Lycaa FSD Ops Checklist 08
Lycaa FSD Ops Checklist 08
Lycaa FSD Ops Checklist 08
0.1 Introduction
(a) A statement that the manual complies with all applicable regulations and with the terms and conditions of the applicable Air Operator
(b) A statement that the manual contains compliance instructions that are to be complied with by the relevant personnel
(c) Explanations and definitions of terms and words needed for the use of the manual
0.2 System of amendment and revision
(a) Details of the person(s) responsible for the issuance and insertion of amendments and revisions.
(b) A record of amendments and revisions with insertion dates and effective dates
(c) A statement that handwritten amendments and revisions are not permitted except in situations requiring immediate amendment or revision in the
interest of safety
(d) A description of the system for the annotation of pages and their effective dates.
(e) A list of effective pages
(f) Annotation of changes (on text pages and, as far as practicable, on charts and diagrams)
(g) Temporary revisions
(h) A description of the distribution system for the manuals, amendments and revisions.
1.1 Organizational structure. A description of the organizational structure including the general company organogram and flight operations, ground
operations, crew training and maintenance system departments organogram. The organogram must depict the relationship between the
compliance monitoring Manager/ Unit/ Department and the other Departments of the company..
1.2 Names of nominated post holders. The name of each nominated post holder responsible for flight operations, the maintenance system, crew
training and ground operations, as prescribed in ORO.AOC.135 (a). A description of their function and responsibilities must be included
1.3 Responsibilities and duties of compliance management personnel. A description of the duties, responsibilities and authority of compliance
management personnel pertaining to the safety of flight operations and the compliance with the applicable regulations.
Chapter 2 GENERAL
2.1 Terminology
2.2 Compliance policy
2.3 Purpose of Compliance Monitoring system
2.4 Compliance Monitoring manager
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Scope
3.3 Relevant documentation
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Compliance inspection
4.3 Audit
4.4 Auditors
4.5 Auditors independence
4.6 Audit scope
4.7 Audit scheduling
4.8 Monitoring and corrective action
4.9 Management evaluation
4.10 Recording
5.1 Subcontractors
6.1 General
6.2 Source of training