Are The Pyramids Made of Synthetic Stone - Dr. Mi

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🤯 Material Scientist BLOWS THE LID OFF Pyramid

Construction! Are the Pyramids Made of Synthetic Stone? - Dr.

Michel Barsoum, DSPod #235

This podcast episode features Dr. Michel Barsoum, a materials science
expert, discussing his controversial theory that the casing stones (the outer
layer) of the Great Pyramids might be made of geopolymer (a type of
ancient concrete) rather than carved limestone. He explains that some
features of the pyramids, like the precise fit of the stones and the lack of
evidence for ramps, are difficult to explain with traditional construction
methods. Dr. Barsoum believes that the Egyptians may have used a
combination of carved and cast stones, with the outer casing being cast
from a mixture of limestone, diatomaceous earth (a type of sedimentary
rock), lime, and water. He also discusses the challenges of proving his
theory, as he needs access to specific samples from the pyramids
for carbon dating (a technique to determine the age of materials).
Additionally, Dr. Barsoum shares his thoughts on other mysteries
surrounding the pyramids, like the granite beams in the King's Chamber
and the possibility of lost technologies.
Q & A:

Question Answer

The extremely tight fit of the casing

What specific features of
stones and the lack of evidence for
the pyramids suggest they
ramps used in construction are difficult
might be made of
to explain with traditional carving
synthetic stone?
What materials does Dr.
He suggests a mixture of limestone,
Barsoum believe were used
diatomaceous earth, lime, and water.
to create the geopolymer?
Why is carbon dating Carbon dating can determine the age of
important for proving Dr. the materials and distinguish between
Barsoum's theory? natural and synthetic limestone.
Dr. Barsoum needs access to specific
What are the challenges in
samples from the pyramids, which the
obtaining samples for
Egyptian government has not yet
carbon dating?
The podcast also explores the mystery
What other mysteries of of the precisely placed and smooth
the pyramids are discussed granite beams in the King's Chamber,
in the podcast? and the possibility of lost technologies
used in their construction.
His theory suggests that the Egyptians
How does Dr. Barsoum's possessed more advanced technology
theory challenge than previously thought, which
traditional Egyptology? contradicts some established narratives
about their construction methods.
What evidence does Dr. He cites microscopic analysis of the
Question Answer

Barsoum have to support stones, the presence of specific chemical

his claims about the casing elements, and the difficulty of achieving
stones? such precision with traditional carving
No, he suggests that only the outer
Does Dr. Barsoum believe
casing and possibly the top were cast,
that the entire pyramid is
while the inner core was likely built with
made of synthetic stone?
carved stones.
This structure, according to architect Ole
What is the significance of
Bryn, suggests a sophisticated
the "seven-layered
understanding of geometry and allowed
wedding cake" structure of
for the precise transfer of the
the pyramids?
construction grid to each level.
How does the presence of Iron tools are much more efficient at
iron tools in later periods cutting and shaping stone, making the
affect the mystery of construction methods of later periods
pyramid construction? less mysterious.
What are some alternative Some theories suggest the use of
theories for how the ramps, levers, rollers, or even water-
pyramids were built? based transportation methods.
Achieving a perfect point where four
Why is the problem of the planes meet is extremely difficult with
pyramid's apex point so traditional carving methods, suggesting
significant? the possibility of advanced casting
What are some of the The lack of written records, the
challenges in studying and degradation of materials over time, and
understanding ancient the biases of modern researchers can all
Egyptian technology? hinder our understanding.
Question Answer

How does Dr. Barsoum's His expertise in materials analysis and

work on the pyramids understanding of modern construction
relate to his broader materials allows him to apply a unique
research in materials perspective to the study of ancient
science? structures.
It could significantly change our
What are the potential
understanding of ancient Egyptian
implications of Dr.
technology and history, and potentially
Barsoum's theory being
inspire new innovations in modern
proven true?
construction materials.
Some Egyptologists argue that the
What are some of the
evidence is inconclusive and that
criticisms of Dr. Barsoum's
traditional methods can explain the
construction of the pyramids.
What further research is Access to specific samples from the
needed to definitively pyramids for carbon dating and further
prove or disprove Dr. analysis is crucial for providing
Barsoum's theory? conclusive evidence.
How does the study of It can inspire new ideas, challenge our
ancient technologies like assumptions about human history, and
the pyramids benefit deepen our appreciation for the
modern society? ingenuity of past civilizations.


Step Detailed Description Estimated Cost

Step Detailed Description Estimated Cost

Sample Acquisition: Obtaining samples

from the pyramids, specifically from the High (due to
1 casing stones and the inner core, is crucial political and
for further analysis. This requires permission logistical
and collaboration with the Egyptian challenges)
Microscopic Analysis: Examining the
microstructure of the samples using scanning
electron microscopy can reveal details about
2 specialized
the composition and formation of the stone,
equipment and
potentially differentiating between natural
and synthetic materials.
Chemical Analysis: Determining the
chemical composition of the samples Medium
through techniques like EDS (energy- (requires
3 dispersive X-ray spectroscopy) can provide specialized
information about the presence of specific equipment and
elements that might indicate a synthetic expertise)
Carbon Dating: Measuring the amount of
radioactive carbon-14 in the samples can
help determine their age and distinguish
4 specialized
between natural limestone (which would
equipment and
have no carbon-14) and synthetic limestone
created within the last few thousand years.
Replication Experiments: Attempting to Low (can be
replicate the creation of geopolymer using done with
5 the materials and methods proposed by Dr. relatively simple
Barsoum can provide further evidence for the materials and
feasibility of his theory. equipment)
Cost Table:

Low Medium High

$100 - $1,000 $1,000 - $10,000 $10,000+


Chemic Cost
Material Content/Descripti Size
al Estimat
Name on Estimate
Formula e

The primary
component of the
pyramids, both in
Limestone CaCO3 Low blocks for
its natural and
potentially synthetic

A type of
sedimentary rock Varies
composed of (powdered
SiO2 fossilized diatoms, Low form for
us Earth
potentially used as geopolymer
an ingredient in the )

A highly alkaline Varies

Lime CaO material produced Low (powdered
by burning form for
limestone, geopolymer
Chemic Cost
Material Content/Descripti Size
al Estimat
Name on Estimate
Formula e

potentially used to )
dissolve silica and
create the
geopolymer binder.

Cost Table:
Low Medium High

$1 - $10 per kg $10 - $100 per kg $100+ per kg

Concept Standard Explanation Simplified Explanation

A type of synthetic rock Imagine ancient

created by mixing concrete made from
materials like limestone, natural ingredients that
Geopolymer clay, and lime with could be shaped and
water, resulting in a hardened to build
concrete-like material. structures.

The outer layer of stones Think of the outer "skin"

used in the construction of the pyramids, made
Casing Stones
of the pyramids, known of carefully shaped and
for their precise fit and fitted stones.
Concept Standard Explanation Simplified Explanation

smooth surfaces.

A scientific technique
Like a clock that tells
used to determine the
you how old something
age of organic materials
Carbon Dating is by measuring a
by measuring the
special type of carbon
amount of radioactive
that decays over time.
carbon-14 they contain.

Imagine a rock made of

A type of sedimentary
millions of tiny
rock composed of the
Diatomaceous skeletons that can be
fossilized remains of tiny
Earth used in various
aquatic organisms called
applications, including
making geopolymer.

A highly alkaline
Think of a white powder
material produced by
that can be mixed with
burning limestone, used
Lime water to create a strong
in construction and
binder for building
various chemical

A mathematical formula A way to calculate the

that relates the lengths length of one side of a
of the sides of a right right triangle if you
triangle: a^2 + b^2 = know the lengths of the
c^2. other two sides.

Concentric Shapes that share the Imagine a target with

Concept Standard Explanation Simplified Explanation

Circles/Squares same center point, with rings or squares that

each successive shape get bigger as you move
being larger than the outward from the
one inside it. center.

Think of a string with a

A tool used to weight at the end that
determine verticality, always hangs straight
Plum Line
consisting of a weight down, helping builders
attached to a string. make sure walls are
perfectly vertical.

Imagine a giant
A network of lines used
checkerboard that
to guide construction
Grid builders use to lay out
and ensure precise
the foundations and
alignment of structures.
walls of buildings.

Other Points:

• The podcast highlights the importance of interdisciplinary research, as

Dr. Barsoum's expertise in materials science offers a fresh perspective
on archaeological questions.
• The conversation emphasizes the value of questioning established
narratives and seeking new evidence, even in well-studied fields like
• The discussion touches on the philosophical relationship between
mathematics, science, and truth, suggesting that mathematics can be
a powerful tool for understanding the natural world.

Egyptology; Materials Science; Archaeology; History; Science & Technology

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