PVTRIN-Training of Photovoltaic Installers
PVTRIN-Training of Photovoltaic Installers
PVTRIN-Training of Photovoltaic Installers
PVTRIN: The PVTRIN project scope is the development of a training and certification scheme for technicians,
according common accepted criteria and standards, focused on the installation and maintenance of small scale PV.
The expected results are: Accredited training courses and an operational certification scheme for PV installers in 6
participating countries; Practical training material/tools for installers and their trainers; Web portal with access to
technical information on PV installation/integration; 8 pilot training courses implemented, a pool of skilled/certified
PV installers; A roadmap for the adoption of the certification scheme across Europe.
Long term, PVTRIN will contribute to the PV/BIPV market growth in the participating countries, provide a supporting
instrument for EU MS to meet their obligations for acknowledged certifications for RES installers till 31/12/2012 and
enforce the MS efforts to achieve the mandatory target of a 20% share of energy from RES in overall Community energy
consumption by 2020. The PVTRIN is co-financed by the Intelligent Energy - Europe (IEE) programme.
Associate Professor Theocharis Tsoutsos, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Systems Lab.
Environmental Engineering Dpt., TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF CRETE (TUC)
Agency of Brasov for the Management
of Energy & Environment (ABMEE) Romania
Building Research Establishment Limited (BRE) UK
Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar (EIHP) Croatia
European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA) EU
Scientific and Technical Chamber of Cyprus (ETEK) Cyprus
Sofia Energy Centre (SEC) Bulgaria
Technical Chamber of Greece –Western Crete (TEE) Greece
Tecnalia Robotiker (TECNALIA) Spain
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Systems Lab.
Environmental Engineering Dpt., TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF CRETE (TUC)
Assoc. Prof. Theocharis Tsoutsos, Zacharias Gkouskos, Stavroula Tournaki (TUC)
The sole responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the
European Communities. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained
Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.
pvtrin@pvtrin.eu, www.pvtrin.eu
PVTRIN WP2_D2.6_Catalogue of common failures and improper practices on PV installations and maintenance_ver 1, EPIA, Created June 2011
Contract N°: IEE/09/928/SI2.558379
1 Scope of the deliverable ........................................................................................................ 4
6 References .......................................................................................................................... 18
PVTRIN WP2_D2.6_Catalogue of common failures and improper practices on PV installations and maintenance_ver 1, EPIA, Created June 2011
Contract N°: IEE/09/928/SI2.558379
A catalogue with the most common mistakes and improper practices from information gathered from PV
industry key actors, engineers and constructors and PV owners’ experiences is created in the frame of
this deliverable. This catalogue will be periodically updated during the project’s lifetime with the
involvement of the industrial associations.
The intent of this catalogue is to consolidate the most important mistakes that may appear during the
installation of a PV system in order the installers can recognize and avoid them. So the catalogue will
prove to be helpful not only for the training courses but mainly as a reference for the installers when
This deliverable was developed with the input of the industry actors and the support of a pool of EPIA’s1
As a general comment, most common failures are not encountered because of bad practices in one
specific step, but are a combination or accumulation of suboptimal actions in different stages or simply
due to wrong or inadequate communication between the designers and the installers.
To avoid this kind of fault, the PV sector needs a diverse and qualified workforce. A skilled labour calls for
an appropriate training and certification scheme.
The European Photovoltaic Industry Association is the world's largest photovoltaic industry association, with
members active along the whole solar PV value chain from polysilicon production to pv system design.
PVTRIN WP2_D2.6_Catalogue of common failures and improper practices on PV installations and maintenance_ver 1, EPIA, Created June 2011
Contract N°: IEE/09/928/SI2.558379
As such, PV can be considered a rather ‘young’ technology compared to conventional sources of power
generation. Nevertheless, the photovoltaic effect was discovered in 1839 and ever since extensive
research has been performed. The first research was dedicated to create real-world applications (space
and later terrestrial), whereas later on the focus lay on improving the quality, reliability and safety of the
technology. Still today, the PV industry is investing an extensive part of its revenues into research and
PVTRIN WP2_D2.6_Catalogue of common failures and improper practices on PV installations and maintenance_ver 1, EPIA, Created June 2011
Contract N°: IEE/09/928/SI2.558379
2.4 Conclusion
This clearly shows that, in terms of failures related to PV systems, the focus nowadays has shifted away
from the components. Today, it is the planning, design and physical installation of the system, rather
than the reliability and performance of the components it selves that need further improvement.
During the installation of a PV system, a considerable number of elements need to be taken into account.
Table 2: Segmentation of the current PV market into different application types and market segments
(EPIA, 2010)
Market segment
Residential Commercial Industrial Utility-Scale
Type of applications
PVTRIN WP2_D2.6_Catalogue of common failures and improper practices on PV installations and maintenance_ver 1, EPIA, Created June 2011
Contract N°: IEE/09/928/SI2.558379
The system components, excluding the PV modules, are referred to as the balance of system (BOS)
PV modules of different technologies can be found on the market. They are classified as first, second or
third generation. First generation technology is the basic crystalline silicon (c-Si). Second generation
includes Thin Film technologies, while third generation includes concentrator photovoltaics, organics,
and other technologies that have not yet been commercialized at large scale. Table 2 summarises the
different PV technologies and their efficiency range (status of February 2011). Every PV technology has
its specific advantages and can therefore be used in one application or another. Moreover, because the
design of the PV system is highly influenced by the choice of the PV technology, the selection process
regarding the PV technology and the type of PV modules is critical and requires sufficient knowledge
about PV technologies.
Cell efficiency
4-8% 10-11% 7-11% 7-9% 2-4% (LAB) 13-19% 11-15%
Module efficiency
Area needed/kW (for
̴ 15m2 ̴9 m2 ̴10 m2 ̴12 m2 ̴7 m2 ̴8 m2
For grid-connected systems, the inverter is the device that transforms the DC power output at module
level into AC power for injection in the electricity network. As such, it is a crucial element for grid-
connected PV systems, regardless of the size of the PV system. The PV inverter ensures the electrical
connection and again there are multiple solutions available on the market, not only in terms of the size
of the inverter, but also the way it can be applied: central, multi-string or even at module level – either
integrated into the module or not. In addition, more and more additional tools, such as power
optimisers, switches, etc. are being integrated into PV systems in order to enhance the performance and
PVTRIN WP2_D2.6_Catalogue of common failures and improper practices on PV installations and maintenance_ver 1, EPIA, Created June 2011
Contract N°: IEE/09/928/SI2.558379
safety of PV systems under certain conditions. It can be clearly seen that in order to take all these
elements into account and be able to reply to changing customer demands influenced by political
decisions and public opinion, an installer/designer of PV systems should be well educated about which
products are available on the market.
The same accounts for mounting the modules and connecting them. Numerous companies are engaged
in the design of mounting structures, cables and interconnectors. Innovative solutions are being
developed at rapid pace. Installers have to be aware of the specificities of the latest products in order to
be able to reply to customer needs. Training is therefore crucial.
This is in line with Annex IV of the RES Directive which argues demands installers to receive education
about “the market situation of solar products and cost and profitability comparisons, ecological aspects,
components, characteristics and dimensioning of solar systems, selection of accurate systems and
dimensioning of components, determination of heat demand, fire protection, related subsidies, design,
installation and maintenance of solar photovoltaic systems”.
The PV industry therefore believes that “considering the diversity of building and PV requirements in the
different EU Member States, it will be very difficult to create one harmonized certification scheme for the
EU. However, the principle of mutual recognition of the different national certification schemes calls for
them having a common ground. Therefore, some minimal requirements are to be drafted and a
specialized body needs to ensure that all national schemes fulfill these” (Official EPIA position - 2010).
As such, industry supports the idea of creating a common ground – minimal requirements – for all
Member States. The implementation of the training schemes will then be determined and adapted at
national level. At the moment, building, administrative procedures and grid connection requirements are
different in most EU member states. As such, it will be difficult to develop training courses that tackle all
issues in all member states, without adaptations to the national legislation and normative framework.
Another clue lies in the streamlining of administrative and grid connection procedures. For an overview
on the existing administrative barriers in EU member states, please refer to the PV LEGAL project
(www.pvlegal.eu). The European Photovoltaic Industry Association has developed recommendations
regarding sustainable market growth in which advises are provided regarding the streamlining of
administrative and grid connection procedures. Please refer to the Photovoltaic Observatory – Policy
Recommendations (www.epia.org/publications).
PVTRIN WP2_D2.6_Catalogue of common failures and improper practices on PV installations and maintenance_ver 1, EPIA, Created June 2011
Contract N°: IEE/09/928/SI2.558379
Given the huge varieties and modularity of PV systems, it is obvious that a significant number of mistakes
can be made in case of insufficient training of installers about the availability and technical parameters of
the different PV components as well as about the national requirements when it comes to administrative
processes, grid connection requirements and building regulations.
There are a number of stages in the development of a PV system in which mistakes can occur:
• Site selection
• Design and planning of the system
o Selection of components
o Mechanical failures
o Electrical failures
• Physical installation of the components
o Mechanical failures
o Electrical failures
• Safety (personnel safety as well as safety of installation from e.g. external exposures)
• Service, including inspection & maintenance (insufficient)
For example, many installation faults of different severity were found in the 200 systems from the “1000-
Roofs-Programme”, which were inspected. Table 4 gives an overview on the type of defect and the relative
Table 4: Type and frequency of installation defect (IEA –PVPS Task 7, 2002)
Solar generator cabling
Installation faults
not mechanically fastened
Solar generator cabling not mechanically fastened 24 %
Loose or broken connections can be caused by poor workmanship during installation and in a few cases
broken printed circuit boards (PCB) in junction boxes were reported, which caused arcing across the
Possibly, the cracks were caused by too much torque or pressure due to a poor system design.
Depending mainly on the operating voltage, these faults can lead to an electric arc and subsequently to
destruction of the module junction box.
PVTRIN WP2_D2.6_Catalogue of common failures and improper practices on PV installations and maintenance_ver 1, EPIA, Created June 2011
Contract N°: IEE/09/928/SI2.558379
Most common failures are not encountered because of bad practices in one specific step, but are a
combination or accumulation of suboptimal actions in different stages or simply due to wrong or
inadequate communication between the designers and the installers.
To avoid this kind of fault, the sector needs a diverse and qualified workforce. A skilled labour calls for an
appropriate education and certification scheme.
Common failures in the field of initial site selection for rooftop systems are very rare. Most installers (as
well as end-customers) are aware of the importance of orientation and inclination of the PV installation.
We will see almost no north-facing installations on residential roofs.
Unfortunately, shading is not always taken into account and more easily overlooked by the
designer/installer. Therefore, it is important to perform detailed solar resource predictions, taking into
account the orientation, inclination and all potential shading by surrounding trees and/or buildings.
Regarding larger ground-mounted systems, an important aspect is to analyse the potential impact of
such a large PV plant on biodiversity. Therefore, it is important to perform an environmental impact
assessment and the results of such assessment need to be openly discussed with the public, policy-
makers and all other involved players. Although the decision to go through with such projects should be
looked at on a case by case basis, the German Renewable Energies Agency has issued a report “Solar
Parks – Opportunities for biodiversity”.
For residential systems, it is of critical importance to respect the building and safety codes, including
measures on ventilation of the building, access for fire departments, maximum load, etc. When the roof
is not appropriate for the installation of a PV system, this should be simply acknowledged.
PVTRIN WP2_D2.6_Catalogue of common failures and improper practices on PV installations and maintenance_ver 1, EPIA, Created June 2011
Contract N°: IEE/09/928/SI2.558379
Moreover, the choice of components is critical; especially when it comes to PV systems in sub-optimal
locations, such as west-facing roofs or flat roofs where mounting the modules is not an option because
of load limitations. Taking into account the latest innovations is critical, e.g. specialised products targeted
for east-west facing roofs, light-weight flexible PV modules, etc.
It has to be acknowledged that without sufficient training, the likelihood of mistakes during this step can
be significant.
Moreover, it is clear that any last minute changes in one of the design stages affects the entire
configuration of the PV system design and can have a detrimental impact on the performance or safety
of the final installation.
PVTRIN WP2_D2.6_Catalogue of common failures and improper practices on PV installations and maintenance_ver 1, EPIA, Created June 2011
Contract N°: IEE/09/928/SI2.558379
4.4 Safety
Safety issues include both the personnel level (worker safety) as well as the product level (safety of
Worker safety:
Ideally, a team responsible for the installation of a PV system should consist of an electrician and a
roofer. The electrician should manage the electrical DC connections as well as the connection to the grid,
whereas the roofer should have sufficient experience to manage the installation of the panels
mechanically on the roof and make the interconnections between the modules on the DC side. Ideally;
electricians, roofers and other construction workers are to bring their knowledge together in a new kind
of job description which could be called “solar installer”.
Safety of installation:
An important element that is also being discussed extensively in certain EU countries is fire protection.
First of all, it is crucial to understand that in case of a fire where a PV system was present, the fires were
mainly caused by external fire sources and only few cases have been reported in which the PV system
itself was the source of fire (improper polarity can cause severe damage to the array and system
electronics and has been known to cause fires in some systems). The concerns are therefore not related
to the quality of the PV systems itself, but to the safety of fire fighters when extinguishing a fire in a
building with a PV system. Therefore, 4 elements are of crucial importance: the design of the PV system,
the quality of the PV components, the quality of the installation and communication towards other
stakeholders (such as fire departments). It should also be pointed out that multiple solutions are
available in all stages of design and installation, such as selecting and designing the site in order not to
block the access for fire departments, foresee sufficient labeling and applying it correctly, designing the
electrical plan (for cables and other electrical equipment) in accordance with safety requirements, etc…
A recent project “PV Fire Prevention and Firefighting Measures” lead by BSW (the German Solar
Industry Association) has lead to the publication of a set of technical guidelines for installers. It states
that “Intact PV systems do not pose a risk. In the event of a fire, personal safety can be maintained by the
following the basic principles for electrical installations, as they are laid out in MLAR guidelines and in the
respective State Building Regulations”. This protection target can be achieved through the following:
PVTRIN WP2_D2.6_Catalogue of common failures and improper practices on PV installations and maintenance_ver 1, EPIA, Created June 2011
Contract N°: IEE/09/928/SI2.558379
Image 1: Owners should stay away from the PV system during and after a fire and inform the fire brigade
about the particular hazards from the PV system.
PVTRIN WP2_D2.6_Catalogue of common failures and improper practices on PV installations and maintenance_ver 1, EPIA, Created June 2011
Contract N°: IEE/09/928/SI2.558379
PV system maintenance includes maintaining all parts of the system and requires little maintenance, except
for batteries in case of autonomous systems. Batteries maintenance depends on the type and the
charge/discharge cycles. Maintenance should be performed at least once a year, but the installer should
additionally inform the system owner to monitor the system performance. The most common maintenance
issue is the cleaning of the glass area to remove dirt and dust which can be done by washing the module with
water. Cleaning is necessary during long dry periods when rain cannot provide natural cleaning. The modules
should be cleaned when they are not excessively hot.
PVTRIN WP2_D2.6_Catalogue of common failures and improper practices on PV installations and maintenance_ver 1, EPIA, Created June 2011
Contract N°: IEE/09/928/SI2.558379
- inadequate mounting
Wind load
- system not mounted on concrete bases
- no respect to the building and safety codes (eg overload the roof, no
Location access for fire departments)
- BOS are not sited in weather resistant or rain-tight enclosures
- inappropriate inverter, undersized cables, power optimiser and switch
devices as well as combiner boxes and transformers
- improper polarity
- incorrect circuit protection
- mismatch: e.g. inverter mismatch or generation meter not well
Electrical connections
fitted to inverter output
- lengths of electrical wiring are not minimized
- electrical codes for grid connection not taken into account
PVTRIN WP2_D2.6_Catalogue of common failures and improper practices on PV installations and maintenance_ver 1, EPIA, Created June 2011
Contract N°: IEE/09/928/SI2.558379
Boxes or conduit bodies - cover them making nearly inaccessible for service
PVTRIN WP2_D2.6_Catalogue of common failures and improper practices on PV installations and maintenance_ver 1, EPIA, Created June 2011
Contract N°: IEE/09/928/SI2.558379
- not labeling the PV system at the building’s connection box and main
Organizational measures distributor with an indicator sign
- lack of general plans for emergency workers
Structural measures - no fire-resistant routing of DC power
Technical measures - lack of DC disconnect switch in the area of the building’s main fuse box
Maintenance/ Inspection
PVTRIN WP2_D2.6_Catalogue of common failures and improper practices on PV installations and maintenance_ver 1, EPIA, Created June 2011
Contract N°: IEE/09/928/SI2.558379
6 References
European Projects
- PV LEGAL: http://www.pvlegal.eu
- Qualicert Project http://www.qualicert-project.eu/
- Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Institute of Chemical Sciences & Engineering,
- PVresources: www.pvresources.com
- KYOCERA solar modules assembly and maintenance instructions April 2011
Others sources:
- PV Magazine (October 2011 – page 84-87), http://www.pv-magazine.com/
- BRE, http://www.bre.co.uk
- 3E, http://www.3e.eu
- Bundesverband Solarwirtschaft, www.bsw-solar.de
- UNIQA, www.uniqagroup.com
- VdJ and BRJ insurance
- European Commission, http://ec.europa.eu
PVTRIN WP2_D2.6_Catalogue of common failures and improper practices on PV installations and maintenance_ver 1, EPIA, Created June 2011