1 Based on current situation, there are four (4) potential corporate risks for as
summarized below:
Risk Risk
No Risk Description
ID Category
1 P/COR- Reputation Attack on social media by H 1. Making sure the income or
01 (External) public (mostly purchasers) resources are enough to pay the
on delayed projects. contractors just in time for example to
work carefully so that the bank will
release the payment on schedule –
Payment Screening Committee.
2. Early and effective
communication with all Stakeholders.
Establishment of crisis management
3. Be vigilant and proactive in
handling customer care issues and
monitoring information flow from contact
2 P/COR- Change of Changes in government H 1. Strict enforcement and adherence
02 Government directions/policies/ to law and regulations.
(Federal and regulations impacting 2. Feedback from Management
State) business operations due to /staff.
(External) change of government at 3. Continuous monitoring by Internal
federal/state level, causing Audit, Legal Department, Integrity,
delays for approvals Governance, HR and other related
especially for funds for departments in ensuring full compliance
operational activities and by all stakeholders.
making payments. 4. Ensure that decisions made
during previous MOC are adhered.
3 P/COR-Development Delay / Inaccurate / H 1. Request for annual government
03 Expenditure Insufficient DE fund for grant.
(DE) Fund project development 2. To apply for suitable SUKUK
(Financial) (NSV / New 8 Development financing.
thrust). 3. Choosing a more suitable project
for development in optimizing the
utilization of DE fund.
4. To prepare annual budget
expenditure and monthly monitoring on
actual utilization.
5. To practice prudent expenditure.
4 P/COR- Economic Weak market sentiments H Online Campaigns
04 Condition causing low sales figure & 1. New Financing Scheme (RTO) and
(External) collection. Product Awareness campaign.
1. Rising 2. To monitor leads and reports with
prices on raw relevant departments (Sales and Credit
materials & Management) and Digital Agency)
necessities goods, Rileklah
labour cost (cause Campaign
by labour shortage Super Duper
in the construction Refer & Gain for internal staff
industry) and 3. To renew only services with active
increasing lending and performing sales agency.
rates. 4. Focusing in selling old stock units.
2. Prolonged
Russian and Ukraine
3. Escalating
Middle East Crisis.