STUDY OF Flaps, Its Different Types and Its Effect On C, Lift & Drag Force
STUDY OF Flaps, Its Different Types and Its Effect On C, Lift & Drag Force
STUDY OF Flaps, Its Different Types and Its Effect On C, Lift & Drag Force
Abdullah Muratoglu, M. Performance Analysis of The lift, drag and pressure
Ishak Yuce Hydrokinetic Turbine Blade coefficients of various NACA,
Sections NREL and RISØ hydrofoils are
carried out.
2 This paper show how the
F.J.Huera-Huarte,Morteza On the effects of tip deflection in capacity of the system to
Gharib flapping propulsion produce impulse can be
altered by imposing certain
tip geometries that imply
small local changes of the
trailing edge.
3 It investigates aerofoil
L. Brown and A. Filippone Aerofoil at low speeds with Gurney performances at
flaps Reynolds numbers Re ≅ 105
and below, both with the
clean configuration
and various Gurney flap
What Is Flap?
Flaps are a type of high-lift device used to increase the lift of an aircraft wing at a
given airspeed.
Flaps are usually mounted on the wing trailing edges of a fixed-wing aircraft. Flaps are
used for extra lift on takeoff.
Flaps also cause an increase in drag in mid-flight, so they are retracted when not needed.
Extending the wing flaps increases the camber or curvature of the wing, raising the
maximum lift coefficient or the upper limit to the lift a wing can generate.
This allows the aircraft to generate the required lift at a lower speed, reducing the stalling
speed of the aircraft, and therefore also the minimum speed at which the aircraft will
safely maintain flight.
The increase in camber also increases the wing drag, which can be beneficial during
approach and landing, because it slows the aircraft.
In some aircraft configurations, a useful side effect of flap deployment is a decrease in
aircraft pitch angle, which lowers the nose thereby improving the pilot's view of the
runway over the nose of the aircraft during landing.
In other configurations, however, depending on the type of flap and the location of the
wing, flaps can cause the nose to rise (pitch-up), obscuring the pilot's view of the runway.
There are many different designs of flaps used, with the specific choice depending on the
size, speed and complexity of the aircraft on which they are to be used, as well as the era
in which the aircraft was designed.
Use of Flaps
Flap extension during landings provides several advantages by:
• Producinggreater lift and permitting lower landing speed.
• Producing greater drag, permitting a steep descent angle without airspeed
• Reducing the length of the landing roll.
Flap extension has a definite effect on the airplane’s pitch behavior. The
increased camber from flap deflection produces lift primarily on the rear
portion of the wing, producing a nose-down force. This pitch behavior
varies on different airplane designs. In general, though:
Flap deflection of up to 15° primarily produces lift with minimal drag. The
airplane has a tendency to balloon up with initial flap deflection
because of the lift increase. The nose down pitching moment, however,
tends to offset the balloon.
Flap deflection beyond 15° produces a large increase in drag. In high-
wing airplanes, a significant nose up pitching moment can occur
because the resulting downwash increases the airflow over the horizontal
Types Of Flaps
Plain Flap
Split Flap
Slotted Flap
Foelwr Flap
Junkers Flap
Gouge Flap
Zap Flap
Gurney Flap
Blown Flap
Flexible Flap
Plain Flaps
The most simple flap is the plain flap.
Plain flaps hinge to the back of the wing, and they
pivot down when you extend them.
However, they're fairly limited in the amount of lift
they can create. That's because as air moves over
the wing, it loses energy and starts to separate from
the wing.
By extending flaps, the airflow separation is even
more pronounced, creating a large wake behind
the wing.
But you can use that wake to your advantage. The
drag created by the wake lets you fly a steeper
descent to landing without increasing your
Split Flaps
Next up are split flaps, which
deflect from the lower surface of
the wing.
Split flaps produce slightly more lift
than plain flaps, but like their plain
counterparts, they also produce a
lot of drag.
Split flaps are pretty uncommon
these days, but you can find them
on the wings of several warbirds
at your local airshow.
Slotted Flaps
Slotted flaps are the most commonly used flaps
today, and they can be found on both small
and large aircraft.
What makes them so special? Two things:
1. They increase wing camber, like other flaps.
2. When extended, they open a slot between the wing and
the flap.
By opening a slot between the wing and the flap,
high pressure air from the bottom of the wing flows
through the slot into the upper surface.
This adds energy to the wing's boundary layer,
delays airflow separation, and produces less drag.
The result? Lots of additional lift, without the
excessive drag.
Fowler Flaps
When you need serious lift, you need serious flaps,
and Fowlers are there to make it happen.
Fowler flaps increase the area of your wing by
extending out on rails or tracks.
Fowler flaps often have a series of slots to add
energy to the airflow as well - they're called
slotted-Fowler flaps.
In the first stages of a Fowler flap's extension,
there's a large increase in lift, but little increase in
drag, making the setting ideal for takeoff in a
large jet.
As they continue to extend, the flaps move
downward more and more, creating a little more
lift, but a lot more drag.
Gurney flap
It is a small tab projecting from the trailing
edge of a wing.
Typically it is set at a right angle to the
pressure side surface of the airfoil, and
projects 1% to 2% of the wing chord.
This trailing edge device can improve the
performance of a simple airfoil to nearly the
same level as a complex high-performance
The device operates by increasing pressure
on the pressure side, decreasing pressure on
the suction side, and helping the boundary
layer flow stay attached all the way to the
trailing edge on the suction side of the airfoil.