CA800 Structures in Project Management

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The key takeaways are that the CEP process allows external participants to work on project tasks without having direct access to the R/3 system or needing R/3 experience. The objects are displayed hierarchically to provide a clear overview. Changes are automatically notified to the initiator and other participants.

The benefits of the CEP process are that participants are not tied to specific systems, it has ease of use by displaying objects hierarchically, it provides automatic notification of changes, and has access rights and security by only allowing access with a login and password.

The objects that can be included in a project folder are: material numbers, BOMs, documents, and project structures like the project definition, WBS elements, and network activities.

CA800 Strukturen im Projektmanagement CA800

Release 46D 25.04.2002

CA800 Strukturen im Projektmanagement........................................................................................................................1 Copyright...................................................................................................................................................................2 R/3 Project Management...................................................................................................................................4 Course Prerequisites..........................................................................................................................................5 Target Group.....................................................................................................................................................6 Course Overview.......................................................................................................................................................1 Course Goals.....................................................................................................................................................2 Course Objectives.............................................................................................................................................3 Course Contents................................................................................................................................................4 Course Overview Diagram (1)..........................................................................................................................5 Main Business Scenario....................................................................................................................................6 What Is a Project?.............................................................................................................................................7 Factors Involved in Projects..............................................................................................................................8 Project Phases...................................................................................................................................................9 Structuring Projects.........................................................................................................................................10 Rules for Defining Requirements...................................................................................................................11 Basic Data in PS..............................................................................................................................................12 Tips for Structuring Projects...........................................................................................................................13 Structures in PS...............................................................................................................................................14 Course Overview: Unit Summary...................................................................................................................15 Work Breakdown Structures.....................................................................................................................................1 Work Breakdown Structures: Unit Objectives.................................................................................................2 Course Overview Diagram (2)..........................................................................................................................3 Work Breakdown Structures: Business Scenario.............................................................................................4 What Is a Work Breakdown Structure Used for?.............................................................................................5 Project Definition and Work Breakdown Structure..........................................................................................6 Different Ways of Creating a WBS..................................................................................................................8 Project Profile...................................................................................................................................................9 Project Coding Masks and Special Characters...............................................................................................10 Project Builder................................................................................................................................................11 WBS Structure (1)...........................................................................................................................................12

WBS Structure (2)...........................................................................................................................................13 Derivation of the WBS Hierarchy...................................................................................................................14 Hierarchy graphic............................................................................................................................................15 System Status and User Status........................................................................................................................16 Status Function................................................................................................................................................17 Status profile...................................................................................................................................................18 Milestones in the WBS...................................................................................................................................19 User-Defined Fields in WBS Elements..........................................................................................................20 Project Documentation....................................................................................................................................21 Assigning Documents in PS............................................................................................................................22 Creating Documents@web (1)........................................................................................................................23 Creating Documents@web (2)........................................................................................................................24 Finding and Displaying Documents@web (1)................................................................................................25 Finding and Displaying Documents@web (2)................................................................................................26 Tips for Work Breakdown Structures.............................................................................................................27 Templates and Work Breakdown Structures..................................................................................................28 Work Breakdown Structures: Unit Summary.................................................................................................29 Work Breakdown Structures - Exercises........................................................................................................30 Activities and Networks............................................................................................................................................1 Activities and Networks: Unit Objectives........................................................................................................2 Course Overview Diagram (3)..........................................................................................................................3 Activities and Networks: Business Scenario....................................................................................................4 What Are Activities and Networks Used for?..................................................................................................5 Different Ways of Creating Networks..............................................................................................................6 Network Type and Network Profile..................................................................................................................7 Network Structure.............................................................................................................................................8 Network Activities............................................................................................................................................9 Activity elements............................................................................................................................................10 Relationships...................................................................................................................................................11 Network Graphic.............................................................................................................................................12 Resource Planning..........................................................................................................................................13

Network Levels...............................................................................................................................................14 Activity Milestones.........................................................................................................................................15 Milestone Functions........................................................................................................................................16 Subnetworks....................................................................................................................................................17 Assignment to WBS........................................................................................................................................18 Tips for Networks...........................................................................................................................................19 Templates and Networks with WBS...............................................................................................................20 Activities and Networks: Unit Summary........................................................................................................21 Activities and Networks Exercises.................................................................................................................22 Versions.....................................................................................................................................................................1 Versions: Unit Objectives.................................................................................................................................2 Course Overview Diagram (4)..........................................................................................................................3 Versions: Business Scenario.............................................................................................................................4 Versions in the Project System.........................................................................................................................5 Simulation.........................................................................................................................................................7 What Are Simulation Versions Used For?........................................................................................................8 Data Transfer: Objects......................................................................................................................................9 Version Keys and Simulation Profiles............................................................................................................11 Simulation: Reporting.....................................................................................................................................12 Project Planning Board...................................................................................................................................13 Diagram Area: Time Settings.........................................................................................................................14 Planning Board Profile....................................................................................................................................15 Creating Project Versions...............................................................................................................................16 Project Versions: Data Transfer......................................................................................................................17 Version Profile................................................................................................................................................18 Tips for Simulation and Versions...................................................................................................................19 Versions: Unit Summary.................................................................................................................................20 Versions Exercises..........................................................................................................................................21 Assembly Processing.................................................................................................................................................1 Assembly Processing: Unit Objectives.............................................................................................................2 Course Overview Diagram (5)..........................................................................................................................3

Assembly Processing: Business Scenario.........................................................................................................4 Benefits of Assembly Processing......................................................................................................................5 Assembly Processing........................................................................................................................................6 Prerequisites for Assembly Processing.............................................................................................................7 Standard Structures...........................................................................................................................................8 Standard Network.............................................................................................................................................9 Standard Network: Headers and Alternatives.................................................................................................10 Standard Network: Material Assignments......................................................................................................11 Standard WBS.................................................................................................................................................12 Standard WBS: Status management..............................................................................................................13 Material...........................................................................................................................................................14 Assignment of Material to Standard Networks...............................................................................................15 Customizing - Requirement Class..................................................................................................................16 Control in SD..................................................................................................................................................17 Assembly Processing: Number of Pieces.......................................................................................................19 Assembly Processing: Relationships Across Networks..................................................................................20 Project Number from Sales Document...........................................................................................................21 Tips for Assembly Processing........................................................................................................................22 Assembly Processing: Unit Summary............................................................................................................23 Assembly Processing - Exercises....................................................................................................................24 Tools..........................................................................................................................................................................1 Tools: Unit Objectives......................................................................................................................................2 Course Overview Diagram (7)..........................................................................................................................3 Tools: Business Scenario..................................................................................................................................4 Flexible Detail Screens.....................................................................................................................................5 User-Specific Settings: Table Controls.............................................................................................................6 Validation and Substitution...............................................................................................................................7 Mass Change (1)...............................................................................................................................................9 Mass Change (2).............................................................................................................................................10 Tabular Mass Changes....................................................................................................................................11 EPS Interface..................................................................................................................................................12

Open PS for Microsoft Project........................................................................................................................13 Configuration of Project Structures................................................................................................................14 Steps in Configuration....................................................................................................................................16 Tools: Unit Summary......................................................................................................................................17 Tools - Exercises.............................................................................................................................................18 Archiving...................................................................................................................................................................1 Archiving: Unit Objectives...............................................................................................................................2 Course Overview Diagram (8)..........................................................................................................................3 Archiving: Business Scenario...........................................................................................................................4 Archiving: Why?...............................................................................................................................................5 Archiving: Terms..............................................................................................................................................6 Archiving Object...............................................................................................................................................7 Archiving Operative Structures........................................................................................................................8 Archiving Steps.................................................................................................................................................9 Prerequisites....................................................................................................................................................10 Archiving: Retrieval, Management, Jobs........................................................................................................11 Deleting Without Archiving...........................................................................................................................12 Archiving: Standard Networks.......................................................................................................................13 Archiving: Documents....................................................................................................................................14 Archiving: Unit Summary...............................................................................................................................15 Archiving - Exercises......................................................................................................................................16 Appendix...................................................................................................................................................................1 Project Profile: Control (1)...............................................................................................................................2 Project Profile: Control (2)...............................................................................................................................4 Project Profile: Organization............................................................................................................................6 Project Profile: Planning Board/Dates (1)........................................................................................................7 Project Profile: Planning Board/Dates (2)........................................................................................................9 Project Profile: Controlling.............................................................................................................................10 Network Profile: Network...............................................................................................................................12 Network Profile: Graphic................................................................................................................................14 Network Profile: Activities (1).......................................................................................................................15

Network Profile: Activities (2).......................................................................................................................16 Network Type.................................................................................................................................................17 Parameters for Network Type.........................................................................................................................18 Icons Used in the Project Planning Board......................................................................................................20 Integration with SD.........................................................................................................................................21 Open PS for Palm............................................................................................................................................23 CEP Scenario..................................................................................................................................................24 CEP Process Overview...................................................................................................................................25 Objects in the CEP Process.............................................................................................................................27 Benefits of CEP...............................................................................................................................................29

CA800 Strukturen im Projektmanagement

Structures in Project Management

R/3 System Release 4.6C Date: January 2001 Material number: 5004 2366


Copyright 2001 SAP AG. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP AG. The information contained herein may be changed without prior notice. All rights reserved.

SAP AG 2001


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R/3 Project Management
Level 2
CA080 3 days CA800 3 days

Level 3
CA820 5 days

Project Management

Project Management - Structures

Project Management - Logistics


5 days

Project Management - Accounting

CA080 or CA800 or CA820 or CA830


3 days

Project Management - Reporting

SAP AG 1999

Course Prerequisites

You must already have attended at least one R/3 course (and you must have experience in finding your way around the R/3 system) You must have a basic knowledge of the business processes involved in Project Management

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Target Group


Project managers and engineers Project team members Consultants

Duration: 3 days

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Notes to the user

The training materials are not teach-yourself programs. They complement the course instructor's explanations. There is space on the sheets for you to write down additional information.

Course Overview

Course Goals Course Objectives Course Contents Course Overview Diagram Main Business Scenario Purpose of Projects

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Course Goals

This course will prepare you to: Create, change, and delete structures in the R/3 Project System Make the necessary Customizing settings for working with structures

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Course Objectives

At the conclusion of this course, you will be able to: Create work breakdown structures and activities in the Project System Use the Project Builder and Project Planning Board to edit project structures Make the relevant settings in Customizing Archive operative structures

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Course Contents

Preface Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Course Overview Work Breakdown Structures Activities and Networks Versions Exercises for each unit Appendix Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Assembly Processing Tools Archiving

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Course Overview Diagram (1)

Appendix Archiving Tools Assembly Versions Activities

Course Overview

Work Breakdown Structures

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Main Business Scenario

You work in a company that is going to implement the R/3 Project System.You are responsible for finding structures in the Project System that are suited to the business processes in your company. You familiarize yourself with the options available for generating operative project structures, and you report regularly to the management.You find ways in which your project structures can be edited with the least amount of effort.

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In each unit of this course, there is a slide entitled "Business Scenario." These slides describe a realworld task that you will be able to process once you have completed the unit in question. The "Main Business Scenario" applies to the entire course.



What Is a Project?

Projects are planned tasks with particular characteristics:

They have a defined start and finish date They use up (consume) resources They result in a unique product or process

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Projects are planned tasks with specific characteristics: They are usually complex, unique, and can involve a high degree of risk. They have precise targets which are agreed between the ordering party (project sponsor) and the contractor. They are limited in duration, and are cost and capacity intensive. Several departments are involved in a project. They are subject to specific quality requirements. They are often strategically important for the business carrying them out.

Projects are usually an integral part of a company's business processes. If you want to be able to regulate and control all of the tasks involved in carrying out a project, you will need to set up a project-specific organizational team. From an organizational point of view, this should be located "between" the user departments involved (i.e. act as a central interface).



Factors Involved in Projects

Dates Dates


Projects Projects
Resources Resources Costs Costs


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Projects are a balancing act between differing demands and bottlenecks. For instance, limited resources are available or the costs framework has been predefined. Projects can involve a high degree of risk for a company, as in general the costs are high, but there is no guarantee that they will be concluded.



Project Phases

Status/ Phase


Rough planning

Detailed planning


Commt. Costs Revenues

Period-End Closing




Prod.order Final confirmation


SD document

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Billing plan

The project itself comprises several phases. A high degree of precision is required when planning and coordinating large and complex projects. When planning the flow of a project, you will schedule deadlines and dates, make resources available, and allocate funds. The Project System supports you in all project phases.

The various phases depicted above represent an ideal project flow. In your own specific project, you can omit certain phases, overlap phases with other phases, or allow certain phases to run in parallel to each other.



Structuring Projects

This information is not SAP-specific! It is project management theory:

Planning and defining requirements Work Breakdown Structures

Hierarchical organizational structure

Top-down estimate Bottom-up estimate

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The success of any project is only partially dependent on the planning tool used (for example, the R/3 Project System). This training course does not examine the question of how best to structure different types of project. There is a wealth of literature available on this subject. The points listed above are simply basic rules that you must observe in order to manage projects successfully.




Rules for Defining Requirements

Formulate clear-cut, unambiguous requirements Have your customers confirm these requirements Be realistic - you might be misunderstood Be realistic - things might not go according to plan Use graphics, charts and models Monitor everything - if changes are requested, record the request date and requester, the reasons given for the proposed changes, and check the effects of the changes on the project flow and costs - have the proposed changes confirmed

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Be specific Get the signatures you need Always have a contingency plan ready Express yourself clearly and intelligibly, and present information in a way that can be easily visualized Monitor the project All team members should be fully aware of the requirements




Basic Data in PS
WBS elements
Responsibility-oriented organization
1:N 1:N

Process-oriented organization

WBS elements and activities

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A work breakdown structure (WBS) is a model of a project, and shows the project activities to be fulfilled in hierarchical form. It forms the operative basis for planning costs, revenues, and payments, as well as for scheduling, and budgeting.

Activities are used to show the flow of a project or of the actions involved in a project. Individual actions can be linked to each other in terms of so called activities. Activities form the operative basis for planning and controlling dates, costs, and resources (personnel, machinery, materials).

When activities are assigned to WBS elements, the dates and costs defined in the individual activities are totaled up (aggregated) at the WBS level, and can be evaluated. Activity funds already assigned are checked against the budgets of the WBS elements.




Tips for Structuring Projects

The various WBS elements and activities should cover the entire scope of the project Keep the structure simple - generally speaking, nobody can monitor structures containing more than 500 elements Keep your project elements "SMART" (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-framed) Alternative structure information should be contained in the project elements - not in the structure itself

Use alternative structures/hierarchies during the evaluation phase

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Structures in PS

Copy Templates

Operative Structures

SD order Item 1

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During this course, you will be shown many different ways of creating project structures. The slide above shows the various options available. These options will be dealt with during this course.




Course Overview: Unit Summary

Generally speaking, projects are cross departmental plans, and are structured hierarchically. The costs, dates and resources involved in projects have to be monitored. The operative structures in PS are called work breakdown structures (WBS) and networks. A WBS is a structural representation of the various parts of a project, whereas a network describes how the project should be executed. There are no organizational units specific to the Project System.

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Work Breakdown Structures

Generating and working with work breakdown structures Customizing activities for work breakdown structures

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Work Breakdown Structures: Unit Objectives

At the conclusion of this unit, you will be able to: Describe the role played by work breakdown structures (WBS) Create and change work breakdown structures Define and use the main profiles in Customizing

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Course Overview Diagram (2)

Appendix Archiving Tools

Versions Activities
Work Breakdown Structures


Course Overview
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Work Breakdown Structures: Business Scenario

You are an experienced project manager and have worked with different stand- alone project management systems. Describe in a short report to your manager the advantagesof the integrated SAP R/3 Project System. Base your report on a simple project (in other words, don't worry about resource planning yet). Use only work breakdown structures.

SAP AG 1999



What Is a Work Breakdown Structure Used for?

Dates, costs, revenues, payments, structure

Budgeting Execution (Actual Data)

Dates, costs, revenues, payments

Controlling Object
For example: Account assignment of purchase orders For example: Assignment of orders

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The work breakdown structure is the operative basis for further planning in projects. The focus here is on planning and monitoring costs, budgets and basic dates. Networks and network activities are more suitable for planning resources and scheduling than WBS's and WBS elements.



Project Definition and Work Breakdown Structure

Project definitions Project definitions Work Breakdown Structures WBS elements

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Common abbreviations in R/3: WBS (work breakdown structure) WBS element (work breakdown structure element)

A work breakdown structure comprises work breakdown structure elements and their hierarchical structure. The project definition contains default values and profile data for the WBS elements, for example assignments to particular organizational units in the R/3 system. The basic dates for the entire project and the planning parameters for costs and dates are stored at the project definition level. The project definition thus forms a frame round the project.

Note: A project definition is not an account assignment object (that is, you cannot post to it). The WBS elements form the operative basis of a work breakdown structure. Planning data and actual data is recorded and aggregated at the WBS element level.





Different Ways of Creating a WBS
Direct Methods
Project Builder, Project Planning Board, Structure planning, "Create WBS"

Indirect Methods
"Create Network" "Assembly processing" Transfer simulation

Create manually or by copying from a template (Standard WBS, operative WBS)
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7. April

In addition to the transactions above, you can also use the Structure/Dates information system to make changes to existing work breakdown structures. You can also use the Information System to create new project structures.

You can use the structure planning, project planning board, and "Create work breakdown structure" transactions in the R/3 Project System to create a work breakdown structure directly. One example of how to create a work breakdown structure indirectly is to call up the "Create Network" transaction and to copy from a standard network. If the standard network is assigned to a standard WBS, you can generate a WBS when you save your new network.

Assembly processing is another indirect method of generating a network or a WBS from a sales order (see the unit entitled Assembly Processing).



Project Profile

Project profile
Field key Simulation Status profile ...

Planning profile Budget profile Settlement profile ...

Controlling area Company code Business area ...

Plg board/dates
WBS scheduling Planning board profile Hierarchy graphic ...

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The project profile is the most important profile for the work breakdown structure. It contains default values and control data for the project. For the sake of clarity, the project profile is subdivided into four sections: Control, Organization, Planning board/dates and Controlling. The various fields in the project profile are dealt with in more detail in the appendix.



Project Coding Masks and Special Characters


Coding mask
-0000-X-X-X-X 0000-0000-X-X-X-X 0000/0000/XX-0-0-0 /0000/XX-

A&D Mask IDES (Elevator) Mask IDES (IT Project) Mask



Lock for standard WBS


Coding mask X = alphanumeric 0 = number

Lock for operative WBS

1 Length of the key
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x @

/ . : > < ; =


ANo &

Entry tool Length fixed

Projects only with coding mask Special Placeholder characters of for temporary coding mask WBSs

In the "Project Number Coding Mask" table in Customizing, you define the appearance of the coding masks in the Project System. Please note that, even though you can make additions to the masks later, you cannot take anything away if WBSs have been already created using this project coding mask.

In the "Special Characters" table, you specify the special characters for WBSs, and you also specify the following for the project coding: whether coding must be used, how long the key should be, and whether this length is compulsory. In Release 4.6, there is a new indicator which you can use to define a temporary placeholder for determining a project number automatically. This placeholder is only used if a free project coding cannot be determined automatically.




Project Builder




Extras Settings System


Current project

Project - E-1145

Identification and view selection

Project structure: Identification

WBS element Detail Overview(s) Basic data Dates Assignments

Overviews of object Engineering selected

Control User fields Short ID Project sum. Administr.

Selected object

Proj. type Priority System status


Operative Indicators

Respons. person Applicant no.

Templates: Identification

Planning element Acc. assign. element Billing element Grouping WBS el.

Resp. cost cntr Req. cost center Req. co. code

Individual objects Project definitions WBS element Network Activity Activity element Material components Milestone PS text Documents

Work list and Templates

Detail Screen of object selected

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The Project Builder is a new user-friendly feature in the Project System. You can use the Project Builder to create and edit a WBS or networks in an integrated environment or individually. When you edit WBS's and networks in the Project Builder you can switch between the various views (detail screen and overviews), graphics, and the project planning board - quickly and efficiently. You will find out more about the Project Builder in this unit and in the next units of this course.

The Project Builder has 3 windows: the structure overview (top left), the worklist (bottom left), and a display/edit area on the right.




WBS Structure (1)

Operative Indicators
Invoice Invoice

Billing element

Planning element

Account assignment element



Statistical WBS element

Grouping WBS element

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You use operative indicators to define the characteristics of a WBS element, and to specify what tasks the WBS element will assume during project execution: WBS elements for which you want to plan costs are flagged as planning elements. WBS elements to which you want to post actual costs are flagged as account assignment elements. WBS elements for which you want to plan or post revenues are flagged as billing elements.

Other indicators for WBS element functions during project execution are: Statistical and grouping element The "Statistical" indicator specifies whether a WBS element is used only for statistical purposes, or whether it works with real costs. You can only specify that a WBS element is statistical if it is an accounting element or a billing element. You use grouping WBS elements to group the material requirements from several WBS elements for components kept in project stock in one or more projects on one WBS element.




WBS Structure (2)

Assigned Objects


Billing Plan Billing Plan

Billing plan

Project organization PS text Documents

Investment program item

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You can assign objects to WBS elements to perform additional functions, some of them in other modules. Examples include: Milestones, which you can use, say, to plan and follow the progress of a project Billing plans to plan and schedule revenues Documents and texts to give more precise specifications for a WBS element Project team (as of Release 4.6) to use persons from this team when distributing work at the activity level Investment program items to manage and distribute a budget at a level higher than the project




Derivation of the WBS Hierarchy



Automatic derivation

1 P.1234 1 P.1234.1 1 P.1234.2 1 P.1234.1.1 1 P.1234.1.2

P.1234.1.1 P.1234.1


1 P.1234 2

P.1234.1 P.1234.1.1 P.1234.1.2 P.1234.2

3 3 2


Hierarchy level
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In order to be able to derive the hierarchy from the the keys defined for the WBS elements, you must have defined an appropriate project coding mask in Customizing.




Hierarchy graphic









Hierachy graphic
Include WBS Inc std. WBS std.

WBS element
Acct. Acct.


Acct. Acct.

Acct. Acct.

Mechanical Engineering
Acct. Acct.

Electrical Engineering
Acct. Acct.

Operative indicator Navigation area

Objects to include
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The hierarchy graphic enables you to represent a WBS graphically. It also enables you to change the details of individual WBS elements, and even to insert more WBS elements. You can also delete WBS elements in the hierarchy graphic.




System Status and User Status



What for? To allow or forbid business transactions How? Manually or automatically

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Who? Project definition and WBS elements Why two? User status adds detail to the system status

The statuses determine which business transactions are permitted and which are prohibited in the system. The system statuses have been set up by SAP and cannot be changed. They control the main business transactions. You can, however, define your own user statuses to attain a greater level of detail.

You define user statuses in the status profile in Customizing. You can enter your user statuses here, and define which business transactions are permitted or prohibited You can also specify the sequence in which user statuses should occur. The user status can be set or deleted manually for several WBS elements at the same time. Individual status profiles can be defined for a project definition and WBS elements. If a status profile has not yet been defined in the project profile, you can still specify in the application which status profile should be used the first time you set a user status.




Status Function

System and user statuses determine whether business transactions are allowed or forbidden.

A transaction is permitted if at least one status permits it and no status prohibits it

A transaction is permitted but a warning issued if at least one status permits it and issues a warning and no status prohibits it

A transaction is prohibited if one status prohibits it

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Example: The system status of a WBS element is Created - this means, among other things, that the business transaction Create Purchase Order is permitted. However, you can now set a user status* (Quotation, for example) which prohibits purchase orders being created. * You must already have defined a suitable status profile in Customizing for PS.

It is possible to permit a transaction, but to have the system issue a warning at the same time. In this case, you can decide whether the business transaction that triggered the warning should be executed. The status log contains information as to which status permits the transaction with a warning.




Status profile
Status profile: 13000 profile: Language EN
Status No. No. Status OBuL 10 20 Quot Ordr Short text Org.budget locked Org. Quotation Order 10 20 20 20 Yes Lowest Highest Init. Init. stat. stat.

Status profile: 13000 profile: Status: OBuL

Business transaction Confirmation Budgeting x AllowedWarning Disalld AllowedWarning No infl. infl. x x Set Delete

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In the above example, the user status "OBzS" can be set in two ways: manually, or automatically as a follow-on action when an original budget is entered. If this user status is set, a warning is issued by the system when the original budget is changed.

You must create a status profile for certain types of objects. In the Project System, these are: project definition, WBS element, network header and/or network activity.




Milestones in the WBS

Sales document date


Progress analysis Milestone trend analysis For information purposes Any combination

40% 80%

10% 20% 70%

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Milestones are events that are of particular significance or interest to the project flow. They are assigned to individual WBS elements or activities (see the unit "Networks"). Milestones can be used both in operative WBS's and standard WBS's. Milestones are created either manually or by copying from a standard milestone. If you wish, you can also include a group of milestones. A so-called "milestone group" is made up of several standard milestones. It is created in Customizing for PS, and individual standard milestones are assigned to the group.

Standard milestones can only be used to copy from (in other words, they cannot be used in the operative process). As of Release 4.5, you can use milestones for the purposes of milestone trend analysis.




User-Defined Fields in WBS Elements

Field key
Determines names of user-defined fields

User fields
Alphanumeric (4x) Numeric (2 x quantity, 2 x currency) Date (2x) Checkboxes (2x)

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You can enter specific data in user-defined fields for every WBS element. The system provides two text fields 20 characters long, two text fields 10 characters long, two quantity fields with quantity units, two value fields with currency units, two date fields and two checkboxes.

The field key determines the name of the respective user field, and specifies whether it is ready for input. If you change the field key for the WBS element, the name of the user-defined field itself changes, but the contents of the field stays the same. If you evaluate user-defined fields in the information system and use different field keys, this can cause confusion and lead to misinterpretation (due to the different names of the user-defined fields). You define field keys in PS Customizing.

You can define a user exit that enables you to develop your own special checks for user-defined fields. If the user-definable fields available do not satisfy your requirements, you can use a user exit to develop additional fields for WBS elements (and the project definition).




Project Documentation

PS texts
for instance Word files

For instance audio and video files and CAD drawings

Long texts

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You can enter PS texts for each WBS element. At the same time, however, it is possible to use the same PS text several times in different work breakdown structures. You use either the R/3 SAPscript Editor or Microsoft Word to enter PS texts. Whichever option you use, the PS texts themselves are physically stored in the R/3 System.

You can only assign documents to WBS elements if the R/3 Document Management System (DMS) has been implemented and configured accordingly. Documents relating to WBS elements can be displayed in a browser on the Internet or on an intranet. You can assign PS texts to copy templates (standard WBS's). PS texts can be categorized according to text type (for example, note, idea, etc.). You cannot assign either PS texts or documents to the project definition.




Assigning Documents in PS

Identification / view selection Activity Details Overview Linked documents Current Version All versions



Individual objects WBS element Network Activity

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In PS, you can create assignments to documents in the Document Management System, or you can create new documents. The picture above depicts the Project Builder. In the Project Builder, you can assign documents either in the document overview or by dragging and dropping from the template area.




Creating Documents@web (1)


Documents for Project

Define access objects

Project definition WBS element Network

Description Definition Maximum no. of hits

Description Elevator Elevator XL Demo: Documents@web

Project def.

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As of Release 4.6C, you can assign documents to your project on the Internet (service CNW4). If you use this functionality, the following activities are performed in a single step: A document master record is created This master record is linked to the object in question (WBS element, network activity) The document is checked in to the Knowledge Provider (KPRO)




Creating Documents@web (2)


Documents for Project

Define access objects Project definition WBS element Network Read Legend Activity Document

Create document link

Create document link Create document link Create document link Create document link

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You can use Documents@Web to create new documents and assign them to activities or WBS elements. Please note, though, that it is not possible to link a new document to an existing document. All of the documents pertaining to your project are displayed in an overview. It does not matter whether the link was created in R/3 or using Documents@web.




Finding and Displaying Documents@web (1)



Find Document
Object link Are you looking for a document that is linked to a specific object type? If so, select the object type in question. If not, select "No object type." Criteria You can enter search criteria in one or both areas. Do you know any keywords from the document or the linked object? If so, enter these below. Find: Do you know any values for any of the criteria listed below? If so, enter these criteria and enter the appropriate values to the right. Delete Document content Logic No object type


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This search functionality gives you Web access to find documents in the Document Management System (DMS). You can use a search engine to find these documents - you do not need to have access to the SAP GUI of the SAP system.

If you enter the following data, you will speed up your search considerably: Data from the document info record (metadata) Contents of the original file (full-text search) Data from projects to which the document is assigned Characteristic values (when the documents are classified)

You can run the full-text search and attribute-based search using the components of the Index Management Service (IMS). Prerequisite for full-text search: the Knowledge Provider (KPRO).




Finding and Displaying Documents@web (2)



Find Document Document List

Document list 1 document found Search conditions: Object link Document content: Logic Administrator Originals

To search

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The results of the search are displayed in a list. From this list, you can process the documents as follows: You can display the document info record and the original files to which the document is linked You can change the original file and transfer the data immediately from your Web browser to the SAP system. You can start a company-specific process for a selected document (for example, changing the status).




Tips for Work Breakdown Structures

Use coding masks Define coding masks early on - lock them, if required WBS elements belong to one project definition- they cannot be assigned to another project definition later Specify who is responsible for the various WBS elements Don't use more than 10,000 WBS elements (otherwise, system performance will suffer)

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For advice on improving performance in the Project System, see notes 68383 and 206264 in the SAPNet - R/3 Frontend.




Templates and Work Breakdown Structures


Operative Structures

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You can now create operative WBS elements. You can do this manually or by using templates. In the latter case, you can decide whether you want to transfer the whole structure or only a part of it. The template can be a standard work breakdown structure or an existing operative work breakdown structure. You can also include several templates in an operative work breakdown structure.




Work Breakdown Structures: Unit Summary

The work breakdown structureis the operative basis for further planning in projects. A work breakdown structure consistsof a project definition and WBS elements with hierarchical relationships. It is possible to assign documents, PS texts, and milestones to WBS elements. Standard work breakdown structures can be used as templates to copy from (this saves time)

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2.29Work Breakdown Structures - Exercises

Unit: Work Breakdown Structures

Project profile Project Builder Hierarchy graphic

3Topic: Instructor Preparations

1-1 During this training course, attendees will also work through some Customizing exercises. This means that you will need to deactivate the lock logic for Customizing otherwise participants will block each other when they work through the exercises. Do this by running the appropriate report. System Services Reporting Program ZSENQOFF Click the Execute icon You have now deactivated the lock logic in the client for the training course. Go back to the SAP Easy Access Menu. Click the Back icon (twice)

4Topic: Work Breakdown Structures




In the following exercises, you will create a work breakdown structure (WBS). The main transaction you will use to do this will be the Project Builder transaction. You will also use an older transaction (Change Work Breakdown Structure) but only for the purpose of comparison. 1-2 First of all, create a project profile in Customizing. Use profile 1004 as a template to copy from, and tailor it to your needs. Assign your user to the project manager (person responsible) that corresponds to your course group number.




1-2-1 Create the project profile GR## (GR## SD Projects). Use profile 1004 to copy from. Project System Customizing Structures Operative Structures Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Create Project Profile Select the line containing profile 1004 Click the Copy as ... icon Change the number and text of the project profile (as specified above) Click the Transfer Enter icon

1-2-2 Change some of the settings in your profile (GR##): Select line with GR## Click the Details icon Select various tab pages as shown below Control tab page: Field Name Proj. type Only one root Proj. summ. MastDa Substitution group box WBS elements field WBS sts. prof. Project stock group box valuated stock radiobutton Automatic requirements grouping Project summarization group box All WBS elements Leave other fields as they are Values CP Check this box Check this box PSSUB01 None Select this radiobutton Deselect this checkbox Check this box

Organization tab page: Field Name

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Leave other fields as they are

Plg board/dates tab page: Field Name Sched. scenario Leave other fields as they are Controlling tab page: Field Name Budget profile Leave other fields as they are Values None Values 1

Save your project profile, and exit the project profile transaction. Click the Save icon. To exit the transaction, click the Back icon twice.

1-2-3 Assign the person responsible ## (project manager) to your user. Project System Customizing Structures Operative Structures Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Specify Persons Responsible for WBS Elements Find person responsible ## Enter your user name in the Office user field. Save your changes, and exit the transaction for maintaining persons responsible. Click the Save icon. To exit the transaction, click the Back icon.

1-3 To create a work breakdown structure, call up the Project Builder. SAP menu
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Logistics Project System Project Project Builder (Select Project Builder by double-clicking)

1-3-1 Create a project called E-99##. Click the Create icon Project.

1-3-2 Enter the following data in the project definition: Field Name Project def. Description Project profile Values E-99## GR## GR## (SD Projects)

Confirm your entries by clicking the Enter icon.




1-3-3 Create a WBS element. This WBS element should have the same number and description as the project definition you have just created. Field Name WBS element Description Click the Templates icon. Expand the Individual objects node, click the object WBS element and, keeping your finger down on your mouse button, drag this up and drop it on the project definition. Enter the data above Confirm your entries by clicking the Enter icon. Values E-99## GR##

1-3-4 Now create more WBS elements manually in the WBS element overview. Enter the following data: WBS element @1 @11 @12 Description Engineering Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering

Click the WBS element overview icon. Enter the above data Confirm your entries by clicking the Enter icon.

1-3-5 Up to this point, you have not structured the WBS elements hierarchically. Do this now by deriving the hierarchy. Choose: Project Derive structure Execute.

1-3-6 You have now created a simple structure. Save this structure before you continue.
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Click the Save icon.




1-4 You will now enter details for the WBS elements. You will name persons responsible, enter descriptions, define milestones, and set operative indicators. You will use the Project Builder to make all changes. 1-4-1 Start by setting the operative indicators. First, call up your project in the Project Builder. Enter the following data: WBS element E-99## E-99##-1 E-99##-1-1 E-99##-1-2 Acct. x x x x PE x x x x Bill x

Drag your WBS from the Worklist area up to the Structure area (top left area). Click the WBS element overview icon this will enable you to edit all of the WBS elements at the same time. Choose the Basic data tab page. Enter the above data and confirm by choosing the Enter icon.

1-4-2 Now name the persons responsible for the individual WBS elements. In each case, specify your course group number as the person responsible. Choose the Responsibilities tab page. In the Responsible person field, enter your course group number. Confirm your entries by clicking the Enter icon.

1-4-3 Assign status profile 13000000 to the level 1 WBS element. Start from the WBS element overview. Select the project definition. Click the WBS element overview icon this will enable you to edit all of the WBS elements at the same time.
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Select the level 1 WBS element. Choose: Edit Status System/user status. In the Status profile field, enter 13000000. Confirm your entries by clicking the Enter icon, and click Yes in the dialog box that appears. To return to the Project Builder, click the Back icon.




1-4-4 Create a milestone for the level 1 WBS element. This milestone should denote the kick-off meeting for the project. Enter the following data: Field Name Description Usage Offset Unit Values Kick-off Meeting Group ## 00001 12 Day

In the Templates area, click the object Milestone, and drag it up to the level 1 WBS element. Enter the above data Confirm your entries by clicking the Enter icon 1-4-5 In order to document your project, create a PS text for the level 1 WBS element. Enter the following data: Field Name ST (text type) Description T (text format) TT (language) Values 02 Project ## Leave empty Leave empty

Select the top WBS element in the structure tree. On the detail screen, click the PS text overview icon. Enter the data above. Confirm your entries by clicking the Enter icon, and then enter a text of your choice. To exit the text, click the Back icon. Now click the WBS element icon to go back to where you started.

1-4-6 You have already made a whole range of settings in your work breakdown structure. Now save your project.
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Click the Save icon.




1-5 Unfortunately, your project structure is still too simple to manage the project effectively. For this reason, please add more WBS elements to the WBS. For once use the older Change work breakdown structure transaction. With this transaction you can make the same changes to WBS elements as in the Project Builder. SAP menu Logistics Project System Project Special Maintenance Functions Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Change (double-click to start transaction)


Call up the WBS element overview for your project. Enter the name of your project definition. Click the WBS element overview icon.

1-5-2 Do not create the new WBS elements manually include them by transferring them from the standard WBS E-1004. Use the following data. Replace the keys of the WBS elements with keys of your own (E-99##), and incorporate the last 2 WBS elements into your project. Field Name WBS element on level 2 Without root Right Values E-1004 x x

Select the level 1 WBS element. Choose: Project Copy from. Choose the Standard WBS tab page and enter the data above. Confirm your entries by clicking the WBS element overview icon. Select only the last two WBS elements. To replace the key 1004 with the key you want to use for your project, click the Replace icon. Then click the Include icon this will copy the selected WBS elements to your project.
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1-5-3 Create another WBS element in the hierarchy graphic this WBS element is for planning your quality assurance measures. To do this, you must first display the standard view of the hierarchy graphic. Enter the following data: Field Name WBS element Description Values E-99##-4 Quality Assurance

Click the Hierarchy graphic icon. Choose: View Standard. Click the WBS element that can be inserted. Then click somewhere in the display area. Enter your data as specified above and confirm your entries by clicking the Back icon.

1-5-4 The new WBS element is still at the wrong hierarchy level. Assign it to level 2 of the hierarchy. Use the Connect icon to do this. Click the Connect icon. Your cursor will now appear as a pencil in the display area. Keeping your finger down on your left mouse button, drag a line from the level 1 WBS element to the WBS element called Quality Assurance. To deactivate the Connect function, click on an empty space in the display area.

1-5-5 Exit the hierarchy graphic, and save your changes. Click the Back icon. Then click the Save icon.




Activities and Networks

Creating and editing activities and networks Customizing activities for networks

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Activities and Networks: Unit Objectives

At the conclusion of this unit, you will be able to: Create activities and operative networks, and structure these to a high degree of detail Make the necessary Customizing settings for networks

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Course Overview Diagram (3)

Appendix Archiving Tools Assembly Versions Activities

Work Breakdown Structures

Course Overview
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Activities and Networks: Business Scenario

In future projects in your company, scheduling and resource planning will play an increasingly important role. In particular, the procurement process is to be triggered from the Project System. You familiarize yourself with network planning in the SAP R/3 System, and draw up a summary of the outcome for your manager. You prepare an example, and use templates to copy from.

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What Are Activities and Networks Used for?

7. April

Date planning

Cost planning

Resource planning
Material, labor, capacity, documents

Costs, dates, overheads, capacity load reduction

Progress analysis, capacity load utilization

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Important: you cannot allocate a budget to a network - you can only allocate budgets to WBS elements. An activity uses the budget of the WBS element to which it is assigned.



Different Ways of Creating Networks

Direct Methods
"Create Network" Project Builder

Indirect Methods
"Assembly processing" "Create WBS with Activities" Project planning board and simulation Structure planning and time scheduling

Create manually or by copying from a template (standard network or network)

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Network Type and Network Profile

Network profile Network type

Control keys, graphic profiles, field keys ... Settlement profile, status profile, residence times ...

Network type parameters Header/activity account

(plant + network type)

assignment, costing variants, change profile ... Scheduling type, "Schedule automatically" indicator, reduction strategy ... Checks, workflow, propose default ...
= Profile in Customizing

Scheduling parameters
(plant + network type)

Confirmation parameters
(plant + network type)

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The network profile and network type are important tables in PS Customizing where you specify the characteristics of a network. They store default values and control data for the network in question. When you create a network, the network profile and the network type are passed on to the system, as is the reference to a plant. The system takes the plant and the network type, and, on the basis of these, searches for control data and default values in three other tables in Customizing: the Parameters for network type, the Confirmation parameters and the Scheduling parameters profiles.

The network profile, the network type and parameters for network type are discussed in detail in the appendix.



Network Structure
Internal/external numbers

Network header
Default values, control values Account assignment object*

Network header

Planning element Account assignment object**

Activity elements Relationships

* if the network is header assigned ** if the network is activity assigned
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The network header contains default organizational assignment and control data that applies to the entire network (similar to the project definition for WBS elements). In the network header, you can assign a network to a work breakdown structure, a sales order, or a superordinate network (if you work with subnetworks).

Activities form the basis for planning and executing networks. Each activity can be assigned to any WBS element (as long as it is an account assignment element). The network is scheduled at the activity level.

Relationships determine the order in which activities are carried out. Consequently, relationships - and the duration of the activities - are essential for scheduling networks. You use activity elements to split activities up into more detail. The planning data entered for activity elements supplements the planning data of the activities.



Network Activities

Internal Processing
Work/services performed inhouse Control key

External Processing
Purchasing of work/services

Purchasing of services with service specifications

Type of activity

Work papers

Relevance to Capacity

Costs activity
Planning of additional primary costs

Relevance to Costing Confirmation

Relevance to Scheduling

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Internally processed activities contain a work center at which the work is to be carried out. They contain the working time and the duration of the activity. The assignment of the work center to a cost center provides an activity type and a rate so that planned costs can be calculated for the activity.

External activities are used for procuring activities or services that are not procured within your company. Purchase requisitions are generated that are processed in Purchasing. General cost activities allow you to plan cost that cannot be assigned to neither internal nor external activities, for example expenses or insurance premiums.



Activity elements

Four types:
Internal processing, external processing, costs, services

Reference dates
Start or finish

Work Capacity Materials Relationships

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Activity elements allow you to map network activities in greater detail. For example, it is possible to complement an internal processing activity, which describes the transportation of a material, with a cost element, which describes the insurance for that transportation process.

Activity elements have almost the same functionality as activities. Types of activity elements include: internal processing elements, external processing elements, and general costs elements. All activity elements have a date reference to the activity to which they are assigned. The activity elements themselves do not affect scheduling. For this reason, they do not have any relationships or durations. Materials and relationships are assigned to the superior activity.

Example: several departments in your company work on the same activity. You use activity elements to enable each department to plan independently while at the same time being bound to the scheduling data defined for the higher-level activity.




Logical sequence

Time sequence FS relationship



Purchase order

SS relationship


Work scheduling

FF relationship


Test run

SF relationship

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Relationships determine the chronological sequence of the individual activities in a network (or standard network). You can enter additional data (such as a time interval or factory calendar) on the detail screen of each relationship.

In the network structure graphic, you can display relationships "time dependently", in order to illustrate the logical sequence of events. By default, all relationships are displayed as FS relationships in the network structure graphic.




Network Graphic

Activity Activity number

Days Days

Control key Duration


Description Earliest finish

16.02.2000 04.04.2000 34 0 18.02.2000 06.04.2000


Mechanical Layout
21.02.2000 07.04.2000 34 0 17.05.2000 07.07.2000


18.05.2000 10.07.2000 34 34 08.06.2000 28.07.2000



21.02.2000 24.05.2000 64 30

Electronic Layout
31.03.2000 07.07.2000


Latest finish

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All of the functions you need to create a network are available in the network structure graphic (functionality for inserting activities or relationships, for example). You can access the network structure graphic from various transactions in the Project System (from the network, from time scheduling, and from the Structure/Dates information system, for example). The cycle analysis is a function that you can only perform in the network graphic. A cycle is a closed sequence of relationships and activities ("closed" means that, when you start out from an activity, you end up back at the same activity, when you pass through the sequence of relationships). If the activityrelationship-activity path is cyclical, you will not be able to schedule the network. Cycle analysis is a tool that enables you to detect cyclical relationships, and correct them.




Resource Planning

Internal processing

Labor, capacity requirements

Documents (DMS)

External processing Material Documents, PS texts Milestones

PS texts Material Milestones

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Resource planning in networks includes the planning of internal and external activities, the procurement of materials, the assignment of texts and documents as well as the planning of milestones. When you plan milestone dates or determine the dates on which materials are required, you can reference the dates of the superordinate activity (you can of course also enter definite dates without referencing the activity).




Network Levels
Networks 902178 Elevator Classic PS Model
Internally processed activities Layout Material components Prod. resources/tools PS texts Milestones 154728 Check finished Relationships Engineering Procurement Assembly Externally processed activities External check General cost activities Expenses
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You can display the various levels in networks in the Overview tree in the Change network transaction.




Activity Milestones
Unique milestone number ID
Milestone Basic data Usage Activity Usage Milestone functions Release stop ind. Trend analysis Progress analysis Sales document date Billing plan InvoicePercentg Dates Fixed date Actual date Sched. date Offset to activity Latest dates Offset to fin. Offset Functions Concept finished Admin. Concept finished
Enter concept

Activity to which the milestone is assigned

Progress analysis Perc of completion

Parameter for progress analysis

Parameter for billing plan

Manual planned date

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Parameter for planned date in relation to activity

Milestones are events that are of particular significance to the project flow. You can assign milestones to activities or WBS elements. If you want to use particular milestones several times in project planning, you should create standard milestones, and use these as templates to copy from. You use milestones in the Project System for the following tasks and functions: To trigger defined milestone functions in activities For the milestone technique of progress analysis To determine dates in a sales order For information purposes For milestone trend analysis (as of Release 4.5)




Milestone Functions
Identification Milestone Basic data Usage Activity Milestone functions Functions Parameter Syst.Sts REL User sts Change Once Activa Functions Concept
Enter concept

Concept Administr.

Example: Name of standard network for Include standard network

Function Release following activities Release up to stop indicator Include standard network Create network Include subnetwork Start workflow task

Trigger manually or using status?

Function that the milestone is to trigger

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Status that triggers the milestone function

Trigger by setting or deleting the status?

Milestone functions are functions in a network that are predefined by SAP. You can use them to trigger a sequence of steps that carry out a business process. Examples: Release subsequent activities Release up to stop indicator Include standard network Create network Include subnetwork Start workflow task





What for?

Detailing activities


Manually (assignment in network header) Automatically (milestone function)


In subnetwork: header/activity data In activity: change control key

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There is an exchange of data between the network and the subnetwork: the WBS assignment, sales order assignment and, if applicable, configuration data are taken from the header of the network. The basic dates of the activity are copied to the basic dates of the header of the subnetwork, and it is possible to copy the settlement rule, the profit center and the business area.

The control key of the higher-level activity is changed on the basis of the network type of the higherlevel network and of the subnetwork. This determines which tasks are carried out by the higher-level activity (relevance for costing, relevance for scheduling, etc.)

You can also copy the relationships of the higher-level activity to the subnetwork. You can also create maintenance orders (PM orders) as subnetworks of a network. As of Release 4.6, you can schedule these PM orders from the Project System. You can define subnetworks for subnetworks (until you have achieved the level of detail you require). In other words, you can create a subnetwork for a subnetwork for a subnetwork, and so on.




Assignment to WBS

Date planning Cost planning Generating settlement rule Activity elements

(cost planning and settlement)

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There are several reasons why activities are assigned to WBS elements. First, this means that dates can be exchanged between activities and WBS elements during scheduling. Second, this assignment is used for cost planning purposes. Third, it is possible to define a settlement rule automatically for the activities. For example, you might define a rule whereby settlement is made to the corresponding WBS element, or you might specify that the settlement rule of the corresponding WBS element should be used.

Activity elements are also assigned to WBS elements. The assignment has the same functionality as in the case of the activities, but has no influence on time scheduling of WBS elements.




Tips for Networks

Use a maximum of 10,000 activities and elements per project; use a maximum of 500 activities and activity elements per network Use activity elements to split up an activity into its various tasks Do not assign activities from a header -assigned network to several WBS elements Use the option of creating several networks and subnetworks for one project to store different responsibilities (MRP controllers) Remember that networks have a lock logic (for example, if work is distributed)
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Templates and Networks with WBS


Operative Structures

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If you use templates that are assigned to each other (that is, if you use standard networks that are assigned to standard WBS's), there are two ways in which you can proceed. Either you start by creating an operative network (from a template) - in this case, a WBS will be assigned when you save. Alternatively, you can start by creating an operative WBS (by copying a template and all its activities) in this case, the activities will be included right from the start. In the latter case, you can use the Project Builder, project planning board or structure planning transactions.




Activities and Networks: Unit Summary

Networks are mainly used to map the logistical aspects of your project Networks consist of a network header, activities, relationships and activity elements You can assign a large number of objects (for example, components, texts, and milestones) to activities Subnetworks can be used to structure networks

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5.22Activities and Networks Exercises

Unit: Activities and Networks

Activities in the Project Builder Network graphic

6 7Topic: Activities and Networks

In the following exercises, the first thing you will do is make Customizing settings for networks. Following on from this, you will then add activities to your work breakdown structure. 1-1 First of all, make settings in the important Customizing tables. Create a network type, assign it to a number range, define parameters and scheduling parameters for the network type, and generate a network profile. 1-1-1 Create a network type called GR## (use network type PS04 to copy from). Change the descriptive short text to Group ##. Project System Customizing Structures Operative Structures Network Settings for Networks Maintain network types Select network type PS04 Click the Copy as... icon Change order type and descriptive long type as specified above Click the Transfer Enter icon Save your entries, and exit the network type transaction. Click the Save icon.
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To exit the transaction, click the Back icon.

Important: When you saved, the system assigned a number range (as specified in the copy template). Normally, you would have to do this in a separate step.




1-1-2 Define parameters for your network type for plant 1300 (use the parameters from network type PS04 of plant 1300 to copy from). Change the descriptive short text to Group ##. Project System Customizing Structures Operative Structures Network Settings for Networks Specify Parameters for Network Type Select network type PS04 for plant 1300 Click the Copy as... icon Change the number to network type GR## Click the Transfer Enter icon Save your entries, and exit the network type parameter transaction. Click the Save icon. To exit the transaction, click the Back icon. 1-1-3 Create a network profile called GR## (use network profile 1004 to copy from). Enter your network type there. Change the descriptive short text to Group ##. Project System Customizing Structures Operative Structures Network Settings for Networks Maintain network profiles Select network profile 1004 Click the Copy as... icon Change the number to network profile GR## Change the description to Group ## Change the network type to GR## Click the Transfer Enter icon Save your entries, and exit the network profile transaction. Click the Save icon. To exit the transaction, click the Back icon. 1-1-4 Define scheduling parameters for the network type in plant 1300. Use the scheduling parameters of network type PS04 in plant 1300 to copy from. Allow the start dates that are 999 days or less in the past, and change the scheduling type to Forward.
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Project System Customizing Dates Scheduling Specify Parameters for Network Scheduling Select network type PS04 for plant 1300 Click the Copy as... icon Change the order type to GR## Specify start in the past as 999 days Change the scheduling type to "Forward" Click the "Transfer Enter" icon Save your entries, and exit the scheduling parameter transaction. Click the Save icon. To exit the transaction, click the Back icon.

1-1-5 Change your project profile (GR##). Enter your own network profile on the Planning board/dates tab page. Project System Customizing Structures Operative Structures Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Create Project Profile Select profile GR## Click the "Details" icon Select the tab page "Plg board/dates" and enter GR## as the network profile Click the Transfer Enter icon Save your entries, and exit the project profile transaction. Click the Save icon. To exit the transaction, click the Back icon twice.

1-2 You will now create activities with a direct link to the work breakdown structure you created in the previous unit. When you use this technique, you do not have to worry about the details involved in creating a network. Using the Project Builder, call up your work breakdown structure, and first of all correct the control data in your project definition. Enter your network profile (GR##). SAP menu Logistics Project System Basic data Project Project Builder
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(Select Project Builder by double-clicking) Drag your WBS (E-99##) from the Worklist area up to the Structure area (top left area). On the Control data tab page of the project definition, change the network profile (in the Planning dates box). Enter the network profile Group ##. 1-2-1 In order to plan costs for your team sessions, create a general costs activity for the level 1 WBS element. Enter the following data: Field Name Description Amount Duration Cost element Values Costs for Meetings 12000 UNI 20 days 466000

Click on a costs activity in the Templates area, and, keeping your finger down on your mouse button, drag it to the level 1 WBS element. Enter the data above. Confirm your entries by clicking the Enter icon.

1-2-2 You commission an external service provider with the task of implementing quality assurance measures. Plan this into your project by assigning an external processing activity with the data below to the WBS element Quality Assurance. Field Name Description Purchasing info record Activity quantity Values External Quality Assurance 5500000057 42

Click on an external processing activity (Activity (external))in the Templates area, and, keeping your finger down on your mouse button, drag it to the WBS element called Quality Assurance. You will need to
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expand your project in the Structure area. Enter the data above. Confirm your entries by clicking the Enter icon. If necessary correct the activity quantity.

1-2-3 Up to now, you have created all activities manually. You will probably have noticed that this is a tedious process, and prone to errors. Now use a template (standard network E-1002) to create more activities for the WBS element called Engineering. Create the network with network profile GR##, network type GR## in plant 1300. Place your cursor on the WBS element in question, and click your right mouse button. Choose: Create Copy network. In the Standard network field of the dialog box that appears, enter E1002. Then go to the Network parameters tab page. Enter the values specified above, and confirm by clicking the Continue icon. Click the Enter icon again this will cause the system to read and insert the template. 1-2-4 The activities you have just included are all assigned to the WBS element called Engineering. Reassign as follows: Activity Number 1000 1010 1030 1050 1080 1100 1140 WBS element E-90##-1 E-90## E-90##-1-1 E-90##-1-2 E-90##-2 E-90##-2 E-90##-3

In each case, place your cursor on the activity in question, and click your
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mouse button to go to the corresponding detail screen. You can then assign the activity to the appropriate WBS element by dragging and dropping it. 1-2-5 Since you also want to use your activities as a basis for scheduling, you now have to link the activities to each other by means of relationships. Create the following relationships: Type of relationship FS relationship FS relationship from 1010 1140 to 10 20

Place your cursor on the predecessor activity, and click your mouse button to go to the corresponding detail screen. Click the Relationship overview icon. Choose the Successor tab page, and find the successor activity in the lower section of the tab page. Select this activity, and click the Create icon. To get to the second activity, simply click the next activity in the Structure area (top left area). Then proceed as described for the first activity. 1-2-6 Display the activities in the network graphic, and edit the next relationships there. Delete the relationship from the Layout activity to the Customer acceptance activity and instead create a Start-Start relationship from Customer acceptance to Layout. Place you cursor on the second network header in the Structure area. Then click the Network graphic icon. Select the relationship in question by clicking it. Click the Delete icon. In the dialog box that appears, click the Continue icon. Click the Connect icon.
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Do this by dragging the relationship from the start of one activity to the start of the other activity (remember to keep your finger down on your mouse button). 1-2-7 Save your changes before you continue to edit your project. Exit the network graphic, and save your project. Click the Back icon. Click the Save icon. If any scheduling warnings appear, confirm them by clicking Yes.

1-3 Next, you will make some additions to you project. You will assign documentation, milestones, and activity elements. Call up your project again in the Project Builder. SAP menu Logistics Project System Basic data Project Project Builder (Select Project Builder by double-clicking) Drag your WBS from the Worklist area up to the Structure area (top left area).

1-3-1 Document the activity called Customer Acceptance using the PS text you created in the last unit. Use the PS text overview for the activity and search for the text with the matchcode Created by. Place your cursor on the activity in question, and click your left mouse button. Click the PS text overview icon. Enter the value 02 in the Text type field. Place your cursor in the Description field, and press F4. Click the tab page in question, and enter your user in the Created by field. Confirm this dialog box by clicking the Start search icon. In the next dialog box that appears, select your text by double-clicking it.
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Click the Enter icon. Place the cursor on your text, and click the Copy icon. The text is now assigned to your WBS. The editor appears again- you can change the text as required here. To exit the editor, click the Back icon.

1-3-2 Next, you will assign a milestone to the activity Customer Acceptance. When this milestone is reached, the activities directly after the activity in question should be released. Enter the following basic data: Field Name Description Usage Milestone function Values Release subsequent activities 00001 x

Make the milestone function more specific by entering the following data: Field Name Release following activities System status Change Values x REL +

Click on the object Milestone in the Templates area, and, keeping your finger down on your mouse button, drag it to the activity in question in the Structure area. Enter the data above. Click the Functions tab page and enter the above data for milestone functions. Confirm your entries by clicking the Enter icon.

1-3-3 Using an activity element, plan the costs for a presentation at the customer site. Create a cost element for the activity Customer Acceptance. Enter the
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following data:

Field Name Description Amount Offset to start

Values Presentation at customer site 2500 UNI 1 day

Click on a general costs element in the Templates area, and, keeping your finger down on your mouse button, drag it to the activity in question in the Structure area. Enter the data above in the detail screen. Confirm your entries by clicking the Enter icon.

1-3-4 Save the entire structure. Confirm any scheduling warnings that appear. Click the Save icon. If any warnings appear during scheduling (which is performed automatically when you save), confirm these by clicking the Yes icon. 1-4 OPTIONAL: Even though the network settings you have made in Customizing will enable you to work through the rest of this course, there are still some settings missing that affect the execution of networks. In this case, you need to maintain the tables Confirmation Parameters for Network Type and Availability Check Control. 1-4-1 OPTIONAL: Define confirmation parameters for your network type (GR##) in plant 1300. Use the parameters of network type PS04 in plant 1300 to copy from. Project System Customizing Confirmation Define Confirmation Parameters Select the line with plant 1300 and network type PS04 Click the "Copy as... icon Change the network type to GR## Click the "Transfer Enter" icon Save your entries, and exit the confirmation parameter transaction. Click the Save icon.
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To exit the transaction, click the Back icon.

1-4-2 OPTIONAL: Activate the availability check for your network type in plant 1300 (both for created and for released networks). Once again, use the settings defined for network type PS04 in plant 1300 to copy from. Project System Customizing Material Availability Check Define Checking Control Select the line with plant 1300 and network type PS04 for created orders (that is, 1) Click the Copy as ... icon Change the order type to GR## Click the "Transfer Enter" icon Now repeat this procedure, only this time for released orders (that is, "2"). Then save your entries, and exit the check control transaction. Click the Save icon. To exit the transaction, click the Back icon.





Simulation versions Project planning board Project versions

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Versions: Unit Objectives

At the conclusion of this unit, you will be able to: Create and edit simulation versions, and make the necessary settings in Customizing Use the project planning board, and make the necessary settings in Customizing Create project versions, and make the necessary settings in Customizing

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Course Overview Diagram (4)

Appendix Archiving Tools Assembly Versions Activities

Work Breakdown Structures

Course Overview
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Versions: Business Scenario

It is your task to find ways of reducing costs in a project that is currently running.You have to draw up detailed descriptions of the cost -cutting options you find but, at the same time, your cost cutting scenarios must not affect the running of the current project in any way. For this reason, you use simulation versions to draw up your cost cutting scenarios.

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Versions in the Project System

Project version

"Snapshot," cannot be changed

Simulation version can be changed!!!

Klicken Sie, um Text hinzuzufgen

xxxx xxxx xxxxx xx



CO plan versions
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The term "version" is used in different contexts in the Project System. Different types of versions include simulation versions, project versions and CO planning versions. Simulation versions in the Project System are versions that you can change. You might, for example, create simulation versions in the following situations: In the quotation phase: generally speaking, there is still no operative project at this point. To draw up alternative planning scenarios for existing operative projects or parts of these.

Project versions are snapshots of a project at a specific point, and are used for documenting the progress of a project over time. Both quantities and values are stored in versions. Project versions are created either manually, or automatically when a status changes. In the latter case, the project profile contains a reference to a version profile which specifies the name of the project version to be created when a particular user or system status is set.

CO planning versions are used to plan costs and revenues. You can copy values from one version to
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another. You can change planned values manually in every version - the costed values are retained.




e ti v a er





Project P/1234


Project P/1234 Version 0001

Project P/1234 Version 0002

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Simulation versions are used to draw up alternative "what if?" planning scenarios. They are created manually, can be changed, and, if necessary, deleted easily (unlike released operative WBS's with activities).

When an operative project is copied to a simulation version (or vice versa), a log file is created. This contains the objects that were transferred and any error messages that were issued in the process. Simulation versions can be created either for an entire WBS, or for subhierarchies of a WBS. Simulation versions are edited using the project planning board, or - as of Release 4.6C - using the Project Builder.



What Are Simulation Versions Used For?

Update operative project

Capacity leveling






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At the beginning of a project, you can use simulation versions to simulate projects before you actually transfer them to an operative project. Simulation versions are particularly useful during the quotation phase and for comparing different "what if?" scenarios. It is possible to plan several simulation versions. You can then decide which version is the most suitable.

Even when a project is running, you can copy operative projects to simulation versions, analyze and work with these, and then transfer them back to the operative project. The system can conduct a test run to see if it is possible to transfer a project or simulation version.

If you want to work with simulation versions, you must create simulation profiles and version keys in Project System Customizing.



Data Transfer: Objects

Operative project

Projects WBS elements Networks, activities, activity elements Subnetworks Components Long texts Documents



Simulation version


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When you transfer data from operative projects to simulation versions (or vice versa), the following objects are copied: Work breakdown structure Network with activities, activity elements, relationships, and subnetworks Milestones Materials for the activity Documents, PS texts and long texts (depending on the simulation profile used) Capacity requirements Invoicing plan for the network, and billing plan for the WBS element (as of Release 4.5A)

The following objects are not copied: Other orders that are not networks (e.g. no production orders)



Production resources/tools

Costs that you have planned manually for operative WBS elements are transferred to the simulation version. However, this cost planning data cannot be changed in the simulation version. You can only change costs at the network level in simulation versions.




Version Keys and Simulation Profiles

Version key

Valid name e.g. SIM007

SImulation versions (group A) Versions for elevator projects

Inactiv AGrp

Valid name e.g. VERX1

Simulation profile
Transfer for update

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PS text Long text Document assignment

Customizing for simulation versions comprises two steps: The key for simulation versions merely determines how the names for simulations are formed. You should work with version keys right from the start, since they cannot be created afterwards without deleting existing simulations. The simulation profile determines whether texts should also be copied (in addition to the structure information) from simulations to operative projects (and vice versa). If you work without a simulation profile, all texts are copied. The simulation profile is contained as the default value for the project definition in the project profile.




Simulation: Reporting

Klicken Sie, um Text hinzuzufgen

xxxx xxxx xxxxx xx



Project Planning Board Structure/ Dates Costs / Revenues / Financing

Capacities Order . Reservation


Simulation Version
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Just like project versions, simulation versions can be analyzed and compared with each other in the information system. In the Structure/Dates information system, it is not possible to change simulation versions (unlike operative projects).




Project Planning Board









Project: Change

Extended toolbar
Project: Turbine
Jan 99 Feb 99

Mar 99 Apr 99 May 99 Jun 99 Jul 99

L Hi L


Wrk Ctr Project cost pl. 50000 20000 5000 15000 30000 20000 20000 10000 Capacity overview

Table area

Graphic area

Wrk Ctr


Jan 99

Feb 99

Mar 99

Diagram,99 Jun 99 Apr 99 May e.g. capacities

Jul 99

General work center

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Prior to Release 4.6C, the project planning board was the only transaction available for changing simulation versions. The functionality available here is the same as for editing normal operative projects. The project planning board has been enhanced extensively for Release 4.6. For example: Extended toolbar It is now easier to create new objects (activities, milestones, ...). Activities and activity elements can be confirmed Integrated cost and material overview, overview of assigned maintenance orders You can now create several relationships at once with a single click of your mouse

In the appendix you will find an overview and brief description of the icons in the project planning board.




Diagram Area: Time Settings





Evaluation period
Pre-evaluation period Post-evaluation period

Planning period

Scale relationship: Example: 1 month's pre-evaluation period = 5% of 1 month's planning period

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The time settings for the chart area of the project planning board are determined by three profiles, which are defined in the project planning board profile. The time profile determines when the evaluation period starts and finishes. It also specifies when in the evaluation period the planning period starts and finishes. Consequently, the start and finish of the pre-evaluation period and post-evaluation period are also set. The scale of the time axis determines the ratio used for the pre-evaluation period and post-evaluation period with respect to the planning period. The scale of the planning period is entered directly. The profile for the time scales determines the individual time periods (year, quarter, monthly periods. ...). It determines when a specific period is used, and the display size of the period.




Planning Board Profile

General data
Default values Show/hide Cost plan version Graphic profile

Diagram area
Time profile Labels Display float Critical from

Table area
Field selection Character width Display network

Planning board assistant

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The project planning board profile determines the appearance of the planning board, and you can also enter default values here (for creating new activities, for example). The project planning board profile is valid for both simulation versions and for normal operative projects. The planning board assistant is available both in Customizing and in the application itself. In Customizing, you can check the graphic settings immediately using a predefined project.




Creating Project Versions



Budgeted Released


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Manual version "Prototype"

Manual version "Pilot"

Project versions enable you to record a snapshot of a project at a specific moment in time - this can be used for future comparisons with the operative project. You can create a project version automatically (this is triggered by a change of system or user status). You can also create a project version manually: While changing the WBS While changing the network In the Structure/Dates information system for one or more projects Using the transaction Create Project Version (CN72 - available as of Release 4.6C)




Project Versions: Data Transfer

Projects WBS elements

Transfer changes ) (no c hanges)

Networks, activities, activity elements Subnetworks Components Documents




PS texts


Costs, revenues

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If you generate status dependent project versions, the version profile determines which data is copied to the project version. If you create project versions manually either in the network maintenance transaction (CN22) or in the WBS maintenance transaction (CJ02), the version profile also determines which data is copied. If you use transactions CN71 or CN72 to create project versions manually, then all data will be copied to the project version irrespective of the version profile.




Version Profile

Objects in a version

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Project definition Sales order WBS element Network Activity Material Relationship Activity element PS text Milestone Costs Capacity reqmts

Sys.status Description
I0001 I0002 Created

Version Released key 00011

Version key


Status prof. Description prof.

13000000 13000000 00000001 Customer projects Customer projects

Quot Ordr

Version key R&D projects 00001

Version key

Description Prot

You use a version profile to define two different kinds of information. First, you specify which version is created automatically when a specific system status or user status is set. Second, you specify which data is to be written to the versions that are created automatically.

You need to define a version profile if you wish to have versions created automatically, or if you wish to generate versions directly from the WBS or network maintenance transactions. You do not need to define a version profile if you wish to generate versions manually from the Structure/Dates information system or if you use transaction CN72. The version profile is entered in the project profile and network profile.




Tips for Simulation and Versions

Create version keys in Customizing - and use them Only ever use the same version key once for each project Use simulation in the quotation phase of your project If you save project versions manually, use the appropriate transaction for this (CN72)

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Versions: Unit Summary

You are now able to: Use simulation versions to draw up "what if?" scenarios Create, change, and delete simulation versions, and transfer them to operative projects Create non-changeable project versions that document the status of your projects

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8.19Versions Exercises

Unit: Versions
Simulation Versions Project Planning Board Project versions

9 10Topic: Simulation Versions

In the following exercises, you will generate simulation versions and project versions for your project. You will learn about the project planning board and how it can be used to edit work breakdown structures, activities, and simulation versions. 1-1 In this part of the exercise, you will generate a simulation version for your project, and use the project planning board to edit this version. You will also look at the administrative data of the simulation version. 1.1.1 First of all, create a version key for simulations. Use a 5-character key (GR##-) and enter the descriptive text Simulations Group ##.

Project System Customizing Simulation Stipulate Version Keys for the Simulation Click the New Entries button Enter "GR##-*" in the Version field (the * denotes a character string of your choice) Enter a description. Save your changes, and exit the transaction for maintaining version keys. Click the Save icon.
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To exit the transaction, click the Back icon twice.




1-1-2 Generate a simulation version for your project by copying the operative project to the simulation version. A log will appear showing you if data was transferred, or if any errors occurred. Use the following data: Field Name Project definition Operative data Version Target version Values E-99## x GR##-001

SAP menu Logistics Project System Project Simulation Transfer Project (double-click) Now click the Transfer icon. In the popup that appears, click the Yes icon. To exit the transaction, click the Back icon twice. 1-1-3 You can now use the project planning board to edit your simulation version. In the project planning board, change your project structure. Enter the following data on the initial screen:

Field Name Version key Project definition With activities

Values GR##-001 E-99## x

SAP menu Logistics Project System Basic data Project Simulation Change (double-click) Confirm your entries by clicking the Open project icon 1-1-4 Now edit the structure. Assign all engineering activities directly to the WBS element called Engineering. Drag activities 1050 and 1030 and drop them on the WBS element Engineering.
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1-1-5 In your project, you have neglected the delivery to the customer. Create an internal processing activity for the WBS element called Quality Assurance for this purpose. Add detail to the activities as follows: Field Name Description Work Work center Duration Values Packaging and Delivery 10 hours 2000 5 days

Select the WBS element Quality Assurance. Click the Create icon. In the Templates area, double-click Activity (internal). Double-click on the number of the new activity to access the detail screen. Enter the above data. Confirm your entries by clicking the Back icon. 1-1-6 Now create a FS relationship between this new activity and the activity External monitoring. Select the activity called Packaging and Delivery. In the context menu (right mouse button), choose Relationship list. Choose the Predecessor tab page. In the lower section of this tab page, select the activity called External Quality Assurance. To create the relationship, click the Create icon. Confirm your entries by clicking the Back icon. 1-1-7 You also want to have a WBS element that will enable you to plan the delivery for which you have just created an activity. Create a level 2 WBS element E99##-5. Use the following data and expand the planning board, if the WBS element is not displayed.




Field Name WBS element Description Planning element

Values E-99##-5 Delivery (Group ##) x

Double-click the WBS element icon in the Templates area. Double-click on the new WBS element and enter the above data in the detail screen. If the WBS is not displayed expand the window of the project planning board. Confirm your entries by clicking the Continue icon. Select the WBS element. Click the Level down icon.

1-1-8 Now assign the activity Packaging and Delivery to the WBS element Delivery Group ##. Then save your simulation version. Drag the activity and drop it on the WBS element. Then click the Save icon.

1-2 In the following section, you have two tasks to complete. The first of these involves generating a project version of your operative project. The second is to copy the simulation version to the operative project.

1-2-1 Create a project version this will enable you to record the current status of your operative project for later analysis. Use the DB profile 000000000001 and the following data to create the project version: Field Name Version key Description Version group

Values 1## Project before copying Group ##

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SAP menu Logistics Project System Project Project Version Create (double-click) In the Project field, enter your project definition (E-99##). Enter the above data in the Project version specifications section. Confirm your entries by clicking the Continue icon, and then click the Execute icon. Go back to the initial SAP menu by clicking the Back icon.




1-2-2 Transfer your simulation version to your operative project. Use the following data: Field Name Project definition From version to operative data Source version Values E-99## x GR##-001

SAP menu Logistics Project System Project Simulation Transfer Project (double-click) Enter the above data Now click the Transfer icon. Confirm dialog box by clicking Yes. To exit the transaction, click the Back icon twice.

1-2-3 Every simulation version has administrative data. View the administrative data of your simulation. Enter the following data on the initial screen: Field Name Version key Project definition Values GR##-001 E-99##

SAP menu Logistics Project System Project Simulation Administrative Data (double-click) Confirm your entries by clicking the Enter icon.

Look at your administrative data. What does the Inactive flag mean? _________ Has your simulation already been transferred? ________




1-3 Now use the project planning board to look at your operative project. You also have the option of creating a planning board profile called GR## in Customizing. Otherwise, select the profile Elevators/turbines.


Create a project profile called GR## and enter the descriptive text GR##: Elevators. Use the Elevators/turbines planning board profile to copy from. Make the following changes:

General data tab page Field Name Currency Version 2 Show activity elements Show relationships Values UNI 1 Yes No

Diagram area tab page Field Name Non-working time Text type Values Leave empty Leave empty

Project System Customizing Structures Project Planning Board Define Profiles for the Project Planning Board Select the Elevators / Turbines profile Click the Copy as... icon Enter GR## as the number and GR##: Elevators as the description Make the changes specified above Confirm your entries by clicking the "Transfer" icon.

Save your changes, and exit the transaction for maintaining the planning board
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profile. Click the Save icon. To exit the transaction, click the Back icon.




1-3-2 Call up your project in the project planning board. Use either your own planning board profile (GR##) or the planning board profile Elevators/Turbines. SAP menu Logistics Project System Basic data Project Project Planning Board Change Project (double-click) Select a planning board profile, and select With activities. In the Worklist area, double-click project E-99##.

1-3-3 Call up the Planning Board Assistant this will enable you to tailor the way in which the table view is displayed. In the table area, change the presentation of the project definition and the activities to suit your taste. Click the Planning board assistant icon. In the tree structure place the cursor on Gantt chart, table area. Choose the Project definition tab page. Change some of the graphic settings. Proceed in the same way for the activities. Click the Update graphic icon.

1-3-4 Use the Planning Board Assistant to change the colors used for the time bars. Change the date bar of the project version, the WBS elements and the activities. Then save your settings. In the hierarchical structure of the Planning Board Assistant, select the date display for the GANTT chart. Choose the Project definition tab page, and then the graphic object Basic date. Change some of the settings for the project definition, and repeat for the WBS elements and the activities. Click the Save user settings icon, and then click the Back icon.




1-3-5 Change the scale on the time axis. Enlarge the planning period and instead of calendar days display the days of the week. Use the Time Scale Assistant to do this. Click the Time Scale Assistant icon. Select time scale 01 for the planning period. Change the value in the Comment field to D. Select the entry Planning period in the hierarchical structure. Increase the value of the base unit width until you can see all the days of the week in the graphic. Click the OK icon.

1-3-6 In the table section, display both activity numbers and the numbers of the networks. Click the Options icon. Place your cursor on the entry called Planning board. Choose the Table area tab page. Activate the Display network option. Confirm your entries by clicking the Copy icon

1-3-7 Save your project, and exit the project planning board. Click the Save icon. Click the Back icon.




Assembly Processing

Introduction to and benefits of assembly processing Settings in the material master and Customizing

activities for assembly processing

Assembly processing for complex structures and

alternatives to assembly processing

Standard structures as templates for assembly


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Assembly Processing: Unit Objectives

At the conclusion of this unit, you will be able to: Create standard networks and standard work breakdown structures, and use these as copy templates for assembly processing Make the necessary settings for assembly processing in Customizing Make the necessary settings in the material master Use assembly processing to structure networks and WBSs

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Course Overview Diagram (5)


Archiving Tools


Assembly Versions Activities

Work Breakdown Structures

Course Overview
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Assembly Processing: Business Scenario

Your company processes many projects that are often very similar. You use standard structures to create networks and work breakdown structures quickly. Nevertheless, there are often still delays and discrepancies between the sales department and the project team. You have to find a way to solve this problem. You explore the integrated environment of the R/3 System in your quest to do this.

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Benefits of Assembly Processing



Integration problem
1. Sales dept. creates sales document 2. Sales dept. tells project team to create a project 3. Project team creates a project Disadvantages: Delivery date? Billing dates? Costing? Deadline shifts?
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Integrated solution
1. Sales dept. creates document. Assembly processing is used to create a network and, if applicable, a WBS. Advantages: Close link between SD order and project Delivery date Billing dates Costing Deadline shifts



Assembly Processing
Billing element Templates Operative structures



Table: Order / Sales order Quotation parameters Mat Mat 1 Mat 2 PRT1 Mat 1 Mat 2 PRT1

Requested delivery date, quantity Planned costs, confirmed delivery date

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If you create a sales order for a material to which a requirement class for assembly processing has been assigned, the system automatically creates a so-called assembly order in the background, and starts assembly processing. In this case, assembly processing omits the MRP planning stage, and generates an operative order directly from the sales order. You can create the following assembly orders: network, production order, planned order, process order, maintenance or service order.

In assembly processing, you can use the entire functionality of both sales orders and assembly orders. For example, scheduling is carried out for the sales order and the assembly order in one run to ensure that they both have accurate delivery dates and quantities. Because of the direct connection between the sales order and the assembly order, all additional changes made in one document are automatically reflected in the other document.



Prerequisites for Assembly Processing

1. Standard network as template

(and possibly standard WBS)

2. Material with sales views

(and possibly MRP views)

3. Material is assigned to
standard network

Material StdN
Turbine T-20000 Turbine XL T-20000A

4. Requirements class that enables

assembly in the sales order
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To use assembly processing (with networks), you need a suitable standard network as a template for the network that is to be created. A material must be entered in the sales document. At least the sales views (item category group) must have been defined in the corresponding material master. If you determine the requirements type via the MRP group or strategy group, you will also need the MRP views of the material master.

The "Network parameters for sales order" table forms a link between the material and standard network. If you want to have completely automatic assembly processing, you must make entries in this table. Otherwise, a dialog box appears in sales order maintenance where you can enter the missing data.

In requirement type determination, the system determines a requirements type and requirements class that enable assembly processing. In the standard system, you can use requirements class 212 and requirements type KMPN as templates.



Standard Structures

Standard network, standard WBS

Network, work breakdown structure

2 1
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If you use assembly processing, you use it to create a network (by copying from a template). If the template is assigned to a standard WBS, an operative WBS will also be created when you save the sales order. Creating a network in assembly processing is the same as creating a network (by copying from a template) in the Project System.



Standard Network Header of Standard Network
External processing Services

Material Material PS texts PS texts Milestones Milestones General costs activity Internal processing

Internal proc. element External proc. element General costs element

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A standard network is structured in much the same way as a network. However, there are differences: for instance, a standard network has the same internal structure as a task list (comparable to the structure of a routing in Logistics).

You assign materials, milestones and PS texts to a standard network. Material are assigned by means of material BOMs and standard BOMs (see later in unit). You can define possible statuses for standard networks in PS Customizing.



Standard Network: Headers and Alternatives

Header data:
Alternatives Usage Status Standard WBS element Plant

Alternative ... Alternative 2 Alternative 1

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Standard networks are task lists in the R/3 System (as are routings, for example), in contrast to operative networks, which are orders. This means that there are small differences between a standard network and an operative network: Materials are assigned by means of BOMs Standard networks can be stored as multiple alternatives The data in the standard network header is different (usage, planner group,...) Responsible persons (planner group) Status management




Standard Network: Material Assignments

Standard Network Material BOM, Standard BOM

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You cannot assign materials directly to a standard network, but only indirectly using bills of material (BOMs). The BOM in question can be either a material BOM or a standard BOM. A standard BOM does not have a "header component"; it is a tool that is only used for assigning material components to a standard network. It is created and edited directly in the standard network. In a second step, the individual BOM items (materials) are assigned to the activities of the standard network. The explosion of phantom assemblies is multi-level so that the individual materials can be assigned to the network activities.




Standard WBS


Basic data
Status profile Description Project type Operative indicators ...
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User-def. fields

Control Organization
Controlling area Company code Plant ...

Milestones Costing sheet Overhead structure Interest profile ... PS texts ...

Person responsible Applicant ...

You use standard WBS's as templates for operative WBS's. You can use standard WBS's to plan the structure in advance (that is, the WBS hierarchy, organizational assignments, control data, and project documentation). Unlike operative WBS's, standard WBS's do not have user statuses.

It is not possible to plan operative data with standard WBS's. For example, you cannot use a standard WBS for cost planning or time scheduling purposes.




Standard WBS: Status management

System status

User status

Project definitions

WBS element




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In the standard work breakdown structure, only the definition has a status. The WBS elements do not have statuses. The status of the definition is Created (standard WBS) (CRES), Released (standard WBS) (RELS) or Closed (standard WBS) (CLOS). If the status is CRES or RELS, standard work breakdown structures can be used as templates; if the status is CLOS, a standard work breakdown structure cannot be used as a template for creating either an operative or a standard WBS.




Sales: sales org.2 Material Sales org. Grouping Sales: general Elevator Classic PS Foreign trade Sales

In MRP views: strategy group, MRP group, MRP type

Item category group

Material group

Product attributes

Required for selecting item category in sales order, therefore essential for determining requirements type

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The sales views of a material are always required for assembly processing. You only require the MRP views (specifically, the strategy group, MRP group, and MRP type), if you want to determine the requirements type and requirements class from the material master.




Assignment of Material to Standard Networks

Network parameters from sales order

Material Type Std. ntwk Alt. ext. Rel. Std. WBS Profile MRP controller from

Network profile Standard network Standard WBS for acc. assgmnt


Network type
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Create external relationships?

Editing the "Network parameters for sales order" table is optional. If it has been entered a standard network is determined automatically in the sales order. If the entries are missing, you must enter them manually in the sales order.




Customizing - Requirement Class
Requirement Availability Req. transfer Allocation ind. Prod. allocation Ind. reqn. reduction No MRP Configuration Configuration Cons. of config. Costing Costing Costing ID Costing method Costing variant Costing sheet Copy cst sheet CndTypLineItems CndTypLineItFix SAP AG 1999 Product all. Acc. assgmt. cat. Valuation W/o val. strat. Settlement profile Results analysis key Consumption Assembly Assembly type Order costing Automatic planning

In PS: Assembly processing: yes or no

Creation of Special stock assembly order

Order type Avail. components Type comp. check Online assembly Capacity check EC mgt.

Order type:
PP, SM, PSOrders

Consider. in No update MRP

Value and quantity flow




Control in SD
Material master
Strategy group MRP type Item category group

Sales document
Item usage Doc. type

Item category Determine reqmts type MM - SD

Main strategy

Reqmts type Reqmts class

Assembly type, order type, MRP relevance, configuration, account assignment category, transfer of requirements, availability check
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The sales department obtains its central control keys from three different sources: the material master (which item is purchased?), customer master (which customer is buying/what conditions have been defined for this customer?) and the SD document (what kind of contract applies, which sales area is responsible?).

A default item category is proposed when the order is entered in the system, but users can change it as required (possible item categories are defined in Customizing). In the material master, the admissible planning strategies are assigned to the material (based on the planning strategy group). This assignment is needed to find the correct requirements type in independent requirements management and sales order management.

The default requirements type is determined by the main strategy of the planning strategy group. You can define substrategies (and, consequently, alternative requirements types) manually in the sales order. The individual requirements types are assigned to requirements classes.
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The requirements class controls the transfer of requirements between SD and PP, the relevance to MRP, the availability check in SD, and other procedures. If the planning strategy group is missing in the material master, the system looks for the requirements type for the sales order by using the item category group (sales view in the material master) and the MRP type. This method can be used explicitly for special sales orders.




Assembly Processing: Number of Pieces
Duration: x 5 Costs: x 5 Components: x 5 Work: x 5 Network Network Header: 5 PC Header: 5 PC x5 x5 x5 5 pc Activities with no execution factor are not multiplied
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SD order

5 pc

As of R/3 Release 4.0, you can enter quantities greater than one in the sales order for assembly processing with networks. All activities for which an execution factor has been defined are multiplied by the factor in question. In the case of activity elements, the execution factor of the higher-level activity applies.

In the network activity or activity element, the following planned data is multiplied (in accordance with the execution factor and the quantity in the sales order item): Duration Work Costs Material

If the quantities in the sales order item change, the network is adjusted accordingly.




Assembly Processing: Relationships Across Networks
Billing element

SD order Item 1 Item 2 Item 3



F1=F2 S3


S = Start date F = Finish date (confirmed delivery date)

SAP AG 1999

Assembly processing can be expanded to include several sales document items. An individual network will be assigned to each item in this case. The individual networks are assigned to a work breakdown structure. This means that the standard networks used must have assignments to the same standard WBS.

The individual networks can be scheduled from the sales order. If the networks are connected by crossnetwork relationships, you will be able to schedule the entire overall network. The finish date of a network is proposed as the confirmed delivery date.




Project Number from Sales Document

No SD/PS assignment T-1496 Sales order 1496 10 Turbine classic 20 Turbine HX

SD/PS assignment T-1496-10 Sales order 1496 10 Turbine classic 20 Turbine HX T-1496-20

SAP AG 1999

You will find the "SD/PS assignment" indicator in the control data for the project definition of the standard project. This indicator determines whether, during assembly processing, a hierarchy is created in the operative WBS for each sales document item, or whether a hierarchy is created for the entire sales document in the operative WBS.




Tips for Assembly Processing

Pay attention to the account assignment category of the sales order item - if the item is an account assignment object, you can only use header-assigned networks Make sure that the coding mask is wide enough to write the sales order number between the first and second special character If you use the SD/PS assignment, do NOT flag the "Only one root" option in the project profile

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Assembly Processing: Unit Summary

You are now able to: Use assembly processing to create a network while creating a sales order.To do this, you create a standard network first, and assign it to the material of the sales document item. To define the MRP and sales views in the material master so that assembly processing is possible. To define in Customizing the requirements class and type as well as the planning strategies for assembly processing.

SAP AG 1999




11.23Assembly Processing - Exercises

Unit: Assembly Processing

Creating a standard network and standard WBS Creating materials for assembly processing Creating a sales order

12Topic: Assembly Processing

In the following exercises, you will create standard structures in the Project System. These are standard structure that you require for assembly processing and configuration. You will also edit a material that you use when creating a sales order. In the Project System, you will link your standard network to this material. 1-1 Create a standard WBS. SAP menu Logistics Project System Basic data Templates Standard WBS Create (double-click) 1-1-1 Create a standard WBS called E-98##. Enter the following data on the initial screen: Field Name Standard project definition Template Std. project def. Values E-98## E-1004

Change the short text to Standard elevator (Group ##). Change the key from E-1004 to E-98##, and include the WBS elements. Enter the data above in the initial screen. Confirm your entries by clicking the Enter icon this will take you to the basic data screen of the definition.
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Change the short text correspondingly. Click the WBS structure icon. Click the Replace icon, and confirm your entries by clicking the Replace icon. Now click the Include icon.




1-1-2 Depict Procurement in more detail by adding two WBS elements to the standard WBS element E-98##-2. Use the following data and assign the WBS elements in the third hierarchy level. WBS element E-98##-2-1 E-98##-2-2 Description Procurement mech. parts Procurement elec. parts

Click the WBS element overview icon. Place your cursor on the WBS element Assembly, and click the Insert line icon. Enter the data above. Select both WBS elements, and choose: Edit Object Level down 1-1-3 Activate the Planning element indicator for both the new WBS elements. On the Basic Data tab page, activate the PE indicator for both the new WBS elements. 1-1-4 Release the definition of your standard project, and save the standard project. Click the Project definition icon. Choose Edit Status Release Click the Save icon. 1-2 Create a standard network. SAP menu Logistics Project System Basic data Templates Standard Network Create (double-click) 1-2-1 Create a standard network called E-98## using the standard network E-1004 alternative 1 as a template. Enter the following data on the initial screen: Field Name
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Profile Std. network

Elevator model group 4 E-98##

Click the Copy from icon, and in the dialog box that appears enter the standard network E-1004 alternative 1. Confirm your entries by clicking the Continue icon.




1-2-2 Change the header of the standard network. Enter the following data: Field Name Short text Network status Std. WBS element Values Standard Network (Group ##) Released (general) E-98##

Confirm your entries by clicking the Enter icon. This takes you to the alternative overview.

1-2-3 Create an internal processing activity called Delivery. Enter the following data: Field Name Activity number Description duration Work Work center Values 1150 Delivery 2 days 10 hours 2000

Click the Activity overview icon. Create a new activity with the data above. Confirm your entries by clicking the Enter icon.

1-2-4 Create an FS relationship from the activity Assembly to the activity Delivery. Select the activity called Delivery. Click the Relationship overview icon. In the Operation selection area, select the activity Assembly. Then click the Create relationship icon. Click the Back icon.




1-2-5 Assign your standard network activities to the WBS elements in your standard WBS. Use the following assignments and then save your standard network. Activity 1000 1010 1030 1050 1080 1100 1140 1150 Choose the Total tab page. Enter the assignment. Confirm your entries by clicking the Enter icon. Click the Save icon. 1-3 Create a material in the material master. SAP menu Logistics Production Master Data Material Master Material Create (general) Immediately (double-click to start transaction) Std. WBS element E-98## E-98## E-98##-1 E-98##-1 E-98##-2-2 E-98##-2-1 E-98##-3 E-98##

1-3-1 Create a material called M-98##. Enter the following data on the initial screen: Field Name Material Industry sector Material type Copy from material Values M-98## Plant engineering and construction Finished product E-1004

Confirm your entries by clicking the Enter icon, or the Select view(s) icon this will take you to the view selection screen.
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1-3-2 Select the following fields on the view selection screen: View Basic data 1 and 2 Sales: Sales org. data 1 and 2 Sales: General/plant data MRP 1, 2, 3 and 4 Accounting 1 and 2 Costing 1 and 2 Now click the Organizational levels icon. 1-3-3 A dialog box appears where you can specify the organizational levels for the individual views that you are about to create and copy. Enter the following data: Field Name Plant Sales organization Distribution channel Org. Levels 1300 1000 10 Copy from 1300 1000 10

Now click the Continue icon. 1-3-4 The basic data view of your new material appears. Change the short text to Material Group ##, copy all views and save the new material. Change the short text to Material (Group ##). Keep clicking the Enter icon until a dialog box appears with the message Last data screen reached. To save the new material, click the Yes icon. 1-4 (Optional) Assign material E-98## to your standard network (E-98##). If you decide not to work through this part of the exercise now, you will always have the option of entering missing data when you create a sales order for the material. SAP menu
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Logistics Project System Basic data Templates Network Parameters from Sales Order Edit (double-click)




1-4-1 Create a new entry for your material with the following data. Field Name Material number Order type Std. network Network profile MRP controller Std. WBS element Values M-98## * E-98##, alternative 1 1004 101 E-98##

Click the Create parameters icon. Confirm your entries by clicking the Save icon. To exit, click the Back icon twice. 1-5 Create a sales order for your material. Main SAP R/3 menu Logistics Sales and Distribution Sales Order Create (double-click)

1-5-1 Enter the following data on the initial screen: Field Name Order type Sales organization Distribution channel Division Values PS1 1000 10 00

Confirm your entries by clicking the Enter icon this will take you to the entry screen.

1-5-2 Cerate a sales order for your material. Use the following data and plan complete delivery on the confirmed date. Field Name
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Sold-to party Purch. order no. Req. Material Order quantity

1600 Group ## Todays date +3 months M-98## 1

Confirm your entries by clicking the Enter icon. Important: If you decided not to work through the task 1-4-1, a dialog box will appear at this point asking you to enter the missing data that is required for assembly processing. Confirm this dialog box. To accept the confirmed delivery date, click the Complete delivery icon. 1-5-3 Save the sales order. Look at the status bar, and make a note of the sales order number displayed there. Click the Save icon. When the SAP R/3 System is saving the sales order, a WBS is created based on the assignment of your standard network to the standard project. Sales order number: _________________

1-6 Use the Project Builder to display the project for your sales order. SAP menu Logistics Project System Project Project Builder (double-click)

1-6-1 Open the project for the sales order. This project is called E-XXXX (XXXX stands for the last 4 digits of your sales order number). Click the Open icon. In the dialog box that appears, enter the key of the project definition. Confirm your entries by clicking the Open icon.




1-6-2 Look at the Assignments tab page of the corresponding network and view the sales order assignment. Expand the entire structure. Select the network header in the structure. On the detail screen, choose the Assignments tab page. To exit the Project Builder, click the Back icon.





Flexible detail screens Table Controls Mass change Substitution, validation Open PS Configuration of networks

SAP AG 1999



Tools: Unit Objectives

At the conclusion of this unit, you will be able to: Use flexible detail screens and table controls so that data is displayed in accordance with your requirements Use the mass change function to change master data in projects Use substitution and validation

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Course Overview Diagram (7)


Tools Assembly Versions Activities
Work Breakdown Structures


Course Overview
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Tools: Business Scenario

You use flexible detail screens and table controls so that the way data is displayed in PS meets the requirements of your company's users. You use the mass change transaction to change large quantities of master data forWBS's and activities.

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Flexible Detail Screens





Tab Pages:
Title, icon

Detail Screens:
Up to 5 detail screens per tab page: Basic data Dates Milestones, Progress analysis, Administration

SAP AG 1999

Detail screens are available for WBS elements and activities. Flexible detail screens enable you to show, hide, and define titles for individual tab pages, and to display icons for tab pages. You can define up to 5 detail screens for each tab page.

The flexible detail screens created refer to a project profile or network profile. You have two options for creating detail screens. First, you can define detail screens within the application - in this case, the screens are user-specific. Second, you can define detail screens in PS Customizing - in this case, the screens are generally applicable.

You can define detail screens of your own in Customizing - these are then included in the tab pages.



User-Specific Settings: Table Controls

HiLev.WBS element 1 E-1100 2 E-1100-1 3 E-1100 3 E-1100 2 E-1100-2 2 E-1100-3 3 E-1100-3-1 3 E-1100-3-2 1 1 1 1 1 Description GC Pl System status Elevator CRTD CRTD ~~~ CRTD ~~~ CRTD ~~~ CRTD ~~~ CRTD ~~~ CRTD ~~~ CRTD ~~~

1 2 3

Swap round

Column width

User settings and administrator settings

SAP AG 1999

Table controls are used for displaying WBS and activity overviews. This means that you can manipulate the layout of these overviews. You can change the sequence in which columns appear, and the width of columns. You can save your settings as user-specific settings. You can also use the administrator settings to hide specific columns. Administrator settings affect all users.



Validation and Substitution




Replace values



Prerequisite: Replace values: e.g. Person responsible = 19 e.g. cost center = 4290 Prerequisite: Check: Reaction:


e.g. project type = CP and hierachy level = 1 ! e.g. billing indicator set ? e.g. warning


= Termination of the substitution/validation

SAP AG 1999

Validation is a means of checking input that is not available in the standard R/3 system. For example, you can check if the billing element indicator is set at the first level of the hierarchy when the project is of the project type "Customer project".

If validation detects that a statement is incorrect, the system can react in different ways: a warning, an error message or an information message can be issued. Substitution involves writing specific values to master data fields of a WBS (or network) if a prerequisite is met. For example, if the person responsible for the project is Ms Morris, then cost center 4290 is substituted (i.e. written to the appropriate field).

In Customizing for PS, you can define default values for validation and substitution in the project profile (or network profile). You can use a special indicator to specify whether a validation or substitution should be carried out when the WBS is saved. In this way, you can prevent incorrect WBSs being saved. You also define rules for validation and substitution in PS Customizing.



You can use a validation to check several values at the same time. You can use a substitution to set several values at the same time. Substitution is also suitable for mass changes. You can also set up user exits for substitution.



Mass Change (1)
Objects that can be changed:
Project definitions WBS elements Networks Activities, activity elements Relationships Milestones

Mass change

SAP AG 1999

Cannot be undone!!

You can use the mass change function to make cross-project changes to fields pertaining to project definitions, WBS elements, networks, activities, activity elements, milestones and relationships. You can test the extent of your changes before you actually make a mass change. The same authorization objects as for individual changes are used for mass changes. Remember that, if you make a mass change, this might mean that a large number of objects will be changed simultaneously. In many cases, you cannot undo the changes made. For this reason, always be particularly careful when you use this transaction.



Mass Change (2)

Direct access

Project Builder

Structure Project planning Structure info system board Planning

Mass change

Direct change (no control)

Table view (with control)


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You can make a mass change directly. In this case, you select the fields to be changed, and you define new values without knowing what the old values were. If you go to make a mass change in the table view, you have the option of displaying the original values. A log of changes is output for every mass change. You can save this log, and analyze it later.




Tabular Mass Changes
Restrictions Project definition Old values WBS elements Networks Activities Milestones

WBS element New values


Co. code

Field key

Acc. assign. element

Elevator Elevator Engineering Engineering Procurement Procurement Assembly Assembly

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The table form for mass changes has several advantages compared to the simple transaction: The old values of object fields can be displayed (for instance, the field "Responsible person" of the object "WBS element". Only the selected objects are changed You can select objects using conditions (for instance, select all WBS element with company code 1000 or 2000).




EPS Interface

R/3 PS
MS Project

R/3 with EPS 4.0 interface

Interface solution e.g. Open PS for MS Project

External project management software e.g. MS Project

SAP AG 1999

The EPS 4.0 interface is based on SAP BAPI technology. R/3 is broken down into Business Objects, which are structured according to business criteria. Business objects in the Project System are: ProjectDefinition, WorkBreakdownStruct and Network. These business objects can be processed by the BAPIs of the EPS 4.0 interface. For example, you can use the BAPI maintain to process a WBS, and the BAPI getinfo to read activity or WBS data.

You can find a description of the EPS 4.0 interface in SAPnet - after logging on, use the alias PS (see also Online Service System (OSS) note 144 467). You can also download the current version of Open PS for Microsoft Project from here. Enter the following URL in your browser: If this doesn't work, see the Online Service System note above.




Open PS for Microsoft Project

Create projects in MS Project and transfer to SAP PS Create projects in SAP PS and transfer to MS Project Change projects and transfer in both directions Prerequisite: Microsoft Project 98 SR-1 Prerequisite: SAP R/3 Release 4.5
SAP AG 1999

You will find a brief description of Open PS for Microsoft Project in SAPnet. You can also download the program itself and the necessary documentation from there. Log on to SAPnet, and, using the alias "PS", go to the Project System homepage ( The "PS World of Knowledge" page appears, where you will find a link to Open PS for Microsoft Project. In case of difficulties, read Online Service System (OSS) note 144 467.

Open PS is supplied by SAP for 4.5 or 4.6 systems, and establishes a connection to Microsoft Project. To use it, you must have installed Microsoft Project (MS Project 98 SR 1) on your PC. As of Open PS version 1.3, all languages available in MS Project are supported. In Open PS itself, you can toggle between English and German.




Configuration of Project Structures

Create networks by copying

7. April

Assign characteristic values

Mat 1 Mat 2 PRT Mat 1 Mat 2 PRT

Aspects of Configuration
Classification System:
Classes, characteristics CA

Objects with Dependencies

Activities BOM PRT

Variant Configuration:
Object dependencies



SAP AG 1999

You can use configuration in the Project System if you wish to produce a complex product which has different variants. The networks and work breakdown structures are basically identical for the different variants, but they have specific characteristic values, might have alternative or additional activities, have different quantities (of material components, labor, or duration), or different production resources/tools.

If you want to use configuration, you must use configurable standard networks. The only configurable object in the Project System is the standard network. Materials and maintenance plans are configurable elsewhere in the R/3 System.

When using configuration, you usually start out from a standard superstructure. In other words, the standard network and standard WBS contain all objects that might be needed for any product variant: that is, all activities, all activity elements and all materials.

WBS's are configured indirectly: the activities of configurable standard networks are assigned to the elements of a standard WBS. If you create and configure a network (by copying from a standard




network), only elements of the standard WBS that are assigned to the activities selected in the configuration, or elements that are hierarchically above such WBS elements can be copied into an operative WBS. Example: Activity 1000 is selected in the configuration, and assigned to a level-2 WBS element (A1000). The work breakdown structure now contains this element (A1000) and also its higher-level element from level 1 of the hierarchy.




Steps in Configuration

Network configuration


Variant class

Characteristic value assignment




Activities/work centers PS Characteristics Material (BOM) Obj. dependencies Obj. Characteristic values PRTs

Standard network PS (link to material)

SAP AG 1999

You use characteristics and characteristic values to specify the details and attributes of different variants. In standard structures, object dependencies refer to the characteristics and their values. This determines which activities and activity elements are copied to the operative structure for a certain variant. Once you have entered the necessary data for the network header, you go automatically to the transaction for assigning characteristic values (i.e. configuration).

Object dependencies for the objects selectable in configuration (activities, activity elements, work centers, material components) are defined in the standard network. Object dependencies for the components or BOM items assigned to the activities are defined in the bill of material (for a configurable material) used.




Tools: Unit Summary

You are now able to: Set up flexible detail screens, and work with table controls Make use of the mass change transaction Use substitution and validation in networks and work breakdown structures You are now familiar with: Open PS for Microsoft Project Configuration of networks

SAP AG 1999




13.16Tools - Exercises

Unit: Tools
Flexible data screens, table controls And/or substitution/validation And/or mass changes

14 15Topic: Tools
In the following exercises, you will familiarize yourself with the tools you can use to change the appearance of structures, and the tools you can use to make changes to project structures.

1-1 Optional: Work with flexible data screens and table controls. Call up the Project Builder to do this. SAP menu Logistics Project System Project Project Builder (Select Project Builder by double-clicking) 1-1-1 Create a user specific tab page called Basis ## with the Basic data for WBS elements. Use the following data: Field Name Tab title Icons First tab page Values Basis ## Icon of your choice Check this box

Select your project by double-clicking it in the Templates area.

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Then place you cursor on the WBS element E-99## in the Structure area. Choose the menu option Settings Layout detail screens to do this. Use the above data for your new tab page. In the Detail screens on tab page section, select the WBS element basic data option. Use the left-arrow icon to copy this to the first screen. Click the Save icon. Click the Back icon.

1-1-2 Create a user-specific table control for the WBS element overview. Adapt the table for the Basic data to you requirements: Field Name Variant Use as standard setting? Values Group ## Yes

Click the WBS element overview icon. Swap around some columns by dragging and dropping them. Change some of the column widths. Place your cursor on the line separating two columns and, keeping your finger down on your left mouse button, shift the line to change the width. Save your changes in a variant. Click the icon for editing table settings (this is on the top right in the table control). Enter the data above. Click the Create icon. To exit variant maintenance, click the Save icon. To exit the Project Builder, click the Save icon.




1-2 Optional: Use the substitution PSSUB01in project E-99##. Call up the Project Builder again. SAP menu Logistics Project System Project Project Builder (Select Project Builder by double-clicking) Select your project by double-clicking it in the Templates area.

1-2-1 You can best see the effects of substitution PSSUB01 on the Responsibilities tab page. Here you change the person responsible for WBS elements and carry out the substitution for all WBS elements. Click the WBS element overview icon. Choose the Responsibilities tab page. Enter the value 21 in the Responsible person field for some WBS elements, and your own course group number in the same field for other WBS elements. Select all WBS elements by clicking the Select all icon. Choose Edit Validation/Substitution Substitution. If the dialog box appears, you can select substitution PSSUB01 by double-clicking it. A dialog box appears with messages relating to the substitution. Confirm this dialog box by clicking the Continue icon. Look at the changes that have been made in the Responsible cost center field. Save your changes by clicking the Save icon. To exit the Project Builder, click the Exit icon.




1-3 Optional: Use the mass change function to process all of the WBS elements in project E-99##. SAP menu Logistics Project System Basic data Tools Mass Changes Execute (double-click to start transaction) If necessary, specify that the DB info profile is 000000000001, and confirm this by clicking the Continue icon. On the initial screen, enter your project E-99##. Confirm by choosing the Execute icon.

1-3-1 Change the project type to Customer project for all WBS elements. Choose the WBS elements tab page. Select the Project type field, and click the Choose icon to move it to the selection. Confirm your entries by clicking the Continue icon Use the matchcode function to select the value that denotes a Customer project. Test your changes by clicking the Test changes icon. The system displays a log of the changes. Look over the log, and exit it by clicking the Back icon. If no problems arise during the test run, write your changes to the database by clicking the Execute icon. A dialog box appears confirming that the changes have been made. The system then displays a log. You can save this log when you go to exit it (by clicking the Back icon). You are now back in the Mass Change transaction.

1-3-2 (Optional) Follow the same procedure as above to change the work center defined for the activities in your networks. In all cases, change work center 2000 to work center 2100.
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Proceed in the same way as described in the precious example. When you make the mass change, remember to activate the appropriate Replace only fields, and to enter work centers 2000 and 2100 in the appropriate fields.





Archiving project structures

SAP AG 1999



Archiving: Unit Objectives

At the conclusion of this unit, you will be able to: Set deletion flags and deletion indicators Generate archive files, and delete operative data from the database Analyze archive files in the Structure/Dates information system

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Course Overview Diagram (8)

Appendix Archiving

Tools Assembly Versions Activities

Work Breakdown Structures

Course Overview

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Archiving: Business Scenario

Your company has been working with PS for several years. Several extensive projects have recently been completed. These projects still take up storage capacity in the database, and slow down the performance of the entire system. You move the data from the database, but make sure that it can still be evaluated.

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Archiving: Why?



Operative system


SAP AG 1999

By archiving data, you can improve your system's performance, make administration easier, reduce the time it takes to make backups, and import R/3 updates more quickly.



Archiving: Terms
Data and archiving programs

Archiving object Archiving Deletion run Reorganization

Move operative data to archive

Delete operative data from database

Archive and delete

SAP AG 1999

Archiving is often used as a synonym for archiving and deleting. To be absolutely precise, archiving really only involves the moving of operative data to an archive file. However, in the R/3 system, you can automatically delete operative data from the database in conjunction with an archiving run.



Archiving Object
Data Programs

Preparation Write to archive file Delete from database Display archived data
Archiving object


System settings (e.g. file size, file path) Object-specific Customizing (e.g. residence times)

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Archiving Operative Structures

Work breakdown structure

Activities PS texts Activity elements Production res./tools Milestones Relationships

WBS elements

Project definition

PS texts Actual costs Line items Planned costs/ revenues Actual dates


Classification data

Confirmations Planned dates Components

Archiving object: PS_PROJECT

SAP AG 1999

The archiving program is a tool for archiving and deleting data from the R/3 System. Using the archiving object PS_PROJECT, you can archive and delete PS operative data (master data) such as networks and WBS's, including all transaction data and project versions.



Archiving Steps

Set deletion flag Set deletion indicator Start archiving Start deletion run

Deletion flag Residence time 1

2 1 2 3 4 5

Deletion indicator Residence time 2

Start archiving/ deletion

SAP AG 1999

Archiving/deletion is usually processed from the general archiving menu. However, you can also archive or delete operative PS data from the "Basic data" area menu. Archiving/deletion can be run in the background. If, for example, you set a deletion flag in the background for several projects, the deletion flag will be set for all objects that meet the prerequisites. Important: In releases prior to Release 4.5, the deletion flag was not set for any of the projects if the prerequisites were not met in only one project.

You can also set and remove deletion flags for WBS's and networks manually. Deletion indicators can only be set in the background. Once set, they cannot be undone. Residence times are set only for networks. They are defined in the network type.




Set deletion flag Set deletion indicator Archive (without deleting) Delete

Balance= 0 *; commitments= 0; assigned orders have deletion flags; no open purchase orders or purchase requisitions Objects have deletion flag; assigned orders have deletion indicator No prerequisites

Objects have deletion indicator

* Generally speaking, the balance must be 0 before a deletion flag can be set.
Exception: If "Do not settle" has been specified in the settlement profile.

SAP AG 1999

There are no prerequisites for archiving or deleting project versions. Project versions can also be deleted in the Structures information system. Assigned orders are archived and deleted in the corresponding applications (for example, an internal order is archived and deleted in Controlling).




Archiving: Retrieval, Management, Jobs


For evaluation in Structure/Dates info system


Overview and details of archive files

303 302

Job overview:

Status overview of the individual jobs of archiving runs

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Administration and Job Overview are functions used by the person doing the archiving (the system administrator, for example) to monitor the status of the archiving runs and archive files. Data is usually retrieved by the end user for the purposes of re-analysis.




Deleting Without Archiving
Status: "Created" or "Released"

Operative Structures


Standard Structures

Prerequisite: as for deletion flag

SAP AG 1999

You can also delete activities, networks, WBS elements and project definitions from the database without setting a deletion flag or indicator (and without writing the data to archive files). You can use the transactions Change Network, Change Work Breakdown Structure, Change Structure Planning and Change Project Planning Board for this. You can do this even if the status of individual objects is "Released" - however, no postings may have been made to the objects in question.

As of Release 4.6, you can delete standard project definitions. Unfortunately, you cannot archive them.




Archiving: Standard Networks

Activities, activity elements, relationships, components, milestones, classification data


Archiving object?

SAP AG 1999

You archive and delete standard networks from the general archiving menu or in the basic data of the Project System.




Archiving: Documents

Funds reservations, transfer prices

Deletion indicator in document header; all positions are "completed" or "deleted"

Archiving object?
FM_FUNRES (funds reservation) CO_FIXEDPR (transfer prices)

SAP AG 1999

You archive and delete documents in the general archiving transaction or in the Project System.




Archiving: Unit Summary

You are now able to: Understand what archiving means, and how to write data from the operative system to an archive file Understand what deletion means, and how to remove operative data from the database Understand that, in PS, operative data, standard networks and documents are stored in different archiving objects Know that there are no prerequisites for archiving, but that deletion is only possible under certain circumstances Archived data is analyzed in the Structure/Dates information system
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16.16Archiving - Exercises

Unit: Archiving

Deletion flags and deletion indicators Archive files

17 18Topic: Archiving
In the following exercises, you will work through the steps required for archiving a project. At the same time, you will delete your project (E-99##) and all its activities from the database.

1-1 In the Project Builder set a deletion flag for all objects in your project E-99##. SAP menu Logistics Project System Project Project Builder (Select Project Builder by double-clicking) 1-1-1 Open project E-99## from the worklist, and set the deletion flag for the project definition. Save your project. Double-click the project definition E-99## in the worklist.. Select the project definition in the structure tree. Choose: Edit Status Deletion flag Set. Save.




The deletion flag is passed down automatically within the hierarchy of the work breakdown structure. This means that, if you define a deletion flag for the project definition, it will be passed on to all WBS elements, and from there, to the assigned activities. Of course, you can also use the archiving tool to create the deletion flag. Use this option if you want to process a large number of project structures.




1-2 Create a deletion indicator for project E-99## and all of its activities. SAP menu Logistics Project System Basic data Tools Archiving Project Structures (double-click to start transaction)

1-2-1 Create a variant Group## to set the deletion indicator for your project E99##. Enter the following data for the variant: Field Name Project WBS assignment to network header WBS assignment to network activities Test run Set deletion indicator Values E-99## Yes Yes No Yes

Click the Deletion flag/deletion indicator icon. Enter Group ## in the Variant field, and then click the Maintain icon. In the dialog box that appears, click the Continue icon. Enter the data above. Click the Attributes icon. Enter a text of your choice in the Description field. Save your variant by clicking the Save icon. To exit variant maintenance, click the Back icon.




1-2-2 Apply (execute) the variant Group ## immediately. Use the following spool parameters. Field Name Output device Print immediately Delete after output Values LP01 Yes Yes

Click the Start date icon, and then click the Immediate icon. Save the start date. Click the Spool parameters icon. Enter the data above. Confirm your entries by clicking the Continue icon. In the dialog box that appears, click the Continue icon. Start executing the variant by clicking the Execute icon.

Archiving can take some time. You can find out the current status of your archiving job by calling up the job overview.

To exit variant processing, click the Back icon.

You can re-use variants. However, you can only execute a given variant once at any given time. If you want to use the variant again, you must have deleted all jobs relating to the variant.




1-3 Write your data to an archive file, and delete your project (E-99##) and all its activities from the database. Click the Archiving icon.

1-3-1 Follow the same procedure as in the previous exercise to create a variant called Group ##. Enter the following data for the variant: Field Name Project Short text WBS assignment to network header WBS assignment to network activities Test run Delete from database Values E-99## Archive E-99## Yes Yes No Yes

Click the Attributes icon, and enter the description Archive file. Save your variant by clicking the Save icon. To exit variant maintenance, click the Back icon.

1-3-2 Execute the variant. Define the start time and make spool parameters settings as described in the previous exercise. To start processing the variant, click the Execute icon. To exit variant processing, click the Back icon.

1-4 Look at the administrative data for your archive file. What is the number and status of your archive file? ________________
(C) SAP AG CA800 20

Can the archive file be accessed? ________________ Click the Administration icon.





This appendix contains information on some topics that could not be dealt with in detail during the course.

SAP AG 1999



Project Profile: Control (1)

Control Basic data Proj.type Field key Version prof. Simulation prof Display options Level of detail Partner det. prc Validation Project def. WBS elements Substitution Project def. WBS elements


Plg board/dates


All acct asst elem Only one root Trsfr to proj.def. ChangeDocuments Proj. summ. MastDa

Autom. validation

Autom. substitution

Cannot be changed in the application Can be changed in the application SAP AG 1999

Network header Activity

Project definition WBS element

Proj. type: Key that can be used as a selection criterion in the Information System. Field key: identifies the short texts for user fields. Version prof.: specifies whether status dependent project versions are created. Simulation prof: specifies which texts are copied to and from simulation versions. Display options: in overviews in table form, WBS elements are presented with key, short ID and description. Level of detail: Lowest level in the hierarchy that is displayed. Partner det. prc.: Partner determination procedure (with roles) for project. All acc.asst.elem.: Sets the account assignment indicator for all WBS elements. Only one root: There can only be one top WBS element. Ttrsfr to proj. def.: Only relevant for the Create Single Element transaction (CJ11). Change documents: Change documents for master data are written when saving.



Proj. summ. MastDa: activates project summarization using master data characteristics instead of classification.

Validation. Project def.: Profile for validation of the project definition. Validation WBS elements: Profile for validation of WBS elements. Autom. validation: Executes validation when saving project.

Substitution Project def.: Profile for substitution of the project definition. Substitution WBS elements: Profile for substitution of WBS elements. Autom. substitution: Executes substitution when saving project.



Project Profile: Control (2)
Project stock No stock non-valuated stk valuated stock Status management PD sts. profile WBS sts. profile ChangeDocuments Graphic Master data prf. grp Vertical from level SearchTxtIndex1 Project summarization All WBS elements Billing elements Acct asst elements SearchTxtIndex2 SearchTxtIndex2 Graph. prfl mstr data Automatic reqmnts grouping

Can be changed up to first save

Cannot be changed in the application Can be changed in the application SAP AG 1999

Network header Activity

Project definition WBS element

No stock, Non-valuated stock, Valuated stock: permits the use of project stock. Automatic reqmnts grouping: sets the value 1 for the "Grouping WBS Element" field in the top WBS element.

Status management: Specifies default values for a user status profile for the project definition and WBS elements. Change documents: Activates the writing of change documents for status changes.

Graphic: Specifies the graphic settings for the hierarchy graphic. Vertical from level: In the hierarchy graphic, WBS elements can be displayed above one another or beside one another. Here, you determine from which hierarchy level the WBS elements are displayed vertically.

Project summarization of all WBS elements: Sets the project summarization indicator for all WBS elements.



Billing elements: Sets the project summarization indicator for all billing elements. Acct asst elements: Sets the project summarization indicator for all account assignment elements.



Project Profile: Organization

Control Organization Controlling area Company code Business area Plant Profit center Project currency


Plg board/dates


Can be changed up to first save

Depends on controlling area and company code

Network header Activity Project definition WBS element

Cannot be changed in the application Can be changed in the application

SAP AG 1999

Organization: Default values for the organizational assignment of the project definition and WBS elements.



Project Profile: Planning Board/Dates (1)
Control Organization Plg board/dates Controlling

WBS time scheduling WBS sched. prof Sched. scenario With activities Default values Factory calend. Time unit Planning method Plan. meth/basic Plan. meth/fcst Calc. with act. Network Network profile Network asst Display network hdr

Cannot be changed in the application Can be changed in the application SAP AG 1999

Network header Activity

Project definition WBS element

WBS sched. prof: Contains control data for scheduling in the project planning board, structure planning and the Project Builder (as of 4.6C). Sched. scenario: Predefined scheduling scenarios that can be used instead of the "WBS scheduling profile". With activities: Specifies that activities and not just WBS elements are selected.

Factory calend. Specifies holidays and workdays. Time unit: Unit for the duration of WBS elements. Plan. meth/basic: Specifies the method for planning the basic dates of WBS elements. Plan. meth/fcst: Specifies the method for planning forecast dates of WBS elements. Calc. with act.: Specifies whether activity dates are taken into account for bottom-up planning.

Network profile: Is used for new networks that are created from the work breakdown structure. Network asst.: If activities are created for a WBS element, this indicator specifies in which network the



new activity is created.



Project Profile: Planning Board/Dates (2)

Project planning board Plan.board prf Capacity Requirements Planning Tot.graphic.prf Ind CapTabOvProf IndCapGrpOvProf List profile Hierarchy graphics Profile group Time schd. prof Profile

Can be changed if called directly

Cannot be changed in the application Can be changed in the application

Network header Activity

Project definition WBS element

SAP AG 1999

Plan. board prf.: Default profile that is used, when the project planning board is called up. It determines the display of the table and graphic areas of the planning board. Capacity requirements planning: You can call up various capacity planning reports from the project planning board and structure planning. Here you enter the relevant total profiles, taken from capacity planning in PP.

Hierarchy graphics: These profiles specify how the hierarchy graphic is to be displayed, if it is called up from date planning for WBS elements (e.g. CJ21).



Project Profile: Controlling
Control Organization Plg board/dates Controlling Network header Statistical Integrated planning Planning/budgeting Planning profile Budget profile Period-end closing Costing sheet Overhead key Int. calc. profile Investment profile Results analysis key Settlement profile Settlmt rule strat. Graphic Budget profile group Graph. profile budget Can be changed in the application Cannot be changed in the application Project definition WBS element Activity

Costs/revenues/payments Object class

SAP AG 1999

Object class: Specifies the cost flow in CO from a business point of view. Statistical: Determines whether a WBS element can have real costs posted, or whether it can only have statistical costs posted. Integrated planning: Activates the updating of planned activity input from WBS elements to the sending cost center.

Planning profile: Specifies how cost planning is carried out for the work breakdown structure. Budget profile: Specifies how budgeting is carried out for the work breakdown structure, and if availability control is to be used.

Costing sheet: Specifies how overhead costs are determined. Overhead key: Determines order-specific overhead rates. Int. calc. profile: Specifies how interest is calculated for the project. Investment profile: Specifies how the project is integrated with Investment Management (for example,




automatic generation of assets under construction). Results analysis key: Is necessary for results analysis in WBS elements. Settlement profile: The settlement profile specifies, for instance, the permitted settlement receivers for the WBS elements. Settlmt rule strat.: Specifies how settlement rules can be determined automatically.

Graphic: Specifies the graphic profile for the hierarchy graphics called from Budgeting.




Network Profile: Network
Network Graphic Activities Network header Activity Network parameters Plant Network type Planner group MRP Rel. view Level of detail Comp. increment Op./act. incrmt Check. WBS act. Overview var. Procurement Field key Version prof. Validation Network header Netwk activities Substitution Network header Netwk activities SAP AG 1999 Res./Purc.req. Cap. reqmts Entry tool Project sum. Align Fin. date Proj. summ. MastDa Can be changed in the application Cannot be changed in the application

Project definition WBS element

Plant, Network type, MRP controller group: Information necessary for creating networks from a work breakdown structure. Rel. view: Predecessor/successor/mixed, relevant for the list display of relationships. Level of detail: Describes the level of detail with which networks with external relationships are displayed in the network graphic. Comp. increment: the increment used when numbering components. Op/act. incrmt: the increment used for the numbering of activities. Check WBS act.: Specifies whether activity dates are taken into account in "Top-Down time scheduling". Overview var.: Describes how the object overview is structured. Procurement: relevant to component assignment, groups default values together. Field key: Depicts the short texts for the user fields.




Version profile: Specifies whether status dependent project versions are created and which data is contained in such versions. Res./Purc.req.: Detemines when reservations and purchase requisitions are to be created. Cap. reqmts: Determines capacity requirements when you save the network. Entry tool: When you create new activities, the system goes automatically to the activity detail screen. Project summ.: Specifies whether activities should participate in project summarization. Align fin. date: Specifies whether the date on which components are required is aligned to the start or finish of the activity. Proj. summ. MastDa: Specifies whether data should be summarized on basis of classification or master data characteristics.

Validation (Substitution), Network header, Activities: Default values for validation (substitution)




Network Profile: Graphic

Network Graphic Graphic prfl



Rel. display Display options SearchTxtIndex1 Prf planning board Overall profile ID

Color-Subnetwk. Color for doc.s SearchTxtIndex2

Color milestone Color for mat. Color for elem. SearchTxtIndex3

Cannot be changed in the application Can be changed in the application

Network header Activity

Project definition WBS element

SAP AG 1999

Graphic profile: Describes the structure of the network structure graphic. Rel. display: In the graphic all relationships are either displayed as FS relationships or according to their proper type. Display options: Activities an be displayed in the graphic in four different levels of detail. Color for subnetwork/documents/etc.: In the extended display of activities, the specified color indicates an assigned object. Prf planning board: determines the appearance of the GANTT chart




Network Profile: Activities (1)


Graphic Activities

Activity parameters Internally processed activity Control key Mat. cost elem. Unit for work Norm.duratn un. Calculation key General costs activity Control key Cost element

Cannot be changed in the application Can be changed in the application

Network header Activity

Project definition WBS element

SAP AG 1999

Internally processed activity, Control key: Describes the business properties of the activity. Mat. cost elem.: Cost element for planning material in the activity. Unit for work: self-explanatory. Norm. duratn un.: self-explanatory. Calculation key: Calculates work from duration and vice-versa.

General costs activity, Control key: Describes the business properties of the activity. Cost element: Default value for the cost element for general cost activities.




Network Profile: Activities (2)

Services Control key Cost element Material group Purch. group Unit of measure Externally processed activity Control key Cost element Currency Purchasing org. Material group Purch. group Order unit

Cannot be changed in the application Can be changed in the application

Network header Activity

Project definition WBS element

SAP AG 1999

Control key: The control keys are used by the system when creating new activities (depending on the activity type).




Network Type
Order category Order type Control indicator CO partner update Classification Planning Reorganization Residence time 1 Residence time 2 Costs Functional area Object class Settlt. profile Status management Status profile Release immed. Number range general Cannot be changed in the application Can be changed in the application SAP AG 1999 Network header Activity Project definition WBS element Months Months Semi-active

CO partner update: Specifies how many documents are created when the system settles a network. Classification: Specifies whether networks participate in order classification in CO. Planning: Networks that are only used for planning are never executed and therefore do not produce assigned values; 'normal' networks produce assigned values.

Residence times: Specify the period of time that must elapse between individual archiving steps. Functional area: Is used in financial accounting as a structural element for your company in profit and loss accounting according to the cost of sales method. Object class: Specifies the cost flow in CO from a business point of view. Settlt. profile: Specifies how settlement takes place (for instance the possible receivers).

Status profile: The user status profile for the whole network.




Parameters for Network Type
Plant Network type Network type parameters Strategy Default rule Red. strategy CstgVariantPlan CstgVariantActl Plan cost calc. Status change documents Change document Documents OrdStatChangeDc OpStatChangeDoc MatStatChngeDoc PRTStatChangeDc Can be changed in the application Cannot be changed in the application Wrkflw PO chg. ActvtyAcctAsgn Net order price CollctveRequstn Activity Network header

Project definition WBS element

BOM application BOM application Engineering Change Management Change profile

SAP AG 1999

Strategy: Strategy for determining the settlement rule for activities. Default rule: Settlement rule that can be used in the above strategy. Red. strategy: Specifies at which levels the duration of an activity can be reduced in the case of deadline pressure. CstgVariantPlan and CstgVariantActl: Specifies how planned costs and actual costs should be determined. Plan cost calc.: Indicator specifying when and how costing should be performed (important: changed as of Release 4.6). Wrkflw PO chg.: Activates workflow for changing purchase order quantities and dates. ActvtyAcct Asgn: Specifies whether an activity-assigned or header-assigned network is generated. Net order price: The net price defined in the purchase requisition is copied - unchanged - to the purchase order.




CollctveRequstn: For each network, either a purchase requisition with many items is generated, or many purchase requisitions with one item.

Status change documents, Change document: Allows you to write change documents for changes to master data. OrdStatChangeDc: Writes change documents for network headers.

BOM application: Permits the automatic choice of a BOM alternative. Engineering change management, Change profile: Specifies how the system reacts to changes in the configuration; if you do not enter a profile, changes to the configuration are only allowed for "Created" status.





Icons Used in the Project Planning Board

rt ow So nd p wi ou m Gr tto ow bo ind r se w te Fil /clo left en s e Op /clo en gs Lo n nd tio ge lec Le se nt n t eld Fi ons tes sista ista ti a s ss Op of d le a d a t ca ar Se e s bo g is Tim nin ax a e an Pl t tim t are r j us ha Ad t c on ris j us pa Ad m om co g Zo lin du he Sc ect nn Co tion si g Po htin lig gh Hi er Us g ttin se s


Op Se le De ct a se ll M lect ov al Mo e up l v Cr e do ea w Co te n p Cu y t Pa ste Un do Co Renne lat ct i a De ons ctiv let hip itie sl s e ist se De lec ta te ils Co d Sc nfirm h Ca edu ac lc l tiv S y u l a e it y s te Ne tem pla tw /us nn o e e Co rk h r st d c m e a os Ca po ade tus ts r p ne Ma aci nt int ty o ove Co e ve rv sts nan rv iew o ce iew M ile verv ord Su ston iew ers cc e e tr Sh sso end r /p a o re na Hi w de lys de ce i s ss or

SAP AG 1999



Integration with SD
Sales & dist

1) Network
Project System

2) WBS and Network


Via main item

3) WBS
Via subitem

4) WBS and Production Order





Re. 1): In assembly processing, you can generate a (header-assigned) network without a project when you create a sales order. In this case, the sales document item is a cost object in its own right. Re. 2): In assembly processing, you can generate a network when you create a sales order. When you save, a work breakdown structure is created, and the sales document item is assigned to a WBS element in the work breakdown structure. In this case, the sales order represents the sales view, the project is the controlling instrument, and the network represents logistical processing. Alternatively, you can create work breakdown structures and networks, and assign the sales document item manually.

Re. 3): You can assign a sales document item to a WBS element in a project. Controlling is carried out for the project. You can assign orders or documents to the project. Re. 4): You can use assembly processing or MRP planning to create a production order, and then assign the sales document item to a WBS element in the project. You then assign the production order manually to a WBS element in the project.




The sales document item must be controlled by an account assignment category with a special stock indicator E, Q or blank. For example 1 above, the best choice would be account assignment category E; in case 2, the best choice would be Q or D, in cases 3 and 4, account assignment category G would also be possible..




Open PS for Palm

Transfer activity data from SAP PS to the Palm Pilot Enter confirmations in the Palm Pilot Transfer confirmations from the Palm Pilot to SAP PS Prerequisite: Palm Pilot with PalmOS 3.0 Prerequisite: SAP R/3 Release 4.5 Prerequisite: PalmDeskTop on PC
SAP AG 1999

You will find a brief description of Open PS for Palm in SAPnet. You can also download the program itself and the necessary documentation from there. Log on to SAPnet, and, using the alias "PS", go to the Project System homepage ( The "PS World of Knowledge" page appears where you can find a link to Open PS for Palm. In case of difficulties, read Online Service System (OSS) note 144 467.




CEP Scenario

Service provider

Development partner

Plant Customer

Head Office Trader Subcontractor



SAP AG 1999

CEP is short for Collaborative Engineering and Project Management. The aim of CEP is to ensure the efficient transfer of information and knowledge between a project manager in your company and external partners when all are working on a mutual project task. There are two different CEP scenarios: Competition Scenario As part of a bid invitation, for example, every participant modifies the same processing objects and thus competes with the other participants for an order. During the entire process, none of the participants can view the information submitted by the others. Cooperation Scenario All participants are involved in the transfer of knowledge, and are notified automatically of changes.




CEP Process Overview

(3) Process folder Participant Participant Internet link

(4) Return folder

Initiator Initiator

(1) Create folder

(2) Inform participants

(5) Review folders

(6) Compare folders

(7) Incorporate changes

Internet link

Participant Participant (3) Process folder

SAP AG 1999

(4) Return folder

The relevant objects pertaining to a project task are put into a folder in the R/3 system by the initiator. The initiator creates a separate recipient list for each folder so that the participants can be notified by email - this means that it is also possible to send comments and other texts. The Internet link defined in Customizing is automatically written to the e-mail - this is the link that enables external participants to log on to the R/3 Internet server.

Once a participant has logged on via the Internet link, a list appears showing all of the folders that he or she has to process. The participant selects an entire folder, or individual objects in a folder, and downloads these to his or her PC. It is always possible to download further objects at any time.

The participant can log off from the Internet server, and process the downloaded objects offline. If the participant wishes to send back changed objects to the initiator, he or she simply logs on to the R/3 Internet server again. When objects are sent back, a so-called "successor folder" is created - this is assigned to the corresponding original folder.




Before transferring data, the initiator can compare a participant's successor folders with the original data structure in the R/3 system. The objects that are to be transferred to the R/3 system are then selected in the results overview of the comparison, checked, and transferred to the original structure. This data transfer is documented in a log file.




Objects in the CEP Process

Participant Participant

BOMs Initiator Initiator

Project Structures



Participant Participant
SAP AG 1999

The relevant objects pertaining to a project task can be put into a folder in the R/3 system. The objects can be: Material numbers BOMs Documents Project structures (project definition, WBS elements, network activities)

If, as apart of the CEP process, external participants are to be able to process project structures in MS Project, the latest version of Open PS for Microsoft Project (version 1.3 or higher) must be installed for the initiator.

Participants can process offline the objects they have downloaded. Please note, though, that in Release 4.6C only project structures and documents can be modified. System requirements for this are: Microsoft Project (for editing project structures) and Microsoft Office (for editing documents, Excel tables, and so








Benefits of CEP

Not tied to specific systems Participant Participant

Automatic notification

Initiator Initiator

Access rights/ security

Ease of use

Participant Participant
SAP AG 1999

Not tied to specific systems: External participants do not need to have an R/3 system or R/3 experience to work on a project task. Ease of use: The objects sent are displayed in hierarchical structures - this gives everyone involved a clear overview and allows them to navigate around easily.

Automatic notification / status display: If objects were changed by participants and sent back, the initiator (and, if applicable, all participants) are automatically notified of this, or informed of this by means of status displays.

Access rights / security: The objects for processing are taken from the R/3 system and made available on an Internet server, where they can only be accessed using the URL address sent in the mail, the authorized login ID and password. This means that external participants do not have direct access to the original data structure in




the R/3 system.




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