Syllabus Data Structures 2023
Syllabus Data Structures 2023
Syllabus Data Structures 2023
Course outline
مركز الجودة والتطوير األكاديمي
Course outline
Attendance & 10
• This course aims to equip you
• Traditional Method Activity
Quizzes & 15 with a strong foundation in
• Coding in Class • By the end of this course, you'll be
Assignments Python programming, efficient
• Task -based Course Project 20 well-versed in Python's data
data manipulation skills using
learning structures and equipped with the
built-in data structures,
• Project-Based algorithmic problem-solving skills
Midterm 20 problem-solving abilities
Learning necessary to tackle a wide range of
through algorithmic thinking,
• Problem Based programming challenges. Whether
Final Exam 35 and the capacity to apply these
Learning you're a beginner or an
skills to real-world scenarios.
• Case study experienced programmer looking
By mastering these objectives,
to deepen your knowledge, this
you'll become a proficient
course will sharpen your Python
Python programmer capable of
programming skills and set you on
tackling diverse software
the path to becoming a proficient
development, data analysis,
data scientist or software engineer.
and algorithmic challenges
with confidence and expertise.
مركز الجودة والتطوير األكاديمي
Course outline
Topics Week#
1. Introduction to data structures
- Abstract data type and Data Structure 1
5. Linked Lists
- Lab: Linked list types, Singly, Doubly, and Circular, and its operations 5
مركز الجودة والتطوير األكاديمي
Course outline
8. Sorting Algorithms
- Lab: Selection sort, Bubble sort 9
Final Exam