FL4 Structure Types Nanomaterials

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1. Quantum Dots:
Quantum dots are semiconductor nanocrystals that are so small they are considered dimensionless.
Quantum dots range from 2-10 nanometers (10-50 atoms) in diameter. QDs can be as large as several μm.
Ex. CdSe, PbSe, PbTe, InP
Properties of QDs:
1. Quantum dots have additional
properties (as zero
dimensional structures) over
quantum well.
2. Quantum dots have properties
combined between:
a. those of bulk
semiconductors, and
b. those of atoms
3. QDs are very small semiconductor particles in which excitons
are confined in all three dimensions of space.
2-D Quantum Wells confine electrons in one dimension.
1-D Quantum Wires confine them in two dimensions.
0-D Quantum Dots confine them in three dimensions making
them zero dimensional structures
4. As Quantum dots gain or lose energy, they emit photons like a
single atom does when electrons change energy states. So QDs
act as tailored artificial atoms when emitting photons and are used for studying quantum phenomena.
5. QDs have different shapes (cubes, spheres, pyramids, etc.)
6. The energy levels depend on size, and shape of the quantum dot.
7. Size of a Quantum dot can be hand tailored by engineers. Tailoring a Quantum Dots’ size gives it
unique emission and absorption properties.
Potential Uses of Quantum Dots:
Many new and exciting applications are being
researched. Quantum dots will soon be part of our
lives and careers.
1. Use in Fluorescence spectroscopy:
The main commercial use for Quantum Dots is
biological imaging with fluorescence
spectroscopy. Traditionally fluorescent dyes
were used.
QD Dyes:
➢ are not limited to a specific molecule, researchers can use any color.
➢ use the same excitation source, eliminating the complexity of using multiple dyes.
➢ have wide wavelength range, stable performance, high efficiency & quantum yield
➢ are much brighter and last longer than traditional dyes. It has been estimated that quantum dots are
20 times brighter and 100 times more stable than traditional fluorescent reporters.
➢ can be tailored to bind to specific structures.
2. Future Use Identification Inks:
• The bright frequency emission of quantum dots gives it two novel uses for identification:
Security Inks: A need exists for better anti-counterfeiting codes to identify items. Quantum dots give
unique frequency lines created by mixing different sized Quantum dots together.
Military Identification: A need exists for the military to identify friendly targets in daylight. Quantum
dots give sharp enough frequency lines they can fit sunlight’s fraunhofer lines , letting it be used in
daylight. This identification would be invisible until scanned with a simple UV.
3. Subcutaneous record-keeping:
• In December 2019, Robert S. Langer and his team developed and patented a technique using
transdermal patches to label people with invisible ink in order to store medical and other information
subcutaneously. This was presented as a boon to "developing nations" where lack of infrastructure
means an absence of medical records.
• The technology, which is assigned to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, uses a “quantum
dot dye” that is delivered, in this case along with a vaccine, by a micro-needle patch.
• The research was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Koch Institute for
Integrative Cancer Research.
4. Diode lasers, amplifiers, and biological sensors:
• Being zero-dimensional, quantum dots have a sharper density of states than higher-dimensional
structures. As a result, they have superior transport and optical properties. They have potential uses
in diode lasers, amplifiers, and biological sensors.
5. Quantum dot displays
• A conventional color liquid crystal display (LCD) is usually backlit by fluorescent lamps (CCFLs),
or conventional white LEDs that are color filtered to produce RGB pixels.
• Quantum dot displays use blue-emitting LEDs rather than white LEDs as the light sources.
• The emitted light is converted into pure green and red light by the corresponding color quantum
dots placed in front of the blue LED or using a quantum dot infused diffuser sheet in the backlight
optical stack.
6. Circuits
• By adding “quantum wires” to a quantum dot, many quantum dots have been strung together in
various shapes and structures.
• Hypothetically, these quantum dot/wire structures could be used in circuits in place of traditional
o Carbon nanotubes, also called buckytubes, are nanoscale hollow tubes composed of carbon atoms,
which were first reported in Nature (1991) by Sumio Iijima.
o Their name is derived from their long, hollow structure with the walls formed by one atom thick sheets
of carbon, called graphene.
o CNTs are chemically bonded with sp2 bonds, an extremely strong form of molecular interaction, in
honeycomb (hexagonal) pattern.
Types of CNTs:
CNTs are of two types:
1) single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs)
2) Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs)
• SWNT is a long tube formed by wrapping a single graphene sheet into a cylinder with diameter of
about 1 nanometer, ends of which are capped by fullerene cages. First reported in 1993.
• MWNTs consist of multiple rolled layers (concentric tubes) of graphene. There are two models that can
be used to describe the structures of multi-walled nanotubes:
▪ In the Russian Doll model, a CNT contains another CNT inside it (The inner nanotube has a
smaller diameter). Many SWNTs are joined.
▪ In the Parchment model, a single sheet of graphite is rolled-in around itself, resembling a scroll
of parchment or a rolled newspaper.

Russian Doll model Parchment model

Properties of CNTs
• Strength: Carbon nanotubes are the strongest materials ever
discovered by mankind.
– Mechanical tensile strength of nanotubes can be 400 times
that of steel. This strength results from the covalent
sp2 bonds formed between the individual carbon atoms.
• Hardness: Standard SWNTs can withstand a pressure up to 25 GPa without deformation. They then
undergo a transformation to superhard phase nanotubes.
• Electrical Conductivity: Because of the symmetry and unique electronic structure of graphene,
nanotube has a very high current carrying capacity. CNTs can withstand higher electric currents than
• Thermal Conductivity: As the atomic bond strength is high, CNTs not only withstand elevated
temperature levels but also act as excellent thermal conductors. As thermal conductors, CNTs can
transmit over 15 times the amount of watts/meter/ Kelvin than copper wires. Infact, CNTs
outperform diamond which the best thermal conductor.
• Elasticity: Under maximum force and high pressure by exposing CNT to greater compressive forces
along axial direction, it can even bend, kink, twist and ultimately buckle without causing any damage to
• Absorbent: CNTs emerge out as ideal candidate as absorbing materials for use in gas, air and water
filtration due to their light weight, larger flexibility, high mechanical strength and superior electrical
A nanowire is a nanostructure, with a diameter of the order of a nanometer (10−9 meters). Typical nanowires
exhibit aspect ratios (length-to-width ratio) of 1000 or more. As such they are often referred to as one-
dimensional (1-D) materials
More generally, nanowires can be defined as “structures that have a thickness or diameter constrained to tens
of nanometers or less and an unconstrained length”.
Different types of nanowires:
We can categorize different types of nanowires regarding to the materials as follows:
➢ superconducting,
➢ metallic (e.g. Ni, Pt, Au, Ag),
➢ semiconducting (e.g. silicon nanowires (SiNWs), InP, GaN), and
➢ insulating (e.g. SiO2, TiO2).
• Due to their size, they exhibit unique thermal, chemical, electronic, optical and mechanical properties
which are not found in bulk materials.
• Nanowires are extensively used in nanoelectronic devices as connectors for the transportation of
Properties & uses of Nanowires:
• Nanowires will be used soon to link tiny components into extremely small circuits, transistors, memory
devices and quantum instruments. Using nanotechnology, such components could be created out of
chemical compounds.
• Nanowires are also commonly used in making nanosensors, just like CNTs.
• Metallic nanowire can conduct heat or electricity substantially higher than any bulk material.
Advantages of Nanowires:

NW devices can be assembled in a rational and predictable way because:

o NWs can be precisely controlled during synthesis, chemical composition, diameter, length,
doping/electronic properties.

o Reliable methods exist for their parallel assembly.

o It is possible to combine distinct NW building blocks in ways not possible in conventional electronics.

• Nanorods have typical lengths of 10–120 nm.
• Among those 1-D nanostructures, nanorods have the advantage as it can be made from most elements
(metals and nonmetals) and compounds, and the synthetic requirements for their production are more
flexible than for nanotubes and nanowires.
• For example, metallic nanorods, semiconductor nanorods, carbon nanorods, and oxides nanorods, are
essential for the development of electronic, optical, magnetic, and micromechanical devices.
➢ Magnetic Nanorods:
• Nanoparticles made from magnetic materials are referred to as “magnetic nanoparticles”.
• Magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) can be easily tracked, manipulated, and targeted by external
magnetic field.
• Elements like Fe, Co, Ni and their oxides can form MNPs.
• The properties of MNPs depend on the synthesis methods and shapes of the nanoparticles.
• Uncoated MNPs have some limitations:
• Agglomeration: Magnetic nanoparticles can stick together if they collide (either because of steric
or electrostatic effects). This can lead to agglomeration or aggregation, which is generally
detrimental for applications.
• Biodegradation: Iron oxide NPs get easily oxidized when exposed to air.
• To prevent agglomeration, nanoparticles are often coated with some material, such as organic material like
fatty acids, dextran, alginate or other polymers; and inorganic materials like Si, SiO2, Au, or others.
• Surface ligands and surfactants provide stabilizing organic shells e.g. polymer, proteins, silanes and silica.
Polymer is the best material for drug delivery.
Types of Magnetic nanorods:
There are three different types:
• Ferrite (oxides) NPs are the most explored
• Metallic NPs are phyrophoric and reactive to oxidizing agents
• Metallic NPs with a shell: higher magnetization and higher stability.
Applications of Magnetic Nanoparticles
• Enhances the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan
• Effective Drug delivery
• Biomedical applications and sensors
• High density magnetic storage devices
• Catalyst in organic dye removal and water splitting reactions
• Magnetic separation or sensing the contaminants in various aqueous systems
• Enhances the solar cell power conversion efficiency
• Cell and gene therapy
• Polymeric solar cells

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