What Is Global Positioning System (GPS) ?: Satellites
What Is Global Positioning System (GPS) ?: Satellites
What Is Global Positioning System (GPS) ?: Satellites
The GPS (Global Positioning System) is a "constellation" of 31 well-spaced satellites that orbit
the Earth and make it possible for people with ground receivers to pinpoint their geographic
location. The location accuracy is anywhere from 100 to 10 meters for most equipment and
within one meter with special military-approved equipment. GPS equipment is widely used in
science and has now become sufficiently low-cost so that almost anyone can own a GPS
The GPS is owned and operated by the U.S. Department of Defense but is available worldwide.
21 GPS satellites and three spare satellites are in orbit at 10,600 miles above the Earth. The
satellites are spaced so that four satellites will be above the horizon from any point on Earth.
Each satellite contains a computer, an atomic clock and a radio. With an understanding of its
orbit and the clock, it continually broadcasts its changing position and time. (Once a day,
each satellite checks its sense of time and position with a ground station and makes any
minor correction.)
On the ground, any GPS receiver contains a computer that "triangulates" its position by
getting bearings from three satellites. The result is a geographic position -- longitude and
latitude -- to, for most receivers, within 100 meters.
If the receiver is also equipped with a display screen and a map, the position can be shown as
If a fourth satellite can be received, the receiver/computer can figure out the altitude as well
as the geographic position.
If you are moving, your receiver may also calculate your speed and direction of travel and
give you estimated arrival times to specified destinations.
The GPS is being used in science to provide data that has never been available before in the
quantity and degree of accuracy that the GPS makes possible. Scientists are using the GPS to
measure the movement of the arctic ice sheets, the Earth's tectonic plates and volcanic activity.
Mobile GPS technology has enabled today's smartphones with convenient and highly efficient
means for end users to receive navigating instructions via a global positioning system process
called "trilateration." A phone's built-in GPS receiver also communicates with an array of
satellites that provides navigation instructions for those in an automobile or on foot. More
technologically advanced phones can identify individual streets and attractions on maps and
provide narrated tracking capability.
GPS has become a general term used in the navigation and mapping sector.
GPS works by communication between its different components, similar to GLONASS, BeiDou,
and Galileo satellites. The global positioning system (GPS) has three parts or elements. These
components work together to make sure that the navigation, timing, and positioning information
sent across are consistently accurate. The parts are the space segment, control segment, and
longitude coordinates. Using the fourth satellite, the receiver can verify the accuracy of the
information it gives and, therefore, avoid the need for an atomic clock.
Types of GPS
The global positioning system has a widely varied application. It has also undergone several
modifications giving rise to the different types of GPS. While they all work using the same
fundamental principle, each class specializes in meeting specific demands. The types of GPS
systems include:
1. A-GPS
Assisted GPS (A-GPS) is a type of GPS that allows receivers to get information from local
network sources, which helps in the location of satellites. Assisted GPS is usually used in areas
where satellite signals cannot easily reach, probably due to trees or tall buildings. However, there
must be cellular networks for A-GPS to work.
Assisted GPS became necessary when GPS was introduced for commercial use. A-GPS is
extensively used in smartphones where it makes the phone’s location information accessible by
emergency call dispatch. The technology increases start-up time and allows cell phones to lock
into the navigation system even when the signal is weak, or their phone is visible to only two
2. S-GPS
Simultaneous GPS (S-GPS) is a modification of GPS that allows both voice data and GPS
signaling to be transmitted from a phone simultaneously. Both data types are sent simultaneously
rather than alternating the SPS signal and the reception for the telephone call, and there is better
sensitivity. This is particularly useful in emergencies to allow service providers such as
ambulances, fire stations, etc., to locate the source of a call even as the call is ongoing.
3. D-GPS
Differential GPS (D-GPS) is a correction technique used to increase the accuracy of location data
obtained from a traditional GPS receiver. D-GPS is an enhancement to GPS, providing a better
sense of the actual location of an object or person.
The usual range of accuracy for GPS is, at best, 15 Meters. D-GPS can narrow the location error
limit to 1 inch (2.5cm). It works using a network of fixed ground stations that broadcast the
calculated difference between the
4. Non-differential GPS
Non-differential GPS, as opposed to differential GPS, uses direct satellite signals to deduce
positioning. It is less accurate than D-GPS, but has a significantly more comprehensive range of
Mapping GPS is a type of GPS unit that comes with in-built maps. It is also possible to
download maps to add to the mapping GPS. This is the type of GPS unit often found in mobile
devices and other handheld devices. Non-mapping GPS is a type of GPs unit that comes without
maps. It shows you your location and the direction to get to another point without seeing roads or
landmarks. It uses breadcrumb-like trails to mark your progress and direction.
Examples of GPS
GPS solutions have been put across several use cases. Several companies have developed
software that takes advantage of GPS technology for commercial and government purposes.
Examples of the top GPS software are:
1. Google Maps Navigation
Google Maps is a commercial web mapping platform powered by the Google Cloud
Platform and marketed as an application to people worldwide. As of 2020, it was recorded to be
used by over one billion individuals every month. The original version of Google Maps, released
in 2005, was a combination of web-based mapping software, geospatial data visualization, and
real-time traffic analysis. Using a global positioning system, Google Maps provides many
features such as:
Navigation: It shows you the best possible route you can take to get from one
location to another. It also calculates the travel time you should expect based on
transportation or current speed.
Street view: Google street view gives you an experience close to reality. With 360-
degree panoramic images at street level, you can visualize several locations.
Real-time traffic updates: by amassing information from several smartphones,
Google maps can determine how congested a road ahead of you is and provide
alternative routes.
Landmarks and business listings: Through satellite positioning systems,
businesses, companies, and hospitals can be identified along various routes,
making it easy for users to access services.
Top 9 Applications of GPS
GPS technology, once developed, spread across the globe and has become an essential part of
global infrastructure, finding applications in every field. GPS services’ low cost and global
availability have spurred global positioning system technology applications in several industries.
In addition, receivers have been well developed, such that it is both affordable and compact
enough for varying use. Applications of GPS technology range from the internet of things,
banking, communication network, mapping, military, agriculture, etc. Some of these include:
1. Road transportation
GPS has proven to be a crucial part of road transportation and automobiles today. Road transport
applications have shown to be one of the largest markets for GPS receivers. They are used in
fleet management, public transport monitoring, taxi services, dispatch services, logistics and
delivery services, private car users, etc. Most cars now come with built-in GPS navigation or
placeholders for phones with GPS tracking applications.
The global positioning system is applicable even in emergencies. Whether you are personally
involved in such an event or come across the victims of an accident, etc., you can place a phone
call across an emergency hotline.
The service providers automatically track your precise location using GPS technology,
immediately dispatching trained workers to you. So even if you do not know the exact location
details, GPS does this for you.
The global positioning system is also applied in the aviation industry. Almost all aircraft now
rely on GPS technology to direct and navigate their course during a flight. It also helps in air
traffic control by sending the locations of one plane to others within an area. Even more effective
is the use of GPS in unmanned aerial vehicles or drones. These vehicles can launch into the air
without a driver, following a particular route and performing the specified task. This is just
another way GPS is and will be applied in the Internet of Things (IoT).
4. Law enforcement
Police and law enforcement also use GPS technology in performing their duties. By installing
GPS-enabled tracking devices on suspects’ vehicles, they can gain a clearer insight into a
particular crime and even prevent loss of life and property in time. Other special forces also use
GPS trackers to locate troops, missiles, etc., in real-time.
The global positioning system also offers accurate timing services, which one can use to
schedule, monitor and trace local and international money transfers. In the case of financial
crimes, law enforcement agencies can use them to provide an audit trail. Financial service
providers use the atomic clocks on GPS satellites to mark dates and time stamps for e-money
Most cars are now fitted with GPS tracking devices in hidden locations. This makes it the best
anti-theft protection hardware you can install on your vehicle or other valuables. Once a car is
missing, you can track the car’s present location from another device and, with the help of
security operatives, reclaim your stolen vehicle in little time.
By including GPS tracking technology, healthcare wearables worn by patients and those working
out can easily send a patient’s location to their primary health care physician or caregiver in
times of emergency. With GPS, geofencing has also become a better reality, mapping out areas
and keeping track of movement within the boundary. This can be used for pets, enforcing
curfews and other security purposes.
8. Applications in agriculture
GPS has profound application in the agricultural sector. From soil sampling to plotting yield
maps to monitoring tractors and other machinery, it contributed to better yield and higher
9. Child monitoring
Children are vulnerable when not in the immediate sight of their caregivers and may be at risk of
crimes such as kidnapping, or they might just wander away. By adding GPS trackers to
wristwatches and other wearables, parents can find it very easy to locate a child. Therefore
reassuring the parent while giving the child some degree of freedom. Such wearables can also be
fitted with alarms to send out warnings in case of danger.