Prophecy Notes
Prophecy Notes
Prophecy Notes
Appendix A:
Appendix B:
Appendix C:
A. Justin Martyr (100-165) in Dialogue with Trypho. "From the fact that even to this day
the gifts of prophecy exist among us Christians, you should realize that the gifts
which had resided among your people have now been transferred to us. (Yocum 21)
B. Irenaeus of Lyons (130-200). "In like manner we do also hear many brothers in the
Church who possess prophetic gifts, and bring to light for the general benefit the
hidden things of men…" (Yocum 21)
C. Melito, Bishop of Sardis (late 2nd century). While preaching on the Passover he
broke into prophecy. "Who will contend against me: let him stand before me. It is I
who delivered the condemned. It is I who gave life to the dead. It is I who raised up
the buried. Who will argue with me? It is I, says Christ who destroyed death. It is I
who triumphed over the enemy, and trod down Hades, and bound the strong man, and
have snatched mankind up to the heights of heaven. It is I says Christ. So then come
here all you families of men, weighed down by your sins and receive pardon for your
misdeeds. For I am your pardon. I am the Passover which brings salvation. I am the
Lamb slain for you. I am your lustral bath. I am your life. I am your resurrection. I am
your light. I am your salvation. I am your king. It is I who bring you up to the heights
of heaven. It is I who give you resurrection there. I will show you the eternal Father. I
will raise you up with my own right hand." (Yocum 21-22)
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A. Prophecy originates from God. In the New Testament, "revelation" always comes
from God the Father (Mt 11:25, 16:17; Gal 1:16; Phil 3:15), God the Son (Mt 11:27;
Gal 1:12) or God the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 2:10; Eph 3:5).
D. Prophecy does not necessarily predict the future. It could be about the past, present or
A. Prophecy is to be eagerly desired (1 Cor 14:1), however the Holy Spirit dispenses
spiritual gifts as he desires, to whomever he wishes (1 Cor 12:11).
E. Impressions
G. Dreams
H. Emotions
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I. Smells
J. Tastes
C. Ask God if it is from him; this should be a two-way conversation. Don't rely on
physical sensations, these may dissipate over time.
A. Never subvert testing process or authority of individual to run his/her own life
E. Respect individual’s dignity & privacy (especially if prophecy is about past or current
B. Fast for the purpose of prayer and meditation. Allow God to have his way in you first.
C. Worship.
D. Cultivate a still spirit. Learn to wait on God in a state of prayer without worshipping
or speaking. Know the still small voice. (1 Sam 3:1-10)
E. Immediately write down anything you feel God is suggesting to you. Pray over it and
ask for his guidance and confirmation.
G. Ask your pastor or a prophetically gifted person to lay hands on you to receive the
gift. It won't always be released in this way as the Holy Spirit ultimately distributes
gifts according to his sovereign plan (1 Cor. 12:11) but often the laying on of hands
does have something to do with the impartation of a spiritual gift. (Rom 1:11; 1 Tim
4:14; 2 Tim 1:6)
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F. Test the prophecy by the witness of your own heart and the Holy Spirit in you. This
test will most accurately be applied by the pastors and experienced prophetic
ministers. (Luke 24:31-32)
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B. He speaks to leaders:
(Abimelech: Gen 20:3), (Pharaoh: Gen 41:1,25), (Solomon: Kings 3:5),
(Nebuchadnezzar: Dan 2:28-29)
C. To warn.
(Abimelech: Gen 20:1-7), (Laban: Gen 31:24), (Midianites: Judges 7:13-15), (Magi:
Mt 2:12), (Joseph: Mt 2:22 ), (Pilate’s wife: Mt 27:19)
D. To bless.
(Solomon: 1 Kings 3:5-15)
E. God “may speak in their ears and terrify them with warnings, to turn man from
wrongdoing and keep him from pride, to preserve his soul from the pit, his life from
perishing by the sword." (Job 33:14-18)
A. Many dreams are your mind dumping. "dreams come when there are many
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B. Sometimes people will make up divine dreams. (Jeremiah 23:25-32, 27:9-10, 29:8-9;
Deut. 13:1-5)
B. He gives dreams to average unbelieving people. (Cupbearer and baker: Gen. 40:8-23),
(Midianites: Judges 7:13-15)
A. Interpretation originates with God. (Gen 40:8, 41:16; Dan 2:19, 22-23; Job 33:14-18.)
B. God usually gives us the interpretation at some point. (Abimelech: Gen 20:1-7),
(Jacob: Gen 20:10-15), (Joseph: Gen 37:5-11; Joseph's dream wasn't fulfilled for 22
years: Gen 42:8-9)
C. God sometimes gives another person the interpretation. (Joseph: Gen 42:12, 18),
(Midianite soldier: Judges 7:13-14), (Daniel: Dan 1:17, 2:19,30)
A. Dreams can give us greater understanding of events occurring around us, through us,
or to us.
B. Dreams can reveal things to which our rational mind would not normally be open.
C. Dreams can have significant impact on our attitudes, actions, or emotional states.
B. Dreams about others; people, nations, cities, the Church, etc. (Gen 41)
• These dreams are very likely calling us to pray
• Repeated dreams of this kind may indicate they will happen shortly (Pharaoh:
Gen 41:32)
• This category represents approximately 5% of dreaming for most people
• Prophetic people may have many dreams like this, but usually after a history of
self-dreams and after having allowed God to work significantly in their own lives
A. Determine first if the dream was a "mind dump," a dark dream, or a dream from God.
Dark dreams will often leave you with a feeling of fear and uneasiness. Divine
dreams often produce comfort, prayer, or a desire for interpretation.
B. Write down the divine dreams right away. Reduce it to the most important parts.
Ask yourself what the main point seemed to have been. Record the feelings and
impressions you had in the dream.
C. Ask God for the interpretation (Gen 40:8, Dan 1:17). He may reveal it quickly, or
he may wait. Pray about it.
D. Check your Bible. We can often find help in scripture as to what some of the
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elements may mean, because dreams are very symbolic. (ex: bread in a dream may
signify the Word of God)
E. Consider your "dream vocabulary". Certain objects may have unique meaning to
you. (ex: Gideon understood barley cake to symbolize him because he threshed
wheat and barley)
F. As a last resort, seek help from those who are known to interpret dreams. Don't
seek interpretation from friends. What they know about you can skew their
G. Remember, God is trying to speak to you. He will enable you to understand what
he wants you to know.
IX. God speaks through visions much like he does through dreams, only you are awake.
A. He speaks to his prophets (Num 12:6, 24:4; 1 Sam 3; 2 Sam 7:17; 1 Kings 22:17-23;
2 Kings 6:17; Isaiah 1:1; Ezek 1:1; Dan 1:17; Hosea 12:10; Amos 1:1; Obad 1:1;
Micah 1:1; Nah 1:1; Hab 1: 1, 2:2-3)
B. He speaks to his people (Abraham: Gen 15:1), (Jacob: Gen 46:20), (servant of Elisha:
2 Kings 6:17), (David and the elders: 1 Chron 21:16), (Ps 89:19; Prov 29:18; Joel
2:28), (Peter, James & John: Mt 17:1-9), (Ananias: Acts 9:10), (Paul: Acts 9:12, 16:9,
18:9, 26:12-19), (Cornelius: Acts 10:3), (Peter: Acts 10:9-17), (John: Rev 1:1-2)
A. Coming judgment (Amalek: Num 24:20), (Eli: 1 Sam 3:11-15), (Babylon: Is 21:2),
(Israel's leaders: Ezek 11), (Israel's neighbors: Amos 1), (Edom: Obadiah), (Samaria
& Jerusalem: Micah 1), (Nineveh: Nahum), (Assyria: Hab), (Revelation)
B. Blessings (Abram: Gen 15:1-6), (Israel: Num 24:1-10), (David: 2 Sam 7:4-17),
(Israel: Micah 2:12-13), (birth of Jesus: Luke 1:11-19), (resurrection: Luke 24:23)
C. Angelic figures (1 Chron 21:16; 2 Kings 6:17; Dan 8:16, 9:21, 10:4-10; Luke 1:19,
24:23; Acts 10:3)
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D. The awesome glory of God (Is 6:1-4; Ezek l:1-28, 8:1-4, 43:1-5; Rev 1:9-19, 4:1-11)
E. The plans of God (2 Sam 7:4-7; Ezek 9-10; Dan 7:15-17, 8:1, 15-17, 26, 10:14; Hab
2:2; Acts 9:10-15; Acts 10:1-6, 10:9-17, 16:9-10, 18:9-10,26:12-19, 27:23; Rev 4:1)
F. The appearance of the Lord (Gen 15:1; Josh 5:13-15; 1 Sam 3:10; Acts 9:10, 18:9,
I. Other people (Moses & Elijah: Mt 17:3), (Ananias: Acts 9:12), (Macedonian: Acts
B. Fear of God (Num 24:4; 1 Chron 21:16; Is 6:5; Ezek 1:28, 3:23; Dan 10:4-8; Rev
1:17; Acts 10:4)
G. Faith (Ananias went to pray for Paul: Acts 9:10-17), (Paul went to Macedonia: Acts
H. No apparent physical reaction (Jer 1:11-19; Acts 10, 16:6-10; 2 Cor 12:2-6)
A. There is little difference. Acts 10:10 calls Peter's experience a "trance." But in 10:17 it
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B. The only possible difference is that a trance seems to always occur with the eyes
open, while visions can happen with eyes opened or closed. Paul's experience in 2
Cor 12:2-6 seems to have been so vivid it was almost "out of body." John's vision was
similar in Rev. 1:10, 4:2, 17:3.
A. Internal - seen with the spiritual eye. Sometimes these are missed because they are so
subtle. - We think our minds made it up. They are only a flash across our minds. We
may not even have been in prayer.
B. External - seen with the eyes open. Sometimes called open visions; this is seeing
something superimposed over your natural sight.
A. Visions are usually not as symbolic as dreams. They are more literal.
C. Desire for a church that has and does it all. Not "the prophecy church".
E. Balance must be sought and abuses dealt with in order to maintain a healthy use of
the gift.
A. Theological
• A clear Biblical understanding of prophecy and its importance—avoiding both
deism and "spiritualism"
• A clear understanding of the role of prophetic in relation to the church, (a
supporting role, to build up, not prophecy for prophecy's sake)
B. Structural
• Leadership in place and able to lead—trust
• Small groups and large celebrations. People who prophesy should first get
experience in a small group and then be released by their small group leader.
Their ability to prophesy for the benefit of the group ought to be proven.
• Training process for ministry
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C. Climactic
• Vision for the church is clear—Unity in the congregation
• Environment where safety, risk-taking, learning and loving correction are norms
and accepted. This is better if the congregation is more informed biblically
A. Pray for them to come, pray for their development along the way
G. Encourage/push
I. Protect
B. Prophets spoke the very words of God (Ex. 4:12; Deut. 18:18; Jer. 1:9; Num. 22:38;
Ezek. 2:7).
C. Prophets’ words were absolutely authoritative (Deut. 18:19; 1 Sam. 3:19, 9:6; 2
Chron. 25:16).
D. Many prophets wrote Scripture such as Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, etc.
However, there were other prophets who spoke the words of God but did not write
Scripture such as Elijah and Elisha (1&2 Kings), Nathan (2 Sam. 12:1-14), Ahijah (1
Kings 14:1-18), and Micaiah (1 Kings 22:1-18).
C. Apostles received the words of God (Gal. 1:11-12; Jn. 14:26, 16:13-14).
D. Apostles spoke and wrote the words of God (2 Pt. 3:2; 1 Cor. 2:13; 1 Thess. 2:13,
A. New Testament prophets did not carry the authority of Old Testament prophets.
B. New Testament prophets were subject to the apostles' authority (1 Cor 14:36-38)
C. New Testament prophecies were always subject to testing by the congregation (1 Cor
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D. Examples
1. Agabus: In Acts 11:28 he "predicted" a famine. This is a loose expression like
"indicated." It does not imply authority without error. In Acts 21:10-11 Agabus
told Paul the Jews would bind him and hand him over to the Gentiles. Actually, it
was the Gentiles who bound Paul to protect him from the Jews (Acts 21:27-35).
2. Antioch prophets: Acts 11:27 and 13:1 mentions prophets who lived in Antioch.
However we have no record of their prophecies.
3. Philip's daughters: Acts 21:9 speaks of Philip the evangelist who had four
prophetic daughters. Their prophecies are not recorded either.
4. Judas and Silas: These men were prophets from Jerusalem (Acts 15:32). No
recorded prophecies.
Appendix C
Sources Cited
• Mallone, George, ed. Those Controversial Gifts. Downers Grove, IL.: Intervarsity, 1983.
• Yocum, Bruce. Prophecy: Exercising the Prophetic Gifts of the Spirit in the Church
Today. Ann Arbor, MI: Servant Books, 1976
• Deere, Jack. The Beginner’s Guide to the Gift of Prophecy. Ann Arbor, MI: 2001
• Grudem, Wayne. The Gift of Prophecy in the New Testament and Today. Wheaton, IL:
Crossway. 2000.
• Lawrence, Brother. The Practice of the Presence of God. Springdale, PA: Whitaker
House. 1982.
• Pytches, David. Come Holy Spirit. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1995