Brocades G620

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Product Brief Brocade® G620 Switch

Ultra-Dense, Highly Scalable, Easy-to-Use

Enterprise-Class Storage Networking
Today’s mission-critical storage environments require greater consistency,
predictability, and performance to keep pace with growing business
demands. Faced with explosive data growth, data centers need more I/O
capacity to accommodate the massive amounts of data, applications,
and workloads. In addition to this surge in data, collective expectations
Highlights for availability continue to rise. Users expect applications to be available
and accessible from anywhere, at any time, on any device. To meet these
• Provides high scalability in an dynamic and growing business demands, organizations need to deploy and
ultra-dense, 1U, 64-port switch
scale up applications quickly. As a result, many are moving to higher virtual
to support high-density server
machine (VM) densities to enable rapid deployment of new applications
virtualization, cloud architectures,
and deploying flash storage to help those applications scale to support
and flash-based storage
thousands of users. To increase agility, reduce expenses, and realize the full
benefits of these architectures, organizations need the network to deliver
• Increases performance for
the performance required by today’s server and storage environments.
demanding workloads across
In addition, storage networks are becoming increasingly important to
32G links and shatters application
application performance, which means that they also must become easier
performance barriers with up to
to administer and manage. By treating the network as a strategic part of a
100 million IOPS.
highly virtualized environment, organizations can increase optimization and
• Enables pay-as-you-grow
efficiency even as they rapidly scale their environments.
scalability—with 24 to 64 ports—
for on-demand flexibility. The Brocade® G620 Switch meets the demands of hyper-scale
• Provides proactive, nonintrusive, virtualization, larger cloud infrastructures, and growing flash-based
real-time monitoring and alerting storage environments by delivering market-leading Gen 6 Fibre Channel
of storage I/O health and technology and capabilities. It provides a high-density building block
performance with IO Insight, the for increased scalability, designed to support growth, demanding
industry’s first integrated network workloads, and data center consolidation in small to large-scale enterprise
sensors. infrastructures. Delivering unmatched 32G performance, industry-
• Enables virtual machine (VM) leading port density, and integrated network sensors, the Brocade G620
visibility in a storage fabric to accelerates data access, adapts to evolving requirements, and drives
monitor VM performance, identify always-on business.
VM anomalies, and optimize VM
performance. The Brocade G620 is built for maximum flexibility, scalability, and ease
• Simplifies end-to-end management of use. Organizations can scale from 24 to 64 ports with 48 SFP+ and
by automating repetitive daily four Q-Flex ports, all in an efficient 1U package. In addition, a simplified
management tasks. deployment process and a point-and-click user interface make the Brocade
• Leverages Brocade Fabric G620 easy to use. With the Brocade G620, organizations gain the best
Vision technology to simplify of both worlds: high-performance access to industry-leading storage
administration, quickly resolve technology and pay-as-you-grow scalability to support an evolving storage
problems, increase uptime, and environment.
reduce costs.
• Simplifies troubleshooting with
real-time and historical visibility via
a single dashboard.

Brocade G620 Switch

Product Brief

Maximize Performance To realize the full benefits of flash,

organizations must transition
for Application and Solid their high-performance, latency-
Gen 6 Fibre Channel State Storage sensitive workloads to flash-based
Brocade Gen 6 Fibre Channel Architectures storage with NVMe. The Brocade
is the purpose-built network G620 is NVMe-ready, allowing
Faced with unpredictable
infrastructure for mission-critical organizations to seamlessly
virtualized workloads and growing
storage, delivering breakthrough integrate Brocade Gen 6 Fibre
flash storage environments,
performance, increased scalability, Channel networks with the next
organizations need to ensure that
and operational stability. The generation of flash storage, without
the network does not become the
Brocade G620 Switch with Gen a disruptive rip and replace.
bottleneck. The Brocade G620
6 Fibre Channel and Brocade The simplicity and efficiency of
delivers increased performance for
Fabric Vision technology delivers NVMe over Fibre Channel enable
growing and dynamic workloads
unmatched 32G performance, significant performance gains for
industry-leading port density, and
through a combination of market-
flash storage. Also, NVMe allows
integrated network sensors. These leading throughput and low
users to achieve faster application
next-generation storage networking latency across 32G. With Gen 6
response times and harness the
technologies and capabilities enable ASIC technology providing up to
performance of solid state drives
the Brocade G620 to accelerate 566 million frames switched per
for better scalability across virtual
data access, adapt to evolving second, the Brocade G620 Switch
data centers with flash. Leveraging
requirements, and drive always-on shatters application performance
the efficiency of NVMe over Fibre
business operations for hyper- barriers with up to 100 million
Channel, combined with the high
scale virtualization, larger cloud IOPS to meet the demands of
performance and low latency of
infrastructures, and growing flash- flash-based storage workloads.
Brocade Gen 6 Fibre Channel,
based storage environments. At the same time, port-to-port
organizations can accelerate
latency is minimized to <780 ns
Brocade Fabric Vision IOPS to deliver the performance,
(including FEC) through the use
application response time, and
Technology of cut-through switching at 32G.
scalability needed for next-
With 48 SFP+ ports and 4 Q-Flex
Brocade Fabric Vision technology generation data centers.
ports, each providing four 32G
with IO Insight and VM Insight
provides unprecedented insight and
connections, the Brocade G620
visibility across the storage network. can scale up to 64 device ports for Simplify Scalability and
Its powerful, integrated monitoring, an aggregate throughput of 2Tb/s. Management Complexity
management, and diagnostic tools Moreover, each Q-Flex port delivers
The Brocade G620 features up
enable organizations to: device or ISL connectivity, enabling
to 64 Fibre Channel ports in an
• Simplify monitoring: administrators to consolidate and
efficiently designed 1U form factor,
simplify cabling infrastructure.
− Deploy more than 20 years delivering industry-leading port
of storage networking best Administrators can achieve density and space utilization for
practices with a single click. simplified scalability and data
optimal bandwidth utilization, high
− Take advantage of nonintrusive, availability, and load balancing by center consolidation. With this
real-time monitoring and alerting combining up to eight ISLs in a high-density design, organizations
of storage I/O health and 256G trunk. This can be achieved can pack more into a single data
performance with key latency center with a smaller footprint,
through eight individual 32G SFP+
and performance metrics. reducing costs and management
ports or two 4×32G QSFP ports.
− Leverage integrated network Moreover, exchange-based Dynamic complexity.
sensors to gain visibility into Path Selection (DPS) optimizes
VM and storage I/O health and Designed for maximum flexibility
fabric-wide performance and load
performance metrics to maintain and value, this enterprise-class
balancing by automatically routing
SLA compliance. switch offers pay-as-you-grow
data to the most efficient, available
− Gain comprehensive visibility scalability with Ports on Demand
path in the fabric. This augments
into the fabric using browser- (PoD). Organizations can quickly,
Brocade ISL Trunking to provide
accessible dashboards with drill- easily, and cost-effectively scale
more effective load balancing in
down capabilities. from 24 to 64 ports to support
certain configurations.
higher growth.

Brocade G620 Switch

Product Brief

Brocade G620 ports are available statistics from any storage port,
for device port or ISL port then feeds them to a monitoring
connectivity. As such, Q-Flex ports policy that sets thresholds and
Brocade Fabric Vision can be used as ISLs to provide generates alerts. VM Insight applies
Technology (cont.) simple build-out of fabrics, with IO Insight visibility for each VM.
more switching bandwidth. In Integrated VM and storage-level
• Increase operational stability: I/O latency and IOPS monitoring
addition, flexible, high-speed 32G
− Avoid 50% of common network and 16G optics allow organizations enables administrators to set
problems with proactive to deploy bandwidth on demand baseline application performance
monitoring. to meet evolving data center and identify the VM or physical
− Identify hot spots and needs. Brocade G620 Q-Flex ports layer responsible for the degraded
automatically mitigate network currently support both 4×32G and performance. Integrated network
problems—before they impact 4×16G QSFPs for ISL connectivity. sensors provide I/O performance
application performance. The 4×32G and 4×16G QSFPs management that is designed to
− Monitor and set baselines on I/O feature breakout cable support for avoid dependence on invasive and
performance for each VM, and additional flexibility. disruptive physical taps. Additional
identify performance anomalies features include:
to facilitate fault isolation and Along with providing best-in-class
troubleshooting. scalability, the Brocade G620 • Provides proactive, nonintrusive,
• Dramatically reduce costs: simplifies end-to-end network real-time monitoring and alerting
− Eliminate nearly 50% of management by automating with visibility into storage I/O
maintenance costs through monitoring and diagnostics through health and performance for each
automated testing and diagnostic Brocade Fabric Vision® technology. VM.
tools. The switch provides validation prior • Monitors individual VM, host, or
− Save up to millions of dollars to deployment with the Brocade storage devices to gain deeper
on CapEx costs by eliminating ClearLink® Diagnostic Ports insight into the performance of
the need for expensive third- (D_Ports) feature. For maximum the network in order to maintain
party tools through integrated flexibility, the switch also features SLA compliance.
network sensors, monitoring, and dual airflow direction options to
diagnostics. support the latest hot aisle/cold • Obtains I/O latency and IOPS
aisle configurations. metrics for individual storage
− Tune device configurations with
devices used with each VM in
integrated I/O metrics to optimize
order to diagnose I/O operational
storage performance and increase
Gain Control and Insight issues.
to Quickly Identify • Enables organizations to
Problems and Meet provision and plan storage
Critical SLAs networks based on application/
VM requirements.
The Brocade G620 with Gen 6
Fibre Channel technology and Forward Error Correction (FEC)
integrated network sensors helps capabilities further increase
organizations achieve greater resiliency by automatically
control and insight to quickly detecting and recovering network
identify the root cause of problems transmission errors. To ensure
at the storage or VM tier. This predictable performance prior to
reduces time to resolution so deployment, organizations can
critical Service Level Agreements validate infrastructure with Brocade
(SLAs) can be met. The IO ClearLink Diagnostics and Flow
Insight capability nondisruptively Generator features, and set baseline
and nonintrusively gathers I/O storage performance using IO

Brocade G620 Switch

Product Brief

Simplified Management performance of any SCSI or Administrators can configure a

NVMe storage infrastructure template or adopt an existing
and Robust Network to ensure application uptime configuration to seamlessly
Analytics and availability. By leveraging deploy a configuration across the
Brocade Fabric Vision technology prebuilt rule-/policy-based fabric.
provides a breakthrough templates, MAPS simplifies fabric- • Brocade ClearLink Diagnostics:
hardware and software solution wide threshold configuration, Ensures optical and signal
that helps simplify monitoring, monitoring, and alerting. integrity for Fibre Channel
maximize network availability, Administrators can configure optics and cables, simplifying
and dramatically reduce costs. the entire fabric (or multiple deployment and support of high-
Featuring innovative monitoring, fabrics) at one time using performance fabrics. ClearLink
management, and diagnostic common rules and policies, or Diagnostic Port (D_Port) is an
capabilities, Fabric Vision customize policies for specific advanced capability of Fibre
technology enables administrators ports or switch elements. With Channel platforms.
to avoid problems before they Flow Vision and VM Insight,
administrators set thresholds for • Flow Vision: Enables
impact operations, helping their
VM flow metrics in MAPS policies administrators to identify,
organizations meet SLAs. Fabric
in order to be notified of VM monitor, and analyze specific
Vision technology includes:
performance degradation. application flows in order
• IO Insight: Proactively to simplify troubleshooting,
• Fabric Performance Impact (FPI) maximize performance, avoid
monitors I/O performance and
monitoring: Leverages predefined congestion, and optimize
behavior through integrated
MAPS policies to automatically resources. Flow Vision includes:
network sensors to gain deep
detect and alert administrators to
insight into problems and – Flow Monitor: Provides
different latency severity levels,
ensure service levels. This comprehensive visibility,
and to identify slow drain devices
capability nondisruptively and automatic learning, and
that could impact network
nonintrusively gathers I/O nondisruptive monitoring
performance. This feature
statistics for both SCSI and NVMe of a flow’s performance.
identifies various latency severity
traffic from any device port on Administrators can monitor
levels, pinpointing exactly
a Gen 6 Fibre Channel platform, all flows from a specific
which devices are causing or
then applies this information host to multiple targets or
are impacted by a bottlenecked
within an intuitive, policy-based volumes, from multiple hosts
port, and quarantines slow drain
monitoring and alerting suite to to a specific target/volume,
devices automatically to prevent
configure thresholds and alarms. or across a specific ISL.
buffer credit starvation.
• VM Insight: Seamlessly monitors Additionally, they can perform
• Dashboards: Provides integrated volume-level monitoring
VM performance throughout a
dashboards that display an of specific frame types to
storage fabric with standards-
overall SAN health view, along identify resource contention or
based, end-to-end VM tagging.
with details on out-of-range congestion that is impacting
Administrators can quickly
conditions, to help administrators application performance.
determine the source of VM/
easily identify trends and quickly With the IO Insight capability,
application performance
pinpoint issues occurring on a administrators can monitor
anomalies, as well as provision
switch or in a fabric. first I/O response time, I/O
and fine-tune the infrastructure
based on VM/application • Configuration and Operational completion time, the number
requirements to meet service- Monitoring Policy Automation of pending I/Os, and IOPS
level objectives. Services Suite (COMPASS): metrics for a flow from a
Simplifies deployment, specific host to a target or
• Monitoring and Alerting Policy
safeguards consistency, and volume running SCSI or NVMe
Suite (MAPS): Provides an
increases operational efficiencies over Fibre Channel traffic. With
easy-to-use solution for policy-
of larger environments VM Insight, administrators can
based threshold monitoring
with automated switch and monitor network throughput
and alerting. MAPS proactively
fabric configuration services. and I/O statistics for each VM.
monitors the health and

Brocade G620 Switch

Product Brief

– Flow Learning: Enables in large-scale IT environments and fabric-based zoning features.

administrators to integrates diverse infrastructure In addition, it provides efficient
nondisruptively discover all components with consistency and link utilization with up to 64Gb/s
flows that go to or come from a predictability to deliver greater of in-flight data compression and
specific host port or a storage operational efficiency and agility. up to 64Gb/s of in-flight data
port, or traverse ISLs/IFLs or With more than 20 years of encryption over ISLs. Organizations
FCIP tunnels, to monitor fabric- storage networking experience, can have up to four ports at 16Gb/s
wide application performance. Brocade, a Broadcom company, of in-flight data compression
In addition, administrators understands the nuances that go per Brocade G620 Switch.
can discover top and bottom into infrastructure management Furthermore, internal fault-tolerant
bandwidth-consuming devices and the tasks that can benefit from and enterprise-class RAS features
and manage capacity planning. automation. By introducing REST help minimize downtime to support
– Flow Generator: Provides a APIs directly into its switch and mission-critical cloud environments.
built-in traffic generator for management products, Broadcom
offers a broad range of choices
pretesting and validating the Brocade SANnav™:
data center infrastructure for to enable any SAN management
solution. IT organizations that Next-Generation SAN
robustness—including route
verification and integrity of couple Broadcom’s robust data Management
optics, cables, ports, back-end collecting capabilities with
• Brocade SANnav™ Management
connections, and ISLs—before automation and orchestration tools
Portal and SANnav Global View
deploying applications. (such as Ansible) gain the ability to
empower IT administrators
automate configuration tasks and
– Flow Mirroring: Provides the by providing comprehensive
the visibility to monitor and detect
ability to nondisruptively create visibility across the entire
any performance or health changes.
copies of specific application SAN, from a global view down
and data flows or frame types Brocade automation solutions are to local environments. These
that can be captured for in- based on these pillars: tools streamline management
depth analysis. workflows to accelerate
• Make standard REST APIs the deployment of new
• Forward Error Correction (FEC): available directly from the applications, switches, hosts,
Enables recovery from bit errors switch in order to automate and targets. They also increase
in device connections and ISLs, repetitive daily tasks, such as operational efficiencies with
enhancing transmission reliability fabric inventory, provisioning, and a modernized graphical user
and performance. operational state monitoring. interface (GUI) that enables
• Credit Loss Recovery: Helps enhanced monitoring, faster
• Leverage Ansible to easily scale
overcome performance troubleshooting, and advanced
automation and orchestration
degradation and congestion due analytics.
across the entire infrastructure.
to buffer credit loss. • Brocade Gen 6 Fibre Channel
A Building Block for hardware includes integrated
Improve Efficiency with network sensors that
Virtualized, Private Cloud
Fabric Automation nondisruptively gather millions
Storage of real-time metrics that SANnav
IT organizations spend nearly half
The Brocade G620 provides a Management Portal uses to
of their time performing repetitive
critical building block for today’s identify, monitor, and analyze the
daily management tasks, such as
highly virtualized and cloud overall health and performance of
zoning, inventory reporting, and
environments. It simplifies server the SAN. SANnav Management
operational validation checks. By
virtualization and meets the high- Portal contextualizes this data
automating these repetitive tasks,
throughput demands of flash into visual dashboards, enabling
IT organizations can significantly
storage. The Brocade G620 also administrators to quickly detect
improve their efficiency and
supports multitenancy in cloud and isolate points of interest
dramatically decrease the risk of
environments through Virtual for both troubleshooting and
operational mistakes. Automation
Fabrics, Quality of Service (QoS), performance optimization.

Brocade G620 Switch

Product Brief

Brocade Access Gateway Key benefits of Brocade Access technical support, implementation,
Gateway mode include: and migration services to enable
Mode organizations to maximize
The Brocade G620 can be deployed • Improved scalability for large or their hardware and software
as a full-fabric switch or as a rapidly growing server and virtual investments, accelerate new
Brocade Access Gateway, which server environments. technology deployments, and
simplifies fabric topologies and • Reduced management of the optimize the performance of their
heterogeneous fabric connectivity network edge, since Brocade overall network.
(the default mode setting is Access Gateway does not have
a switch). Brocade Access a domain identity and appears Maximizing Investments
Gateway mode utilizes N_Port transparent to the core fabric. To help optimize technology
ID Virtualization (NPIV) switch investments, Brocade, a Broadcom
• Support for heterogeneous company, and its partners offer
standards to present physical
SAN configurations without complete solutions that include
and virtual servers directly to the
reduced functionality for server professional services, technical
core of SAN fabrics. This makes
connectivity. support, and education.
it transparent to the SAN fabric,
greatly reducing management of
the network edge. The Brocade Brocade Global Support For more information, contact a
Brocade sales partner or visit:
G620 in Brocade Access Gateway Global Support has the expertise
mode can connect servers to NPIV- to help organizations build resilient,
enabled Brocade B-Series, or other efficient SAN infrastructures. For information about supported
SAN fabrics. Leveraging 20+ years of expertise SAN standards, visit:
in storage networking, Global
Support delivers world-class

Brocade G620 Switch Specifications

System Architecture
Fibre Channel Ports Switch mode (default): Minimum of 24 ports and maximum of 64 ports configuration. Port numbers
above minimum are enabled through 12-port SFP+ increments via Ports on Demand (PoD) licenses and
through one 4-port QSFP PoD, providing 16-port increments through a Q-Flex license; E_Ports, F_Ports,
M_Port, D_Ports, EX_Ports.
Brocade Access Gateway default port mapping: 40 SFP+ F_Ports, 8 SFP+ N_Ports.
Scalability Full-fabric architecture with a maximum of 239 switches.
Certified Maximum 6000 active nodes; 56 switches, 19 hops in Brocade Fabric OS® fabrics; larger fabrics certified as
Performance Fibre Channel: 4.25Gb/s line speed, full duplex; 8.5Gb/s line speed, full duplex; 14.025Gb/s line speed,
full duplex; 28.05Gb/s line speed, full duplex; auto-sensing of 4, 8, 16, and 32G port speeds. 10G
optionally programmable to fixed port speed. Auto-sensing of 4×32/4×16/4×8/4×4 Gb/s speeds on the
QSFP ports with Brocade FOS v8.2.0.
ISL Trunking Frame-based trunking with up to eight 64G SFP+ ports per ISL trunk; up to 512Gb/s per ISL trunk; up to
two (4 x 32G) QSFP ports per ISL trunk. Exchange-based load balancing across ISLs with DPS included
in Brocade Fabric OS.
Aggregate Bandwidth 2Tb/s
Maximum Fabric Latency Latency for locally switched ports is <780 ns (including FEC); compression is 1 μs per node.
Maximum Frame Size 2,112-byte payload
Frame Buffers 15,360 dynamically allocated
Classes of Service Class 2, Class 3, Class F (inter-switch frames)
Port Types D_Port (ClearLink Diagnostic Port), E_Port, EX_Port, F_Port, M_Port, AE_Port; optional port-type
Brocade Access Gateway mode: F_Port and NPIV-enabled N_Port.
Data Traffic Types Fabric switches supporting unicast

Brocade G620 Switch

Product Brief

System Architecture (cont.)

Media Types 32G FC SFP+ LC connector: SWL
16G FC SFP+ LC connector: SWL, LWL, ELWL
10G FC SFP+ LC connector: SWL, LWL
4x32G FC QSFP+ MPO connector: SWL
4x32G FC QSFP+ SMF LC connector: 2 km (fixed at 4x32G only)
4x16G FC QSFP+ MPO connector: SWL
USB One USB port for system log file downloads or firmware upgrades.
Fabric Services BB Credit Recovery; Brocade Advanced Zoning (Default Zoning, Port/WWN Zoning, Peer Zoning);
Note: Some fabric services Congestion Signaling; Dynamic Path Selection (DPS); Extended Fabrics; Fabric Performance Impact
do not apply or are unavailable Notification (FPIN); Fabric Vision; FDMI; FICON CUP; Flow Vision (IO Insight for SCSI); F_Port Trunking;
in Brocade Access Gateway FSPF; Integrated Routing; ISL Trunking; Management Server; Name Server; NPIV; NTP v3; Port
mode. Decommission/Fencing; QoS; Registered State Change Notification (RSCN); Target-Driven Zoning;
Traffic Optimizer; Virtual Fabrics (Logical Switch, Logical Fabric); VMID and AppServer.
Extension Fibre Channel, in-flight compression (Brocade LZO) and encryption (AES-GCM-256 encryption on FC
ISLs [E_Port]); integrated optional 10G Fibre Channel for DWDM MAN connectivity.
Management HTTP/HTTPS; SNMP v1/v3 (FE MIB, FC Management MIB); SSH; Brocade Advanced Web Tools; Brocade
SANnav Management Portal and SANnav Global View; Command Line Interface (CLI); RESTful API; trial
licenses for add-on capabilities.
Security DH-CHAP (between switches and end devices), FCAP switch authentication; HTTPS, IP filtering, LDAP
with IPv6, OpenLDAP, Port Binding, RADIUS, TACACS+, user-defined Role-Based Access Control
(RBAC), Secure Boot, Secure Copy (SCP), Secure Syslog, SFTP, SSH v2, SSL, Switch Binding, Trusted
Management Access 10/100/1000Mb/s Ethernet (RJ-45), in-band over Fibre Channel, serial port (mini-USB), and one USB
Diagnostics Active Support Connectivity (ASC) and Brocade Support Link (BSL); built-in flow generator; ClearLink
optics and cable diagnostics, including electrical/optical loopback, link traffic/latency/distance; Fabric
Performance Impact Monitoring (FPI); flow mirroring; Forward Error Correction (FEC); frame viewer;
IO Insight for SCSI; Monitoring and Alerting Policy Suite (MAPS); nondisruptive daemon restart; optics
health monitoring; POST and embedded online/offline diagnostics, including environmental monitoring,
FCping and Pathinfo (FC traceroute); power monitoring; RAStrace logging; Rolling Reboot Detection
(RRD); Syslog/Audit Log; VM Insight.
Enclosure Front-to-back airflow; non-port-side exhaust; power from back, 1U
Back-to-front airflow; non-port-side intake; power from back, 1U
Size Width: 440.00 mm (17.32 in.)
Height: 43.90 mm (1.73 in.)
Depth: 355.60 mm (14.00 in.)
System Weight 7.73 kg (17 lb) with two power supply FRUs, without transceivers
Operating Environment Temperature: 0°C to 40°C/32°F to 104°F
Humidity: 8% to 90% (noncondensing)
Nonoperating Environment Temperature: –25°C to 70°C/–13°F to 158°F
Humidity: 8% to 90% (noncondensing)
Operating Altitude Up to 3000m (9,842 ft)
Storage Altitude Up to 12 km (39,370 ft)
Shock Operating: Up to 20G, 6-ms half-sine
Nonoperating: Half-sine, 33G 11 ms, 3/eg axis
Vibration Operating: 0.5g sine, 0.4 grms random, 5 Hz to 500 Hz
Nonoperating: 2.0g sine, 1.1 grms random, 5 Hz to 500 Hz
Heat Dissipation 64 ports at 716 BTU/hr

Brocade G620 Switch

Product Brief

Power Supply Dual, hot-swappable redundant power supplies with integrated system cooling fans, voltage range of
90V to 264V AC. Optional DC power supply with voltage range of 36V to 72V DC.
AC Input 90V to 264V, maximum input current: 3.5A.
AC Input Line Frequency 47 Hz to 63 Hz.
AC Power Consumption (System) Maximum 205W with all 64 ports populated with 48×32G SFP+ SWL optics and 4× (4×32G) QSFP SWL
85W for empty chassis with no optics.
DC Input 36–72V, maximum input current: 7.1A (applies to the DC power SKU only).

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GA-DS-2052-19 November 1, 2023

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