CS502 Current Midterm 2022 Papers
CS502 Current Midterm 2022 Papers
CS502 Current Midterm 2022 Papers
Fundamentals of Algorithms
05. AND, OR, NOR , NAND gates ki output given thi output deekh kr judge krna
tha kn sh gate ki output ha
Cs502 paper
Q: algorithm scientist name?
Q: quick sort technique? How the limitation improved by radix sort technique?
Q: calculate the worst time case?
Q: calculate the median? Data diya howa tha
Q: why we called 0/1knapsack algorithm?
MCQS Kuch past papers may say baki conceptual
Cs502 paper
12 knap problem ko 0-1 problem q Kahan jata h or ye kis s belong krti
Ak Marge sort array Wala question tha
Ak Fibonacci Wala question
Baki mcqs theory past papers me thy
My cs502 paper.
2 questions were of knapsack (aik ques mai table draw krnaa thaa aur 2nd mai
table bana hoa thaa uski values likhni thi)
Merge Sorting krni thi..
Aur Mcqs moaaz and waqar wali files sy thay aur baki aik question mai Algorithm
given tha uskay baray mai question pochay gay thay.
kch mcqs waqar ur moaaz ki file a thy,4,5 bs baki sb conceptual
aur running times wale, short men harmonic series likhni thi, knapsack brute force
running for knapsack etc likhna tha, long men heap max tree tha, running times
describe krne thy, dynamic programming men jo table bnta ha us k bare men lkhna
Mcqs (some from past papers )
1)Find out Asymptotic growth.
2) One computer program and definition of algorithm.
3) Recurrence relation
4)Algorithm of Knapsack
5) Dynamic programming
Pesido code likha tha..
Asyp. Growth batani thi.
And described 3 asymptotic notation likhni thi
Cs 502
Mcqs mostly past papers
Subject type
5 questions
1) how do we analyze 2-d maxima. Also give example.
2) do you agree with statement "memory efficient code or algorithm are also time
vise efficient"
3)the knapsack belongs to which domain. And why it is called 0-1 problem
4) suggest and describe one modification to " quick sort" that will improve its
5) and last question chain matrix wale topic se tha 3 matrix given the calculation
kare k table banana tha.
Cs502 ka
Assumption algorithm
Zaror krna
Asa question tha jus ka assumtic krna tha
Long bhi tha short bhi mcqs bhi
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