Operation Alexander is a dynamic multiplayer mission that scales with the number and type of participant
client aircraft. For that reason it can also be played in single player. Both sides are flyable. Mission goal is
the complete elimination of enemy armored vehicles.
BLUEFOR have started an invasion of the Iranian region where recent missile launches into the Emirates
are believed to originate from. Red forces are attempting to throw back the blue invasion forces. The
primary locations of these attacks are near Qeshm Island, the "northern AO" and Bandar Lengeh. Both
sides rely heavily both on helicopter forces and airpower. Blue has their Carrier Battle Group west of
Dubai, and Red’s carrier is east of Bandar e-Jask. All airfields within the theater of operation are active,
and both sides will launch fighters and bombers from their airfields throughout the mission. All players
should monitor airfields for enemy activity. Ground attack aircraft should closely coordinate with fighter
protection. Helicopters are tasked with troop transport, sling-loading and CSAR.
Theater of operations
The primary locations of the ground war are near Qeshm Island, the "northern AO" and Bandar Lengeh.
You are to support friendly forces and attack enemy forces in these three AOs.
Qeshm Island AO: JTAC Axeman, 31 MHz FM, AFAC Enfield 126 MHz AM
northern AO: JTAC Darknight, 32 MHz FM, AFAC Springfield 127 MHz AM
Bandar Lengeh AO: JTAC Warrier, 33 MHz FM, AFAC Uzi 128 MHz AM
Attack aircraft have an F-10 other menu option available to them for auto-lase (see Fig. 4): When
selected, the nearest JTAC to the requesting aircraft will pick a suitable target and lase it for 90 seconds.
JTAC will vector you to the target and count down the remaining lase time. If lasing time is not sufficient
to locate, lock and guide missile until impact, select auto lase feature again from F-10 menu for an
added 90s of lase time.
Fig. 4: auto lase F-10 menu item.
Provide air cover for the CAS flights, and eliminate all enemy fighters in the area. Expected blue aircraft
are F-14s, F-15s, F-16s, F-18s, M-2000Cs, AV-8Bs and A-10As.
Provide air cover for the CAS flights, and eliminate all enemy fighters in the area. Expected red aircraft
are Mig-29As, Su-27s and Su-25s.
Carrier capable aircraft have an F-10 Other menu item available to them that lists relevant carrier
information, such as BRC, ATC, TACAN and ILS frequencies.
F-14B flights:
Intercept anti-ship bombers inbound from Lavan Island Airport. Use ARC-182 preset 1 to contact ATC,
and preset 2 to contact Vinson.
Helicopter operations:
You are tasked with CSAR. Every ejection event in the mission will dynamically generate an infantry
soldier at the location of the ejection as a stand-in for the downed pilot. Rescue the pilot by flying to its
location (use “CSAR/air mobility” menu (Fig. 6) to obtain information on downed pilots and other
transportable troops including radio homing beacon freqs.) and land within 100 m. If pilot ejected over
water, you won't see the stand-in (he is on the sea floor), use flare marker (F10 menu) instead. If landing
is not possible, e.g. in a heavily wooded area or over water, hover over downed pilot for 10s at 35 - 50 m
AGL. Return the rescued pilots to an active MASH. Every pilot you rescue will spawn a friendly AI fighter
to support your side. You may also be called upon to rescue sailors from vessels in distress.
Fig. 6: Example F-10 Other menu items available to Mi-8 and UH-1 flights
You are also tasked with air assault. Load soldiers using the F10 menu. The objective is to capture enemy
bases. This is done by eliminating all enemy forces from the base, and landing our troops there (use F10
to offload troops). You can request a heavily armed escort helicopter (F-10 menu) to assist you in this
task, also your wingman is configured as a gunship. Red escorts (once requested) are on 127.5 AM, blue
escorts are on 125 AM.
You can also drop troops to engage enemy infantry or air defenses, and drop MANPADS. Use F-10 menu
'CSAR air mobility tasks’ for further info.
There are active and inactive MASHs in the mission. Drop rescued pilots at an active MASH. You can turn
inactive MASHs into active ones by supplying them by sling load. One enemy armored group per AO has
run out of materiel and is being resupplied by truck convoy before it can rejoin the battle. Eliminate
enemy truck convoys. You can also resupply friendly units by sling-load. Inactive FARPS can also be
activated by sling load. A list of sling-load tasks is automatically displayed every 2 minutes.