Money and Banking WeHwVz7
Money and Banking WeHwVz7
Money and Banking WeHwVz7
(b) What are intermediate targets? Critically examine Your Roll No...,...........
the rate of interest and money aggregates as G
Sr. No. of Question Paper: 2160
intermediate targets.
Unique Paper Code 227 4002005
(c) Derive and explain the following: Deposit multiplier,
currency multiplier and complete money multiplier. Name of the Paper Money and Banking
Name of the Course Generic Elective -
ffiF+a++acrn*sttffftq' Economics
Coii U.,
(or) rturm qR+ffir si t&c + q{srttl lrerrfi qRo-s+ Sem ester III
qiT iq+Ir 6.+ rrFq fr qs qt 6r Xit-flT +t Duration : 3 Hours {pximum Marks : 90
ErflErT dI q-6-dr i ?
' Instructions for Candidates
(q) qta-+ff as wr i? ftT{S deq + Gc i erq qt P
t];r {gqc qr 3{rfrq<rff6- Eiq-<r dftq t
Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt
of this question paper.
(t) ffiR+< fr qrcqr dfrs qcr {-ur+., T{r g"16 gfu
qf trr yror 2 This paper has 8 questions, out of which 5 have to
be done by the student.
(1500) P.T.O.
2160 )
2160 7
Afts fffrr (e) List three monetary tools that RBI
can use to
achieve its monetary targets.
F{I }rr;r-q? * A-o+ a sct frq qg ffufu rc{rr q{ irqn (6,6,6)
sr5mqro.frtev r
ftqRrfrF + i ft-d *a d srt fffrv:
2. T( tw+ e cr<*, ffit s ar* d ro q..r**i r
(ir) RBr + qR nh ffi +'r4 T{r fr tu}C * vs *
3. 9$5 ysq re sisi 6.r * r
+q ird{ e€ dfrsl
a. pv+rrr*{rt qFt a1 v+,ffrqmqqEaq+ ,
(e) it-*t 6tRrir- + sR + qra-srt afra q.lqr ensrq
s. yr;r-rg ?firrt< er}fr qr Eff ffi \16 tnqr+ A&q, Afu-{
* ffi a
vrt ql fteq
vrar *, rim*r q..c * qr& tr cfurR qrqR
rnft q-6. * rt{ ilBq qFolfir + serf + E{ 6!rc
fr qrql 66q,
P. T. O.
2160 6 2r60 ffi 3
(b) Explain how the Expectation Market Hypothesis 2 (a) Given required reserve ratio is l0ol0, desired excess
and Segmented-Market Hypothesis are different reserve ratio is 5% and desired currency to deposit
versions of the Preferred- Habitat Hypothesis. ratio is 25oh, how does an open market purchase
Discuss with examPle. (6,12) of Rs. 500,000 change deposits, currency holdings
and money stock. How does your answer change
(sr) efu d{ qrs Ermlt { +.r< + qqqqr $ ilsunut if the required reserve ratio rises to 20%?
(b) Differentiate between the base rate and Marginal
Cost of Funds based lending rate MCLR. How
(e) aa a-<rc fr ftq q-6ri viqrFre qrqn qt+-srr *( are these rates useful in monetary transmission?
r#e -<rsn qft+q+ c{+dr-qdsr€ qR*-€ir + frfu{ (6,12)
tqtur *r serE{ur qR-d *sl Sfrqr
(er) a-a ?et gv fr en-<r:ro qrro to% *, siB-fr
orRR-ff 3{rtfsd Bf,tcrd s% + d{ srB-d 5{r *r vcl
7 Attempt any THREE of the following :
(d) According to the expectation hypothesis the yield 3 (a) Explain the legal framework that allows the
curve can slope upward, downward, and be a Reserve Bank of India to function as a central
straight line. Explain. bank.
2160 4 2160 5
(b) Money supply in India can be affectod
by changes
in monetary base and/or money multiplier. Explain.
(i) +n **
(6,t2\ (ii) +{-+6ffisffi
(er) w mq+ zrt* qrcqr znftq * lnttc M +sr 5 (a) Differentiate between the prime lending
d +frc *o * w + orf u.l+ fr ertqA +<r e, rate
system and benchmark prime lending rate
(s) .rR-d
3- ar$ *Fo. olrtm *rrer r+ guro i
+ (b) It is not merely the number of instruments
that is
cRs-+{ + yr{rEa A €sff *r qrqr dfut important but the number of instruments
independent effects on the target variables.,
4 (a) What is reserve money? List the Explain this statement in the context of monetary
sources of
changes in reserve money. policy instruments and targets. (6,12)
(b) Explain the impact of financial sector reforms (sr) vrrr Aftr tc ft€c aii.+qqrd crs{
siace ffir te Re{
l99l for the following sub sectors:
d ftq sror d&qr
(i) Insurance sector
(q) '+s-d sq-*,,tfr + n-rqr ff T& i + cE-d$ * sfu
(ii) Non-bank financial companies (6,12) q{ q{ va-a qrnq Eld+ sre 3q-sifr
FrFr d sTqr s
cE€T,t *r'*tr6 +fr sq-fioi" at E$d + t-e$ t
(er) emFo a;r Hr *? s{Rf*d rr+ + cffi{ + qt+- * {a qial{ fr qrer dfrqr
(S q-{Sr