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 Definition of automation

 Advantages &disadvantages of automation

 Types of automation

 Elements of automation

 Need of automation


 The word „Automation‟ is derived from greek words “Auto”(self) and “Matos”
(moving). Automation therefore is the mechanism for systems that “move by itself”
 Automation can generally be defined as the process of following predetermined
sequence of operation with little or no human labour.


 Reduction in production time - having a machine that is automated definitely speeds

up the production time since no thinking is needed by the machine, there is better
repeatability, and less human error.
 Increase in accuracy and repeatability - when an automated machine is programmed
to perform a task over and over again, the accuracy and repeatability compared to an
employee is far greater.
 Less human error - no one is perfect, and we are all prone to making mistakes. Which
is why a machine that performs repeated tasks is less likely to make mistakes than an
 Less employee costs - by adding automated machines to an operation, means less
employeesareneededto get thejobdone. It alsoindicateslesssafetyissues,whichleads to
financial savings. With having less employees, there am numerous costs that are
diminished or reduced such as payroll, benefits, sick days, etcetera.
 Increased safety,- having automated machines means having less employees who
perform tasks that can be dangerous and prone to injury, which can make the work
environment safer.
 Higher volume production - investing in automated equipment creates a valuable
resource for large production volumes, which in turn, will increase profitability.

 Less versatility — by having a machine that can perform a certain task limits to the
flexibility and variety of tasks that an employee could do.
 More pollution — different types of machines operate using motor which may require
gases or chemicals in order to operate. This can cause an increase in pollution in the
 Large initial investment — automated machines can be one of the most costly
operating costs for a company. With automated machines running anywhere between
thousands and millions of dollars depending on the type and degree of automation.
 Increase in unemployment — by increasing the amount of automation, there are less
employees required causing high unemployment rates.
 Unpredictable costs —there can be several unpredictable costs that may exceed the
actual cost saved by the automation itself. Some of these costs could include research
and development costs of automating a process, preventative maintenance costs, and the
cost of training employees to operate automated machines.

Automatedmanufacturingsystems canbeclassifiedintothreebasic types:

a. Fixedautomation.(Hardautomation)
b. Programmableautomation(soft automation)
c. Flexibleautomation.(Integrated automation)

Fixed Automation: Fixed automation is a system in which the sequence of processing (or
assembly) operations is fixed by the equipment configuration. Each of the operations in the
sequence is usually simple, involving perhaps a plain linear or rotational motion or an
uncomplicated combination of the two; for example, the feeding of a rotating spindle. It is the
integration and coordination of many such operations into one piece of equipment that makes
the system complex.
 Highinitialinvestmentforcustom-engineeredequipment
 Highproductionrates
 Relativelyinflexibleinaccommodatingproductvariety
1. Lowunitcost
2. Automatedmaterial handling
3. Highproductionrate.
1. Highinitial Investment
2. Relativelyinflexiblein accommodatingproductchanges.
Programmable Automation: In programmable automation the production equipment is
designed with the capability to change the sequence of operations to accommodate different
product configuration. The operation sequence is controlled by a program, which is a set of
instructions coded so that they can be read and interpreted bythe system. New programs can be
prepared and entered into the equipment to produce new products.

 Highinvestmentingeneralpurpose equipment
 Lowerproductionratesthanfixedautomation
 Flexibilitytodealwithvariations andchangesinproduct configuration
 Mostsuitableforbatch production.
1. Flexibletodealwithdesignvariations.
2. Suitableforbatchproduction.
1. Highinvestmentin generalpurpose equipment
2. Lowerproductionratethanfixed automation.
Flexible Automation: Flexible automation is an extension of programmable automation. A
flexible automated system is capable of producing a variety of parts (or products) with virtually
no time lost for changeovers from one part style to the next. There is no lost production time
while reprogramming the system and altering the physical setup (tooting, fixtures, machine
settings). Consequently, the system can produce various combinations and schedules of parts or
products instead of requiring that they be made in batches.
What makes flexible automation possible is that the differences between parts processed by the
system arc not significant. It is a case of soft variety. So that the amount ofchangeover required
between styles is minimal.
Thefeaturesof flexibleautomationcanbesummarizedas follows:
 Highinvestmentfor acustom-engineeredsystem
 Continuousproductionofvariablemixturesof products
 Mediumproductionrate
 Flexibilitytodeal withproductdesign variations

1. Continuousproductionofvariablemixturesof product.
2. Flexibletodealwithproductdesignvariation.
1. Mediumproductionrate
2. Highinvestment.
3. Highunit costrelativetofixed automation.

1. Shortageoflabour
2. Highcostoflabour
3. Increased productivity: Higher production output per hour of labour input is possible
with automation than with manual operations. Productivity is the single most
important factor in determining a nation's standard of living. If the value of
output/hour goes up, the overall income levels go up.
4. Competition: The ultimate goal of a company is to increase profits. However, there
are other measures that are harder to measure. Automation may result in lower
prices, superior products, better labor relations, and a better company image.
5. Safety:Automationallowstheemployeetoassumeasupervisoryroleinsteadofbeing
directly involved in the manufacturing task. For example, die casting is hot and
dangerous and the work pieces are often very heavy. Welding, spray painting and
other operations can be a health hazard. Machines can also do these jobs more
precisely and achieve better quality products.
6. Reducing manufacturing lead-time: Automation allows the manufacturer to respond
quickly to the consumers needs. Second, flexible automation also allows companies
to handle frequent design modifications.
7. Lowercosts:Inadditiontocuttinglaborcosts,automationmaydecreasethescraprate and
thus reduce the cost of raw materials. It also enables just-in-time manufacturing
which in turn allows the manufacturer to reduce the in-process inventory. It is
possible to improve the quality of the product at lower cost.

1. Labour resistance:Peoplelookatrobotsandmanufacturingautomationasacauseof
unemployment. In reality, the use of robots increases productivity, makes the firm
more competitive and preserves jobs. But some jobs are lost. For example, Fiat
reduced its work force from 138,000 to 72,000 in nine years by investing in robots.

California employs 3100 workers in contrast to 5100 at a comparable older GM

2. Cost of upgraded labour: The routine monotonous tasks are the easiest to automate.
The tasks that are difficult to automate are ones that require skill. Thus
manufacturing labour must be upgraded.
3. Initial investment: Cash flow considerations maymake an investment in automation
difficult even if the estimated rate of return is high.

TheFunctionalElementsofIndustrial Automation
1. Powertoaccomplishtheprocessandoperatethesystem.
2. Aprogramofinstructionstodirectthe process.
3. Acontrolsystem toactuatethe instructions.
ElementsofAutomated system
1. Powersource:An automated system is used to operate someprocess and power is required to
drive the process as well as controls. There are many sources of power available, but the most
commonlyused power is electricity. The actions performed byautomated systems are generally
of two types:
(a) Processing
(b) Transferandpositioning
In the first case, energyis applied to accomplish someprocessing operation on some entity. The
processmayinvolveshaping,mouldingor Loadingandunloading.Alltheseactionsneedpower to
transfer the entity from one state or condition into more valuable state or condition.
The second type of actions-transfer and positioning. In these cases, the product must generally
be moved from one location to another during the series of processing steps.
2. Program of instructions: The actions performed by an automated process are defined by a set
of instructions known as process. The programmed instructions determine the set of actions that
isto bedoneautomaticallybythesystem.Theprogramspecifieswhatautomatedsystemshould do and
how its various components must function in order to accomplish the desired results.
3. Control system: The control element of the automated system executes the program of
Thecontrolsinanautomatedsystemcan be
(a) Closedloop
(b) Open loop.
(b) Closed loop control system: It is also known as a feedback control system. In this system
the output variable is compared with an input parameter and any difference between the two is
used to drive the output into agreement with input.
1. Inputparameter: assetpoint,representsthedesiredvalueofoutput.

2. Outputvariables: actualvalueof parameter.

3. Sensors:Asensor isusedto measuretheoutputvariableandclosethe loop
4. Betweeninputandoutput:Itperformsfeedbackfunction.
5. Controller:Thecontrollercomparestheoutputwiththeinputandmakestherequired adjustment in
the process to reduce the difference between them.
6. Actuator:Theadjustmentbeingdonewithoneormoreactuatorwhicharethehardware devices that
physically carry out the control actions such. electric motor, cylinder etc.

Open loopcontrol system

Open loop control system: It is without the feedback loop. In this case the controls operates
without measuring the output variables, so no comparison is made between the actual value of
the output and desired input parameters There is always risk that the actuator will not have
intended effect on the process.


 Fluidpower anditselements,

 Applicationoffluidpower

 Pneumaticsvs. Hydraulics,

 Benefitandlimitationsofpneumaticsandhydraulics systems

 RoleofRoboticsinIndustrialAutomation.

 In the industry we use three methods for transmitting power from one point to another.
Mechanical transmission is through shafts, gears, chains, belts, etc. Electrical
transmission is through wires, transformers, etc. Fluid power is through liquids or gas in
a confined space. 
 Fluid poweris the use of fluids under pressure to generate, control, and transmit power.
Fluidpowerissubdividedinto hydraulicsusingaliquidsuchas mineraloilorwater, and
pneumatics using a gas such as air or other gases.
 A fluid power system is the one that transmits and control energy through the use of
pressurized fluid.
 The term fluid power applies to both hydraulics and pneumatics. With hydraulics, that
fluid is a liquid such as oil or water. With pneumatics, the fluid is typically compressed
air or inert gas.

BasicComponentsofaHydraulic System

1. Thehydraulicactuatorisadeviceusedtoconvertthefluidpowerintomechanicalpowerto do
useful work. The actuator may be of the linear type (e.g., hydraulic cylinder) or rotary
type(e.g., hydraulic motor) to provide linear or rotary motion, respectively.
2. Thehydraulicpumpisusedtoforcethefluidfromthereservoirtorestofthehydraulic circuit
by converting mechanical energy into hydraulic energy.
3. Valvesareusedtocontrolthedirection,pressureandflowrateofafluidflowingthroughthe circuit.
4. Externalpowersupply(motor)is requiredto drivethe pump.

5. Reservoiris used tohold thehydraulicliquid, usuallyhydraulicoil.

6. Pipingsystemcarriesthehydraulicoilfromoneplacetoanother.
7. Filtersareusedtoremoveanyforeignparticlessoaskeepthefluidsystemcleanand
efficient, as well as avoid damage to the actuator and valves.
8. Pressureregulatorregulates(i.e.,maintains)therequiredlevelofpressureinthehydraulic fluid.
BasicComponentsofaPneumatic System

Thefunctions ofvarious componentsshown inFig. 1.3areasfollows:

1. Thepneumaticactuatorconvertsthefluidpowerintomechanicalpowertoperformuseful work.
2. Thecompressor is usedto compress thefresh air drawnfrom the atmosphere.
3. Thestorage reservoirisusedto storea givenvolumeofcompressedair.
4. Thevalvesareusedtocontrolthedirection,flowrateand pressureofcompressed air.
5. Externalpower supply(motor) isused to drivethecompressor.
6. Thepipingsystemcarries thepressurizedair from onelocation to another.

Therearefewadvantages,which makefluid powerso popular.Thesearelisted below:
• No need of intermediate equipment: they eliminate the need for complicated systems of
gears, cams, and levers. Motion can be transmitted without the slack inherent in the use of
solid machine parts.
• Less wear and tear: The fluids used are not subject to breakage as are mechanical parts, and
the mechanisms are not subjected to great wear.
• Multi-function control: A single hydraulic pump or air compressor can provide power and
control for numerous machines or machine functions when combined with fluid power
manifolds and valves.
• Constantforceortorque: Thisisauniquefluidpowerattribute.

• Flexibility: Hydraulic components can be located with considerable flexibility. Pipes and
hoses instead of mechanical elements virtually eliminate location problems
• Comparatively small pressure losses: The different parts of a fluid power system can be
conveniently located at widely separated points, since the forces generated are rapidly
transmitted over considerable distances with small loss. These forces can be conveyed up and
down or around corners with small loss in efficiency and without complicated mechanisms.
• Multiplication and variation of force: Very large forces can be controlled by much smaller
ones and can be transmitted through comparatively small lines and orifices. Linear or rotary
force can be multiplied from a fraction of an ounce to several hundred tons of output.
• Accurate and easy to control: We can start, stop, accelerate, decelerate, reverse or position
large forces with great accuracy.
• Highhorsepowerandlowweight:Pneumaticcomponentsarecompactand lightweight.
• Smoothness: Fluidsystemsaresmoothinoperation.Vibrationiskepttoa minimum.
• Overload protection: In case of an overload, an automatic release of pressure can be
guaranteed; automatic valves guard the system against a breakdown from overloadingso that
the system is protected against breakdown or strain.
• Wide variety of motions: Fluid power systems can provide widely variable motions in both
rotary and straight-line transmission of power.
• Low speed torque: Unlikeelectricmotors, airorhydraulicmotorscanproducelargeamounts of
torque (twisting force) while operating at low speeds. Some hydraulic and air motors can even
maintain torque at zero speed without overheating.
• LessHumanintervention:Theneed forcontrolbyhandcanbeminimized.
• Low operating costs: Fluid power systems are economical to operate their high efficiency
with minimum friction loss keeps the cost of a power transmission at a minimum.
• Safety in hazardous environments: Fluid power can be used in mines, chemical plants, near
explosives and in paint applications because it is inherently spark-free and can tolerate high
• Better force control: Forcecontrol is much easierwith fluid systems than for electricmotors.
Fluid actuators, either hydraulic or pneumatic, are well suited to walking robots because theyare
high force, low speed actuators. They provide much higher force densities than electric systems.

• Simpler design. In most cases, a few pre-engineered components will replace

complicatedmechanical linkages.
The main disadvantage of a Fluid system is maintaining the precision parts when they are
exposed to bad climates and dirty atmospheres. Protection against rust, corrosion, dirt, oil
deterioration, and other adverse environmental conditions is very important.


1. Mobile Fluid power is used to transport, excavate and lift materials, as well as control or
military. Applications include backhoes, graders, tractors, truck brakes and suspensions,
spreaders, and highway maintenance vehicles.
2. Industrial Fluid power is used to provide power transmission and motion control for the
machines of industry. End use industries range from plastics to paper production.
Applications include metal working equipment, controllers, automated manipulators,
material handling and assembly equipment.
3. Aerospace Fluid poweris usedforboth commercial and militaryaircraft, spacecraftand related
support equipment. Applications include landing gear, brakes, flight controls, motor controls
and cargo loading equipment.

Thefluidpowercanbebroadlydividedintotwofields:pneumaticsandhydraulics.Both pneumatics and
hydraulics are applications of fluid power.

Pneumatics Hydraulics
Pressurelevel 5-10bar Upto 200 bar
Actuating forces Pneumaticactuatorscanproduce Hydraulicactuatorsare suitablefor veryhigh
onlylowormediumsize forces loads.
Elementcost Pneumatic elements such as Hydraulicelementscancostfrom5to10
cylindersandvalvesarelesscostly timesmorethansimilarsizeofpneumatic
ascomparedtohydraulic elements elements
Transmissionlines Transmission lines in pneumatics Transmissionlinesinhydraulicsaremadeup of
are made up of inexpensive metal tubing with expensive fittings to with
flexible plastic tubing. Only single stand high working pressure and to
lineisneededinpneumaticsto avoidleaks.Alsoreturnlinesareneededin
simply exhaust the air into hydraulics to return the oil form each
atmosphere cylinder back to reservoir.
Stability Low stability because air is High stabilitybecauseoil is incompressible
Speed Control Difficulttocontrolthespeedof Easytocontrol thespeed.

• Pneumaticsystemsarecleanbecausetheyusecompressedair.Ifapneumaticsystem develops a
leak, it will be air that escapes and not oil.
• Pneumaticsystemsarecheapertorunthanother systems.
• Inherentlymodulatingactuatorsandsensors.
• Explosion proofcomponents.

• High efficiency, for example a relatively small compressor can fill a large storage tank to
meet intermittent high demands for compressed air.
• Easeofdesignandimplementation.
• Highreliability, mainlybecauseof fewer movingparts.
• Compressedgascanbestored,allowingtheuseofmachineswhenelectricalpoweris lost.
• Easyinstallationand maintenance.

• Lowaccuracyandcontrollimitationbecauseofcompressibility.
• Noise pollution.
• Leakageofaircanbeof concern.
• Needforacompressor producingcleanand dryair.
• Costof air piping.
 Need of regular component calibration
Through theuse ofsimpledevices, an operatorcan readilystart,stop, speed up , slow down and control
large forces with very close and precise tolerance.
• Highpoweroutputfromacompactactuator.
• Hydraulic power systems can multiply forces simply and efficiently from a fraction of
an ounce to several hundred tons of output.
• Forcecanbetransmittedoverdistancesandaroundcornerswithsmalllossesof efficiency.
• Thereisnoneedforcomplexsystemsofgears,cams,orleverstoobtainalarge mechanical
• Extremeflexibilityofapproachandcontrol.Controlofawiderangeofspeedand forces is
easily possible.
• Safetyandreliability.
• Hydraulicsystemsaresmoothandquietinoperation.Vibrationiskepttoaminimum.
• Hydraulicsystemsareexpensive.
• Systemcomponentsmustbeengineeredtominimizeorprecludefluidleakage.
• Protectionagainstrust, corrosion,dirt,oildeterioration,andotheradverseenvironment is
very important.
• Maintenanceofprecisionpartswhentheyareexposedtobadclimatesanddirty atmospheres.
• Fire hazard if leak occurs.
• Adequateoilfiltration must bemaintained.
• Operation ofheavyor hotdoors.

• Liftingand movingin slabmoulding machines.

• Spraypainting.
• Bottlingandfillingmachines.
• Componentandmaterialconveyortransfer.
• Unloadingofhoppersinbuilding,miningandchemical industry.
• Airseparationandvacuum liftingofthin sheets.•Dental drills.

• Machinetoolindustry.
• Plasticprocessingmachines.
• Hydraulicpresses.
• Construction machinery.
 Liftingandtransporting
 Agriculturemachinery

FutureofFluidPowerIndustryin India
 The automation market in India is estimated to be 1/10th that of China. If India has to
become one of the leading economies in the world, based on manufacturing, it will have
 In the past 30 years, fluid power technology rose as an important industry. With
increasing emphasis on automation, quality control, safety and more efficient and green
energy systems, fluid power technology should continue to expand in India.
 Fluid power industry is gaining a lot of importance in Indian industry. According to a
recent survey, it has shown a growth of 20% over the last 10 years and the size ofmarket
is estimated to be close to 5000 crores per annum. This makes it a sizable industry
segment in India. The growth rate of this industry in India is typically about twice the
growth of economy.

Thereasons forthis arethree-fold:

1. Asthe economygrows, this industrygrows.
2. Thereisalotof automationandconversionintomore sophisticatedmanufacturingmethods
which increases the rate.
3. OneoftheinterestingthingshappeninginthisindustryisthatIndiaisbecomingan attractive
destination for manufacturing and outsourcing of some of the products.
So these three aspects together create a situation where the growth of this industry is twice the
growth of GDP in India.

The fluid power sector in India consists of manysophisticated Indian industries and partnership
with number of global fluid power technology leaders that include Festo, Rexroth, Vickers,
Eaton, Parker Hannifin, Norgen, , Saucer Donfos, Yuken, Siemens, Shamban, Pall and Gates, ,
Rotex, , Janatics, Maxwell, Wipro Dynamatic Technologies and many more.


industryas well. In addition to this, atrend towardtheusageofmoresophisticatedhydraulics in

tractors and farm equipment is witnessed. The manufacturing industry in India is working
toward higher automation and quality of output. As Indian industry moves toward
modernization to meet the productivity and to compete in the global market, an excellent
potential for the pneumatic industry is expected in India.
Another area of interest for fluid power industry would be the opportunities in defense
equipment. Defenseis a majormarket segment in Indian fluid powerindustryand contributes to
over 40% of the market demand. There is also a move toward products with miniature
pneumatics, process valves, servo drives, hydraulic power steering with new controls and
sophisticated PLC, microprocessor controls.

However, the key input required for the effective utilization of fluid power is education and
training of users. So there is a big need for education and training in design application and
maintenance of fluid power systems. Rexroth recently opened many competence centers inIndia
to train the manpower and to create awareness about the use of fluid power in Indian industry.


Robots are valued in the manufacturing industry for a number of attributes: reliability,
predictability, precision, repeatability, and imperviousness to hazardous environments. Robots
come with certain limitations when we compare them with humans. Unlike humans, robots lack
the ability to respond to unexpected circumstances and improve performance based on previous
experience. Robots have a broad range of potential applications in manufacturing because they
are flexible and programmable. Sensor technology enables robots to hear, see, and feel the
environment. These abilities are essential in quality control and measurement process.
Since the introduction of industrial robots in the 1960s, technology has improved immenselyand

Followingaresomeof thebenefits of robotics interms of productivity:

 Robotsarecapable ofproducingpreciseand high-qualitywork.

 Theycanproducelargerquantitiesofproductsin shortperiodoftime.
 Theyimprovethesafetyconditionsin a facility.
 Theycan performin harshenvironments wherehumans cannot operate.
 Theycanbereprogrammedandused forproducingvarying products.

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