj January 2022.
Interception & Diversion with Under Progress (P)
Rehabilitation of sewerage scheme at
Agra EAP-World
41 842.25 582.85 06.05.2020 Agra(under Hybrid annuity based 177.60 17.61 12.70 12.70 4 Mar-2025
(Yaumna-River) Bank LOA issued to M/s
PPP model-Namami Gange
Programme) Vishvraj Environment
Private Limited, Mumbai
Interception & Diversion works and STP Under Progress (P)
Muzaffarnagar at Muzaffarnagar(under Hybrid annuity
42 NGP 234.03 205.10 Revised AA&ES 54.50 22.00 5.91 5.67 94.19 94.19 84 Sep-2023
(Hindon-River) based PPP model-Namami Gange
Under Progress (P)
Interception & Diversion works and STP
43 Budhana NGP 48.76 41.29 18.02.2019 at Budhana(under Hybrid annuity based 10.00 10.00 1.00 0.78 19.50 19.50 93 Sep-2023
PPP model-Namami Gange Programme)

Under Progress (P)

Interception & Diversion works and STP
44 (Ram Ganga- NGP 271.39 233.72 03.01.2019 63.00 59.32 59.32 75 Mar-2024
at Bareilly

Under Progress (P)

Jaunpur Interception & Diversion works and STP STP - 100(%) STP
45 NGP 206.05 164.00 12.02.2019 30.00 30.00 137.58 137.58 99 Commissioned on Aug- Sep-2023
(River Gomti) at Jaunpur
Pollution Abatement Works for River LOA issued to (JV) M/s
Kalikat Meerut under Meerut GA Infra Private Ltd,
Meerut EAP-World Municipality (Interception & Diversion Rajasthan and, M/s SSG
46 690.71 06.05.2020 220.00 Apr-2024
(River Kali) Bank with STP )(under Hybrid annuity Infratech Pvt. Ltd. New
based PPP model-Namami Gange Delhi on 27.05.2023.
Completed :Completed on
December 2022.
Baghpat Interception & Diversion and STP works
47 NGP 77.36 63.57 19.02.2019 14.00 14.00 2.35 2.35 29.63 29.63 100
(River Yamuna) of Baghpat Town

Completed :Completed on
Firozabad Firozabad Sewerage Scheme July 2021.
48 NGP 51.08 42.42 01.03.2019 2.50 2.50 25.77 25.77 100
(River Yamuna) (Interception & Diversion) works

Completed :Completed on
Sewerage Scheme (Interception & Feb 2022.
49 Etawah NGP 140.60 119.94 28.02.2019 21.00 23.95 21.00 23.95 75.28 75.28 51.79 51.79 100
Diversion) works
Page 14 of 63

Projects Status as on 30th June 2023

State - Uttar Pradesh
Rs. in crores
STP Total Total Brief Physical Status -
Creation of
capacity Funds expenditur Overall T-Tendering
capacity Sewer Actual /
NON- Approve Awarded STP capacity STP capacity created Sewer released e incurred Physical N: Work yet to start
Sl. Date of through network Tentative year
Towns EAP/EAP/N Project cost Cost Name/Nature of works to be created created (in through Network to by GoI & (including Progress P: Under Progress
No. Sanction rehabilitatio laid of completion
GP (in MLD) MLD) rehabilitat be laid (km) State State (%) C: Completed
n of old STP (Km)
ion (in share share) O: O & M Stage
(in mld)
Total Total mld) Total
Under Progress (P)
Lucknow Interception & Diversion and STP works
50 NGP 213.91 157.67 Revised AA&ES 40.00 42.00 36.94 36.94 38 Apr-2024
(River Gomti) at Lucknow

Sewerage,Sewage Treatment works at Under Progress (P)

Ghazipur city(under Hybrid annuity
51 Ghazipur NGP 152.83 140.94 06.05.2020 21.00 1.30 0.36 48.79 48.79 61 Feb-2024
based PPP model-Namami Gange
Under Progress (P)
Interception & Diversion works for (24/08/2021)
Kairana Town, Distt- Shamli, Uttar
52 Kairana NGP 78.42 59.20 07.12.2020 15.00 17.78 17.78 66 Apr-2024
Pradesh State under Namami Gange

Faecal Sludge Management Completed :Completed on

(Co-treatment) for abatement of June 2022.
53 Bijnor NGP 0.39 14.12.2020 pollution in River Ganga at Bijnor 0.13 0.13 100

Interception & Diversion (I & D) of AA&ES issued on

54 Pratapgarh NGP-II 39.67 03.11.2021 Drains and Sewerage Treatment Plant 12.63 2.31 03.11.2021

Under Tendering
Interception & Diversion (I&D) and
Sewage Treatment Plant works at
55 Saharanpur NGP-II 577.23 11.06.2022 Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh (under 135.00 16.00 0.00 0.00 Apr-2025
Hybrid annuity based PPP model-
Namami Gange Programme)

Under Tendering
I&D and STP Works for Assi-BHU Area
56 Varanasi NGP-II 308.09 19.10.2022 (Phase II), Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh’ 55.00 3.45 0.00 0.00 Apr-2025
under Namami Gange Programme
Under Tendering

57 Chhata NGP-II 56.15 25.10.2022 I&D and STP Works 6.00 2.17 0.00 0.00 Apr-2025

58 Kosi NGP-II 66.59 25.10.2022 I&D and STP Works 12.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 Under Tendering Apr-2025

59 Vrindavan NGP-II 77.70 25.10.2022 I&D and STP Works 13.00 0.60 0.00 0.00 Under Tendering Apr-2025

I&D and STP works at Hathras Town in Under Tendering

60 Hathras NGP-II 128.91 30.01.2023 Uttar Pradesh State under Namami 24.00 5.67 0.00 0.00 Aug-2025
Gange Programme
Under Tendering
Interception & Diversion and STP works
61 Lucknow NGP-II 264.67 30.01.2023 50.00 3.50 0.00 0.00 Aug-2025
at Lucknow, Phase-II Part-I

Interception & Diversion of Balance 7 Under Tendering

drains and Augmentation of Rajapur
62 Prayagraj NGP-II 475.98 27.01.2023 STP Capacity by 90 MLD (Sewerage 90.00 8.00 0.00 0.00 Aug-2025
District D) at Prayagraj Under Namami
Gange Programme

Interception and diversion of balance Under Tendering

discharge of 13 drains and
63 Prayagraj NGP-II 331.75 14.03.2023 43.00 Apr-2025
augmentation of Salori STP (sewerage
district C)
I&D and STP works at Banat Town, AA&ES issued on
64 Shamli NGP-II 48.71 25.05.2023 Dist. Shamli in Uttar Pradesh State 5.00 0.64 25.05.2023 Jun-2025
under Namami Gange Mission-II
I&D and STP works at Babri & AA&ES issued on
Bantikhera Villages, Dist. Shamli in 25.05.2023
65 Shamli NGP-II 55.47 25.05.2023 5.00 2.84 Jun-2025
Uttar Pradesh State under Namami
Gange Mission-II
AA&ES issued on
I&D and STP works at Thanabhawan 25.05.2023
66 Shamli NGP-II 97.19 25.05.2023 Town, Dist. Shamli in Uttar Pradesh 10.00 7.54 Jun-2025
State under Namami Gange Mission-II

AA&ES issued on
I&D and STP works at Shamli Town,
67 Shamli NGP-II 206.02 25.05.2023 Dist. Shamli in Uttar Pradesh State 40.00 0.20 Jun-2025
under Namami Gange Mission-II

Grand Total 13550.29 7554.02 1925.24 319.95 669.51 275.25 1896.86 1798.73 4909.85 4909.85
Page 15 of 64

Status of Sewage Infrastructure

Projects Status as on 30th June 2023
State - Bihar
Rs. in crores
Funds Brief Physical Status -
Approved Sewer Sewer released Overall T-Tendering Actual /
Non Awarded STP Capacity to STP Capacity re
Sl Project network network by GoI & Physical N: Work yet to start Tentative
Towns EAP/EAP/ Cost Date of Sanction Name/Nature of works be created created incurred
No. cost to be laid laid State Progress P: Under Progress year of
NGP (in MLD) (in MLD) (including
(in Km) (Km) share (%) C: Completed completion
Total Total Total Total O: O & M Stage
16 km sewer network
already laid in the previous
16.00 10.94 10.94 14 contract. In the new
Original AA&ES 08.03.10
EAP-World contract 98km sewer
1 Begusarai 230.06 236.85 Revised AA&ES Date: Sewer Network, SPS and STP 17.00 114.00 Dec-2023
Bank network and 17 mld STP to
05.03.2018 Under Progress
90.50 188.71 188.71 78

39 km sewer network
already laid in the previous
39.00 17.29 17.29 39 contract. In the new
contract 66.62km sewer
08.03.10 Revised AA&ES
2 Buxar NGP 164.23 Sewer Networks, SPS and STP 16.00 106.06 network and 16 mld STP to Dec-2024
be created.
Tendering (T). Under
Tendering Procees

50.40 km sewer network

already laid in the previous
Original AA&ES 08.03.10 50.40 33.92 33.92 27 contract.In the new
3 Hajipur (Gandak) NGP 305.19 316.18 Revised AA&ES Date: Sewer Networks, SPS and STP 22 189.30 contract 138.90km sewer Dec-2023
05.03.2018 network and 22mld STP to
Under Progress
126.83 248.82 248.82 77

9.02 km sewer network

already laid in the previous
Original AA&ES 08.03.10 9.02 3.24 3.24 21 contract.In the new
EAP- World contract 165.73km sewer
4 Munger 294.02 350.79 Revised AA&ES Date: Sewer Networks, SPS and STP 30 174.75 Dec-2023
Bank network and 30mld STP to
Under Progress
142.29 212.03 212.03 80

Completed. Completed on
Original AA&ES Date: July 2020
EAP-World Sewage Treatment Plant - Beur for
5 Patna-Beur 93.94 88.80 15.07.14 Revised AA&ES 43 43 62.16 62.16 100
Bank Patna, Bihar
Date: 04.08.2022

Completed. Completed on
June 2022
EAP-World Sewerage system with Sewer
6 Patna Beur 225.77 398.40 30.12.14 179.74 158.00 360.57 360.57 100
Bank network,Patna Beur

Completed. Completed on
October 2019
Original AA&ES Date:
EAP-World Sewage Treatment Plant -
7 Patna-Karmalichak 90.94 85.38 15.07.14 Revised AA&ES 37 37 59.00 59.00 100
Bank Karmalichak for Patna, Bihar
Date: 04.08.2022

Completed. Completed on
February 2021
EAP-World Saidpur STP and adjoining Network
8 Patna-Saidpur 184.93 188.18 01.04.15 60.00 60 55.1 55.1 175.35 175.35 100
Bank for Patna, Bihar

Completed. Completed on
June 2022 (Escal- 61.87)
EAP-World Saidpur Sewer Network, Patna,
9 Patna-Saidpur 268.63 431.21 01.04.15 172.5 117.40 478.03 478.03 100
Bank Bihar
Page 16 of 64

Status of Sewage Infrastructure

Projects Status as on 30th June 2023
State - Bihar
Rs. in crores
Funds Brief Physical Status -
Approved Sewer Sewer released Overall T-Tendering Actual /
Non Awarded STP Capacity to STP Capacity re
Sl Project network network by GoI & Physical N: Work yet to start Tentative
Towns EAP/EAP/ Cost Date of Sanction Name/Nature of works be created created incurred
No. cost to be laid laid State Progress P: Under Progress year of
NGP (in MLD) (in MLD) (including
(in Km) (Km) share (%) C: Completed completion
Total Total Total Total O: O & M Stage

Completed. Completed
on Feb 2023
Original AA&ES Date:
EAP-World Sewerage system with Sewer
10 Patna-Karmalichak 277.42 253.98 30.12.14 96.54 96.54 328.54 328.54 100
1 Begusarai Bank 230.06 236.85 Revised Revised AA&ES
AA&ES Date: Sewer,Patna
network Network, SPS and STP
Karmalichak 17.00 114.00 Dec-2023
Bank Date:16.03.17

Completed. Completed on
May 2022
Original AA&ES
EAP-World Date:26.12.13 Revised Sewage Treatment Plant at Pahari -
11 Patna-Pahari 191.62 147.65 60.00 60.00 117.30 117.30 100
Bank AA&ES Date: Patna, Bihar

Original AA&ES Completed. Completed on

Date:26.12.13 Revised July 2021
EAP-World Sewerage scheme at Pahari (Zone
12 Patna-Pahari 230.48 230.48 AA&ES Date: 93.02 93.02 204.97 204.97 100
Bank IVA (S)), Patna, Bihar
22.05.2017 (Revised:
Completed. Completed
on Feb 2023
Original AA&ES
EAP-World Date:20.02.14 Revised Sewerage scheme at Pahari Zone
13 Patna-Pahari 356.37 364.90 115.93 115.93 290.31 290.31 100
Bank AA&ES Date: V, Patna, Bihar

Under Progress (P)

28.07.2017 Revised
Interception, Diversion & Sewage
Date 06.03.2019,
14 Patna-Mokama NGP 73.40 73.40 Treatment Plant works under 8.00 8.00 43.13 43.13 99 Oct-2023
Revised Date
Namami Gange Programme

Completed. Completed on
June 2022
I&D and STP Project under
15 Patna-Barh NGP 58.26 53.9 10.08.2017 11 11 37.68 37.68 100
Namami Gange Programme

Under Progress (P)

Sewage Treatment Plant (50MLD)

and Sewerage Network(150 km)in
16 Patna-Kankarbagh 578.89 453.82 11.08.2017 Kankarbagh-Patna(under Hybrid 50.00 150 49.70 45.41 45.41 30 Mar-2024
annuity based PPP mode-
Namami Gange Programme)
Page 17 of 64

Status of Sewage Infrastructure

Projects Status as on 30th June 2023
State - Bihar
Rs. in crores
Funds Brief Physical Status -
Approved Sewer Sewer released Overall T-Tendering Actual /
Non Awarded STP Capacity to STP Capacity re
Sl Project network network by GoI & Physical N: Work yet to start Tentative
Towns EAP/EAP/ Cost Date of Sanction Name/Nature of works be created created incurred
No. cost to be laid laid State Progress P: Under Progress year of
NGP (in MLD) (in MLD) (including
(in Km) (Km) share (%) C: Completed completion
Total Total Total Total O: O & M Stage

Under Progress (P)

Original AA&ES 08.03.10

1 Begusarai 230.06 236.85 Revised AA&ES Date: SewageSewerTreatment
Network, Plant
SPS and STP 17.00 114.00 Dec-2023
Bank (100MLD)
05.03.2018 and Sewerage Network(288 km)in
17 Patna -Digha 824.00 734.09 11.08.2017 Digha-Patna(under Hybrid 100.00 288 116.79 198.83 198.83 36 Mar-2024
annuity based PPP mode-
Namami Gange Programme)

Under Progress (P)

Interception & Diversion & Sewage

18 Maner-Patna NGP 41.36 40.83 02.01.2019 6.50 3.00 0.36 18.62 18.62 68 Dec-2023
Treatment Plant for Maner Town

Under Progress (P)

Interception & Diversion & Sewage

19 Danapur-Patna NGP 103.27 108.41 08.02.2019 25.00 32.89 32.89 53 Mar-2024
Treatment Plant for Danapur Town

Under Progress (P)

Interception & Diversion & Sewage

Phulwari shariff-
20 NGP 46.25 48.66 08.02.2019 Treatment Plant for Phulwarishariff 13.00 5.78 5.78 49 Mar-2024

Under Progress (P)

Interception and Diversion and STP

21 Fatuha NGP 35.49 37.43 24.12.2018 works in Fatuha (under Namami 7.00 5.07 5.07 34 Mar-2024
Gange Programme)

Completed. Completed on
January 2022
Interception, Diversion & Sewage
22 Sultanganj NGP 60.22 63.50 01.08.2017 Treatment Plant works under 10.00 10.00 32.85 32.85 100
Namami Gange Programme

Completed. Completed
on Feb 2023

Interception, Diversion & Sewage

23 Naugachia NGP 60.79 61.39 01.08.2017 Treatment Plant works under 9.00 9.00 45.11 45.11 100
Namami Gange Programme
Page 18 of 64

Status of Sewage Infrastructure

Projects Status as on 30th June 2023
State - Bihar
Rs. in crores
Funds Brief Physical Status -
Approved Sewer Sewer released Overall T-Tendering Actual /
Non Awarded STP Capacity to STP Capacity re
Sl Project network network by GoI & Physical N: Work yet to start Tentative
Towns EAP/EAP/ Cost Date of Sanction Name/Nature of works be created created incurred
No. cost to be laid laid State Progress P: Under Progress year of
NGP (in MLD) (in MLD) (including
(in Km) (Km) share (%) C: Completed completion
Total Total Total Total O: O & M Stage

Under Progress (P)

Original AA&ES 08.03.10

1 Begusarai 230.06 236.85 Revised AA&ES Date: Interception and Diversion
Sewer Network, SPS andand STP
STP 17.00 114.00 Dec-2023
Bank 12.10.2017 Revised works in Bhagalpur (under Hybrid
24 Bhagalpur NGP 413.29 385.09 05.03.2018 45.00 59.00 59.00 40 Mar-2024
AA&ES Date 10.11.2020 annuity based PPP mode-
Namami Gange Programme)

Tendering (T) NIT


Interception and Diversion and STP

25 Kahalgaon NGP 25.77 30.12.2019 scheme in Kahalgaon (under 6.00 Dec-2024
Namami Gange Programme)

Completed. Completed
on August 2022
14.09.2018 Revised Interception and Diversion and STP
26 Sonepur NGP 38.26 38.26 AA&ES issued on works in Sonepur Town (under 3.50 3.50 5.60 5.60 24.33 24.33 100
30.01.2023 Namami Gange Programme)

Under Progress (P).

Interception and Diversion and STP

27 Chhapra NGP 236.15 244.39 30.11.2018 works in Chhapra (under Namami 32.00 32.00 18.95 15.34 110.63 110.63 95 Aug-2023
Gange Programme)

Under Progress (P)

Interception and Diversion and STP

28 Bakhtiyarpur NGP 35.88 36.05 24.12.2018 works in Bakhtiyarpur (under 10.00 30.73 30.73 92 Oct-2023
Namami Gange Programme)

Tendering (T) NIT

Interception and Diversion and STP
29 Barahiya NGP 27.00 30.12.2019 works in Barahiya (under Namami 6.00 Dec-2024
Gange Programme)

Tendering (T)
Interception and Diversion and STP
30 Dehri (Sone) NGP-II 63.89 01.12.2021 works at Dehri (under Namami 21.00 2.86 Oct-2024
Gange Programme)

Under Tendering
31 Ramnagar NGP-II 56.97 12.09.2022 I&D and STP Works, NGM-II 9.00 4.05 Apr-2025
Under Tendering
32 Sapaul NGP-II 57.09 7.09.2022 I&D and STP Works, NGM-II 12.10 5.74 Apr-2025

Interception and Diversion and STP Under Tendering

33 Narkatiyaganj NGP-II 47.39 17.10.2022 7.00 6.00 Feb-2025
Under Tendering
Interception & Diversion and STP
34 Motihari NGP-II 149.16 24.01.2023 scheme for Motihari town, Bihar 23.00 6.50 Nov-2025
under Namami Gange Mission-II

Interception & Diversion of drains Under Tendering

and STP works at Daudnagar town,
35 Daudnagar NGP-II 42.25 24.01.2023 10.50 0.35 Aug-2025
Bihar under Namami Gange Mission-
Page 19 of 64

Status of Sewage Infrastructure

Projects Status as on 30th June 2023
State - Bihar
Rs. in crores
Funds Brief Physical Status -
Approved Sewer Sewer released Overall T-Tendering Actual /
Non Awarded STP Capacity to STP Capacity re
Sl Project network network by GoI & Physical N: Work yet to start Tentative
Towns EAP/EAP/ Cost Date of Sanction Name/Nature of works be created created incurred
No. cost to be laid laid State Progress P: Under Progress year of
NGP (in MLD) (in MLD) (including
(in Km) (Km) share (%) C: Completed completion
Total Total Total Total O: O & M Stage

Under Tendering
Interception & Diversion and STP
36 Lakhisarai NGP-II 94.13 10.03.2023 22.00 2.10 Apr-2025
Original AA&ES 08.03.10 scheme for Lakhisarai town
1 Begusarai 230.06 236.85 Revised AA&ES Date: Sewer Network, SPS and STP 17.00 114.00 Dec-2023
05.03.2018 Interception & Diversion and STP AA&ES Issued
37 Jamui NGP-II 77.39 11.07.2023 scheme for Jamui town, Bihar" 13.00 1.50 Jun-2025
under Namami Gange Mission-II

Grand Total 6160.15 5472.02 744.60 273.50 1791.59 1297.82 3481.24 3481.24
Page 20 of 64

Sewage Infrastructure
Projects Status as on 30th June 2023
State - Jharkhand
Rs. in crores
Brief Physical Status -
STP Funds expenditur
Approved STP Sewer Sewer Overall T-Tendering Actual /
Sl. Non Awarded Capacity released e incurred
Project Date of Name/Nature Capacity Network to network Physical N: Work yet to start Tentative
No Towns EAP/EAP/ Cost to be by GoI & (including
cost Sanction of works created be laid laid Progress P: Under Progress year of
. NGP created State State
(mld) (km) (Km) (%) C: Completed completion
(mld) share)
Total Total Total Total O: O & M Stage
Completed (C).
1 Sahibganj World 99.36 132.62 26.12.13 12.00 12.00 55.00 55.00 151.02 129.27 100
scheme and STP

Completed. On June 2022

Revised Sewerage
2 Rajmahal World 56.76 52.97 3.50 3.5 34.21 32.90 54.85 52.94 100
AA&ES scheme and STP
LOA Issued
I & D and STP
3 Phusro NGP 61.05 52.81 15.12.2020 14.00 0.65 Mar-2024

Under Tendering
I&D and STP
4 Ramgarh NGP-II 284.80 17.10.2022 40.00 34 Mar-2025

I&D and STP Under Tendering

5 Dhanbad NGP-II 808.33 30.01.2023 192.00 27.5 Jan-2026

Grand Total 1310.30 238.40 261.50 15.50 151.36 87.90 205.87 182.21
Page 21 of 64

Sewage Infrastructure
Projects Status as on 30th June 2023
State - West Bengal
Rs. in crores
Total Brief Physical Status -
STP Creation of STP Capacity Funds
Approved STP Sewer Sewer expendit Overall T-Tendering
Non Awarded Capacity capacity through created through released Actual /
Sl. Project Date of Capacity network network ure Physical N: Work yet to start
Towns EAP/EAP/ Cost Name/Nature of works to be rehabilitation of rehabilitation of by GoI & Tentative year
No. cost Sanction created to be laid laid incurred Progress P: Under Progress
NGP created old STP old STP State of completion
(mld) (in Km) (Km) (includin (%) C: Completed
(mld) (in mld) (in mld)
Total Total Total Total O: O & M Stage
Completed (C). Completed on
January 2017.
1 Gayeshpur Non-EAP 168.67 150.30 22.02.2011 Sewerage system & STP 8.23 8.23 61.00 61.00 154.03 154.03 100

Completed (C).Completed on
December 2017
2 Kalyani Non-EAP 57.87 121.10 01.03.2011 Sewerage system & STP 11 10 11 10 46.33 46.33 117.05 117.05 100

Completed (C).Completed on
November 2018
3 Bhatpara Non-EAP 228.52 332.05 01.03.2011 Sewerage system & STP 41 41 125 125 320.14 320.14 100

Completed (C).Completed on
28.02.2014 June 2022
EAP-World Revised Sewerage scheme & STP NMCG Liability- 219.36 Cr
4 Halisahar 332.56 332.56 16 16 226.99 226.87 267.15 267.15 100
Bank AA&ES on Halishar State Liability- 113.20 Cr
30.01.2023 Total Revised Project Cost-
Completed (C).Completed on
March 2022
NMCG Liability- 119.61 Cr
EAP-World Revised Sewerage System and
5 Budge-Budge 225.45 225.45 9.30 9.3 131.59 131.59 162.23 162.23 100 State Liability- 105.84 Cr
Bank AA&ES on STP at Budge-Budge
Total Revised Project Cost-
225.45 Cr

Completed (C).Completed on
30.12.2014 June 2022
EAP-World Revised Sewerage system with NMCG Liability- 229.68 Cr
6 Barrackpore 341.68 341.68 24 24 247.14 239.72 298.49 298.49 100
Bank AA&ES on Sewer network and STP - State Liability- 112 Cr
30.01.2023 Total Revised Project Cost-
341.68 Cr
Completed (C).Completed on
Interception & Diversion July 2022
Kancharapara with STP(Upgradation of
7 NGP 48.77 49.63 28.11.2018 18 18 2.50 2.50 24.61 24.61 100
(Barrackpore) existing 13 MLD STP to 18
MLD capacity)

Completed (C).Completed on
July 2022
Design and Build of I & D
structure. including Lock
Gate and it's all
appurtenant structures as
8 Barrackpore NGP 0.93 08.10.2020 100
well as allied works at
Barrackpore Municipality,
North 24 Parganas, West
Bengal State

Under Tendering

Pollution Abatement work

Tolly's Nullah EAP-World
9 653.67 12.01.2023 for Rejuvenation of River 25.10 49.50 Feb-2026
(Adi Ganga) Bank
Adi Ganga, Kolkata

Under Progress. (P)

Pollution Abatement
Works for River Ganga at
23.08.2017 Howrah(Interception &
EAP-World Revised Diversion with STP)
10 Howrah 65 65.00 49.99 49.99 91 Aug-2023
Bank AA&ES Date (under Hybrid annuity
10.02.2021 based PPP mode-
Namami Gange

595.72 595.72
Page 22 of 64

Projects Status as on 30th June 2023

State - West Bengal
Rs. in crores
Total Brief Physical Status -
STP Creation of STP Capacity Funds
Approved STP Sewer Sewer expendit Overall T-Tendering
Non Awarded Capacity capacity through created through released Actual /
Sl. Project Date of Capacity network network ure Physical N: Work yet to start
Towns EAP/EAP/ Cost Name/Nature of works to be rehabilitation of rehabilitation of by GoI & Tentative year
No. cost Sanction created to be laid laid incurred Progress P: Under Progress
NGP created old STP old STP State of completion
(mld) (in Km) (Km) (includin (%) C: Completed
(mld) (in mld) (in mld)
Total Total Total Total O: O & M Stage
Under Progress. (P)

Pollution Abatement
Works for River Ganga at
Bally under Howrah
Municipal Corporation
EAP-World Revised
11 Bally (Interception & Diversion 40 40.00 45.45 45.45 93 Aug-2023
Bank AA&ES Date
with STP (under Hybrid
595.72 595.72 10.02.2021
annuity based PPP
mode-Namami Gange

Under Progress. (P)

STP & Sewer network -

Kamarhati and (under Hybrid annuity
EAP-World Revised
12 Baranagar based PPP mode- 60.00 9.00 6.50 47.20 47.20 91 Aug-2023
Bank AA&ES Date
Municipalities Namami Gange

Sub Total 595.72 595.72 165.00 105.00 9.00 6.50 142.64 142.64
Completed (C).Completed on
April 2022
DPR of Interception &
18.01.2018 Diversion Network for
Revised existing drains falling in
13 Nabadwip NGP 61.23 58.32 9.50 10.50 9.50 10.50 4.00 4.00 31.20 31.20 100
AA&ES river Ganges including
10.02.2019 STP at Nabadwip

Under Progress. (P)

Pollution Abatement
works for River Ganga at
14 Berhampore NGP 51.21 17.01.2018 Behrampore- Municipal 3.50 5.25 3.70 0.00 0.00 33 Dec-2023
Town (Interception &

Under Progress. (P)

Berhampur Expenditure
Pollution Abatement included.
Jangipur Works for River Ganga at
15 NGP 68.47 11.06.2018 13.00 11.38 6.03 24.50 24.50 52 Dec-2023
Municipality Jangipur (Interception &
Diversion with STP)
Page 23 of 64

Projects Status as on 30th June 2023

State - West Bengal
Rs. in crores
Total Brief Physical Status -
STP Creation of STP Capacity Funds
Approved STP Sewer Sewer expendit Overall T-Tendering
Non Awarded Capacity capacity through created through released Actual /
Sl. Project Date of Capacity network network ure Physical N: Work yet to start
Towns EAP/EAP/ Cost Name/Nature of works to be rehabilitation of rehabilitation of by GoI & Tentative year
No. cost Sanction created to be laid laid incurred Progress P: Under Progress
NGP created old STP old STP State of completion
(mld) (in Km) (Km) (includin (%) C: Completed
(mld) (in mld) (in mld)
Total Total Total Total O: O & M Stage
Under Tendering
Pollution Abatement
Works for River Ganga at
Kolkata municipality
(Installation of New
Penstock/construction of I
16 Kolkata NGP-II 4.23 08.09.2022 & D structures Gates and Jan-2024
Refurbishment of Existing
Gates/I & D structures
along the Bank (Eastern &
Western) of Beliaghata
Circular Canal)

Under Tendering

Pollution Abatement
Works for River Ganga at
Kolkata (Garden Reach)
17 Kolkata NGP-II 289.02 07.09.2022 municipality (Interception 65.00 Apr-2025
& Diversion with STP)
under Hybrid Annuity
based PPP mode

Under Progress. (P)

Pollution Abatement
works for River Ganga at
Maheshtala- Municipal
18 Maheshtala Town NGP 224.69 273.53 28.05.2020 Town (Interception & 35.00 31.86 31.86 25 June-2024
Diversion with STP)under
Hybrid Annuity based
PPP mode

Under Progress (P)

Pollution Abatement
10.05.2018 works for River Ganga at
Hooghly- Revised Hooghly Chinsurah-
19 NGP 154.73 144.00 26.50 20.00 5.26 56.61 56.61 62 June-2024
Chinsurah AA&ES Municipal Town
23.09.2020 (Interception & Diversion
with STP)

Chandanagar 22.70 22.70

9.01 9.01 100

Bansberia 1.00 1.00

Rejuvenation of existing
STPs alongwith lifting Completed (C).Completed on
20 Kortung- NGP 86.61 50.86 08.03.2019 22.00 22.00 11.84 11.84 100
stations & pumping July 2022

Baidyabati 6.00 6.00

8.50 8.50 100

Bhadreswar 7.60 7.60

Under Tendering
Faecal Sludge
Management for
21 Burdwan NGP-II 6.46 20.06.2022 0.05 Mar-2024
abatement of pollution in
River Ganga
Page 24 of 64

Projects Status as on 30th June 2023

State - West Bengal
Rs. in crores
Total Brief Physical Status -
STP Creation of STP Capacity Funds
Approved STP Sewer Sewer expendit Overall T-Tendering
Non Awarded Capacity capacity through created through released Actual /
Sl. Project Date of Capacity network network ure Physical N: Work yet to start
Towns EAP/EAP/ Cost Name/Nature of works to be rehabilitation of rehabilitation of by GoI & Tentative year
No. cost Sanction created to be laid laid incurred Progress P: Under Progress
NGP created old STP old STP State of completion
(mld) (in Km) (Km) (includin (%) C: Completed
(mld) (in mld) (in mld)
Total Total Total Total O: O & M Stage
Tendering (T) (Revised DPR
under Progress)
Interception and Diversion
Network for Drains
22 Durgapur NGP 287.53 03.01.2019 including Pumping 80.00 11.39 Dec-2024
Stations and STP under
Durgapur Municipality

Tendering (T) (Revised DPR

under Progress)
Asansol & Kulti Interception and Diversion
23 (River Damodar & NGP 384.96 12.02.2019 Sewerage System & STP 95.00 4.50 Dec-2024
Barakar) for Asansol & Kulti towns

Completed (C).Completed on
Naihati 18.06 18.06 July 2022

Garulia 4.10 4.10

Rejuvenation of existing
STPs alongwith lifting
24 Titagarh NGP 65.54 52.99 08.03.2019 9.08 9.08 41.47 41.47 100
stations & pumping
Panihati 12.00 12.00

14.00 14.00
LOA Issued
Pollution Abatement
Works for River Ganga at
25 NGP 214.78 134.32 02.12.2021 North Barrackpore 38.00 10.36 Sep-2024
and Diversion with STP)

Pollution Abatement Under Tendering

Works for River Ganga at
Kolkata Municipal
26 keorapukur NGP-II 67.06 25.10.2022 50.00 Jul-2024
(Rehabilitation of existing
50 MLD STP at
Keorapukar and other
allied works at Kolkata)
Under Tendering
Pollution Abatement
Sewerage Project
27 Chakdah NGP-II 121.66 15.03.2023 (Interception and 15.00 9.45 Apr-2025
Diversion with STP) at
Chakdah Municipal Town

Grand Total 4742.02 2981.96 698.18 187.04 242.03 137.04 975.38 858.50 1701.33 1701.33
Page 25 of 64

Sewage Infrastructure
Projects Status as on 30th June 2023
State - Haryana
Rs. in crores
Creation of Total Brief Physical Status
STP STP created Sewer Funds -
Approve capacity Sewer Expenditure Overall
Non Name/ Capacity STP Capacity through network released T-Tendering
Sl. d Project Awarded Date of through network incurrred Physical
Towns EAP/EAP Nature of to be created rehabilitatio to be by GoI &
No cost Cost Sanction rehabilitation laid (GOI +State Progress N: Work yet to start
/ NGP Works created in(MLD) n of old STP laid (in State P: Under Progress
of old STP (in (Km) share) (%)
(in MLD) (in MLD) Km) C: Completed
Total Total Total
O: O & M Stage
Completed (C). Work
completed on January
Sewerage and 2018.
Sewage 45 45 45 45
1 Panipat Non EAP 129.51 129.51 17.07.2012 24.19 36.48 128.45 128.45 100
Treatment (20+25) (35+10) (20+25) (35+10)
Plant (STP)

Sewerage and
Completed (C).
2 Sonepat Non EAP 88.36 88.36 17.07.2012 25 30 25 30 16.78 15.14 89.49 89.49 100 Work completed on
June 2018.
Plant (STP)

Total 217.87 217.87 70 75 70 75 40.97 51.62 217.94 217.94

Page 26 of 64

Sewage Infrastructure
Projects Status as on 30th June 2023
State - Delhi (Central Share : 85% and State Share: 15%)
Rs. in crores
expendit Brief Physical
Creation of STP Funds Status -
Approved ure
STP capacity created released by T-Tendering
Project STP Sewer network to Sewer incurred Overall
Non Capacity through through GoI & N: Work yet to Actual /
Sl cost Awarded Date of Capacity be created Network (includin Physical
Towns EAP/EAP/ Name/ Nature of Works to be rehabilitati rehabilita State start Tentative year
No. Cost Sanction created (Rehabilitation) created g State Progress
NGP created on of old tion of old share) P: Under of completion
(in MLD) (in Km) (km) (%)
(in MLD) STP (in STP (in Progress
MLD) MLD) C: Completed
Total Total Total O: O & M Stage

Rehabilitation of Trunk Sewer No.4 Completed

Delhi -YAP-
1 III - Kondli 87.43 55.42 05.05.2016 8.60 8.60 53.60 49.40 100.00
on March 2022
zone (K1)
Rehabilitation of Trunk Sewer No.5 Completed
Delhi -YAP- (C).Completed
2 III - Kondli 83.40 74.35 06.05.2016 7.61 7.61 85.78 75.42 100
on February
zone (K2) 2021
Rehabilitation and upgradation of Kondli Phase-I Under
Delhi -YAP- STP (45 MLD), Phase-II STP (114 MLD) & Phase-III Progress (P)
3 III - Kondli 239.11 314.7 05.05.2016 STP (45 MLD) 204 204 259.43 252.01 94.00 30.09.2023
zone (K3)

Rehabilitation of Rising Mains Completed

Delhi -YAP- (C).Completed
4 III - Kondli 59.13 42.9 16.03.2017 9.60 9.60 58.29 56.43 100.00 on December
zone (K4) 2021

Rehabilitation of Trunk Sewers Completed

Delhi -YAP- (C).Completed
5 III -Rithala 43.92 30.71 05.05.2016 5.09 3.62 24.66 21.39 100.00 on August 2022
zone (R1a)

Rehabilitation of Rising Main Completed

Delhi -YAP- (C).Completed
6 III -Rithala 45.40 44.65 16.03.2017 6.42 6.42 52.00 48.54 100 on February
zone (R1b) 2021

Rehabilitation and up-gradation of Phase-I STP Under

Delhi -YAP- (182 MLD) Progress (P)
7 III -Rithala 211.79 223.7 05.05.2016 182 182 177.18 167.48 90.00 30.09.2023
zone (R2)

Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) Waste Water Under

Treatment Plant (WWTP) with Effluent Standards of Progress (P)
BOD – 10mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l or better and Power
Generation on DBO basis at Okhla on Turnkey Basis
Delhi -YAP- and Demolition of Existing 136 MLD (Phase-I), 55
8 III - Okhla 665.78 942.18 16.03.2017 MLD (Phase-II), 204 MLD (Phase-III) and 168 MLD 564.00 536.01 522.88 88.00 30.09.2023
zone (O) (Phase-IV) WWTPs

Total 1435.96 1728.61 564 386 0 386 37.32 35.85 1246.95 1193.55

Under Mailey se Nirmal Yaumna Revitalisation Plan Phase-1 with Direction of Hon'ble NGT (Central share: 70% and State Share : 30%)
Rs. in crores
Brief Physical
Creation of STP Status -
STP capacity created Funds T-Tendering
Approved STP Sewer network to Sewer ure Overall
Non Capacity through through released by N: Work yet to Actual /
Sl Project Awarded Date of Capacity be created Network incurred Physical
Towns EAP/EAP/ Name/ Nature of Works to be rehabilitati rehabilita GoI & start Tentative year
No. cost Cost Sanction created (Rehabilitation) created (includin Progress
NGP created on of old tion of old State P: Under of completion
(in MLD) (in Km) (km) g State (%)
(in MLD) STP (in STP (in Progress
MLD) MLD) C: Completed
Total Total Total O: O & M Stage
Construction of 318 MLD (70 MGD) WWTP with 10
Coronation (C).Completed
1 NGP 515.07 515.07 03.12.2018 years O & M on DBO basis at Coronation Pillar, 318.00 318 394.04 388.08 100.00
Pillar, Delhi on March 2022

Total 515.07 515.07 318.00 318 394.04 388.08

Grand Total 1951.03 2243.68 882.00 386.00 318.00 386.00 37.32 35.85 1640.99 1581.63
Sewage Infrastructure
Projects Status as on 30th June 2023
State - Rajasthan
Rs. in crores
Approve Funds Total
Brief Physical
Status -
STP T-Tendering
STP Sewer Sewer Overall Actual /
Non Capacity N: Work yet to
Sl. Awarded Date of Name/Nature of Capacity network network Physical Tentative
Towns EAP/EAP/ to be start
No. Total Cost Sanction works created to be laid laid Total Total Progress year of
NGP created P: Under
(mld) (in Km) (Km) (%) completion
(mld) Progress
C: Completed
O: O & M Stage
Environmental Progress (P)
Improvement Plan for
1 Kota NGP 258.48 207.1 AA&ES Date 36.00 36.00 146.00 130.93 187.04 168.46 91.00 Sep-2023
River Chambal at

Total 258.48 207.1 36.00 36.00 146.00 130.93 187.04 168.46

] Page 28 of Pages

Sewage Infrastructure
Projects Status as on 30th June 2023
State - Himachal Pradesh
Rs. in crores
Approved released
incurred Brief Physical Status -
Project cost by GoI &
STP Sewer Sewer (including Overall T-Tendering Actual /
Non STP Capacity to State
Sl. Awarded Date of Name/Nature of Capacity network network State Physical N: Work yet to start Tentative
Towns EAP/EAP/ be created share)
No. Cost Sanction works created to be laid laid Progress P: Under Progress year of
NGP (mld)
(mld) (in Km) (Km) (%) C: Completed completion
O: O & M Stage
Total Total Total

Completed: Completed
Paonta Sahib Sewerage scheme for on December 2021
(District - Zone II & III of Paonta However Transformer has
1 Sirmour) NGP 11.57 9.64 31.12.2018 Town in Tehsil Poanta 1.72 1.72 3.75 3.75 100 been installed.SOP
(Yaumna- Sahib,District Sirmour, connection released Trial
River) Himachal Pradesh run of SBR unit has been
done with DG set .
Total 11.57 9.64 1.72 1.72 3.75 3.75
Sewage Infrastructure
Projects Status as on 30th June 2023
State - Madhya Pradesh
Rs. in crores
Approved Funds Total Brief Physical Status -
Awarde Sewer Overall T-Tendering Actual /
Project STP Capacity to STP Capacity Sewer release expendi
Sl. d Cost Network to be Physical N: Work yet to start Tentative
Towns Non EAP/EAP/ NGP cost Date of Sanction Name/Nature of works be created created network laid d by ture
No. laid Total Total Progress P: Under Progress year of
(mld) (mld) (Km)
Total Total (km) (%) C: Completed completion
O: O & M Stage
Additional Decentralized AA&ES Issued on
STP to cater Abatement of 28.03.2023
river pollution of Kanh &
1 Indore NGP-II 511.15 0.00 28.03.2023 195.00 15.27 0.00 0.00 0 Apr-2025
Saraswati River, Indore
Madhya Pradesh under
Namami Gange Mission-II
AA&ES Issued on
Interception & Diversion (I 24.05.2023
& D) with STP works at
2 Ujjain NGP-II 92.79 0.00 24.05.2023 Ujjain town, Madhya 24.38 4.90 Jun-2025
Pradesh State under
Namami Gange Mission-II

Sub Total 603.94 0 219.38 0.00 20.17 0.00 0.00 0.00

Page 30 of 64

Entry Level Activites (Ghats/Crematoria)

Projects Status as on 30th June 2023
Sanction Total
No of Under Under AA&ES
Sl No States Cost Completed Expenditure
Projects Progress Tendering issued
(Rs in Cr) (Rs in Cr)
Budget Allocation
1 10 238.52 8 1 0 1 176.79

2 Uttarakhand 9 126.89 7 1 1 0 111.02

3 Uttar Pradesh 14 267.54 12 0 0 2 150.15

4 Bihar 13 125.41 10 1 2 0 85.16

5 Jharkhand 4 62.07 4 0 0 0 47.20

24 204.39 24 0 0 0 180.16
6 WestBengal
5 18.22 4 0 1 0 15.06

Clean Ganga Fund

7 17 201.62 8 9 0 0 105.12

8 CSR Projects 2 29.85 1 1 0 0 17.50

Grand Total (Budget

Allocation,UK,UP,BH,JH,WB 98 1274.51 78 13 4 3 888.16
Page 31 of 64

Entry Level Activities (Ghats/ Crematoria)

Component B (New initatives) (Approved Projects after 13/05/2015)
Projects Status as on 30th June 2023
No of No of Ghats Sanction Cost
Sl No States Kunds/ Total (G+C+K) Completed Under Progress Under Tendering
Projects (Rs in Cr)
Ghats (G) Crematoria © Ponds Ghats Crematoria Kunds Ghats Crematoria Kunds Ghats Crematoria Kunds

1 Budget Allocation Projects 10 60 10 0 70 238.52 59 7 0 1 1 0 0 2 0

2 Uttarakhand 9 22 22 0 44 126.89 20 21 0 1 1 0 1 0 0

3 Uttar Pradesh 14 42 7 0 49 267.54 34 7 0 0 0 0 1 0 0

4 Bihar 13 30 4 0 34 125.41 26 2 0 1 1 0 3 1 0

5 Jharkhand 4 13 3 0 16 62.07 13 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 West Bengal 5 9 4 0 13 18.22 9 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

7 Clean Ganga Fund Projects 17 29 11 8 48 201.62 24 5 8 5 5 0 0 1 0

8 CSR Projects 2 3 1 0 4 29.85 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

Grand Total 74 208 62 8 278 1070.12 187 49 8 9 8 0 5 5 0

Page 32 of 64

River Front Development Projects

Status of River Front Development Projects Status as on 30th June 2023
sanction Total Fund Total No of
No of
Sl No States Cost Released Expenditure Projects
(Rs in Cr) (Rs in Cr) (Rs in Cr) Completed

1 Bihar 1 330.86 316.45 316.45 1

2 2 71.12 3.25 3.14 0

3 Uttarakhand 4 59.21 6.88 0.00 0

Total 7 461.19 326.58 319.59 1

Page 33 of 64

River Front Development

Projects Status as on 31st March 2023

Total Brief Physical Status - Not

Approved Total Fund expenditure yet started (A), On-going
Sl. Non- Date of Name/Nature of Physical
Town State Project Released incurred (B), Completed (C), O&M
No. EAP/EAP Sanction works Progress
cost (GOI+State) (including stage (D) & Bidding
State share) Stage (X)
Total Total Total

19.06.13 Revised
(EAP - AA&ES date
Ganga River Front
1 Patna Bihar World 330.86 26.02.2019 316.45 316.45 100
Bank) Revised on

Under Progress

Rejuvenation and
2 Gwalior CGF 39.24 23.12.2021 Development of Morar 3.25 3.14 20

Under Progress
Ghat Construction
work at Mandakini
River Bank Chitrakoot
3 Satna NGP 31.88 03.08.2022 Dham District Satna, 0.00 0.00
Madhya Pradesh under
Namami Gange

Under Progress

River Front
4 Badrinath Uttarakhand CGF 28.22 03.06.2022 6.05 0.00 2
Development Part A
Page 34 of 64

Total Brief Physical Status - Not

Approved Total Fund expenditure yet started (A), On-going
Sl. Non- Date of Name/Nature of Physical
Town State Project Released incurred (B), Completed (C), O&M
No. EAP/EAP Sanction works Progress
cost (GOI+State) (including stage (D) & Bidding
State share) Stage (X)
Under Progress

River Front
5 Badrinath Uttarakhand CGF 3.89 03.06.2022 0.83 0.00 5
Development Part C

Under Tendering

River Front
6 Badrinath Uttarakhand CGF 13.17 31.08.2022 0.00 0.00
Development Part F1

Under Tendering

River Front
7 Badrinath Uttarakhand CGF 13.93 31.08.2022 0.00 0.00
Development Part G1

Total 461.19 326.58 319.59

Page 35 of 64

Solid-Waste Management
Projects Status as on 30th June 2023
Sanction Total Fund Total
No of
Sl No Project Name Cost Released Expenditure (Rs
(Rs in Cr) (Rs in Cr) in Cr)
1 Ghats Cleaning 5 59.84 51.82 51.82

River Surface
2 1 33.53 19.49 19.49

3 6 201.89 120.93 120.93

Grand Total 12 295.26 192.24 192.24

Page 36 of 64

Solid-Waste Management

Projects Status as on 30th June 2023

Rs. in crores
Sanction Tentative
Date of Duration Funds released by expenditure Brief Status on
Sl No Name of Project Cost Nature of works year of
Sanction of project GoI (Rs in Cr) incurred Physical Progress
(Rs in Cr) completion
(Rs in Cr)
Ghats Cleaning
Cleaning of the 84 Ghats along
1 yrs
with the adjoining area up to
(To be
Cleaning of the 84 Ghats at 17.10.2016 100m from the River Ganga at
1 Varanasi-Executing Agency 20.41 Revised Date Varanasi -By Varanasi Nagar 20.04 20.04
annualy for
Varanasi Nagar Nigam 16.01.2020 Nigam, Excuting Agency-
maxium 3
IL&FS Environmental and
Services Ltd

Ghat cleaning Project at 4 towns
of Bithoor,Kanpur,Allahabad, Cleaning of the 87 Ghats (
Mathura-Vrindavan-Executing Bithoor-19 Ghats,
2 Agency: Nagar Panchayat- 12.97 20.07.2018 3yrs Kanpur-20 Ghats , 12.82 12.82
Bithoor, Nagar Nigam- Allahabad-21 Ghats ,
Kanpur,Allahabad,Mathura- Mathura-Vrindavan-27 Ghats)

Cleaning of the 72 Ghats at Cleaning of the 72 Ghats at
3 Haridwar -Executing Agency 15.90 17.07.2018 3yrs Haridwar-By Nagar Nigam 15.46 15.46
Hardiwar Nagar Nigam Hardiwar

Under Progress
Ghat cleaning Project at Ghat cleaning Project at
4 2.35 23.12.2021 2yrs 0.00 0.00 2023-2024
Rishikesh Rishikesh (8 Ghats)

Under Progress
Varansi Ghats Cleaning (88
5 8.21 11.02.2021 2yrs Varansi Ghats Cleaning 3.50 3.50 2023-2024

Total 59.84 51.82 51.82

Page 37 of 64

Sanction Tentative
Date of Duration Funds released by expenditure Brief Status on
Sl No Name of Project Cost Nature of works year of
Sanction of project GoI (Rs in Cr) incurred Physical Progress
(Rs in Cr) completion
(Rs in Cr)
River Surface Cleaning
Trash skimmers are being
deployed to collect all kinds of
floating waste materials in the
river such as flowers,
River Surface Cleaning (In - coconuts, plastic bottles/bags,
Uttarakhand,U.P, Bihar, food packets, dead bodies
1 33.53 09.12.2016 3 years 19.49 19.49 Completed
Jharkhand and West (human & animal), algae, logs,
Bengal,Delhi) bamboos and any other wood
material, water hyacinth, other
aquatic flora (plants) and any
other floating waste.

Total 33.53 19.49 19.49

Community Toilets for Completed.
Community Toilets for cleanliness cleanliness and Sanitation
and Sanitation in Kumbh Mela
1 113.00 20.07.2018 79.10 79.10
2019 Allahahbad-(NGP)-Health
Deptt. Allahabad

Procurement of Dustbins and Procurement of Dustbins and Completed.

Lining Bags for Solid Waste Lining Bags for Solid Waste
2 Collection in Kumbh Mela 2019 3.60 25.07.2018 Collection 2.52 2.52
Allahabad (NGP)-Health Deptt.
Procurement and Installation of Procurement and Installation of Completed.
Green Organic Waste composter Green Organic Waste
Machine at Uttarakhand composter Machine at
3 0.03 24.12.2018 0.03 0.03
Secretariat, Dehradun (NGP) Uttarakhand Secretariat,

Community Toilets for Completed.

Community Toilets for cleanliness cleanliness and Sanitation
and Sanitation in Magh Mela
4 5.84 27.12.2019 45 days 0.00 0.00
2020 Prayagraj-(NGP)-Health
Deptt. Allahabad

Community Toilets Completed.

Community Toilets for Toilets, ,Urinals,Dustbins & IEC
5 Sanitation & in Haridwar Kumbh 79.12 14.12.2020 48 days activities for Cleanliness and 39.28 39.28
Mela 2021 Uttarakhand-(NGP) Sanitation in Haridwar Kumbh
AA&ES Issued
Pilot Solid Waste Management
Pilot Solid Waste Management
project in Uttarkashi
project in Uttarkashi (Bhagirathi
6 0.30 06.06.2023 1 yrs (Bhagirathi Ecc-Sensitive 0.00 0.00 2023-2024
Ecc-Sensitive Zone), Uttarakhand
Zone), Uttarakhand Under
Under Namami Gange Mission-II
Namami Gange Mission-II
Page 38 of 64

Sanction Tentative
Date of Duration Funds released by expenditure Brief Status on
Sl No Name of Project Cost Nature of works year of
Sanction of project GoI (Rs in Cr) incurred Physical Progress
(Rs in Cr) completion
(Rs in Cr)
Total 201.89 120.93 120.93

Grand Total 295.26 192.24 192.24

Page 39 of 64

Institutional Development (Non -Infrastructure)

Projects Status as on 30th June 2023
Total Fund Total
No of Sanction Cost
Sl No Project Name Released Expenditure
Projects (Rs in Cr)
(Rs in Cr) (Rs in Cr)
1 GKC 7 153.27 101.74 44.20

Industrial Pollution
2 19 1581.12 549.46 462.89

3 1 2.30 0 0
Ganga Committee)

Grand Total 27 1736.69 651.20 507.09

Page 40 of 64

Institutional Development Projects

Status of the Institutional Development Projects Status as on 30th June 2023
Approved Funds Tentative
Sl. project Date of Duration released year of
Name of Project Nature of works ure Brief Status on Physical Progress
No. cost Sanction of project by GoI completio
(Rs in Cr) (Rs in Cr) n
(Rs in Cr)

Setting up 'Ganga Knowledge

1 24.84 19.09.2013 8 years 1.28 1.28
Centre' (EAP-World Bank)

Collection of legacy data on river Project Completed

Collection and Computerization Ganga pertaining to Environmental,
2 of legacy data at 'Ganga 23.70 24.04.2014 4 years Scientific, Administrative Technical, 0.87 0.87
Knowledge Centre' Developmental, agricultural, industrial,
social, cultural and systemic issues.
1. A web--based archive of corrected Project Completed
Reconstructing the Ganga of historic images of the Ganga River
3 the Past from Corona archival 0.40 11.05.2018 2 years 2. Atlas of the Ganga showing 0.40 0.40
imagery-(By IIT Kanpur) comparative images and description for
important locations
GIS Ready datasets including high Aerial data acquisition has been done
resolution DEM would facilitate major
support to Ganga River basin
Generation of High Resolution Management by embedding GIS in
DEM and GIS Ready Database different aspects of - planning and
4 86.84 14.05.2018 5.3 yrs 86.84 35.57 Aug-23
for part of River Ganga for implementation at national/state/local
NMCG-(By Survey of India) levels; bringing GIS support in decision-
making; enable a sound process of
monitoring development and identifying
critical hotspots.
GIS -based Mapping of GIS -based Mapping of Microbial Under Progress
Microbial Diversity across the Diversity across the Ganges for
Ganges for Ecosystem Ecosystem Services
5 9.33 06.09.2019 2yrs 4.55 2.41 Aug-23
Services -(By
NEERI,Nagpur) , Funding
under NGP
1. Tracking the inferred paleo-channel Report printing under process
Data generation for aquifer further northywest ward. 2. 3D
mapping with focus on paleo- mapping of Principal Aquifers system,
channels in parts of Ganga 3. Establishing linkages between
6 6.34 03.12.2019 1.6 yrs 6.34 2.96
Yamuna Doab in Kaushambi- aquifer system including paleo-channel
Kanpur stretch , Uttar with river system4. Estimating age
Pradesh, Funding under NGP profile of paleo river and climate
conditions. 5. Development of a plan
for Managed
Remote Aquifer Recharge.
Sensing/Drone Technology Under Progress
Geomorphic and Ecological
Impacts of Sand Mining in related R & D project- ‘Geomorphic and
Large Rivers as revealed from Ecological Impacts of Sand Mining in
high resolution historical Large Rivers as revealed from high
7 1.82 27.03.2021 36 months resolution historical remote sensing 1.46 0.71 2023-24
remote sensing data and
drone surveys: Assessment, data and drone surveys: Assessment,
Analysis and Mitigation under Analysis and Mitigation under Namami
Namami Gange Program Gange Program

SubTotal 153.27 101.74 44.20

Page 41 of 64

Institutional Development Projects

Status of the Institutional Development Projects Status as on 30th June 2023
Approved Funds Tentative
Sl. project Date of Duration released year of
Name of Project Nature of works ure Brief Status on Physical Progress
No. cost Sanction of project by GoI completio
(Rs in Cr) (Rs in Cr) n
(Rs in Cr)
Industrial Pollution Abatement (CPCB)
Pollution Inventorization, Assessment
Project completed and activities continued in new PIAS project. Project
Pollution Inventorization, 29.03.2011 and Surveillance.-
Assessment and Surveillance 38.57 Revised on 6 Years Similar activities with few additions 15.60 15.60
on 28th
on Ganga river-Non EAP 29.06.2016 such as increased no. and frequency in
Sep 2017
Project completed and activities continued in new PIAS project.
1 3 years
Pollution Inventorization, and further
Assessment and Surveillance extended Pollution Inventorization, Assessment
82.17 02.11.2017 81.66 81.66
on Ganga river- Funding till 31st and Surveillance.-
Head- NGP March,
Strengthening of Capacity building of CPCB including Project completed on 17th February, 2022
Environmental Regulator – manual monitoring of Ganga water
2 CPCB (EAP - World Bank) 69.26 19.06.2013 8 Years quality thrgough 134 manual 20.12 20.05
monitoring stations.

Strengthening of ‘Strengthening of Environmental 1.Recruitment Criteria is being finalised.

Environmental Regulator — Regulator” to 2.Manual water quality monitoring at 97 locations on main stem of
CPCB (under the Institutional the CPCB under the Institutional river Ganga is being continued.
Development component of Development component of the World 3. Traning of the staff as per the proposal of ICT mumbai was held
3 the World Bank) 66.21 18.02.2022 36 months Bank 6.14 6.14 through online sessions during august 2022 and physical traning 2024-25
4.Procurement plan for F.Y. 2022-23 Regarding Infrastructure has
been completed by the world bank

Project completed on June, 2020

Real time water quality monitoring
Water Quality Monitoring
through 113 monitoring stations, Bio-
4 system for River Ganga -Phase- 94.45 19.06.2013 7 Years 22.19 22.19
monitoring, Community monitoring of
I (EAP - World Bank)
Ganga water quality.

1. 36 Real Time Water Quality Monitoring Stations (RTWQMS)

have been operationalised. 40 new RTWQMS have been installed.
2. Contract signed between CPCB and Data Qualification Services
4.Biomonitoring of river Ganga has been carried in the stretch
from Haridwar (Uttarakhand) to Damond Harbour (West Bengal)
at 34 locations to assess the biological water quality using benthic
Water Quality Monitoring for macro-invertebrates. Besides main stem of river Ganga,
River Ganga-CPCB Phase II for Water Quality Monitoring for River biomonitoring has also been carried out at 08 locations of 07
5 126.17 27.08.2020 6 years 19.31 19.31 tributaries excluding Yamuna river. For river Yamuna, this study 2026-27
the period 2020-2026' Ganga-CPCB Phase II
Funding under World Bank has been carried out at 12 locations in the stretch from Panipat
(Haryana) to Prayagraj (Uttar Pradesh). 13 round of Biomonitoring
study has been completed for river Ganga and its tributaries till
Pre-monsoon phase of 2023 and total 503 sampling events have
been undertaken till January. For river Yamuna including river
Hindon, total 80 sampling events have been undertaken till
Page 42 of 64

Institutional Development Projects

Status of the Institutional Development Projects Status as on 30th June 2023
Approved Funds Tentative
Sl. project Date of Duration released year of
Name of Project Nature of works ure Brief Status on Physical Progress
No. cost Sanction of project by GoI completio
(Rs in Cr) (Rs in Cr) n
(Rs in Cr)
GKC Develop & stregthen the laboratory
Strengthening of laboratories capacity to monitoring water quality
of Uttarakhand Environment characteristics (organoleptic, physico-
6 Protection and Pollution 16.21 06.06.2018 5 Years chemical, microbiological & biological 8.13 5.50 Under Progress. 2023-24
Control Board(UEPPCB)- parameters; heavy metals, trace
Funding under NGP elements & pesticides) for rejuvination
of River Ganga

Develop & stregthen the laboratory

Strengthening of laboratories capacity to monitoring water quality
of Uttar Pradesh Pollution characteristics (organoleptic, physico-
7 Pollution Control 36.08 06.06.2018 5 Years chemical, microbiological & biological 32.06 20.80 Under Progress 2023-24
Board(UPPCB)-Funding parameters; heavy metals, trace
under NGP elements & pesticides) for rejuvination
of River Ganga

Develop & stregthen the laboratory

Strengthening of laboratories capacity to monitoring water quality
of Bihar State Pollution characteristics (organoleptic, physico-
8 Pollution Control 10.92 06.06.2018 5 Years chemical, microbiological & biological 9.82 3.40 Under Progress 2023-24
Board(BSPCB)-Funding parameters; heavy metals, trace
under NGP elements & pesticides) for rejuvination
of River Ganga
Develop & stregthen the laboratory
Strengthening of laboratories capacity to monitoring water quality
of Jharkhand State Pollution characteristics (organoleptic, physico-
9 Pollution Control 9.83 06.06.2018 5 Years chemical, microbiological & biological 4.44 0.05 Under Progress 2023-24
Board(BSPCB)-Funding parameters; heavy metals, trace
under NGP elements & pesticides) for rejuvination
of River Ganga
Page 43 of 64

Institutional Development Projects

Status of the Institutional Development Projects Status as on 30th June 2023
Approved Funds Tentative
Sl. project Date of Duration released year of
Name of Project Nature of works ure Brief Status on Physical Progress
No. cost Sanction of project by GoI completio
(Rs in Cr) (Rs in Cr) n
(Rs in Cr)
GKC Strengthening of laboratories Develop & stregthen the laboratory Under Progress
of West Bengal Pollution capacity to monitoring water quality
Pollution Control characteristics (organoleptic, physico-
10 Board(WBPCB)-Funding 12.93 06.06.2018 5 Years chemical, microbiological & biological 5.67 5.28 2023-24
under NGP parameters; heavy metals, trace
elements & pesticides) for rejuvination
of River Ganga
20 MLD CETP for Tannery 20 MLD CETP for Jajmau Tannery Construction of CETP is under progress.
cluster at Jajmau, Kanpur- cluster
Funding under NGP Overall 76% work has been completed
Revised AA&ES
11 617.02 2 years 304.00 251.00 Oct-23

Inspection and Monitoring of Inspection and Monitoring of Completed

Industries, STPs and CETPs by Industries, STPs and CETPs by Third
Third Party Institutions- 28.11.2018 Party Institutions
Funding under NGP Revised AA&ES
12 2.31 5 months 0.80 0.80

Upgradation of Infrastructure Component-A > Upgradation of Completed

of Existing CETP for Textile Collection & Conveyance and
Printing Units at Mathura Installation of Distribution System The Project has been commissioned and compliance as per
Industrial Area,Muthura- Component -B> Civil, Electrical and stipulated discharge norms of CPCB/UPPCB
Mechnanical System of
13 13.87 28.11.2018 8 months 8.63 7.00
Upgradation/Installation of CETP The CETP is on Operational Stage
treatment units,
Component-C > Project monitoring and The O&M Agreement between MACP & EPC contractor will be
other administrative , IEC activites. singed on 13/07/2023

Construction of Industrial Construction of Industrial Effluent Revised tender has been reached at NMCG and it's under
Effluent /Sewer Piped Network /Sewer Piped Network & Setting up evaluation
& Setting up Common Effluent Common Effluent Treatment Plant
Treatment Plant (CETP) of 7.5 (CETP) of 7.5 MLD Capacity in
MLD Capacity in Gorakhpur Gorakhpur Industrial Development
14 93.52 11.01.2022 30 months 0.00 0.00 Jan-24
Industrial Development Authority (GIDA)
Authority (GIDA) at Gorakhpur"- Uttar-Pradesh
at Gorakhpur"- Uttar-Pradesh

Short term study on "Water Water Quality Data Analysis, trend Completed
Quality data analysis, trend visuaqlization using Statistical Tools
visualisation using Statistical
tools"-Funding under NGP
15 0.24 30.11.2018 6 months 0.18 0.18
Page 44 of 64

Institutional Development Projects

Status of the Institutional Development Projects Status as on 30th June 2023
Approved Funds Tentative
Sl. project Date of Duration released year of
Name of Project Nature of works ure Brief Status on Physical Progress
No. cost Sanction of project by GoI completio
(Rs in Cr) (Rs in Cr) n
(Rs in Cr)
GKC Upgradation of 4.5 MLD CETP Up-gradation of 4.5 MLD CETP for Under Progress
for Banthar Leather Banthar Leather Technology Park at
Technology Park at Banthar, U.P (Sanction Cost Rs 108.93
16 Banthar,U.P -Funding under 108.93 21.02.2020 30 months Crores) 81.7 Crores GOI share and 10.00 3.53 Aug-24
NGP 27.23 Crores BIPCC share

Upgradation of 2.15 MLD CETP Upgradation of 2.15 MLD CETP to 2.6 Under Tendering Process.
to 2.6 MLD located at Unnao MLD located at Unnao Industrial Area,
Industrial Area, Unnao, Unnao Unnao, Unnao District - Uttar Pradesh--
17 District - Uttar Pradesh-- 67.68 22.06.2020 24 months 0.00 0.00 Aug-24
Funding under NGP

Demonstration of end-to-end Demonstration of end-to-end treatment Under Progress

treatment of Textile of Textile Wastewater using TADOX
Wastewater using TADOX Technology with an onsite 20 KLD Pilot
18 Technology with an onsite 20 0.90 03.12.2021 9 months Plant at CETP, Rooma, Utter Pradesh 0.71 0.40 Aug-23
KLD Pilot Plant at CETP,
Rooma, Utter Pradesh

Pollution Inventorization, Pollution Inventorization, Assessment 1 During 2022-23, inventorization (6th round) of Grossly
Assessment and Surveillance and Surveillance on River Ganga Basin Polluting Industries (GPIs) of river Ganga and Yamuna and their
on River Ganga Basin (PIAS) (PIAS) under Namami Gange Mission-II major tributaries has been updated in consultation with concerned
under Namami Gange Mission- State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs)/Pollution Control
II Committee (PCC). A total of 3194 GPIs including 42 Common
19 113.85 24.05.2023 36 months 0.00 0.00 Jun-26
Effluent Treatment Plants are inventorized i.e. 1231 GPIs
operating in river Ganga and its major tributaries along with 1963
GPIs in river Yamuna and its major tributaries.6th round of GPIs
inspection has commenced from 9th Feb 2023 and as on 9th April,
2023, inspection of 1146 GPIs completed.
SubTotal 2. Fifth round of annual inspections has been completed
1581.12 549.46 462.89
DGC (District Ganga Committee)
Under Progress
Devolution of roles, 1. Devolution of roles & responsibilties
responsibilities and financial as per authority order dated
1 authority to District Ganga 2.30 31.07.2018 07.10.2016. 2. Provision for 0.00 0.00
Committee (DGC) -Funding budgetary allocation to DGC.3. Grant to
under NGP DGC.
Total 2.30 0.00 0.00
GrandTotal(GKC+ CPCB+DGC) 1736.69 651.20 507.09
Page 45 of 64

Project Implementation Support/Research & Study Projects/Public Relations and Public Outreach
Projects Status as on 30th June 2023
Sanction Cost Total Fund Released Total Expenditure
Sl No Project Name No of Projects
(Rs in Cr) (Rs in Cr) (Rs in Cr)

1 Biodiversity 10 189.03 101.21 92.05

2 Afforestation 37 525.18 429.08 346.87

Support/Research &
3 35 235.95 49.05 39.70
Study Projects/Public
Relations and Public

Total 82 950.16 579.34 478.62

Page 46 of 63

Project Implementation Support/Research & Study Projects

Projects Status as on 30th June 2023
Funds Total
Approved project
Sl. Date of Duration of released expenditure Tentative year of
Name of Project cost (Rs Nature of works Brief Status on Physical Progress
No. Sanction project by GoI incurred completion
in Cr)
(Rs in Cr) (Rs in Cr)
Educating Schools and Communities Educating Schools and Communities for Completed.
for conserving habitat of Ganga River conserving habitat of Ganga River Dolphin
1 Dolphin (EAP)-Centre for 1.28 04.03.2014 3 years 1.28 1.28
Environment Education

Assessment of fish & fisheries of the Explorating survey of river Ganga for Completed.
Ganga river system for developing identification of suitable sampling sites
2 suitable conservation & restoration through experimental cruise( wherevere 5.80 5.67
5.80 13.07.2015 60 months
plan-Central Inland Fisheries possible)
Research Institute

Exploratory survey on Hilsa (Tenuolosa Exploratory survey on Hilsa (Tenuolosa ilisha) Completed.
ilisha) catch and life stages availability catch and life stages availability along
along up/down stream of Farakka up/down stream of Farakka barrage
3 barrage-Central Inland Fisheries 0.24 23.01.2017 4 months 0.24 0.24
Research Institute

Hilsa fisheries improvement in river 1. Ranching of wild collected Hilsa seed/ Completed.
Ganga at Farakka-Central Inland juveniles upstream of Farakka barrage.
4 Fisheries Research Institute 1.28 02.11.2018 1 years 2. Study and monitor Hilsa migration in river 1.27 1.25

Biodiversity Conservation and Ganga COMPONENT 1: ESTABLISHMENT OF GANGA Completed.

Namami GangeProgramme -(Wildlife CENTRE
5 7.69 27.6.2016 3Yrs STAKEHOLDERS 7.70 7.70

Biodiversity Conservation and Ganga 1.Planning aquatic species restoration for Completed.
Rejuvenation, Part-2 under the Ganga River 2. Community based conservation
6 Namami GangeProgramme -(Wildlife programmes for species restoration in Ganga 17.14 17.14
17.14 27.09.16 3 yrs
Instutute of India) River.3. Nature interpretation and education
for biodiversity conservation of Ganga River

Planning and Management for aquatic 1. To strengthen the aquatic biodiversity Under Progress
species conservation and maintenance conservation measures at six identified
of ecosystem services in the Ganga biodiversity hotspots along the Ganga river 2.
River Basin for a clean Ganga-Under To explore the natural and assisted
the Namami GangeProgramme -(By colonization of species of conservation
Wildlife Instutute of India) significance to other stretches of main stem
Ganga River. 3. To determine the current state
7 113.99 08.03.2019 5 yrs of aquatic environment and biodiversity of the 48.97 42.66 Mar-2024
major tributaries and wetlands in Ganga basin.
Page 47 of 63

Funds Total
Approved project
Sl. Date of Duration of released expenditure Tentative year of
Name of Project cost (Rs Nature of works Brief Status on Physical Progress
No. Sanction project by GoI incurred completion
in Cr)
(Rs in Cr) (Rs in Cr)
Expanding conservation breeding 1. Procurement of breeding individuals 2. Under Progress
program of freshwater turtles and Development of captive breeding
Gharial Rehabilitation Centre-Under infrastructure at KGRC 3. Head -start 500
the Namami GangeProgramme -(By Gharial and 1000 turtles each year 4. Conduct
Uttar Pradesh Forest Department ) post release monitoring to investigate survival
rate of Gharials and turtles. 5. Education,
8 3.13 08.03.2019 3 yrs Awareness and Training programmes.6. 2.86 2.58 Dec-2023
Develop and follow relevant husbandry
protocols of national and international

Fish stock enhancement including Hilsa 1. To restore selected fish species (IMC & Under Progress
and livelihood improvement for Masheer) of river Ganga Through ranching.
sustainable fisheries and conservation 2. To assess the stock of selected fishes (IMC
in river Ganga -Under the Namami - & Masheer) of river Ganga
9 GangeProgramme (By Central 13.51 01.09.2020 3 yrs 3. create awarness among stakeholders 13.46 11.49 Aug-2023
Inland Fisheries Research regarding sustainable fisheries

Uttar Pradesh Forest Department for Uttar Pradesh Forest Department for Under Progress
Establishment of Four Ganga Establishment of Four Ganga Biodiversity Parks
Biodiversity Parks in Four Districts of in Four Districts of Uttar Pradesh viz. Mirzapur,
Uttar Pradesh viz. Mirzapur, Bulandshahar, Hapur and Budaun (one park
10 Bulandshahar, Hapur and Budaun (one 24.97 19.10.2022 4 yrs for each District) under Namami Gange 2.49 2.04 Mar-2026
park for each District) under Namami Mission-II
Gange Mission-II

SubTotal 189.03 101.21 92.05


Preparation of DPR of Forestry

1.18 22.09.2015 1 Yrs Preparation of DPR 1.18 1.18
Interventaion for Ganga

1 Completed.
Afforestration programme in
Uttarakhand-under the Namami
15.92 14.7.2016 1 Yrs Plantation of indigenous species of trees 15.92 15.81
GangeProgramme Uttarakhand
Forest Department)

Afforestration programme in Uttar
Pradesh-under the Namami
2 9.52 14.7.2016 1 Yrs Plantation of indigenous species of trees 9.52 9.13
GangeProgramme (Uttar Pradesh
Forest Department)

Afforestration programme in Bihar-
3 under the Namami GangeProgramme 6.03 14.7.2016 1 Yrs Plantation of indigenous species of trees 6.03 5.28
(Bihar Forest Department)

Afforestration programme in Jharkhand-
4 under the Namami GangeProgramme 7.99 14.7.2016 1 Yrs Plantation of indigenous species of trees 7.99 7.93
(Jharkhand Forest Department)

Afforestration programme in West
Bengal-under the Namami
5 11.16 27.06.2016 1 yrs Plantation of indigenous species of trees 4.66 4.66
GangeProgramme (West Bengal
Forest Department)

Afforestration programme in
Uttarakhand-under the Namami Nursery development and Plantation of
6 19.56 21.6.2017 1Yrs 19.56 19.56
GangeProgramme (Uttrakhand indigenous species of trees
Forest Department)
Page 48 of 63

Funds Total
Approved project
Sl. Date of Duration of released expenditure Tentative year of
Name of Project cost (Rs Nature of works Brief Status on Physical Progress
No. Sanction project by GoI incurred completion
in Cr)
(Rs in Cr) (Rs in Cr)
Biodiversity Completed.
Afforestration programme in Uttar
Pradesh-under the Namami
7 9.13 21.6.2017 1 Yrs Plantation of indigenous species of trees 8.13 8.13
GangeProgramme (Uttar Pradesh
Forest Department)

Afforestration programme in Bihar-
8 under the Namami GangeProgramme 18.88 21.6.2017 1 Yrs Plantation of indigenous species of trees 17.36 17.36
(Bihar Forest Department)

Afforestration programme in Jharkhand-
9 under the Namami GangeProgramme 5.43 21.6.2017 1 Yrs Plantation of indigenous species of trees 4.94 4.94
(Jharkhand Forest Department)

Afforestration programme in West
Bengal-under the Namami
10 8.48 21.6.2017 1 yrs Plantation of indigenous species of trees 7.48 7.48
GangeProgramme (West Bengal
Forest Department)

Afforestration programme in
Uttarakhand-under the Namami
Nursery development and Plantation of
11 GangeProgramme (Uttrakhand 28.49 01.06.2018 1 yrs 25.50 24.57
indigenous species of trees
Forest Department)-Funding
under Clean Ganga Fund

Afforestration programme in Uttar
Pradesh-under the Namami
12 GangeProgramme (Uttar Pradesh 21.86 01.06.2018 1 yrs Plantation of indigenous species of trees 16.28 15.12
Forest Department)-Funding
under Clean Ganga Fund

Afforestration programme in Bihar-
under the Namami GangeProgramme
13 20.69 06.06.2018 1 yrs Plantation of indigenous species of trees 19.16 17.42
(Bihar Forest Department)-
Funding under Clean Ganga Fund

Afforestration programme in Jharkhand-
under the Namami GangeProgramme
14 6.69 06.06.2018 1 yrs Plantation of indigenous species of trees 4.68 3.92
(Jharkhand Forest Department)-
Funding under Clean Ganga Fund

Afforestration programme in West
Bengal-under the Namami
15 GangeProgramme (West Bengal 10.09 06.06.2018 1 yrs Plantation of indigenous species of trees 6.86 6.61
Forest Department)Funding under
Clean Ganga Fund

Promotion of Cultivation of Medicinal
Plant on Ganga Basin in Uttar Pradesh
Plantation of Medicinal Plants along Ganga
16 under Namami Gange Programme 35.46 29.08.2018 2 yrs 4.43 4.43
Basin in Uttar Pradesh
(Uttar Pradesh Forest
Department)-Funding under NGP

Forestry Interventions for Ganga in
Uttarakhand-under the Namami Gange
17 19.19 24.09.2019 1 yrs Plantation of indigenous species of trees 19.19 16.28
Programme Uttarakhand Forest
Department)-Funding under NGP
Page 49 of 63

Funds Total
Approved project
Sl. Date of Duration of released expenditure Tentative year of
Name of Project cost (Rs Nature of works Brief Status on Physical Progress
No. Sanction project by GoI incurred completion
in Cr)
(Rs in Cr) (Rs in Cr)
Biodiversity Completed.
Forestry Interventions for Ganga in
Uttar Pradesh-under the Namami
18 Gange Programme (Uttar Pradesh 22.33 24.09.2019 1 yrs Plantation of indigenous species of trees 19.23 6.16
Forest Department)- Funding under

Forestry Interventions for Ganga in
Bihar-under the Namami Gange
19 18.23 24.09.2019 1 yrs Plantation of indigenous species of trees 18.23 16.22
Programme (Bihar Forest Department)-
Funding under NGP

Forestry Interventions for Ganga in
Jharkhand-under the Namami Gange
20 4.28 24.09.2019 1 yrs Plantation of indigenous species of trees 4.28 4.20
Programme (Jharkhand Forest
Department)- Funding under NGP

Forestry Interventions for Ganga in
West Bengal-under the Namami Gange
21 5.72 24.09.2019 1 yrs Plantation of indigenous species of trees 4.29 3.10
Programme (West Bengal Forest
Department)- Funding under NGP

Forestry Interventions for Ganga in
Uttarakhand-under the Namami Gange
22 39.95 24.09.2020 1 yrs Plantation of indigenous species of trees 37.70 36.65
Programme Uttarakhand Forest
Department)-Funding under NGP

Forestry Interventions for Ganga in
Uttar Pradesh-under the Namami
23 Gange Programme (Uttar Pradesh 12.46 24.09.2020 1 yrs Plantation of indigenous species of trees 6.97 5.78
Forest Department)- Funding under

Forestry Interventions for Ganga in
Bihar-under the Namami Gange
24 28.5 24.09.2020 1 yrs Plantation of indigenous species of trees 28.51 24.30
Programme (Bihar Forest Department)-
Funding under NGP

Forestry Interventions for Ganga in
Jharkhand-under the Namami Gange
25 2.46 24.09.2020 1 yrs Plantation of indigenous species of trees 2.23 1.38
Programme (Jharkhand Forest
Department)- Funding under NGP

Forestry Interventions for Ganga in
West Bengal-under the Namami Gange
26 2.61 24.09.2020 1 yrs Plantation of indigenous species of trees 2.61 2.55
Programme (West Bengal Forest
Department)- Funding under NGP

Mid-Term evaluation of Forestry
27 Plantaion funded by NMCG-Funding 1.11 17.02.2021 10 months Mid-Term evaluation of Forestry Plantaion 1.11 1.11
under NGP
Page 50 of 63

Funds Total
Approved project
Sl. Date of Duration of released expenditure Tentative year of
Name of Project cost (Rs Nature of works Brief Status on Physical Progress
No. Sanction project by GoI incurred completion
in Cr)
(Rs in Cr) (Rs in Cr)
Biodiversity Under Progress

Forestry Interventions for Ganga in

Uttarakhand-under the Namami Gange
28 26.39 26.10.2021 1 yrs Plantation of indigenous species of trees 24.01 18.37 2023-24
Programme Uttarakhand Forest
Department)-Funding under NGP

Under Progress
Forestry Interventions for Ganga in
Uttar Pradesh-under the Namami
29 Gange Programme (Uttar Pradesh 13.25 26.10.2021 1 yrs Plantation of indigenous species of trees 13.24 7.63 2023-24
Forest Department)- Funding under

Under Progress
Forestry Interventions for Ganga in
Bihar-under the Namami Gange
30 27.20 26.10.2021 1 yrs Plantation of indigenous species of trees 27.18 10.34 2023-24
Programme (Bihar Forest Department)-
Funding under NGP

Under Progress
Forestry Interventions for Ganga in
Jharkhand-under the Namami Gange
31 1.01 26.10.2021 1 yrs Plantation of indigenous species of trees 1.01 0.89 2023-24
Programme (Jharkhand Forest
Department)- Funding under NGP

Under Progress
Forestry Interventions for Ganga in
West Bengal-under the Namami Gange
32 9.24 26.10.2021 1 yrs Plantation of indigenous species of trees 8.09 6.99 2023-24
Programme (West Bengal Forest
Department)- Funding under NGP

Under Progress

Forestry Interventions for Ganga in

33 Uttar Pradesh' approved under the 9.86 03.08.2022 1 yrs Plantation of indigenous species of trees 6.19 3.04 2023-24
Namami Gange Programme

Under Progress

Afforestation programme in West

34 Bengal' approved under the Namami 0.45 03.08.2022 1 yrs Plantation of indigenous species of trees 0.45 0.00 2023-24
Gange Programme

Under Progress

Afforestation programme for the year Afforestation programme for the year 2022-23
35 2022-23 in Jharkhand approved under 1.57 19.10.2022 1 yrs in Jharkhand approved under Namami Gange 0.79 0.79 2023-24
Namami Gange Mission-II programme Mission-II programme

Under Progress
Afforestation programme for the Year
Afforestation programme for the Year 2022-23
2022-23 in Uttarakhand approved
36 16.92 07.02.2023 1 yrs in Uttarakhand approved under Namami 9.33 7.56 2023-24
under Namami Gange Mission-II
Gange Mission-II programme

Under Progress

Afforestation programme for the Year Afforestation programme for the Year 2022-23
37 2022-23 in Bihar approved under 25.89 07.02.2023 1 yrs in Bihar approved under Namami Gange 14.76 0.00 2023-24
Namami Gange Mission-II programme Mission-II programme

SubTotal 525.18 429.08 346.87

Project Implementation Support/Research & Study Projects/Public Realtions and Public Outreach
Page 51 of 63

Funds Total
Approved project
Sl. Date of Duration of released expenditure Tentative year of
Name of Project cost (Rs Nature of works Brief Status on Physical Progress
No. Sanction project by GoI incurred completion
in Cr)
(Rs in Cr) (Rs in Cr)
Assessment of Water Quality and Water & Sediment Water Quality Monitoring Project Completed.
Sediment Analysis to understand the
1 special property of river Ganga (Non- 5.00 10.03.2015 15 months 5.00 5.00

A Detail Study to Understand the Non- COMPONENT 1. Water qulaity monitoring 2. Under Progress- Final Report Submitted and
Putrefying Property of River Ganga in Dissolved Oxygen Studies 3. Sediment processed for approval.
both Water and Sediment and ''- Characterization 4.Geochemical partitioning of
(NGP)-NEERI trace metals and their influence on non-
21.08.2017 putrefying propertise of river Ganga ecosystem
2 Addition of component 'Study on 5.09 revised on 24 months 5.Investigation of chemo-bilogical interactions 3.59 3.57 2023-24
impact of pollution caused by Tannery 02.01.2019 of plant-originated organics for self -
cluster at Jajmau on health of people purification properties of River Ganga 6.
in the vicinity' (NGP)-NEERI Quantitative Risk Assessment in River Ganga
to assess hot spots in the river and associated
Nodal- Ashwani Dubey health risk.
High-resolution climate scenarios for basin Report Printing under process
scale water resource management applications
High-resolution climate scenarios for
basin scale water resource
management applications - (NGP)-IIT
3 Delhi 1.31 07.03.2019 3 years 1.05 0.99

Nodal- Peeyush Gupta

Rejuvenation of dying springs in Tokoli Rejuvenation of dying springs in Tokoli Gad Implementation on ground is under process
Gad catchment of Tehri Garhwal catchment of Tehri Garhwal District using Geo-
District using Geo-chemical & Geo- chemical & Geo-physical techniques
4 physical techniques, By IIT Roorkee 1.35 20.12.2019 48 months 1.15 1.13 Dec-23
(Funding under -NGP)

Nodal- Peeyush Gupta

Aerial acquisition of River Ramganga Aerial acquisition of River Ramganga Basin for Completed
Basin for assessment of environmental assessment of environmental flow by UAV
flow by UAV technology” technology”
5 0.35 12.05.2022 6 months 0.35 0.35

Nodal- Peeyush Gupta

Fluvial geomorphology mapping of Under Progress
Hindon River basin” under Namami
Gange Program"
Fluvial geomorphology mapping of Hindon
6 0.15 30.11.2022 12 months 0.06 0.00 2023-24
River basin” under Namami Gange Program"

Nodal- Peeyush Gupta

Geo-Ganga: Space Based Mapping & Under Progress
Monitoring of Ganga River under NGP
Geo-Ganga: Space Based Mapping &
7 4.84 17.02.2023 36 months 0.00 0.00 Feb-2026
Monitoring of Ganga River under NGP

Nodal- Peeyush Gupta

Identification of Critical Soil Erosion Identification of Critical Soil Erosion Prone Data Validation Under process
Prone Areas and Preparation of CAT Areas and Preparation of CAT Plan under
Plan under Namami Gange Programme Namami Gange Programme
8 0.40 23.12.2021 24 months 0.32 0.12 Dec-2023

Nodal- Peeyush Gupta

Page 52 of 63

Funds Total
Approved project
Sl. Date of Duration of released expenditure Tentative year of
Name of Project cost (Rs Nature of works Brief Status on Physical Progress
No. Sanction project by GoI incurred completion
in Cr)
(Rs in Cr) (Rs in Cr)
Interstate Cooperation for Namami
Biodiversity Under Progress
Gange: Policy and Institutional
Challenges and Opportunities";
Interstate Cooperation for Namami Gange:
"Master Plan for River-centric Urban
Policy and Institutional Challenges and
Planning: Limits, Potential and
Opportunities"; "Master Plan for River-centric
Opportunities" & "How Relevant are
9 3.20 01.09.2022 18 months Urban Planning: Limits, Potential and 0.22 0.22 Mar-2024
the European River Rejuvenation
Opportunities" & "How Relevant are the
Experiences for NGP and Indian
European River Rejuvenation Experiences for
Rivers?" Under NGP
NGP and Indian Rivers?"

Nodal- Peeyush Gupta

Upgradation/integration of existing Under Progress
UASB system with micro-aerobic
processes under Namami Gange
Program Upgradation/integration of existing UASB
10 3.03 11.08.2022 36 months 1.21 0.00 Aug-2025
system with micro-aerobic processes

Nodal- Peeyush Gupta

Proposal to document Cultural Heritage Proposal to document Cultural Heritage along Under Progress.
along river Ganga from Gaumukh to river Ganga from Gaumukh to Ganga Sagar
Ganga Sagar (Bay of Bengal) By (Bay of Bengal)
11 3.91 15.10.2018 25 months 3.61 2.82

Nodal- Ashwani
Involvement Dubeyin Namami
of Youth Involvement of Youth in Namami Gange Completed
Gange programme 29 Districts -by programme
NYKS (Funding under NGP)
12 9.90 15.05.2017 3 years 8.39 7.16

Nodal- Priyanka Jha

Involvement of Youth in Namami Involvement of Youth in Namami Gange Completed
Gange programme 26 Districts -by programme
NYKS (Funding under NGP)
13 7.03 01.01.2021 12 months 4.42 3.62
Nodal- Priyanka Jha

Census Survey of Water Bodies in Census Survey of Water Bodies in Ganga Bain Under Progress
Ganga Bain by Quality Council of India by Quality Council of India
14 (Funding under NGP) 2.77 22.01.2020 4.5 months 0.51 0.51

Nodal- Priyanka Jha

Addressing the Urban Drivers of River 1. Develop stategic guidelines to mainstream Completed
Health in the Ganga River Basin- By urban river management into city's Master
National Institute of Urban Affairs, Plan 2. Support one selected Class-I town for
New Delhi (Funding under NGP) the systematic prepartion of an urban river
15 4.04 06.03.2019 3 years 4.04 4.04
management plan 3. Roll out three different
capacity-building modules for selected Urban
Nodal- Ashwani Dubey Local Bodies and other stakeholders in the
knowledge and application of matters related
Urban Wetland Management 1.Draft Urban Wetland Management Toolkit Completed.
Guidelines-A Toolkit for Local within 3 months of signing of Agreement 2.
Stakeholders-By School of Planning Final Urban Wetland Management Toolkit
and Architecture, New Delhi within next 3 months after receiving feedback
16 0.48 07.03.2019 6 months 0.48 0.48
(Funding under NGP) from stakeholders and experts

Nodal- Ashwani Dubey

Conserving and Sustainably Managing Conserving and Sustainably Managing Completed.
Gangetic Floodpain Wetlands of Uttar Gangetic Floodpain Wetlands of Uttar Pradesh
Pradesh (Funding under NGP)
17 4.15 16.10.2019 1 years 2.65 2.55
Page 53 of 63

Funds Total
Approved project
Sl. Date of Duration of released expenditure Tentative year of
Name of Project cost (Rs Nature of works Brief Status on Physical Progress
No. Sanction project by GoI incurred completion
in Cr)
(Rs in Cr) (Rs in Cr)
Public Relations and Public Outreach of 1.Mass media 2.YAP Information Management Under Progress
Yamuna Action Plan III-under JICA Centre 3. Outreach Program
assisted Yamuna Action Plan Phase-III
18 (Funding under EAP-JICA) 20.46 08.03.2019 42 months 0.00 0.54 Mar-2025

Nodal- Najeeb ahsan

Environmental Flow Assessment for 1.Assessment of Environmental Flow for Completed.

Yamuna River from Hathanikund Yamuna River from Hathanikund Barrage to
Barrage to Okhla Barrage- By National Okhla Barrage. 2. To suggest the manageme
19 Institue of Hydrology,Rorkee 1.04 09.03.2019 12 months nt options for maintaining the recommended e- 0.52 0.52
(Funding under-NGP) Flows.

Continuous Learning and Activity Portal (CLAP) Under Progress

Continuous Learning and Activity Portal and Ganga Ques
(CLAP) and Ganga Quest-EAP funded
20 2.95 19.01.2021 29 Months 1.77 1.77 Aug-2023
Nodal- Najeeb ahsan

Under Progress
Ganga ki Baat- Chacha Chaudhary keh
21 2.26 27.10.2021 12 months Ganga ki Baat- Chacha Chaudhary keh saath 1.80 1.80 2023-24

Nodal- Najeeb ahsan

To develop a framework model for Under Progress

To develop a framework model for Implemenation of Arth Ganga concept-
Implemenation of Arth Ganga concept Sustainable Economic Development of Ganga
22 1.70 15.01.2021 9 Months Districts linked to river conservation in 5 0.50 0.50

Nodal- Priyanka Jha states(UK,UP,BH,JH,WB)

Rejuvenation of 05 Waterbodies, Façade Under Progress

Rejuvenation of 05 Waterbodies,
Improvement and Art Project in Ayodhya,
Façade Improvement and Art Project in
Uttar Pradesh under Namami Gange
Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh under Namami
23 9.25 07.05.2021 18 months Programme. 0.00 0.00
Gange Programme.

Nodal- Mahendra

Selection guidelines for constructed Under Progress

wetland systems for treatment of
12 months+ Selection guidelines for constructed wetland
sewage in India under Namami Gange
24 0.47 23.12.2021 6 months systems for treatment of sewage in India 0.26 0.29 Aug-2023
(extension) under Namami Gange Programme
Nodal- Ashwani Dubey
Under Progress
Evaluation of Natural Farming Practices
on Water and Energy Savings,and
Enhancement of Soil fertility and Crop Evaluation of Natural Farming Practices on
Productivity under Andhra Pradesh Water and Energy Savings,and Enhancement
25 Community Managed Natural Farming 1.91 20.06.2022 of Soil fertility and Crop Productivity under 0.45 0.00
Project Andhra Pradesh Community Managed Natural
Farming Project

Nodal- Priyanka Jha

Under Progress
Development Of Ganga Districts linked Development Of Ganga Districts linked to river
to river conservation in 5 States Viz. conservation in 5 States Viz.
26 1.71 15.01.2021 1.08 0.00
Uttarakhand,Uttar Pradesh,West Uttarakhand,Uttar Pradesh,West Bengal,Bihar
Bengal,Bihar & Jharkhand. & Jharkhand.
Page 54 of 63

Funds Total
Approved project
Sl. Date of Duration of released expenditure Tentative year of
Name of Project cost (Rs Nature of works Brief Status on Physical Progress
No. Sanction project by GoI incurred completion
in Cr)
(Rs in Cr) (Rs in Cr)
Biodiversity Under Progress
conserving and Sustainably managing
Udhwa Lake Bird Sanctuary,Sahibganj conserving and Sustainably managing Udhwa
district,Jharkhand" under The Namami Lake Bird Sanctuary,Sahibganj
27 0.50 05.09.2022 12 months 0.50 0.20
Gange Programme district,Jharkhand" under The Namami Gange
Nodal- Sunil Kumar

Under Progress
conserving and Sustainably managing
Gangetic floodplain Wetland of
conserving and Sustainably managing
Bihar"Under The Namami Gange
28 2.51 27.12.2021 18 months Gangetic floodplain Wetland of Bihar"Under 0.39 0.00
The Namami Gange Programme.
Nodal- Sunil Kumar

Under Progress
Centre for River Sensitive Cities Under
Namami Gange Programme National Institute of Urban Affairs, New Delhi
29 5.50 23.12.2021 3 years on Centre for River Sensitive Cities Under 1.52 0.83
Namami Gange Programme
Nodal- Ashwani Dubey

Under Progress
Jalaj: Connecting River and people to
Realize Arth Ganga to Wildlife Institute Jalaj: Connecting River and people to Realize
30 of India (WII), Dehradun 18.89 08.09.2022 2 years Arth Ganga to Wildlife Institute of India (WII), 1.00 0.00
Nodal- Priyanka Jha

Capacity building programme for Under Progress

leveraging of community Resource and Capacity building programme for leveraging of
Appropriate local resource Based on community Resource and Appropriate local
31 5.20 26.09.2022 3 years 1.00 0.00
Technology to Adopt Arth Ganga Modal resource Based on Technology to Adopt Arth
Ganga Modal
Nodal- Priyanka Jha
Under Progress
NMCG-TERI Centre of Excellence on
Water Reuse to The Energy and NMCG-TERI Centre of Excellence on Water
32 Resources Institute (TERI) 3.13 30.11.2021 5 Years Reuse to The Energy and Resources Institute 0.27 0.27 Nov-2025
Nodal- Ruchi Toamar

Under Progress
Exploring Policy Pathways for aligning
Livehoods Restoration of Riverine 30.12.2021 Exploring Policy Pathways for aligning
33 Communities with Conserving Ganga 1.68 Revised on 2.5 Years Livehoods Restoration of Riverine Communities 0.11 0.00 Dec-2023
29.04.2022 with Conserving Ganga
Nodal- Ruchi Toamar

Under Progress
Patanjali Organic Institute(PORI), Patanjali Organic Institute(PORI), Haridwar,
Haridwar, Uttarakhand, under the Uttarakhand on Scientific exploration of floral
Namami Gange Mission-II programme diversity near the Ganga river banks for
34 4.32 07.02.2023 1.5 Years ethnobotanical purposes along with their 0.83 0.42 Jul-2024
NMCG Share- 2.42 Cr. conservation and economic development of
the region via skill development programs
Nodal- Sunil Kumar region

AA&ES Issued

Rejuvenation of River Kali East by

Rejuvenation of River Kali East by devlopment
devlopment of in-situ Constructed
of in-situ Constructed Wetland System at eight
Wetland System at eight location in
35 95.47 06.07.2023 1 years location in District Muzaffaranagar, Meerut, 0.00 0.00
District Muzaffaranagar, Meerut,
Hapur, and Bulandshahr (UP) Under Namami
Hapur, and Bulandshahr (UP) Under
Gange Programme
Namami Gange Programme

SubTotal 235.95 49.05 39.70

Page 55 of 64

Composite Ecological Task Force (CETF) & Ganga Mitra

Projects Status as on 30th June 2023
Sanction Total Fund Total
Sl No of
Project Name Cost Released Expenditure
No Projects
(Rs in Cr) (Rs in Cr) (Rs in Cr)
Rising of one composite
ecological task force (CETF)
Battalion Territorial Army for
1 2 197.34 157.14 157.14
National Mission for Clean
Ganga under the Namami
Gange programme
Eco-skills and Capacity Building
Training for Ganga Mitra
2 4 2.84 1.97 1.97

Total 6 200.18 159.11 159.11

Page 56 of 64

Composite Ecological Task Force (CETF)

Projects Status as on 30th June 2023
Rs. in crores

Approved Funds Total Tentative

Sl Date of Duration Brief Status on Physical
Name of Project project cost Nature of works released by expenditure year of
No Sanction of project Progress
(Rs in Cr) GoI incurred completion

1. Plantation of trees to check soil erosion 2. Completed

Rising of one composite Management of public awareness/
ecological task force participation campaigns. 3. Patrolling of
(CETF) Battalion Territorial sensitive river areas for biodiversity protection
1 Army for National Mission 30.34 01.07.2016 1yrs 4. Monitoring of River Pollution. 30.34 30.34
for Clean Ganga under the
Namami Gange
programme-Part I

1. Plantation of trees to check soil erosion 2. At present 07 officers, 05 Junior

Rising of one composite Management of public awareness/ commissioned Officers & 129
ecological task force participation campaigns. 3. Patrolling of other Ranks (including the
(CETF) Battalion Territorial 4 years(+ sensitive river areas for biodiversity protection temporary attach personnel) has
2 Army for National Mission 167.00 10.08.2017 3year 4. Monitoring of River Pollution. 5. Assist local 126.80 126.80 already reported to the unit at Dec-23
for Clean Ganga under the extention) Civil Administration/Police in Management of Allahabad
Namami Gange Ghats. 6. Assist during floods/natural calamity
programme -Part-II in the region

Eco-skills and Capacity Eco-skills and Capacity Building Training for
Building Training for Ganga Ganga Mitra (Task force at grass root level) to
3 0.63 20.07.2018 6 months 0.63 0.63
Mitra-under the Namami help in Rejuvenating the Ganga and its
Gange Programme Accociated water Bodies

Eco-skills and Capacity Eco-skills and Capacity Building Training for
Building Training for Ganga Ganga Mitra (Task force at grass root level) to
4 0.53 23.09.2019 6 months 0.37 0.37
Mitra-under the Namami help in Rejuvenating the Ganga and its
Gange Programme Accociated water Bodies

Eco-skills and Capacity Completed

Building Training for Ganga
Mitra(Task force at grass Eco-skills and Capacity Building Training for
5 0.79 25.09.2020 9 months 0.08 0.08
root level)-under the Ganga Mitra (Task force at grass root level)
Namami Gange
Engagement of trained eco-
skilled ganga mitra in
Engagement of trained eco-skilled ganga
6 public outreach awareness 0.89 03.12.2021 12 Months 0.89 0.89
mitra in public outreach awareness
under the Namami Gange

Total 200.18 159.11 159.11

Page 57 of 64

Projects Status as on 30th June 2023
Total Fund
No of Sanction Cost Total Expenditure
Sl No Project Name Released
Projects (Rs in Cr) (Rs in Cr)
(Rs in Cr)

1 Bioremediation 16 259.02 43.01 37.34

Total 16 259.02 43.01 37.34

Page 58 of 64

Projects Status as on 30th June 2023
Rs. in crores
Funds Total Brief Status on Tentative
project Date of Duration
Sl No Name of Project Nature of works released expenditure Physical year of
cost Sanction of project
by GoI incurred Progress completion
(Rs in Cr)
Treatment of Danapur Cantt. Drain
Treatment of Danapur Cantt.
at Patna using Bioremediation -
1 0.73 25.09.2017 1 years Drain at Patna using 0.13 0.13 Completed
(M/s Enviroway Bio sciences Pvt
Ltd) Under CGF

Treatment of Nehru Drain ,

Allahabad using Bioremediation - Treatment of Nehru Drain ,
2 0.90 25.09.2017 1 years 0.07 0.07 Completed
(M/s Greenway Technologies Pvt Allahabad using Bioremediation
Ltd) Under CGF

Treatment of Rajapura Drain at

Patna using Bioremediation - (M/s J Treatment of Rajapura Drain at
3 5.67 Revised AA&ES 1 years 2.68 2.68 Completed
M Enviro Technologies Pvt Ltd) Patna using Bioremediation
Date 09.04.2021
Under CGF

Treatment of Ramnagar Drain at

Treatment of Ramnagar Drain at Project Suspended
4 Varanasi using Bioremediation - 4.32 26.04.2018 1 years 2.50 1.79
Varanasi using Bioremediation by SMCG-UP
(M/s Bint Biotech Pvt. Ltd)

Treatment of (30 +23) Drains in Treatment of 23 Drains in

Uttar Pradesh and Third Party 25.09.2018 8 months Allahabad and its upstream
Monitoring of 152 drains reaches
5 109.71 28.42 28.42 completed
Third Party Monitoring and
Analysis of BOD,TSS and Fecal
09.11.2018 6 months
Coliform in outlets and Inlets of
123 drains

Treatment of Rampur Drain,

Treatment of Rampur Drain using
6 Rampur using bio-remediation -By 14.16 09.11.2018 12 months 4.15 4.15 Completed
M/s TechAirMart.Com
Page 59 of 64

Projects Status as on 30th June 2023
Rs. in crores
Funds Total Brief Status on Tentative
project Date of Duration
Sl No Name of Project Nature of works released expenditure Physical year of
cost Sanction of project
by GoI incurred Progress completion
(Rs in Cr)

Treatment of drains going into

river Ganga & its tributaries-
1. Moksha dham drain-Moradabad
by M/s. DNP infrastructures Pvt
In-situ/ex-situ treatment of drains Ltd. 2.Hapur drain-I (city drain)-
going into river Ganga & its Hapur by M/s. DNP
7 60.13 09.11.2018 5 years 0.00 0.00 Work Awarded 2023-24
tributaries-under Namami Gange infrastructures Pvt Ltd. 3.Kasganj
Scheme Drain -Kasganj by M/s. DNP
infrastructures Pvt Ltd.
4.Chauri drain,Bhadohi &
Barbaspur drain- Bhadohi by M/s
Primove Infra.

In-situ/ex-situ treatment of two Treatment of Two drains - 1.

drains (Dhobi basti and Shamshan Shamshan Ghat Drain -by M/s FIL-
8 9.10 Revised AA&ES 1 years 0.00 0.00 Work Awarded Dec-2023
ghat drain) of Budhana district- Ingeo-SS JV, 2. Dhobi Basti Area
Date 28.02.2019
under Namami Gange Scheme Drain - by M/s FIL-Ingeo-SS JV

In-situ/ex-situ treatment of drain at Treatment of Titagarh drains - by

9 Titagarh, West Bengal (Package-5)- 3.11 06.12.2018 5 years M/s. Enviroway Bio-Science Pvt 0.00 0.00 Work Awarded Dec-2023
under Namami Gange Scheme Ltd.

In-situ/ex-situ treatment of two Treatment of two drains - 1. Taar

drains (Taar nalla, Babaganj and nalla, Babaganj - by M/s Ozone -
10 Ganda nalla,Raiyapur) of Kunda, 19.77 06.12.2018 5 years M.M Enviro P. Ltd . JV, 2.Ganda 0.00 0.00 Work Awarded Dec-2023
Uttar Pradesh (Package - 14 )- Nala, Raiyapur- by M/s Ozone -
under Namami Gange Scheme M.M. Enviro P. Ltd. JV

Under Progress
(The agency has
Treatment of Tuglakabad Treatment of Tuglakabad completed 8.5
11 4.31 24.09.2020 11 months 2.06 0.00
Drain,Delhi using bio-remediation Drain,Delhi using bio-remediation month work for
bioremediation of
tughlakabad drain)

In-situ/ex-situ treatment of
untapped drains identified in the 09 Treatment of untapped drains
polluted river stretches of identified in the 09 polluted river
12 2.59 14.12.2020 4 months 0.00 0.00 Under Progress
Uttarakhand by Bio-remediation stretches of Uttarakhand by Bio-
Technolgies -under Namami Gange remediation Technolgies
Page 60 of 64

Projects Status as on 30th June 2023
Rs. in crores
Funds Total Brief Status on Tentative
project Date of Duration
Sl No Name of Project Nature of works released expenditure Physical year of
cost Sanction of project
by GoI incurred Progress completion
(Rs in Cr)

Treatment of Kosi Drain, Vrindavan Treatment of Kosi Drain,

using Bio-remediation Technolgies- Vrindavan using Bio-remediation
13 1.39 18.12.2020 11 months 0.10 0.10 Completed
By M/s BioXGreen Technology Pvt Technolgies-By M/s BioXGreen
Ltd Technology Pvt Ltd

Executing pilot/demonstration Executing pilot/demonstration Closed (Not

14 project-Treatment of Panipat Drain, 2.49 18.02.2022 11 months project-Treatment of Panipat 0.63 0.00 Continue Jul-2023
Panipat Drain, Panipat Further)

“Proof-ofconcept (POC) for “Proof-ofconcept (POC) for

Installation and Commissioning of Installation and Commissioning of
an Electro-Oxidation- based an Electro-Oxidation- based
Modular Effluent Treatment Plant Modular Effluent Treatment Plant
15 0.79 30.07.2022 6 months 0.00 0.00 Under Progress Aug-2023
(with capacity of 100 KLD) for the (with capacity of 100 KLD) for the
treatment of treatment of
discharged water from Textile discharged water from Textile
Industries at Mathura Industries at Mathura

Proposal for Pollution Prevention Proposal for Pollution Prevention

Under Progress
and Effective Waste Management of and Effective Waste Management
(The trail run of
16 Panipat Textile Cluster to optimize 19.85 07.12.2022 3 Years of Panipat Textile Cluster to 2.27 0.00 Dec-2025
few industries has
the trade potential of the cluster, optimize the trade potential of the
been initiated)
Panipat Haryana cluster, Panipat Haryana
Total 259.02 43.01 37.34
Page 61 of 64

Construction of IHHL across Gram Panchayats near Ganga River

Projects Status as on 30th June 2023

Sanction Total Fund Total
No of
Sl No Project Name Cost Released Expenditure
(Rs in Cr) (Rs in Cr) (Rs in Cr)

Construction of toilets across

Gram Panchayats near Ganga
River (5 States-Uttarakhand,
1 Uttar Pradesh, 1 1421.26 1020.44 1020.44
Bihar,Jharkhand and West
Bengal)-through Ministry of
Drinking Water & Sanitation

Total 1 1421.26 1020.44 1020.44

Page 62 of 64


Construction of IHHL across Gram Panchayats near Ganga River


Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation has taken up construction of IHHLs, liquid
waste management for all 1662 Gram Panchayats.
Statewise construction of Toilets across Gram Panchayats near river Ganga
Villages (Near Ganga)
Sl No States Name Completed IHHL Declared as ODF

1 Uttarakhand 9,971 226


2 Uttar Pradesh 4,11,548 1,638


3 Jharkhand 23,224 66

4 Bihar 2,77,256 472


5 West Bengal 5,16,076 2,105


Total 12,38,075 4,507
12 IHHL: Individual House Hold Latrines

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