Integrating GPS GSM and Cellular Phone F
Integrating GPS GSM and Cellular Phone F
Integrating GPS GSM and Cellular Phone F
Abstract— The wide spread of mobiles as handheld devices leads to location information that is periodically transmitted to the base
various innovative applications that makes use of their ever station via wireless medium [2, 12]. Our base station is a
increasing presence in our daily life. One such application is personal computer connected with a GPS receiver, GSM modem
location-tracking and monitoring. This paper proposes a prototype and interfacing software module written in C to filter the
model for location tracking using Geographical Positioning System
location information like altitude, longitude, speed, time and etc.
(GPS) and Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM)
technology. The system displays the object moving path on the and then converted into a format that can be displayed on PC,
monitor and the same information can also be communicated to the LCD and Mobile Phone as text message sent from GSM
user cell phone, on demand of the user by asking the specific modem. This particular design has an advantage where the
information via SMS. This system is very useful for car theft embedded system used for monitoring is not loaded with excess
situations, for adolescent drivers being watched and monitored by data because embedded application receives information only
parents. The result shows that the object is being tracked with a when there is a request from the user. This system has also
minimal tracking error. another facility to monitor the path along which the device
moves. This is optional, when the user wants, to see the path it
Keywords – Location tracking; GSM; GPS; Sensor Networking; receives the entire information from the GPS antenna otherwise
it only receives the desired information. From application point
I. INTRODUCTION of view, this environment tracking scheme can be utilized for
Due to the ripeness in the wireless technology, location-tracking various applications such as locating in-demand personnel like
of objects and people in indoor or outdoor environments has doctors or patients with vital sign sensor in hospital
received ample attention from researchers lately. There are environment, Army, Air force, etc. [8]. It can also serve as a
various methods for identifying and tracking user position such basis for context-aware application.
as Cricket [10], Mote Track [7] or GPS [13]. GPS offers a The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: In Section 2,
scalable, efficient and cost effective location services that are we present primary aspects of technologies used in our designed
available to the large public. However, the satellite emitted system. In Section 3, the overall integrated system is described
signals cannot be exploited indoors to effectively determine the i.e. working methodology of our model. Finally, Section 4
location. The aim of this research is to track a user position in summarizes the result of the project with future possible work
both indoor and outdoor environments with a minimal tracking we are going to attempt.
error by incorporating a trans-receiver in the device which to be
monitored. The tracking system can also be very useful for II. TECHNOLOGY USED IN SYSETM DESIGN
Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) [8, 12]. For example, it Radio Frequencies based information and communication
can be used in probing cars to measure real-time traffic data to technologies, such as GPS, RFID tags and Bluetooth etc, have
identify the congesting area. It can also be a life saver in an matured and become commercially available to potentially
emergency case to quickly and automatically report a vehicle support automated data collection.
position to a rescue agent when an accident happens to the
vehicle. In addition, it can be attached to a vehicle with an A. GPS Receiver
anti-theft system to identify its location when it is stolen. GPS is a Global Positioning System based on satellite
Our proposed system offers a real-time tracking system using a technology. The activities on GPS were initiated by the US
client-server approach. Our client can be any device, Department of Defense (DOD) in the early 1970s. The first of a
incorporated with the tracking antenna to identify device nominal constellation of 24 GPS satellites was launched in
1978, and the system was fully operational in the mid- 1990s. which is roughly equal to the measurement error at a second
Galileo is a European Union Global Positioning System, receiver at an unknown point (called ‘‘rover’’), is used to correct
Glonass is a Russian and BeiDou is the Chinese system [5, 11]. the position computed by the latter [3]. The Real-Time
GPS is comprised of three segments: space, control, and user Kinematic GPS (RTK GPS) can further enhance the positioning
equipment segments. The space segment consists of nominally accuracy to centimeter (even millimeter) levels by combining
24 satellites that circulate the Earth every 12 sidereal hours on the measurements of the signal carrier phases from both base
six orbital planes with four satellites in each plane that provide and rover receivers with special algorithms.
the ranging signals and data messages to the user equipment.
The orbits are equally spaced 60◦ apart from each other, and B. GSM Modem
each orbit has an inclination angle of 55◦. GPS is a typical The idea of cell-based mobile radio systems appeared at Bell
Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) system with an orbit altitude of Laboratories in the early 1970s. In 1982 the Conference of
approximately 20,200 km with regard to mean sea level. The European Posts and Telecommunications formed the Groupe
control segment is responsible for monitoring and controlling Spécial Mobile (GSM) to develop a pan-European mobile
the satellites subsystem health, status and signal integrity and cellular radio system (the acronym later became Global System
maintains the orbital configuration of the satellites and consists for Mobile communications). In 1988, GSM system is validated
of one Master Control Station and four unmanned monitor [16]. The currently available technologies for mobile data
stations located strategically around the world. Finally, the user transfer are Circuit Switched Data (CSD), High Speed Circuit
receiver equipment performs the navigation, timing, or other Switched Data (HSCSD), General Packet Radio Systems
related functions (e.g., surveying) [1]. Each GPS satellite (GPRS) and Third Generation (3G). Just as with audio
transmits signals at three distinct frequencies namely: L1 transmission on landline phones, both CSD and HSCSD charges
(1575.42 MHz), L2 (1227.60 MHz) and L5 (1176.45 MHz). The are based on the time spent using the dial-up connection.
L1, L2 and L5 carrier frequencies are generated by multiplying However, GPRS systems are sometimes referred to be as being
the fundamental frequency by 154, 120 and 115, respectively. always connected and dial-up modem connection is not
The measured transmitting times of the signals that travel from necessary, so in comparison to CSD, immediacy is one of the
the satellites to the receivers are used to compute the pseudo advantages of GPRS (and SMS) [6]. GPRS is a non-voice value
ranges. Two levels of navigation and positioning are offered by added service that allows data to be sent and received across a
the GPS. They are the Coarse Acquisition Code (C/A-code), mobile telephone network that was designed to run on GSM, a
sometimes called the “Civilian Code,” and the Precise, or worldwide standard for cellular communications. Data
Protected Code (P-Code).The Course-Acquisition (C/A) code, transmissions in the past were slow across the radio interfaces
sometimes called the Standard Positioning Service (SPS), and due to many propagation and reception problems. To create a
are a pseudorandom noise code that is modulated onto the L1 broadband communications interface, GPRS was developed as a
carrier. The precision (P) code, sometimes called the Precise stepping-stone approach to other services like the Enhanced
Positioning Service (PPS), is modulated onto the L1, L2 and L5 Data for a Global Environment (EDGE). GPRS is a packet
carriers allowing for the removal of the effects of the switched "always on" technology supporting Internet Protocols
ionosphere. Each satellite carries its own unique code string. (IP) with a theoretical maximum speed of up to 114kbps.
The SPS is a positioning and timing service focusing on the Because GPRS uses the same protocols as the Internet, the
civilian user and the PPS is a positioning, velocity, and timing networks can be seen as subsets of the
service for military applications [12]. Each receiver has a clock, Internet, with the GPRS devices as hosts, potentially with their
enabling it to measure the travel time of signals from the own IP addresses. In practice, connection speeds can be
satellites. Measuring the signals TOF from the satellites, whose significantly lower than the theoretical maximum, depending
positions are known, enables the calculation of the receiver’s upon the amount of traffic on the network and the type of
3-D position based on the trilateration principles. To calculate handset being used [9]. Server unit uses GPS receiver to capture
locations, the readings from at least four satellites are necessary, the current location and vehicle speed from the tracking antenna.
because there are four parameters to calculate: three location Location and speed data provided by GPS is not in human
variables and the receiver’s time [4]. To get metric or sub metric understandable format. This raw data needs to be processed to
accuracy in positioning data (i.e. longitude, latitude, and convert it into useful information that can be displayed by
altitude), a single GPS receiver is not sufficient; instead a pair of monitor of the PC or in LCD display or it can be sent to the
receivers perform measurements with common satellites and mobile phone through GSM modem. Software is required to
operate in a differential mode. DGPS provides sufficient process this raw data. GPS receiver can also provide information
accuracy for most outdoor tracking applications. In DGPS two of altitude, time of GPS fix, status of GPS fix, and number of
receivers are used. One receiver measures the coordinates of a satellite used to compute current location information along with
stationary point, called the base, whose position is perfectly location and speed. GPS fix means last reported location. For
known in the reference geodetic system used by GPS. The 3-D tracking purpose only location and speed data is required for
deviation between the measured and actual position of the base,
transmission. Other data provided by GPS receiver is used to network. Once it makes sure that module is connected to
determine the validity of location information. network, subroutine is terminated. Flow chart of the prototyped
model and the subroutine sends AT command are shown in Fig.
C. Tracking Software Module 1 and Fig. 2 respectively.
The raw data provided by the GPS receiver is captured by the
software and processed to extract the required location and
speed information. The microcontroller connected to the system
is also responsible for monitoring the GPS receiver and GSM
modem to receive and transmit the data to LCD and Mobile
Phone as text message. This system holds all the required
information that is to be transmitted to remote user (mobile
phone) using AT commands, LCD and PC Monitor. It also
controls data transmission module to exchange information with
remote server. It actually acts as a bridge between GPS receiver,
vehicle and remote server. It receives commands sent by remote
server through data transmission/receiving module and performs
corresponding action required by that remote server. The
Location Tracking module is written and compiled using C
language. The software performs three phases, reads message Figure 1. Block Diagram of Prototyped Model
from mobile through GSM modem, the GPS position reading,
and the GPS data formatted and transmitted to any display unit
or return back a message giving location information via GPRS
networks. The message reading phase prepares the module for
reading and transmitting location information. It is composed of
three functions. The baud rate used by the GPS (4800) and GSM
(9600) are different. The first function reads the message from
mobile through the GSM modem. The software reads the
message from RS232 port and initializes signals for the
microcontroller to switch the control to the GPS Receiver. After
reading the location information from the GPS, microcontroller
returns back its control from GPS to default GSM modem. Then
it processed the raw data provided by the GPS receiver and
extracted the required information and transmit it to the intended
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