HighResMappingofSIF 2019 Mangrove

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High resolution mapping of Solar-induced fluorescence using in-situ

measurements and remote sensing data over Indian mangrove region

Article · March 2019


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5 authors, including:

Kripa M K Ankit Gohel

National Institute of Advanced Studies Government Arts and Science College, Patdi


Nikhil Lele Tvr Murthy

Indian Space Research Organization Indian Space Research Organization


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Environment and Ecology 37 (3A) : 854—862, July—September 2019

Website: environmentandecology.com ISSN 0970-0420

High Resolution Mapping of Solar-Induced Fluorescence

using In-Situ Measurements and Remote Sensing Data
over an Indian Mangrove Region

Kripa M. K., Ankit Gohel, Nikhil Lele, T. V. R. Murthy,

Archana U. Mankad

Received 20 February 2019 ; Accepted 26 March 2019 ; Published on 17 April 2019

Abstract In this paper, the Soil Canopy Obser- wise dominant mangrove species map was generated.
vation, Photochemistry and Energy fluxes (SCOPE) We have also investigated the sensitivity of SIF760
model is used for simulation of Solar–Induced to biochemical parameters like Vcmax, Cab, atmospheric
Fluorescence (SIF). We have simulated SIF using temperature and vapor pressure, visible radiation
in-situ measurements of biochemical parameters and Leaf Area Index (LAI). SIF760 observed to be
namely; chlorophyll concentration (Cab), maximum increased along with increase in LAI. However, it
carboxylation rate (Vcmax) for summer (May 2015), tends to saturate at LAI values greater than 4. The
post-monsoon (December 2015) and winter (February SIF760 varied between 0.4 and 1.3 W m–2 μm–1 sr–1
2016) seasons over Pichavaram mangroves, Tamil- for all LAI values ranging from 1 to 2 and Vcmax of
nadu. For summer season, SIF760 ranges from 0 to 50 μmol m–2 s–1. It is observed that the sensitivity of
3.2 W m–2 μm–1 sr–1. In post -monsoon, SIF760 varies SIF760 is large for Vcmax less than 200 μmol m–2 s–1
from 0 to 3.0 W m–2 μm–1 sr–1. During winter season, above which the SIF remains almost saturated. In
SIF760 ranges from 0 to 3.6 W m–2 μm–1 sr–1 at 24 future studies, it is planned to simulate for other major
m resolution for Pichavaram mangroves. Dominant mangrove regions.
species map and Leaf Area Index (LAI) maps were
prepared using in-situ measurements and Resources Keywords Mangrove, Solar-induced fluorescence,
at-2 Linear Imaging Self-Scanning Sensor III (LISS Leaf area index, Mangrove region.
III) data for the generation of SIF maps. Also, density


Photosynthesis is the process in which plants utilize

Kripa M. K.*, Nikhil Lele, T. V. R. Murthy
Space Applications Center, Indian Space Research Organization, sunlight to transform carbon dioxide and water into
Ahmedabad, India carbohydrate macromolecules. Fluorescence obser-
vations add a new dimension in providing a means to
Kripa M. K., Archana U. Mankad detect vegetation stress before chlorophyll reductions
Department of Botany, Bioinformatics and Climate Change
Impacts Management, University School of Sciences, Gujarat happen. Typically, less than 5% of absorbed photons
University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India are re-emitted by plants as fluorescence (Van der Tol
et al. 2014). The fluorescence signal originates in the
Ankit Gohel photosystems I and II. Solar-Induced Fluorescence
Department of Physics, Government Arts and Science College,
Patdi, Saurasthra University, Gujarat, India (SIF) emitted by vegetation is seen as an expressive
e-mail: mrajeev777@gmail.com indicator f instantaneous plant photosynthetic activity
*Corresponding author and possibly Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) at

radiance spectra using FLD showed good correlation

with Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) (Liu
et al. 2005). Modelled SIF using FluorMOD model
and its comparison with OCO-2 observations provides
SIF at 757 and 771 nm. Modelled and observed SIF
had good correlation (r = 0.77) at 757 nm Pradhan
and Gohel 2016). The global and regional averages as
well as the zonal averages of both SCOPE based SIF
and GPP are in good agreement with GOSAT based
SIF. However, the peaks of the SCOPE SIF lag by 1
month than that of GOSAT based SIF in the Northern
and Southern Hemispheres (Koffi et al. 2015).

Fig. 1. Reflectance spectra of various mangrove species recorded The present study addresses the vegetation far-
using ASD spectroradiometer.
red SIF properties. The objective of the paper is to
model SIF760 using SCOPE model from in-situ mea-
he ecosystem scales (Porcar - Castell et al. 2014).
surements of biochemical and biophysical parameters
Since light reactions of photosynthesis, fluorescence
of major mangrove species collected during summer,
and heat dissipation occur in competition, variation
post-monsoon and winter season from Pichavaram,
in the efficiency of one process affects the efficien-
Tamilnadu. Comparison of SCOPE SIF760 with LAI
cies of others. Chlorophyll fluorescence spectra have
developed from in-situ measurements and Resource-
two peaks: one in red (~690 nm) and the other in far
sat-2 LISS III was accomplished.
red (740 nm). Red peak is mainly contributed by
Photosystem II (PSII) activity, while far-red peak
Study area
is the combination of both Photosystem I (PSI) and
PSII. PS II fluorescence is related to photochemical
Pichavaram mangrove forest (Latitude: 11.46o N,
processes, which provides information on light use
Longitude: 79.79o E) which was declared as a re-
efficiency (Porcar-Castell et al. 2014, Meroni et al.
serve forest in 1987, covers an area about 1471 ha
2009, Rossini et al. 2015, Yang et al. 2015). Regarding
including mangrove forests, mudflats, back waters
the water stress, a negative correlation between vapor
and sand dunes. The climate is sub-humid with very
pressure deficit and SIF is observed (Lee et al. 2013).
warm summer and with an annual average rainfall (70
A major advantage of the SIF signal is that it is a more
years) of 1310 mm and annual average rainy days up
physiologically related signal than reflectance and it
to 56. A total of 14 mangrove species are identified
originates exclusively from vegetation.
in Pichavaram mangroves, among which Avicennia
marina, Avicennia officinalis, Rhizophora mucronata,
Several methods for detecting SIF include radi- Excoecaria agallocha, were considered for the study.
ance-based and reflectance-based methods (Meroni
et al. 2009). Radiance-based methods are based on Materials and Methods
the Fraunhofer Line Discriminator (FLD) principle.
FLD, which was proposed by Plascyk (1975), Plascyk In-situ measurements of photosynthetic rate and
and Gabriel (1975), uses Sun irradiance and canopy fluorescence measurements were carried out with
radiance inside the Fraunhofer line and outside the the instrument LI-COR LI-6400XT - Portable
line to compute the SIF. A series of methods have Photosynthesis System (LI-COR 2004). Integrated
been developed to modify this restriction, such as Pulse Amplitude Modulation System (PAM) and
3FLD (Maier et al. 2003), corrected FLD (Moya et al. integrated Leaf Chamber Fluorometer (LCF), has the
2006), improved FLD (Alonso et al. 2008), extended capability to simultaneously measure the chlorophyll
FLD (Mazzoni et al. 2007) and spectral fitting meth- fluorescence and photosynthesis at leaf level with the
ods (Meroni et al. 2010). Detection of SIF from field aid of its LED based fluorescence source accessory.

Fig. 2. Dominant vegetation map of Pichavaram mangrove using Resourcesat-2 LISS IV and RISAT-1 (MRS) data.

Non-destructive diurnal measurements of the major the basis of Arnon’s estimation method (Arnon 1949).
mangrove species at leaf level was recorded from
morning 5:30 to evening 5:30 repeatedly at an interval A total of 18 quadrats, each of 20 m × 20 m were
of every 45 minutes. Two leaf samples (Sun and Shade studied for the in-situ measurements of LAI. From
leaves) of each species were studied to account the near synchronous Resourcesat-2 LISS III data, the
variability within the species. Both photosynthesis corresponding Normalized Difference Vegetation
and fluorescence measurements were carried out for (NDVI) values were extracted for each quadrat. A
the same leaf throughout the day. LAI measurements best-fit regression was derived between NDVI and
were carried out with the aid of Digital Plant Canopy LAI (r = 0.96), which was used for upscaling LAI
Imager CID Bio-science CI 110. In-situ measure- map to 24 m resolution. Statistical analysis was done
ments of chlorophyll–α, and b were carried out on where in correlation matrices and stepwise multiple

Fig. 3. Spatial layer of density-wise dominant mangroves species of Pichavaram.

regressions were used to explore the relationship values of the corresponding optical data. Accordingly,
between mangrove biophysical parameters with empirical model equation (equation 1) was developed
optical data. The selection of models was based for the generation of LAI map.
on high values of correlation coefficient (R2), high
value of F-ratio and low values of standard error. y = 22.471x2 – 3.0142x + 1.2227 (1)
The regression models, developed between LAI and
radiance values of sampling locations were extended Spectral signatures of major mangrove species
to the entire area of interest (mangrove mask). A best were recorded in-situ using spectroradiometer (ASD
statistical relationship between LAI measurements FieldspecPro) (Fig. 1). Seperability analysis was then
was obtained from reference surface and the mean carried out to verify the seperability of the species.

Table 1. Aerial extents of various mangrove species of Picha- Table 2. SCOPE parameters.
Parameters Values Units
Area Area
Mangrove vegetations (ha) (%) Incoming short wave Depending
radiation on Months W m–2
Low density Avicennia marina 04 0.5 Maximum carboxylation
Moderately dense Avicennia marina 58 7.4 rate Field data μmol m–2s–1
Highly dense Avicennia marina 103 13.2 Chlorophyll a+b content Field data μg cm–2
Low density Excoecaria agallocha 02 0.3 Leaf area index LAI 0.5–4.0 /
Moderately dense Excoecaria Dry matter content 0.012 g cm
agallocha 27 3.4 Leaf equivalent water
Highly dense Excoecaria agallocha 08 1.0 thickness 0.009 cm
Low density Rhizophora mucronata 04 0.4 Senescent material 0.0 /
Moderately dense Rhizophora Leaf structure 1.4 /
mucronata 25 3.2 Leaf angle distribution
Highly dense Rhizophora mucronata 54 6.8 parameter a – 0.35 /
Low density Avicennia mixed 01 0.1 Leaf angle distribution
Moderately dense Avicennia mixed 16 2.0 parameter b – 0.15 /
Highly dense Avicennia mixed 160 20.3 Leaf width 0.1 m
Low density mixed forest 02 0.3 Ball-Berry stomatal
Moderately dense mixed forest 28 3.6 conductance 0.8 /
Highly dense mixed forest 295 37.5 Dark respiration rate 25o
as fraction of Vcmax 0.015 /
Cowan’s water use
Each species had a unique spectral range in each band efficiency 700 /
Leaf thermal reflectance 0.01 /
of LISS III. Due to smaller patch size and co-exis-
Leaf thermal transmittance 0.01 /
tence of multiple species, only dominant vegetation
denoted by a single or mix of multiple species was
prepared. Both the optical and SAR data were used emitted radiation as observed above the canopy in
along with limited field observations to derive a spa- the specified satellite observation geometry. SCOPE
tial map of Dominant species of the study area based requires inputs of meteorological forcing (incoming
on certain decision rules (Fig. 2). Later, density - wise shortwave and long wave radiation, air temperature,
dominant vegetation map was generated using both humidity, wind speed, and CO2 concentration) and
field measurements and optical data at 24 m resolution four categories of factors: Vegetation structure pa-
(Fig. 3). The area occupied by each mangrove species rameters, such as canopy height, leaf size, leaf angle
as observed from satellite data could be summarized distribution and LAI, Leaf biophysical parameters:
as in Table 1.

SCOPE model and input parameters

SCOPE is a vertical (1–D) integrated radiative

transfer and energy balance model (Van der Tol et al.
2009). The model calculates radiation transport in a
multilayer canopy as a function of the solar zenith an-
gle and leaf orientation to simulate fluorescence in the
direction of observation. The biochemical component
has been updated based on Collatz et al. (1991, 1992)
for C3 and C4 plants, respectively. It determines the
illumination and net radiation of leaves with respect
to their position (distance from the top of canopy in
units of leaf area) and orientation (leaf inclination Fig. 4. Sensitivity of SIF760 to at Cab at Vcmax = 75 μmol m–2s–1 and
and azimuth angle), and the spectra of reflected and Rin = 500 W m–2.

ation capacity, Vcmax (Zhang et al. 2014). The required

SCOPE parameters are described in Table 2. Output
of the model is the spectrum of outgoing radiation in
the viewing direction, turbulent heat fluxes, photo-
synthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence. Physical pa-
rameters were incoming short wave radiation (www.
clearskycalculator.com), air temperature, air pressure,
atmospheric vapor pressure, solar zenith angle and
in-situ measurements of biochemical parameters
like Vcmax and Cab. After setting LAI, Vcmax and Cab,
SCOPE simulations was run for 1:30 pm (IST) to
observe the variability of SIF in high light condition
for summer, post-monsoon and winter seasons over
Fig.5. Sensitivity of SIF760 to Vcmax at Cab = 40 μg cm–2 and Rin = Pichavaram mangrove. We are using LAI map and
500 W m–2.
dominant mangrove species map for mapping of SIF.

Leaf chlorophyll content (Cab), dry matter content Sensitivity analysis of SCOPE model
(Cdm), leaf equivalent water thickness (Cw), senes-
cent material (Cs) and leaf structure (N), Optical The Sensitivity of SIF to Cab and Vcmax, the Cab values
parameters: Reflectance of soil in the visible, near varies from 10 to 80 μg cm–2 at every 5 μg cm–2 and
infrared and thermal bands and vegetation (thermal) Vcmax ranges from 10 to 200 μmol m–2 s–1 interval of 10
emissivity, Plant physiological parameters: Stomatal μmol m–2 s–1 respectively. From the sensitivity analy-
conductance parameter (m), and maximum carboxyl- sis, it is observed that SIF increases with the increase

Fig. 6. (a) Modelled LAI map from in-situ measurements and its corresponding SCOPE SIF760 for (a) Summer,

Fig. 6. Modelled LAI map from in-situ measurements and its corresponding SCOPE SIF760 for (b) Post monsoon, (c) Winter season.

of LAI. However, it tends to saturate at higher LAI Variation of fluorescence is a function of Cab and LAI.
values i.e. greater than 4. The maximum fluorescence For a given LAI, SIF760 was highly sensitive for Cab
observed at high LAI (>4) is attributed to the Cab. less than 20 μg cm–2. For larger Cab values (> 70 μg

Table 3. Modelled SIF760 of major mangrove species for different eters with modelled SIF and reveals the relationship
seasons over Pichavaram at 24 m. between fluorescence and photosynthesis. SIF 760
Post- appears to be more sensitive to Cab and faintly sensi-
mon- tive to Vcmax under high light conditions at different
Summer soon Winter LAI. Highest modelled values of SIF760 was for the
Decem- Febru- winter season owing to its higher Cab values, followed
ber ary
May 2015 2015 2016 by post-monsoon and summer. Avicennia officinalis
Mangrove W m–2 W m–2 W m–2 exhibited the maximum SIF760 of 3.32 W m–2 m–1 sr–1
vegetation μm–1sr–1 μm–1sr–1 μm–1sr–1 during winter season.
Avicennia marina 1.77 2.24 2.64
Avicennia officinalis 2.38 2.76 3.32 The results provide an opportunity for future
Rhizophora mucro- work over other major mangrove regions. In the
nata 1.61 2.17 2.44 present scenario of global warming, it is advisable
Excoecaria agallocha 0.64 0.75 0.84 to plant mangroves having higher photosynthetic
rate and carbon sequestration potential along the
cm–2) SIF760 remained almost constant (Fig. 4). The coastal regions. As the coastal areas are more prone
sensitivity is large for Vcmax less than 100 μmol m–2 s–1 to natural hazards like cyclones and tsunami, effective
and its becomes almost constant for Vcmax higher than conservation and management of mangroves are rec-
200 μmol m–2 s–1 (Fig. 5). GPP is strongly sensitive to ommended for the protection of shorelines.
Vcmax, while SIF is more sensitive to Cab and weakly
sensitive to Vcmax under high radiation conditions and Acknowledgement
lower Vcmax (Koffi et al. 2015).
This research work was carried out under the proj-
Results and Discussion ect Biophysical characterization and site suitability
Analysis for Indian Mangroves under PRACRITI
In our study, we simulated SIF760 which is the com- PHASE II project. Authors express sincere gratitude
bination of both PSI and PSII. For summer season to Shri Tapan Misra, Director SAC, Dr. Raj Kumar,
(May 2015), SIF760 ranged from 0.0 to 3.2 W m–2 μm–1 Deputy Director EPSA, Dr. Prakash Chauhan, Group
sr–1 and LAI varied from 0.0 to 3.5. In post-moon- Director, BPSG and Dr. B. K. Bhattacharya, Head
soon (December 2015), SIF760 varied from 0.0 to 3.0 AED for providing an opportunity and guidance to
W m–2 μm–1 sr–1with LAI ranges of 0.0 to 5.3. For undertake this study.
winter (February 2016), SIF760 ranged from 0.0 to
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