G730 Switch PB105

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Product Brief Brocade® G730 Switch

Create High-Scale Fabrics in Less Rack Space with

the Highest-Density 64G Switch

Organizations are under pressure to maximize the performance, productivity,
and efficiency of their storage investments and resources, even as they rapidly
scale their environments. In addition, they need to protect their enterprise against
disruptions, outages, and cybersecurity vulnerabilities to ensure continuous
availability. To address these requirements and the demands of an always-on data
Highlights center, it is essential for organizations to deploy a modernized infrastructure that
provides a faster, more intelligent, and more resilient network. With unmatched
• Connect more devices and build larger
performance, integrated security, and automated SAN management technologies,
fabrics with the highest-density 128-port
Brocade® Gen 7 products transform current storage networks into an autonomous
64G switch and double-density 64G Fibre
SAN and safeguard it against cybersecurity and business-continuity challenges that
Channel optical transceivers.
threaten to disrupt data center operations.
• Maximize performance with 50% lower
switching latency and no oversubscription. The Brocade G730 Switch with enhanced security and autonomous SAN technology
• Enable flexible scalability from 48 to 128
takes the guesswork out of protecting and managing a network. The Brocade
ports with Ports on Demand (POD). G730 Switch enables a cyber-resilient network that protects against security
threats, enables nonstop operations, and maximizes management automation.
• Safeguard mission-critical workloads
With integrated security technology, the Brocade G730 protects mission-critical
from vulnerabilities with Gen 7 integrated
operations by validating the integrity of Gen 7 hardware and software. In addition,
it reduces the vulnerabilities from malware and hijacking attacks by hardening
• Transform telemetry data into actionable Fabric OS® (FOS) and strengthening hardware.
insights to optimize performance and ensure
reliability. To simplify and automate management, the Brocade G730 Switch harnesses
powerful analytics and advanced automation. Leveraging these capabilities enables
• Provide proactive, real-time monitoring
and alerting of storage I/O health and
organizations to realize a self-learning, self-optimizing, and self-healing SAN that
performance with integrated network maximizes performance and availability. The Brocade G730 with Gen 7 technology
sensors. transforms billions of telemetry data points in real time into automated actions that
ensure the reliability and performance of critical applications, virtual infrastructure,
• Automate actions to simplify management
and NVMe storage. By understanding and analyzing network telemetry data in real
and resolve issues without intervention.
time, the SAN can automatically make intelligent decisions on traffic prioritization
• Enable virtual machine (VM) visibility and and congestion mitigation to ensure nonstop operations. With automated
monitoring in a storage fabric to optimize congestion detection and resolution, Brocade Gen 7 instantly mitigates impacts to
performance and identify anomalies. applications and resolves issues much faster, freeing up valuable admin time.

Gen 7 Fibre Channel The Brocade G730 Switch is a Gen 7 high-density building block that enables dense
rackmount environments to connect more devices and build larger fabrics. Its 128
Brocade Gen 7 Fibre Channel is the modern
line-rate 64G ports in a 2U design allow organizations to create high-scale fabrics
storage network infrastructure for mission-
in less space. The Brocade G730 utilizes 96 64G SFP+ ports and 16 2x64G double-
critical storage, enabling organizations to
density optical transceiver (SFP-DD) ports. The addition of SFP-DD ports allows
realize a self-learning, self-optimizing, and
self-healing autonomous SAN. It combines
the Brocade G730 to connect more servers, storage, and switches in a very dense
powerful analytics, advanced automation, and
footprint. With a 50% latency reduction compared to the previous generation and
integrated security capabilities to accelerate no oversubscription, the Brocade G730 enables the maximum performance of
data access, adapt to evolving requirements, NVMe storage and high-transaction workloads.
and drive always-on business operations.
The Brocade G730 Switch with Gen 7 Fibre
Channel is a high-density building block for
increased scalability in less rack space to
support growth and large fabrics in dense
rackmount environments.

Brocade G730 Switch

Product Brief

Create High-Scale Fabrics A Brocade Gen 7 cyber-resilient

network protects against security
in Less Rack Space threats, enables nonstop operations,
Autonomous SAN The Brocade G730 Switch delivers and maximizes management
industry-leading port density with automation. Fibre Channel fabrics are
The combination of SAN analytics
128 Fibre Channel ports in a 2U secure by design based on controlled
and automation technologies
form factor. Organizations can both access between servers and storage
unlocks the capabilities to deliver
increase scalability and optimize space and isolation within the data center.
a self-learning, self-optimizing, and
utilization. Built to support maximum Brocade Gen 7 technology further
self-healing autonomous SAN.
flexibility and dense Fibre Channel reduces the risk of vulnerabilities from
Self-Learning fabrics, the Brocade G730 Switch malware and hijacking attacks by
• Gather and transform billions offers cost-effective pay-as-you-grow validating the integrity of the switch
of data points into network scalability, expanding from 48 ports to operating system, security settings, and
intelligence. 128 ports with Ports on Demand (PoD). hardware.
The Brocade G730 base configuration
• Visualize application and device- Brocade Fabric OS (FOS) adds
comes with 48 ports enabled. To scale
based performance and health additional security enhancements to
from 48 ports to 128 ports, additional
metrics. validate the integrity and security of
24‑port SFP+ PODs and a 32-port SFP-
• Detect abnormal traffic behaviors DD POD can be installed in any order Brocade hardware and software. These
and degraded performance. and combination. features include Secure Boot, Brocade
Trusted FOS (TruFOS) Certificates, FOS
• Eliminate operational steps by
Each of the 16 SFP-DD transceivers hardening with removal of root access,
automatically learning application
provides two ports, making 32 ports and automated distribution of SSL
available for device or ISL connectivity certificates via SANnav™ Management
Self-Optimizing with SN connectors. The port speed Portal. Brocade TruFOS Certificates
is configurable independently for ensure that enterprises running Brocade
• Optimize critical application
each port, capable of 2×64G, 32G, or directors and switches are currently
performance by automatically
16G utilizing the SFP-DD transceivers covered with support and securely
prioritizing traffic.
or 64G, 32G, 16G, or 8G using SFP+ enabled to perform critical operations
• Guarantee application transceivers. Each SFP-DD port can without having to worry about whether
performance by proactively accommodate either SFP+ or SFP-DD the operating system has been
monitoring and actively shaping transceivers, providing the flexibility tampered with. In addition, Brocade
traffic. to use either transceiver in those ports FOS has been hardened by removing
• Eliminate human errors and when needed. SFP-DD ports can be root-level access to the operating
performance impacts through used to form dense, high-performance system to protect the SAN against
open DevOps automation device connectivity or ISLs between malware and hijacking attacks.
technology. Brocade switches and directors.
Those enterprises using Brocade
• Optimize administrative resources SANnav Management Portal have the
with cloud-like SAN orchestration. Protect Mission-Critical ability to automatically distribute SSL
Self-Healing Workloads with Gen 7 certificates across the SAN to ensure
authenticity and encryption settings. In
• Instantly notify end devices Integrated Security addition, Brocade SANnav Management
of congestion for automatic The sophistication and volume Portal has built-in security features to
resolution. of cybercriminal behavior have help protect the network. With Brocade
• Ensure data delivery with dramatically increased as a direct SANnav, administrators can set up
automatic failover from physical result of the added reliance on digital monitoring and alerting for security
or congestion issues. data by businesses. Counterfeiting and configuration changes, customize
tampering with hardware and software security thresholds, give proper access
• Detect and automatically
have become a lucrative illegal trade control to individual admins, and view
reconfigure out-of-compliance
that leads to billions of dollars in losses switch security events.
across all industries. This counterfeiting
• Eliminate performance impacts and tampering within the data center
by automatically taking corrective can cause serious damage and risk to
action on misbehaving devices. your environment.

Brocade G730 Switch

Product Brief

Autonomous SAN technology can detect abnormal traffic performance by automatically prioritizing
behavior and degraded performance traffic. This advanced feature classifies
Innovation to automatically take corrective action, and separates traffic with similar
The Brocade G730 Switch with Fabric eliminating the potential impact of these characteristics like protocol, speed, and
Vision® technology provides a robust issues. These new autonomous SAN latency. In addition, Traffic Optimizer
analytics architecture that delivers technologies simplify SAN management can help avoid application performance
autonomous SAN technology through and enable unparalleled network impacts by automatically isolating traffic
self-learning, self-optimizing, and self- performance and reliability. that is adversely impacting other flows.
healing capabilities. Brocade Fabric
Vision technology is a suite of features Brocade Gen 7 raises the bar for network
that leverage comprehensive data
Automate the SAN to availability through automatic avoidance
collection capabilities with powerful Simplify Management and recovery features, delivering a
self-healing SAN. When potential
analytics to quickly understand Complexity disruptions are detected, the network will
the health and performance of the
IT organizations spend nearly half of automatically mitigate or resolve issues
environment and identify any potential
their time performing repetitive daily without intervention. Brocade software
impacts or trending problems.
management tasks, such as zoning, identifies abnormal or unexpected
inventory reporting, and operational behavior and automatically takes action
Analyze the SAN to validation checks. By automating these to avoid a degradation in performance.
Optimize Performance repetitive tasks, IT organizations can If congestion occurs, it instantly notifies
significantly improve their efficiency end devices of the congestion problem
and Reliability and dramatically decrease the risk of through an alerting and signaling process.
IT organizations are responsible for operational mistakes. Automation in Once the end devices are alerted, the
delivering nonstop performance large-scale IT environments integrates software ensures data delivery with
and reliability to ensure that SLAs diverse infrastructure components with automatic failover or adjustment of traffic
are met. They need analytics to help consistency and predictability to deliver to mitigate the impact of the problem.
extract actionable intelligence from greater operational efficiency and agility. Brocade SAN management tools can
their environment, and they need identify various latency severity levels,
simplified management tools to quickly With Brocade automation, the Brocade
pinpointing exactly which devices are
and easily understand the state of G730 Switch can automate actions
causing the issues or which devices
their environment. This requires an to simplify management and resolve
are impacted by a bottleneck, and
infrastructure that can automatically issues without intervention to avoid
can quarantine misbehaving devices
learn its performance and health network disruptions and outages.
characteristics, identify potential risks, Through open DevOps automation
technology, organizations can reliably
and provide recommended actions to Instant Visibility and
resolve issues. perform resource-intensive tasks, such
as infrastructure deployment and Simplified Processes
Gen 7 Brocade technology enables provisioning, in a fraction of the time to Brocade SANnav Management Portal
a self-learning SAN that gathers and expedite IT services while eliminating and SANnav Global View empower IT
transforms billions of data points human error. In addition, automation administrators with comprehensive
into actionable intelligence to make proactively monitors the network to self- visibility across the entire SAN, from a
fast, informed decisions to optimize optimize performance and automatically global view down to local environments.
performance and ensure reliability. mitigate fabric-related issues with self- SANnav contextualizes data into
Brocade products proactively monitor healing capabilities. visual dashboards and topology views,
I/O performance and behavior data which allows administrators to quickly
points through integrated network With self-optimizing capabilities,
detect and isolate points of interest
sensors to gain deep insight into the Brocade technology utilizes actionable
to increase operational efficiencies. In
environment. The information that is intelligence to maximize performance.
addition, Brocade SANnav streamlines
captured is displayed in Brocade SANnav Real-time monitoring of health and
management workflows to accelerate
Management Portal to quickly identify performance characteristics enables
the deployment of new applications,
and isolate problems before they impact the network to make smarter decisions
switches, servers, and storage. All of the
application availability. With built-in best on traffic prioritization, congestion
SAN telemetry data collected by SANnav
practice recommendations, organizations management, and notification to ensure
Management Portal can also be streamed
can simplify troubleshooting by optimal network performance for
to third-party applications via Kafka
identifying and isolating issues to resolve applications and storage. Brocade Gen 7
them as fast as possible. Combining delivers Traffic Optimizer capabilities
these tools with automation, Brocade that guarantee critical application

Brocade G730 Switch

Product Brief

Brocade Global Support

Brocade Global Support has the expertise to help organizations build cyber-resilient, efficient SAN infrastructures. Leveraging 25+
years of expertise in storage networking, Global Support delivers world-class technical support, implementation, and migration services
to enable organizations to maximize their hardware and software investments, accelerate new technology deployments, and optimize
the overall performance of their network.

Maximizing Investments
To help optimize technology investments, Brocade, a Broadcom company, and its partners offer complete solutions
that include professional services, technical support, and education.

For more information, contact a Brocade sales partner or visit: www.broadcom.com/brocade

For information about supported SAN standards, visit: www.broadcom.com/sanstandards

Brocade G730 Switch Specifications

System Architecture
Fibre Channel Ports 128 ports (96 64G SFP+ ports, plus 16 2x64G SFP-DD ports), each supporting E_Ports, F_Ports,
M_Ports, D_Ports, and EX_Ports.

48-port base configuration; additional ports are enabled with two 24-port SFP+ PODs (Ports on Demand),
plus a 32-port SFP-DD POD (16 2x64G SFP-DD transceivers), scaling the switch from 48 ports to 128 ports.
Scalability Full-fabric architecture with a maximum of 239 switches
Certified Maximum 4K active nodes; 56 switches, 19 hops in Brocade Fabric OS fabrics
Performance Fibre Channel: 8.5Gb/s line speed, full duplex; 10.53Gb/s line speed, full duplex; 14.025Gb/s line speed, full
duplex; 28.05Gb/s line speed, full duplex; 57.8Gb/s line speed, full duplex; auto-sensing of 8, 10, 16, 32, and
64G port speeds. 10G optionally programmable to fixed-port speed.
ISL Trunking Frame-based trunking with up to eight SFP+ ports per ISL trunk; up to 512Gb/s per ISL trunk. Exchange-
based load balancing across ISLs with Dynamic Path Selection (DPS) included in Brocade Fabric OS.
Aggregate Bandwidth 8.192Tb/s
Maximum Fabric Latency Latency for locally switched ports is 460 ns (including FEC).
Maximum Frame Size 2112-byte payload
Frame Buffers 2K per switching ASIC
Classes of Service Class 2, Class 3, Class F (inter-switch frames)
Port Types D_Port (ClearLink® Diagnostic Port), E_Port, EX_Port, F_Port, M_Port; optional port-type control
Data Traffic Types Fabric switches supporting unicast
Media Types 64G FC SFP+ LC connector: SWL
32G FC SFP+ LC connector: SWL, LWL, ELWL
10G FC SFP+ LC connector: SWL, LWL
2x64G FC SFP-DD SN connector: SWL
All Brocade transceivers are PC/UPC compatible.
USB One standard USB port for firmware download, SupportSave, and configuration upload or download.
Fabric Services BB Credit Recovery; Brocade Advanced Zoning (Default Zoning, Port/WWN Zoning, Peer Zoning);
Congestion Signaling; Dynamic Fabric Provisioning (DFP); Dynamic Path Selection (DPS); Extended Fabrics;
Fabric Performance Impact Notification (FPIN); Fabric Vision; FDMI; Flow Vision; F_Port Trunking; FSPF;
Integrated Routing; ISL Trunking; Management Server; Name Server; NPIV; NTP v3; Port Decommission/
Fencing; QoS; Registered State Change Notification (RSCN); Slow Drain Device Quarantine (SDDQ); Target-
Driven Zoning; Traffic Optimizer; Virtual Fabrics (Logical Switch, Logical Fabric); VMID+ and AppServer.
Extension Integrated optional 10G Fibre Channel for DWDM MAN connectivity.

Brocade G730 Switch

Product Brief

Management Brocade Advanced Web Tools; Brocade SANnav Management Portal and SANnav Global View; Command
Line Interface (CLI); HTTP/HTTPS; RESTful API; SNMP v1/v3 (FE MIB, FC Management MIB); SSH.
Security DH-CHAP (between switches and end devices); FCAP switch authentication; HTTPS; IP filtering; LDAP with
IPv6; OpenLDAP; Port Binding; RADIUS; TACACS+; user-defined Role-Based Access Control (RBAC); Secure
Boot; Secure Copy (SCP); Secure Syslog; SFTP; SSH v2; SSL; Switch Binding; Trusted Switch; Trusted FOS
Certificates (TruFOS); root access removed.
Management Access 10/100/1000Mb/s Ethernet (RJ-45) port, serial console port, and USB port.
Diagnostics Active Support Connectivity (ASC) and Brocade Support Link (BSL); built-in flow generator; ClearLink
optics and cable diagnostics, including electrical/optical loopback, link traffic/latency/distance; Fabric
Performance Impact Monitoring (FPI); flow mirroring; Forward Error Correction (FEC); frame viewer; Global
Quiet Time (GQT); IO Insight for SCSI and NVMe monitoring; Monitoring and Alerting Policy Suite (MAPS);
nondisruptive daemon restart; optics health monitoring; POST and embedded online/offline diagnostics,
including environmental monitoring, FCping, and Pathinfo (FC traceroute); power monitoring; RAStrace
logging; Rolling Reboot Detection (RRD); Syslog/Audit Log; VM Insight.
Enclosure Front-to-back airflow; non-port-side exhaust; power from back, 2U
Back-to-front airflow; non-port-side intake; power from back, 2U
Size Width: 440.00 mm (17.32 in.)
Height: 86.7 mm (3.41 in.)
Depth: 609.6 mm (24.00 in.)
System Weight 18.92 kg (41.71 lb) with two power supplies, fans, without transceivers
21.80 kg (48.06 lb) with two power supplies, fans, fully populated with transceivers
Operating Environment Temperature: 0°C to 40°C (32°F to 104°F)
Humidity: 10% to 85% (non-condensing)
Non-operating Environment Temperature: –25°C to 70°C (–13°F to 158°F)
Humidity: 10% to 90% (non-condensing)
Operating Altitude Up to 3000m (9842 ft)
Storage Altitude Up to 12 km (39,370 ft)
Shock Operating: Up to 20G, 6 ms half-sine
Non-operating: Half-sine, 33G, 11 ms, 3G axis
Vibration Operating: 0.5 Grms sine, 0.4 Grms random, 5 Hz to 500 Hz
Non-operating: 2.0 Grms sine, 1.1 Grms random, 5 Hz to 500 Hz
Heat Dissipation 128 ports at 3195 Btu/hr
Power Supply Dual, hot-swappable, redundant power supplies with integral cooling fans and status LEDs. 80 Plus Gold.
AC Input 100 to 240 VAC nominal, 90 to 264 VAC range, maximum input current 12A @ 100V or 5A @ 240V
AC Input Line Frequency 50 Hz to 60 Hz nominal, 47 Hz to 63 Hz range
AC Power Consumption Maximum power draw:
• 969W with all 128 ports operating at 64G (96 ports populated with 64G SWL transceivers,
16 ports populated SFP-DD SWL transceivers, each providing two ports of 64G connectivity).
• 364W for an empty chassis with no transceivers.
Typical power draw:
• 515W for Brocade G730 switch with 64 64G SW optics modules under 50% traffic rate.
• 675W for Brocade G730 switch with 128 64G SW optics modules under 50% traffic rate.

For more product information: broadcom.com

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G730-Switch-PB105 April 4, 2024

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