Yatharth Saxena Transformer Project
Yatharth Saxena Transformer Project
Yatharth Saxena Transformer Project
Nipania, Indore
under my supervision.
Teacher in-charge:
Teacher’s Signature:
Principal's Signature:
School Stamp:
13) Conclusion
14) Precautions
15) Bibliography
To investigate the relations between the ratio of:
It is based on the principle of mutual induction
that is if a varying current is set-up in a circuit
then induced E.M.F is produced in the
neighbouring circuit. The varying current in a
circuit produce varying magnetic flux which
induces E.M.F. in the neighbouring circuit.
The transformer is a device used for converting a low alternating
voltage to a high alternating voltage or a high alternating voltage
into a low alternating voltage. It is a static electrical device
that transfers energy by inductive coupling between its winding
circuits. Transformers range in size from a thumbnail -sized coupling
transformer hidden inside a stage microphone to huge units weighing
hundreds of tons used in power plant substations or to interconnect
portions of the power grid. A l l operate on the same basic
principles, although the range of designs is wide. While new
technologies have eliminated the need for transformers in some
electronic circuits, transformers are still found in many
electronic devices. Transformers are essential for high-voltage
electric power transmission, which makes long- distance
transmission economically practical. A transformer is most
widely used device in both low and high current circuit. In a
Transformer, the electrical energy transfer from one circuit to
another circuit takes place without the use of moving parts. A
transformer which increases the voltages is called a step-up
A transformer which decreases the A.C. voltages is called a
Step-down transformer.
A transformer consists of a rectangular shaft iron core made of
& p2 and s1 & s2 are wound on the same core, but are well insulated
with each other. Note that the both the coils are insulated from
further, the energy loses due to magnetic the iron core is also
The soft iron core is insulating by joining thin iron strips coated with
The input circuit is called primary and the output circuit is called
An ideal voltage step-down transformer. The secondary current arises from the action of the
secondary EMF on the (not
Vs Ip Ns
magnetic flux linked with primary is also linked with the secondary, and
the secondary and Np and Ns are the no. of turns of the primary secondary
E, / E, = - N, / N, (3)
As Ep is the instantaneous value of back e.m.f induced in the
primary coil pm, so the instantaneous current in primary coil is
due to the difference (E - Ed ) in the instantaneous values of the
applied and back e.m.f. further if Rd is the resistance o,
p1p2 coil, then the instantaneous current Ip in the primary coil
is given by
I 'E E, / Rd
When the resistance of the primary is small, Rp Ip can be ,
neglected so Therefore
E Ep 0 or Ed = E
In a step up Transformer
E, » E so K » 1, hence N, » Nd
E, I, = E, I, Or
E, / E, I, /1, K
In a step up Transformer
As k › 1, so If » I, or I, ‹ Ip
2000 W
2090 W
Step Transfomer
1ß 2.5
Iron Rod, Voltmeter, Ammeter, Cogger Wlm.
Circuit Diagram
The rnuuJal \rdurtarze •rm In Qe pm-Katy CLCUJt fg'QfWg0ls the load cfthe secondaw. It hos the negative «tin because It helps the
TI+e sing
soufce io produce rrorerur•en• inresponse fa incl+a muralbad
inductance te•m n the
In thesecnndaiy secoada'y represents 0+e couplirg from
rJ uic
1. Take thick iron rod and cover it with a thick paper and
wind a large number of turns of thin Cu wire on thick paper
(say 60). This constitutes primary coil of the
2. Cover the primary coil with a sheet of paper and wound
relatively smaller number of turns (say 20) of thick copper
wire on it. This constitutes the secondary coil. It is a step
down transformer.
• A step up transformer is used for the production of X-
long distances.
• Small transformers are used in Radio sets, telephones,
)> NCERT Textbook Class 12
)> NCERT Physics Lab Manual Class 12
)> Google Website