Final Data Survy
Final Data Survy
Final Data Survy
We are third year students from Caraga State University (Main Campus), enrolled in Bachelor of
Secondary Education major in Science. Presently we are currently conducting a study entitled, “Culturally
Responsive Pedagogies: Level of Appreciation and Integration in Teaching Chemistry”.
In this regard, I am asking for your precious time, and effort to fill-in and answer all the questions in the
questionnaire that are important and helpful for the completion of this study.
Rest assured that all data gathered from you will be kept in the highest level of confidentiality. Your
positive response in this request will be of valuable contribution for the success of the study and will be
highly appreciated.
Respectfully yours,
Review the statements and mark (√) the ones that align with your preferences or agreement. If you
strongly agree with a statement, select Yes. If you strongly disagree with a statement, select 'No.'
2- YES 1- NO
Instruction: Read each question carefully and select the option that best reflects your understanding,
experience, or opinion. Please check your responses to the following questions. With 1 being the lowest
and 5 being the highest.
5-Strongly Agree 4- Agree 3- Neutral 2-Disagree
1- Strongly Disagree
5 4 3 2 1
The use of culturally Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
responsive pedagogies in my Agree Disagree
chemistry lessons….
Instruction: Read each question carefully and select the option that best reflects your understanding,
experience, or opinion. Please check your responses to the following questions. With 1 being the lowest
and 5 being the highest.
5-Strongly Agree 4- Agree 3- Neutral 2-Disagree
1- Strongly Disagree
5 4 3 2 1
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
1. I integrate culturally relevant examples into
my chemistry lessons regularly.
2. I use teaching materials in chemistry that
reflect diverse cultures.
3. I frequently adapt my teaching strategies
to be culturally responsive in chemistry.
4. I ensure my chemistry curriculum
acknowledges the contributions of
scientists from various cultures.
5. I actively seek out resources that present
chemistry concepts through a culturally
inclusive lens.
6. I use cultural referents to develop
students' knowledge in chemistry.
7. I use assessments in chemistry that are
designed to be fair also culturally sensitive.
8. I consider students' cultural backgrounds
when designing chemistry experiments.
9. I create an inclusive classroom
environment that respects cultural
differences in my chemistry teaching.
10. I believe that integrating culturally
responsive pedagogies enhances
students' understanding of chemistry.
11. I use examples from a variety of cultures
to explain chemistry concepts.
12. I use approaches to teaching chemistry
that promote equity by incorporating
culturally responsive pedagogies.
2 Yes 1 No
1. I find it challenging to ensure that students understand
complex scientific concepts.
2. I find it challenging to create assessments that are culturally
unbiased for all students.
3. I find it difficult to make chemistry accessible to students from
traditionally underrepresented backgrounds.