TU Final Questions BE

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INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Level: BE Full Marks: 80 Pass Marks: 32 Time: 3 hrs.

Examination Control Division Programme: BCE, BME, BAM, BIE, BGE

2076 Bhadra Year / Part: III / II

Subject: Communication English (SH 651)

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.

Attempt ALL questions.

The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks.

Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. Edit the following text. [5]

I reassure you of one thing. At any point in a period of spiritual endeavor you can experience
space and stillness. Every time you realize a truth; every time you sense the hand of god in your
life or the incidentally support of a fellow traveler, you become mentally still. Every time you are
blessed with an insight, see someones in a different light.
2. Read the given text and interpret its meaning: [5]
Broken friendship may be repaired but the break will always show. Friendship is a precious thing
—too precious a treasure to be carelessly broken or thrown away. The world handles the word
‘friend’ lightly; its real, true, deeper meaning is forgotten.
Your friend is one who appreciates you—your faults as well as your virtues. He understands and
sympathizes with your defeats and victories, your aims and ideals, your joys and temptations,
your hopes and disappointments, as no one else does or can. It is your friend to whom you turn
for counsel, for comfort, for praise; he may not be as learned as some or as wise as others.
Blessed is the man or woman into whose life has come the beauty and power of such a
friendship. Prize it well. Do all in your power to keep such a friendship unbroken. Avoid the
break, for when it comes it cannot be mended and the jarring note mars the harmony.
3. Study the following passage carefully. Then prepare its notes and summary. [5+5]
Dowsing the millennia-old practice of finding hidden things. The most well-known activity of
dowsing involves the use of a device such as a forked stick to locate underground water. To this
end, the dowser walks slowly back and forth over an area of ground holding the dowsing tool
out in front with both hands. It is said that the dowser, by concentrating carefully is somehow
able to feel the energy of the flowing underground streams vibrating through the rod at certain
frequencies, and thus is able to tell precisely where to dig or drill to find water. Sometimes the
dowsing tool will twist and jerk or suddenly point downward. Some dowsers hold two L-shaped
rods, one in each hand. In this case, when he or she walks over an area of underlying water, the
rods cross over indicating the place where digging should commence.
In recent years dowsing has gained in popularity not only as a method for finding underground
water but also for trying to uncover other objects including buried treasure, oil, or even dead
bodies. A recent application has been the search for what some consider harmful energy fields
in an attempt to avoid them. Even large businesses and official organizations pay dowsers for
their detection skills. Although no one is completely sure how dowsing works, the testimonials
of satisfied customers bear witness to the success of this ancient art.
4. Answer any two of the following questions: [5x2=10]
a.) Elucidate the statement “Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability”. (Of
b.) How can the invention of science be both curse and boon for human beings?
c.) What is the significance of the term ‘Civil Peace’? what does it imply? (Civil Peace)
5. Complete the following sentences choosing the correct answers from brackets: [0.5x10=5]
a.) One of the members of our family……………….gone abroad recently. (has / have)
b.) The committee………………….decided to increase the salary of its workers. (has / have)
c.) Unless he works hard, he………………….pass the examination. (can / cannot)
d.) Had she been a bit more careful, she…………………with the fatal accident. (would not meet /
would not have met)
e.) I am never jealous…………….his success. (with / of)
f.) The teacher is not satisfied…………..his students’ performance. (from / with)
g.) My father thanked me for what I …………………for him. (had done / have done)
6. Cite the following information in APA and MLA formats. [4]
Name of the book: Numerical Methods
Author’s name: E Balaguruswami
Publisher: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited
Publishing place: New Delhi
Year of publication: 1999
7. Imagine that you are the general secretary of an engineering association of the national level
and that you have to call the seventh general body meeting of the association soon. Write the
notice including five agenda of the meeting. [5]
8. Suppose you are involved in the construction programme of an overhead bridge in your city.
Inventing necessary data write a progress report in a memo format. [6]
9. Suppose Ministry of Hydropower and Drinking Water, Nepal has requested the qualified
consultants to submit a proposal for constructing a power house at your local town. Write title
page, abstract, acknowledgement, technical section and cost estimate section of your proposal.
10. Suppose that your engineering project proposal submitted to the Government of Nepal is
accepted and that you have completed the project. Write the outline of your project completion
report. Also, write the title page, acknowledgement, abstract and the introduction part of the
report. [10]
11. Write a research article on the threat of air pollution in the urban areas in the present day Nepal
in about 500 words. [10]


INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Level: BE Full Marks: 80 Pass Marks: 32 Time: 3 hrs.

Examination Control Division Programme: BCE, BME, BAM, BIE, BGE

2070 Bhadra Year / Part: III / II

Subject: Communication English (SH 651)

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.

Attempt ALL questions.

The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks.

Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. Edit the text given below: [5]

Hamlet had just enough life left in him to hear to hear Goratio’s promise: then whispering
the words the rest in silence he sank down dead such was the end of the brave and noble
prince of Denmark. He was mourned as one who would have made a splendid king, and he
was carried to his burial with soldiers music and a people’s mourning.
2. Read the following text carefully and interpret it so as to make the meaning clear: [5]
What is a democratic government to do in a country where people are steeped in ignorance
and superstition, where there is opposition or resistance to even mild reforms from vested
interests in society?
3. Study the following text carefully. Prepare its note and convert it into a summary. [5+5]
All people who speak the same language have agreed to use certain words for certain jobs
and this enables them to communicate with each other. There is nothing particularly
remarkable about the words themselves: they might just as well have chosen different ones.
What matters is that this agreement about the use of words should be fully understood, and
understood in detail, by everyone who wishes to profit by them. Let us take example of bell-
ringing. By itself, the ringing of a bell means nothing. But in certain recognized contexts, it
may mean different things as different as ‘time for school!’, ‘somebody at the door!’, ‘that’s
the end of the lesson’ or ‘come here, please, waitress!’. We might well wonder how it is that
the same noise can mean so many different things; but of course the answer is easy. The
noise occurs in recognized contexts; in times and places when we know that it can only
mean one thing. Thus all most anything can be used to communicate several different
Let us apply this to verbal signs, or words. First we can communicate just as well by using
‘father’, ‘pater’, ‘Daddy’, or anything else: provided we are understood, it makes no
difference. We can invent a completely new word too. Secondly, the same collection of
letters can be used to communicate quite different things. The word ‘port’ can mean a
special sort of wine, the opposite of starboard, a harbor, the various other things. The
significance of any sign, therefore, depends on the context in which it is used.
4. Answer any two of the following questions: [5x2]
a.) What were the major contents of Einstein’s four scientific papers? (What Einstein Did)
b.) ‘A mother who is known as a symbol of love may turn into a cruel monster’. Explain this
statement with reference to the text ‘The Mother of a Traitor’. (The Mother of a
c.) ‘Knowledge and Wisdom are the two aspects of the same coin’. Do you agree with this
statement? If yes, why? (Knowledge and Wisdom)
5. Choose the correct words from the brackets: [0.5x10]
a.) Five and five…………………..ten. (make, makes)
b.) My means…………………..limited. (is, are)
c.) I parted……………………him at the college gate. (with, from)
d.) Steel is made………………….iron. (from, of)
e.) I feel the room………………….. (move, to move)
f.) Buy that book……………….. I will help you. (and, if)
g.) He told me that he……………..many books. (had written, wrote)
h.) I remember…………………to the Museum by my father. (to be taken, being taken)
i.) I was pleased……………..the news of his success. (by, with)
j.) Twenty…………………by five is equal to four. (divided, has been divided)
6. Change the following bibliographic references as indicated. [4]
a.) Giddens, A. (1990). The Consequences of Modernity. Cambridge: Polity Press. (into MLA)
b.) Freire, P. (1972). The Pedagogy of the Oppressed. London: Penguin. (into MLA)
c.) Lawrence, T.E. Revolt in the Desert. New York: George H. Dorian, 1927. (into APA)
d.) Wolf, Daniel. Lives of Notable Gay Men and Lesbians. New York: Chelsea Publishing,
1995. (into APA)
7. Suppose you are the secretary of your local Town Assembly whose tenth meeting has been
held recently. Write the minutes of the same inventing the most relevant agenda. [5]
8. Imagine that you are the chief consultant of a construction company which has undertaken
a four-year long repair and maintenance project on Tribhuvan Highway. Write the second
monthly progress report in memo format. [6]
9. Suppose Ministry of Hydropower and Drinking Water, Nepal has requested the qualified
consultants to submit a proposal for constructing a power house at your local town. Write
title page, abstract, acknowledgements, technical section and cost estimate section of your
proposal. [10]
10. Write a brief research article in about 500 words on the importance of English language for
an engineering student in Nepal. [10]
11. Write the cover page, introduction, discussion and conclusions of your report on the causes
of road accidents on the highways giving just the outline of the rest of the parts. [10]


INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Level: BE Full Marks: 80 Pass Marks: 32 Time: 3 hrs.

Examination Control Division Programme: BCE, BME, BAM, BIE, BGE

2074 Bhadra

Year / Part: III / II

Subject: Communication English (SH 651)

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.

Attempt ALL questions.

The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks.

Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. Edit the following text: [5]

What she goes on to describe is if you think about it a perverse variation of Theseus paradise.
What if you started replacing the solid planks of his ship with rotten ones is it still the same ship
after one plank is replaced how about half of them is there a point when Gerda is no longer
2. Read the given text and interpret its meaning: [5]
We are all short-sighted and very often see but one side of a matter; our views are not extended
to all that has a connection with it. From this defect, I think no man is free. We see but in part,
and we know but in part, and therefore, it is no wonder we conclude not right from our partial
views. This might instruct the proudest esteemer of his own parts how useful it is to talk and
consult with others, even such as come short of him in capacity, quickness and penetration; for
since no one sees all, and we generally have different prospects of the same thing, according to
our different, as I may say, positions to it, it is not incongruous to think, nor beneath any man to
try, whether another man not have notions of things which have escaped him, and which his
reason would make use of if they came into his mind.
3. Read the following passage carefully, make notes and write a summary of it: [5+5]
There are hundreds of superstitions which survive in various parts of the country and the story
of them is rather amusing. We are told, for example, that is unlucky to point to the new moon or
to look at it through glass, but if we bow nine times to it we shall have a lucky month.
Now, suppose you tell a scientist that you believe a certain superstition-let us say, that the
bowling of a dog is a sign of death. The scientist will immediately require evidence before he can
accept your belief. He will want figures to prove it. It will be useless to quote two or three cases;
he will want hundreds. He will want also to know (a) if it ever happens that the bowling of dogs
is not followed by a death, (b) if ever a person’s death is predicted by the bowling of dogs. The
answer to the former question is in the affirmative, and to the latter in the negative. Your
superstition will not bear investigation. It may impress an ignorant person; but it cannot face the
light of facts. Your case would not carry conviction in a court of law.
Apart from this process of testing by results, any intelligent man will want to know the “reason
why”. What connection can there be between a bowling dog and an approaching death? Can it
be cause and effect? Can it be that the dog has a gift of foreseeing such events? Or is the dog
the instrument employed by some uncanny power that moves invisibly in our midst?
4. Answer any two of the following questions: [5x2=10]
a) What do the audience need to possess to enable themselves to understand the meaning
intended by the speaker or writer? Explain with examples. (Straight and Crooked Thinking)
b) Why was Monna Marinna blasphemed as “the mother of a traitor” by the city dwellers?
(The Mother of a Traitor)
c) How can the inventions of science be both curse and boon for human beings? (Use and
Misuse of Science)
5. Choose the best answer: [0.5x10=5]
a) All I need now……………..your love. (is, are)
b) The police………………..arrested and imprisoned him. (has, have)
c) Had you been more cautious, you…………..with the accident. (will never meet, would never
meet, would never have met, can never meet)
d) My boss rewarded me for what I ………………..(do, did, have done, had done)
e) It is time they………………….home. (return, returned)
f) The passive voice of “Don’t insult the poor” is………………….(Let the poor not be insulted / The
poor should not be insulted)
g) The passive voice of “One should keep one’s promises” is…………………..(One’s promises
should be kept / Promises should be kept)
h) The old lady is affectionate……………….all. (for, to)
i) He is ambitious…………………….fame. (of, about)
j) Hurry up! The programme………………………(will start, is about to start)
6. Change the following citations as indicated in brackets: [4]
a) Wilk, M. (1975). Every day’s a matinee. New York: W. W. Norton. (into MLA)
b) Boylan, James Finney. Getting In. New York: Warner Books, 1988. Print. (into APA)
c) Morrison, T. (1992). Jazz. New York: KnoPf. (into MLA)
d) Crowley, Thomas. Paleoclimatology. New York: Oxford University Press, 1991. Print. (into
7. Suppose you are the secretary of a local social club and the sixth meeting of the same club has
been held recently. Inventing at least four most relevant agenda, write minutes of the recent
meeting. [5]
8. Imagine that you are the Chief Consultant of the Vishnumati Bridge Extension Project,
Kathmandu. Write the first quarterly progress report in memo format. [6]
9. Supposing that the Electricity Authority, Central Office, Kathmandu has recently published a
public notice in one of the national dailies requesting the interested candidates to submit their
proposal so as to undertake the responsibility of installing a highly efficient power plant. As an
interested and sufficiently qualified candidate, write a technical proposal incorporating abstract,
technical section and time management sections giving just an outline of the other parts.
10. Imagine that you are the chairman of a committee formed three months ago in order to
investigate the impact of noise pollution in your local town and you are going to submit your
report in a few weeks. Give an outline of your report and write title page, abstract, conclusions
and recommendations in detail. [10]
11. Write, in about 500 words, a research article on “The causes of shortage of clean and healthy
drinking water in your local town”. [10]



INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Level: BE Full Marks: 80 Pass Marks: 32 Time: 3 hrs.

Examination Control Division Programme: BCE, BME, BAM, BIE, BGE

2075 Baisakh

Year / Part: III / II

Subject: Communication English (SH 651)

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.

Attempt ALL questions.

The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks.

Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. Edit the text given below: [5]

If you do not acknowledge weakness on the face of troubles and if you refuse to worry about
your problems, you will find on how much more successful, peaceful, and happy you are. Daily
make this affirmation. I will be neither lazy nor feverishly active in every challenge of life I shall
do my best without worry about the future.
2. Read the following text carefully and interpret it so as to make the meaning clear: [5]
The planet on which man lives is the third closest to the sun, with the third shortest orbit. It also
has something none of the others has an atmosphere that can support life in all the manifold
forms that exist on our planet. There may be satellites circling other stars in other parts of the
universe, which have the right ingredients for some sort of life to evolve, but the earth is the
only one in the solar system.
3. Study the following text carefully. Prepare its note and then write a summary. [5+5]
Men have never succeeded in keeping free from war in the past. Nor are they likely to do so in
the future, as long as they are organized in separate nation states, each of which is in control of
its own army, navy and air force and each of which is, therefore, to control the government
believes, however, wrongly that he can obtain an advantage for himself and his country. Only
some form of world government, which controls all the world’s armed forces and against which
no single nation or group of nations could wage war since they would not have the wherewithal
to do so, can finally save the world from war.
Secondly, science, by accelerating man’s speed of movement, has made the world a single
whole. Hence any war which breaks out anywhere will destroy the whole of civilization and not
merely the part affected by the war, as has been the case in the past. That is why the new
powers conferred upon man by science increasingly demand a world government if they are not
to result in man’s destruction.
4. Answer any two of the following: [5x2=10]
a.) Can the problem be solved by killing the leader of any terrorist group? Justify your answer
with reference to the text “The Mother of a Traitor”. (The Mother of a Traitor)
b.) Is love always limited to husband and wife? Answer with reference to the text “The Lady
with the Pet Dog”. (The Lady with the Pet Dog)
c.) What is chain reaction and how does it support the Einstein’s theory? (Chain Reaction)
5. Choose the correct words from the brackets: [0.5x10=5]
a.) Two-thirds of our workers……………..in the suburbs. (live / lives)
b.) The number of board members………………….very small. (is / are)
c.) The chief competitor, as well as ourselves, ……………….prices this summer. (are obliged to
raise / is obliged to raise)
d.) We met him immediately after the session in which he……………..a nice speech. (had been
given / had given)
e.) If neither of them……………………it is not all advisable to invest further. (is to be trusted / are
to be trusted)
f.) Don’t touch that door as it…………….(had just been painted / has just been painted)
g.) The district collector………………the prizes to the winners at the end of the function. (gave
up / gave away)
h.) ……………realized the nature of the job earlier, I would not have accepted it. (if I would
have / Had I )
i.) The passive voice of “Your honesty has pleased me” is…………………….(I have been pleased
with your honesty. / I have been pleased by your honesty.)
j.) The passive voice of “But, I will meet her” is……………………..(But, she will be met. / It is
reasoned that she will meet me.)
6. Compose the following bibliographic references into MLA and APA. [4]
a.) Berlin: / Oldham Publishers / 2012 / Muller, G. / Cardio graphic analysis and diagnosis
b.) Pathak, R. / 2010 / Mumbai: / Fortune Publishers / Biomedical CFD/
7. Inventing necessary details, write a notice with four point agenda for the forthcoming sixth
meeting of your organization. [5]
8. Suppose you are the chief consultant of Kulekhani Hydropower Maintenance Project. Write a
progress report in memo format. [6]
9. Assume that you are asked to prepare a final report of Tribhuvan Highway Expansion Project
that you have handled. Write introduction, objectives, methodology and conclusions parts of
your report. [10]
10. Assume that you are requested to write a proposal on Reserve Water Tank in Mahalaxmi
Municipality. Write the title page, abstract, statement of problem and cost management parts
of your proposal. [10]
11. Write a short research article in about 500 words on the “Efficiency in English for Technical
Writing and Presentation”. [10]



INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Level: BE Full Marks: 80 Pass Marks: 32 Time: 3 hrs.

Examination Control Division Programme: BCE, BME, BIE, BGE

2072 Ashwin

Year / Part: III / II

Subject: Communication English (SH 651)

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.

Attempt ALL questions.

The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks.

Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. Edit the following text: [5]

A husband and wife were having problems and decided to end their union after a very short
time together. After a brief attempt to reconcile, the couple went to court to finalize their break
The judge asked the husband, what had brought you to this point, where you’re unable to keep
this marriage together
The husband replied, “In the six weeks we have been together, we have not been able to agree
on a single think
seven weeks the wife said.
2. Read the following text and interpret its meaning in your language: [5]
For half of the day we are slave to necessities which we cannot shirk, whether we are monarchs
with a thousand servants or humble laborers with no servants but their wives. And the wives
must undertake the additional heavy slavery of child-bearing if the world is still to be peopled.
These natural jobs cannot be shirked. But they involve other jobs which can. As we must eat we
must first provide food; as we must sleep we must have beds and bedding in houses with
fireplaces and coals; now, food and houses and clothes can be produced by human labour. If you
are too lazy to get about from place to place on your own legs, you can make a slave of a horse.
And what you do to a horse, you can also do to a man or a woman or a child if you can get the
upper hand of them by force or fraud or trickery of any sort.
3. After reading the text given below carefully, make notes and write summary of it: [5+5]
We can alter the characteristics of steel in various ways. In the first place, steel which contains
very little carbon will be milder than steel which contains a higher percentage of carbon, up to
the limit of about 1.5%. Secondly, we can heat the steel above a certain critical temperature,
changes begin to take place in the molecular structure of the metal. In the process known as
annealing, we heat the steel above the critical temperature and permit it to cool very slowly.
This causes the metal to become softer than before, and much easier to machine. Annealing has
a second advantage. It helps to relieve any internal stresses which exist in the metal. These
stresses are liable to occur through hammering or working the metal, or through rapid cooling.
Metal which we cause to cool rapidly contracts more rapidly on the outside than on the inside.
This produces unequal contractions, which may give rise to distortion or cracking. Metal which
cools slowly is less liable to have these internal stresses than metal which cools quickly.

On the other hand, we can make steel harder by rapid cooling. We heat it up beyond the critical
temperature, and then quench it in water or some other liquid. The rapid temperature drop
fixes the structural change in the steel which occurred at the critical temperature, and makes it
very hard. But a bar of this hardened steel is more liable to fracture than normal steel. We
therefore heat it again to a temperature below the critical temperature, and cool it slowly. This
treatment is called tempering. It helps to relieve the internal stresses, and makes the steel less
brittle than before. The properties of tempered steel enable us to use it in the manufacture of
tools which need a fairly hard steel. High carbon steel is harder than tempered steel, but it is in
much more difficult to work.

These heat treatments take place during the various shaping operations. We can obtain bars
and sheets of steel by rolling the metal through huge rolls in a rolling-mill. The roll pressures
must be much greater for cold rolling than for hot rolling, but cold rolling enables the operators
to produce rolls of great accuracy and uniformity, and with a better surface finish. Other shaping
operations include drawing into wire, casting in molds, and forging.

4. Answer any two of the following questions: [2x5=10]

a.) How are the cables for a suspension bridge constructed? (Suspension Bridges)
b.) What do you mean by ‘a sense of proportion’? (Knowledge and Wisdom)
c.) What lesson can we learn from the text ‘How Much Land Does a Man Need’?

5. Choose the correct words from the brackets: [0.5x10=5]

a.) Many a flower……………….born to blush unseen. (is, are)
b.) Every boy and every girl………………given sweets. (was, were)
c.) He is absent………………….the class. (from, in)
d.) Steel is made…………………….iron. (of, from)
e.) I saw him…………….the race. (win, to win)
f.) If he comes to me, I …………………him. (help, would help)
g.) If one buys a car, it………………money. (cost, costs)
h.) New houses…………………up everywhere. (go, are going)
i.) His words are strongly…………………on my memory. (impressed, impressing)
j.) I should be……………… (listened at, listened to)
6. Put the following information into APA and MLA styles of citation. [4]
Name of the book: Reading Through the Language Arts
Author’s name: Angela M. Ridsdale
Publisher: Thomas Nelson (Australia) Limited
Publishing place: Australia
Year of publication: 1973
7. Inventing all the necessary details, draft a notice with a four-point agenda for the 20 th meeting
of a local youth club regarding establishment of library for the locality. [5]
8. As the chief contractor of a hydro-power project launched in one of the remote sites, write the
second quarterly progress report in memo format. [6]
9. Write a proposal to be submitted to the Chief Engineer, Department of Roads on controlling the
sound pollution of the Kathmandu valley. Prepare only the title page, abstract and conclusion
parts of the proposal. [10]
10. Write a short research article in about 500 words on the importance of English for the
engineering students in our country, Nepal. [10]
11. Supposing that you are the chief engineer of a suspension bridge construction project in your
local area which is nearing completion, write abstract, discussion, conclusions and
recommendations of your report. [10]


TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Exam: New Back (2066 and Later Batch)

INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Level: BE Full Marks: 80 Pass Marks: 32 Time: 3 hrs.

Examination Control Division Programme: BCE, BME, BIE, BGE

2072 Magh

Year / Part: III / II

Subject: Communication English (SH 651)

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.

Attempt ALL questions.

The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks.

Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. Edit the following text: [5]
A board game is a game played with counters or pieces that are placed on removed from or
moved across a board simple board games often make ideal family entertainment since they are
often appropriate for all ages. Some board games such like chess and Chinese checkers have
strategic value and have been classic for centuries.

2. Read the given text and interpret its meaning: [5]

By teaching all other subjects, except moral values, we may produce great scientists, engineers,
doctors, scholars, management experts, litterateurs, etc. comparable with the best anywhere in
the world but if these great professionals do not have peace of mind and qualities of love and
kindness, what kind of society will we have?

3. Read the following passage carefully, make notes and write a summary of it. [5+5]

Is classical music in any way related to popular music? That is a controversial question.
Advocates of classical music claim that it constitutes art and that pop music is only light
entertainment. But, that is not always true. Some people have only elevated classical music to
that special status by arguing that the works are more complex because of the range of notes
involved. However, jazz, rap and many other forms of popular music sometimes do make use of
a number of notes that are as complex as classical music. It is also argued that classical music
songs are longer, sometime extending to thirty minutes or more. Popular music songs are
shorter and more repetitive so that they can be remembered for people to play or to sing.

Every language has its own popular music, like it has its own classical music. Indian popular
music, often known as Indi-pop or Hindi pop is a form of pop music in India. It is fusion of
various Indian folk and classical music styles and is also influenced by modern bests from
different parts of the world. The major push given to Indi-pop was from Pakistani singer, Nazia
Hassan. Indian pop has taken another interesting turn with the “remixing” of old Indian film
songs—an attempt to make them sound more modern by adding new beats. These remixes
have become very popular among the younger generation; they give the old melodies new life
and vigour. The purists among the older generation however maintain that the beauty of the
song is lost.

4. Answer any two of the following questions: [2x5=10]

a.) Why do the knowledgeable people need to possess wisdom? (Knowledge and Wisdom)
b.) How important is reading in our life, according to Francis Bacon? (Of Studies)
c.) “Man is born free, but he is in chain everywhere.” Elaborate this statement as fully as
possible on the basis of the ideas expressed by Bertrand Russell in the text entitled
5. Choose the best answer: [0.5x10=5]
a.) The committee…………………….decided to increase the salary of its workers. (has, have)
b.) She thanked me for what I …………………for her. (did, had done)
c.) Unless you pay us the charge, you……………..punished. (will be, won’t be)
d.) Neither you nor I …………………….going there. (am, are)
e.) Had he not teased her, she……………………him. (would not have attack, would not have
f.) She kept staring………………..me. (to, at)
g.) I love people helping me. In other words, I love…………….helped. (having , being)
h.) I am extremely grateful………………you. (to, for)
i.) The passive voice of ‘See it’ is …………………..(Let you been seen, Let it be seen)
j.) No sooner had they seen me than they………………….away. (had run, ran)
6. Change the following citation as indicated. [4]
a.) Swan, M. (2005). Practical English usage. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (into MLA)
b.) Nadell, Judith, et al. The Macmillan Writer. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1997. (into APA)
c.) Marks, J. (1999). Is stress-timing real? ELT Journal, 53. (into MLA)
d.) Bennett, W.A. Aspects to Language and Language Learning. London: Longman, 1973. (into
7. Suppose you are the secretary of Karki Construction Pvt. Ltd., and the 5th meeting of the
executive committee has been held recently. Inventing the most relevant agenda, write minutes
of the same. [5]
8. Suppose you are doing a project on the construction of a building for a library. Write a report
about the progress of the work you have completed so far. Invent all the necessary details. [6]
9. Write a research article of about 500 words on the causes of landslides in the hilly regions of
Nepal in the recent years. [10]
10. Imagine that you are interested in undertaking the reconstruction of one of the historical
monuments destroyed by the devastating earthquake of April 25, 2015. Write abstract, technical
section and time management sections of your proposal to be submitted to the Ministry of
Culture. [10]
11. Suppose that you are invited to submit a report on the damages done by devastating
earthquake of April 25, 2015 in our country. Prepare only the title page, discussion and
recommendations parts of your report. [10]


TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Exam: New Back (2066 and Later Batch)

INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Level: BE Full Marks: 80 Pass Marks: 32 Time: 3 hrs.

Examination Control Division Programme: BCE, BME, BIE, BGE

2071 Magh

Year / Part: III / II

Subject: Communication English (SH 651)

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Attempt ALL questions.

The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks.

Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. Edit the following paragraph. [5]

Then to my amazement, she gave me her phone number. That night, Mary revealled that
dropping my letter jacket in front of her was a stupid thing to do. She didn’t care about what
sports guys lettered in, she only cherished wonderful people with substance. After I begin being
myselves, they quickly fell for one another so became “high school loves”.

2. Read the following paragraph and comment on it. You can agree / disagree.
Most men and women, given suitable conditions, will feel passionate love at some period of
their lives. For the inexperienced, however, it is very difficult to distinguish passionate love from
mere sex hunger; especially this is the case with well brought-up girls, who have been taught
that they could not possibly like to kiss a man unless they loved him. If a girl is expected to be a
virgin when she marries, it will very often happen that she is trapped by a transient and trivial
sex attraction, which a woman with sexual experience could easily distinguish from love. This
has undoubtedly been a frequent cause of unhappy marriages. Even where mutual love exists, it
may be poisoned by the belief of one or both that it is sinful. This belief may, of course, be well
founded. Parnell, for example, undoubtedly sinned in committing adultery, since he thereby
postponed the fulfilment of the hopes of Ireland for many years.

3. Read the following passage carefully, take down notes and write a summary. [5+5]
As material civilization advances and the supply of available goods and services increases, man’s
needs correspondingly multiply. Advertising plays a key role in this never-ending process by
stimulating the public’s desire for certain products, and by promoting the sales thereof, until it
has, in effect, created new needs, real or supposed, where there were none before. A familiar
example is the motor car-once a rare and costly novelty, now a ubiquitous and relatively
inexpensive necessity. More recently, the television set has undergone the same
transformation. While some people would deny that television is a necessity, the fact that sets
are found in majority of western homes shows that is answer, to a greater or lesser degree, the
need felt by millions of people for entertainment and information.

A product, service, or commodity that the public needs, and knows it needs, tends, of course, to
‘sell itself’. We might, therefore, assume that, in such cases, advertising would be of minor
importance. To some extent this is true. Meatpackers, vegetable and fruit growers, and dairy
operators spend less on advertising, for instance, then manufacturers of cigarettes, liquors,
cosmetics, and other items of this type.

On the other hand, the competition that exists between rival brands means that the suppliers of
such basic necessities as food, clothing, and housing must advertise their wares to stay in
business. Significantly, the industry that spends most on advertising turns out a product which
almost everyone considers a necessity: soap.
4. Answer any two of the following: [2x5=10]
a.) What questions are to be answered in order to solve growing problems of water supplies?
Answer with reference to the text “Water Supplies: A Growing Problem”.
b.) How does the proverb ‘an hour to suffer, a lifetime to live’ apply to Pahom’s race for land?
(How Much Land Does a Man Need?)
c.) Is love always limited to husband and wife? Answer with reference to the text “The Lady
with the Pet Dog”.

5. Choose the correct words from the brackets and fill in the blanks: [0.5x10=5]
a.) I met him after he…………………..the job. (lost, had lost)
b.) Had he worked harder, he………………….the exam. (would pass, would have passed)
c.) The passive voice of ‘I’ll see you soon’ is………………….( I’ll be seen soon, You will be seen
d.) He parted…………………all his wealth. (from, with)
e.) Neither of the two applicants……………….suitable. (is, are)
f.) He complains…………………..severe headache. (of, about)
g.) I would do this if I …………………..allowed. (am, were)
h.) The servant says that tea…………….ready. (was, is)
i.) She kept us…………………..(to wait, waiting)
j.) I wish my brother………………….here. (was, were)
6. Study the following quotation and then adjust the given information for in-text citation first and
next for bibliography list under APA and MLA format: [4]
“Nature is kind of her slaves. If she forces you to eat and drink, she makes eating and drinking so
pleasant that when we can afford it we eat and drink too much.”

Year of publication: 1976

Name of book: Nature and People
Place of publication: London
Page number: 107
Name of the writer: George Bernard Shaw
Name of publisher: Creation Publications

7. You are named the secretary of a committee formed to distribute donated materials among
victims of certain natural disaster. Assuming necessary information write a notice along with a
three point agenda to call its second meeting. [5]
8. Write a brief report in memo format on damage caused by landslide in Sindhupalchowk district.
9. Write a report on development of information technology in Nepal in the past five years. Show
only the title page, introduction and conclusion parts of the report. [10]
10. Road accidents frequently occur in city areas of Nepal due to unplanned traffic control. You have
a master plan to solve this problem. Write a proposal to the concerned ministry offering your
plan. Write only statement of problem, rationale and objectives of your plan. [10
11. Nepal is being polluted day by day. We are all becoming victims of this. Considering this, write a
brief research article on the importance of introduction of green engine technology in Nepal.



INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Level: BE Full Marks: 80 Pass Marks: 32 Time: 3 hrs.

Examination Control Division Programme: BCE, BME, BIE, BGE, BAME

2075 Ashwin

Year / Part: III / II

Subject: Communication English (SH 651)

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.

Attempt ALL questions.

The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks.

Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. Edit the following text. [5]

But when the war is over, the country recedes from the consciousness and it is rarely even at
the back of the mind. The question am I doing any good to the country doesn’t occur to the
mind; and even the question is what I am doing good or bad for the country occurs only rarely. A
limited patriotism is better than none but it is not enough.

2. Read the following text carefully and interpret it so as to make the meaning clear. [5]

There is a big difference between the natural slavery of man to nature and the unnatural slavery
of man to man. Nature is kind of her slaves. If she forces you to eat and drink, she makes eating
and drinking so pleasant that when we can afford it, we eat and drink too much. Thus, instead of
resenting our natural wants as slavery, we take the greatest pleasure in their satisfaction. The
slavery of man to man is the very opposite of this. It is hateful to the body and the spirit. Our
poets do not praise it; they proclaim that no man is good enough to be another man’s master.
Naturally the master class, through its parliament, schools and newspapers, makes the most
desperate efforts to prevent us from realizing our slavery.

3. Read the following passage carefully, make notes and write a summary of it. [5+5]
The dearth of natural resources on the Australian continent is a problem with which
government officials there have long struggled. As long distance travel has become ever more
important to the national economy. Tourism represents more than 10 percent of national
export earnings annually, and in less developed regions such as the Western Territory, the
percentage is much higher.

Unfortunately, this otherwise rosy prospect has one significant cloud on the horizon. In recent
years, there has been a move towards returning some of the land to the Aboriginal people. As
Western society and culture have flourished on Australian soil, tribal people have been forced
ever farther inland in an attempt to maintain their traditional ways of living, a desire that the
government has striven to respect.

One of the central beliefs of the Aboriginal religion is that certain natural formations have
spiritual significance and must be treated accordingly. Strict guidelines determine who may visit
these sites and at what times. Unfortunately, many of these sites are the very natural wonders
tourists flock to see. If non-Aboriginal people are forbidden to visit these natural wonders, many
may choose not to vacation in a region that surely needs the income generated by tourism.

The Australian government has dealt with this dilemma thus far by trying to support both sides.
The Aboriginal council is still trying to put an end to such use of certain sites, however, and it
remains to be seen whether respect for tradition or economic desires will ultimately triumph.

4. Answer any TWO of the following questions. [2x5=10]

a.) In what ways are natural plants and natural abilities similar? (Of Studies)
b.) What is the difference between knowledge and wisdom? (Knowledge and Wisdom)
c.) An ideal family always grants the space for hope of life in every difficulty. Elucidate it with
reference to the text ‘Civil Peace’.
5. Choose the correct words from the brackets. [10x0.5=5]
a.) Neither the doctor nor his daughters……………..coming to the party. (is, are)
b.) The teacher said that we……………………mortal. (were, are)
c.) My friends, as well as, I ……………………..mortal. (were, are)
d.) Divide this cake………………….these four children. (between, among)
e.) The tiger sprang………………………the hunter. (upon, on)
f.) There were two books in my bag and I put one more………………it. (in, into)
g.) The principal and accountant………………………..on leave. (is, are)
h.) ………………..marry me if I asked? (Would you, Will you)
i.) Be careful, or else you………………those plates. (will drop, drop)
j.) Provided you……………………that car, drive carefully. (will buy, buy)
6. Write the following bibliographic information first in MLA and then in APA. [4]
Name of newspaper: New York Times
Title of article: Messi Is Barcelona’s Boy Genius
Name of writer: Eduardo Galeano
Section and page number: N1
Date of publication: 22 May 2011
7. Imagine yourself as a secretary of the student’s union in your college and write the minutes of a
recently conducted 3rd meeting inventing at least five agenda. [5]
8. Write a research article on “The Role of English in Engineering”. [10]
9. Write a report on “Development of Information Technology in Nepal in the Last Five Years”.
Write only the title page, introduction and conclusion parts of the report. [10]
10. Suppose that you want to reconstruct one of the historical monuments of Nepal-Dharahara,
destroyed by the devastating earthquake of April 25, 2015, and that you have prepared a
proposal for it. Now write the following parts of your proposal to be submitted to the Ministry
of Physical Planning and Construction: [10]
a.) Abstract
b.) Technical section
c.) Management section
11. Write the second monthly progress report in memo format on the project “Construction of
Micro-hydropower Plant” launched in one of the remote sites of Nepal. [6]



INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Level: BE Full Marks: 80 Pass Marks: 32 Time: 3 hrs.

Examination Control Division Programme: BCE, BME, BIE, BGE

2076 Bhadra

Year / Part: III / II

Subject: Communication English (SH 651)

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.

Attempt ALL questions.

The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks.

Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. Edit the following text: [5]

How perfectly sweet said Christine when Sarah confessed that Adit’s decision had been made in
the war with Pakistan. Now if my Simon was to find himself in such a spot hed funk he would my
Simon. When there was such a flap in Cuba and Russia and darling Kennedy was ever so brave
Simon wanted to flee to Greenland.

2. Read the given text and interpret its meaning in about 150 words: [5]
This technical term has a wider meaning than the “culture” of history and literature. A humble
cooking pot is as much a cultural product as is Beethoven sonata. In ordinary speech a man of
culture is a man who can speak languages other than his own, who is familiar with history,
literature, philosophy or the fine arts. In some cliques that definition is still narrower. The
cultured person is one who can talk about James Joyce, Scarlatti and Picasso. To the
anthropologist, however, to be human is to be cultured. There is culture in general and then
there are the specific cultures such as Russian, American, British, Hottento, Inca. The general
abstract notion serves to remind us that we cannot explain acts solely in terms of the biological
properties of the people concerned, their individual past experience and the immediate
situation. The past experience of other men in the form of culture enters into almost every
event. Each specific culture constitutes a kind of blueprint for all of life’s activities.

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