Climate Change

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BSHM 3-5

BSHM 121

Global warming refers to climate change, it is the increasing temperature of earth’s

atmosphere because of the increasing level of carbon dioxide and other pollutants. Global
warming is one of the biggest natural problems that we are facing right now. The top
contributors to the increasing average temperature are natural events and human influences.
In natural causes of global warming the effect of it is the climate has been continuously
changing. One of the natural causes of global warming is greenhouse gases. Greenhouse
gases are carbon monoxide and Sulphur dioxide, these two chemical traps the solar rays
and prevents them from escaping the surface of the earth because of that prevention it
causes an increasing temperature in the earth.

Climate Change, pollution, deforestation, and biodiversity loss are just a few
problems of our environment we are facing right now. As a student, I have a responsibility in
maintaining, preserving, and protecting our environment. First thing we needed to do is, to
advocate the environmental protection through our actions. We should start to be
responsible, start it with ourselves then we work together to prevent this natural problem. We
can help to prevent global warming by lessening the industrial production and we should
stop the activities like mining and deforestation, we should start planting many trees because
the trees, helps to improve the temperature. Education and awareness, that is the number
one we can contribute to preserve the environment. And we can Increase support for
sustainable practice by keeping up the environmental issues and spreading awareness to
our communities and to our surrounding. And practicing the 3Rs- Reduce, Reuse, and
Recycle. This strategy is simple yet effective, by being aware on consumption, reusing
goods like bags and container, and joining recycling program. By doing that, we can reduce
waste and preserve resources and lessen the burden on landfills. And by using less
electricity, we can reduce environment impact, such as turning off lights or any appliances
when no need to use, and reducing water usage can result in saving energy and resources.
And now a days plastic garbage is taking over our planet, which has negative effects on our
environment. Where ever you go there are so many plastic garbage you can see, even
besides you. So as a college student I suggest the single use plastic and do not let your
garbage wherever you want it to be left. As an effective environmental activist, through
carrying reusable water bottles and shopping bags can reduce the use of plastic. We can
influence decisions about environmental preservation and sustainability by interacting with
our friends and communities. Global warming is affecting human, animals, plants and
especially the earth it is a problem that we cannot solve easily. But we have lot of ways to
minimize it, one is we should change our modern lifestyle it can contribute to reduce the
changes in global climate. We, the student should actively support environmental
preservation by taking part in conservation efforts including habitat restoration projects,
clean-up days, and tree planting campaigns. These practical exercises improve local
biodiversity and assist in ecological restoration.

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