Project Systems PS Stu PDF
Project Systems PS Stu PDF
Project Systems PS Stu PDF
The Project System module of SAP (PS) is specifically designed to provide comprehensive and fully integrated project management functionality for SAP customers. When it was originally designed and developed its core functionality was borrowed from and shared with the PP and ! modules. So most of the PS objects (W"S elements# networ$s# activities# activity elements) are cost objects similar to cost centers in CO# while networ$s have scheduling and resource management capabilities that are very similar to PP. Whenever you need fle%ibility and fre&uent user interaction for resource loaded scheduling activities# you still feel the remnants of an architecture and user interface that was originally designed for the more static conte%t of PP. Shortcomings include user'friendliness since SAP did not manage to satisfactorily put the end user in control to easily manipulate the data. (n that respect# SAP)s unsurpassed enterprise functionality often is perceived as an issue by end'users. Also# and somewhat ironically# PS and PP are not seamlessly integrated. This means that costs or dates do not roll up or cannot be pushed down between PS *PP.
What is SAP PS? Projects are generally part of the internal processes of a company. To be able to control all tasks in project execution, you need an organizational form that is specific to the project and which is shared by all departments involved. Before you can carry out a project in its entirety, the project goals must be precisely described and the project activities to be carried out must be structured. clear, unambiguous project structure is the basis for successful project planning, monitoring, and control. The high degree of integration between the Project !ystem "P!# and other $%& application components means that you can plan, execute, and account for projects as part of your normal commercial procedures. This means the Project !ystem has constant access to data in all the departments involved in the project. The $%& P! guarantees close and constant monitoring of all aspects of your project including both technical and commercial aspects of the project.
the impact is going to be of a certain change to the project before making the actual change to the operative project. Then, you could create a simulation version, play around with it to make sure it does what you want it to do, then make the actual change to the operative change or you could convert the simulation version to the operative version also. 3 am not sure if they are hidden issues in doing this, but to make the point here, the simulation version is a 0play ground0 for 0what if0 scenarii for the project. The main difference, 3 believe, between the project and simulation versions is that project versions cannot be changed%modified once they are copied, while simulation versions can be. lso, you cannot copy a project version to an operative version, but you can copy a simulation version to an operative version. #. Plannin$%&ontrollin$ versions ( these are the versions used for storing different kinds of planning details for the project. 4ssentially, these versions are also 0operational0 and can be changed as needed. 2or example, you may want to keep the operative version "version /# always for actual costs, while you will use planning version P- to store planned values from 4*P, then version P5 for 6nit *osting values, etc... 6nlike simulation versions however, you cannot copy a planned version to the operational project "3 don7t think#. .ou can however, copy one plan version to the other. '. Pro$ress Versions ( These versions are used for carrying out 4arned 8alue nalysis and other measurements against project progress based on P)*, etc. Progress version is controlling area specific and defines the control data for P)* and earned values. 3t is mandatory to maintain progress version along with method of calculation. The system records progress analysis data in the progress version. That is why you can get the result only if you maintain it in the progress tab of 9B!. !P$) (: Project !ystem (: Progress(: Progress nalysis (: ;efine 1easurement 1ethod as ;efault. <ere you define the 8ersion, )bject Type, Plan% ctual, ;efault 1easurement 1ethod. fter that 8ersion would be defaulted for the object in the hierarchy.
SAP PS ( Basics of Project System) http*,asis)a, This course covers basic ! P Project !ystem in -/ lessons, including master data, project planning, ac=uisitions, network activities and settlements using the new Project Builder. This is an interactive simulation course and includes simulated ! P screens. This allows you to interact with the screens just like a real ! P system, including entering data in fields and clicking on buttons or links. SAP PS -rainin$ .oals) This course will help you become familiar with ! P>s P! "Project !ystem# module using the Project Builder. .ou will learn how to'
*reate a Project with 9ork Breakdown !tructures "9B!# ? +etwork ctivities *reate Project Plans with 4asy *ost Planning and Project Planning Board *reate $e=uisitions and Purchase )rders for 9B! $un !ettlements $un Project $eports
This ! P P! training uses 4** @./ "newest ! P release# and includes ,5/A training slides, study guide for each lesson, @/A pages of additional ! P documentation and email support. BThe training is very clear and easy to understand. The fact that it can be done anytime is a BgreatC feature as 3 could do it at home with no interruptions. lso having the capability to back up and repeat a process is extremely helpful. 9ith no set time limits, when 3 was ready to book an asset, 3 could review just that section and get pointers right on the spot.C Pat D., 9hirlpool *orporation -rainin$ &ontent /esson *reate Project !tructure ? 9ork Breakdown !tructures /esson ! *reate +etwork ctivity /esson # *reate Project Plan "*ost Planning ? Project Planning Board# /esson ' *reate $e=uisitions ? Purchase )rders for 9B! /esson 0 *omplete +etwork ctivity /esson 1 !ettle +etwork ctivity to 9B! /esson 2 !ettlement to sset under *onstruction /esson 3 $un Project $eports /esson 4 *reate 2inal !ettlement $ules /esson 5 Project *loseout and 2inal !ettlement
-ransaction &odes
*EFF are mainly Project ;efinition and 9B! related, *+FF are mainly +etwork and activity related and the )PFF are mainly P! *onfiguration % *ustomization related. There are other codes which is not on the list, but this is a good platform to start and build up your own list of P! transactions as per your re=uirements' *E/*E/5 *E/& *E/@ *E/G *E/H *E-*E-5 *E-& *reate 9ork Breakdown !tructure *hange 9ork Breakdown !tructure ;isplay 9ork Breakdown !tructure *reate Project ;efinition *hange Project ;efinition ;isplay Project ;efinition *reate 9B! 4lement *hange 9B! 4lement ;isplay 9B! 4lement
*E-, ;isplay 9B! 4lement "2rom ;1!# *E5/ !tructure planning *E5/+ Project Builder *E5- *hange Basic ;ates *E55 ;isplay Basic ;ates *E5& *hange 2orecast ;ates *E5, ;isplay 2orecast ;ates *E5I *hange ctual ;ates *E5@ ;isplay ctual ;ates *E5G Project planning board *E5J 6pdate 9B! "2orecast# *E5 ;isplay structure planning *E5B *hange project planning board *E5* ;isplay project planning board *E5; !tructure planning *E&/ *hange Project )riginal Budget *E&- ;isplay Project )riginal Budget *E&5 *hange Project $elease *E&& ;isplay Project $elease *E&, Project Budget Transfer *E&I Budget $eturn from Project *E&@ Budget !upplement to Project *E&G Budget !upplement in Project *E&H Budget $eturn in Project *E& *hange Budget ;ocument *E&B ;isplay Budget ;ocument *E,/ *hange Project Plan *E,- ;isplay Project Plan *E,5 *hange Project $evenues *E,& ;isplay Project $evenues *E,, ct. overhd' Projects, ind. process. *E,I ct. ovhd' Projects, coll. process. *E,@ Plnd ovrhd' Projects, ind. process. *E,G Pld )verhead' Projects, *oll.Procssg *E,H *hange Payment Planning' 3nit.!creen *E,J ;isplay Payment Planning' 3nit.!crn *EG/ 1aintain Project !ettlement K3s *EG5 Project' ct. amt. line item settlmt *EG, Project ctual *ost Kine 3tems *EG@ Project *ommitment Kine 3tems *EG4 Plan ;ata Transfer' Projects *EGL Plan ;ata Transfer' Projects *EG1 Project Plan *ost Kine 3tems *EG+ 1aint. ;$L inv.projects for retmt. *EH/ vailability *ontrol ( )verview *EH- 6pdate $eport Kist
*EHH !ettle Projects and +etworks *EH ct.(setlmt' Proj. retirmt. from 31 *EHL ctual !ettlement' Projects%+etworks *EH8 Period *lose for Project !election *EJ- *reate !tandard 9B! *EJ5 *hange !tandard 9B! *EJ& ;isplay !tandard 9B! *EJB *opy 9B! Plan to Plan "*ollective# *EJBM)K; *opy Project *ost Planning "old# *EJB! *opy 9B! Plan to Plan "3ndiv.# *EJ* *opy 9B! ctual to Plan "*ollective# *EJ*M)K; *opy Project $evenue Planning "old# *EJ*! *opy 9B! ctual to Plan "3ndiv.# *EJ; *opy Plan 8ersions *EJ4 Plan !ettlement' Projects *EJ4*P Project !ystem' 4asy *ost Planning *EJ2 *opy Project *osting "*ollective# *EJ2! *opy Project *osting "3ndiv.# *EJL Plan !ettlement' Projects *EJN +etwork *osting *EJK 2orecast *osts' 3ndividual Projects *EJ1 2orecast *osts' *oll.Project Proc. *EJO 3ntegrated Planning for +twks"*oll.# *EJO! 3ntegrated Planning for +twks "3nd.# *E - Proj.$el.)rder $eceipts' *oll.Proc. *E 5 Proj.$el. )rder $eceipts' 3nd.Proc. *E K !end project *EB- Lenerate !ettmt $ule' *oll.Proc. *EB5 Lenerate !ettmt $ule' 3ndiv.Proc. *EBB!- Planning Board $eport ssignment *EBB!5 !tructure )verview $eport sst *EB+ $econstruct vailability *ontrol *EB8 ctivate Project vailabilty *ontrol *EB9 ;eactivate Project vailabilty *ntrl *E*- 1aintenance ;ialog for ! Per. *E*5 1aintain Planned !tatus *hanges *E*; *hange documents' 9B! *E*2 *arry 2orward Project *ommitments *E*) *arry 2orward Project Budget *E*! !tandard 9B! *E4/ $un <ierarchy $eport *E4- *reate <ierarchy $eport *E45 *hange <ierarchy $eport *E4& ;isplay <ierarchy $eport *E4, *reate Project $eport Kayout *E4I *hange Project $eport Kayout
*E4@ *E4 *E4B *E4* *E4N *E41 *E4+ *E4) *E4P *E4O *E4T *E48 *E4P *E4. *E4D *E2*E25 *E2& *E2, *E2 *E2+ *EL*EL& *EL, *ELI *E<*E<5 *E3*E35 *E3& *E3, *E3I *E3H *E3J *E3 *E3B *E3* *E3; *E34 *E32 *E3L *EE5 *EE& *EN5 *EN& *EK5
;isplay Project $eport Kayout *all <ierarchy $eport Background Processing, <ier.$eports 1aintain Project *rcy Trans.Type *opy 3nterfaces%$eports Project $eports' Test 1onitor $econstruct' !ummarized Proj.;ata Transport $eports Transport 2orms 3mport $eports from *lient Translation Tool ( ;rilldown 1aintain Llobal 8ariable $eorganize ;rilldown $eports $eorganize $eport ;ata $eorganize 2orms *reate Transfer Price greement *hange Transfer Price greement ;isplay Transfer Price greement Transfer Price greement Kist nalysis of ;ata Trans. into P! *ash *B1 Payment *onverter 4nter Transfer Price llocation ;isplay Transfer Price llocation 4nter Trsfr Price llocation' Kist *ancel Transfer Price llocation $econstruct Project 3nheritance Project 3nheritance Kog Project Budget Kine 3tems Budget Kine 3tems' ;ocument *hain Project ctual *ost Kine 3tems Project Plan *ost Kine 3tems Project *ommitment Kine 3tems Project Budget Kine 3tems Project !truct.Pld *osts Kine 3tems Project ctual and *ommt Paymt K3s Project Plan Payment Kine 3tems 1aintain Project !ettlement K3s ;isplay Project !ettlement Kine 3tms Projects' $etirement K3 !ettlement Projects' Profitability nalysis K3 ;isplay P! *ash ;ocuments *hange !tatistical Ney 2igures ;isplay !tatistical Ney 2igures *hange !tatistical Ney 2igures ;isplay !tatistical Ney 2igures *ollective greement
*E+*E+5 *E+) *E)H *E)J *EP*EP5 *EP& *EP, *EP+ *EP6 *E$5 *E$& *E$, *E$I *E$@ *E$G *E$H *E$J *E!5 *E!& *E!, *E!I *E! *E!B *E!L *E!+ *ET5 *E8*E85 *E8& *E8, *E8I *E8@ *E8G *E8* *E9*ED*ED5 *ED& *EDI *ED@ *EDG *EDH *EDJ
$eval. *T' Projects 3nd.Pro. $eval. *T' Projects *ol.Pro. +umber range maintenance' 21*EMB4K+$ )verhead *)11' Projects 3nd.Pro. )verhead *)11' Projects *ol.Pro. *reate Project Plan djustment *hange Project Plan djustment ;isplay Project Plan djustment ;elete Project Plan djustment +umber $ange 1aintenance' Proj.3tems 4xecute Project Plan djustment P!' *hange plan *4lem% ctiv. input P!' ;isplay plan *4lem% ctiv. input P!' *hange plan primary cost element P!' ;isplay plan primary cost elem. P!' *hange activity input planning P!' ;isplay activity input planning P!' *hange revenue type planning P!' ;isplay $evenue 4lement Planning P!' *hange stat. key figure planning P!' ;isplay stat. key fig. planning P!' *hange stat. key figure planning P!' ;isplay stat. key fig. planning ;ata Transfer to ! P(43! !elect Ney 2igure and *haracteristic Lenerate 9B! 4lement Lroup +umber $ange 1aintenance' Projects Project ctual Payment Kine 3tems *reate project version "simulation# *hange project version "simulation# ;isplay project version "simulation# Transfer project ;elete simulation version 1aintenance' 8ersion administration ;isplay transfer log 8alue *ategory *hecking Program 46$)' djust Project Budget ct. 3nt *alc.' Projects *oll. Proc. ctual 3nt.*alc.' Project 3ndiv.Prc. Plan 3nt.*alc.' Project 3ndiv.Prc. Plan 3nt.*alc.' Project *oll.Prc. ctual 3nt.*alc.' 3ndiv.*) )rder Prc Planned 3nt.*alc' 3ndiv.*) )rd.Proc. ctual 3nt.*alc.' *oll.*) )rder Prc. Plan 3nt.*alc.' *oll.*) )rder Prc.
+etwork and activity related transaction codes' *+/- *reate !tandard +etwork *+/5 *hange !tandard +etwork *+/& ;isplay !tandard +etwork *+/, 4dit P! Text *atalog *+/I ;isplay P! Text *atalog *+/@ 1PP ;ownload' !tandard +etwork *+/G 1PP 6pload' !tandard +etwork *+/H llocate material (: stand. network *+/J llocate material (: stand. network *+-- *reate standard milestone *+-5 *hange standard milestone *+-& ;isplay standard milestone *+-J ;isplay ctivity "2rom ;1!# *+5/ ;sply network%act.bsc data init.scrn *+5- *reate +etwork *+55 *hange +etwork *+5& ;isplay +etwork *+5, )verall +etwork !cheduling *+5,+ )verall +etwork !cheduling *+5I *onfirm *ompletions in +etwork *+5@ ;isplay 1at.*omp%3nit' +twk, cty,3tm *+5@+ ;isplay 1at. *omponents "2rom ;1!# *+5G *ollective confirm. *+5H ;isplay +etwork *onfirmations *+5J *ancel +etwork *onfirmation *+5P *onfirm *ompletions in +etwork *+&/ Processing P;* error records *+&& P;1(P! interface *+&, 1aintain release table T*+$K *+&I *ontrol stock % account assignment *+&@ B)1 Transfer Profile *+&G B)1 llocation 2ield !election *+&H 1aintain 2lexible $eference Point *+,/ Project )verview *+,- !tructure )verview *+,5 )verview' Project ;efinitions *+,5+ )verview' Project ;efinitions *+,& )verview' 9B! 4lements *+,&+ )verview' 9B! 4lements *+,, )verview' Planned )rders *+,,+ )verview' Planned )rders *+,I )verview' )rders *+,I+ )verview' )rders *+,@ )verview' +etworks
*+,@+ )verview' +etworks *+,G )verview' ctivities%4lements *+,G+ )verview' ctivities%4lements *+,H )verview' *onfirmations *+,H+ )verview' *onfirmations *+,J )verview' $elationships *+,J+ )verview' $elationships *+I/ )verview' *apacity $e=uirements *+I/+ )verview' *apacity $e=uirements *+I- )verview' P$Ts *+I-+ )verview' P$Ts *+I5 )verview' *omponents *+I5+ )verview' *omponents *+I& )verview' 1ilestones *+I&+ )verview' 1ilestones *+I,+ )verview' !ales ;ocument *+II+ )verview' !ales and ;ist. ;oc. 3tems *+@/ *hange ;ocuments for Projects%+etw. *+@- !tandard network *+@I *hange documents order %network *+G/ )verview' Batch variants *+G- *reate versions *+G5 *reate Project 8ersion *+H/ rchiving project structures *+H- P!' rchiving project ( preliminary *+H5 P!' rchiving project structures *+H& P!' rchiving project ( 3nfo !ystem *+H, P!' rchiving project ( admin. *+HI P!' ;elete operative structures *+JH ;elete !tandard +etworks *+JJ rchiving !tandard +etworks *+B- Purchase re=uisitions for project *+B5 Purchase orders for project *+*, *onsistency checks for 9B! *+*I *onsistency checks sales order%proj. *+4- Project Progress "3ndividual Proc.# *+45 Project Progress "*ollective Proc.# *+4I Progress nalysis *+L- +etw.%<ier.' 1aintain frame types *+L5 +etw.%<ier.' 1aintain form def. *+L& +etw.%hier.' maintain color definit. *+L, +etw.%<ier.' 1aintain graph. profile *+LI +etw.%<ier' 1aintain options profile *+L@ +etw.%hier.' 1aintain node type *+LG +etw.%<ier.' 1aintain link types *+LH +etw.%<ier.' 1aintain field def.
*+LJ Lraph. *ust. +etw.%<ierarchy Lraph. *+K- *reate delivery information *+K5 *hange delivery information *+K& ;isplay delivery information *+1 !! 1ass *hanges in Project !ystem *+1 !!P$)T ;isplay log f. mass changes P! *+11 Project()riented Procurement *+1T 1ilestone Trend nalysis *++/ +umber $ange for Kibrary +etwork *++- +umber range maint.' $)6T3+LM/ *+P $ Partner )verview *+P$L +etwork Progress *+$- *reate 9ork *enter *+$5 *hange 9ork *enter *+$& ;isplay 9ork *enter *+!/ *reate deleivry from project *+!,/ Project )verview *+!,- !tructure )verview *+!,5 )verview' Project ;efinitions *+!,& )verview' 9B! 4lements *+!,, )verview' Planned )rders *+!,I )verview' )rders *+!,@ )verview' +etworks *+!,G )verview' ctivities%4lements *+!,H )verview' *onfirmations *+!,J )verview' $elationships *+!I/ )verview' *apacity $e=uirements *+!I- )verview' P$Ts *+!I5 )verview' *omponents *+!I& )verview' 1ilestones *+!I, )verview' !ales ;ocument *+!II )verview' !ales and ;ist. ;oc. 3tems *+!@/ *hange ;ocuments for Projects%+etw. *+!G- *reate versions *+!H& P!' rchiving project ( 3nfo !ystem *+!4I Progress nalysis *+8K 8ariable )verviews *+9- 999' *onfirmation *+9, Project ;ocuments
)P// )P/)P/& )P/, )P/G )P/H )P/J )P-/ )P-)P-5 )P-& )P-, )P-I )P-@ )P-G )P-H )P-J )P5/ )P5)P55 )P5& )P5, )P5@ )P5H )P&/ )P&)P&5 )P&, )P&I )P&@ )P&G )P&H )P&J )P,/ )P,)P,5 )P,& )P,, )P,I )P,@ )P,G )P,H )P,J )P, )P,B )P,*
1aintain )peration *ontrol Ney *ustomizing $outing%9ork *enter 2actory *alendar * 9ord Processing !tandard Text !tandard Text 1aintain lternative ctivity ;esc. 1aintain Person $esponsible 1aintain Period Pattern Ney 1aintain Kocation 1aintain !creen !e=uence 1aintain Type of !td. 8alue ;etermin Production 6ser Profile 1aintain Period Pattern 2ormula Parameters 1aintain !etup Lroup%!etup Lroup *at !tandard 8alue Ney 1aintain !etup Type Ney ;efine 2ormula 1aintain 9age Lroups 1aintain Kocation 1aintain period dependent oper. val. 1aintain suitability 1aintain Perf. 4fficiency $ate Ney 1aintain 1ove Time 1atrix 1aintain Time !egment "Per. Pattern# 1aintain *apacity *ategory 1aintain 9ork *enter Planner Lroup 1aintain Perf. 4fficiency $ate Ney 1aintain *apacity ;efault 8alues 1aintain vailable *apacity 8ersion 1aintain !etup Type Ney 1aintain Lraphics Profile 1aintain 9ork *enter *ategory 1atchcode for work center ;efault work center 1aintain !etup Lroup *ategories 1aintain Task Kist 6sage 1aintain 6sage 1aintain Task Kist !tatus 1aintain P$T 6sage 1aintain Planner Lroup 1atchcode for $outings%$ef. )p. !ets 1aintain !hift !e=uences )verview variant' $outing )verview variant' $ef. oper. set
)P,; )P,4 )P,2 )P,L )P,< )P,3 )PI/ )PI)PI5 )PI& )PI, )PII )PI@ )PIG )PIH )PIJ )PI )PIB )PI* )PI; )PI4 )PI2 )PI< )P@)P@5 )P@& )P@, )P@I )P@@ )P@G )P@H )P@J )PG/ )PG)PG5 )PG& )PG, )PG@ )PGG )PGH )PG )PGB )PH/ )PH5 )PH, )PHI
)verview variant' $ate routing )verview variant' $ef. rate routing )verview var.'!cheduling of routings )verview var.'!cheduling ref.op.set )verview var.'!cheduling of rate rtg )verview var.'!cheduling $ef$ate$tgs ssign 1aterial Types 2ormula Parameters 2ormula Parameters 2ormula Parameters ;efine 2ormula ;efine 2ormula ;efine 2ormula ;efine 2ormula 1aintain ;efault 8alue Profiles 2ormula Parameters 2ield !election' Task Kist )verview 2ield !election' Task Kist <eader 2ield !election' Task Kist !e=uence 2ield !election' Task Kist ;etails 2ield selection task list overview 2ield selection std network (: P$T 2ield sel. insp.plan characteristics +umber range maintenance' $)6T3+LM& +umber ranges for routings +umber $anges for $ef.)peration !ets 1aintain !etup Lroup Ney 2ormula Parameters 1aintain Kocation Lroup 1aintain )peration *ontrol Ney 1aintain 1ove Time 1atrix 1aintain wage type 1aintain P$T *ontrol Ney 1aintain 9age Lroup P$T *ontrol Ney P$T uthorization Lroup 1aintain P$T Lroup Ney ;efine suitability 4ngineering 9orkbench for Task Kists 1aintain Type of !td. 8alue ;etermin *ustomizing matchcode for P$Ts ;efine Parameters 1aintain P$T !tatus ;efine 2ormula Profiles' ;efault 8alues for $tgs. Profiles' ;efault 8alues for O1
)PHG )PHH )PH )PHB )PH* )PH; )PH4 )PH2 )PH< )PJ)PJI )PJ@ )PJG )PJH )P / )P )P 5 )P & )P , )P I )P @ )P G )P J )PB)PB5 )PB& )PB, )PBI )P*/ )P*)P*5 )P*& )P*I )P*; )P*4 )P*2 )P*L )P*< )P*3 )P*K )P*1 )P*+ )P*O )P*$ )P*! )P*T
1aintain $outing%$ef.)p.!et 6sage 1aintain ssignmt. of Task Kist Type 1aintain operation value description 1aintain standard value texts $ecord layout for background " PK# ;ata transfer PK *ommand file task lists $el. 5.5 1aintain production scheduler Profiles' ;efault 8alues for $tgs. 1aintain )bject )verview 8ersion ssign 9ork *enter *at. to pplicatn 1aintain 9ork *enter *ategory 1aintain Performance 4fficiency $ate 1aintain 8alidity of Perf.4ffic.$ate !tatus selection profiles 1aintain combination definitions ;efine selection profile ;efine option profile ;efine list profile ;efine graphics profile ;efine overall profile ;efine columns 1aintain selection profiles ;efine list versions ;efine distribution function !pecify distribution functions !pecify distribution strategies !pecify distribution key xis representation selection 1aintain axis representation *urve representation selection 1aintain curve representation 1ax. no. of data records *apacity category *apacity planner Time units 1aintain )peration *ontrol Ney 1aintain production scheduler !etup group key%category !cheduling type !tandard value key 1aintain move time matrix 4fficiency rate 2ormula parameters ;efine formula !trategies
)P*6 !trategy levels )P*9 Planned order parameters )P*P 2ormula parameters )P*. ;efine formula )P;/ $esource planning overall profile )P;- $esource planning selection profile )P;5 *apacity leveling ( time profile )P;& $esource planning evaluation profile )P;, $esource planning period profile )P;I 2low control definition )P;@ 2low control control table )P;G 2low control statuses )P;H 2low *ontrol ctions )P;J 2low *ontrol 1essages )P; Transition matrix "setup matrix# )P;B *apacity Keveling !trategy Profile )P;; 2actory calendar )P;4 $esource planning control profile )P;2 ;efine re=uirements grouping )P;< *apacity leveling ( list profile )P;E ;efine layout )P;N ;efine standard overview )P;K *ap. plan. detailed cap.list maint. )P;1 ;efine detail list "leveling# )P;O Profile for planning table "tab.# )P;$ ;efine layout key )P;T ;efine detail list )P;6 1aintain perf. efficiency rate key )P;8 *om(file "$el(3nfo%)KPN# N)P. !etQs )P;9 *om(file "$el(3nfo%)KPN# N)P. !etQs )P4/ 1aintain !ort !tring )P4- 1aintain 8alue Type )P45 1aintain 1achine Type )P4& 1aintain Planner Lroup )P4, 1aintain *ontrol Parameters )P4I 1aintain rounding categories )P4@ 1aintain $ounding *ategory )P4G 1aintain overhead key )P4H 1aint. $oundg. and dd.8al.Ney ";ef# )P4J 1aintain 6ser Profile )P4 6ser selection )P4B utomatic selection )P4* PP user fields )P4+P! ;ownload ctivities to Palm Pilot )P2/ 1aintain 6ser )P2uthorizations for * PP
)P2 2ield selection' 9ork center )P2P *onfiguring the 2ixed Price 8ersion )P2$/- $P6*)$2/PB! ' 31L Kink )PL/ Profile for planning table )PL- *hart se=uence ( selection )PL5 Kine representation )PL& !cale time axis )PL, Time scale profile )PLI Lraphic obj.type sel.%repr.profile )PL@ Transition matrix setup fam.key )PLG Kine display selection )PLJ Lraphical object type%obj.represent. )PL; $ef. )per. !et( ll Task Kists "PP# )PL4 $ef. )per. !et ( $ate $outings "PP# )PL2 9ork *enter ( ll Task Kists "PP# )PLL 9ork *enter ( $ate $outings "PP# )PL< ;ocument P$T ( ll Task Kists )PL3 4=uipment P$T ( ll Task Kists )PLE 1aterial P$T ( ll Task Kists )PLN 1isc. P$T ( ll Task Kists )PLK $esource ( 1aster $ecipes "P3# )PL1 Process 3nstr. *at. ( 1aster $ecipe )PL+ ;ocument P$T ( 1aintenance Task Kist )PL) 4=uipment P$T(1aintenance Task Kists )PLP 1aterial P$T ( 1aintenance Task Kist )PLO 1isc. P$T ( 1aintenance Task Kists )PL$ 9ork *enter ( !tandard +etwork "P!# )PL! ;ocument P$T ( !tandard +etwork "P!# )PLT 4=uipment P$T ( !tandard +etwork"P!# )PL6 1aterial P$T ( !tandard +etwork "P!# )PL8 1isc. P$T ( !tandard +etwork "P!# )P<- *) *ash Bgt 1gmt' ;elete ctual ;ata )P<5 P! *ash 1anagement' ;elete Plan ;ata )P<& *) *ash Bgt 1gmt' ;elete 1aster ;ata )P<, *) *ash Bgt 1gmt' 11 ;ata Transfer )P<I *) *B1' !uccessive 23 ;ata Transfer )P<@ *) *B1' Take )ver 23 *ompletely )P<G *)(*B1' Take )ver ll ;ata )P3- 1aintain 8alue *ategories )P35 8alue *ategories for *ost 4lements )P3& 6pdate *ontrol' 2ile $P!*) )P3, *ommitment 3tem 8alue *ategories )P3I 8alue *ategories for !tag.Ney 2igs )P3@ ctivate *) *ash Budget 1anagement )P3H ;isplay 8alue *ategory )P3 3nterest Profile for Projects
)P3B 1aintain 3nterest Profile )P3* 3ntrst $elevance' *ost 4ls%*mmt 3tms )P3; Proj.3nt *alc' ccount ;etermination )P34 3nterest 3ndicator )P32 8iew 1aintenance'*ompound 3nt.*ont. )P3L 8iew 1aint.' *ompound 3nt. Periods )P3< 3nterest !cale, Leneral *onditions )P3+ +umber range maintnce' 8<6MP3+!T )PE5 Production order stock determination )PE, !chedule batch function re=uest )PE@ 1aintain !tatus Profiles )PEG 1aintain $outing 6sage )PEH 1aintain )peration *ontrol Ney )PEJ 1aintain prod. scheduler group )PE 1aintain setup group%group category )PEB !pecify system messages )PE* 1aintain 9age Lroups )PE; 3tem *ategories )PE4 6ser !election )PE2 utomatic !election )PEL 1aintain ;efault 8alues )PE< )rder types production order )PE3 B)1 6sage Priorities )PEE 1aintain !cope of *heck )PEN 1aintain *ontrol )PEK 1aintain *hecking $ule )PE1 pplication(!pecific *riteria )PE+ 1aintain !cheduling Type )PE) * 11(B; units of measurement )PEP 1aint. acct.assgnm.types for orders )PEO !tandard 8alue Ney )PE$ 1aintain move time matrix )PE! PP' 1aintain reduction strategies )PET 1aintain !trategy Kevels )PE6 Production order control parameters )PE8 1aintain *apacity *ategory )PE9 1aintain *apa.Planr.Lrp for 9rk*entr )PEP 2actory *alendar * )PE. 1aintain perf. efficiency rate key )PED 1aintain $elease Periods )PN/ *onfirmation Parameters PP )PN/T *onfirmation Parameters )PN- *onfirmation Parameters PP(P3 )PN-T *onfirmation Parameters )PN5 2ormula Parameters )PN& ;efine 2ormula
)PN, )PNI )PN@ )PNG )PNH )PNJ )PN )PNB )PN* )PN; )PN4 )PN2 )PNL )PN< )PN3 )PNE )PNN )PNK )PN1 )PN+ )PN) )PNP )PNO )PN$ )PN! )PNT )PN6 )PN8 )PN9 )PNP )PND )PK)PK5 )PK& )PK, )PKI )PK@ )PKG )PKH )PKJ )PK )PKB )PK* )PK; )PK4 )PK2
*onfirmation Parameters 1aintain variances Kist Kayout ccessing *ustomizing P;* transfer 1aintain print control prod. orders 1aintain Loods $eceipt 8aluation 1aintain 1ovement Types *ontrol parallel confirmation *ontrol confirmation process chain *ontrol confirmation process chain !creen !e=uence for *omponents *ontrol parallel confirmation 1aintain 1essages 1aintain Breakpoints 1aintain *ollective *onfirmation 1aintain P$T *ontrol Ney !tandard Text 2ormula Parameters ;efine 2ormula )verview variant production control *ommand 2ile for Production )rders !hop floor control profile *ustomizing' 1atchcode for Proc.)rd. Print flag 1aintain )rigins for *) )bject 3nitial !creen' !ettlement !tructure 1aintain *ollective *onfirmation Print 2lag Print shop papers ;eletion 2lag%3ndicator *ustomizing 1atchcode for Prod)rder *osting 8ariants' PP Prod. )rder 1aintain trigger point group Trigger point usage Profile for missing parts list )rder type K3! parameters Profile for documented goods mvmts )rder change management profile )rder type parameters' )verview Parameters for order change mgmt *onditions' 8MT@H52 for < *) *ondTab' *reate "batch, prod.# *ondTab' *hange "batchs, prod.# *ondTab' ;isplay "batches, prod.# !trategy types' Batch determ. "prod# ccess' 1aintain batch determ."prod#
)PKL )PK< )PK3 )PKE )PKN )PKK )PK1 )PK) )PKP )PKO )PK$ )PK! )PKT )PK8 )PK9 )PKP )PK. )PKD )P1/ )P1)P15 )P1& )P12 )P13 )P1E )P+/ )P+)P+5 )P+& )P+I )P+@ )P+G )P+H )P+J )P))P)5 )P)& )P), )P)I )P)@ )P)G )P)H )P)J )P) )P)B )P)*
Batch determ.' Procedure for prod. )verview variant ( production orders Background job for goods movements Eob B2ast entry confirmationC )verall profile for order prog. rep. )rder progress' ;isplayed fields )rder progress' ;isplayed fields maintain selection profile Eob B*onvert planned orderC maintain filter for control keys 1aintain filter for capacity version Parallel processing control Target !ystem for ;ata Transfer 1aintain 2ilter for Task Kist 6sage 1aintain 2ilter for Task Kist !tatus 1aintain 2ilter for B)1 6sage 1aintain 2ilter for B)1 !tatus 1aintain P)3 Planned )rder !election 1aintain profile ( field selection *osting 8ariants ( Production )rder 1aintain ;etail !creen *ontrol )per. 1aintain ;etail !crn *ontrol <eader 2ield !election ( B)1 Transfer 3mport models activities ;etermine progress values 1aster $ecipe Profile 1aintain Profiles for 1aster $ecipes 8aluation 8ariants ( Prod. )rder )verv.8ar.' 1aster $ecipe !cheduling 2ield !eln' !td +etwork )verview 2ield !election !tandard +etwork <dr 2ield !el.'!td +twk ctivity ;etail 2ield !el.'!td.+twk *omp.)verview 2ield !el. !td +twk *omp.;etail *reate *ost 4lement Planning Kayout *hange *ost 4lement Planning Kayout ;isplay *ost 4lement Planning Kayout *reate !tat. N2 Planning Kayout *hange !tat. N2 Planning Kayout ;isplay !tat. N2 Planning Kayout 8iew 1aintenance 8MT*E,-MG 8iew 1aintenance 8MT*E,-MH 8iew 1aintenance 8MT*E,-MJ 8iew 1aintenance 8MT//&)M+/ 8iew 1aintenance 8MT//&)M+8iew 1aintenance 8MT&JJPM+/
)P); 8iew 1aintenance 8MT&JJPM+)P)4 8iew 1aintenance TMT&JJPM+5 )PP- *ustomizing 1$P )PP5 1P! )PP& *ustomizing $epetitive 1anufacturing )PPI Kist Profile *omponent Kist )PP PP%1$P *ustomizing 4xplosion )PPB ;irect Procurement )PP* Period Lrouping )PP; *ustomizing Planning Time 2ence )PP4 *onversion Plnnd )rder (: Prod.)rder )PP4/- Leneral iPP4 *ustomizing )PP4/5 ;efine iPP4 +ode Type )PP4/& ;efine iPP4 8ariant Types )PP4/, ;efine iPP4 lternative Types )PP4/I ;efine iPP4 $elationship Types )PP4/@ *ustomer(!pec. 1odel ssgts "iPP4# )PP4/G Time nalysis' Partner Products iPP4 )PP4-- Profiles' iPP4 9B Professional )PP4-5 Tabs' iPP4 9orkbench Professional )PP4-& 6ser ssgmt' iPP4 9B Professional )PP4-, ;efine $eports for iPP4 9B Prof. )PP4-I ;efine 3nterface for iPP4 9orkbench )PP45/ Profile 1aintenance iPP4 P! )PP4 *T/;efine !td 8al. ;etermin. Type )PP4 *T/5 )bject ;ependency in Process !truct. )PP4*<N/*ustomizing' *onsistency *heck )PP4;)N ;ocumentation )PP4K63/Profile ;efinition' iPP4 9B 4xpress )PP4K63/5 6ser ssignment' iPP4 9B 4xpress )PP4$4!/*ustomizing for Production $esources )PP4!*1P8 )bject ;ependent !tatus 1anagement )PP4!T T6! *ross( pplication !tatus 1anagement )PP2 *ustomizing for )rder $eport )PP< *ustomizing Purchase $e=. *onversion )PP3 vailable !tock )PPE 1$P *hecking $ule )PPN <ierarchy 4lement )PPK 1$P )PP1 4valuation Profiles )PP+ Kayout )PP) <ierarchy 4lement )PPP *ustomizing ;irect Procurement )PPO * 1 1$P Plant Parameters for 1$P )PP$ * 1 1$P 1$P Lroup )PP! !trategy
)PPT !trategy Lroup )PP6 !trategy Lroup for 1$P Lroup )PPD 1$P Lroup )P$rea of $esponsibility R(: 1essage )P$& ;efinition of Breakpoints )P$,M *T 1ultilevel ctual !ettlement )P$,M*N 1aterial *ost 4stimate )P$,M*N1* 1ass *osting ( !ales ;ocuments )P$,M*N1K *losing and *alc. of Periodic Price )P$,M*NP2 Price 6pdate )P$,M2*) *ollective Processing' 8ariances )P$,MNN 93P *alculation )P$,MNNP $epetitive 1fg and Process 1fg )P$,MNN! *ollective Processing' 8ariances )P$,MNN!3ndividual Processing' 8ariances )P$,MPP*) Production )rder' *ost *alculation )P$I ;efinition of 4rror 1gmt 3;s "! P# )P$@ ;efinition of )bject 3;s "! P# )P$G ;ef. of reas of $esponsibility )P$H ;ef. of 1inimum 1essage Types "! P# )P$J ;ef. of $eference )bjects "! P# )P$*124 6ser(;efined 1essages )P$2 1aintain Ouotation Prefixes )P! *ustomizing for Project !ystem )P!/ 1aintain print control for networks )P!- 1aintain 6ser 2ields )P!5 1aintain $elationship Texts )P!& 1aintain P! Text Types )P!, maintain simulation profile )P!I 1aintain !tandard +etwork Profile )P!@ 1aintain Project 1anager )P!G 1aintain pplicant )P!H 1aterialflow network )P!J Budget 1anagement Profile )P! 1aintain Project Profile )P!B *ost Planning Profile )P!* *reate network types )P!* ! *ommand 2ile Payments "P!# )P!*)! *ommand 2ile *osts "P!# )P!; 1aintain Profile for $eport Kines )P!4 1aintain $eport Lroups )P!2 1aintain $eport 8ariations )P!L )rder change management profile )P!< 1aintain ctrl. key for activity "P!# )P!3 4dit P! validation rules )P!3+! *ommand 2ile 3nfo !ystem "P!(2#
)P!E 1aintain Project *oding )P!N 1aintain !pecial *haracters )P!K Project 3nfo !ystem )verview 1aint. )P!1 1aintain )verall Profile P! 3nfo!ys )P!+ 4dit P! substitution rules )P!) 1aintain Project Types )P!P *apacity availability check )P!P $- 1aintain Partner 2unctions )P!P $5 ;efine Kang.(;ep.Partner 2unctions )P!P $& 9B! Partner Profile )P!O 3ntervals for *ost%$evenue Types )P!$ 1aintain milestones )P!$48 *ommand 2ile $evenues "P!# )P!! 1aintain milestones )P!T +etwork *onfirmation Parameters )P!6 1aintain ctivity *ontrol Ney )P!8 *ost object ind. )P!9 3nfo !ystem Profile )P!P P!' $eset BBudgetedC !tatus )PT- 1aintain P! Transaction Types )PT5 1atchcode for project definition )PT& 1atchcode for 9B! elements )PT, 1atchcode for standard network )PTI *ustomizing matchcode for network )PT@ 1aintain std. milestone group )PTG Project planning board profile )PTH 1aintain hierarchy graphic % dates )PTJ +etwork parameters for P!(!; )PT *ommand file for P! (: 23 area )PTB *ommand file for 9B! )PT* *ommand file for network )PT; *ommand file for standard network )PT4 *ommand file for P! info system )PT2 *ommand file for P! graphic )PTL 1aintain P! 3nfo !ummztn *riteria )PT< P! info system maintenance )PT3 1aintain Progrss nalysis )verview )PTE 1aintain P! 3nfo 6nit *onversion )PTN 4xclude *ost 4lems from vlbty *ntrl )PTK 1aintain P! 3nfo *omparison *riteria )PT1 2incl Budgeting Profile for Projects )PT+ 1aintain priorities )PT) *hange costing variants )PTP !ub(network parameters )PTO 1aintain 9B! scheduling parameters )PT$ !trategies for settlement rules
)PT! )PTT )PT6 )PT8 )PT9 )PTP )PT. )PTD )P6/ )P6& )P6, )P6I )P6@ )P6G )P6H )P6J )P6 )P6B )P6* )P6; )P6< )P63 )P6E )P6N )P6K )P61 )P6+ )P6) )P6P )P6O )P6$ )P6! )P6T )P66 )P68 )P69 )P6P )P6. )P6D )P8* )P8P
1aintain project version profile 1aint. acct.assgnm.types for orders 1aint. P! 3nfo !ystem field settings 1aint. P! 3nfo !ystem sort criteria 1aint.P! 3nfo !ystem group. criteria 1aint. P! 3nfo !ystem database set. *apacity leveling ( Time profile%P! 1atchcode for standard 9B! elements 1atchcode for standard project def. Production order control parameters 1aintain *apacity Planning "!)P# Parameter long term planning Plnd)rd Production order control parameters *ontrol parameters plant maintenance )verview 8ar.' <eader Kine 3nfo !ys. )verview 8ariant' 3tem Kine 2ield selection' +etwork' <eader 2ield selection' +etwork' )verview 2ield selection' +etwork' ;etails 2ield selection'+etwork confirmation 2ield sel' !td. project definition 2ield selection' !td. 9B! elements 2ield selection' Project definition 2ield selection' 9B! element P!' 1aintain reduction strategies 1aintain !ubprojects *apacity overviews Project schedule overviews !ubnetwork schedule overview )verall network scheduling overview 3nfo !ystem' !tructure overview 1aintain 8ersion +umber 4ntry 1ask 1aintain overview variants 1aintain +etwork Profile +etwork Type Parameters !tandard +etwork !tatus 1aintain overview variants std netwk )verview var.'!td.ntwrk scheduling *ontrol parameters plant maintenance *onvert vlability *ntrl Tol.Kimits *ollective availibility checkProfile
What are those standard project system tcodes? 8o -ransaction &ode 9escription -. *E5/n *reation of Project 5. *E5/n *reation of 9B! 4lements &. *E5/n *reation of ctivities ,. *E5/n ssigning relationships to activities I. *E5/n ssigning of milestones to activities%9B! 4lements @. *E5/n ssigning of materials of activities G. *E,/ Planning of costs to project H. 31**P& *opy Planned cost to budget J. *EB8 vailability *ontrol of budget -/. *E&/ ssigning Budget to Project --. *E5/n $elease of Project%9B! 4lements%activities -5. *+5I *onfirmation of activities -&. *E5/n 1aintain actual dates to milestones of 9B! 4lements%activities -,. *E&G !upplement in project -I. *E&H $eturn in project -@. NB5-n ;irect ctivity llocation -G. *+K*reate ;elivery 3nformation -H. *+K5 *hange ;elivery 3nformation -J. *+!/ ;elivery from project 5/. *+K& ;isplay ;elivery 3nformation 5-. *E5c%*E5/+ ;isplay Project 55. *E,;isplay cost planning 5&. *E&;isplay Budget 5,. *+5H ;isplay *onfirmations 5I. *E&B ;isplay ;ocument "B6;L4T# 5@. *+5J *ancel%$everse of *onfirmations 5G. *+,!tructure )verview 5H. *+,5+ )verview of Project ;efinition 5J. *+,&+ )verview of 9B! 4lements &/. *+,@+ )verview of +etworks &-. *+,G+ )verview of ctivities &5. *+II+ )verview of !ales ;ocument items &&. *+I&+ )verview of 1ilestones &,. *+I5+ *omponents )verview &I. *+,5 4nhanced )verview of Project definition &@. *+,& 4nhanced )verview of 9B! 4lements &G. *+,, 4nhanced )verview of Planned )rders &H. *+,I 4nhanced )verview of )rders &J. *+,@ 4nhanced )verview of +etworks ,/. *+,G 4nhanced )verview of ctivities ,-. *+,H 4nhanced )verview of *onfirmations ,5. *+I5 4nhanced )verview of *omponents ,&. *+I& 4nhanced )verview of 1ilestones
,,. *+!I, 4nhanced )verview of !ales and ;istribution ;ocuments ,I. *+!II 4nhanced )verview of !ales ;ocument items ,@. 14IE Purchase re=uisitions for Project ,G. 145E Purchase )rders for Project ,H. *+11 Project )riented Procurement ,J. *+@/ ;isplay change documents I/. !M K$MHG/-&I,5 ctual%*ommitment%Total%Plan in *ontrol rea *urrency I-. !M K$MHG/-&IIG Budget% ctual%8ariance I5. !M K$MHG/-&I@/ Budget 6pdates I&. !M K$MHG/-&I&5 Plan% ctual%8ariance I,. !M K$MHG/-&I&& Plan% ctual%*ommitment%$em.Plan% ssigned II. !M K$MHG/-&I&, Plan-%Plan5% ct%*ommitment
)P55 )P5& )P5, )P5@ )P5H )P&/ )P&)P&5 )P&, )P&I )P&@ )P&G )P&H )P&J )P,/ )P,)P,5 )P,& )P,, )P,I )P,@ )P,G )P,H )P,J )P, )P,B )P,* )P,; )P,4 )P,2 )P,L )P,< )P,3 )PI/ )PI)PI5 )PI& )PI, )PII )PI@ )PIG )PIH )PIJ )PI )PIB )PI*
1aintain 9age Lroups 1aintain Kocation 1aintain period dependent oper. val. 1aintain suitability 1aintain Perf. 4fficiency $ate Ney 1aintain 1ove Time 1atrix 1aintain Time !egment "Per. Pattern# 1aintain *apacity *ategory 1aintain 9ork *enter Planner Lroup 1aintain Perf. 4fficiency $ate Ney 1aintain *apacity ;efault 8alues 1aintain vailable *apacity 8ersion 1aintain !etup Type Ney 1aintain Lraphics Profile 1aintain 9ork *enter *ategory 1atchcode for work center ;efault work center 1aintain !etup Lroup *ategories 1aintain Task Kist 6sage 1aintain 6sage 1aintain Task Kist !tatus 1aintain P$T 6sage 1aintain Planner Lroup 1atchcode for $outings%$ef. )p. !ets 1aintain !hift !e=uences )verview variant' $outing )verview variant' $ef. oper. set )verview variant' $ate routing )verview variant' $ef. rate routing )verview var.'!cheduling of routings )verview var.'!cheduling ref.op.set )verview var.'!cheduling of rate rtg )verview var.'!cheduling $ef$ate$tgs ssign 1aterial Types 2ormula Parameters 2ormula Parameters 2ormula Parameters ;efine 2ormula ;efine 2ormula ;efine 2ormula ;efine 2ormula 1aintain ;efault 8alue Profiles 2ormula Parameters 2ield !election' Task Kist )verview 2ield !election' Task Kist <eader 2ield !election' Task Kist !e=uence
)PI; )PI4 )PI2 )PI< )P@)P@5 )P@& )P@, )P@I )P@@ )P@G )P@H )P@J )PG/ )PG)PG5 )PG& )PG, )PG@ )PGG )PGH )PG )PGB )PH/ )PH5 )PH, )PHI )PHG )PHH )PH )PHB )PH* )PH; )PH4 )PH2 )PH< )PJ)PJI )PJ@ )PJG )PJH
2ield !election' Task Kist ;etails 2ield selection task list overview 2ield selection std network (: P$T 2ield sel. insp.plan characteristics +umber range maintenance' $)6T3+LM& +umber ranges for routings +umber $anges for $ef.)peration !ets 1aintain !etup Lroup Ney 2ormula Parameters 1aintain Kocation Lroup 1aintain )peration *ontrol Ney 1aintain 1ove Time 1atrix 1aintain wage type 1aintain P$T *ontrol Ney 1aintain 9age Lroup P$T *ontrol Ney P$T uthorization Lroup 1aintain P$T Lroup Ney ;efine suitability 4ngineering 9orkbench for Task Kists 1aintain Type of !td. 8alue ;etermin *ustomizing matchcode for P$Ts ;efine Parameters 1aintain P$T !tatus ;efine 2ormula Profiles' ;efault 8alues for $tgs. Profiles' ;efault 8alues for O1 1aintain $outing%$ef.)p.!et 6sage 1aintain ssignmt. of Task Kist Type 1aintain operation value description 1aintain standard value texts $ecord layout for background " PK# ;ata transfer PK *ommand file task lists $el. 5.5 1aintain production scheduler Profiles' ;efault 8alues for $tgs. 1aintain )bject )verview 8ersion ssign 9ork *enter *at. to pplicatn 1aintain 9ork *enter *ategory 1aintain Performance 4fficiency $ate 1aintain 8alidity of Perf.4ffic.$ate
?o+ to delete PS master data and transaction data? This is a complex one. ! P usually does not allow you to delete anything. .ou will have to archive and then delete the objects. 3f there are 0bad0 projects without any transactional activity, you can mark the projects with status ;K2K. To archive, use transaction code ! $ . .ou will have to get your entire functional team ( 11, !;, 23, *), P! ( and decide on a module(by(module and transaction(by(transaction basis on the best approach to purge this data. .ou will also have to think about auditing and retrieval if this is production data. !olution is rchiving. 3t7s a seperate process better consult you basis consultants for this. rchiving object you should be looking at is P!MP$)E4*T "T *ode ! $ # -)&odes /ist <sed =n SAP)PS 6or &"stomi>ation Part ! )P / )P )P 5 )P & )P , )P I )P @ )P G )P J )PB)PB5 )PB& )PB, )PBI )P*/ )P*)P*5 )P*& )P*I )P*; )P*4 )P*2 )P*L )P*< )P*3 )P*K )P*1 )P*+ )P*O )P*$ !tatus selection profiles 1aintain combination definitions ;efine selection profile ;efine option profile ;efine list profile ;efine graphics profile ;efine overall profile ;efine columns 1aintain selection profiles ;efine list versions ;efine distribution function !pecify distribution functions !pecify distribution strategies !pecify distribution key xis representation selection 1aintain axis representation *urve representation selection 1aintain curve representation 1ax. no. of data records *apacity category *apacity planner Time units 1aintain )peration *ontrol Ney 1aintain production scheduler !etup group key%category !cheduling type !tandard value key 1aintain move time matrix 4fficiency rate 2ormula parameters
)P*! ;efine formula )P*T !trategies )P*6 !trategy levels )P*9 Planned order parameters )P*P 2ormula parameters )P*. ;efine formula )P;/ $esource planning overall profile )P;- $esource planning selection profile )P;5 *apacity leveling ( time profile )P;& $esource planning evaluation profile )P;, $esource planning period profile )P;I 2low control definition )P;@ 2low control control table )P;G 2low control statuses )P;H 2low *ontrol ctions )P;J 2low *ontrol 1essages )P; Transition matrix "setup matrix# )P;B *apacity Keveling !trategy Profile )P;; 2actory calendar )P;4 $esource planning control profile )P;2 ;efine re=uirements grouping )P;< *apacity leveling ( list profile )P;E ;efine layout )P;N ;efine standard overview )P;K *ap. plan. detailed cap.list maint. )P;1 ;efine detail list "leveling# )P;O Profile for planning table "tab.# )P;$ ;efine layout key )P;T ;efine detail list )P;6 1aintain perf. efficiency rate key )P;8 *om(file "$el(3nfo%)KPN# N)P. !etQs )P;9 *om(file "$el(3nfo%)KPN# N)P. !etQs )P4/ 1aintain !ort !tring )P4- 1aintain 8alue Type )P45 1aintain 1achine Type )P4& 1aintain Planner Lroup )P4, 1aintain *ontrol Parameters )P4I 1aintain rounding categories )P4@ 1aintain $ounding *ategory )P4G 1aintain overhead key )P4H 1aint. $oundg. and dd.8al.Ney ";ef# )P4J 1aintain 6ser Profile )P4 6ser selection )P4B utomatic selection )P4* PP user fields )P4+P! ;ownload ctivities to Palm Pilot
)P2/ 1aintain 6ser )P2uthorizations for * PP )P2 2ield selection' 9ork center )P2P *onfiguring the 2ixed Price 8ersion )P2$/- $P6*)$2/PB! ' 31L Kink )PL/ Profile for planning table )PL- *hart se=uence ( selection )PL5 Kine representation )PL& !cale time axis )PL, Time scale profile )PLI Lraphic obj.type sel.%repr.profile )PL@ Transition matrix setup fam.key )PLG Kine display selection )PLJ Lraphical object type%obj.represent. )PL; $ef. )per. !et( ll Task Kists "PP# )PL4 $ef. )per. !et ( $ate $outings "PP# )PL2 9ork *enter ( ll Task Kists "PP# )PLL 9ork *enter ( $ate $outings "PP# )PL< ;ocument P$T ( ll Task Kists )PL3 4=uipment P$T ( ll Task Kists )PLE 1aterial P$T ( ll Task Kists )PLN 1isc. P$T ( ll Task Kists )PLK $esource ( 1aster $ecipes "P3# )PL1 Process 3nstr. *at. ( 1aster $ecipe )PL+ ;ocument P$T ( 1aintenance Task Kist )PL) 4=uipment P$T(1aintenance Task Kists )PLP 1aterial P$T ( 1aintenance Task Kist )PLO 1isc. P$T ( 1aintenance Task Kists )PL$ 9ork *enter ( !tandard +etwork "P!# )PL! ;ocument P$T ( !tandard +etwork "P!# )PLT 4=uipment P$T ( !tandard +etwork"P!# )PL6 1aterial P$T ( !tandard +etwork "P!# )PL8 1isc. P$T ( !tandard +etwork "P!# )P<- *) *ash Bgt 1gmt' ;elete ctual ;ata )P<5 P! *ash 1anagement' ;elete Plan ;ata )P<& *) *ash Bgt 1gmt' ;elete 1aster ;ata )P<, *) *ash Bgt 1gmt' 11 ;ata Transfer )P<I *) *B1' !uccessive 23 ;ata Transfer )P<@ *) *B1' Take )ver 23 *ompletely )P<G *)(*B1' Take )ver ll ;ata )P3- 1aintain 8alue *ategories )P35 8alue *ategories for *ost 4lements )P3& 6pdate *ontrol' 2ile $P!*) )P3, *ommitment 3tem 8alue *ategories )P3I 8alue *ategories for !tag.Ney 2igs )P3@ ctivate *) *ash Budget 1anagement
)P3H ;isplay 8alue *ategory )P3 3nterest Profile for Projects )P3B 1aintain 3nterest Profile )P3* 3ntrst $elevance' *ost 4ls%*mmt 3tms )P3; Proj.3nt *alc' ccount ;etermination )P34 3nterest 3ndicator )P32 8iew 1aintenance'*ompound 3nt.*ont. )P3L 8iew 1aint.' *ompound 3nt. Periods )P3< 3nterest !cale, Leneral *onditions )P3+ +umber range maintnce' 8<6MP3+!T )PE5 Production order stock determination )PE, !chedule batch function re=uest )PE@ 1aintain !tatus Profiles )PEG 1aintain $outing 6sage )PEH 1aintain )peration *ontrol Ney )PEJ 1aintain prod. scheduler group )PE 1aintain setup group%group category )PEB !pecify system messages )PE* 1aintain 9age Lroups )PE; 3tem *ategories )PE4 6ser !election )PE2 utomatic !election )PEL 1aintain ;efault 8alues )PE< )rder types production order )PE3 B)1 6sage Priorities )PEE 1aintain !cope of *heck )PEN 1aintain *ontrol )PEK 1aintain *hecking $ule )PE1 pplication(!pecific *riteria )PE+ 1aintain !cheduling Type )PE) * 11(B; units of measurement )PEP 1aint. acct.assgnm.types for orders )PEO !tandard 8alue Ney )PE$ 1aintain move time matrix )PE! PP' 1aintain reduction strategies )PET 1aintain !trategy Kevels )PE6 Production order control parameters )PE8 1aintain *apacity *ategory )PE9 1aintain *apa.Planr.Lrp for 9rk*entr )PEP 2actory *alendar * )PE. 1aintain perf. efficiency rate key )PED 1aintain $elease Periods )PN/ *onfirmation Parameters PP )PN/T *onfirmation Parameters )PN- *onfirmation Parameters PP(P3 )PN-T *onfirmation Parameters
)PN5 )PN& )PN, )PNI )PN@ )PNG )PNH )PNJ )PN )PNB )PN* )PN; )PN4 )PN2 )PNL )PN< )PN3 )PNE )PNN )PNK )PN1 )PN+ )PN) )PNP )PNO )PN$ )PN! )PNT )PN6 )PN8 )PN9 )PNP )PND )PK)PK5 )PK& )PK, )PKI )PK@ )PKG )PKH )PKJ )PK )PKB )PK* )PK;
2ormula Parameters ;efine 2ormula *onfirmation Parameters 1aintain variances Kist Kayout ccessing *ustomizing P;* transfer 1aintain print control prod. orders 1aintain Loods $eceipt 8aluation 1aintain 1ovement Types *ontrol parallel confirmation *ontrol confirmation process chain *ontrol confirmation process chain !creen !e=uence for *omponents *ontrol parallel confirmation 1aintain 1essages 1aintain Breakpoints 1aintain *ollective *onfirmation 1aintain P$T *ontrol Ney !tandard Text 2ormula Parameters ;efine 2ormula )verview variant production control *ommand 2ile for Production )rders !hop floor control profile *ustomizing' 1atchcode for Proc.)rd. Print flag 1aintain )rigins for *) )bject 3nitial !creen' !ettlement !tructure 1aintain *ollective *onfirmation Print 2lag Print shop papers ;eletion 2lag%3ndicator *ustomizing 1atchcode for Prod)rder *osting 8ariants' PP Prod. )rder 1aintain trigger point group Trigger point usage Profile for missing parts list )rder type K3! parameters Profile for documented goods mvmts )rder change management profile )rder type parameters' )verview Parameters for order change mgmt *onditions' 8MT@H52 for < *) *ondTab' *reate "batch, prod.# *ondTab' *hange "batchs, prod.# *ondTab' ;isplay "batches, prod.#
)PK4 )PK2 )PKL )PK< )PK3 )PKE )PKN )PKK )PK1 )PK) )PKP )PKO )PK$ )PK! )PKT )PK8 )PK9 )PKP )PK. )PKD )P1/ )P1)P15 )P1& )P12 )P13 )P1E
!trategy types' Batch determ. "prod# ccess' 1aintain batch determ."prod# Batch determ.' Procedure for prod. )verview variant ( production orders Background job for goods movements Eob 02ast entry confirmation0 )verall profile for order prog. rep. )rder progress' ;isplayed fields )rder progress' ;isplayed fields maintain selection profile Eob 0*onvert planned order0 maintain filter for control keys 1aintain filter for capacity version Parallel processing control Target !ystem for ;ata Transfer 1aintain 2ilter for Task Kist 6sage 1aintain 2ilter for Task Kist !tatus 1aintain 2ilter for B)1 6sage 1aintain 2ilter for B)1 !tatus 1aintain P)3 Planned )rder !election 1aintain profile ( field selection *osting 8ariants ( Production )rder 1aintain ;etail !creen *ontrol )per. 1aintain ;etail !crn *ontrol <eader 2ield !election ( B)1 Transfer 3mport models activities ;etermine progress values
)P+/ 1aster $ecipe Profile )P+- 1aintain Profiles for 1aster $ecipes )P+5 8aluation 8ariants ( Prod. )rder )P+& )verv.8ar.' 1aster $ecipe !cheduling )P+I 2ield !eln' !td +etwork )verview )P+@ 2ield !election !tandard +etwork <dr )P+G 2ield !el.'!td +twk ctivity ;etail )P+H 2ield !el.'!td.+twk *omp.)verview )P+J 2ield !el. !td +twk *omp.;etail )P)- *reate *ost 4lement Planning Kayout )P)5 *hange *ost 4lement Planning Kayout )P)& ;isplay *ost 4lement Planning Kayout )P), *reate !tat. N2 Planning Kayout )P)I *hange !tat. N2 Planning Kayout )P)@ ;isplay !tat. N2 Planning Kayout )P)G 8iew 1aintenance 8MT*E,-MG )P)H 8iew 1aintenance 8MT*E,-MH )P)J 8iew 1aintenance 8MT*E,-MJ )P) 8iew 1aintenance 8MT//&)M+/ )P)B 8iew 1aintenance 8MT//&)M+)P)* 8iew 1aintenance 8MT&JJPM+/ )P); 8iew 1aintenance 8MT&JJPM+)P)4 8iew 1aintenance TMT&JJPM+5 )PP- *ustomizing 1$P )PP5 1P! )PP& *ustomizing $epetitive 1anufacturing )PPI Kist Profile *omponent Kist )PP PP%1$P *ustomizing 4xplosion )PPB ;irect Procurement )PP* Period Lrouping )PP; *ustomizing Planning Time 2ence )PP4 *onversion Plnnd )rder (: Prod.)rder )PP4/- Leneral iPP4 *ustomizing )PP4/5 ;efine iPP4 +ode Type )PP4/& ;efine iPP4 8ariant Types )PP4/, ;efine iPP4 lternative Types )PP4/I ;efine iPP4 $elationship Types )PP4/@ *ustomer(!pec. 1odel ssgts "iPP4# )PP4/G Time nalysis' Partner Products iPP4 )PP4-- Profiles' iPP4 9B Professional )PP4-5 Tabs' iPP4 9orkbench Professional )PP4-& 6ser ssgmt' iPP4 9B Professional )PP4-, ;efine $eports for iPP4 9B Prof. )PP4-I ;efine 3nterface for iPP4 9orkbench )PP45/ Profile 1aintenance iPP4 P! )PP4 *T/;efine !td 8al. ;etermin. Type
)PP4 *T/5 )bject ;ependency in Process !truct. )PP4*<N/*ustomizing' *onsistency *heck )PP4;)N ;ocumentation )PP4K63/Profile ;efinition' iPP4 9B 4xpress )PP4K63/5 6ser ssignment' iPP4 9B 4xpress )PP4$4!/*ustomizing for Production $esources )PP4!*1P8 )bject ;ependent !tatus 1anagement )PP4!T T6! *ross( pplication !tatus 1anagement )PP2 *ustomizing for )rder $eport )PP< *ustomizing Purchase $e=. *onversion )PP3 vailable !tock )PPE 1$P *hecking $ule )PPN <ierarchy 4lement )PPK 1$P )PP1 4valuation Profiles )PP+ Kayout )PP) <ierarchy 4lement )PPP *ustomizing ;irect Procurement )PPO * 1 1$P Plant Parameters for 1$P )PP$ * 1 1$P 1$P Lroup )PP! !trategy )PPT !trategy Lroup )PP6 !trategy Lroup for 1$P Lroup )PPD 1$P Lroup )P$rea of $esponsibility R(: 1essage )P$& ;efinition of Breakpoints )P$,M *T 1ultilevel ctual !ettlement )P$,M*N 1aterial *ost 4stimate )P$,M*N1* 1ass *osting ( !ales ;ocuments )P$,M*N1K *losing and *alc. of Periodic Price )P$,M*NP2 Price 6pdate )P$,M2*) *ollective Processing' 8ariances )P$,MNN 93P *alculation )P$,MNNP $epetitive 1fg and Process 1fg )P$,MNN! *ollective Processing' 8ariances )P$,MNN!3ndividual Processing' 8ariances )P$,MPP*) Production )rder' *ost *alculation )P$I ;efinition of 4rror 1gmt 3;s "! P# )P$@ ;efinition of )bject 3;s "! P# )P$G ;ef. of reas of $esponsibility )P$H ;ef. of 1inimum 1essage Types "! P# )P$J ;ef. of $eference )bjects "! P# )P$*124 6ser(;efined 1essages )P$2 1aintain Ouotation Prefixes )P! *ustomizing for Project !ystem )P!/ 1aintain print control for networks
)P!- 1aintain 6ser 2ields )P!5 1aintain $elationship Texts )P!& 1aintain P! Text Types )P!, 1aintain simulation profile )P!I 1aintain !tandard +etwork Profile )P!@ 1aintain Project 1anager )P!G 1aintain pplicant )P!H 1aterialflow network )P!J Budget 1anagement Profile )P! 1aintain Project Profile )P!B *ost Planning Profile )P!* *reate network types )P!* ! *ommand 2ile Payments "P!# )P!*)! *ommand 2ile *osts "P!# )P!; 1aintain Profile for $eport Kines )P!4 1aintain $eport Lroups )P!2 1aintain $eport 8ariations )P!L )rder change management profile )P!< 1aintain ctrl. key for activity "P!# )P!3 4dit P! validation rules )P!3+! *ommand 2ile 3nfo !ystem "P!(2# )P!E 1aintain Project *oding )P!N 1aintain !pecial *haracters )P!K Project 3nfo !ystem )verview 1aint. )P!1 1aintain )verall Profile P! 3nfo!ys )P!+ 4dit P! substitution rules )P!) 1aintain Project Types )P!P *apacity availability check )P!P $- 1aintain Partner 2unctions )P!P $5 ;efine Kang.(;ep.Partner 2unctions )P!P $& 9B! Partner Profile )P!O 3ntervals for *ost%$evenue Types )P!$ 1aintain milestones )P!$48 *ommand 2ile $evenues "P!# )P!! 1aintain milestones )P!T +etwork *onfirmation Parameters )P!6 1aintain ctivity *ontrol Ney )P!8 *ost object ind. )P!9 3nfo !ystem Profile )P!P P!' $eset 0Budgeted0 !tatus )PT1aintain P! Transaction Types )PT5 1atchcode for project definition )PT& 1atchcode for 9B! elements )PT, 1atchcode for standard network )PTI *ustomizing matchcode for network )PT@ 1aintain std. milestone group
)PTG )PTH )PTJ )PT )PTB )PT* )PT; )PT4 )PT2 )PTL )PT< )PT3 )PTE )PTN )PTK )PT1 )PT+ )PT) )PTP )PTO )PT$ )PT! )PTT )PT6 )PT8 )PT9 )PTP )PT. )PTD )P6/ )P6& )P6, )P6I )P6@ )P6G )P6H )P6J )P6 )P6B )P6* )P6; )P6< )P63 )P6E )P6N )P6K
Project planning board profile 1aintain hierarchy graphic % dates +etwork parameters for P!(!; *ommand file for P! (: 23 area *ommand file for 9B! *ommand file for network *ommand file for standard network *ommand file for P! info system *ommand file for P! graphic 1aintain P! 3nfo !ummztn *riteria P! info system maintenance 1aintain Progrss nalysis )verview 1aintain P! 3nfo 6nit *onversion 4xclude *ost 4lems from vlbty *ntrl 1aintain P! 3nfo *omparison *riteria 2incl Budgeting Profile for Projects 1aintain priorities *hange costing variants !ub(network parameters 1aintain 9B! scheduling parameters !trategies for settlement rules 1aintain project version profile 1aint. acct.assgnm.types for orders 1aint. P! 3nfo !ystem field settings 1aint. P! 3nfo !ystem sort criteria 1aint.P! 3nfo !ystem group. criteria 1aint. P! 3nfo !ystem database set. *apacity leveling ( Time profile%P! 1atchcode for standard 9B! elements 1atchcode for standard project def. Production order control parameters 1aintain *apacity Planning "!)P# Parameter long term planning Plnd)rd Production order control parameters *ontrol parameters plant maintenance )verview 8ar.' <eader Kine 3nfo !ys. )verview 8ariant' 3tem Kine 2ield selection' +etwork' <eader 2ield selection' +etwork' )verview 2ield selection' +etwork' ;etails 2ield selection'+etwork confirmation 2ield sel' !td. project definition 2ield selection' !td. 9B! elements 2ield selection' Project definition 2ield selection' 9B! element P!' 1aintain reduction strategies
)P61 )P6+ )P6) )P6P )P6O )P6$ )P6! )P6T )P66 )P68 )P69 )P6P )P6. )P6D )P8* )P8P
1aintain !ubprojects *apacity overviews Project schedule overviews !ubnetwork schedule overview )verall network scheduling overview 3nfo !ystem' !tructure overview 1aintain 8ersion +umber 4ntry 1ask 1aintain overview variants 1aintain +etwork Profile +etwork Type Parameters !tandard +etwork !tatus 1aintain overview variants std netwk )verview var.'!td.ntwrk scheduling *ontrol parameters plant maintenance *onvert vlability *ntrl Tol.Kimits *ollective availibility checkProfile
Planned &ost 9iffers from Act"al &ost A"estion * 3 have a problem. 3 have a standard activity which the price is S- % hr. 3 have created a project in which a activity has a planned hr of =ty -. But my planned cost comes in as 7S/.H&7. But when 3 comfirm my activity, the actual cost comes in as 7S-7. 9hy is my planned cost differingT 9hat is the cause of the S/.H& instead of S-. 9here can i check and change this. Ans+er * 3 guess that you use different costing "and valuation# variants. so the system might valuate plan and actuals differently. A"estion * 9here and how do i control itT Ans+er * 3n the network header are two fields' one for the plan costing variant and one for the actual costing variant. .ou maintain the costing variants in the customizing' P! (: *osts (: Planned *osts (: utomatic *osting in +etworks (: *osting (: ;efine *osting 8ariants. ;isplay the costing variant and jump to the valuation variant. There you find how the determines the costs. Validations in PS A"estion * 3 am trying to use validation in the Project. *an any one tell when are the call up points --/ and -5/ trigerred T 3 want to validate one of the user defined fields in 9B!.
4verything is working fine when 3 simulate the validation. But when 3 enter a value in the user defined field and save the project then 3 do not get the error message as expected. ;oes anybody have an idea what could be wrong TT Ans+er * Please see if you have checked the check box for utomatic validation in the relevant project profile. A"estion * 3 want to validate the customer number in one of the user fields in 9B!. The formula builder in the validation screen, it seems, does not support table fields other than fields from P$P!. *an this be done thru some user exits TT 3f yes how TT *an u guide me in this TT Ans+er * To use a user exit in validations, you have to perform following stepsU ( copy ! P standard program LLB!//5 to DLLB!//5 ( create a user exit in this program "such as 6J/5, 6J/& etc# ( the user exit you defined in the above mentioned program will be visible in validations on screen tab 74xits7 ( configure your validation with 76ser exit7 as option WBS description doesnBt appear completely in hierarchical A"estion * 3n the hierarchical reports in P! de 9B! description is not showed completely. ;o you know a way to make this appear completelyT Ans+er *) 9e are on ,.@B and this is what you can do. '( -# 4xecute report 5# 4xpand your results, if necessary &# *lick on any 9B! line description ,# 2ollow the menu path !ettings%*haracteristic display I# *hoose lead column @# 1ove object short description to the value set side of the panel G# 1ove object long description to the lead column side of the panel !ave "if you have authorization#. +ote you can use this procedure for any other object that may show up on the report display. i.e. navigation characteristics change the objects displayed. Any+ay to p"t checks ,efore settin$ to -E&;? A"estion * *an anyone pl let me know about the followings' 3s there any way to put checks "in the form of tick mark etc# before setting the system status to 0T4*)0( e.g. some documents are received or not etc.
Ans+er * .ou can set the system status to Technically completed T4*) which can be later on withdrawn. The necessary changes are reflected in the system status on saving the +etwork 9ith the setup of user statusses "tr. )3B!#, you have the ability to disable the 7T4*)7 as long as a certain user status 7e.g. waiting for documents7 is active /inks to doc"ments stored on the We, A"estion * 3s there a way to create a document "under a project# which refers to a 6$K and not to a document stored on a content serverT Ans+er * .es you can, but you need define in ;1! customizing some points. -.( 3nner 0;efine ;ata *arriers0 in ;efine data carrier type external 0;1!0 a record with this information' T.P V 34, ;escription V That you want, *heck )+K3+4 and 4P, the inside this in ;efine 4xternal ;1! create a record with ; T * $ V 3+T4$+4T, T.P V 34, ;escription V That you want, *heck 4P. 5.( 3nner 0;efine 9orkstation pplications0 define an application for web pages without file format, inside this in 0;efine 9orkstation applications in network0 create records for options -, 5, &, the path of location of your navigator in your P* or you can put 0W 6T)W iexplore.exe Wf0. Then when you create a document in the )riginal field you can put the 6$K and in the ;ata *arrier field put the name that you define in the customizing. ?o+ to settlement a"c to asset in PS? A"estion * The cost of project have settled to auc"investment asset#, but when the project is finished, in 1 or in P! i can7t settle auc to assetT Pls give me some suggestionX ny idea is appreciationX Ans+er * .ou must set technically complete for your 9B! ? +9 before settle 6* to ssets. <pdatin$ the c"rrent ;rder cost plan A"estion * 9e are in ,@*. !tarting a project, we establish an )rder cost plan. 9e plan the amount of work "in hours# and specify the work center for each of the activities. 2or material components, we enter the forecast material costs in the field 01aterial planning0. 9e see the total and detailed by activity cost plan in *+!,- "!tructure overview# in the column 0)rder cost plan ///0. t some point in time, the project advancement shows that we have to reconsider the original cost plan, for instance because the actual costs collected so far are much higher than foreseen at start(up. 1anagement decides to change the cost plan /// to reflect the new forecasted budget. 1anagement already told that they would like to be able to specify a new total value for the )rder cost plan /// of the activity rather then to play with the amount of work "hours# in the activity. They say it should be something like this "for labor#' "actual cost# A "number of hours to do F cost of work center# V order cost plan ///.
9hat options do we have to modify the 0)rder cost plan ///0TT Ans+er * There is a functionality called cost forecast "transaction *EJK%*EJ1#. 3 think this is exactly what you re=uire. The forecasted costs are saved in a separate *) version. .ou could try to display this version in *+!,-. &reate net+ork from Sales ;rder A"estion * 9e are currently running ,.@* and have implemented !; and P!. The situation is we want to be able to create a network automatically from the sales order during creation. 37ve assigned the strategy group HI to the material master and 37ve defined the network parameters from sales order "via transaction *+/H#. The result... ;uring creation of the sales order "transaction 8 /-#, the network is created successfully but the components are not transferred to the network. 3s it supposed to or notT 3f so, what additional configuration should 3 look atT 37m not very familiar with the standard functionality so 37m hoping someone out there has experience with this topic. Ans+er * The components in assembly processing remain on the sales order only. 3n case you are working with reasonably complex scenario on B)1 and procurement, where material items have their own dependencies schedulewise e.g to design, you should put the materials on the network. The best way to accomplish this is to do the B)1 allocation "transfer# to activities and have only the invoicing item at sales order. =7 and 67 A"estion * 3s that possible to use 31 to control investment projects and 21 to control general costsT 9hat is needed to be done in order to avoid conflicts between 31 and P! T Ans+er * 3nvestment 1anagement"# 31 1odule is highly integrated with controlling"*)# , project system"P!#, and sset 1anagement"23( # components. 32 you would like to implement 31 ? P! you might ask yourself what additional advantages are offered by using 31 . These 3nclude' -( in P! you can represent the planned and the budgeted values of all projects . using 31 you can
represent the budgeting process from the organization pointview. 31 helps you track of budget amounts that you carry forward for projects that were approved in prior fisical year. 5( 6sing $ in 31 * + help you decide what budget will be assigned to your organization 6nit. 31 <andles *ost Planning ? Budget pproval and P! 1anages Project 4xecution with 8 * for the Budget for each project. 7"ltiple :oot WBS A"estion * *an any one tell me in detail of advantages and ;is(advantages of 1ultiples $oot 9B! in the project. nd one more why do you using the same coding 1ask for P; and $oot 9B!. Ans+er * 1ultiple $oot 9B!4s helps in budgeting scenarios where these 9B!4s are funded from different sources say a customer project has part scope of $?; "funded by $?;#. .ou may also want to fund these root 9B!4s from 31 programs "linking to position 3;s.# A"estion * S",ject * PS Assets "nder &onstr"ction 3 know that 3 can maintain the Plant for the 9B! 4lement, what 3 would like to know is if it is also possible to maintain the Kocation as wellT 37ve heard that it is not possible but 3 would like to hear other opinions. ny suggestionsT 9e are on version ,./B. 3 would like to know since the sset 1anagement people here are asking if it7s possible to maintain it in P! or if this can only be done in 1. 11 is not included in this implementation, but we did set up the Plants and Kocations. :eply * S",ject * PS Assets "nder &onstr"ction you can maintain a location for a 9B! element as well. !elect 9B! element, follow path ;etails : )rgainsation. This screen has a field called 2unctional Kocation, apart from other orgainsation details such as *ontrolling rea, *ompany *ode, Business rea, Plant, *alender etc A"estion * S",ject * PS 8et+ork Stat"sCs @ &onfirmations 3s there a status that can be set for a network activity that will stop time confirmations from being processedT T4*) stops changes to the basic data, but allows further time confirmations.
:eply * S",ject * PS 8et+ork Stat"sCs @ &onfirmations you can lock account assignment for the network%activity in consideration depending on whether the network is header%activity assigned. This disallows the confirmation of the activities.
There are 5 outcomes for change documents and they should both be implemented if it7s important that you keep track of changes made to a project' Leneral changes "the one at the top# ( any field content changes made to a project 9B! after it was first saved will be recorded in a file. eg. if you changes the 9B! description, the old value and the new value will be recorded, or if you changed a person responsible, it would also be recorded etc. This information can be reviewed in 3nfo !ystems report *+@/ to old%new values and who%when. !tatus 1anagment "the one checked in !tatus 1anagement# ( any changes to !ystem and 6ser !tatus will be recorded, including the status history and who%when. *hanges can be seen in any project maintenance transaction "eg. *E/5, *E5/+# by clicking on the 0i0 icon for a P; or 9B!, then following the internal pull(down menu path' 4xtras:*hange ;ocuments: 2or !tatus% ll..ou can then drill(down on the satus to see its history.
=s there any +ay ,y +hich +e can lock t+o specific +,s elements say overheads and other expenses, so that the "ser cannot release P:? The easiest way would be to define the project release process in the bottom(up fashion. That means, you will only release the activities%9B! elements that you need from time to time during the course of the project. That way, charges won7t be accrued on a 9B! element until it7s released "so, don7t release it until it7s ready for collecting costs#. =s there any +ay ,y +hich +e can stop the net+ork from attachin$ f"rther materials after it is released? This is controlled through the change profile, which is assigned to the network profile. 3n the change profile, under the *omponent tab, you can define the release status of the activity at which you can create%change%delete material components. ?o+ can +e set the options for capacity reports &75 ? This will possible depend on your config, but the options 3 use are' !ettings:Leneral: Tick, *umulation of re=mts, ;yn. capacity cumul. and then select the hierarchy you have set up. 3 then select the financial year "as we are budget driven# using 4ntry type and the start%finish of the financial year. 3 select period 1onth. Then click tick. 3 then select the work centre 3 re=uire. or arm of the hierarchy. .ou can then select standard overview and also select graphs or if you need a detailed list press that button. F(( Eim *arter
Percent complete ctivity V -// V (P)* Percent complete ctivity B V-// B(P)* 9eigth or contribution of V &/W (9gt 9eigth or *ontribution of B VG/W B(9gt "The sum of the weigth need to be -//W# The Project dvance will be (P)*F (wgt A B(P)*FB(9gt This implies V -//F&/W A -//FG/W V &/ A G/ V-// The weigth is a function of 1en(<ours, *ost or !pecial(9eigth. <ser Stat"s :eport =n the ,"siness scenario "sed here a stat"s profile containin$ different <ser stat"ses +ith a"thorisation controls has ,een set "p in the Project 9efinition for controllin$ the process of Project creation @ approval. -he process flo+ is as follo+s ) -he project is created ,y the desi$n team, after +hich it is sent to pre)a"dit team for approval, the pre)a"dit team approves it, on approval the project is released and the rest of the process flo+s on. Each of the a,ove phases is marked ,y an "ser stat"s and on completion of a phase the "ser sets the next "ser stat"s for the o,ject. :eH"irement * An ABAP report is reH"ired to ,e developed +hich sho+s the date and time at +hich each of the "ser sta"s +as set and released. Lo to transaction !4&H, and enter $B!8*;)* in the field 0Program0. !elect the 4xecute button. 3nsert your 9B!7s object number, and select the tick box 0!<)9M KK0 4xecute the program. 3f the results is what you are looking for, then follow these steps to have your re=uired report on 6ser !tatus *hange Kog' -. sk your B P program to copy function $B!8*;)* to a D(Program, and 5. assign a D( transaction code this copied D(program. &. .ou can also ask the programmer if he is able to design a user defined input screen to this program. &reatin$ an =nternal Activity at the 8et+ork /evel -ryin$ to create an internal activity at the net+ork level and +henever = $o to the men" to add an internal activity, the level moves "p to the project level instead of remainin$ at the ne+ork level. -his of co"rse prevents me from creatin$ the internal activity. Why this is happenin$? 9ork out the following path ' -# Lo to 0!tructure Tree0 "Top(left pane of Project Builder#, click on +etwork <eader. 5# 3n 09ork rea0 "$ight pane# click on 0 ctivities )verview0 icon. Lo to 03nt. Processing Tab0 and define activity with relevant field details and *onfirm.
This will create 3nt activity in the selected +etwork only. F(( +abada 1ore -ime calc"lation in +ork &enter 7y reH"irement is to calc"late the time taken for a component +hich contains ' ;perations. <sin$ Work &enters in PS 7od"le. 9etails of the ;perations* . &hain c"ttin$ !. Solderin$ #. /ock fittin$ '. Assem,ly -ime taken for solderin$ operation I 0 sec%solderin$ operation ;ne component contains I !5 solderin$ operation -otal time taken to finish one component I #55 sec =n one day +e can make I 3 hrF!3355secD%#55secI41 nos. ?o+ +e can calc"late this in the system <sin$ Work &enter. .ou need to do folowing.... -# ;efine , activity type with these names and give the unit of operation as second ( and assign it to a cost center in kp5@ with cost 5# ;efine a work center in *+$-...using usage project management ///@ &# ssign formulae ! P//, in the other formulae in scheduling tab and ! P//H in capacity Tab. ,# ssign working hours for your 9* in capacity tab header data as H hours and put number of available capacity "no.of people in 9ork center# I# ssign all the activity types in the 9ork center costing tab @# Live duration for all these activity in your project G# !chedule the project and do costing.... F(( $itesh Bhushan
Workforce Plannin$ and Project Stat"s 9hen a project status is set back to $4K from T4*) or *K!; status, the work force planning done is getting deleted completly at the activity. $un cmpJ"4valuation again# and you will have workforce planning back.
Work6orce Plannin$ 9e are using *1P5 for doing workforce planning in our )rg, we attach reources to activities, now the issue is we want to put an end date to the resource attached so that the particluar resource does not appear in cmp5 . P.! ( we have tried by attaching resource to 9B! too, it doesn7t work. 3n *1P5 ( mark the relevant line ( press the bottom with the pencil ( make a new end date and save. +ext time you enter *1P5 the start date has to be after the end date you entered. Be aware that the end date affect the work list for the person in * T!. -a,le for System stat"s F+,sD 3 am trying to create one =uery to find out wbs status assigned )pen P). 3 have located the relevant file for P) but not able to get table which stores system status. The table names are E4!T, TE/5T Pass the )BE+$ to the table E4!T you will get !ystem !tatus +umber. )nce you get !ystem !tatus +umber pass it to table TE)5T you will get !ystem !tatus text. WBS and company codes 3s it possible to have two different company code within the same 9B! structureT 2or a single 9B! element ( +) 9ithin the structure ( .4! provided company codes belong to same controlling area =SB9 system stat"s ;oes anyone know if system status 3!B; should be set if a budget tolerance with action 0warning0 is exceeded, however the total budget is not exceeded. 9e have the following set up' H/W 9arning J/W 9arning with mail -//W 4rror message t H/W the system status 3!B; "3nsufficient budgeting# is setU is this correct. .ou are right. The status 3!B; "3nsufficient budgeting# is set once the tolerence limit - is exceeded. Project version* &an = $o ,ack to a previo"s version?
*an 3 go back to a previous version of a projectT 2or instance, a new project version is created automatically on release of the project. 3s it possible to go back to the previous version in order to 0undo0 the releaseT Project versions are used as snapshots of projects at different status or manually triggered points. .ou would not be able to go back to versions because the version is not the operative project. .ou will not be able to undo a $4K status. &lose the Project <ow can 3 close the project, after closing any P$s and P) no ProcessingT )pen the project in *E5/+. Lo to menu bar path' 4dit(: status(: *lose. !ave project. Please note that you must first have gone through the normal progression of status moves from *$T; to $4K to T4*) before you will be able to close.
are what typically is thought of as a -project-. Such maintenance projects are planned by describing the estimated wor$ effort per -operation- (activity) and wor$ center performing that wor$ effort. "y lin$ing operations inside wor$ orders or across them a generic project schedule is created. .nfortunately SAP'P+ has only limited scheduling capabilities. Therefore effective enterprise project scheduling for maintenance purposes re&uires either the use of the SAP PS module# the integration with e%ternal scheduling tools li$e Primavera or +S Project# or for less comple% projects the use of e%ternal tools li$e /W!S (for more information about these tools please search this web site). The basic master records used by Plant +aintenance are0 ' +aintenance 1otifications2 ' +aintenance !rders2 ' 3unctional 4ocations2 ' 5&uipments2 ' +aterials2 and ' Wor$ enters (,esources).
3unctional 4ocations and 5&uipments contain fields that allow grouping by units# locations# or plant locations.
Difference bet$een SAP PS and PM% The SAP world makes an important distinction etween !PS! and !PM!" The acronym !PM! is a so#rce of fre$#ent conf#sion" %or many project mana&ement professionals it simply stands for !Project Mana&ement!' while in the SAP comm#nity it is the a reviation for the !Plant Maintenance! mod#le of SAP" The SAP PM mod#le was not desi&ned as a project mana&ement mod#le" (t still contains a lot of components very similar to the SAP PS mod#le' which is the project mana&ement mod#le called !Project System!" SAP define their mod#les y f#nction more so than y the process they cover"
! P(P!)
&/;S=8. A P:;JE&-
!ubject' *K)!3+L
3 tried to close a project Y 5@//////HJ. 3 am getting an error message 0 There is still 93P for 9B! 5@//////HJ 0. The long text suggests that 0 *alculate the 93P for 9B! 5@//////HJ so that it can be cleared. Then settle 9B! 5@//////HJ, including the cleared 93P in the settlement 0. 3 am not clear with this information. 9hat should 3 do for this TT 9e went from &.-< to &.-3 about 5/ days back. 3n &.-< 3 have never come across like this.. ((((($eply 1essage((((( !ubject' $4' *K)!3+L P$)E4*T
Typically this occurs for one of two reasons' ( .ou have costs on the 9B! that need to be settled to a cost center or other 9B! ( .ou have $ that still needs to be run and settled This can get comlicated if you are not doing full settlement as you will have to open up the past periods to fix it. ((((($eply 1essage((((( !ubject' $4' *K)!3+L P$)E4*T
.ou cannot close the project if you have a 93P value in it. 3t7s because' -. +o invoice has been generated for that project. "fully invoiced status hasn7t been reached#. 3f you generate the invoice, the 93P value will be transferred to cost of sales. 5. 3nvoice has been generated but the 93P value is not yet settled fully due to some provision as provided by the difference between your plan values and actual values. <ave both values e=ual and run the $ and settlement again. )nce 93P is zero, then change the status to *K)!4;.
=nvestment 7ana$ement
!ubject' 3nvestment 1anagement ( 6rgentX 6rgent X 9e wish to incorporate monthly spending plans in 31"3nvestment 1anagement#. <as anybody had any success in implementing this in conjunction with having nnual and )verall Budget 1anagement. ((((($eply 1essage((((( !ubject' $e' 3nvestment 1anagement ( 6rgentX 6rgent X <ave not tried using monthly plans in 31, but have used multiple plan versions in P! "all 31 measures in my co. are linked to
projects#. P! reporting allows selection of the plan version for comparison to budget. 1ost effective use is for cumulative monthly cost plans. lso suggest that you would want to use a uni=ue identifier for monthly plans vs. overall project plans in your naming%numbering conventions.
!o when a maintenance order is released, system will do a budget check against the 9B! element mentioned. 3f the budget check status is )N, order is released or else it will stopped from release. 3f the order is stopped from release, maintenance department will have to supplement the budget. 6pon supplementing, the order is released again ? the maintenance cost such as, labour, material costs can be booked on the order. gain the order cost is settled to cost centre ? at the same time, budget is consumed from the respective 9B! element. 4very year, maintenance department will copy the previous years project so as to save time ? efforts to create project ? 9B! elements. nd the maintenance department will assign the budget allocated to each 9B! element in a financial year. 3t is also possible to return the unutilised budget or, transfer of budget from one 9B! element to another. ( *reate a project *E5/+ ( *reate 9B! element *E5/+ ( ssign Budget to 9B! elementsN)55 ( ;isplay assigned Budget N)5& ( !upplement Budget N)5, ( ;isplay !upplement budget N)5I ( $eturn Budget N)5@ ( ;isplay $eturn budget N)5G ( Transfer of budget *E&, Settlement 6rom WBS to A<& that +as created from other WBS ?o+ can make a settlement from a WBS to an A<& that +as created from other WBS ?. -he system send me a messa$e AA # Ko" cannot posted to the A<& F =nvestment S"pport 7eas"re D. -he ?elp told me that = need fla$ a WBS like a &apital =nvestment 7eas"re, = search in all fields of the str"ct"re ,"t = dont fo"nd nothin$. Lo to the 9B! element *ontrol data tab and enter the investment profile field. Then it will allow you to create an 6*. What is the correct proced"re for settlin$ the WBS element costs to an A"& @ then to as asset? 2or settlement to 6* settlement rule is not re=uired. 2ollow the steps' -# 2or 9B! element where the asset has to be created, 6* willbe created automatically when the 9B! element is in release status to get this investment profile should be assigned to 9B! element in *ontrol Tab 5# .ou can see in the syatem status show as 6* to see the 6* number follow the path 4;3T(((: 9B! element ((((: 3nvestment program((((: sset under *onstruction where you can see the 6c which is created automatically &# )nce the above two steps are throughfor settlement to 6* goto transaction *EHH give the 9B! element number select the processing type as partial captalization and execute all the costs pertaining to that 9B! elements will be automatically settled to the 6* which is created for that 9B! element
Project ;,jects
!ubject' Project )bjects 9e have found that there are more than one 9B! for an object. This is supposed to be a uni=ue relationship i.e. one to one. )n doing an object find for a Project *haracteristic you obtain the object numbers "that is 9B! elements internal numbers# of the objects that contain the characteristics. 6sing T.code !4-@ you can find the 9B! element number of the object. )n doing this search we have found multiple 9B! elements for the same object number. )n investigating the situation, we found that in most instances the 0other0 object another 9B! element in the same structure or one created shortly after the correct 9B! element. 9e have not yet found out why this happens, what the solution is or if we have found all occurrences. ((((($eply 1essage((((( !ubject' $4' Project )bjects 3n P$P!, there is , fields that refer to an ! P object' P)!3; is the 9B! element identifyer the user see on the screen P!P+$ is the internal ! P project item number "which 3! uni=ue# )BE+$ is the ! P object number "made out prefix 7P$7 and the internal project item number. 3t is also the number that is stored in the *osts tables. P!P<3 is the internal current number of the project the 9B! element belongs to. ll these numbers are absolutely uni=ue. But all 9B! elements in the same project will share the same P!P<3, which indicates the project "from the P$)E database#. The reason why you have an internal ! P number "P!P+$# and an external number "P)!3;# is to allow the user to change the 9B! element identifyer without losing all the history. *heck to make sure you were looking at the right object number.
F'D 8et+ork &ostin$ When do +e $o for each of these methods, practically. =n $eneral implementation, +hich &ost Plannin$ +o"ld ,e "sed? <ere is a very brief overview for you' 4asy *ost Planning"4*P# is really 6nit *osting with a pretty face "1ysap*om#. 3t is used in Transaction *E5/+ "Project Builder# only. .ou can set up 7*ost 1odels7 in 4*P using *haracteristics which can be used to calculate values and automatically create *ost Plan Kine 3tems ( this is useful for companies who have pre(set planning methods "eg. Planning costs for building a bicycle, or a chemical test that re=uires known materials, labour, services and general costs.#. 3t is a very flexible tool. n extention to 4*P is 4xecution !ervices, which allows you to automatically generate 1aterial $eservations, Purchase $e=uisitions and ctivity llocations. 3ts disadvantages "versus +etworks# is that the planned costs are all aggregated to one 9B! "unless you split your 9B!7s up to reflect the work you are doing ( Kabour, 1aterials, 4=uipment etc#. Therefore, actual costs hit the 9B! itself, not the line(item to which you planned. ;isadvantages of 4*P is that it does not distribute planned costs across time "no distribution rule#. lso, there is no scheduling "start(finish, dependencies#. *onfiguration for 4*P is relatively straight forward. *osts for 4*P can be planned against any Plan 8ersion "default is Plan 8ersion /#. +etworks allow you to plan costs via objects called +etwork ctivities. They can be maintained not only in *E5/+, but also in *E5;. They are a little more complex to use, but they allow you to have a networked structure. 4ach +etwork ctivity can have planned costs for 9ork *entre% ctivity Type, !tock%+on(stock 1aterials, !ervices and Leneral *osts by *ost 4lement. ctivities can have a list of 1aterial *omponents. +etworks will generate 1aterial $eservations and%or Purchase $e=uisitions automatically. *onfiguration can be very complex. ll costs for +etworks are sent to Plan 8ersion /. ;istribution of costs across time is supported. ;etailed *ost Planning is used when you simply want to plan your costs via *ost 4lements. .ou can plan these costs against any Plan 8ersion. 2or a =uick, easy planning method, 4*P cannot be beaten as long as you don7t want complex scheduling. 3t is impossible to list all the feature%advantages%disadvantages to the planning methods in this.
.es, provided you do the settlement run on different dates. lso check the 23 settings for settlement strategy. ! P !tandard defaults the following scenario' n asset can only be capitalized when the asset is in use%productive. This means the deliverable%asset must be completed. This is the same as the status T4*) "technically complete#. 9hen you capitalize "settle to asset#, then the system takes the date when the 9B! status changed to T4*), and defaults this date as the asset value. ll the line items in the 9B! will therefore assume the T4*) date of the 9B! and that is why all the line items in the 9B! have the same asset value date. ll the individual line items contributes together to one uni=ue asset, and all have the same value date of the uni=ue asset, which was derived, from the T4*) date of the 9B!. This can be adjusted and changed in the 23( module, but make sure you understand the implications. The asset value date is used to derive the start date for depreciation, and depreciation is normally governed externally by a governmental institution, and your company must adhere to this external re=uirements. *onsult with your company7s auditor%financial executive to get the applicable rules and make sure your settings faals within this re=uirements.
Logistics :
PS S",stit"tions
We have confi$"red Partner f"ncitons to "sed at P9 and WBS element level. We +ant to enter the Cc"stomer n"m,erC as partner at the P9 level and then +ant to copy it a"tomatically in all the WBS elements "nder the project. =s it possi,le to do s"ch a thin$? We are "na,le to "se s",stit"tions co> Partner fields do not occ"r in the s",stit"tion fields. This is reasonably easy to achieve with substitution exit, where you can retrieve data from any logically linked objects and use these as substitution source data. This is described in note ,,/-H@, chapter ,. <owever, with this techni=ue you can only maintain the fields of P$P!, e.g. user fields 6!$F. 3f your intention is to substitute corresponding Partner role in each level of 9B!, 3 think that will not be possible with this techni=ue directly. .ou should additionally check if there is a user exit at partner maintenance to complete the scenario.
+ormally you can use user exit $LLB!// to insert a user specific into subsititution. But in your case, it7s a little complex, because the partner is in another table "not in P$P!#. however you can try to insert your own field into table LB/- and regenerate with program $L6LB$// "note ,5@-I#.
6sing the 4stimation method with 9B! means you are not really doing 481 in ! P. .ou would need to calculate the percentage using another tool. lso, since your 9B! schedule dates are not dynamic, the forecasts would be very difficult to create. 3f the company is re( imiplementing, have them implement +etworks ctivities, at a minimum of one ctivity per 9B!.
I. 3 assigned measurement method as default value' a# 9B! "Plan# ( *ost Proportional b# 9B! " ctual# ( *ost Proportional c# 3nternal ctivity "Plan# ( *ost Proportional d# 3nternal ctivity " ctual# ( ;egree of Processing c# 4xernal activity"Plan# ( *ost Proportional d# 4xernal ctivity " ctual# ( ;egree of Processing @. 3 made progress cost element 7@I---//7 "!econdary cost element# with *ost element category as @-. G. 3 maintain a value catagory @I---// with *ost radio button selected. nd assigned the progress cost element to the value catagory. i.e *ost element @I---// to value catagory @I---//. H. 3 maintain the assignment of cost element group. ie. 3 assigned progress cost elemnt to cost element group with default radio button selected. 3n the cost element group, 3 have selected certain cost elements which we regularly used "cost elements for project materials, project manhours, project contracts, spares etc# $un *E4+ first then *+4- and *+4I
!ubject' 1ilestones 9e don7t use networks and activities. The same time we want to use milestones only with 9B!(elements for basic P)* evaluation. 2or instance for 9B! we can attach several milestones with different P)*, like -/W, I/W, H/W. 9hat is the tool in the system to confirm that particular milestone is reachedT <ow can 3 change milestone statusT ((((($eply 1essage((((( !ubject' $4' 1ilestones each milestone attached to a 9B! element will have an actual date field open for entery when u release the 9B! element. this will determine if the milestone has been achieved or not. the Wage entered in the milestone for P)* will be considered in the progress analysis.
Project profile
((((()riginal 1essage((((( !ubject' Project profile 9e have decided not to allow creation of projects with certain project can we prevent using the project profiles. 3f we delete the project profiles will it affect the existing projects or completed projects made of those profiles. ((((($eply 1essage((((( !ubject' $4' Project profile <i there, <ave you ever used validations rules. That may work well in such a situation. .ou could use a rule like this ' 03f profile 3; is B* then error message &&&0. 3f you heve not used these rules before tell us about that and we may help you. ((((($eply 1essage((((( !ubject' $4' Project profile .ou can delete the profiles but you may encounter problems creating new 9B! elements in the old projects. The profile is only used to provide defualts to these elements, so you will have to enter the values manually "e.g. Project Type#. The other probelm area that comes to mind are any reports that use the profile as part of dynamic selections.
-he link is to tie them as employee n"m,er to the Work &enter in ?:. 7y H"estion isL like+ise in 7S ProjectsL +here +e can define availa,ility via the calendarL +e can $rey o"t days +hen an individ"al is on vacation or not availa,le. And that +ill reflect in the overall availa,ility... =n PS is there a +ay to $et an CCeH"ivalentCC calendar EEEE = did not see anythin$ in PS itself to lock individ"alCs dates EEEEE Wo"ld this ,e in ?: ??? 7ainly +hen = +ant to reserve vacation time ahead for indivial la,o"r reso"rces..EEEE 3 am not an expert in this area but 3 know a bit about it "3 made it in a customer, but at the end 3 had to undo it#. ctually 3 cannot work with networks so all 3 have it is my memory. The pool capacity works as you say, but it seems that you are using the capacity availabality feature. 3 understood that if you use that, the system only checks if there is capacity avalibale, but not makes a capacity 0commitment0, it means, other networks can plan that capacity as own "this is made in the 0levelling0 section#. t last, 3 only used the first feature so only had a look on the second. 3 do not know how to plan people from <$ module but' ( 3n *1PJ you can assign people to networks in basis to its 9ork *enter in individual days "but it is very boring for the user#. ( 3n the activity tag 0Personal ssignment0 you can assign people to an activity. This uses the <$ information "working start time, absences, substitutions...#. But this is not a capacity check or plan "at the end, 3 used that information to make a customer(specific report#. ( The function 0<$MP4$!)+M$4 ;M9)$NM!*<4;6K40 can be used to know the exact avilabilty of a person "it will show you working hours, if that day is holiday, if there is a planned absence or substitution... everything#. But you need to report previously that data to the system. "if you use it, take a look to the <$MP4$!)+M3+3TM9)$NM!*<4;6K4 too#. ( The working factory calendar of the activity it is used to plan the capacity VV: maybe you would need to make a calendar for each employee "too much work 3 think#. +ote that in 1! project when you 0gray0 days is for all the activities, to make that in P! you should make a factory calendar with those days as no working days. 3 have talking to 0gray0 those days for each activity. !orry if this is not very clear "it has taken me an hour with several interrupts#.
3 very much agree with Luillermo, and 3 would suggest to go for his ideea. 3n my opinion using personal capacity planing in P!(<$ is very inflexible and deficitary. <owever, the link P!(<$ you are asking for, -. 3n work center "Transsaction' change work center# you will have to assign the persons from <$, you will have to be carefull as in the transaction there are 5 methods%buttons to assign persons to a work center. now 3 cannot tell you by heart which one is effectively linking the <$ with P!, as only one works, you will have to try both of them "swich to capacity view and you7ll see one button sth. 0Kink to <$0 and then the other option is in the menu bar# 5. 3n <$ ( you will have to work with your <$ colleagues maybe, should be maintained some <$ 3nfotypes' Transaction P @-, 3nfotype ///G ( planned working time "e.g. H hr. a day# 3nfotype ///I ( vacation 3nfotype 5//-, type pf 3nfotype /-// ( absences 2or the infotype ///G ( you will have alreadythe rbeitszeitplanregel 0rule to plan the working time0, if 3 translate correct from german, which will set the calender for you. This is made with another <$ transaction for the <$ calender ....this calender"e.g. factory calender# has to be then generated%activated for every month "separate transaction#. 3 do not remember all the transactions codes now, but is pretty much intuitiv, as the system will give you the steps while maintaining the 3nfotypes. &. Then you plan the persons in the ctivities for a determined period of time. 3n *1PJ you7ll see the availability with the standard working hours "H<r%day, as set in <$ in calender# and the absences "as planed in <$ in infotypes# with empty cells "+ota Bene' these cells have in transactions *1P5 and *1P& a change modus, are not grey or inactive XXXXX# .ou can change the planing then with the transactions *1P5 or *1P&, one is from project, the other from workcenter point of view . 3f you make changes in *1P5 or & you will not see the changes in Project builder for example. 9ith *1PJ you can only view the personals planing for a workcenter, a project... 3 remember there is another transaction to see the personal availability somewhere in the 3nfosystem: P!:capacity. .ou7ll have to look for it and generate it from 1andant ///. 6nfortunately, there are some more constraints, which you will discover while testing.
There is no link between T4*) and actual confirmation. 3t might possible that the project is technically completed but non technical activities are still pending.. All WBS elements, net+orks and activities are set on stat"s -E&; in the project. = have set the stat"s over a +eek a$o and yet am still allo+ed to do confirmations to the activities in the project. We did not experience this pro,lem ,efore. =t is the first time and it happens for all projects that are set to stat"s -E&;. 3f you have networks and activities involved your best bet is to use project builder to make a status change at the project definition level which will cascade down to wbs elements, network header and network operations. .ou may try setting a ;K2L flag and see if it prevents confirmations from occurring on the activities. 3f you need to undo the deletion flag the se=uence is as follows' 6sing *E/5 undo ;K2L at project definition level then select all wbs elements and perform the same. using *+55 undo ;K2L at network header level then select all activities and perform the same. Project builder allows status set downwards but not undo on all components, therefore re=uiring *E/5 and *+55 to undo.
1"a# V ctual cost of complaints and commissions !"a# V ctual special costs "cost of sales V actual costs# +"a# V ctual values not taken into account ;"a# V ;own payt *"c# V *alculated costs $"c# V *alculated revenue *"av# V 8aluated actual costs 1"av# V 8aluated cost of complaints%commissions P)* V Percentage of completion *"r# V $eserves for unrealized costs $"r# V $evenue surplus *"z# V 9ork in process "capitalized costs# $"z# V $evenue in excess of billings 1"r# V $eserves for cost of complaints and commissions *)! V *ost of sales $"n# V $evenue aff. net income
To reverse the deltion flag you must first' cancel the deletion flag on the network header, then select all activities in the activity overview and cancel deletion flag. +ow some people believe that when the deletion flag is set that it removes all of the activities from the network. This is false, users who do not see the activities after the deletion flag is set must use the following menu path to 0reveal0 the activties' 4dit: )bject: ;isplay ;eleted:)n Which ta,le is the system storin$ the Project 9ef, WBS, 8W and 8WA system and <ser stat"s? *heck these tables' P$)E ' 1aster data for project definition P$P!' 1aster data for 9B! P$<3' 1aster data for project Eerar=uie TE/5 ( a list of all !ystem !tatus7. .ou can use transaction B!5& to see these, or !4-@n via normal en=uiry E4!T ( current !ystem% 6ser !tatus by object number "9B! and +etwork# E*;! ( history of !ystem% 6ser !tatus by object number "9B! and +etwork# +eedless to say, you have to get the object number first by looking at P$)E, P$P! for Projects and 62N, 2N), 28*, 286 or 288 for +etworks. 6se !4-@n to see the contents. P!' !tatus 0code0 contained in E4!T for particular object number, after selecting object number of choice from E4!T to obtain status text simply join E4!T to TE/5T linking E4!T(!T T to TE/5T(3!T T and finally pick language TE/5T(!P$ ! .
?o+ can +e stop A8K committments from ,ein$ created "ntil the project has ,een released? 3n )P!* make sure the $elease immediately has been unmarked. 3n transac )P6 "field selection network header# go to influencing choose network profile or controlling area depending on which you want to customize. !et the field 0$ * 628;( 6;3!P make it to only displauy. Lo to transac )P6* "field selection network details# go to influencing, choose network profile or contolling area to which you want to customize the setting. !et it to change and in the field 0$ ( 28L;( 6;3!P make it to only display. This would prevent the users from changing it to display when they create and assign activities to networks%projects. )ne more customization, in transac )P66 in the network tab make sure the setting is for 5 "from release# or very effective way to handle this is using 6ser status management .go to tcode bs/5 and define a status profile which can be defaulted in the project profile, in the status profile define proj definition,9B!,network header and network activity as the infulenced object types. *reate a status 0blck0 as an initital status and in the business transaction field block P$ and P$O creation. +ext create a status0allw0 which will be set after project is released and allow P$ and P$O creation after status is set
Lovt of india wants to have $oads to be build through out the india. !o Project can be defined in sap as 0*onnectivity0. 9B! can be roads within different states like $oads for Lujarat, Narnataka etc.. i.e. 9B! Lujarat, 9B! Narnataka etc. 9e can define different networks for these 9B! like $oad Between hmedabad to !urat or Between Bangalore to Belgham. 2or this network we can have many activities like Kand selection, Kand Preparation, $oad Building, 2inal finishing etc etc. <emal7s example was a good example. Project !ystems comes into play only when the industry7s business is based on projects like... *onstruction companies, 4ngineer to )rder scenarios. .ou may not see anyone using P! module for retail business. s <emal explained in that example, you have a main project which is broken down into 9B! elements. .ou can use the T* *E5/+ to create the project and the 9B! elements. 4ach 9B! may have mutiple +etworks associated and each +etwork may have multiple +etwork ctivities as explained in the example by <emal. )n the !ales )rder, if your client is implementing P! module, you may have to attach the !ales )rder to the 9B! element it belongs to. 9B! element is nothing but a bucket where all the activities belonging to that particular part of the project are captured. 3n the example, 9B! Lujurat will tell you how many !ales )rders were created for the Lujurat sector, howmuch was spent on raw materials, what7s the currect stock "Zroject stock# available. <ow many Production )rders have been confirmed and howmany of them are getting confrmed in the future. <ow many invoices have been generated or how much revenue has been generated for that particular sector. <ow many deliveries have been made, what deliverables are still not accomplished. !o as you can see, P! is the center stage for all the modules that are being implemented like 23%*), !;, 11, PP in this example. .ou can have cost centers and work centers defined. .ou can also have profit centers assigned at the plant level and get reports on varius selection criteria. 3n a complete cycle of P!, like in reality, you initiate a project, you confirm%release the 9B!%activities as per re=uirement, you execute the project and you close it. )ne cannot initiate an activity unless it has been released by the project manager. 4verything is accountable here and every dime is counted and at the end you know howmuch did you spend or make on each sector "9B!#. ;ont get confused with the term sector here... 3 am using it just for the explaination purposes. '# 3n one typical example, the company 3 was working with until not too long ago, had ;eliveries from the Project "T*' *+!/#. 9e never used 8K/-+. 9e used *+!/ to create a delivery and then used 8K/5+ for confirming the picking =uantity for the already created delivery document.
3 hope this should help you at least a bit. 37m not a P! consultant so 3 may not know a whole lot but trying going to *E5/+ and you will see a lot yourself. P! concultants are one of the highest paid consultants. Their supply is less and so is the demand. They are expected to understand real world business processes very well and they are generally the center stage of a project.
*"c# V P)* P *"p# V ,/ W P 5/// V H//S 93P V *"z# V *"a# \*"c# V -///(H// V5//S
The Project System has no organi8ational structures of its own2 you incorporate it into the e%isting structure by ma$ing assignments to the organi8ational units in Accounting and 4ogistics. (t is this which enables the Project System to present data clearly and in many different ways.
A L 7y company is contemplatin$ the implementation of SAP Project Systems FPSDthis year. B"t havin$ already implemented &; Finternal ordersD and =7, +hich covers some aspects of the life cycle of capital projects, to +hat extent +ill there exists d"plicity in the SAP system, and +hat aspects of the installed mod"les +ill ,e s",ject to chan$e%modifications to accommodate PS? Also, +hat kind of implementation time can +e expect?
Answer : SAP PS is designed to work well with both CO and IM. The PS mod le will allow better management o! "o r pro#ects. Allow ade$ ate time in "o r pro#ect to re%iew "o r re$ irements and nderstand the impact this new mod le will ha%e on "o r e&isting set p. Also incl de time !or testing and training so that "o can ens re the new !eat res work properl" and "o r clients nderstand how to achie%e the bene!its. 'hat parameter is sed to e&tend the ma&im m n mber o! ()I sessions in a *.+C en%ironment, -.SPO/S. The parameter is 0rdisp/ma&1alt1modes0 and its de!a lt %al e is + sessions. The minim m is 2 and the ma&im m is 3+. )se transaction -433 to get additional in!ormation abo t the parameters and se -435 to implement the parameters. also6 "o might want to look into these other parameters: login/m lti1login1 sers login/disable1m lti1g i1login
*1" +,34 S#pplement in project *2" +,35 8et#rn in project *3" :0-*n ;irect Activity Allocation *4" +9<* +reate ;elivery (nformation *5" +9<+han&e ;elivery (nformation *6" +9S. ;elivery from project -." +9<3 ;isplay ;elivery (nformation -*" +,-c/+,-.9 ;isplay Project --" +,1* ;isplay cost plannin& -3" +,3* ;isplay 0#d&et -1" +9-5 ;isplay +onfirmations -2" +,30 ;isplay ;oc#ment (0=;>ET) -3" +9-6 +ancel/8everse of +onfirmations -4" +91* Str#ct#re ?verview -5" +91-9 ?verview of Project ;efinition -6" +9139 ?verview of /0S Elements 3." +9139 ?verview of 9etworks 3*" +9149 ?verview of Activities 3-" +9229 ?verview of Sales ;oc#ment items 33" +9239 ?verview of Milestones 31" +92-9 +omponents ?verview 32" +91Enhanced ?verview of Project definition 33" +913 Enhanced ?verview of /0S Elements 34" +911 Enhanced ?verview of Planned ?rders 35" +912 Enhanced ?verview of ?rders 36" +913 Enhanced ?verview of 9etworks 1." +914 Enhanced ?verview of Activities 1*" +915 Enhanced ?verview of +onfirmations 1-" +92Enhanced ?verview of +omponents 13" +923 Enhanced ?verview of Milestones 11" +9S21 Enhanced ?verview of Sales and ;istri #tion ;oc#ments 12" +9S22 Enhanced ?verview of Sales ;oc#ment items 13" ME2, P#rchase re$#isitions for Project 14" ME-, P#rchase ?rders for Project 15" +9MM Project ?riented Proc#rement 16" +93. ;isplay chan&e doc#ments 2." S@A<8@54.*321- Act#al/+ommitment/Total/Plan in +ontrol Area +#rrency 2*" S@A<8@54.*3224 0#d&et/Act#al/7ariance 2-" S@A<8@54.*323. 0#d&et =pdates 23" S@A<8@54.*323- Plan/Act#al/7ariance 21" S@A<8@54.*3233 Plan/Act#al/+ommitment/8em"Plan/Assi&ned 22" S@A<8@54.*3231 Plan*/Plan-/Act/+ommitment
,alidation in PS - )'S
( want to validate the c#stomer n#m er in one of the #ser fields in /0S" The form#la #ilder in the validation screen' it seems' does not s#pport ta le fields other than fields from P8PS" +an this e done thr# some #ser eAits BB (f yes how BB +an yo# &#ide me in this BB Ans$er To #se a #ser eAit in validations' yo# have to perform followin& stepsC D copy SAP standard pro&ram >>0S..- to E>>0S..D create a #ser eAit in this pro&ram (s#ch as =6.-' =6.3 etc) D the #ser eAit yo# defined in the a ove mentioned pro&ram will e visi le in validations on screen ta FEAitsF D confi&#re yo#r validation with F=ser eAitF as option
,alidation in PS
am tryin& to #se validation in the Project" +an any one tell when are the call #p points **. and *-. tri&erred B ( want to validate one of the #ser defined fields in /0S" Everythin& is workin& fine when ( sim#late the validation" 0#t when ( enter a val#e in the #ser defined field and save the project then ( do not &et the error messa&e as eApected" ;oes any ody have an idea what co#ld e wron& BB Ans$er Please see if yo# have checked the check oA for A#tomatic validation in the relevant project profile"
)'S /lements
/hat is /0S elementB /hat is the Tcode to &et to that screenB /hat is the need and p#pose of /0S elementB ;o we happen to work on %#nctional mod#le d#rin& o#r implementaion projectB (n what scenario/sit#ation we will e workin& on /0SB
/0S is nothin& #t /ork 0reakdown Str#ct#re" (t is mainly #sed in Project System (PS) mod#le" Tcode ) +,-.9 %or any project defined we m#st have atleast one /0S" /ithin this /0S we can have networks" 9etworks are nothin& #t the series of activities" Material are #sed to perform the activities" To eAplain in detail j#st consider one eAample) >ovt of india wants to have 8oads to e #ild thro#&h o#t the india" So Project can e defined in sap as !+onnectivity!" /0S can e roads within different states like 8oads for >#jarat' :arnataka etc"" i"e" /0S >#jarat' /0S :arnataka etc" /e can define different networks for these /0S like 8oad 0etween Ahmeda ad to S#rat or 0etween 0an&alore to 0el&ham" %or this network we can have many activities like <and selection' <and Preparation' 8oad 0#ildin&' %inal finishin& etc etc" JemalFs eAample was a &ood eAample" Project Systems comes into play only when the ind#stryFs #siness is ased on projects like""" +onstr#ction companies' En&ineer to ?rder scenarios" Ko# may not see anyone #sin& PS mod#le for retail #siness" As Jemal eAplained in that eAample' yo# have a main project which is roken down into /0S elements" Ko# can #se the T+ +,-.9 to create the project and the /0S elements" Each /0S may have m#tiple 9etworks associated and each 9etwork may have m#ltiple 9etwork Activities as eAplained in the eAample y Jemal" ?n the Sales ?rder' if yo#r client is implementin& PS mod#le' yo# may have to attach the Sales ?rder to the /0S element it elon&s to" /0S element is nothin& #t a #cket where all the activities elon&in& to that partic#lar part of the project are capt#red" (n the eAample' /0S >#j#rat will tell yo# how many Sales ?rders were created for the >#j#rat sector' howm#ch was spent on raw materials' whatFs the c#rrect stock (Lroject stock) availa le" Jow many Prod#ction ?rders have een confirmed and howmany of them are &ettin& confrmed in the f#t#re" Jow many invoices have een &enerated or how m#ch reven#e has een &enerated for that partic#lar sector" Jow many deliveries have een made' what delivera les are still not accomplished" So as yo# can see' PS is the center sta&e for all the mod#les that are ein& implemented like %(/+?' S;' MM' PP in this eAample" Ko# can have cost centers and work centers defined" Ko# can also have profit centers assi&ned at the plant level and &et reports on vari#s selection criteria" (n a complete cycle of PS' like in reality' yo# initiate a project' yo# confirm/release the /0S/activities as per re$#irement' yo# eAec#te the project and yo# close it" ?ne cannot initiate an activity #nless it has een released y the project mana&er" Everythin& is acco#nta le here and every dime is co#nted and at the end yo# know howm#ch did yo# spend or make on each sector (/0S)" ;ont &et conf#sed with the term sector here""" ( am #sin& it j#st for the eAplaination p#rposes" )) (n one typical eAample' the company ( was workin& with #ntil not too lon& a&o' had ;eliveries from the Project (T+) +9S.)" /e never #sed 7<.*9" /e #sed +9S. to create a delivery and then #sed 7<.-9 for confirmin& the pickin& $#antity for the already created delivery doc#ment" ( hope this sho#ld help yo# at least a it" (Fm not a PS cons#ltant so ( may not know a whole lot #t tryin& &oin& to
+,-.9 and yo# will see a lot yo#rself" PS conc#ltants are one of the hi&hest paid cons#ltants" Their s#pply is less and so is the demand" They are eApected to #nderstand real world #siness processes very well and they are &enerally the center sta&e of a project" *) /hat is /0S elementB -) /hat is the Tcode to &et to that screenB 3) /hat is the need and p#pose of /0S elementB 1) ;o we happen to work on %#nctional mod#le d#rin& o#r implementaion projectB 2) (n what scenario/sit#ation we will e workin& on /0SB /0S is nothin& #t /ork 0reakdown Str#ct#re" (t is mainly #sed in Project System (PS) mod#le" Tcode ) +,-.9 %or any project defined we m#st have atleast one /0S" /ithin this /0S we can have networks" 9etworks are nothin& #t the series of activities" Material are #sed to perform the activities" To eAplain in detail j#st consider one eAample) >ovt of india wants to have 8oads to e #ild thro#&h o#t the india" So Project can e defined in sap as !+onnectivity!" /0S can e roads within different states like 8oads for >#jarat' :arnataka etc"" i"e" /0S >#jarat' /0S :arnataka etc" /e can define different networks for these /0S like 8oad 0etween Ahmeda ad to S#rat or 0etween 0an&alore to 0el&ham" %or this network we can have many activities like <and selection' <and Preparation' 8oad 0#ildin&' %inal finishin& etc etc" JemalFs eAample was a &ood eAample" Project Systems comes into play only when the ind#stryFs #siness is ased on projects like""" +onstr#ction companies' En&ineer to ?rder scenarios" Ko# may not see anyone #sin& PS mod#le for retail #siness" As Jemal eAplained in that eAample' yo# have a main project which is roken down into /0S elements" Ko# can #se the T+ +,-.9 to create the project and the /0S elements" Each /0S may have m#tiple 9etworks associated and each 9etwork may have m#ltiple 9etwork Activities as eAplained in the eAample y Jemal" ?n the Sales ?rder' if yo#r client is implementin& PS mod#le' yo# may have to attach the Sales ?rder to the /0S element it elon&s to" /0S element is nothin& #t a #cket where all the activities elon&in& to that partic#lar part of the project are capt#red" (n the eAample' /0S >#j#rat will tell yo# how many Sales ?rders were created for the >#j#rat sector' howm#ch was spent on raw materials' whatFs the c#rrect stock (Lroject stock) availa le" Jow many Prod#ction ?rders have een confirmed and howmany of them are &ettin& confrmed in the f#t#re" Jow many invoices have een &enerated or how m#ch reven#e has een &enerated for that partic#lar sector" Jow many deliveries have een made' what delivera les are still not accomplished" So as yo# can see' PS is the center sta&e for all the mod#les that are ein& implemented like %(/+?' S;' MM' PP in this eAample" Ko# can have cost centers and work centers defined" Ko# can also have profit centers assi&ned at the plant level and &et reports on vari#s selection criteria" (n a complete cycle of PS' like in reality' yo# initiate a project' yo# confirm/release the /0S/activities as per re$#irement' yo# eAec#te the project and yo# close it" ?ne cannot initiate an activity #nless it has een released y the project mana&er" Everythin& is acco#nta le here and every dime is co#nted and at the end yo# know howm#ch did yo# spend or make on each sector (/0S)" ;ont &et conf#sed with the term sector here""" ( am #sin& it j#st for the eAplaination p#rposes" ))
(n one typical eAample' the company ( was workin& with #ntil not too lon& a&o' had ;eliveries from the Project (T+) +9S.)" /e never #sed 7<.*9" /e #sed +9S. to create a delivery and then #sed 7<.-9 for confirmin& the pickin& $#antity for the already created delivery doc#ment"
ProjectThe project definition is the indin& framework for all or&aniMational elements within a project"
)or( 'rea( do$n Structure/ith a work reakdown str#ct#re yo# can divide the project into #sef#l steps' specify fiAed or ! asic! dates' specify the work involved' and determine project costs" The individ#al levels of the hierarchy in a work reakdown str#ct#re ena le yo# to or&aniMe a project into steps"
)or( 'rea( do$n Structure /lement (Sub )'S)Ko# can f#rther reak down these steps into individ#al elements" MaAim#m steps s#pported are 66"
+et$or((t is a special type work order on which cost can e planned' controlled and monitored"
Acti!itiesThese are the act#al tasks that are to e eAec#ted for the completion of the project
The SAP PS cons#ltant is responsi le for the analysis' desi&n' confi&#ration N s#pport of the SAP PS area to meet the #siness needs of company" :nowled&e and min" EndDtoDEnd (mplementations and at least two S#pport Projects 'O - years Project Mana&ement or work sched#lin& eAperience" /orkin& closely with o#r c#stomers to deliver' maintain and tro# leshoot and enhance SAP f#nctionality and thro#&h knowled&e of the %( mod#le and knowled&e of its inte&ration with other mod#les"
SAP R/3 is based on a three tier client/server technology. Typically, it is made up of three functionally distinct layers namely: the user interface, business logic and database. The user interface, hich is other ise !no n as the presentation server displays the interface for users" communication ith the SAP system. #t is often referred to as the SAP $%#. As a matter of fact, it is a program called sapgui.e&e. The application server is here the business logic and data manipulation ta!es place. 'ata processing, SAP administration tas!s and client re(uest/feedbac! management are handled ithin the business layer. The database layer is synonymous to the database server and it typically acts as a data repository for tables and other database ob)ects and structures
#deally, an R/3 system is composed of one database server, one or more application servers and one or more presentation servers. SAP *usiness +ne on the other hand is composed of a database server and one or more presentation servers. the difference bet een SAP Business One and SAP R/3. The non technical ans er to this (uestion is that, SAP *usiness +ne is SAP"s offering for small and mid si-e companies, hile R/3 is SAP"s offering for large companies.
Procedure' 9hat to ;o in *ase of Power 2ailure in ! P Project. The procedure to be followed in case of a power failure in the power sources of either the productive or backup server.
3. *heck the 6P! 1ake sure the 6P! is functioning properly, and check the remaining
time. .ou should have approximately PP minutes to shut down the system.
2. Kog onto ! P and check for users and processes 3f any users are still on ! P, send a
system message for them to log off immediately. *heck for background processes, interrupted user processes, and other processes that may need attention before shutting down, and record them in the Power 2ailure Kog. 7. !top ! P and !hut ;own the ;atabase $efer to !tarting%!topping the ;atabase and ! P for detailed instructions on shutting down ! P and the database. *. !hut down the !erver $efer to Powering )n%)ff the !erver and the 6P! for detailed instructions on powering off the server 8. Power )ff the 6P! $efer to Powering )n%)ff the !erver and the 6P! for detailed instructions on powering off the server
cProjects ( Capital Projects ) :
cProjects "*ollaboration Projects# is the ! P web(based application built on the 9eb pplication !erver "9 !#. cProjects is a component of the cProjects !uite. c2olders is another component of cProject !uite. cProjects was designed for organizations that need to manage multi(phase projects with high =uality control can benefit from cProjects. cProjects supports flexible project management and team collaboration. cProjects provides project structuring capabilities "project definition, phases, checklists and tasks#, roles(based resource management, flexible authorization control and scheduling functionalities, in conjunction with broad project management and monitoring features. cProjects re=uires 9 ! @.5 and cProjects !uite prior to deploying cProjects.
Being a beginner in SAP PS is a challenge. As a techie, When I started my ABAP Program in PS Module, I found a lot of scattered information but there is no article or blog with consolidated information even on basic terminologies of SAP PS. This blog is my attem t to rovide an insight of basic techno!functional as ects and terminologies of SAP PS to a novice. In my first blog you will find the im ortant terms of the PS module. I have tried to e" lain them with the hel of an e"am le. #ollowing this is the ne"t blog where the technicalities of the same are covered.
The Pro#ect S"stem 9PS: mod le o! SAP is speci!icall" designed to pro%ide comprehensi%e and ! ll" integrated pro#ect management ! nctionalit" !or SAP c stomers. A Pro#ect is a comple& ndertaking6 bringing with it h ge data o! di!!erent t"pe. At the beginning o! each pro#ect6 whether it in%ol%es de%eloping a new prod ct6 make-to-order engineering or internal organi;ation6 "o need to de!ine and set p the str ct res necessar" to manage "o r pro#ect and incorporate them into "o r e&isting organi;ations and processes. <e!ore "o can r n a pro#ect in its entiret"6 "o m st !irst describe the pro#ect goals precisel" and create a str ct re !or the pro#ect acti%ities to be carried o t. A clear pro#ect str ct re pro%ides a basis !or s ccess! l pro#ect planning6 monitoring and control.
=o create and manage "o r pro#ect str ct re in SAP -/7 Pro#ect S"stem6 b" means o! work breakdown str ct res and networks.The '<S describes indi%id al phases and ! nctions o! a pro#ect. /etwork contains the indi%id al pro#ect tasks and the dependencies between them in the !orm o! acti%ities and relationships
Project %e inition
Pro#ect >e!inition is general description o! the pro#ect that "o want to manage. It is a !ramework laid down !or all the ob#ects created within a pro#ect. It contains organi;ational data that is binding !or the entire pro#ect.
Indi%id al tasks re$ ired to carr" o t the pro#ect is called '<S elements.
The network describes pro#ect processing. Th s the /etwork contains instr ctions on how to carr" o t acti%ities in a speci!ic wa"6 in a speci!ic order and in a speci!ic time period.Main elements o! network are acti%ities and relationships. It !orms the basis !or planning6 anal";ing and monitoring time sched les6 costs6 ? reso rces.
Acti%ities are sed to plan pro#ect sta!!ing6 capacit"6 material6 P-Ts6 and ser%ice re$ irements. 'hen acti%ities are assigned to '<S elements6 detailed %iew o! costs6 dates6 and capacities at '<S element co ld be obtained. ItAs a task in a network which has a de!ined start and !inish. An acti%it" can be broken down into acti%it" elements.Three categories o! acti%ities in the Pro#ect S"stem:B
Acti*ity element
Acti%it" element is an acti%it" which is s bordinate to another acti%it". Acti%it" elements contain the same in!ormation as acti%ities.Three categories o! acti%it" elements in the Pro#ect S"stem:
Acti*ity Type
ItAs a ph"sical meas re o! acti%it" o tp t o! a cost center .e.g. ho rs6 n mber o! nits prod ced6 machine times6 prod ction times.
Milestones are the e%ents in the pro#ect to which partic lar importance is attached Or which trigger prede!ined ! nctions. In general the" indicate transition between di!!erent departments or phases. Milestones are assigned to acti%ities and '<S elements:In PS milestones are sed to:
Trigger prede!ined ! nctions in network acti%ities. Carr" o t earned %al e anal"sis. >etermine dates in billing plan !or sales orders.
=o se relationships to depict chronological and technical dependencies between acti%ities. The relationship determines the nat re o! the link between the indi%id al acti%ities. :
@S -elationship : An acti%it" does not start ntil the preceding acti%it" is completed. SS -elationship : An acti%it" can not start nless another acti%it" has started. @@ -elationship : An acti%it" can not be completed ntil another acti%it" has been completed. S@ -elationship : An acti%it" can not be completed ntil another s cceeding acti%it" has stared.
Con irmations
It is a part o! network control. It doc ments the state o! processing !or the network acti%ities and acti%it" elements. There are two t"pes o! con!irmations Partial ? @inal.Con!irmations are sed to record:
The work center where the acti%it" was carried o t. The person who carried o t this acti%it".
The "ield and scrap prod ced in an acti%it". The act al %al es !or the d ration and dates.
As a r le6 pro#ects are sed to collect and monitor costs6 b t are not s all" the !inal cost ob#ect. @or this reason the costs in at"pical pro#ect will be settled at the end o! the period.To this end6 "o store settlement r les in the acti%it" / '<S element re$ iring settlement. The" contain in!ormation on settlement recei%ers6 cost apportionment and control data. Settlement recei%ers co ld be cost centers6 (/C acco nts. .tc.
The b dget is the appro%ed cost str ct re !or an action or pro#ect in a partic lar period.< dgeting di!!ers !rom cost plan in that it is binding. In the appro%al phase "o prescribe "o r pro#ect ! nds in the !orm o! b dget. It is possible to allocate o%erall and ann al b dget in parallel.
&or' Centers
'ork center represents the reso rces responsible !or e&ec ting an acti%it". In a work center6 "o can enter the a%ailable capacit" and an operating time. =o can arrange the work centers in a hierarch" !or capacit" e%al ation p rposes. Internal acti%ities are assigned to work centers 9reso rces: to be completed.A work center is a ph"sical nit within a compan" where an acti%it" is per!ormed.
Pro it Center
It is s bdi%ision o! b siness organi;ation which is set p !or internal management control p rposes. Pro!it centers di%ide b siness p on a management basis. The basic aim o! pro!it center acco nting is to present areas o! the b siness as entities operating independentl" in the market. Lots of jargons .let me site an instance of the construction project of a building.. Cet sa" there is a constr ction compan" that is going to constr ct a M lti-Store" b ilding. The !irst thing that needs to be created in the s"stem is
!or this pro#ect will come assigned and get appro%ed !or the pro#ect. Pro#ect timeline needs to be decided. Pro#ect co ld be then s bdi%ided into separate parts which are act all" '<S elements:
Project Definition. The entire acti%it" plan nder this pro#ect de!inition. Overall budget needs to be estimated6 WBS elements
lets sa" in this e.g. we ha%e * main
'eneration of re%uest document for the land. Soil testing A roval for construction Pre aration of urchase order of the land
Abo%e * acti%ities sho ld be done in se$ ence. As in second acti%it" will start onl" a!ter re$ est doc ment !or the land is completed and so on. Dence these acti%ities ha%e /S Relations,ip between them. - /ow take '<S element Constr$ction. It co ld be s b di%ided in to !loor wise tasks. Cet sa"6 we ha%e !o r stor" b ilding and each !loor has * !lats.
onstruction1 we ma" create separate sub WBS element !or each !loor. .ach s b '<S element o! !loor ma" be di%ided ! rther into last level of WBS elements one !or each !lat on the !loor. This wa" we will ha%e hierarch! of the WBS elements.@inall"
So nder '<S element 0 last le%el o! '<S elements i.e. '<S elements o! the !lats will ha%e acti%ities like
contractor. 'hile the other acti%ities are done b" compan" labor so the" are internal activities. Pl mbing and .lectrical work co ld be started sim ltaneo sl".'hile !looring needs be done once the pl mbing and .lectrical work is complete. Dence the" ha%e @S relationship and so onE. /ow i! we talk abo t
3. 2. 7. *.
#irst milestone could be urchasing the land Second could construct the base of the building. Third could be construct the floors #ourth could be com letion of lumbing and electrical wor) for all the flats. And so on*.
As I ha%e said that &or' center represents the reso rces responsible !or e&ec ting an acti%it" @or the abo%e acti%ities6 work centers co ld be the compan" labor re$ ired !or the constr ction6 labor pro%ided b" the e&ternal ser%ice center !or pl mbing and .lectricit" work. while Pro it Centers co ld be the !inall" constr cted !lats.
Sr Project
) O
3 2
(eneration o! re$ est doc ment !or the land Soil testing Appro%al !or constr ction Preparation o! p rchase order o! the land Pl mbing9 e&ternal Acti%ities: .lectricit" work9 e&ternal Acti%ities: @looring 9internal acti%ities: Painting 9internal acti%ities: @ rnit re
@looring needs be done a!ter the pl mbing and .lectricit" work. Dence the" ha%e @S relationship
@irst milestone co ld be p rchasing the land Second co ld constr ct the base o! the b ilding.T hird co ld be constr ct the !loors @o rth co ld be completion o! pl mbing and electricit" work !or all the !lats
Pl mbing and .lectricit" installation are to be one contractor each. There!ore6 there e&ist a network within on the acti%ities o! it nder di!!erent '<Ss.
+ The boo) + #unctions in ,etail + -./ System ! Pro0ect Management in (ngineering 1 &onstruction 2
hi sheetal i am working on a report in PS and need to p ll the last posting date with amo nt spend on the pro#ect.... where can i those. This is a %er" se! l blog !or all the techis...Fer" simple lang age and a lot o! se! l content... Geep it p.
<oth the parts are %er" m ch descripti%e and can be sed as re!erence !or techies. Starting point !or beginners. PS mod le generall" remains behind in implementations !or %ario s reasons. This wo ld moti%ate ps-related persons in nderstanding basics ? methodolog" o! how SAP makes it easier in doing so. keep p
PS mod le generall" remains behind in implementations !or %ario s reasons. This wo ld moti%ate ps-related persons in nderstanding basics ? methodolog" o! how SAP makes it easier in doing so. A good one . 'ill reall" help beginners to nderstand the concepts o! SAP PS. Appreciate r e!!orts p t in6 towards making PS-Mod le6simpli!ied6in!ormati%e ? presentable co%ering concept al knowledge. Dope to see bog no2 as earl" as possible. All the <est in ! t re endea%o rs also.
SAP Project System D A ready 8eference ( Part * ) https)//www"sdn"sap"com/irj/sdn/we lo&sB lo&H/p# /wl&/63-SAP Project System D A ready 8eference ( Part - ) https)//www"sdn"sap"com/irj/sdn/we lo&sB lo&H/p# /wl&/6326
In m" pre%io s blog https' 6 I had e&plained <asic PS terminologies with the help o! a simple e&le. /ow let me go to some technicalities o! the same. I! some bod" asks me to de%elop report in PS mod le what basic in!ormation do I need, Mainl" I need to !ind o t three things :
Master tables and there relationship with each other. Standard transactions in PS mod le and <APIs sed to deal with PS data.
$ollo%ing diagram depicts the lin&age bet%een various master tables in PS module.
J1+N J1+n N53N J1+N N47 N47N NS47 N15 N1. N10 N17 N18 J+1 J00 J0A J0* J3+ J32
Project B'il(er Project B'il(er Overview6 $ile%tone% Project B'il(er Overview6 Rel-tion%/i#% Overview6 Rel-tion%/i#% Overview6 Rel-tion%/i#% onfirm om#letion% in Network ollective confirm-tion Di%#l-y Network onfirm-tion% -ncel Network onfirm-tion onfirm om#letion% in Network re-te Settlement R'le Settle Project% -n( Network% Act9:%etlmt6 Proj9 retirmt9 from ;$ Act'-l Settlement6 Project%<Network% /-n)e Project Ori)in-l B'()et Di%#l-y Project Ori)in-l B'()et B'()et Ret'rn from Project B'()et S'##lement to Project B'()et S'##lement in Project B'()et Ret'rn in Project /-n)e B'()et Doc'ment Di%#l-y B'()et Doc'ment
BAP;=PROJ! "=*!";NFO
#roject (efinition% -n( t/e WBS element% of #roject% from t/e %y%tem9 "o re-( (et-il inform-tion -@o't t/e BAP;=PROJ! "D!F=*!"D!"A;& #roject (efinition "o )et @ot/ t/e -ctive %y%tem %t-t'%e% BAP;=BUS1++2=*!"=S"A"US -n( t/e '%er %t-t'%e% for - #roject (efinition BAP;=PROJ! "D!F=*!"&;S" Provi(e% - li%t of #roject (efinition% BAP;=*!"=PROJ! "=S"A";S"; S Di%#l-y #roject %t-ti%tic% BAP; to create/update Project Definition (-t-6 BAPI Name BAPI Description BAP;=BUS1++2= R!A"! re-te - #roject (efinition BAP;=PROJ! "D!F= R!A"! re-te - #roject (efinition BAP;=BUS1++2= >AN*! /-n)e Project Definition BAP;=PROJ! "D!F=UPDA"! /-n)e Project Definition BAP;=BUS1++2=D!&!"! Delete Project Definition one %y%tem %t-t'% -n( one '%er %t-t'% c-n @e revoke( e-c/ time, -n( one %y%tem BAP;=BUS1++2=S!"=S"A"US %t-t'% -n( one '%er %t-t'% c-n @e %et e-c/ time for - #roject (efinition
BAP; to extract (et-il% of Network6 BAPI Name BAPI Description BAP;=N!"WORK=!8;S"!N ! >! K /eck w/et/er network e?i%t% Re-( (et-ile( inform-tion -@o't - network BAP;=N!"WORK=*!"D!"A;& incl'(in) -ll o@ject% from t/e %y%tem9
BAP;=N!"WORK=*!";NFO BAP;=N!"WORK=*!"&;S"
BAP;=BUS1++1=*!"DA"A BAP;=BUS1++1=*!"=*U;D=FRO$=K!B BAP;=BUS1++1=*!"=K!B=FRO$=*U;D BAP;=BUS1++1=*!"=S"A"US BAP; create/update Network (-t-6 BAPI Name BAPI Description BAP;=N!"WORK=$A;N"A;N "o e(it network /e-(er%, -ctivitie% -n( rel-tion%/i#% BAP;=BUS1++1= R!A"! re-te Network >e-(er9 Only one network c-n @e cre-te( e-c/ time t/i% BAP; i% c-lle(9 BAP;=BUS1++1= >AN*! /-n)e Network >e-(er9 Only one network /e-(er c-n @e c/-n)e( e-c/ time t/i% BAP; i% c-lle(9 BAP;=BUS1++1=D!&!"! Delete Network >e-(er9 Only one network c-n @e #roce%%e( e-c/ time t/e BAP; i% c-lle(9 BAP;=BUS1++1=S!"=S"A"US Set<Re%et Network St-t'%9 At t/e %-me time, yo' c-n revoke one %y%tem %t-t'% -n( one '%er %t-t'%, or %et one %y%tem %t-t'% -n( one '%er %t-t'% in - li%t of -ctivitie% for t/e network9
Re-( (et-ile( inform-tion -@o't - network incl'(in) -ll o@ject% from t/e %y%tem Pro('ce% - li%t of network% wit/ (e%cri#tion%9 Ret'rn% - cont-iner of network n'm@er% Ret'rn% Det-il D-t- for Network >e-(er9 Re-( *U;DS U%in) t/e Network Key% Re-( Network Key U%in) t/e *U;D% *et network St-t'%
BAP; to extract (et-il% of Activity6 BAPI Name BAPI Description BAP;=BUS1++1=A "=*!"DA"A Det-il D-t- for Activitie% Re-( t/e *U;D% U%in) t/e Network Activity Key9 Re-( t/e *U;D C*lo@-l UniA'e BAP;=BUS1++1=*!"=A "*U;D=4=K!B ;(entifierD '%in) t/e e?tern-l o@ject key9 Re-( t/e Network Activity Key U%in) t/e BAP;=BUS1++1=*!"=A "K!B=4=*U;D *U;D%9 Re-( t/e e?tern-l o@ject key '%in) t/e *U;D C*lo@-l UniA'e ;(entifierD9 Re-( -ctive %y%tem %t-t'%e% -n( '%er BAP;=BUS1++1=*!"=S"A"US %t-t'%e% for - network /e-(er CNU$B!RD -% well -% it% -ctivitie% BAP; create/update Activity (-t-6 BAPI Name BAPI Description /-n)e one or more -ctivitie%9 Activitie% BAP;=BUS1++1=A "= >AN*!=$U&"; of one network only c-n @e c/-n)e( e-c/ time t/i% BAP; i% c-lle(9 re-te one or more -ctivitie%9 Activitie% BAP;=BUS1++1=A "= R!A"!=$U&"; of one network only c-n @e c/-n)e( e-c/ time t/i% BAP; i% c-lle(9
BAP;=BUS1++1=A "=D!&!"!=$U&";
Delete one or more -ctivitie%9 Activitie% of one network only c-n @e c/-n)e( e-c/ time t/i% BAP; i% c-lle(9
Activity (lement+
BAP; to extract (et-il% of Activity !lement6 BAPI Name BAPI Description *et (et-ile( inform-tion -@o't -ctivity BAP;=BUS1++1=A "!&!$=*!"DA"A element%9 Re-( t/e *U;D% U%in) t/e Activity !lement BAP;=BUS1++1=*!"=!&!*U;D=4=K!B ;D% BAP; create/update Activity !lement (-t-6 BAPI Name BAPI Description /-n)e one or more -ctivity element%9 !-c/ time t/i% BAP; i% c-lle(, only t/e BAP;=BUS1++1=A "!&!$= >AN*!=$ -ctivity element% for one network c-n @e c/-n)e( re-te one or more -ctivity element%9 !-c/ time t/i% BAP; i% c-lle(, only t/e BAP;=BUS1++1=A "!&!$= R!A"!=$ -ctivity element% for one network c-n @e c/-n)e( Delete one or more -ctivity element%9 !-c/ time t/i% BAP; i% c-lle(, only t/e BAP;=BUS1++1=A "!&!$=D!&!"!=$ -ctivity element% for one network c-n @e c/-n)e(
Activity Ty e+
BAP; to extract (et-il% of Activity "y#e6 BAPI Name BAPI Description Det-ile( inform-tion on - %electe( BAP;=A ";V;"B"BP!=*!"D!"A;& -ctivity ty#e on Key D-te9 &i%t of Activity "y#e% U%in) Selection BAP;=A ";V;"B"BP!=*!"&;S" riteriDetermine%, for - )iven (-y, -ctivity BAP;=A ";V;"B"BP!=*!"PR; !S #rice% for co%t center<-ctivity ty#e com@in-tion%9 BAP; create/update Activity "y#e (-t-6 BAPI Name BAPI Description BAP;=A ""BP!= >AN*!$U&";P&! /-n)e One or $ore Activity "y#e% BAP;=A ""BP!= R!A"!$U&";P&! re-te One or $ore Activity "y#e%
BAP; to extract (et-il% of onfirm-tion% BAPI Name BAPI Description BAP;=N!"WORK= ONF=*!"D!"A;& U%in) t/i% met/o( yo' c-n m-ke t/e (et-il (-t- of - confirm-tion for - network -v-il-@le for t/e tr-n%ferre( o@ject9 Bo' c-n -l%o m-ke )oo(% movement #o%te(
to)et/er wit/ t/e confirm-tion -v-il-@le9 All confirm-tion% -re (etermine( for t/e %#ecifie( network -ctivity or -ctivity BAP;=N!"WORK= ONF=*!"&;S" element9 "/e tr-n%ferre( c-#-city c-te)ory -n( %#lit -re inter#rete( -% -((ition-l con%tr-int% "o m-ke (ef-'lt (-t- -v-il-@le for BAP;=N!"WORK= ONF=*!"PROP confirmin) network -ctivitie% BAP; create/update onfirm-tion (-t-6 BAPI Name BAPI Description "o enter confirm-tion% for network BAP;=N!"WORK= ONF=ADD -ctivitie%< -ctivity element% -n( %#lit%9 "o c-ncel - network confirm-tion t/-t /-% BAP;=N!"WORK= ONF= AN !& -lre-(y @een @ooke(9
De"6 thanks !or the blog on Pro#ect S"stem. I think "o might be interested to know abo t the Pro#ect S"stem .S b ndle.
This .S b ndle o!!ers enterprise ser%ice-based integration with SAP Pro#ect S"stem. One simple se wo ld be to ha%e a contractor with a handheld pdate pro#ect stat s %ia an enterprise ser%ice 9telling "o 6 !or e&le6 that the wiring on the third !loor o! the b ilding is 85I complete6 !or e&le:.
thanks !or appreciating m" work. (i%e me some time 6 e%en i am not aware abo t this problem ..let me ask sdn team regarding the same. De" "o can print this blog. J st Scroll the blog to right most corner and P-I/T option. will see
SAP PS Consultant Cob :escription D :ocument current and future business processes in consultation with users D ,eview and edit re&uirements# specifications# business processes and recommends related to proposed solution D Provides functional process ownership for one or many business process areas D Wor$s with the user client community# designers and Process +anagement to determine the best solution to help resolve customer problems and satisfy customer re&uirements D :ocument all enhancements including comprehensive flowcharts# system configuration and business re&uirements (.sing SAP tools). D (dentify organi8ation strengths and wea$nesses and suggest areas of improvement D .nderstand the business issues and data challenges of the organi8ation D Performs configuration wor$ as needed to support new and e%isting functionality D Prepares functionality specifications and delivers to developers D ollaborates with developers and the &uality assurance team to develop and test significant new functionality D Performs integration testing wor$ as necessary# to insure that new functionality does not adversely affect e%isting functionality D (dentify and document customi8ation (and interfaces) re&uirements and provide specifications of the same. D Provide pro'active support D (dentify root cause of issues in systems and provide resolutions D Trains end users on new enhancements or functionality as re&uired D +aintain confidentiality with regard to the information being processed# stored and accessed
Profile D A Eears of System Analysis# :esign and :evelopment e%perience. D +inimum of ? full life cycle SAP implementation e%perience. D Should have good e%perience in following areas in Project Systems0 o Project Planning o Time and ,esource +anagement o Project 5%ecution o Strategic Portfolio +anagement o Projects e%perience an advantage D 5%perience in 4ife' ycle :ata +anagement (:ocument +anagement) would be an advantage D Should have used Solution +anager D :emonstrated ability to proactively identify improvement opportunities and initiate change D Team player F ability to wor$ in teams and cooperate closely with inter'functional representatives. D 3air conduct of 5nglish. D Positive attitude F always on the loo$ for solving problems and helping others. D ommitted and hard wor$ing. D /ood project management# communication and organi8ational s$ills
Job Title : SAP PS CONSULTANT Job Description: >. .nderstand the 3unctional re&uirements of various Planning# budgeting and project management process ?. To map the end user re&uirements with standard functionalities available in SAP 9. arry out configuration in SAP system to meet the end user re&uirements !# ++# PP# S:# in relation to PS @. .nderstanding of the integration with various modules
A. Write logic (3unctional Specifications) for A"AP programming B. Test the developments done to ensure smooth running in the organi8ation G. arry out unit testing * end user testing H. Plan * conduct training to end users I. +anage master and cutover data >J. .nderstand the issues faced by end users on day to day basis and provide solution to their satisfaction >>. Kisit remote project sites and impart SAP usage training to end users SAP PS CONSULTANT
=nderstandin& of PS #siness processes' standards and practices of related applications (nvolvement in implementin& at least 3 SAP projects as PS cons#ltant (nte&ration eApertise with other SAP mod#les (i"e" +?' MM' +8M) will e hi&hly val#ed 0achelorFs or MasterFs ;e&ree in +omp#ter Science or related fields" EAperience in #siness re$#irement analysis' #siness process desi&n' SAP confi&#ration' system testin&' data mi&ration and #ser trainin&" EAcellent command of En&lish" EAcellent interpersonal' comm#nication and presentation skills
The Senior SAP PS (+ onsultant will be supporting in the configuration of an ongoing SAP project for a large government division in Lueensland. Mands on configuration s$ills in both the Project Systems and (nvestment +anagement modules will be re&uired. Previous team lead e%perience not essential although preferred.
S$ills ,e&uired0
A minimum of G years of SAP PS7(+ e%perience in multiple large scale SAP implementations re&uired. Strong $nowledge of PS7(+ integration with 3(# !# S:# P+ and S:. :emonstrated understanding of ASAP +ethodology and an ability to understand the business process cycle in addition to configuration of the system. strong team leadership s$ills and be able to define creative solutions and demonstrate initiative to lead teams7sub'teams through project challenges 5%perience in /overnment not necessary but always helpful 5%cellent communication s$ills both written and spo$en in a team environment.
Ko# can #se the transaction for this role to &enerate the worklist for the period and fiscal year to e processed as part of periodDend closin&"
Technical 9ame) PSAP@PS@A8+J(7(9>Q
Ko# #se the transactions for these roles to maintain data for archivin&"
0e1uirements 2rou*ing
Technical name) SAP@PS@>8?=P(9>
Ko# can #se the transactions for this role to &ro#p re$#irements for /0S elements within a project or across projects for plannin& p#rposes"
Claim Management
Technical name) SAP@PS@+<A(M
Ko# can #se the transactions for this role to create and edit notifications of type !+laim! and to o tain an overview of eAistin& claims"
Technical name) SAP@PS@+EP
Ko# can #se the transactions for this role to depict #siness process etween yo#r #siness and eAternal #siness partners (prod#cers' s# Ds#ppliers) ased on the (nternet" The aim is efficient information and knowled&e transfer etween a person responsi le for a project in yo#r #siness and eAternal partners' within the framework of a joint project" /ith the help of +olla orative En&ineerin& and Project Mana&ement yo# can make project str#ct#res' prod#ct str#ct#res' and doc#ments from the 8/3 System that are relevant to the joint project availa le over the (nternet to selected participants" The chan&e o jects or comments are sent ack to yo# for yo# to check and ret#rn to the 8/3 System"
Ko# can #se the transactions for this role to eAec#te hierarchy reports and cost element reports"
Dis*laying Documents
Ko# can #se the transactions for this role to display teAts and doc#ments for a project and its o jects"
See also1aintaining and ;isplaying ;ocuments
Ko# can #se the transactions for this role to maintain and display teAts and doc#ments for a project and its o jects' and to cond#ct targeted doc#ment searches #sin& a search en&ine"
See also-
;isplaying ;ocuments
Ko# can #se the transactions for this role to display line item reports"
See also4xecuting *ontrolling $eports
Ko# can #se the transactions for this role to eAec#te hierarchy reports and cost element reports"
Function EAec#te 8eport) Jierarchy 8eport EAec#te 8eport) Jierarchy 8eport in 0ack&ro#nd EAec#te 8eport) +ost Element 8eport
Ko# can #se the transactions for this role to display reports on reven#es and earnin&s"
Progress Determination
Technical name) SAP@PS@P8?>8ESS
Ko# can #se the transactions for this role to determine the pro&ress val#es for yo#r project(s)"
Ko# can #se the transactions for this role to man#ally plan costs and reven#es in the work reakdown str#ct#re" Ko# can have the system calc#late plan val#es in the network' or yo# can copy eAistin& plannin& and #se that as a template for fresh plannin&"
Ko# can #se the transactions for this role to display pro&ress analysis reports"
Pro&ress Analysis) Str#ct#re ?verview Pro&ress Analysis) Project Jierarchy Pro&ress Analysis) ;etail Milestone Trend Analysis
See alsoProgress ;etermination
Ko# can #se the transactions for this role to display reports a o#t materials
ME-, ME-:
Ko# can #se the transactions in this role to eval#ate yo#r project str#ct#re fleAi ly' per vario#s criteria"
Ko# can #se the transactions for this role to create and edit report forms in the 8eport Painter' and eAec#te inheritance r#ns' to draw data from the system for' amon& other thin&s' the EAec#tive (nformation System (E(S)"
Ko# can #se the transactions for this role to transfer act#al payments and display the transfers"
Ko# can #se the transactions for this role as part of the fiscal yearDend closin& to carry forward commitment val#es that are still open into the first period of the neAt fiscal year' and to carry forward #n#sed project #d&ets to that fiscal year"
Cost 0e*orts
Technical name) SAP@PS@8EP@+?STS
Ko# can #se the transactions for this role to display all cost reports"
S@A<8@54.*3233 S@A<8@54.*3235 S@A<8@54*..*52 S@A<8@54*..*55 S@A<8@54*..*56 S@A<8@54*..*6. S@A<8@54.*321. S@A<8@54.*321* S@A<8@54.*321S@A<8@54.*3213 S@A<8@54.*3211 S@A<8@54.*3212 S@A<8@54.*3213 S@A<8@54.*3214 S@A<8@54.*3215 S@A<8@54.*3216 S@A<8@54.*3222 S@A<8@54.*3223 S@A<8@54.*3225
Plan/Act#al/+ommitment/8emainin& Plan/Assi&ned Project 7ersion +omparison) Act#al/Plan Act#al +osts per Month' +#rrent %iscal Kear Act#al +osts) A&&re&ated Act#al/Planned Time Series Act#al/Plan/7ariance per Project and Person 8esponsi le %orecast Project (nterest) Plan/Act#al Act#al/+ommitment/Total/Plan in +ontrollin& Area +#rrency Act#al/Plan/A sol#te 7ariance/T 7ariance T Act#al D PlanD +omparison per Period Act#al) Period +omparison +ommitments) Period +omparison Plan) Period +omparison Statistical :ey %i&#res/Periods Act#al D PlanD +omparison' with Partner Project 8es#lt %#nds ?verview Plan/Act#al/+ommitment/8emainin& Plan/Assi&ned
See also4xecuting *ontrolling $eports Kine 3tem $eports
Mass C&anges
Ko# can #se the transactions for this role to eAec#te mass chan&es for projects and eval#ate them in the lo&"
Materials in Projects
Technical name) SAP@PS@MATE8(A<
Ko# can #se the transactions for this role to plan and monitor project material re$#irements and costs' and to re&#late and sched#le the flow of materials"
0acklo& Processin&) Materials 0acklo& Processin&) Sales ?rders Sales ?rder/Material Assi&nment) Edit Sales ?rder/Material Assi&nment) ;isplay +reate ;elivery (nformation +han&e ;elivery (nformation ;isplay ;elivery (nformation ;elivery from Project
Ko# can #se the transactions for this role to display project material re$#irements and costs"
Ko# can #se the transactions for this role to enter eApected costs or reven#es' even at an early sta&e when yo# do not know which transaction (p#rchase order' material reservation' and so on) will act#ally ca#se them" This ena les yo# to reserve portions of the #d&et early"
Ko# can #se the transactions for this role as part of periodDend closin& to carry o#t periodDrelated commercial transactions for each project individ#ally" Ko# th#s ens#re that' on the one hand' all the data elon&in& to a project can e determined and' on the other' that the data is availa le to yo#r companyFs mana&ement"
::A.P ::A::A-P
+han&e +#toff Period for Planned 8es#lts Analysis EAec#te 8es#lts Analysis) (ndivid#al Processin& EAec#te Planned 8es#lts Analysis) (ndivid#al Processin&
See alsoPeriod(4nd *losing' *ollective Processing
Ko# can #se the transactions for this role as part of periodDend closin& to carry o#t periodDrelated commercial transactions for several projects sim#ltaneo#sly" Ko# th#s ens#re that' on the one hand' all the data elon&in& to a project can e determined and' on the other' that the data is availa le to yo#r companyFs mana&ement"
Settlement) +ollective Processin& EAec#te 8es#lts Analysis) +ollective Processin& EAec#te 8es#lts Analysis) +ollective Processin&
See alsoProject Period(4nd *losing' 3ndividual Processing
Ko# can #se these transactions to determine all the plan data to e taken into acco#nt for a period' and to compile project plan data for enterprise controllin& p#rposes"
+,S3 +,:+,:3
;isplay Statistical :ey %i&#res (/0S Element) +han&e Statistical :ey %i&#res (9etwork) ;isplay Statistical :ey %i&#res (9etwork)
Ko# can #se the transaction for this role to eval#ate h#man reso#rces"
Ko# can #se the transactions for this role to display reports on h#man reso#rces' in a project view and a work center view"
Planned Payments
Technical name) SAP@PS@PAKME9TS@P<A9
Ko# can #se the transactions for this role to plan reven#es and eApendit#res in one or more /0S elements' and to display the planned payments"
Project 'udgeting
Technical name) SAP@PS@0=;>ET@P8?,
Ko# can #se the transactions for this role to eAec#te #d&etin& and availa ility control for yo#r project"
0#d&et Transfer
Ko# #se the transactions for this role to maintain the str#ct#res for yo#r project" A clear project str#ct#re is the fo#ndation of s#ccessf#l project plannin&' monitorin&' and control"
Ko# can #se the transactions for this role to display the str#ct#res of yo#r project" A clear project str#ct#re is the fo#ndation of s#ccessf#l project plannin&' monitorin&' and control"
/ork +enter) ;isplay Master 8ecord /ork +enter) ;isplay +apacity /orkforce Plannin&) /ork +enter 7iew /orkforce Plannin& D 8eportin& +apacity Eval#ation' /ork +enter 7iew
Technical name) SAP@PS@+?9%(8M
Jere' yo# can enter and process confirmations for activities and activity elements"
Ko# #se the transactions for these roles to maintain the master data for work centers"
Function /ork +enter) +reate Master 8ecord /ork +enter) +han&e Master 8ecord /ork +enter) +reate +apacity /ork +enter) +han&e +apacity /ork +enter) +reate Jierarchy /ork +enter) +han&e Jierarchy
Ko# can #se the transactions for this role to display the work center master data"
Ko# can #se the transactions for this role to display the standard str#ct#res of yo#r project"
See also1aintaining and ;isplaying Project !tructures
Ko# #se the transactions for these roles to maintain the standard str#ct#res for yo#r project"
+9.* +9.+9.3 +965 +=1* +=1+=13 +A55 +A45 +9** +9*+9*3 +9.5 +9.6
Standard 9etwork) +reate Standard 9etwork) +han&e ;isplay Standard 9etwork ;elete Standard 9etwork Standard 9etwork +onfi&#ration Profile) +reate Standard 9etwork +onfi&#ration Profile) +han&e Standard 9etwork +onfi&#ration Profile) +reate 8eplace /ork +enter 8eplace P8T Standard Milestone) +reate Standard Milestone) +han&e Standard Milestone) ;isplay 9etwork Parameters from Sales ?rder) Edit 9etwork Parameters from Sales ?rder) ;isplay
/hereD=sed <ists) Standard 9etworks for /ork +enter /hereD=sed <ists) Standard 9etworks for P8T +han&e ;oc#ments) %or Standard /0S +han&e ;oc#ments) %or Standard 9etwork
See also;isplaying !tandard !tructures 1aintaining and ;isplaying Project !tructures
Ko# #se the transactions for these roles to maintain dates in yo#r project"
Ko# can #se the transactions for this role to display all the dates in the work reakdown str#ct#re"
Ko# can #se the transaction for this role to monitor dates for materials"
Ko# can #se the transactions for this role to allocate a transfer price from a transfer price a&reement' so that act#al reven#es are posted in the sender and act#al costs in the receiver" Ko# can also display the transfer price allocation and cancel it"
See alsoPlanned Transfer Prices
Ko# can #se the transactions for this role to a&ree a transfer price for the renderin& of a partic#lar service etween two /0S elements' display' and chan&e the a&reement"
See alsoctual Transfer Prices
Ko# can #se the transactions for this role to com ine a n#m er of projects with like characteristics' there y effectin& more efficient project control" This ena les yo# to carry o#t analyses that allow for clearer costs at hi&her level' s#ch as project mana&er level"
S@A<8@54.*3246 S@A<8@54.*325. S@A<8@54.*325* S@A<8@54.*325S@A<8@54.*3253 S@A<8@54.*3251 S@A<8@54.*3252 S@A<8@54.*3254 S@A<8@54.*3255 S@A<8@54.*3256 S@A<8@54.*326. S@A<8@54.*326*
Plan/Act#al/+ommitment Act#al/Plan/7ariance Act#al/Plan/+ommitment +#rrent/+#m#lative/Total 0#d&et/Act#al/7ariance 0#d&et/Act#al/+ommitment Plan/Act#al/7ariance Act#al +ontri #tion Mar&in ?rder 8es#lt Act#al/Plan/7ariance +#rrent/+#m#lative/Total Payment S#mmariMation) ?verview
See alsoEAec#tin& +ontrollin& 8eports <ine (tem 8eports +ost 8eports
Ko# can #se the transaction in this role to calc#late the sales price for a c#stomer in$#iry re a prod#ct or service' and save the res#lt in a doc#ment" Ko# can carry o#t as many sales pricin&s as yo# want' and compare them" (f re$#ired' yo# can also create a detailed $#otation for a projectDassi&ned c#stomer in$#iry' ased on project plannin& in the S; application component" Ko# can #se a illin& plan to record the sales price calc#lated as planned reven#e in the project"
"ransaction ;P5*
Allocation "em*lates
Technical name) SAP@PS@M?;E<@P8?,
Ko# can #se the transactions for this role to carry o#t templateDallocation to allocate overhead costs" +osts are not simply allocated' #t the $#antities #sed y the relevant receiver o ject are determined" The costs are calc#lated y the val#in& $#anti ti es at a rate"
A dynamic allocation tool that #ses f#nctions and form#las to calc#late n#merical val#es and the val#es of 0oolean eApressions (tr#e or false)" This tool is #sed for vario#s p#rposes s#ch as senderDreceiver allocations and as an aid for form#la plannin&" (nstead of preassi&ned allocation data' the template #ses a &eneric description for any data (s#ch as the sender o ject' $#antities' and costs)" Since this data is not known at the time the template allocation is performed' it is determined dynamically when the val#es are calc#lated"
Payment 0e*orts
Technical name) SAP@PS@8EP@PAKME9TS
The system #ses the transactions in this role to represent the val#e flow of projectDrelated payment data in a sin&le project' in partial projects' or across projects accordin& to hierarchical points of view"
The system #ses the transaction for this role to record partial payments and payments that reference invoices in Project +ash Mana&ement" Ko# #se the payment transfer facility to display cleared invoices #nder the val#e type !Payment! in Project +ash Mana&ement and to record partial payments and remainin& items that reference projects in Project +ash Mana&ement"
"ransaction +,%9
See alsoPayment $eports
Payment 0e*orts
Technical name) SAP@PS@8EP@PAKME9TS
The system #ses the transactions in this role to represent the val#e flow of projectDrelated payment data in a sin&le project' in partial projects' or across projects accordin& to hierarchical points of view"
Ko# can #se the transactions for this role to com ine a n#m er of projects with like characteristics' there y effectin& more efficient project control" This ena les yo# to carry o#t analyses that allow for clearer costs at hi&her level' s#ch as project mana&er level"
See alsoEAec#tin& +ontrollin& 8eports <ine (tem 8eports +ost 8eports.
;efine Pro&ram Types ;efine=ser %ields SpecifyStat#s ProfileNAssi&n to Pro&ram type >enerate(nvestment Pro&ram from Profit centerN+ost centerhierarchy Maintainin&Plannin&N0#d&et ProfileNassi&nin& it to Pro&ram type Maintainin&appropriation re$#est types Specifyin&Special sym ols for appropriation re$#est n#m er Maintainin&codin& masks for appropriation re$#est n#m er +onfi&#rin&(nternal orders as (nvestment meas#res ;efinin&Tolerance limits for availa ility control +onfi&#rin&projects as (nvestment meas#res
ProjectSystem &onfi$"ration
;efineProject Profile ;efine (nvestment Profile Maintain0#d&et Profile ;efinin&Special +haracters for Projects and Project codin& mask +reatin& Project type for /0Selements +reatin& #ser defined fields for /0Selements Maintainin&s# stit#tion r#le Maintainin&network types and its parameters Maintainin&network profiles ;efinin&Milestone #sa&e ;efinin&Time profiles for Project plannin& oard
;efinin&profiles for the project plannin& oard ;efinin&7al#e cate&ories Maintainin& #d&et profile +reatin&settlement profileNspecifyin& defa#lt profile ;efinin&strate&ies for determinin& settlement r#les Assi&nin&strate&ies and defa#lt r#les to network types Specifydefa#lt settlement profiles for networks ;efinin¶meters for Availa ility check ;efinin&confirmation parameters
in projectdefinition
Investment Management configuration Define Pro)r-m "y#e% Define U%er Fiel(% S#ecify St-t'% Profile E A%%i)n to Pro)r-m ty#e *ener-te ;nve%tment Pro)r-m from Profit center E o%t center /ier-rc/y $-int-inin) Pl-nnin) E B'()et Profile E -%%i)nin) it to Pro)r-m ty#e $-int-inin) -##ro#ri-tion reA'e%t ty#e% S#ecifyin) S#eci-l %ym@ol% for -##ro#ri-tion reA'e%t n'm@er $-int-inin) co(in) m-%k% for -##ro#ri-tion reA'e%t n'm@er onfi)'rin) ;ntern-l or(er% -% ;nve%tment me-%'re% Definin) "oler-nce limit% for -v-il-@ility control onfi)'rin) #roject% -% ;nve%tment me-%'re% Project System Configuration Define Project Profile Define ;nve%tment Profile $-int-in B'()et Profile Definin) S#eci-l /-r-cter% for Project% -n( Project co(in) m-%k re-tin) Project ty#e for WBS element% re-tin) '%er (efine( fiel(% for WBS element% $-int-inin) %'@%tit'tion r'le $-int-inin) network ty#e% -n( it% #-r-meter% $-int-inin) network #rofile% Definin) $ile%tone '%-)e Definin) "ime #rofile% for Project #l-nnin) @o-r( Definin) #rofile% for t/e #roject #l-nnin) @o-r( Definin) V-l'e c-te)orie% $-int-inin) @'()et #rofile re-tin) %ettlement #rofile E %#ecifyin) (ef-'lt #rofile in Project (efinition Definin) %tr-te)ie% for (eterminin) %ettlement r'le% A%%i)nin) %tr-te)ie% -n( (ef-'lt r'le% to network ty#e% S#ecify (ef-'lt %ettlement #rofile% for network%
Project Systems
!n(:to:en( Project $-n-)ement:environment% (evelo#e( from SAP WBS:element% -n( network%9 S#eci-lty %ol'tion% incl'(e F '%er %t-t'% %ettin)%, #roject ver%ion control, A"S C ro%% A##lic-tion "ime S/eetD, re%o'rce rel-te( A'ote -n( @illin) tie in wit/ SD9 Provi(e(6 BPR, confi)'r-tion -% well -% reA'irement% (efinition for %#eci-lty ABAP<4 re#ort% -n( o't#'t%9
t/r' A'ot-tion9 19 ;f yo' '%e v-ri-nt confi)'r-tion, yo' (etermine -ctivity -n( com#onent for yo'r #roject from %-le% or(er v-ri-nt9 39 Bo' c-n r'n -v-il-@ility c/eck @-%e( on #roject #l-nnin) to c/eck yo' c-n (eliver on time9 ;f t/ere i% (own #-yment reA'e%t on yo'r #roject #le-%e #o%t t/e (own #-yment reA'e%t @y tco(e F:179 Once t/e f'll #-yment i% receive( #le-%e cle-r t/e (own #-yment @y tco(e F:379 "o fin( PS2 (oc'ment ty#e in tr-n%-ction VOV0I ;f yo' /-ve ;D!S, #l%9 co#y t/e %ettin)% of PS2 Cw/ic/ i% -v-il-@le in ;D!SD into (evelo#ment -% JPS29
"/e (et-il% of
ontrollin) K Profit-@ility An-ly%i% K Flow% of Act'-l V-l'e% K "r-n%fer of Billin) Doc'ment% K A%%i)n V-l'e Fiel(% CK!4;D A%%i)n S-le% Or(er% to Project Acco'nt "/i% %ection (e%cri@e% w/ic/ %t-n(-r( %ettin)% -n( v-l'e% m'%t e?i%t in '%tomiLin) for yo' to @e -@le to -%%i)n - %-le% (oc'ment Cc'%tomer A'ot-tion or %-le% or(erD to - WBS element m-n'-lly9 "/e %ettin)% yo' nee( to line #roject% -n( %-le% (oc'ment% m-n'-lly -re #re%cri@e( @y SAP9 ;f yo' '%e t/e%e %t-n(-r( %ettin)%, yo' (o not nee( to m-ke -ny -((ition-l %ettin)% in '%tomiLin)9 Str-te)y *ro'#% SAP /-% #re(efine( %tr-te)y )ro'# 12 Cwit/ %tr-te)y 12D for t/e link @etween %-le% (oc'ment% -n( #roject%9 Note%6 ;f yo' (o not m-int-in t/e %tr-te)y )ro'# for t/e m-teri-l in t/e %-le% -n( (i%tri@'tion (oc'ment item, yo' c-nnot -%%i)n t/-t item to - WBS element9 Altern-tively, yo' c-n -%%i)n t/e %tr-te)y )ro'# to - m-teri-l '%in) $RP )ro'# ++12 C-l%o #re(efine(D9 ReA'irement% l-%%e%
SAP /-% #re(efine( reA'irement% cl-%% 0+ wit/ -cco'nt -%%i)nment c-te)ory D C-%%i)nment to WBS elementD for t/e link @etween #roject% -n( %-le% -n( (i%tri@'tion (oc'ment%9 ReA'irement% cl-%% 0+ i% -%%i)ne( to %tr-te)y 12 '%in) reA'irement% ty#e KP C-l%o #re(efine(D9 Recommen(-tion
(o not c/-n)e t/e %t-n(-r( %ettin)% %'##lie( @y SAP9 Bo' nee( to %et t/e SD<PS A%%i)nment in(ic-tor on t/e control t-@ #-)e of t/e %t-n(-r( #roject (efinition, for PS:SD inte)r-tion, -%%em@ly #roce%%in)9 D'rin) inA'iry yo' c-n enter yo'r WBS element, -n( (o yo'r #roject #l-nnin) co%t -n( -fter t/-t @ecome yo'r e%tim-te #rice %en( to c'%tomer t/r' A'ot-tion9 "o en%'re - one:to:one m-tc/ @etween t/e #roject -n( it% rel-te( %-le% (oc'ment, t/e n'm@er of t/e %t-n(-r( WBS element %/o'l( -lw-y% @e lon)er t/-n ten c/-r-cter%9 Some more %te#% rel-te( to ;D!S (-t-999
2D9ReA'irement cl-%% 0+ -n( reA'irement ty#e KP9C"co(e OVJ>D 1D9 $-int-in t/e -@ove in %tr-te)y 05 in #l-nnin) %tr-te)y in SPRO9 3D9 $-int-in reA'irement ty#e -n( cl-%% for item c-te)ory in VV+.9 3D re-te %t-n(-r( tem#l-te% t/r' J72 -n( N+29
4D9 re-te m-teri-l% t/r' $$+2 -n( %elect m-teri-l ty#e -% K$A" -n( %tr-te)y )ro'# 05 -% (efine( -@ove -n( m-int-in item c-te)ory -% ' /-ve m-int-ine( in %#ro9 5D9A%%i)n m-teri-l% to network -n( W@S t/r' N+09
we -re '%in) - )ro'# c'rrency in t/e controllin) -re- Cty#e 3+ %et -% USDD9 ;n -((ition we /-ve o@ject c'rrency t'rne( on for t/e ontrollin) Are- %o we /-ve com#-ny c'rrency in #-r-llel for e-c/ com#-ny -%%i)ne( to t/e controllin) -re-9 Wit/in O everyt/in) i% workin) fine, t/e i%%'e -##e-r% to @e w/en t/e O:PS #l-nne( -mo'nt i% #-%%e( to t/e %-le% or(er !K+2 con(ition9 ;n t/i% c-%e, O:PS /-% @ot/ o@ject c'rrency -n( controllin) -re- c'rrency @'t it '%e% t/e controllin) -re- c'rrency -% t/e -mo'nt #-%%e( to t/e %-le% or(er9