10.1007@s00202 019 00828 3
10.1007@s00202 019 00828 3
10.1007@s00202 019 00828 3
An important challenge in the wireless power transfer is the sizing of the coils for transmission and energy reception. The
output power in a wireless power transfer system can be determined by analytical formulation; however, the effects of using
some geometry or material for the transmitter and receiver coil assembly are not easily quantifiable by the analytical method.
This work quantifies by numerical simulation the impact on output power changing the separation between the transmitter
coil and receiver, materials, geometries and number of turns. The quantities obtained allowed to determine a model for
coupling coefficient to compute optimal frequency for the power transfer. The analysis and evaluation of these parameters
were developed through an electromagnetic simulator with finite element; the work considers planar circular and square
coils. Experimental results were obtained in order to validate the proposed model to compute the wireless power transferred.
The document contributes to identify the important parameters to be controlled or modified in the coils with the purpose to
optimize the power transmission for a wireless system.
Keywords Coils · Coupling factor · Finite element method · Magnetic energy · Wireless power transfer
k Coupling coefficient
kb Geometric factor
List of symbols ko Optimal coupling coefficient
Abbreviations L p, L s Inductance sides: primary and secondary (µH)
AC Alternating current M Magnet
AWG American wire gauge M Mutual inductance (µH)
FEM Finite element method N Original coils (circular coils)
WPT Wireless power transfer NS Square coils
Pf Power of the source (W)
Symbols PL Active power consumed by the load (W)
B Magnetic field density (T) Rp , Rs Resistance sides: primary and secondary ()
Cp , Cs Capacitor sides: primary and secondary Rx Receiver coil
De Outer diameter for circular coils or width of a square Tx Transmitter coil
coil (mm) Vf Voltage of power source
dx Separation between coils (mm) W Width
H Height wo Optimal angular frequency (rad/s)
F Ferrite material wp , ws Resonant frequency sides: primary and secondary
Ip , Is Current sides: primary and secondary (A) (MHz)
XM Magnetizing reactance ()
B Xiomara González-Ramírez Zp, Zs Impedance sides: primary and secondary ()
1 División de Ingenierías, Universidad de Guanajuato, Greek symbols
Salamanca, Guanajuato, Mexico η Efficiency of the WPT
Electrical Engineering
φi j Magnetic flux lines produced by i linking j coil system; and for applications where coil spacing is very large
compared to the size of coils such as printed circuit board
transformers, wireless battery chargers for biomedical appli-
Subscripts cations, and electronic and printed circuit board design [14].
i Transmitter coil Since the popularity of this system is growing, it is pos-
j Receiver coil sible to assume that more devices or electrical machinery of
p Primary coil greater power demand will be powered wirelessly; therefore,
s Secondary coil it is important to be prepared with tools and design meth-
ods for this robust wireless power transfer system, hence the
suggestion of this work. The idea is to transfer higher levels
1 Introduction (kilowatts order) of wireless power with the highest energy
efficiency and quality; for that, it is necessary to identify the
Wireless power transfer (WPT) is a concept emerged from most relevant parameters that impact on the energy transfer,
the ideas of Nikola Tesla at the end of the nineteenth century, so this preliminary work focuses on analyzing and quantify-
but it is until the beginning of the twenty-first century when ing the impact of the separation between the transmitter coil
its boom increased exponentially due to trademarks such as and receiver, materials, geometries of the coils in order to
WiTricity developed by Massachusetts Institute of Technol- ensure a larger coupling and therefore the possibility of trans-
ogy (MIT) researchers [1,2]; this technology is based on ferring robust wireless power. Other parameter considered is
improved magnetic induction by resonance and electromag- the number of turns; higher turns ratio will also ensure higher
netic coupling techniques. Recent work shows that resonant voltage at receiver and so higher power transfer, a WPT sys-
coupling can power-transfer a receiver efficiently with little tem with few turns resonating at a frequency in megahertz
loss [3,4]. presents many difficulties of the computational part and the
Nowadays, advances in power electronics and magnetic practice [15–22]. Nevertheless, this work avoids this prob-
materials have made it possible to develop wireless trans- lem by using electromagnetic software with finite element
mitters and receivers from many gadgets to medical devices method; it allows to simulate transmitter and receiver coils
[5]. Like in [6] described a wireless power transfer system for varying the number of turns and determine its impact on
application in endoscopy capsules; and in [7] summarizes the energy transfer.
recent uses and discoveries of WPT in the medical field, sep- This work deals with the numerical simulation of the
arated into defined categories: implants, pumps, ultrasound impact on output power changing the separation between
imaging and gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy. the transmitter coil and receiver, materials, geometries and
So currently WPT is a system that is the attention of number of turns; the document was organized as follows:
engineers and researchers to use it and deliver the neces- Sect. 2 shows a summary of the WPT system operation and
sary electrical energy for different applications; this system its equivalent modeling. Section 3 shows an overview of the
is becoming common in new devices like laptops, smart- electromagnetic simulation of the WPT system performed
phones, tablets and other electronic gadgets. with FEM. Section 4 shows the proposed coupling model,
It has been working for a long time in the efficiency of as well as the results obtained. Finally, Sect. 5 shows the
wireless energy transfer; in [8], proposed efficiency optimal conclusions.
control method can effectively stabilize the system transfer
efficiency; it investigates the impact factors of the system
transfer efficiency. In [9], ferrite was applied to improve the
transmission distance of the magnetic resonance WPT sys- 2 WPT system overview
tem using superconductor coils. In [10], experiments show
that the impedance matching method can effectively improve The basic principle of WPT system involves the energy trans-
the load power and transmission efficiency for middle-range mission from a transmitter coil (Tx) to a receiver coil (Rx) via
wireless power transfer systems with multiple resonators. In an oscillating magnetic field; for that, Tx coil is powered by
[11], operational point of wireless energy transfer system alternating current (AC) flowing through Tx coil; it induces
was investigated in detail in order to meet the highest possi- the magnetic field which can extend to the Rx coil and gen-
ble system efficiency together with the highest possible level erates induced voltage through it (Fig. 1a). This principle
of transferred power. And in [12], the influence of the oper- is the same as the transformer with air core. The distance
ating frequency on energy transfer efficiency was studied. In (dx) at which the energy can be transferred is increased by
[13] it was built an experimental platform of wireless charg- both coils resonating at the same frequency, since resonant
ing system of 3.5 kW for electric vehicles; for the design of coils can exchange energy efficiently, while no-resonant only
Archimedean spiral used in inductive power transfer (IPT) interact weakly.
Electrical Engineering
Z p = Rp + jwp L p + (1a)
jwp C p
Z s = Rs + jws L s + , (1b)
jws Cs
In current terms:
Considering that transmitter coil (Tx) and receiver coil
X M Ip (Rx) are equal (Rs = Rp = R) and operating at the resonance
Is = , (4)
Zs + ZL frequency,
where X M is the magnetizing reactance that can be obtained RL
from the mutual inductance M and coupling coefficient k: η= . (9)
R(R+RL )
(R + RL ) (wM)2
X M = jwM = k X p X s . (5)
This represents the general equation of the power transfer
Once the currents are known, the power provided by the efficiency of a WPT system [18,19,23–26].
source (Pf ) and the active power consumed by the load (PL ) Since the objective is to analyze the most relevant param-
can be calculated directly: eters for WPT, it is necessary to focus on the output power
(6); as can be seen, it depends directly on the source voltage
Z L Vf2 X M
and the reactance of magnetization, and inversely on the coil
PL = (Z L ) (Is )2 = (6)
(Z p (Z s + Z L ) − X M
2 )2 reactances and resistances. As it is known, the resistances
Electrical Engineering
To quantify the effect of the geometry on the output power where φi j is the magnetic flux lines produced by i linking j
of WPT, circular and square coils were modeled (Fig. 3), to coil; Fig. 4 shows the comparison of the magnetic flux lines
make the comparison; the diameter of the circular coil was obtained between increasingly separate coils. More distance
made to coincide with the size of the square coil. The number lessens the magnetic flux links in the receiver coil.
of turns affects the geometry dimensions; the greater turns It is evident that if the two link coils are together, all mag-
number will increase the coil width, or coil depth, or both. netic field lines produced by transmitter coil will arrive at the
Also, the number of turns affects reactance and resistance receiver coil, which means that the coupling coefficient will
coils. be unitary (k = 1); the more separated they are, the lower
the coupling coefficient of the coils . Therefore, this cou-
3.2 Distance pling coefficient is another relevant parameter to determine
the magnitude of the power transferred in a WPT system.
The distance affects the magnetic field links number; the This work also contributes in obtaining an analytical model
further the coils are away from each other, the weaker will to determine this coupling coefficient; this analytical model
Electrical Engineering
3.3 Materials
Varying the operating frequency produces changes in reac- 4.1 Numerical simulation results
tance values. According to (8), this will affect the output
power, so the big issue is to know what will be the operating Varying the distance of the coils Tx & Rx, turns number
frequency to maintain the output power values increasing the and materials, the output power (6) was determined by the
separation between coils; to achieve that, the relation given electromagnetic simulation, the power ratio (output/input) is
by [5] was used: obtained in percentage, and it is plotted versus the separation
distance. Figure 6 shows graphically the summary of results
obtained. The N case means that the simulation contains the
1 Rp Rs
ko = , (11) design values of the coils (original coils), which are given in
wo Lp Ls Table 1. The 5N/H case means that coils have 5 times more
turns than the original coil and they were growing in height
where wo is the optimal angular frequency to obtain the opti- H; in other words, the extra turns were stacked with solenoid
mal coupling coefficient. The idea is to have (k/ko ) close to coil. The 5N/W case means coils grew in width, so they have
one. flat coil configuration. The 5N/H/F and 5N/W/F represent
Electrical Engineering
Internal diameter 10 mm
External diameter 100 mm
Turns number 30
Conductor gauge 15 AWG
Resistance AC 0.086
Inductance 32.728 µH
Power in voltage AC 100 V
Remanent flux for magnet 1.2 T
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Electrical Engineering
Turns number 38 60 72
External diameter 105 mm 131 mm 214 mm
Conductor gauge 15 AWG 18 AWG 15 AWG
Resistance AC 0.062 0.089 0.238
Measured resistance 0.063 0.091 0.244
Inductance 30.83 µH 94.30 µH 216.7 µH
Measured inductance 32.56 µH 100.6 µH 250.1 µH
Frequency 1.0 MHz 0.5 MHz 1.0 MHz
5 Conclusions
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