Topic 6a Practice Paper & Ms
Topic 6a Practice Paper & Ms
Topic 6a Practice Paper & Ms
1 Bacteria and fungi are involved in the decomposition of organic matter and the recycling of carbon.
Fungi grow hyphae over the surface of organic matter.
The diagram below shows the structure of part of a hypha.
(a) Put a cross in the box next to the structure in the diagram that shows fungi
belong to a different domain from bacteria.
(b) Put a cross in the box next to the structure in the diagram that shows fungi are not plants.
A cell membrane
B cell wall
C glycogen granules
D Golgi apparatus
(c) Explain the role of the Golgi apparatus in the decomposition of organic matter.
(d) Explain the role of these mitochondria in the recycling of carbon.
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(Total 7 marks)
2 Cultures of bacteria and viruses can both be grown in a laboratory.
(a) Describe one way in which bacteria can be grown in a laboratory.
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(b) One way to culture viruses in a laboratory is to inject them into chicken embryos in eggs.
The photograph below shows an egg being injected with viruses.
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(Total 10 marks)
3 Viruses can be used as vectors in gene therapy.
The pie chart below shows the proportion of different vectors used in clinical trials for
gene therapy.
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4 Ear infections can be caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi.
Fungi have nuclei and they have chitin and glucan in their cell walls. Their cell
membranes contain ergosterol.
The photograph below shows one type of fungus that can cause ear infections.
(b) The table below shows some structures that may be found in bacteria and fungi.
For each structure, put one cross ( ) in the appropriate box, in each row, to show which organisms contain the
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(ii) Describe an experiment that could be carried out to determine a suitable
antibiotic to use for the treatment of an ear infection.
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(Total 11 marks)
5 Viral infections result in both non-specific responses and immune responses of the body.
(a) Production of interferons is a non-specific response of the body to viral infection.
The diagram below shows some of the effects of interferons.
*(i) Using the information in the diagram, explain the role of interferons in viral infections.
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(ii) Suggest possible disadvantages for cells of producing ribonuclease and protein kinase.
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(b) Describe the immune response of the body to viral infections.
(Total 13 marks)
6 Infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB) is a common cause of death from
bacterial infections.
It is a difficult disease to cure as a combination of antibiotics is required over a long
period of time.
(a) State the meaning of the term bacterial infection.
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*(b) Describe an investigation, that could be carried out in a laboratory, to determine a
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suitable combination of antibiotics to use against Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
(c) Early diagnosis of TB is important in reducing the spread of this disease.
Hero rats are trained to identify the presence of M. tuberculosis by sniffing mouth swabs.
The photograph below shows a hero rat sniffing mouth swabs.
Answer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(ii) One study showed that a hero rat will correctly identify 80% of infected
mouth swabs whereas a technician will correctly identify only 58%.
Calculate how many more infected people could be identified by a hero rat
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than by a technician in a sample of 150 people.
Show your working.
Answer . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(iii) One advantage of using hero rats to detect TB is that they do not get infected
with M. tuberculosis.
Suggest why rats do not get infected with M. tuberculosis.
(Total 13 marks)
7 Gene therapy is being developed for the treatment of a number of genetic disorders,
including cystic fibrosis and severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID).
A number of types of SCID exist. They are all caused by gene mutations.
Adenosine deaminase deficiency is one type of SCID. This mutation results in a defective
enzyme called adenosine deaminase. This affects the proliferation of both B cells and T cells.
(a) Adenosine deaminase deficiency is inherited in a similar fashion to cystic fibrosis, as a
recessive disorder.
Explain how a baby can have adenosine deaminase deficiency when the parents do not.
(b) The symptoms that result from adenosine deaminase deficiency are similar to
those of a person infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
Give one similarity and one difference between adenosine deaminase deficiency
and HIV infection.
(c) Gene therapy requires a vector to introduce the gene into the affected cells.
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Vectors include viruses and liposomes.
(i) Suggest the features of a virus that make it suitable as a vector for gene therapy.
(ii) The diagram below shows a liposome.
(b) Describe the sequence of symptoms that result in the death of a person infected
with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB).
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(c) Infection with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) can result in the death of a
person because the T helper cells are destroyed.
Explain how infection with HIV results in the T helper cells being destroyed.
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(d) The graph below shows the percentage of a population with HIV and the number
of new infections with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB) from 1980 to 2010.
Describe the evidence shown in this graph that suggests there is a correlation
between infection with HIV and TB infection.
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(Total 13 marks)
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9 Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) is a bacterium that is present in the gut flora of the human
digestive system.
This bacterium does not cause any problems in healthy people.
People taking antibiotics are at risk of developing C. difficile infections.
The graph below shows the proportion of gut flora before, during and after taking antibiotics.
The graph also shows the risk of C. difficile infection.
(a) Explain how gut flora protect the body from infection.
(b) Using the information in the graph, explain why people taking antibiotics are at
risk of developing C. difficile infections.
(c) Some types of C. difficile are resistant to antibiotics.
Whilst the antibiotic is being taken, resistant C. difficile have an advantage over non-resistant
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C. difficile.
When the antibiotic is no longer being taken, the resistant C. difficile do not have this
(i) Explain why resistant C. difficile have an advantage whilst taking the antibiotic,
but not afterwards.
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(ii) Explain why the development of C. difficile infections is an example of an
‘evolutionary race’.
(iii) Describe two ways in which codes of practice relating to antibiotic
prescription could help to reduce this evolutionary race.
(d) After taking antibiotics, the gut flora return to 100%.
The time taken for the gut flora to return to 100% is variable. This depends on the
type of antibiotic being taken.
Suggest why the time taken for the gut flora to return to 100% depends on the
type of antibiotic being taken.
(Total 13 marks)
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10 Ebola virus disease (EVD) in humans is caused by the Ebola virus.
(a) Describe the structure of a virus.
(b) There was an outbreak of EVD in Liberia in 2014.
The graph below shows the number of EVD cases and the number of deaths from
this disease, in Liberia, from 1976 until 2014.
(i) Using the information in the graph, calculate the percentage of people with
EVD who died in 2014.
Show your working.
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Answer . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . %
(ii) EVD is fatal in up to 90% of cases.
Suggest why the calculated value for 2014 is below 90%.
(c) In 2014, there were no available drugs or licensed vaccines for EVD. Vaccines were
being developed and were undergoing clinical trials.
(i) Using the information in the graph, suggest why vaccines for EVD were not
developed earlier.
(ii) Describe the methods used to test new drugs in humans.
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(iii) Drugs are being developed that contain either interferon or chemicals that
interfere with viral replication.
Suggest how these drugs could prevent the development of EVD in humans.
(Total 13 marks)
11.The human body responds to a virus infection by producing interferon and antibodies.
The graph below shows the change in the number of virus particles, the level of
interferon and the level of antibodies in a person in the weeks following an infection.
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(a) Describe the structure of a virus.
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(b) (i) Explain why there is a delay, following this infection, before the number of
virus particles increases.
(ii) Explain the change in the number of virus particles from day 1 to day 5.
(c) Describe the role of interferon.
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(d) Explain why there is a delay before the level of antibodies starts to rise.
(Total 13 marks)
12 Gut flora help to protect the body from infection.
(a) (i) Explain the meaning of the term infection.
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(ii) Explain how gut flora protect the body from infection.
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(b) The diversity of the gut flora of a person was recorded. This person then took a
course of antibiotics for seven days.
The percentage of each type of bacteria in the gut flora was recorded for a period
of 18 months.
Each type of bacteria is represented by a different letter in the chart below.
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(i) Explain the meaning of the term antibiotic.
*(ii) Using the information in the graph, describe the effect of this course of
antibiotics on the diversity of gut flora. Suggest explanations for this effect.
(Total 13 marks)
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13 Yeast is a single-celled fungus. It can reproduce asexually by a process called budding.
When the bud is big enough it separates from the original yeast cell.
Yeast can be grown in a culture containing all the nutrients needed for growth. Small
samples of the culture can be removed and the yeast observed using a light microscope.
The photograph below shows yeast budding, as seen using a light microscope.
(a) Suggest how the properties of the cell membrane enable the yeast cell to form a bud.
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(b) Explain the role of the cell cycle in yeast budding.
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*(c) Temperature affects the rate of asexual reproduction in yeast.
Suggest an investigation that could be carried out to study the effects of
temperature on the rate of asexual reproduction in yeast.
(Total 12 marks)
14 Infection with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) increases the risk of developing
tuberculosis (TB). Tuberculosis is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
(a) The table below shows the results of a survey of patients who had TB in 2008 and
in 2010.
It shows the number of patients with TB who believed that they were HIV negative
and the number of patients who knew that they were HIV positive.
(i) Using the information in the table, calculate the percentage of patients with
TB in 2008 who were HIV positive. Show your working.
Answer . . . . . .= . %
(ii) Describe how the proportion of patients who were HIV positive in 2008
compares with the proportion of patients who were HIV positive in 2010.
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(iii) The actual numbers of these patients who are HIV positive may be higher
than the numbers in the table. Suggest two reasons for this.
(b) Treating patients with TB is a problem because Mycobacterium tuberculosis is
resistant to a number of antibiotics.
Give three ways in which hospital codes of practice can reduce the rate at which
antibiotic resistance is increasing.
(Total 9 marks)
15 The organic matter in food is decomposed by micro-organisms.
*(a) Describe how micro-organisms decompose organic matter.
(b) A number of different types of micro-organisms decompose organic matter in food.
Micro-organisms grow in different ranges of pH.
The table below shows the pH ranges for the growth of five types of bacteria that
can be found in food.
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(i) Suggest why pH affects the growth of bacteria.
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(ii) Malt vinegar has a pH of 2.4 and is used in the preservation of food.
Using the information in the table, suggest why malt vinegar can be used in
the preservation of food.
(iii) Apple vinegar has a pH of 4.25. Using the information in the table, suggest
why apple vinegar is less effective than malt vinegar in the preservation of food.
(Total 13 marks)
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(b) An investigation was carried out to study phagocytosis of virus particles by
human white blood cells.
When the virus particles were added, they attached to the membranes of the
white blood cells. The number of virus particles attached to each white blood cell
was recorded for 30 minutes.
After 30 minutes, virus particles were observed in vesicles inside the white blood
The graph below shows the results of this investigation.
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(c) Antibiotics cannot be used to treat infections caused by viruses.
Hospitals have a code of practice to prevent and control the spread of infections
caused by viruses.
(i) Suggest why antibiotics cannot be used to treat infections caused by viruses.
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(ii) State two ways that hospitals can reduce the spread of infections caused by viruses.
(Total 12 marks)
17.One role of the skin is to protect the body from infection.
(a) (i) Explain how skin flora protect the body from infection.
(ii) The skin produces lipids that protect the body from infection.
Place a cross in the box next to the correct explanation of how these lipids
protect the body from infection.
A they are alkalis that kill bacteria
B they have antimicrobial properties that inhibit the growth of bacteria
C they are enzymes that destroy viruses
D they are water soluble and prevent viruses from replicating
(b) The skin contains a fibrous protein. This protein forms a barrier to the entry of microorganisms.
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(i) Place a cross in the box next to the name of this protein.
A cytokine
B interferon
C keratin
D lysozyme
(ii) The primary structure of a protein is important in determining its final
structure and properties.
Describe the structure and properties of fibrous proteins.
(iii) Describe the roles of the template (antisense) DNA strand and mRNA in
determining the primary structure of a protein.
(Total 12 marks)
18.Human diseases can be caused by many different types of organism, such as bacteria
and viruses.
(a) Give two differences between the genetic material of bacteria and viruses.
(b) Tuberculosis (TB) is caused when droplets, containing the bacterium
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, are inhaled into the lungs.
In the lungs, large numbers of the bacterium are formed rapidly. These can be
ingested by macrophages. Eventually, tubercles (tissue masses), containing
dormant bacteria inside macrophages, may form.
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(i) Describe how macrophages ingest the bacteria.
(ii) Suggest why treatment with antibiotics may not be effective against the
dormant bacteria in the tubercles.
(iii) TB can be prevented by vaccination. Explain how a person can develop
artificial active immunity following vaccination.
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(c) In a person with TB, the dormant bacteria in tubercles may be activated after
several years. The bacteria multiply rapidly, resulting in severe lung damage.
The bacteria are released from the tubercles. These bacteria can inhibit the
activity of T cells and infect other organs.
Explain why the activity of these bacteria and the inhibition of T cells means that
a person may quickly develop severe symptoms leading to death.
(Total 13 marks)
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19.The common cold is a disease caused by a variety of viruses.
The flow diagram below describes how common cold viruses attack the cells on the
inside of the nose.
(a) Common cold viruses infect only the cells inside the nose.
(i) Suggest why common cold viruses cannot infect cells if they land on unbroken skin.
(ii) Suggest why common cold viruses cannot infect cells if they enter the blood
through a cut in the skin.
(b) Compare the action of the RNA in the common cold virus with that found in HIV.
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(c) At Stage C, three enzymes are formed.
(i) Suggest why two of these enzymes, S and T, are needed at Stage D.
(ii) Suggest how enzyme U might catalyse the breakdown of the host cell
membrane at Stage E.
(Total 11 marks)
20. In December 2018 there was an outbreak of Ebola, with 500 cases being reported.
The diagram shows the structure of an Ebola virus.
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(ii) The glycoproteins
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(b) The enzyme RNA polymerase is involved in RNA transcription.
Explain why the structure of the Ebola virus includes RNA polymerase.
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(c) The proteins VP24 and VP40 are involved in virus assembly.
State what is meant by the term virus assembly, using Ebola as an example.
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(d) The protein VP35 inhibits the production of interferon by host cells.
Explain why the structure of the Ebola virus includes VP35.
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(Total 10 marks)
21. The growth of microorganisms can be studied using optical methods (turbidity).
The number of cells in 1 cm 3 of a culture can be estimated by using a photometer to
measure the optical density of the culture.
Light is shone through a sample of the culture and a detector records the optical density.
The more light absorbed by the culture, the higher the optical density.
The diagram shows what happens to light shone at a culture of microorganisms.
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The number of cells in the sample is determined using a calibration curve.
The graph shows a calibration curve for bacterial cells and yeast cells.
The photographs show bacterial cells and yeast cells, as seen using a light microscope.
(a) State the relationship between optical density and the size of the microorganisms.
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(b) Calculate how many times more bacterial cells there are than yeast cells if both
samples have an optical density of 1.0 a.u.
Answer . . . . . . . . . . . .
(c) (i) State the relationship between the number of bacterial cells and optical density.
(ii) Suggest why using optical density to measure the concentration of
microorganisms is more accurate at lower concentrations of cells.
Use the information in the diagram to support your answer.
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(d) A liquid medium was inoculated with 6 × 10 3 bacterial cells and the culture was
incubated for a period of time.
At the end of this incubation period, there were 1.2 × 10 7 bacterial cells.
Calculate the time (t) of this incubation period.
Use a value of 0.963 for the growth rate constant (k) and the equation
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Answer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
*(e) Explain why one calibration curve cannot be used to determine the growth of all
Use all the information in this question and your own knowledge to support your answer.
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(Total 15 marks)
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