AUG 18 - Carbon Nanotubes

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What are Carbon nanotubes.

•Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are allotropes

of carbon. These cylindrical carbon
molecules have interesting properties
that make them potentially useful in
many applications in nanotechnology,
electronics, optics and other fields of
materials science, as well as potential
uses in architectural fields. They exhibit
extraordinary strength and unique
electrical properties, and are efficient
conductors of heat. Their final usage,
however, may be limited by their
potential toxicity.
How CNTs are made
• Arc discharge
– CNTs Can be found in the carbon soot of graphite
electrodes during an arc discharge involving high current.
This process yields CNTs with lengths up to 50 microns.
• Laser Ablation
– In the laser ablation process, a pulsed laser vaporizes a
graphite target in a high-temperature reactor while an inert
gas is inserted into the reactor. Nanotubes develop on the
cooler surfaces of the reactor as the vaporized carbon

• Other methods where CNTs are created:

- Chemical Vapor Decomposition
- Natural, incidental, and controlled flame environments
• Strength
• Electrical
• Thermal
• Defects
• One-Dimensional Transport
• Toxicity
Strength Properties
• Carbon nanotubes have the strongest tensile
strength of any material known.
• It also has the highest modulus of elasticity.
Young's Modulus Tensile Strength Elongation at
(TPa) (GPa) Break (%)
SWNT ~1 (from 1 to 5) 13-53E 16
0.94T 126.2T 23.1
Zigzag SWNT 0.94T 94.5T 15.6-17.5
Chiral SWNT 0.92
MWNT 0.8-0.9E 150
Stainless Steel ~0.2 ~0.65-1 15-50
Kevlar ~0.15 ~3.5 ~2
KevlarT 0.25 29.6
Electrical Properties
• If the nanotube structure is armchair
then the electrical properties are
• If the nanotube structure is chiral
then the electrical properties can be
either semiconducting with a very
small band gap, otherwise the
nanotube is a moderate
• In theory, metallic nanotubes can
carry an electrical current density of
4×109 A/cm2 which is more than 1,000
times greater than metals such as
Thermal Properties
• All nanotubes are expected to be very good thermal
conductors along the tube, but good insulators laterally to
the tube axis.

• It is predicted that carbon nanotubes will be able to

transmit up to 6000 watts per meter per Kelvin at room
temperature; compare this to copper, a metal well-known
for its good thermal conductivity, which transmits 385
watts per meter per K.

• The temperature stability of carbon nanotubes is estimated

to be up to 2800oC in vacuum and about 750oC in air.

• Defects can occur in the form of atomic

vacancies. High levels of such defects can
lower the tensile strength by up to 85%.

• Because of the very small structure of CNTs,

the tensile strength of the tube is
dependent on its weakest segment in a
similar manner to a chain, where the
strength of the weakest link becomes the
maximum strength of the chain.
One-Dimensional Transport
• Due to their nanoscale dimensions, electron transport in
carbon nanotubes will take place through quantum effects
and will only propagate along the axis of the tube. Because of
this special transport property, carbon nanotubes are
frequently referred to as “one-dimensional.”
• Nanotubes hold the promise of creating novel
devices, such as carbon-based single-electron
transistors, that significantly smaller than
conventional transistors.
Nanotubes’ excellent strength to weight ratio
creates the potential
to build an elevator to
Quantum Computing
• Nanotubes and other Fullerenes can be filled
with molecules that have either an electronic
or structural property which can be used to
represent the quantum bit (Qubit) of
information, and which can be associated with
other adjacent Qubits.
Health Hazards
• According to scientists at the National Institute
of Standards and Technology, carbon nanotubes
shorter than about 200 nanometers readily
enter into human lung cells similar to the way
asbestos does, and may pose an increased risk
to health.
• Carbon nanotubes along with the majority of
nanotechnology, are an unexplored matter, and
many of the possible health hazards are still
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• Hong, Seunghun; Sung Myung (2007). "Nanotube Electronics: A flexible
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• Meo, S.B.; Andrews R. (2001). "Carbon Nanotubes: Synthesis, Properties,
and Applications". Crit. Rev. Solid State Mater. Sci. 26(3):145-249: 145.
• Kolosnjaj J, Szwarc H, Moussa F (2007). "Toxicity studies of carbon
nanotubes". Adv Exp Med Biol. 620: 181–204. PMID 18217344
• Ebbesen, T. W.; Ajayan, P. M. (1992). "Large-scale synthesis of carbon
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