Aquino2020 Chapter RiceStraw-BasedFodderForRumina
Aquino2020 Chapter RiceStraw-BasedFodderForRumina
Aquino2020 Chapter RiceStraw-BasedFodderForRumina
Daniel Aquino, Arnel Del Barrio, Nguyen Xuan Trach, Nguyen Thanh Hai,
Duong Nguyen Khang, Nguyen Tat Toan, and Nguyen Van Hung
Abstract Rice straw is a readily available, practical, and cheap source of fodder for
feeding ruminants such as buffaloes, cattle, goats, and sheep. Livestock producers
commonly haul and stack rice straw from their rice farm, which then forms reserved
feed for their animals during lean months or when good-quality roughages are
scarce. The feeding of pure rice straw to ruminants during the stages of fast growth
and early lactation has been shown to affect both body condition score and animal
performance. This is due to lower dry matter intake and protein content (from 4.0%
to 4.7% crude protein) of the straw. The high silica and lignin contents of straw also
contribute to poor nutrient (dry matter and protein) digestibility (<50%). So, pre-
treatment of straw is necessary to enhance its contribution to improving meat and
milk production. Science- and technology-based farm strategies to optimize the
nutritive and feeding values of rice straw had been developed with significant
improvement on intake, nutrient digestibility, and animal performance. These tech-
nologies were also proven effective in contributing additional income to livestock
producers from the sales of milk or live animals. This chapter presents and discusses
current innovations and developed technologies on how the nutritive (nutrient com-
position and fiber fraction) and feeding values of rice straw can be improved.
D. Aquino (*)
Philippine Carabao Center, Central Luzon State University (CLSU), Muñoz, Philippines
A. D. Barrio
Philippine Carabao Center, National Headquarters, Muñoz, Philippines
N. X. Trach
Vietnam National University of Agriculture, Hanoi, Vietnam
N. T. Hai · D. N. Khang · N. T. Toan
Nong Lam University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
N. V. Hung
International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines
7.1 Introduction
Basically, rice straw has low protein content ranging from 3% to 6%. Is has high cell
walls, the neutral detergent fiber (ADF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) which con-
sisted of the degradable carbohydrate fractions such as starch, cellulose and hemi-
cellulose. It also contains an indigestible phenolic substance called lignin. When
used as fodder, rice straw primarily serves as bulk or filler to meet the dry matter
requirement of ruminants. This contains 80% substances which are potentially
degradable and a source of energy. It has high dry matter (DM) contents of 92–96%
but with a low CP content ranging from 3% to 7% (Shen et al. 1998). The lignin and
silica contents provide structure to the rice plant during the growing and fruiting
stage but these components are in an indigestible form when ingested by animals.
As fodder, rice straw has low energy and protein contents. Its utilization is lim-
ited due to minimal contents of digestible nutrients and various characteristics such
as palatability, variable nutritional values, high silica and oxalates, and sometimes
114 D. Aquino et al.
presence of adulterants when not properly collected and stored. Nevertheless, rice
straw still remains to be a practical fodder particularly in times of El Nino or in
times of critical periods when sources of fresh fodders are insufficient. In addition,
according to a dairy cow nutrient expert from Israel (Hanan Saggi, Feeding &
Nutrition Director, TH True Milk Group), rice straw is a good feed component if
pretreated properly, particularly when the milk cows are not producing fully.
Rice straw contains higher quantities of potassium (1.58% of DM), calcium
(0.53%), and magnesium (0.24%). But it is low in phosphorus (0.12%), sodium
(0.13%), iron (0.07%), and manganese (0.07%), (Shen et al. 1998). The bio-
availability of these minerals is still to be investigated since most of these minerals
are cross-linked to other substances in rice straw in the form of acid-insoluble ash.
The phosphorus (0.02–0.16%) content of rice straw is not sufficient to meet the
required 0.3% for growth and normal fertility of animals (Jackson 1977). However,
its calcium content of 0.4% is considered adequate to meet the daily requirement for
livestock but this does not always hold true. The bioavailability of calcium from rice
straw is important to consider since the report of Nath et al. (1969) showed that
cattle fed with rice straw has a negative calcium balance even though the calcium
content of the straw used in the feeding experiment was apparently adequate. In
similar experiments by Joshi and Talapatra (1968), they have higher positive cal-
cium balances with animals fed with wheat straw and sorghum stover diets than on
rice straw diets, even though the calcium intake on rice straw diets was higher.
According to the authors, when feeding rice straw, it is safe to provide calcium
supplementation to the animals.
Generally, the quantity of rice straw that the animal can eat each day is limited to
less than 2% of its body weight. According to the report of Devendra (1997), the
amount of rice straw that ruminants can consume can be as high as 1.2 kg DM
100 kg−1 of live weight day−1. The rice straw intake, however, varies among animals
and this is also influenced by the proportion or parts of the rice straw used in the
ration. The intake of rice straw also varies according to the manner in which it is
prepared, processed, and fed to the animals. Physical processing, such as chopping
or the use of chemical or microbiological treatments, considerably improves an ani-
mal’s rice straw intake. When offered as is, rice straw intake is lower because it is
bulky or occupies more space in the rumen. The digestibility of the straw is also
affected due to the slow passage rate of ingested straw and its fermentation by
microorganisms in the rumen. Chopping the straw provides more space in the rumen
and allows more entries of microorganisms to ferment the straw’s degradable
7 Rice Straw-Based Fodder for Ruminants 115
The leaf and stem ratio is essential when it comes to the digestibility of cereal straw.
Relatively, rice straw has a higher proportion of leaves at 60% compared with other
cereal straw, such as barley (35%) and oats (43%) (Sarnklong et al. 2010; Theander
and Aman 1984). Having this high proportion of leaves to stems promotes lower
in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) of the leaves at 50–51% compared to the
stems at 61% (Vadiveloo 2000). These data were supported by Phang and Vadiveloo
(1992) who observed that, in goats, IVDMD for rice leaves is 56.2% while for stems
is at 68.5%. To increase the degradability of rice straw leaves, pretreating them with
4% urea solution for 21 days shows significant increase in the IVDMD of the leaves
compared with the stems (Vadiveloo 2000). This improvement of the feeding value
of rice straw should be taken into consideration to optimize digestibility.
Rice straw, when offered to ruminants, gave DM digestibility ranging from 45 to
50%. Various enzymes secreted in the reiculo-rumen, such as glucanase, cellulase,
and hemi-cellulase—not including ligninase—have the potential capacity to degrade
the cell wall components of rice straw, (Schiere and Ibrahim 1989). These enzymes
are not produced by the animals themselves but are secreted by the rumen microor-
ganisms. The degree of lignification or with higher the lignin content, this has a
direct effect on the reduction of the rice straw’s nutrient digestibility. In addition,
Agbagla-Dohnani et al. (2003) pointed out that silica has a direct effect on cell wall
digestibility of rice straw since silica forms a physical barrier that lowers microbial
degradation resulting to poor enzymatic hydrolysis of the straw.
Developed technologies have been published and are available for farmers to help
them enhance the utilization and improvement of the nutritive value of rice straw for
animal feeding. These techniques include different physical, chemical, and biologi-
cal processing methods and combinations of these (Ibrahim 1983). However, adop-
tion of these technologies takes time since they require additional inputs and farmers
need to see improvement to believe it.
irradiation. These processes promote physical changes in rice straw, such as reduc-
ing particle size, which lessens rumination time for the animal; enriching softness
of the straw’s fibrous components to make it more palatable to the animal; and
hastening nutrient digestion.
Soaking is a common and economical process of treating rice straw. This is being
done by soaking straw overnight in water which brings softness between the of
lignin and cellulose component of rice straw. Soaking of straw promotes higher
intake of the animal as well as nutrients digestibility. Soaking along with steaming
technique have direct effect on the cell walls delignification of rice straw, (Walker
1984). The effect of steam or exposure of the lignocellulosic contents of rice straw
under high pressure provides a good environment for the microbial enzymes for
faster fermentation of nutrients, thus increasing the rice straw digestibility (Walker
1984). Milstein et al. (1987) suggested that heat treatment leads to an increase in
cellulose digestibility from 20% to 40%.
Grinding, chopping or pelleting had beneficial effects in breaking down the cell
wall contents of rice straw. These physical processes reduced the particle size of the
straw thus, providing easy entries or access of the rumen microorganisms for degra-
dation. The use of these techniques should properly consider the balance between
the particle size and the retention time or passage rate of the ingested treated straw.
The reduction in particles due to grinding or chopping of rice straw promotes ani-
mal intake and increase passage rate of the feed, however, this brings negative effect
in terms of decreasing the nutrients digestibility of straw. This is because of the less
time exposure of the feed materials for rumination and for microbial fermentation
in the rumen.
Pressure steaming rice straw is another process to consider. However, the process
may add cost for farmers due to the energy required during process. Rangnekar
et al. (1982) and Liu et al. (1999) have tried steam treatment under high pressure of
15 bar for 5 min at a moisture level varying between 30% and 70% (w/w) using dif-
ferent roughages and rice straw. They observed that the different fractions of rice
straw, such as hemicellulose, cellulose, lignin, and sugars were separated by steam
pressure. Similar observations were also reported by Ooshima et al. (1984) when
irradiated rice straw was subjected to 84% water content in microwaves (2450 MHz)
using sealed glass vessels with accessible partitions into cellulosic materials and
with increase digestible nutrients of the straw.
The chemical method to improve the nutritive value of rice straw has been done for
more than 100 years (Kamstra et al. 1958) with the aim to increase animals’ intake
and feed digestibility. The chemicals, which are commonly studied and used in
treating rice straw to improve its palatability, intake, and digestibility, are sodium
hydroxide, ammonia, and urea. The mode of action of these chemicals is to break
the links between the lignin-cellulose structures of the straw, which are sensitive
7 Rice Straw-Based Fodder for Ruminants 117
under alkaline or acidic conditions. Among the chemicals used, alkali agents are
extensively explored and practically accepted under farm conditions. During straw
treatment, basic chemicals, such as sodium hydroxide, urea, or ammonia are
absorbed into the cell wall and react with the lingo-cellulosic contents of the straw
to break the ester bonds between lignin and hemicellulose and cellulose. The alkali
absorbed into the straw directly causes the structural fibers to swell making it free
for microbial fermentation (Chenost and Kayouli 1997; Lam et al. 2001).
The use of NaOH in the treatment of cereal straw has been done since the 1940s
(Mcanally 1942). The straw is treated using 1.5% NAOH w/w for 24 h in a con-
tainer. The treated straw is rinsed with cold water and subjected to in vitro digest-
ibility. Results showed that the NAOH treated straw is more digestible than the pure
straw by as much as 28%. The Beckman method, which is similar to the procedures
of Mcanally (1942) for the NAOH treatment of straw, has been recommended by
FAO (2012). The Beckman method also uses 1.5% NAOH but the treatment period
is within 18–20 h before rinsing with tap water. The NAOH acts on the straw by
reducing proteolysis and increasing delignification by unlocking the linkage
between the lignin and cellulosic contents of the straw to give more time for micro-
bial enzymatic action to take place. Treatment of rice straw and other crop residues
using NAOH has been reviewed by Jackson (1977), Berger et al. (1994), Arieli
(1997), and Wang et al. (2004). These authors concluded that chemical reactions of
NAOH on the cell wall contents of rice straw is advantageous for the breakdown of
the esterified bonds between the phenols group and the cellulosic components of
straw thus favoring the enzymatic hydrolysis.
Feeding NAOH-treated straw in cattle showed better performance than ammonia
treatment of straw. Similar improvement in animal performance was also reported
by Chaudhry and Miller (1996) and Vadiveloo (2000) when NAOH-treated rice
straw was fed to cattle compared to untreated straw. This was due to the improve-
ment in palatability and intake of the animals and increase in digestibility of treated
straw. The adoption of NaOH treatment of rice straw, however; is not widely prac-
ticed by farmers. This is because NAOH costs more than urea treatment and it is not
always available. In addition, NaOH, when used at higher concentrations, poses
health problems for animals if the amount exceeds 10 g of the daily sodium require-
ment of mature animals. It can also cause pollution problems due to sodium accu-
mulation in the environment (Sundstol and Coxworth 1984).
Treating rice straw using anhydrous and aqueous ammonia, urea, and other
ammonia-releasing substances have been investigated and have been proven to
enhance the degradability of the straw (Abou-EL-Enin et al. 1999; Selim et al. 2004;
118 D. Aquino et al.
Fadel-Elseed et al. 2003). The treatment of rice straw with ammonia (NH3) is simi-
lar to treating with NaOH. NH3 has been observed to be advantageous over the use
of NAOH because it is readily available because it can be derived from the hydroly-
sis of urea. NH3 treatment does not only increase degradability of rice straw but it
also supplies nitrogen (Abou-EL-Enin et al. 1999), thereby increasing the protein
content of the straw. It can also be used as a preservative agent since it inhibits the
growth of molds in the treated straw (Calzado and Rolz 1990). Other benefits that
can be derived from NH3 treatment include reducing costs of buying protein-rich
supplements and enhancing acceptability and voluntary intake of the treated straw
by ruminants.
Liu et al. (2002) observed that the use of NAOH treatment is more efficient than
NH3 treatment in terms of improving the energy values of the straw. However; using
NH3 is usually more profitable for farmers than NAOH because it provides an addi-
tional source of nitrogen in the straw. Selim et al. (2004) studied sheep fed with
NH3-treated rice straw packed in polyethylene bags for 4 weeks with gaseous
ammonia (3 g NH3 100 g dry matter−1). NH3 increased the N content of the treated
rice straw from 8.16 to 18.4 g kg−1 or with an equivalent increase of CP from 51 to
115 g kg−1. A slight decrease in the NDF of treated straw (from 571 to 551 g kg−1)
was observed but with an increase in acid detergent fiber (ADF) from 303 to
327 g kg−1. This further indicated positive changes on the cell wall content of the
treated straw.
Urea treatment is the most practical and widely used chemical method in treating
rice straw. It is adoptable by both small-scale and commercial livestock farms. The
main function of urea is to increase the protein content of the treated straw during
the fermentation process. Urea or NH3 is best used in combination with molasses
(urea-molasses solution) at 30% moisture content of the treated straw. First, urea is
hydrolyzed or undergoes ureolysis to produce ammonia-nitrogen (Sahnounea et al.
1991). The role of the molasses is to supply energy so that cellulosic fermentation
of the treated straw is hastened. Urea or its combination with molasses can make
rice straw a complete and safe basal ration for ruminants (Langar et al. 1985).
Rice straw can be effectively treated with urea using different concentrations i. e.
from 1% to 5% w/w. Urea should be dissolved first in water at the desired propor-
tion and it can be sprayed into the rice straw. The treated straw can be packed in the
silo, empty drum or plastic bag. This treatment process is practical and can be easily
adopted by farmers. Urea is a chemical which is a source of nitrogen to crops and a
source of non-protein nitrogen to ruminants. It is a crystalline substance and it is
easy to handle and locally available in the market, (Sundstøl and Coxworth 1984).
Urea increases the nitrogen (crude protein or CP) content of the treated rice straw,
(Schiere and Ibrahim 1989). It is cheaper than NaOH or pure NH3. Vadiveloo (2003)
reported that treating different rice varieties with low degradable carbohydrates
responded positively compared to high-quality rice straw varieties after urea
7 Rice Straw-Based Fodder for Ruminants 119
Treatment of straw with lime solution [CaO/Ca(OH)2] is expected to have the same
effect on improving fiber degradability as NAOH. Lime is also a source of calcium
for ruminants in low-calcium rations but it has longer solubility in water compared
to NAOH or urea. Treatment of straw with lime can be done in two ways: by soaking
and ensiling. Lime treatment provides complementary effects in combination with
urea. The combination of lime and urea has been shown an advantage in increasing
degradability and incrementing both the calcium and nitrogen contents of the treated
straw (Nguyen 2000).
In a separate study of Pradhan et al. (1997), using 4% or 6% Ca(OH)2 to treat rice
straw, showed, after ensiling, a higher IVDMD. However; it is further suggested
that a combination of lime and urea would give better results than either urea or lime
alone. Sirohi and Rai (1995) used 3% urea plus 4% lime at 50% moisture for
3 weeks of incubation. They found this to be the most effective treatment process
for rice straw. This was due improving the digestibility and degradable nutrients of
the treated straw. Saadulah et al. (1981) and Hadjipanayiotou (1984) found that the
use of lime and other alkali agents had additive effects on rice straw treatment and
utilization in addition to being safer and more cost-effective to use than NaOH.
As cited by Trach et al. (2001), there are reports that treated rice straw with pure
lime posed contradicting results in its effect on delignification or degradation of rice
straw. There was a report that the dry matter intake of animals was reduced due a
palatability problem of the treated straw. Lime treatment did not affect N content,
but it appeared to be more powerful in delignification or reducing neutral detergent
fiber (NDF) and hemicellulose contents of the treated straw. Increasing levels of
lime and/or urea during rice straw treatment resulted in some negative interactions
between the two chemicals. However, a level of 2% urea alone seemed to be too low
for effective treatment and a level of 6% lime seemed to be too high for rumen
Biological treatment of rice straw involves the use of enzymes and different micro-
organisms, such as bacteria and fungi. Different fungi strains have the capacity to
act on the cell wall contents of the straw thereby improving the degradation rates
120 D. Aquino et al.
and making other nutrients available to the animal. As cited by Jalc (2002), the
enzymes secreted by fungi had strong affinity to metabolize lingo-celluloses and
these are biological agents in treating rice straw to improve its nutritional value
through the selective action of delignification. Nevertheless, its current use in devel-
oping countries is still a big question due to limitation in technical skills and the
availability of resources to produce and handle large quantities of fungi or their
enzymes for practical and field application. Biological treatment of straw brings
some concerns and problems to be addressed and overcome (Schiere and Ibrahim
1989). For example, there are fungi species that are not edible and produce toxic
substances both to human and animals. Fungi also require an environment for them
to grow and reproduce, such as pH, temperature, pressure, and O2, and CO2 concen-
trations before, during, and after the treatment period. With the current development
in mycology, there are now simple protocols or guides to be used in growing fungi
as well in enzyme production or purification for rice straw treatment. There are
commercially available enzyme inoculants or additives available in the market such
that the costs to purchase these substrates will continuously decline and can be used
by ruminant raisers to increase their production efficiency as well as their farm
income (Beauchemin et al. 2004).
fungi act on its substrates is dependent on the fungal species. There are species that
prefer to access first on readily degradable carbohydrates, such as simple sugars,
cellulose, and hemicellulose and eventually degrade lignin, thus resulting in a lower
energy supply for ruminants (Karunanadaa and Varga 1996a, b; Jalc 2002). The
length of incubation in treatment of straw is dependent on the white-rot fungi spe-
cies. During the early stage of incubation, some losses in energy are expected due
to mycelial growth but after a certain time, some white-rot species preferably attack
lignin without degrading cellulose and hemicellulose, thus supplying more degrad-
able energy for the ruminants.
Nowadays, it is important to do research on mycology by selecting fungi species
that prefer to attack lignin rather than the structural carbohydrates or cell walls of
rice straw. Once these species are identified, mycologists can breed even better
strains (Rodrigues et al. 2008). Growing edible mushrooms is a dual purpose of
treating rice straw. As described elsewhere in this book, rice straw serves as a sub-
strate to produce food (mushrooms) and feed from the mushroom-spent bedding.
Some of the edible fungal species include Pleurotis ostreatus and Volvarella sp.
These can be grown easily and the left-over mycelia from the mushroom bedding
can increase the protein as well as the degradable carbohydrates of the rice straw.
Continuous research on white-rot species has to be done and identification of new
edible fungi species is necessary to explore the potential and characteristics to pro-
duce more fruiting bodies for farmers’ harvest as well as achieving optimum feed-
ing quality of the unutilized mushroom bedding.
The catabolic breakdown of any complex substance into its simplest component is
brought about by chemical reactions and/or by enzymatic processes. Enzymes
involved in the degradation of rice straw are mostly of microbial origin and their
action is very specific to the substrates to be degraded. There are commercially-
available fiber-degrading enzymes, such as cellulases, hemicellosi, glucanase, and
xylanases and many others. However, their stability and potency are always affected
by many factors, such as temperature and duration as well as how the enzyme prod-
ucts were processed and packaged. Commercial enzymes used in the livestock feed
industry are generally of fungal (Trichoderma longibrachiatum, Aspergillus niger,
and A. oryzae) or bacterial (Lactobacillus and Staphylococcus species) origins
(Colombatto et al. 2003).
The degradability of cereal straw can be increased through enzyme treatment or
any combination of other treatments (Liu and Ørskov 2000; Wang et al. 2004; Zhu
et al. 2005; Eun et al. 2006; Fazaeli et al. 2006; Rodrigues et al. 2008). Additionally,
using fibrolytic enzymes show improvements in the average daily gain of steers
(Beauchemin et al. 1995), fleece weight and wool production of lambs (Jafari et al.
2005), and milk production of dairy cows (Yang et al. 2000). Enzyme treatment of
rice straw is not yet very popular in raising ruminants under small-scale production
122 D. Aquino et al.
systems because of the additional input costs involve as well as the limitation of
skills for using enzyme products.
Generally, in feeding dry cows, rice straw can be used for about 50% of the ration.
Additional urea-molasses mineral blocks could be used as supplements to support
the requirement of the dry cows. Rations with rice straw greater than 50% would
result in a declining body weight of the cows.
For cows with calves, the use of rice straw should not exceed 25% of the total
ration, with the remaining 75% being good-quality hay or legumes or a concentrate
supplement. When feeding lactating cows, rice straw alone is not adequate to sup-
port milk synthesis or milk production. Supplementary feeds, such as dairy concen-
trates or dried legumes, are required to augment the deficient nutrients in rice straw
so that the goal of supporting normal milk production is achieved.
One consideration in feeding rice straw to ruminants is to balance the quantity of
phosphorus and other trace minerals in the ration. Rice straw has lower phosphorus
and trace mineral contents, thus supplementation with trace minerals and phospho-
rus, especially in high-yielding cows, is necessary.
Table 7.1 ADG in weight of growing and lactating buffaloes fed fermented total mixed ration
composed of rice straw and banana byproducts or water hyacinth
Rice straw + banana Rice straw + water
byproducts hyacinth
Item Control diet 25% 50% 25% 50%
Growing buffaloes, # 5 5 5 5 5
Initial weight, kg 218.60 220.60 222.00 247.80 247.80
Final weight, kg 293.60 282.20 304.40 315.00 268.40
ADG, kg 0.81 0.68 0.96 0.67 0.28
Lactating buffaloes, # 5 5 5 5 5
Total milk yield, kg 120d−1 800.40 752.40 764.00 812.00 793.20
Milk yield, kg d−1 6.67 6.27 6.37 6.77 6.61
ingredients, such as rice bran, copra meal, molasses, mono di-calcium phosphate,
and urea. The FTRMs had remarkable results in terms of ADG and milk production
of dairy buffaloes. The FTMR, composed of 20% rice straw in combination with
50% banana byproducts, resulted in a 960-g ADG compared to a 810-g ADG of
growing buffaloes in the control ration. This brought an 18.9% increase in the
growth rate of the buffaloes. On the other hand, FTMR, composed of 28% rice straw
combined with 25% water hyacinth, gave a 670-g ADG compared to only a 520-g
ADG for the control diet, which is equivalent to an increase of 28.85%. The increase
in ADG of growing buffaloes was attributed to the increase in daily feed intake from
1.7% (control) to 2.13% (50% banana + RS) and from 2.01% (control) to 2.65%
(25% water lily +RS) of the body weight. In addition, there was an increase in DM
digestibility (from 50.95% to 60.35%) and CP digestibility (62.30–66.33%) for rice
straw with 50% banana byproducts. The combination of RS with 25% water lily
also improved the DM (50.10% vs. 57.96%) and CP digestibility (58.08% vs
61.96%), respectively.
The FTMR with 28% rice straw plus 25% water hyacinth was recommended
over the control diet as shown by a 100-g milk difference over the control (6.77 vs
6.67 kg day−1) or FTMR with 50% banana byproducts with a 400-g milk difference
(6.77 vs 6.37 kg) over the FTMR with 50% banana byproducts. The observations
were also supported by the increase in the daily DM intake; 2.5% vs 2.3% of body
weight of the cows.
The ration composed of rice straw with supplementary protein, energy, and/or
minerals have been shown to optimize rumen function and maximize the utilization
or intake of rice straw. Chenost and Kayouli (1997) emphasized that rumen micro-
organisms should be provided with needed nutrients for their growth and self-
multiplication so that degradation of the cell walls of straw is maximized. This also
leads to conditions for sustainable process of cellulolysis. In a field trial, Warly et al.
(1992) showed that a rice straw ration with supplementary soybean meal increased
both degradability and intake of the animals. Untreated rice straw is low in protein
when this is supplemented with cottonseed meal (Wanapat et al. 1996) or urea
124 D. Aquino et al.
molasses-multi-nutrient block (Vu et al. 1999; Wanapat et al. 1999; Akter et al.
2004); these significantly increase the cow’s milk production.
Zadrazil (1977) identified three species of fungi based on substrate preference and
type of enzymes they secrete for the degradation rice straw cell walls. The first
group has cellulolytic and hemicellulolytic activities of which they act on cellulose
and hemicellulose. The second group of fungi preferentially acts on the lignin con-
tent while the third group of fungi decomposes cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin
simultaneously. The second group of fungi is the most recommended for rice straw
treatment because of its peculiarity to break and degrade structural carbohydrates
present in rice straw. It is suggested that screening new fungal strains is essential
with desired characteristics to efficiently improve the nutritive and feeding value of
rice straw.
Zayed (2018) evaluated different parameters for the improvement of the nutri-
tional value of rice straw. During his evaluation, he used moist straw, soaked straw
for 24 h without pasteurization, and soaked straw for 24 h with pasteurization at
100 °C for 1 h. The preprocessed rice straw samples were inoculated having three
combinations of microbial inoculants. He also observed that moistened rice straw
had the highest organic matter reduction at 74.21% if inoculated with Azotobacter
chroococcum and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Additionally, if inoculated with
Azospirillum brasilense and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, significant reduction in
crude fiber at 27.54%; neutral detergent fiber at 55.39%; and 42.47% acid detergent
fiber can be observed. For rice straw soaked for 24 h and inoculated with Azospirillum
brasilense and Bacillus megaterium, a significant increase in crude protein at
13.71% was observed. Zayed (2018) further concluded that interaction between
microbial treatment and physical pretreatments of rice straw shows a significant
decrease in organic matter, crude fiber, neutral detergent fiber, and acid detergent
fiber as well as a significant increase in crude protein compared to the control.
Several factors were identified that limit the utilization of straw as animal fodder.
These include poor digestibility, low animal intake, and very low protein content.
Technologies to overcome the identified factors have been developed for pretreat-
ment of straw before feeding to animals. However, its adoptability varies according
to the capacity and capability of the farmers or its practicality including health and
environmental concerns when used by the farmers.
In physical treatment of straw, the limitation is mainly on grinding of the straw
into smaller particle size. The positive effect of reduced particle size is that it
7 Rice Straw-Based Fodder for Ruminants 125
p romotes higher intake due to an increase in the rate of passage of the ingested feed
by the animal. The negative side of this is that it causes less time for rumination and
less exposure to microbial degradation, thus in turn reducing degradation and
digestibility of the straw components. Uden (1988) observed that grinding and pel-
leting of grass hay decreased dry matter degradability in cows from 73% to 67%,
which was mainly due to a decreased fermentation rate (9.4–5.1% h−1) and decreased
total retention time of the solids from 73 to 54 h, resulting in an increased intake
(Stensig et al. 1994). The use of machines in physical treatment and processing of
crop residues is also not practical for small-scale farms because of their capacity to
buy equipment and the benefits derived may be too low or even negative for the
farmers (Schiere and Ibrahim 1989).
The costs involve can be one of the factors that limit the adoption of chemical
treatment of straw. Although there are significant effects on the improvement of the
nutritive value, animal performance, as well as an increase in income due to treat-
ment of rice straw, the farmers should still balance their decision whether to adopt
or not to adopt using treated straw. Hazard issues, such as toxicity and environmen-
tal pollution, are some of the limitations in using chemicals for straw treatment.
For microbial treatment of rice straw, one of the major drawbacks is the strain of
the fungi to be used and its capacity to degrade lignin and other components of the
straw, such as cellulose and hemi-cellulose. Incubation period is another limitation
for its practical application in treating straw. There are species of fungi with very
high affinity to degrade lingo-cellulosic materials, even in just 1 or 2 weeks of incu-
bation and these have to be explored for its optimum incubation time to increase the
feeding value of straw. In addition, some fungi produce toxins that may affect both
human and animals so proper care should be considered in using these for rice straw
Among agricultural byproducts, rice straw is most abundant, low in cost, and a
practical source of fodder for ruminants. Its utilization as a livestock feed is limited
due to problems in collection, hauling, and storage. Rice straw has low nutritional
value (low protein content and poor digestibility) compared to grasses, thus it can-
not support the nutrients required by high-yielding milk cows and buffaloes. There
are technologies that have been developed to increase the nutritive value, nutrient
digestibility, and utilization of rice straw, such as physical processing, pretreatment
using chemicals, and/or biological treatment. However, adoption of these developed
technologies is still low due to farmers’ limited skills and inputs (e.g., farm equip-
ment) and their doubts regarding applicability to the farm situation and the benefits
for the animals and livestock producers. To maximize the utilization of rice straw as
fodder for ruminants, mechanization is most important to facilitate collection, haul-
ing, and stacking or processing all available rice straw from the field.
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