P.E. 2
P.E. 2
P.E. 2
Lesson Plan 2 of 4
Class: Standard 2
No of boy Students: 24 Theme: My Country: The Environment of T & T – Land
Tiers: Students will be tiered into three levels according to their reading, writing and
comprehension abilities.
Subject: Physical Education
Duration: 30 to 35 minutes Topic: Catching
Context/Big Idea(s): CONSIDERATION
Teaching the manipulative skill of catching is essential for nurturing H.F.L.E.:
physical coordination and spatial awareness in young learners. Mastery Effective
of catching techniques not only improves hand-eye coordination, motor Communication
skills, and reflexes but also encourages active participation in sports Critical Thinking
and recreational activities, fostering a lasting appreciation for physical Literacy
fitness and overall well-being. Proficiency in catching serves as a Reading
cornerstone for success in diverse sports, games, and social ❒ Writing
interactions, thereby promoting confidence and camaraderie among Oral
individuals. Communication
Prior Knowledge: ❒ Literary
Students have knowledge of: Appreciation
Catching based on their experiences in physical activities, ❒ Media &
sports, and play. Information
Simple catching techniques through informal play with friends Literacy
and family or structured instruction in school settings. Numeracy
Catching actions in sports events, movies, or television shows, ❒ Problem Solving
contributing to their familiarity with the concept of catching Critical thinking
Ministry of Education Expectations: Representation
4.1.1 Explain various techniques in throwing, catching, striking ❒ Reasoning
Outcomes: ❒ ICT Skills
At the end of this learning experience, students will: Differentiated
All tiers: Instruction
Given the set induction of the video, students will discuss Assessment
different catching techniques and styles Pre-Assessment
Given the content and set induction, students will build on Summative
previous discussion and show appreciation for using different Assessment
techniques in catching
Tier 1:
Given the content, students will demonstrate a technique of
catching in pairs in wicket keeping (orthodox cup)
Tier 2:
Given the content, students will demonstrate a technique of
catching in pairs in throw, clap (2), catch (high catch)
Tier 3:
Given the content, student will demonstrate a technique of
catching in a group with a Tier 1 and a Tier 2 in practice
fielding (fielding low ball)
Essential Questions:
Why do you think there are different ways/techniques in catching things?
Why do you think we follow step-by-step and ensure we are in proper positioning first?
What would happen if we don’t follow the steps and proper positioning?
Introduction/Set Induction: The teacher would play a video for a selected time and instruct
students to observe what is taking place.
https://youtu.be/hDYYJ9W63_I?si=18E0qsaM-npj2r2h – 0:12- 1:50
Resources: Whiteboard markers Whiteboard YouTube videos Items to catch
Teaching Point 3
1) The teacher would pair up students and All students would be a marked distance apart
Tier 3 would be in a group with a Tier 1 In the pair of the Tier 1 students, one student
and a Tier 2 would assume the position as though they are
2) Tier 1 students would be paired and wicket keeping and the other student would
demonstrate a technique of catching throw the ball. The student acting as the
(orthodox cup) in positions pretending wicket keeper would have to ensure he
they are wicket keeping follows the proper stance and technique of the
3) Tier 1 students would be paired and orthodox cup in catching the object. Then the
demonstrate a technique of catching (high students switch roles to ensure each student
catch) in a throw, clap (2), catch has a chance.
challenge. In the pair of the Tier 2 students, both students
4) Tier 3 student will demonstrate a would be standing and one student throws the
technique of catching (fielding low ball) ball to his partner, then claps twice and
in a group with a Tier 1 and a Tier 2 in prepares himself to receive the ball from his
positions as pretend fielding partner, demonstrating the technique high
catch. The partner that catches the ball first
would have to ensure they demonstrate the
proper technique for a high catch and then
throw the ball back to the student for him to
catch and continue like this until they have
mastered high catch technique.
Tier 3, 2 and 1 students would form a triangle
and throw the object to each other in a
triangular formation. The student catching the
object would assume the position of fielding
as in pretend fielding and catch the object
demonstrating the fielding low ball technique.
This would continue until all 3 students had
chances to practice their catching skill.
Accommodations that specific students may need to access learning are as follows:
Presentation Accommodations
Explicit and concise instructions
Response Accommodations
Increase or decrease wait time as needed
Students have the option to request help either from teacher or peers
Timing/Scheduling Accommodations
Time extensions would be allotted accordingly
Setting Accommodations
Inclusive and welcoming atmosphere
Open area to practice throwing and for each pair to have their own allotted space
Management Strategies:
To manage time and disruptive behaviour, the following strategies will be used:
Positive Reinforcement- Students will be consistently praised for their correct responses
and appropriate behaviours.
Teacher Helper- Tier 3 students will assist the teacher
Extended Practice: Content will be extended into future lessons.
Closure: A verbal recap would be done where students would state one (1) thing they
remember from class
Partner Catching Observation: The teacher would call on a pair of students (could be same pair
from activity or random) and instruct one student to throw the object and the other to
demonstrate the technique of catching they practiced and teacher would observe their
performance while catching with a partner.
Reflection: Boys like playing so this lesson was another successful one. They found it funny
for the positions they were put in like fielding and wicket keeping. No matter how funny, the
reference worked as they understood what I meant and plus the video was a visual aid to help
their understanding.
Lesson Plan Key
Integrated Subjects – Red Questions – Green
Formative Assessments – Orange Activities/Strategies – Blue