Lets Reflect Chap 5

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Princess Lopez

BSED 3B Social Studies

Let’s Reflect Do I contribute to any of the global issues? Am I part of the problem? Can I be
part of the solution?

As a citizen, I am mindful that I had contributed to global issues particularly in terms of

climate change and pollution. We all know that everybody of us has something to do with how
climate change gets to be extreme as time passes by. For an instance, basic riding in a
motorcycle has an impact on climate change and pollution since the gasses that come from the
vehicle is categorized as carbon dioxide. Too, I am mindful that tossing my trash anywhere is
one of the essential beginning points of surges whenever we have tropical storms since all the
improper waste disposal was stuck in drainage resulting in floods. In any case, I am attempting
to figure out how I can make myself more mindful in terms of giving significance to our nature.

As I have said earlier, I am a contributor so I am also part of the problem concerning

climate change and pollution in our country. One of the main cause is human activity on climate
change which can incorporate individual choices in numerous zones, such as count calories,
implies of long- and short-distance travel, family vitality utilize, utilization of products and
administrations, and family measure. Also we become part of the problem when we first
attempt to destroy a simple plant not only because it digest the carbon dioxide but also it is one
of those who make sure to sip water whenever there are raindrops so it will not result to flood.
Hence, we humans are progressively affecting the climate and the earth's temperature by
burning fossil fills, cutting down timberlands and cultivating animals. This includes gigantic sums
of nursery gasses to those normally happening within the environment, expanding the nursery
impact and worldwide warming.

Solving climate alter requires us all to work together. We can’t do that without finding
common ground with those who may not share our perspective. Since individuals regularly
believe peers, family individuals, and adored ones more than they believe specialists,
researchers, and natural organizations, you'll be an able to conversation to individuals
approximately climate change in ways we can’t. You're more likely to open people’s minds.
However, as I am part of the problem then basically I can be part of the solution. In that case, I
am willing to devote my time and effort to at least lessen the burden of the society by starting
to learn the importance of waste disposal and green houses. As a student, I would gladly
include myself into researches and studies which focused on how to slow down the effect of
climate change. I can suggest and give ideas reflecting my own knowledge about the issue.

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