B.A. P History of India - 300 CE 7cegoyu

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1418 4 [This question paper contains 4 printed pages.

(b) H suanTsang Your Roll No.....,.,,,..,..

(c) Aihole inscription Sr. No. of Question Paper: l4r8 F

(d) Temple economy Unique PaperCode : 23t220t20t

Name of the Paper : History o f tndia : 300 CE to

ffiF{d n t tud d qt fem ftqfr2fi frm 1200 cE

(o.) er*ro Name of the Course Bachelor of Arts

(e) d+ <m
Duration : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 90
qqq : : qqa wrtqi:90
(r) t*a aftee

(q) ce( s'.tdq-qer I nstructions for Candidates

Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt

of this question paper.
2 Attempt any Four q uest ion s.

J AII questions carry equal marks.

4 Answers may be written either in English or Hindi;

but the same medium should be used throughout the

6'=ii + frq fr{sr

l. Err crr{- q? + ffi A sci frs rs ftqift1 Tem q1 i{qfl
rg*rr+ frfi'ev r

(1500) P.T.O.
l4r8 2 1418 3

2. ffiuncr+dTf,iAfta r
4 Review the administrative system and development of
art under the Pallavas.
s. (Sqri+ ersTqrti I

Ttri A q{rr<F-6 q{wt ge oar * ft6m Er 5-{Htrr"T

4. Es qFr- q-r iFT GrR stfr frfr ffi v6
qr qrqr q afrq, Afr-{
dGrt r

sS rat qr qrurq g* ff *<r qGq r

5 Examine the Tripartite struggle for political supremacy

in North India.
Discuss the importance of available sources for the
3iR rrriT + {m+fr'6, Td€ + frs ffi trs{ 6T ctenul
reconstruction of history from c.300 to 1200 CE.
dftrt r

3oo+ 2oo t d qru ER-ar{ A 5-+ri6{ tg 3qa-cr ffi-

6 Explain the emergence of the Rajputs during the early
d ree qT frtqr *Rr* r

medieval period.

2 Trace the changes that occurred in the field of society q{ qtl-*ra f trd1ft * r+q d qrqr frM r

and economy during the Cupta period.

1 Outline the features of Chola administration with
IR 6rm + +rr+qmrfuo \d iltr-6 *u t Es cR{ffi * special reference to village administration.
ffi-e frFrt r

TFr errRFr A frfu {-<1i { *a c{ncr * fris-dBil +

irqrB-d Efrm r

3 Describe the achievements of Harshavardhana on the

basis of available sources.
8. Write short notes on any two of the following

3rm{r ff * sirtm qr Ef{tir d sq-oRri fr q-{i

(a) Vakataka
frfrO r


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