Academic Writing
Academic Writing
Academic Writing
1. Notes - C. A written record of the main points of a text or lecture, for a student's personal
2. Report - F. The most common type of written work, with the title given by the teacher,
normally 1000-5000 words.
3. Project - E. A description of something a student has done e.g. conducting a survey.
4. Essay - A. A piece of research, either individual or group work, with the topic chosen by
the students).
5. Dissertation/Thesis - B. The longest piece of writing normally done by a student (20000+
words) often for a higher degree, on a topic chosen by a student.
6. Paper - D. A general term for any academic essay, report, presentation or article.
1. Short essays
- Introduction
- Main body
- Conclusion
- References
2. Longer essays
- Introduction
- main body
- literature review
- case study
- discussion: personal idea
- conclusion
- references
- appendices
3. Reports/Dissertations and journal articles
- Abstract (Include: background, objectives, search method, selection criteria, data analysis, main results,
conclusion -> chỉ cần đọc abstract sẽ nắm được nội dung cả bài), List of contents, list of tables
- Introduction
- Main body
- literature review
- case study
- findings: trích nhữ ng thứ reseacrh đượ c
- discussion
- Conclusion
- Acknowledgment: lờ i cả m ơn
- references,
- appendices
1. Understanding titles and brainstorming
2. Finding key points and note-making
3. Paraphrasing
4. Summarizing
5. References and quotations
6. Combining sources
7. Organizing paragraphs
8. Introductions and conclusions
9. Re-writing and proofreading (as much as possible)
Eg: Media effects on society: How mass media influence our culture and society?
- Understand
- Brainstorm the topic
Where: books, newspapers, journal articles, market report (nielsen, q&me, kantar
worldpanel vn, mordor intelligence, mintel, big 4: pwc, e&y,…)
- Prepare an outline
Eg: There has been much debate about the reasons for the industrial revolution
happening in eighteenth century Britain, rather than in France or Germany
In, more controversial opinions about the reasons for the eighteenth-century
industrial revolution have been raised in Britain, rather than in France or Germany.
Literature review:
- Gender stereotypes
Gender stereotypes have both descriptive and prescriptive properties (Burgess & Borgida,
1999; Eagly & Karau, 2002; Heilman, 2001). Descriptive gender stereotypes designate what
women and men are like. Prescriptive gender stereotypes designate what women and men
should be like.1 (Heilman, 2012) Prescriptive stereotypes establish normative expectations for
men’s and women’s behavior, resulting in the devaluation and derogation of women who
directly or indirectly violate gender norms (Heilman, 2001; Heilman & Parks-Stamm, 2007).
Works Cited
Heilman, M. E., 2012. Gender stereotypes and workplace bias.". Research in organizational
Behavior, Volume 32, pp. 113-135.
d. Step 5:
(a) Summary: Author’s surname, year odd publications
Hoffman (2009) stresses the critical importance of mobile phones in the developing
world in the growth of small business.
Eg: Vu,T.U.