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Software Project Management

Prof. Rajib Mall

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Lecture – 07
Life Cycle Models – III

Welcome to this lecture, last time we were discussing about Life Cycle Models and we
had said that the waterfall model is a intuitive and important model and many models
have been derived from the water fall model.

We had looked at the some of the derivatives from the waterfall model and today’s
lecture we will first see how the waterfall models have done, what are the good things
about them and what are the short comings about them. And, then we will discuss about
other models which overcome specific short comings of the waterfall model. There are
some severe short comings of the waterfall model because of which they are not as
popular as they were about 30-40 years back.

And one of the main problem that is being faced is that the type of project that are being
handled are different from those that were handled 30-40 years back. Now, the projects
are short and the code is not written from scratch because lot of code is available lot of
code is being reused and only small modifications and tailoring is done which we called
as service oriented software.

(Refer Slide Time: 01:58)

So, today we will first look at the some reflections on the waterfall based models and
advantages disadvantages etcetera, waterfall model and we will see the models that have
been proposed to overcome the specific short comings of the waterfall based models. We
look at the incremental, the RAD and evolutionary model.

(Refer Slide Time: 02:23)

First let us look at the major difficulties of the waterfall based models. Possibly the most
important difficulty is there is no way change requests can be handled in the waterfall
model. In all waterfall based models that is the iterative waterfall model, the classical
waterfall model, the prototyping model, the V model and so on. The requirements are
gathered up front and these are documented, it is assumed that this will not change and
then plan is made based on this documented requirements, design is done on this
requirements and then coding and testing is done with respective these requirements.

But then in reality, the present projects the requirements keep on changing as
development proceeds. Typically about 40 to 50 percent of the requirements change after
the initial requirement specification. And, this is possibly one of the major short coming
of the waterfall based model, 40 percent of the requirement change during a typical
development. The second problem is that many of the projects now are for customizing
applications as we are discussing about the service oriented software where the
organisation has some software and would tailor it for specific needs of another
customer. If we use the waterfall model for this custom applications there will be huge
cost because the entire thing has to be documented, specification laid out, design and so

The third problem is that the waterfall model is called as heavy weight process, it is
called a heavy weight process because lot of documentation is produced as part of the
process, everything is supposed to be documented. There is starting from requirement
specification, the reviews, review results, the design various types of plans everything is
to be documented and that is the reason these are called as heavy weight processes. And
it is estimated the typically 50 percent of the effort by a development team goes towards
creating documents and naturally the project costs increase and there is project delays.

And specifically now that the project durations are very short such heavy weight
processes are not finding favor and we need some processes which do away with these

(Refer Slide Time: 06:03)

Let us just do a bit of elaboration that in waterfall model, requirements are determined
and documented at the start, they are fixed from that point on; no changes are permitted
and long term plans are made based on these documented requirement. The design is
made on based on these documented requirement even test cases are written based on
this documented requirement.
And therefore, any change to this requirement will require changes to all documents and
therefore, those who use the waterfall model they heavily discourage the customer to
make even the small changes.

(Refer Slide Time: 07:00)

But let us look at the observation of Frederick Brooks who is one of the guru’s in this
area. The assumption that one can specify a satisfactory system in advance, get bids for
its construction, have it built and install it. This assumption is fundamentally wrong and
many software acquisition problems spring from this.

Just to explain Frederick Brooks thought, he felt that many of the project failures, project
delays etcetera are the result of having the requirements worked out at the beginning of
the development. And, then all the development proceeds based on the documented
requirements is fundamentally wrong and many of the problems arise from this. In
response to this short coming of the waterfall model one model that was proposed is the
incremental model. To get the main idea behind the incremental model, let see what
Victor Basili one of the founders of this area has to say.
(Refer Slide Time: 08:24)

The basic idea is to take advantage of what was learnt during the development of earlier,
incremental, deliverable versions of the system. Learning comes from both the
development and use of the system. Start with the simple implementation of a subset of
the software requirements and iteratively enhance the evolving sequence of versions.

At each version design modifications are made along with adding new functional
capabilities. Thus to explain what Victor Basili has to say about a incremental model is
that, the software is developed in increments. In the first increment some of the core
functionalities are implemented and then these are given to the customer who gives
feedback and this forms a learning from the use of the system, even the developers they
have they learn from the implementation of the core functionalities. And based on the
feedback the system the software is refined and this is called as the iteration.

In iteration the same functionality is refined each time the customer gives new feedback,
the same functionality gets refined iteratively and also at the same time new
functionalities are also implemented these are called as increments. So, this model is
called as incremental model with iteration.
(Refer Slide Time: 10:47)

Incremental and iterative development here each time new increments of functionalities
are implemented and at the same time the functionalities that were already implemented
they are refined and that is called as iteration with those functionalities.

The key characteristics of the incremental and iterative development is that, built the
system incrementally small parts of the system are built. There are number of iterations
for each functionality and each time a deliverable is given to the customer in the form of
a working program which the customer can use and give feedback.

Each deliverable to the customer would not only have incorporated the feedback that he
had given in the previous increment, but also added new functionalities. As can be easily
seen this is a good way to manage changes, the customer is encourage to feedbacks and
these are incorporated. The incremental model has become popular in industry, the
rational unified process is a incremental model, the extreme programming the agile
models etcetera are all incremental.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:29)

From the customer prospective gets a functionalities some part that he can use and give
his feedback based on this the organisation developing organisation incorporates the
feedback on the core functionality and also implements additional functionality and gives
it to the customer. The customer again gives feedback on this and the feedback is
incorporated and also new functionality are added and this way the system gets
completed and hopefully at the end the delivered system will meet the customer’s
requirements because all his feedback in using the system have been incorporated.

(Refer Slide Time: 13:27)

If you can diagrammatically depict the model initially requirements are collected and this
requirements are split into incremental features there is a overall design and then each
time one increment is taken developed, validated, integrated with previous increment, the
system is validated and delivered to the customer feedback is taken next increment is
developed and so on until the final system is updated.

(Refer Slide Time: 14:16)

As you can see that in the increment model the requirements are collected up front these
are split into small increments or slices. Similarity, here with the waterfall model is that
the requirements are collected up front, but the difference is that each of this increment
customer feedback is taken and these change.
(Refer Slide Time: 14:58)

In a waterfall model there is a single release initially all the functionality requirements
are collected, designed, coded, tested and given to the customer as a single release
whereas, in incremental many releases are there and in after each release customer
feedback is taken and the functionality that was already delivered are again changed to
meet the requirements of the customer.

The first increment is typically the core functionality, then the successive increments
they not only refined the existing functionality, but add or fix functionality the final
increment is the complete product. This is called as the incremental model with iteration,
but then somebody can think of a purely incremental model where there are no iteration
in which the system is just developed in small increments and given to the customer, but
the customer feedback is not really taken to change the existing functionality there is no

In a purely incremental model the software is developed in increments and delivered to

the customer, but once the functionalities are delivered these are not changed, but in a
incremental model with iteration, the functionalities are delivered to the customer in
increments. But, also the customer feedback is taken after each functional functionality is
delivered and those are incorporated in the next iteration. Of course each increment or
iteration is a small is a sort mini project with a separate life cycle for example, for each
small increment may be a waterfall model can be used.
(Refer Slide Time: 17:24)

This is a diagrammatic representation, the initial requirements is split into increments

increment 1, 2, 3; increment 1 is developed, increment 2 gets developed. So, this is like a
waterfall model design built install customer feedback. Increment 1 is first developed,
then increment 2 is developed, then increment 3 gets developed.

(Refer Slide Time: 18:04)

If we diagrammatically represent this model of development first we gather all customer

requirements document them and then plan the increments and also the incremental
delivery plan.
Then design the increment, build the increment, implement the increment and then give
the customer for evaluation the increment and then use that as a feedback and take the
next increment and so on.

(Refer Slide Time: 18:47)

Because there are several increments out of which the designer need to choose one of the
increment for delivery in the next iteration, which increment should be selected first?
This is an important problem.

Some parts will be pre requisite of the other parts without that the system will not work.
For example, until the customer registration is done customer billing cannot be done first
we must have the customer registration software developed and then only the customer
billing software can be implemented, but then many of the increments are without any

Now, these increments where there are no order value to cost ratio may be used, this we
call as the V by C ratio, where V is the value to the customer which is graded in a scale
of 1 to 10 and C is a score 0 to 10 representing the cost to the developers.
(Refer Slide Time: 20:24)

Let us take an example to see how it works. Let say at one step in increment for the next
increment we have let say these are the modules that the development team has the
flexibility to implement profit generate the profit reports, implement the online database,
implement ad hoc enquiry, implement the purchasing plans, implement the profit based
pay for the managers. These are the five functionality, that the developers have the
choice and from the customer feedback about the value of these different functionalities
they have assigned these values.

Online database is the lowest value to them profit report is 9, ad hoc enquiry 5,
purchasing plan 5 and profit based pay for manager is 9. The development team when
ask to rate this on 1 to 10 I found that the least cost for development is profit based pay
for manager, profit reports is 2, purchasing plan is 4, ad hoc enquiry is 5 and the most
difficult to implement at the online database and then on computing the V by C ratio we
find that there is a scale of 9 to 1, 0.1; 0.11.

So, for the next increment this is one that should be chosen this as high V by C ratio and
n the profit report should be chosen, third is the purchasing plans and forth is the ad hoc
enquiry and last should be the online database. The incremental model as become
extremely popular, it is almost part of every model that is being used those are
derivatives of the incremental model one important derivative is the RAD model, RAD
stands for Rapid Application Development.
(Refer Slide Time: 23:04)

This is sometimes called as the rapid prototyping model; here the main aim of the model
is to decrease the time taken and the cost incurred to develop the software. Facilitate
accommodating change requests as early as possible before any large investments have
been made.

(Refer Slide Time: 23:29)

This is as we said is a incremental model here increments are decided and only short
term plans are made and heavy use of the existing code. Contrast to the waterfall model
this model is very efficient, it can incorporate flexibility to incorporate changes because
only short term plans are made any change does not require changing all the plans that is
design the project management plan etcetera, the test plan and so on.

(Refer Slide Time: 24:22)

The plans are made for one increment at a time and this increment is called as a time box
and after each increment is delivered, the system or the applications becomes more

(Refer Slide Time: 24:47)

During each iteration a prototype of the software is first developed is given to the
customer for evolution and then this prototype is refined based on the customer
feedback, one point to note here is that in this model the prototype itself is refined in the
RAD model the prototype itself is refined to the actual to be the actual software, where is
in the prototyping model that we had discussed which is a derivative of the waterfall
model. The prototype is used to get customer feedback the start of the project and then
the prototype is thrown away and the software is developed fresh. But in the RAD
model the prototype is refined based on the customer feedback.

(Refer Slide Time: 25:39)

The RAD model achieves faster development, it encourages use of specialized tools, the
tools should be supporting visual style of development like drag and drop. Use of
reusable components and use of standard APIs these are something that are suppose to
help the software implemented faster.
(Refer Slide Time: 26:20)

Now, let us look at the software projects for which the RAD model is suitable. The
projects for which the performance and reliability are not critical, but these are required
to be developed very fast and the system can be split into several independent models. If
the system is very trivial and we cannot have several increments then; obviously, RAD
model is unsuitable.

(Refer Slide Time: 26:49)

Also the RAD model is unsuitable when we have few login components are available,
high performance or reliability is required. The reason why the RAD model does not
give high performance or reliability is that the prototype itself is refined into the actual
software. Unlike a waterfall model where a fresh software is designed coded and tested,
the RAD model would give a low reliability and performance.

If there are no precedence for similar products then also RAD model is unsuitable that is
challenging new type of software for which; obviously, there are no components would
be available to use as plugins the systems that cannot be modularized RAD is unsuitable.

(Refer Slide Time: 28:01)

The RAD model each time constructs a prototype and gives to the customer for
evaluation and based on the customer evaluation the prototype is changed and as the
customer gets satisfied the refined prototype is becomes the part of the software. In the
prototyping model which is a derivative of the waterfall model, the developed prototype
is primarily used to gain customer feedback and also to get insight into the solution that
is the technical issues and so on.

And therefore, using the prototyping model you can chose between different design
alternatives, you can elicit customer feedback and the developed prototype is usually
thrown away, but not in the RAD model. In RAD model the prototype itself after
enhancement refinement becomes the final software.
(Refer Slide Time: 29:18)

Another important development model is the evolutionary model with iteration, we had
seen the incremental model with iteration which is of course, important and has become
part of many development models that are being used across industry, but another idea
that has come is the evolutionary model with iteration. We will examine this model in
the next class and we will see that the present model that has become extremely popular
at the agile models which have the features of both the incremental and evolutionary
model with iterations.

We will stop here and continue in the next lecture.

Thank you.

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