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The Puzzling Temple

of Flummox Heist

Version 1 (5/11/2023)

Cartography: Saga Mackenzie

Cover Art: Giulia Tonon


Internal Art: Saga Mackenzie and Adobe Stock Art

Internal Puzzle Piece Line Art: Lillian Stevens

Editing: Christopher Walz

Layout: Jeff C. Stevens and Alan Tucker

Puzzle Design and Puzzle Art: Alison Collantine

Written By: Alison Collantine & Jeff C. Stevens


DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon ampersand, Ravnica and all other Wizards of the
Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.
This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content
Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
All other original material in this work is copyright 2023 by Jeff Stevens Games LLC and Alison Collantine, and published under the Community Content
Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.


Introduction Reward
If the characters return the stolen item (rod of warming)
Welcome to The Puzzling Temple of Flummox Heist—an to the village, Yorval and the villagers greet them warmly
adventure for four to five characters of 3rd to 5th level. and pay them the agreed upon sum of 700 gp. They are not
The adventure is optimized for a party with an Average interested in selling the item to the characters since it is an
Character Level of 4. integral part of their irrigation system.
Yorval places the item in her machine and the characters
Average Character Level witness it come alive as it slushes, clanks, grinds, and
The Average Character Level (ACL) is used to calculate

hisses while pushing water about the village and crops.
the appropriate challenge level for your party. To calculate
the ACL, add the total levels of all characters and divide Who Is Flummox Heist?
the sum by the number of characters (rounding up for .5 Flummox Heist is a trickster cleric who worships a

or greater). trickster god. Depending on your game’s setting, that god
could be one of your own creation, or one of the below.
Adventure Summary • Dragonlance – Hiddukel (Chaotic Evil)
The party is recruited to venture through a puzzle-filled • Ebberon – The Traveler (Chaotic Neutral), or Cults
dungeon to retrieve a stolen magic item. of the Dragon Below (Neutral Evil)
As they adventure through the temple’s rooms, solving
puzzles to progress, they unwittingly carry out a series of • Forgotten Realms – Leira (Chaotic Neutral), Mask
religiously significant actions, preparing themselves as (Chaotic Neutral), Beshaba (Chaotic Evil), or Cyric
sacrifices to a trickster god. (Chaotic Evil)

Flummox Heist, a malicious cleric of the trickster god,
waits in the final room to sacrifice the adventurers. She
plans to absorb the holy power the party has accumulated
by solving puzzles within the sacred space. The party must
Stolen Item
The stolen item could be anything that is valuable to the
village, but not immediately useful to the party. Here, the
defeat Flummox in a final battle before retrieving the rod of warming magically gives off a constant low heat. The
stolen magic item and returning it to the village for their village uses it to heat water to power steam-driven pumps,
reward. which transport water up to their mountainside crops.

Story Overview Rod of Warming

Rod, Uncommon
In response to a plea for ‘adventurers with sharp wits,’ the

party travels to the small, mountainside halfling village of This 4-foot-long, 3-inch-diameter brass rod is etched
Blantyre. There, they are greeted by the village’s leader, with flames.
Yorval Thornyflat (halfling, she/her) who explains the Though it can be handled with ease, this rod
situation. She offers a reward of 700 gp total for returning continually produces heat. Enough heat that anyone
a magical rod. within 5 feet of the rod has resistance to cold damage.
A thief has stolen the village’s precious magical object, a If used as a spellcasting focus, spells that deal fire

rod of warming. Without the item, their irrigation system damage deal an additional 1d4 fire damage.
is failing, and the village is in danger of famine.
The thief, Flummox Heist (half-elf, she/her, see stat
block), left a message behind. Oddly, it wasn’t a ransom
demand. Instead, she invited the villagers to come and
retrieve it by entering her Puzzling Temple. Several
villagers, as well as a previous party of hired adventurers,
have entered the temple, but no one has returned.

The Temple Puzzles, Hints, & Solutions
The Puzzling Temple entrance seamlessly cuts into a We understand that DMs may want to solve the puzzles and
mountainside, leading into a series of rooms carved into riddles themselves, before presenting this adventure to your
the solid rock. players. To facilitate that, we’ve placed the puzzle hints and
The party travels through the temple while solving solutions in appendices near the end of the adventure.
puzzles that require them to (unknowingly) carry out The icons below, displayed with each puzzle, show
actions preparing themselves for religious sacrifice: the page number for quick access to each aspect of the
• Being welcomed in by an adept of the faith puzzle: hints, solution, and large image of the puzzle to

• Drawing a religious symbol show your players.

• Singing or playing a hymn Pg # Pg #

Pg #
• Killing (sacrificing) an animal

• Burning an offering on an altar Hints Solution Puzzle Image
• Spilling their own blood Appendices
• Lighting a candle The following appendices are found at the end of the
Final Battle Appendix 1: Puzzle Hints
In the last room of the temple, the characters are Appendix 2: Puzzle Solutions
confronted by Flummox Heist who, as part of the Appendix 3: Stat Blocks

ritual of sacrifice, announces aloud that the party
has undertaken the rites required of a sacrifice. She
summons reanimated corpses of previous adventurers to
aid her against the party.
Appendix 4: Puzzle Images

Unless otherwise noted, for all maps:
Using This Supplement 1 square = 5 feet.
Locations in this adventure may be changed as needed to
fit your campaign. Using The Puzzles
Text in these yellow boxes is to be read to players. With a few exceptions, the individual puzzles are not
a physical threat to the characters. They require the

characters and the players to deduce a solution.

Text in these gray boxes is for the DM only and
Most of the puzzles in this adventure are designed to
should not be read to players.
tie into the finale. However, most are individual puzzles
Unless otherwise noted, all NPCs have the statistics of a and not linked to one another. You can either run this
commoner. adventure as written, or you could source the individual
puzzles, adding them to your own home adventure or

campaign as you like.

You Are Empowered

You do not have to run this adventure as written. You (as
the DM) are empowered to make changes as you wish—
adjusting the adventure and the encounters as the game
is played.
If you find battles too easy or hard, feel free to change
the number of creatures, their hit points, their number
of attacks, the damage they inflict, or the creatures

Entering the Village of “But despite that, it’s no joke. People go in there—
Blantyre some of our bravest villagers, and a group of
adventurers we hired—but they never come out.
We’ve lost too many people, and now, with our
Blantyre is a small farming village nestled along the side of ingenious irrigation system hampered, our crops
a mountain. The villagers grow several crops, with beets, are failing.”
turnips, spinach, cabbage, and potatoes being their most
Their halfling-sized homes, mainly constructed with More About The Stolen Rod

sod, stone, and wood, are modest but warm dwellings. The “The rod is one of those strange magical artifacts.
people are kind and hospitable but are sometimes wary of Perhaps you’ve heard about rods that can be fixed
outsiders. immovably in the air, or that store spells? This
Easily seen from a distance, a large contraption of pipes, one just gives off heat. Not a lot, but a constant

pulleys, gears, and kettles snakes itself in and around the warmth. So, if you use it to heat water, and
village. This is Blantyre’s magnificent irrigation system, insulate it well enough, the water boils, and the
created by Yorval. Typically, a visitor would hear slushing steam turns a turbine—turning heat energy into
and clanking, grinding and hissing as they neared movement energy. You see? And that drives the
the village, but with the rod of warming missing, the most wonderful system of gears and pistons to
mechanical wonder stands quiet. work the pump. I’ve made so many refinements
Yorval, found tinkering with the machine, greets the over the years. It’s really quite something to see,”
characters. She offers them a spot of tea and beet cakes she says with pride and enthusiasm.

(small, sweet cakes made by combining flour, yak milk,
molasses, and mashed beets) in her thatched-roof home,
constructed from local stone and dark mud. She would
like to discuss the particulars of the quest she hopes the
More About Flummox Heist
“This thief, Flummox Heist, came to the village a
party accepts. couple of months ago with credentials from the
Artificer’s Guild. They looked genuine enough
What They Know About to us. She said she was interested in seeing our
pumping system—as well she might be, with all
Flummox Heist the innovations I’ve made to it. Of course, I was
During their discussion, she offers a reward of 700 gp delighted to show her how it worked.
total, for the party to divide as they wish.

“And then the next day, the rod was gone and the
“We have a rather odd problem. You see, we’re whole system stopped working. She must have
mostly a farming community. It’s very good soil used her guided tour to eye up the best way to
and sunlight here, but no natural water springs, steal it.
so we’ve always relied on a pumping system.
There’s a lot of beautiful machinery involved, but “Where the rod should be, we found a note telling
it’s ultimately powered by a rare artifact, a rod that us about the crypt and daring us to make our way

gives off heat. And it’s missing. Or rather, we know through her puzzles to find our missing treasure.
where it is, but we can’t retrieve it. Flummox must be mad. Why not just sell the rod,
or ask for a ransom in gold? We’d pay it if we could.
“A conwoman called Flummox Heist has taken it I don’t see the point of this elaborate game.”
and hidden it in some kind of crypt she’s created,
just east of the village. She’s told us to come and
claim it if we can. It’s a bizarre setup—all puzzles
and riddles, as far as we can tell.

To the Puzzling Temple Tobias knows he is a statue, and that his job is to let
people into the temple. In life, he was a knight in service
to a ‘god of sharp wits’. If asked, he gives the name of the
Yorval leads the characters to the temple’s doorway;
deity, which is the same trickster god that Flummox Heist
however, under no circumstances does she enter the
follows (see page 4 – Who is Flummox Heist?). He doesn’t
temple. She is convinced that she would hinder the party
have much more information to offer the characters.
and their ability to succeed where others have not.
Tobias slashes into the niche behind him with his sword,
Area 1: Welcome and the stone swings open like a double door. He then
politely invites the adventurers to enter a dark corridor
The entrance pointed out by Yorval appears to be just a

beyond the doorway.
niche in the rock filled with a solid stone slab. A statue
stands in the niche.
Read or summarize the following:

A metal statue, depicting an armored knight with a
sword, stands in a niche carved into the stone cliff

In his free hand, the knight holds an open, metal


The Statue. The statue is made of brass and is of excellent


The Book. When the characters examine the book, they
see the following puzzle.

20 25 30

The Outcome. When the correct name is spoken aloud,

the statue animates and introduces himself as Sir Tobias
Medthorpe. He is courteous and a little fussy.

Area 2: Sand Trough Area 3: Tempus
Read or summarize the following: The characters descend into a room containing a statue
of a warrior wielding a warhammer embellished with
The corridor opens out into a round, stone room
an hourglass. This warhammer is the key to progressing
with a domed ceiling. Burning torches set around
further into the temple and must be used to destroy the
the circular stone wall dimly light the room.
metal slab that blocks the party’s progression.
On the floor, in the center of the room, is a large Read or summarize the following:
circular trough, just a few inches high, rimmed
At the bottom, you find yourselves in a stone

with a dull golden metal and filled with black sand.
Text and images are carved into the stone floor chamber. At the opposite end is a large archway,
around it. approximately 9 feet high by 5 feet wide. The
archway frames what looks like a huge metal door
Exits. There are no visible exits, other than the doorway covered in decorative carving.

the characters used to enter the room. Dominating the room is a large statue in the
The Trough. Golden text and images are carved into the center of the chamber. The stone sculpture
floor around the trough. The below image provides a bird’s depicts a human warrior in chainmail, about twice
eye view of the trough. as large as life.

Once all of the characters are inside the room, the ceiling
magically seals itself, blocking their exit.


20 25 31

The Outcome. When the characters trace a line in the sand

between each image and its corresponding set of words,
the stone beneath the sand crumbles away, revealing the
entrance into a room 20-feet below. Characters may use a
rope to safely enter the room below.

Examining the Statue Statue Combat
Read or summarize the following: As soon as anyone or anything touches the archway or
metal slab within it, the characters hear the sound of
The statue’s stone face stares proudly. The 10-foot-
grinding stone. The statue warrior’s expression changes
tall figure depicts a warrior in armor with her head
to a look of hatred. She lifts her warhammer easily in one
uncovered and her stone hair flowing down her
hand and steps down from her pedestal. Roll for initiative!
back. One hand rests on the ornate handle of a
warhammer, and the other holds a shield. The statue warrior swings her warhammer in powerful
arcs as she relentlessly attacks the characters. Though she
Carved into the base of her stone pedestal is a is devastatingly strong, her attacks are lumbering, giving

single word—Tempus. her disadvantage on all attack rolls.
As the personification of Time (unstoppable and deadly
A character succeeding on a DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) to all) her aim is to destroy all living things in the chamber
or Intelligence (Investigation) check notices that before returning to her pedestal.

the warhammer is engraved with stylized images of If a character manages to wrest the hammer from the
hourglasses. A character succeeding on a DC 15 Wisdom statue, she spends all her subsequent turns attacking that
(History) check has heard of a hammer designed with character to retrieve her warhammer.
hourglasses and has heard rumors of its ability to distort
Speaking to the Statue Warrior
time. If the check succeeds by 5 or more, the character
recalls the name of the warhammer—Rift. The statue warrior is a single-minded animated statue and
offers little in the way of conversation. If the characters
Examining the Archway attempt to speak to her, she responds in an angry tone

The huge archway is the only feature on the walls. It is
filled by a solid metal slab, like a giant door but without
hinges, handle, or lock, elaborately carved with a
landscape scene showcasing a huge mountain.
using any of the following phrases, each serving as a clue.
Text is inscribed around the archway. It reads, in
Time is the great leveler. It brings death to
the mighty and meek alike. It turns even
the greatest mountain to dust.

a DC 10 Charisma (Performance or Intimidation) check.
“Time will take its toll on all of you, and everything
around you.” When the final blow hits the door, read or summarize:

“Nothing in this world can withstand the ravages The last blow causes cracks to reach the very edge
of time.” of the door. With an earsplitting metallic creak, the
slab breaks into huge metal shards that scatter
“I destroy mountains, and crumble cities to dust. about the room.
You are nothing to me.”
Any characters within 10 feet of the slab when it is
“Time is relentless, bringing destruction to all destroyed must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving

things.” throw or take 9 (2d8) bludgeoning damage.
If not destroyed, the statue warrior continues to attack
“Nothing can withstand my hammer. I destroy
any characters inside her room after the door is destroyed.
mountains, and I will destroy you.”
However, she cannot pass through the archway. She stands

Attacking the Metal Slab at the archway and calls furiously after them, stating they
cannot outrun time.
The characters may realize that the only way forward is to
Treasure. The only treasure in the room is the magical
destroy the metal slab blocking the archway. A character
warhammer called Rift.
succeeding on a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception)
check after hearing one of more of the statue’s statements Rift
Weapon (Warhammer) Very Rare (Requires Attunement)
comes to the same conclusion.
The metal slab is extraordinarily strong (AC 15, 600 HP) You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
with this magical warhammer.

and would take a ludicrously long time for the characters
to destroy with normal attacks. Being metal, it is immune
to psychic damage and is resistant to fire damage.
If the characters hit the metal slab, describe the effects of
In addition, while attuned to this weapon, you gain
the following ability:
Time Slip. As a reaction, which you take at the end
of a hostile creature’s turn, you utter a command word
their attack in a way that indicates it is only chipping away
tiny fractions of the slab. that immediately grants you an additional turn. During
this turn, your actions do not trigger other creature’s
Your blow strikes true, but the only effect is a reactions or opportunity attacks. Once you use this
scratch on the slab’s surface and a few flecks of ability, you can’t use it again until the next dawn.
metal which patter onto the floor. It may take
thousands of blows to destroy this barrier.

Destroying the Metal Slab

The metal slab is uniquely vulnerable to the statue
warrior’s hammer. Each time the hammer hits it, the
warhammer deals 1d6 × 50 magical bludgeoning damage
to the slab. A character wielding the warhammer produces

the same effect if they use it against the metal slab.

When the statue warrior makes her first few attacks, she
targets any characters close to the metal slab. If her blow
misses, describe dramatically how it hits the door instead.
The warhammer swings past and slams into the metal
barrier with a sound like an enormous gong being struck.
A mass of cracks radiates out from the point where the
hammer struck the door.
The characters can encourage her to attack them as
they stand in front of the archway by shouting insults or
goading her to attack. At your discretion, this may require

Area 4: Buttons Area 4: Buttons Continued
The chamber beyond is about 9-foot-square, with a stout Inside the safe are shelves of ornately carved wooden
wooden door on its opposite side. There is a small metal boxes marked with monograms on metal plates.
door set into the eastern wall, which resembles a metal safe. The Outcome. The characters must choose the correct
The Safe. Rather than sporting the usual dial or box.
combination lock, the door is fitted with six buttons
beneath a cryptic inscription.
The Outcome. The door reacts differently, depending on

how the buttons are pressed.

21 26 34

If the correct box is opened, inside the box is a rolled-up

parchment containing sheet music. The staves are marked
21 25 33 with musical notes describing a simple monophonic

melody. There are words—or at least syllables—set

underneath the notes.
The words are written in the Common alphabet but
If the buttons are pressed in the correct order, the
don’t seem to form any recognizable Common words.
symbol on the catch starts to glow: a line lights up for each
When the song is sung or played, a door on the opposite
button pressed, and finally the circle illuminates on the
side of the chamber unlocks.
final button pushed. The symbol pulses with light for a

moment and the clasp falls away. The safe swings open.
If the buttons are pressed in the incorrect order, a KHA SAV OOV TAY OOV KAY NU
crackle of lightning jumps from the last button, targeting
the character who pressed the buttons. That creature must NAL PHA TUK NAY OOV KAY NU
make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw, taking 3 (1d6)
lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage If the incorrect box is opened, a device inside the box
on a successful save. For each additional unsuccessful sprays a corrosive liquid at the character opening the box.
attempt to solve the puzzle, an additional bolt of lightning That character must make a DC 11 Constitution saving
leaps from the door, targeting a separate creature. throw, taking 7 (2d6) acid damage on a failed save, or half
as much damage on a successful save.

Area 5: Card Game Area 6: Lizard Combat
After using the revealed passageway, the characters find The door opens to a large room with a central, blazing fire
themselves in a small, circular room containing a table pit surrounded by four stone pillars. Three hungry lizard
with inset playing cards. creatures prowl the room, waiting for their next meal.
It is not necessary for the characters to solve the playing
Four stone pillars surround a blazing fire pit in the
card riddle. However, doing so grants them insight on how
center of the room. A door within a stone arch on
to defeat the creatures in the next room.
the far wall is seen through the wisps of flame.
Read or summarize the following:

The revealed passageway leads to a small, circular The Lizards. These creatures are vulnerable to slashing
room. A large wooden door framed by a stone arch and piercing damage. When injured, their blood is quickly
is on the east wall. To the west stands a table with absorbed into the stone floor, glowing a pale green as it
colored playing cards carved into its wooden top. does.

The Door. The door is magically sealed. When all threats
in the room are defeated, the stone arch around the door
glows green and the door clicks open.

Threat Suggestions
Each lizard in this room is vulnerable to piercing
and slashing damage.
Very Easy – Three Medium-sized Giant Lizards

e Easy – Three Medium-sized Giant Lizards, each

with 33 hit points.
Medium – Three Deinonychus, each with 40 hit
Difficult – Three Guard Drakes
Very Difficult – Three Guard Drakes, each with 77
hit points.

Area 7: Doll Drawers


As the characters pass into Area 7, they see the ghostly

figure of a young girl, which moves quickly toward the
party, passing through a stone table in the middle of the
room. With an eager but agitated look, she calls out:

“Hello! Can you help me? I need my doll.”


The Girl. The ghostly girl’s name is Nevar (she/her). She’s

22 26 35
happy to speak with the characters but knows little about
this puzzling temple. She shows the characters a set of
drawers set into the wall on one side of the chamber. She
The Door. The door is latched but not locked. When tells them:
a character opens the door, it swings inward with
little resistance, and then speeds up of its own accord,
slamming open in a sudden movement. The thud attracts
the attention of three large lizard-like creatures who are
prowling the room beyond (Area 6).

If other drawers are opened, they contain (top to
“My doll’s name is Mr. Pans. He’s only made of hay
or something, but he’s my best friend. bottom, left to right):
• A magical cloak which grants the wearer +1 on
“The mean woman put Mr. Pans in one of these Deception checks.
drawers, but I can’t get into them. She said I must
• Tiny bats fly out of the box, then grow larger into a
get an alive person to work out where he is and get
swarm of bats that attacks the characters.
him for me. So, you’ll help me, won’t you?
• A net covered in sharp spikes flies out of the drawer
“There’s lots of drawers, but I don’t know which and tries to engulf the character, who must attempt
holds my doll. I want him back. Daddy always said I

a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, suffering 2d6
get very contrary without my doll.”
piercing damage on a failed saving throw, or no
damage on a successful save.
If a character asks Nevar to reach through a drawer to see
or feel inside, a spark leaps out where her fingers touch the • Tiny wolf figurine. If removed from the box, the

surface, and she snatches her arm back. figurine quickly grows, becomes alive, and attacks
the characters. Use a dire wolf (CR 1) or winter wolf
(CR 3).
• A mug which, when drunk from, casts a 3rd-level
sleep spell on the drinker. This effect recharges daily
at dawn.

Area 8: Stars
e Opening the secret door reveals a rocky
passageway beautifully pinpricked with tiny points
of light.
At the end of the tunnel is a stone wall engraved
with images of stars, and another rhyming riddle.


22 26

If the correct doll drawer is opened, inside is a straw

doll of a crocodile and a small, leather pouch containing
three vials of a green liquid.
Treasure. Each of the vials act as a potion of healing but

heal a total of three points each.

The Doll. Nevar tries to hold the doll, but her non-
corporeal hands can’t touch it. She asks the characters to
burn the doll on the stone table in the room.

“You need to burn him on this stone table. If you’re

burned on here, that’s how you get to be a ghost.”

In return for burning the doll so that she can hug its ghost,
she points out the location of a hidden switch that opens a
secret door on the opposite side of the chamber.

If investigated, the characters easily notice that the tiny to move and flow towards the door. Dozens of glowworms
lights are glowworms. swarm towards the keyhole, which pulses softly with their
light. After a moment, the door unlocks with a soft click.

Area 9: Dogs & Keys

You enter yet another stone room. Running
down each wall are wide decorative cloths,
richly embroidered with a battle scene depicting
armored knights locked in violent conflict using

swords and longbows.

The tapestries depict bodies of fallen warriors and

their steeds strewn on the ground. Dogs run, fall,

and contort in agony in each scene, and vultures
wheel overhead.

At the far end of the room is a large wooden

door with two keyholes, one on each side of the

Examining the Door

The metal plates around each keyhole are each etched with

e a symbol. The left-hand lock plate is marked with a star,

and the right-hand lock plate with a triangle.
A character who succeeds on a DC 12 Intelligence
(Investigation) check realizes the two locks look tricky,
37 and to make it even more difficult their mechanisms
23 26
are linked. They also realize that both must be unlocked
simultaneously in order to open the door. To open the
The Outcome. When the correct substance is introduced door, the characters must obtain both keys and turn them
into the keyhole, the points of light along the ceiling begin in the locks simultaneously to open the door.

Examining the Tapestry Characters may easily remove the hangings from
The two long wall hangings run the entire length of the walls, but nothing happens if they do. The
this room, one on either side. Along the top of the hangings are held up by small hooks hammered
fabric is embroidered the message: into the stone walls, which hook through small
holes at the top of the cloths.
Learn from our history. Violence is fruitless. Healing Casting detect magic on the tapestries reveals
and cooperation are the keys to progress. that the dogs and the keys are affected by
Two of the dogs embroidered on the cloths catch Transmutation magic.

your eye: each carries a large key in its mouth. If the characters attempt to cut the embroidered
One dog is on the left-hand wall and carries a key cloth keys out of the tapestry, the injured
marked with a star. The other is on the right-hand dogs animate, growl, and attempt to bite the
wall and carries a key marked with a triangle. Both character’s hand: +4 to hit, 2d4 piercing damage
on a hit. The dog gets three bites in the time

dogs are contorted in pain and marked with bloody
gashes. They look to be badly wounded and in it takes to remove the key. The cloth key thus
great distress. removed is useless and will not open the door.

A character succeeding on a DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) The Trick to Opening the Door

or Intelligence (Investigation) check notices a soft sound The door has two locks, and the message mentions that
coming from the tapestries. The two injured dogs carrying cooperation is required to progress. The key marked
the keys seem to be faintly whimpering in pain. with a triangle must be placed in the lock marked with a
The Trick to Obtaining the Keys triangle. The key marked with a star must be placed in the

The dogs are injured, and the message describes healing as
the key to progression. To get the dogs to release the keys,
the characters must apply healing magic.
lock marked with a star. When both keys are then turned
simultaneously, the door swings open.

Alternative Tactics
When either a healing spell is cast on either dog, or a
potion of healing is poured onto it, or when a character Picking Locks. The locks can be picked with a
succeeds on a DC 12 Wisdom (Medicine) check that successful DC 18 Dexterity check using thieves’
targets the tapestry, read or summarize: tools. However, both locks must be picked
simultaneously in order to open the door. Two
The embroidered image of the dog suddenly characters must both succeed on the check at the
animates. Its posture relaxes as the red wounds same time to unlock the door.

begin to heal. Its tail starts to wag, and it turns to Destroying the Door. The door is very strong,
look at you. but it can be destroyed. The door has an AC of 16
The dog barks with joy, and the embroidered and 90 HP. It is immune to psychic damage. Being
image of the key falls from its mouth. As the key wooden, it is vulnerable to fire damage.
reaches the bottom of the hanging, it keeps falling Dispel Magic. Casting dispel magic on a key
until it hits the ground with a solid-sounding clang. embroidery or dog embroidery causes the key to

A brass key now lays at your feet. drop from the dog’s mouth, become solid metal,
and hit the floor. The dogs are sufficiently far
apart that the spell must be cast twice, once on
Notes each dog. The dog is not healed, and it continues
The keys are two-dimensional images looking distressed.
embroidered onto the cloth and cannot be simply Knock. Casting knock on either lock unlocks it.
removed. If the characters attempt to grab them, However, the spell must be cast on both locks
they just grasp the fabric of the hanging. simultaneously to open the door.
If characters look behind the wall hangings, they Combination. Any combination of the above also
only see solid stone walls. works. For instance, a spellcaster can cast knock
while another character picks a lock.

Area 10: Which Direction? The trap activates when more than 20 pounds of
Read or summarize the following: weight is placed on the pressure plate, releasing four
darts. Each dart makes a ranged attack with a +8 bonus
The doorway leads to a dimly lit narrow against a random target within 10 feet of the pressure
passageway. Several symbols are noticeable on plate (vision is irrelevant to this attack roll). (If there are
the far wall.
no targets in the area, the darts don’t hit anything.) A
target that is hit takes 2 (1d4) piercing damage and must
The passageway is 60 feet long and ends at a T-shaped
succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking
junction, where the wall is engraved with the following
11 (2d10) poison damage on a failed save, or half as

symbols: a bear above an arrow pointing to the left and a
much damage on a successful one.
knotted rope above an arrow pointing to the right.

Area 11: Symbols

There is no sign of life in the chamber beyond. On one
wall is an imposing iron door, and sitting against another
is a wooden table crowded with arcane paraphernalia.
Above the table, a message is carved into the wall: Reflect
on this from different angles and it shall guide you.

23 26 39

If the correct direction is chosen, the characters
continue to the next room without incident.
If the incorrect direction is chosen, the characters enter
a corridor containing a poison dart trap, which also leads
to the next puzzle room. Any character who takes damage
from the darts notices their blood being absorbed into the
stone as it hits the floor.
Poison Dart Trap

Mechanical trap
When a creature steps on a hidden pressure plate,
poison-tipped darts shoot from spring-loaded or
24 26 40
pressurized tubes cleverly embedded in the surrounding
walls. An area might include multiple pressure plates,
each one rigged to its own set of darts.

The tiny holes in the walls are obscured by dust and The Outcome. When the correct candle is set alight, the
cobwebs, or cleverly hidden amid bas-reliefs, murals, characters see that the wax inside is arranged in hollow
or frescoes that adorn the walls. The DC to spot them is honeycomb-like cells that melt away quickly. The wick is
15. With a successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) wrapped around something metal inside that was giving
check, a character can deduce the presence of the the candle its weight. After a few minutes, a large iron key
pressure plate from variations in the mortar and stone sits in a puddle of cooling wax.
used to create it, compared to the surrounding floor. The key can be used to unlock the iron door at the far
Wedging an iron spike or other object under the side of the chamber.
pressure plate prevents the trap from activating. Stuffing Above the door is an inscription: Those ready to
the holes with cloth or wax prevents the darts contained praise and sacrifice, enter this sanctum.
within from launching.

Area 12: Flummox Heist Threat Suggestions
After so many bare stone chambers, this one Below are difficulty scaling suggestions for the
seems a riot of color and light: candles burn in final battle.
ornate candelabras placed around the walls, Easy – remove one skeleton and one zombie.
swathes of colorful fabric and garlands of flowers
hang from the ceiling and cascade down the walls, Medium – as written.
and an elaborate canopy rises above a stone table Difficult – Each skeleton begins with 20 hit points
in the center of the room. and each zombie begins with 33 hit points.

Replace one zombie with a zombie (chain mail).
Standing behind the table is a tall woman in a Flummox Heist begins with 95 hit points.
purple cloak. Flummox Heist (see Appendix 3)
spreads her arms wide and says, “Welcome! Tactics
Please, do come in.”

Flummox, the two skeletons, and the zombie (apprentice
When the characters have entered, she lifts her eyes as if wizard) stand away from melee combat, using their spells
intoning a sermon. and ranged attacks. The two zombies, zombie (chain mail),
and zombie (greatsword) engage in melee combat.
“Let it be known that these people have done all
necessary preparation: Reanimation Crystals
Their way in has been opened by a true believer; A character may attempt to remove or destroy the
They have inscribed the holy sigil in the sand; green crystals by:

They have sacrificed wild beasts and spilled their
blood copiously on the temple floor;
They have played the hymn of worship;
They have burned an effigy upon an altar,
Succeeding on a DC 14 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand)
check to remove the crystal from the neck of an
undead creature. Though the crystal continues to
glow, it has no significant power.
They have offered up their own blood;
And they have reverently lit a final flame within this Targeting a crystal with the dispel magic spell, which
holy space. causes the crystal’s green glow to fade.
They are made ready.” Specifically targeting the crystal with a melee or
ranged attack. Each crystal has an AC 14 and 10 hit
Threats points. When destroyed this way, the crystal shatters.
• Flummox Heist, a Trickster Cleric

• The reanimated corpses of a previous adventuring

party—two skeletons, two zombies, a zombie
(chain mail), a zombie (greatsword), and a zombie If the party defeats the enemies in combat, they easily find
(apprentice wizard). These corpses are animated by the rod of warming, a spell scroll of animate dead, a journal
green crystals that hang from a cord around their containing Flummox’s prayers to her trickster god, and
necks. If these crystals are destroyed or removed, two diamonds worth 100 gp each hidden under the altar

the corpse collapses and becomes lifeless once more. in the center of the room.
Destroying a zombie also deactivates its crystal. A hallway at the back of the room leads to a secret exit,
which opens roughly a mile from the village (see page 4 –
Death Reward).
If a party member is reduced to 0 hit points, a burst of
holy energy empowers Flummox, restoring her magical
powers (see Flummox Heist’s stat block). If the characters
are defeated, their corpses are stored by Flummox to be
used as weapons against the next heroic adventurers who
venture into the temple.


More Best-Selling Titles by Jeff Stevens Games


Appendix 1: Puzzle Hints • The second clue is something you might say when
surprised or taken aback.
This appendix supplies hints you may use to help the • The third clue, you realize, refers not to people but to
players and their characters solve the puzzles. animals.
When offering hints, consider linking them to a character’s • Surely some insects have a queen?
backstory, background, class, or subclass. For instance, a
• As you look at the fourth clue, you realize that there
bard may recall a riddle like the Temple Entrance riddle
are only a handful of ‘question words’ in Common.
and realize each sentence refers to a single letter. A wise
Surely one of them is the homophone of a letter?
wizard or cleric might easily solve one of the connecting

lines, or a detect magic spell may reveal a faint hint of one
of the lines to be drawn in the Sand Trough puzzle. Puzzle 2: Sand Trough
Similarly, a character with a gambler background, or (Page 8)

one carrying a deck of playing cards, might easily notice
that the cards in the Card Game puzzle have the number 1
instead of Aces.

Puzzle 1: Temple Entrance

(Page 7)


• There are five written clues and five images. Each
clue must refer to one of the images.
Hints • Each clue has three written lines. Each line can be
• The book’s text invites you to ‘call my name’. The
translated into a single, one-syllable word.
answer you’re looking for is a single-word name.
• Your eye is drawn to the writing at the top right.

• Each of the four clues on the right-hand page leads

‘Not me’ suggests the opposite of ‘me:’ ‘you.’ And ‘leg
to a single letter. Put the four letters together to spell
joint:’ well, the joint in the middle of your leg is your
the knight’s name.
‘knee’. So the first two lines are You, Knee...
• The first line, ‘My first is leaves in water’, reminds
• The third line of the top right text, ‘cereal crop,’
you of brewing and infusing a favorite drink.
could be several things. But one possibility is corn.
• The first line poetically suggests leaves infused in So, the three lines create ‘You, Knee, Corn.’ You say
water: tea. those out loud and realize that they match one of the
• You realize that Tea is a homophone of the letter images: the unicorn.
T. The other clues seem likely to follow the same • You look at the images and try to identify them. You
pattern. have ‘unicorn,’ ‘pineapple,’ ‘butterfly’ and ‘harlequin.’

Each text clue must link to one of these images, so • And ‘Rhymeless’ suggests the color word that
even if you can only identify one line of each clue, famously doesn’t rhyme with anything.
you can match it to the correct image. • The other words must each suggest another color
• You could drag a sword or knife over its surface to from the rainbow. And when pushed in rainbow
draw a straight line within the sand, connecting each order, they will unlock the safe.
clue to its image.
Puzzle 4: Buttons Continued
Puzzle 3: Tempus (Page 11)

(Page 8)
• See adventure text.

Puzzle 4: Buttons

(Page 11)

• The inscription says ‘one was missing.’ That must
refer to something in the previous puzzle.
• The safe puzzle which you just solved used six of the

seven rainbow colors. Which was missing?

• You’re looking for ‘indigo’, the missing color from
Hints the safe buttons puzzle. You look closely at the
• In order to open the safe, you need to press these six
monograms on the boxes.
buttons in the correct order.
• You realize that describing the monograms out loud
• To work out the order, you need to figure out what

may help.
‘watery bow that cannot be tied’ means.
• The first box’s monogram has ‘dom’ written inside an
• ‘Watery’ makes you think of rain.
‘O’. As you say it out loud you realize that’s ‘dom in
• A bow seen when it’s raining is a ‘rainbow.’ You try O’. Domino!
to work out how to use that information to order the
• The next one has ‘cure’ inside a ‘C’. This one works
words on the buttons.
the other way around: ‘in C cure’. Insecure! That
• A rainbow is made up of colors in a set order. makes a word as well. So perhaps ‘indigo’ will be
You realize that each word on the buttons must made the same way.
correspond to a color.
• When you’re ‘Angry’, you could be said to be
‘Seeing....’ what?

Puzzle 5: Card Game Puzzle 6: Lizard Combat
(Page 12) (Page 12)
• See adventure text.

Puzzle 7: Doll Drawers

(Page 12)

e Hints
• Nevar said she gets very ‘contrary’ without her doll.
That word gets your attention.
Hints • You realize that Nevar’s own name is a common
• The word ‘Suit’ is capitalized in the message. That word spelled backwards. Perhaps that’s a clue to
must mean something. deciphering the messages on the drawers?
• You notice that the Aces in these cards are • The two words on the top middle drawer don’t make
represented by the number 1 instead of the usual A. much sense as they are. Perhaps if you looked at

The numbers on the cards must be important here as them in another direction.
well as the suits.
• The top middle drawer’s label, if you read both words
• All the numbers on these playing cards are very low. backwards, says ‘reviled bats.’ That doesn’t sound
In fact, you notice that the highest number used for a good. Perhaps a different drawer will have a more
Diamond card is 7. That’s the same number of letters promising message.
as in the word Diamond. And the highest number
• You think about how Nevar described her missing

for a Heart card is 5, the same number of letters as in

toy, and try to relate that to the labels on the drawers.
the word Heart.
• The ghost girl said that Mr. Pans is her ‘best friend’
• Each card represents one letter of a message. The
and ‘made of hay or something.’
card backs indicate spaces between words.
• She might be wrong about exactly what her toy is
• The first card is the 1 of Spades. Letter number 1 in
made of. Perhaps it’s something else that’s similar to
the word Spade is S.
The second card is the 1 of Hearts. The first letter is
Heart is H.
Then you have the 3 of Spades: the third letter in Spades
is A. ‘SHA...’. This could be spelling something.

Puzzle 8: Stars Puzzle 9: Dogs & Keys
(Page 13) (Page 14)
• See adventure text.

Puzzle 10: Which Direction?

(Page 16)

• You are at a T-shaped junction, and you have two
choices of direction. The pictures are a clue to which
path you should take. Decipher the clues and choose
your direction.
• Look closely at the image above each arrow and

e mutter the words out loud.

• The left-hand image is a familiar animal. The right-
hand image looks a little like a pretzel at first, but
you soon realize that it’s a rope which twines around
itself to create... what?
• The puzzle mentions ‘twins.’ Perhaps you’re looking
for identical pairs? • You have pictures of a Bear and a Knot, and arrows
indicating Left and Right. For each direction, you
• There are lots of different star designs on the wall,
try saying out loud the word indicated by the image,
but you notice that each design is used twice. You try
followed by the direction indicated by the arrow.
to link that information with the message above the

• You realize that you need to link each star with its
identical copy. A straight line should do it nicely.
• When each star is linked, you look at the lines.
Surely, they’re forming letters?

• The lines are spelling out the word ‘blood.’ But what
does that mean? You look again at the last two lines
of the poem.
• The last two lines of the inscription suggest that
blood is ‘the key that fits this door.’ Where do you
usually put a key in order to unlock a door?

Puzzle 11: Symbols
(Page 16)

• The inscription tells you to ‘reflect’ on the symbols.
That could mean to think about them, but you

realize that it could mean something else as well.
• The word ‘reflect’ suggests that a mirror may help
• Putting a mirror straight across the line of symbols
doesn’t produce a meaningful message. But the
inscription does say to reflect on it ‘from different
• Each of the symbols is cut in half at various angles.
You need to mirror each one in turn along an axis

which makes a recognizable glyph.

• The deciphered message says ‘Burn w8y candle.’ That
middle word is odd. Perhaps it would make more
sense using letters instead of the numeral?
• Replace 8 with ‘e-i-g-h-t’ and what do you get?

• So weight is important here. And it looks like there’s

something on the table which will help you to
compare weights.

Appendix 2: Solutions • Fib = Lie
• But, Turf, Lie = Butterfly
This appendix provides the solutions to the puzzles. The instruction says to ‘join these correctly’.
When a straight line is drawn between each text clue
Puzzle 1: Temple Entrance and the corresponding image as shown below, the symbol
(Page 7) produced glows brightly and the stone floor of the trough
• Each clue indicates a word which is the homophone falls away to reveal a pit which is the exit from the room.
of a letter.

• Line 1: A drink made of leaves infused in water is a
tea. Tea = T
• Line 2: When surprised, you exclaim ‘Oh!’. Oh = O

• Line 3: Bees have a Queen Bee, but no king bee. Bee
• Line 4: If you’re asking for the reason, you’d ask
‘Why?’. Why = Y
• Put the letters together and they spell TOBY.
• Speaking or calling the name ‘TOBY’ brings the
statue to life.

Puzzle 2: Sand Trough

(Page 8) e
Clockwise from top right, the clues indicate: Puzzle 3: Tempus
Not me, Leg joint, Cereal crop:
(Page 8)
• Not me = You
• See adventure text
• Leg joint = Knee
• Cereal crop = Corn
• You, Knee, Corn = Unicorn
Puzzle 4: Buttons
(Page 11)
Able to, Not bright, Adhere:

• Able to = Can The buttons to push are, in order:

• Not bright = Dull • Angry = ‘seeing red’ = Red
• Adhere = Stick • Rhymeless = a word which notoriously doesn’t
• Can, Dull, Stick = Candlestick rhyme with anything = Orange
Filled pastry, Short sleep, Not push • Cowardly = a coward may be called ‘yellow-bellied’
• Filled pastry = Pie or just ‘yellow’ = Yellow

• Short sleep = Nap

• Envious = ‘green with envy’ = Green
• Not push = Pull
• Pie, Nap, Pull = Pineapple • Unhappy = ‘feeling blue’ = Blue
Laughing noise, Water escape, Don’t lose • Shrinking = a shy person is a ‘shrinking violet’ =
• Laughing noise = Ha Violet
• Water escape = Leak When the buttons are pushed in the order Angry,
• Don’t lose = Win Rhymeless, Cowardly, Envious, Unhappy, Shrinking, the
• Ha, Leak, Win = Harlequin symbol on the clasp glows and the safe opens.
However, Grass, Fib
• However = But
• Grass = Turf

Puzzle 4: Buttons Continued Puzzle 8: Stars
(Page 11) (Page 13)
• You’re looking for a box marked ‘indigo’. That’s the • Joining the pairs of identical stars with straight lines
color of the rainbow that was missing from the safe reveals the word ‘blood.’ That’s the key needed to
buttons puzzle. unlock the door.
• The bottom left box’s monogram has the word ‘go’ • When blood is introduced into the keyhole, the
inside a D: ‘in D go’ = ‘indigo’ glowworms quickly swarm to it. Their light activates
• When players open the bottom left box, they find a the lock mechanism and unlocks the door.

page of sheet music. They must perform the music to
unlock their way forward.
• Just for completion’s sake, the box monograms

• Top row: Domino, Insecure
• Middle row: Seminar, Nominee
• Bottom row: Indigo, Matinee

Puzzle 5: Card Game

(Page 12)

card represents. e
• For each card, look at its suit and use the number of
card to indicate which letter of that suit’s name the

• The backs of the cards indicate gaps between words. Puzzle 9: Dogs & Keys
• Starting from top left and reading across, the (Page 14)
message says: ‘Sharp blades hurt them most’. • See adventure text.

• The message above the cards says that this is a ‘hint

to aid the fight’ which is waiting for the party ‘just
Puzzle 10: Which Direction?
out of sight’. It suggests that piercing and slashing (Page 16)
weapons will be most effective against the enemies • The image above the left arrow is a bear. The image

behind the door. above the right arrow is a knot.

• The clue is giving you navigation instructions. Bear
Puzzle 6 Lizard Combat left; knot right = Bear Left, Not Right
(Page 12) • The puzzle suggests that you should turn left at the
• See adventure text. T-shaped junction.

Puzzle 7: Doll Drawers Puzzle 11: Symbols

(Page 12) (Page 16)
• Nevar’s missing doll is her friend made of something • The message says to ‘burn weighty candle.’ When the
like hay. In other words, it’s her straw pal. characters compare the candles’ weights using the
• The correct drawer to open is the top right drawer balance scales on the table, they discover that one is
marked ‘warts lap’. Despite its unpromising label, the significantly heavier than the others.
words spelled backwards read ‘straw pal.’ • When the heaviest candle is lit, it burns quickly and
• When players open the drawer, a straw doll of reveals a heavy metal key wrapped around the wick
a crocodile is inside. (Mr. Pans evidently has a inside.
meaningful backwards name as well.)

Appendix 3: Stat Blocks Flummox Heist
Medium humanoid (half-elf), Lawful Evil
This appendix collects the stat blocks referenced in this Armor Class 12 (leather armor)
adventure. Hit Points 75 (10d8 + 30)
Speed 30 ft.
Medium beast, unaligned 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 16 (+3)
Armor Class 13 (natural armor) Skills Medicine +7, Persuasion +5, Religion +5
Hit Points 26 (4d8 + 8) Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13

Speed 40 ft. Languages Common, Elvish, Thieves’ Cant
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3
15 (+2) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 4 (–3) 12 (+1) 6 (–2)
Fey Ancestry. Flummox has advantage on saving throws
Skills Perception +3 against being charmed, and magic can’t put her to sleep.

Senses passive Perception 13
Languages — Spiritual Healing. If a prepared creature is reduced to 0 hit
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 points while within Flummox’s sacrificial chamber, their
corpse glows with a flash of green light. If this occurs, roll a
Pounce. If the deinonychus moves at least 20 feet straight d6. Flummox receives one of the below boons from her god.
toward a creature and then hits it with a claw attack on the
same turn, that target must succeed on a DC 12 Strength 1. Flummox gains 15 temporary hit points.
saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, 2. Flummox may immediately cast any of her remaining
the deinonychus can make one bite attack against it as a spells without using an action, bonus action, or
bonus action. reaction.
Multiattack. The deinonychus makes three attacks: one
with its bite and two with its claws.
3. Flummox recovers one daily use of her spells.
4. Flummox gains advantage on her next saving throw.
5. Flummox may cast two of her spells on her next turn,
instead of one.
6. Flummox gains one use of the power word: stun spell.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage. Actions
Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage.
Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) slashing damage.
Spellcasting. Flummox Heist casts one of the following
Flummox’s Spell Descriptions spells, requiring no material components and using Wisdom
as her spellcasting ability (spell save DC 14):

Flummox’s spell descriptions, color, and flavor

are influenced by puzzles. Below are a few At will: toll the dead (2d8 / 2d12), vicious mockery (2d4)
descriptions you might use. 3/day each: color spray, bane, blindness/deafness, blur, dispel
magic, phantasmal force, sleep, Tasha’s hideous laughter
Blindness/Deafness – Puzzle pieces fly through 1/day each: faerie fire, hold person
the air, ataching themselves to each other, before 1/day (only if activated by a sacrifice) power word: stun
covering the target’s eyes or ears.

Color Spray – Puzzle pieces burst from Flummox’s

hand and explode in a fury of flashes.
Faerie Fire – Brilliantly colored and glowing small
puzzle pieces swirl around the target.
Hold Person – The creature finds itself trapped in a
giant hourglass.
Phantasmal Force – Inside the target’s mind,
this spell creates an image of a cube with multi-
colored tiles on each of its sides. The cube’s sides
spin and turn while the tiles rearrange themselves,
mesmerizing the target.

Giant Lizard (size Medium) Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 80/320
ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
Medium beast, unaligned
Armor Class 12 (natural armor)
Hit Points 17 (3d8 + 3) Tempus – Stone Statue
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft. Large construct, unaligned
15 (+2) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 2 (–4) 10 (+0) 5 (–3) Hit Points 85 (10d10 + 30)
Speed 50 ft.
Senses darkvision 30 ft., passive Perception 10

Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)

Actions Damage Immunities poison, psychic

Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. from nonmagical attacks that aren’t adamantine

Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage. Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
Guard Drake Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 13
Medium dragon, unaligned Languages Limited Common (see adventure text)
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Hit Points 52 (7d8 + 21)
Immutable Form. The statue is immune to any spell or effect
Speed 30 ft.
that would alter its form.
16 (+3) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 4 (–3) 10 (+0) 7 (–2) Lumbering Attacks. The statue has disadvantage on attack
Skills Perception +2
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages understands Draconic but cannot speak
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Magic Resistance. The statue has advantage on saving

throws against spells and other magical effects.
Strong of Stone. The statue has advantage on Strength
Actions checks and Strength saving throws.
Multiattack. The guard drake makes one Bite attack and one
Claw attack. Time Slip. See Rift.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Actions
Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage.
Multiattack. The statue makes two slam attacks or two
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. warhammer attacks.

Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage.

Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Skeleton Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
Medium undead, lawful evil
Rift (Warhammer). Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5
Armor Class 13 (armor scraps)
ft., one target. Hit: 16 (2d10 + 5) bludgeoning damage.
Hit Points 13 (2d8 + 4)
Speed 30 ft.


10 (+0) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 6 (–2) 8 (–1) 5 (–3)
Sworn to protect the door leading from this room,
Damage Vulnerability bludgeoning
she targets characters near the door.
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned Once during combat, Tempus uses Rift’s time slip
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9 ability, which she activates after an opponent’s
Languages Common but cannot speak turn and by uttering her chosen command word
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 “slip.” Since she uses this ability, an atuned
Actions character is unable to use Rift’s time slip until the
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
next dawn.
target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.

Zombie Zombie (Chain Mail)
Medium undead, neutral evil Medium undead, neutral evil
Armor Class 8 Armor Class 16 (chain mail)
Hit Points 22 (3d8 + 9) Hit Points 22 (3d8 + 9)
Speed 20 ft. Speed 20 ft.
13 (+1) 6 (–2) 16 (+3) 3 (–4) 6 (–2) 5 (–3) 13 (+1) 6 (–2) 16 (+3) 3 (–4) 6 (–2) 5 (–3)
Saving Throws Wis +0 Saving Throws Wis +0
Damage Immunities poison Damage Immunities poison

Condition Immunities poisoned Condition Immunities poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8 Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8
Languages Common but cannot speak Languages Common but cannot speak
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the zombie to 0 hit Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the zombie to 0 hit
points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC
of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or
from a critical hit. On a success, the zombie drops to 1 hit from a critical hit. On a success, the zombie drops to 1 hit
point instead. point instead.

Actions Actions
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) bludgeoning damage. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) bludgeoning damage.

Zombie (Apprentice Wizard)

Medium undead, neutral evil
Armor Class 8
e Zombie (Greatsword)
Medium undead, neutral evil
Armor Class 8
Hit Points 22 (3d8 + 9) Hit Points 22 (3d8 + 9)
Speed 20 ft. Speed 20 ft.
13 (+1) 6 (–2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 6 (–2) 5 (–3) 13 (+1) 6 (–2) 16 (+3) 3 (–4) 6 (–2) 5 (–3)
Saving Throws Wis +0 Saving Throws Wis +0
Damage Immunities poison Damage Immunities poison

Condition Immunities poisoned Condition Immunities poisoned

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8 Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8
Languages Common but cannot speak Languages Common but cannot speak
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the zombie to 0 hit Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the zombie to 0 hit
points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC
of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or

from a critical hit. On a success, the zombie drops to 1 hit from a critical hit. On a success, the zombie drops to 1 hit
point instead. point instead.

Actions Actions
Arcane Burst. Melee or Ranged Spell Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d10) force damage. target. Hit: 8 (2d6 + 1) slashing damage.

Appendix 4: Puzzle



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