Lets Reflect Chap 5
Lets Reflect Chap 5
Lets Reflect Chap 5
Let’s Reflect Do I contribute to any of the global issues? Am I part of the problem? Can I be
part of the solution?
Solving climate alter requires us all to work together. We can’t do that without finding
common ground with those who may not share our perspective. Since individuals regularly
believe peers, family individuals, and adored ones more than they believe specialists,
researchers, and natural organizations, you'll be an able to conversation to individuals
approximately climate change in ways we can’t. You're more likely to open people’s minds.
However, as I am part of the problem then basically I can be part of the solution. In that case, I
am willing to devote my time and effort to at least lessen the burden of the society by starting
to learn the importance of waste disposal and green houses. As a student, I would gladly
include myself into researches and studies which focused on how to slow down the effect of
climate change. I can suggest and give ideas reflecting my own knowledge about the issue.