Functional Food in Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases and Obesity

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Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica ñ Drug Research, Vol. 76 No. 6 pp.

945ñ958, 2019 ISSN 0001-6837

DOI: 10.32383/appdr/111353 Polish Pharmaceutical Society



Department of Pharmaceutical Biochemistry, Poznan University of Medical Sciences,
åwiÍcickiego 4, 60-781 PoznaÒ, Poland

Abstract: The term ìfunctional foodî refers to modified food products that claim to provide an additional func-
tion besides basic nutrition needs. The consumption of functional food is known to exert a positive impact on
health and to prevent the occurrence of pathological conditions, such as cardiovascular diseases, some types of
cancer, and obesity. Functional food products should resemble conventional food in terms of appearance and
taste. The goal is usually achieved by adding active ingredients to the traditional food products (e.g., phytos-
terols/stanols are added to margarine, dairy, and cereal products), removing or limiting the concentration of
potentially harmful agents, or by agricultural and genetic modifications of already existing edible plants and
animals (e.g., feeding hens on algae or fish in order to obtain n-3 PUFAs-enriched eggs, and inducing genetic
and/or nutritional changes during animal production to obtain meat with lower cholesterol levels). Well-
designed intervention trials are scarce in this field, and more effort should be directed toward conclusively prov-
ing the role of functional food in disease prevention and health improvement among the population. These asso-
ciated benefits and the advances in the food processing industry should stimulate the development of products
that would match the requirements of a healthy diet, simultaneously reducing the risk of chronic diseases. The
aim of the present review was to present the examples of functional foods that are essential for the prevention
of obesity and cardiovascular disease, and thereby report on their putative mechanisms of action, health-pro-
moting effects, and limitations by conducting various intervention studies.

Keywords: functional food, cardiovascular disease, obesity, non-nutrient food components

Functional food ñ an overview European Commission in 1999, alimentary products

The concept of functional food was first intro- may be considered as functional food when they
duced in Japan in the late 1980s and was defined by have an added positive health benefit and exert a
the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare as the positive effect on the human body beyond basic
ìFood for Specified Health Usesî (FOSHU). nutritional value. Functional foods, enriched in
Currently, it has been propagated in Western Europe active ingredients, form a link between food and
and the United States, and growing interest of the drug; however, they are not available in the form of
society in health-promoting and disease-preventing tablets or capsules. Hence, popular ìfood supple-
characteristics of this kind of food has boosted its mentsî cannot be considered as functional foods,
production and research in this field. This category although both categories of products may be target-
of foods includes products that have been enriched ed to populations and individuals suffering from
with physiologically active compounds or from diverse nutritional deficiencies and/or at risk of a
which potentially harmful ingredients have been particular disease (2).
separated out. According to the FOSHU definition, The composition of functional foods intro-
functional foods should resemble conventional food duced to the commercial market should consider the
products consumed on a regular basis, as it is dietary habits of the population, and the products
designed for people whose main intention is to need to be certified regarding their safety and health
incorporate them in their everyday lifestyle so as to beneficial properties by performing laboratory tests
protect themselves from diseases (1). Additionally, and human intervention studies (3).
according to the Concluding Document FUFOSE Various innovative agricultural and biotechno-
(Functional Food Science in Europe) issued by the logical procedures have been applied to produce

* Corresponding author: e-mail:


functional foods possessing the desired properties of iron, iodine, and vitamins (A, D, B). Salt fortifica-
a particular raw material or its specific variant. The tion with iodine has been known since the 1920s,
modification cannot, however, alter the taste and/or and due to its effectiveness in improving the thyroid
flavor of the product which often depends on the function, it has since been introduced in numerous
food matrix. Water or lipid solubility of an active countries all over the world (12). Cereal products
substance must also be taken into consideration. It is have been fortified with selected B-complex vita-
worth mentioning that modern food technology mins (niacin, riboflavin, thiamine, and folic acid).
often implements some traditional procedures or Vitamin A is commonly added to margarine and
national recipes, e.g., fermentation of Chinese food vitamin D fortified milk products are prepared,
products, to add these unique flavors to contempo- which effectively reduced the risk of rickets in chil-
rary diets (4). Technological modifications may dren and osteoporosis in the elderly. Fortification of
include: addition of biologically active substances, wheat flour with folic acid reduced the rate of neu-
e.g., probiotics, prebiotics, vitamins, minerals, and ral tube pathologies and decreased the homocysteine
plant extracts at various stages of food processing; concentration in plasma (13). The latter has been
eliminating anti-nutritional compounds which can considered to be a measure to prevent atherosclero-
increase the bioavailability of nutrients and/or sis (14). For a long time, foods formulated for
drugs; and production of the preparations with infants have been fortified with iron to reduce the
reduced calorie load by lowering the content of sat- frequency of anemia resulting from iron deficiency
urated fatty acids (SFAs) (5). Bioactive components (15). Moreover, biofortification of foods with iron
used for functional food preparation are either syn- represents an interesting and novel technology that
thetic or extracted from natural sources and then involves increasing the content and bioavailability
condensed, and hence their concentration in a par- of iron in crops via undertaking plant breeding
ticular product might reach harmful levels. and/or agronomic practices such as genetic modifi-
Moreover, they might interfere with the functions of cations (16). The technique of genetic manipulation
other bioactive substances in diet or drugs. The has been used to produce certain varieties of sweet
effectiveness and safety of functional foods must be potatoes and carrots with increased beta-carotene
confirmed by the producer, which is not required in content or maize varieties with decreased phytic
the case of regular, conventional alimentary prod- acid, which subsequently enhances the availability
ucts. To meet these high standards, producers should of zinc and iron (17). Although the results of trials
conduct a chemical and biological survey of the test- with biofortified foods obtained through genetic
ed food. Particular attention is paid to the antioxi- modifications of plants are very promising, still
dant activity of raw materials due to their role in the much uncertainty exists concerning the safety of
prevention of, e.g., obesity, cardiovascular disease their consumption and impact on the environment.
(CVD), some forms of cancer, and diabetes. Results Owing to these reasons and social pressure, some
of the in vitro and in vivo experimental systems countries have banned the culture and processing of
applying isolated compounds revealed the ability of genetically modified crops, suggesting a limitation
naturally occurring antioxidants to neutralize reac- in the production and consumption of these foods in
tive oxygen species (ROS) and promote health (5- the developing countries (18, 19). Production of for-
7). These goals are achieved through the reduction tified meat represents a new approach to the tech-
of inflammatory reactions, protection of endogenous nology of functional food manufacture. Meat and
macromolecules against oxidative damage, and related products are an essential source of various
enhancement of the in vivo defense systems by pro- nutrients that are crucial for proper growth and
viding a suitable pool of low molecular weight development; however, high SFAs and cholesterol
antioxidants such as vitamins C and E, selenium, levels in these products have been linked to a greater
and antioxidant phytochemicals along with food. risk of chronic diseases, such as, obesity, CVDs, and
These molecules reduce the harmful effects of free type 2 diabetes (20). Additionally, frequent con-
radical reactions via interference with ROS forma- sumption of traditionally grilled or smoked meat,
tion (3, 8-11). Several classification systems have containing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, leads
been proposed to classify functional food products to the induction of cytochrome P450 isoforms which
based on the techniques applied to producie the are responsible for metabolic activation of food and
modified compound, e.g., fortification, enrichment, environmental carcinogens and alteration of drug
alteration, and improvement (1). metabolism (20-22). An interesting approach toward
Food fortification has a long history of practi- reduction of risk associated with the consumption of
cal application for treating the deficiencies related to traditionally processed meat products has been pro-
Functional food in prevention of cardiovascular diseases and obesity 947

posed at the GdaÒsk University of Technology, salt content, one of the hypertension risk factors, by
Poland, where the so-called Brassica sausages were almost 30% while Brassica products are additional-
invented, based on the popular belief that the com- ly enriched with other valuable ingredients like vita-
bination of meat and cabbage has a positive impact mins, micronutrients, low-processed diets, and phy-
on health. The product has been in the market since tosterols which affect the level of cholesterol.
2008 and is accepted well by the local consumers However, Brassica sausages, due to their high cost,
(23). Phytochemicals in white cabbage (Brassica have not yet been subjected to clinical trials.
oleracea var. capitata f. alba) exhibit preventive Functional food may also be classified accord-
activity against certain types of cancer, mainly colon ing to the special target to which it has been direct-
and breast tumors (24, 25). The most active chemi- ed: consumers at risk of CVDs, cancers, osteoporo-
cals are glucosinolates and indoles, which are sis, and other disorders. Further proposed types of
known to effectively neutralize mutagenic hetero- food may meet the requirements of specific popula-
cyclic aromatic amines formed in the meat during tion groups, infants, young adolescents, women, or
thermal processing and to affect estrogen levels in the elderly. Additionally, a special group of products
the blood and breast tissue through redirection of may be used at the time of menopause, for prostate
estrogen metabolic pathway to produce less onco- overgrowth, or in lactation mothers (28).
genic derivatives. Besides cabbage, other members Factors contributing to the functional food
of the family Brassicaceae, such as cauliflower, market are presented in Figure 1. The responsibility
broccoli, kale, and Brussels sprouts, are also a rich of the food industry to fulfill the consumersí needs,
source of glucosinolates and indole alkaloids (26). preferences, and requirements, initiates the research
In contrast to most vegetables that lose their nutri- and development of special-purpose products, by
tional value on cooking, the beneficial potential of improving the existing brands and conducting clini-
cabbage is known to increase during the heating cal trials to test their efficacy and safety. Thus
process because it releases antioxidant substances obtained functional foods, after assessing for their
gradually (27). Therefore, the addition of cabbage quality and safety, are added to the list of products
extract to meat products can not only enhance the that positively influence the health of the communi-
uptake of bioactive health-promoting substances but ty and the individual consumer (29, 30).
can also reduce a load of mutagenic and carcino- In the next section, we describe the applica-
genic compounds in the meal. Moreover, the combi- tions of functional foods in the prevention of obesi-
nation of meat and cabbage gives a salty taste to ty and CVDs by providing examples. CVD by itself
these products, and hence it is possible to reduce the and the complications associated with it represent a

Figure 1. Factors shaping the functional food market.


serious public health concern, as it is considered to normal instant coffee as placebo. The tested group
be the major cause of mortality in human beings. lost 5.4 ± 0.6 kg at the end of the experiment, which
Since the conductance of Framinghamís study in the was a statistically significant loss in comparison to
late forties of the 20th century and other epidemio- the result shown by the control group (34). Though
logical surveys, the risk of CVD has been associat- the use of green coffee extract as weight loss med-
ed with factors such as lifestyle, namely diet, physi- ication provided promising results in this study and
cal inactivity, obesity, and tobacco smoking, as well other intervention trials, the product has faced seri-
as with other coexisting conditions (e.g., hyperten- ous criticism with regard to methodological limita-
sion, etc.). When the alimentary products were tions of these studies, including lack of safety assess-
deeply analyzed to determine their role in the pre- ment and estimation of its effects on weight follow-
vention of obesity and/or CVDs, the results often ing discontinuation of the product consumption (35).
revealed other beneficial activities, such as their
activity against cancer or type 2 diabetes, thus con- β-glucan products in weight control and CVD pre-
tributing to the overall term of ìhealthy dietî (31, vention
32). This has stimulated numerous studies on the Consumption of bran for many years has been
diet-dependent pathomechanisms of the disease and known to effectively control weight. This excellent
possible preventive measures; however, some of source of indigestible insoluble fiber is often con-
them do not meet the criteria of Evidence-Based sumed as an additive to cereal meals or in the form
Medicine and represent a popular belief only. From of whole-grain flour products. Foods prepared with
the broad collection of the published reports, we whole grains and bran contain less starch, have a
have selected human intervention trials and high- reduced calorie load, and contain more micronutri-
lighted the methodology applied in the study (ran- ents of important health value, and the role of these
domized, placebo-controlled, crossover, double- foods in the prevention of obesity, type 2 diabetes,
blinded, or other). However, these experimental and CVDs has been appreciated. Notwithstanding,
models have not been standardized with respect to the exact mechanism(s) underlying their action and
sample size, control groups, protocols of interven- factor(s) responsible for their actions remain unclear
tion or exposure, factors analyzed at baseline, and (36). Analysis of observational studies reported by
defined outcomes. This lack of integration among Cho et al. shows that the consumption of whole-
the human trials may be the cause of discrepancies grain alone is not sufficient to achieve CVD reduc-
in the interpretation of results. tion if the whole grain does not include added bran
(37). Currently, the attention is being focused on the
Functional food in the prevention of obesity and soluble fiber, β-glucan, obtained from oat, barley,
cardiovascular disease and bran of other grains. β-glucan is a carbohydrate
Instant coffee enriched with chlorogenic acid polymer with the unique combinations of glucose
Instant coffee enriched with chlorogenic acid is moieties at positions C1-C3 and C1-C4. The poly-
available in the market and is dedicated to over- mer with C1-C4 combination only is a water-insol-
weight and obese people. Chlorogenic acid is abun- uble fiber similar to cellulose present in plant cell
dantly present in green coffee beans and has been walls. In the β-glucan molecule, 30% of C1-C3 con-
extensively studied for its antioxidant activity and nections are sufficient to impart chain mobility and
capability to prevent type 2 diabetes. The latter func- water solubility to the compound. Hydrothermal
tion is supposedly achieved through various mecha- processing of grain results in the formation of a
nisms: delay of glucose absorption in the intestine, product having high β-glucan content. In this proce-
stimulation of incretin hormone glucagon-like pep- dure, β-glucans absorb a large volume of water
tide-1, decrease in hepatic glucose output due to eventually forming gums of considerable viscosity,
inhibition of glucose-6-phosphatase, and change in which is important to exert its action; in the stomach
mineral composition that improves glucose toler- and small intestine, β-glucans form a mucoid pro-
ance (33). This particular phytochemical has been tective layer, thus delaying starch hydrolysis and
found to reduce weight, which was proved in a ran- glucose absorption. β-glucans are also responsible
domized, placebo-controlled study conducted in for the prolonged feeling of stomach fullness.
Norway. Twelve volunteers of normal weight (BMI Moreover, β-glucan-derived mucus protects the
< 25.0 kg/m2) and 15 slightly to moderately over- intestinal mucosa against irritation and bacterial
weight individuals (BMI 27.5ñ32.0 kg/m2) con- infections (38-40).
sumed chlorogenic acid-enriched instant coffee for The effect of β-glucan (5 or 10 g), obtained
12 weeks, whereas the matched controls received from oat or barley, was tested for five weeks in a
Functional food in prevention of cardiovascular diseases and obesity 949

group of 100 consumers having elevated cholesterol considered to be an important factor for CVD pre-
levels in a placebo-controlled, double-blind study. A vention, various approaches have been recommend-
designated dose of β-glucan was taken up in the ed to meet this requirement. Besides the consump-
beverage (500 mL/day). Consumption of 5 g of oat tion of meat and related products and/or modified
β-glucan was sufficient to improve lipid (reduction eggs with decreased cholesterol content, inhibition
in total cholesterol level by 7.4%) and glucose of cholesterol synthesis pathway or inhibition of
metabolism levels, whereas 10 g of β-glucan from intestinal cholesterol uptake may help to reach this
oats did not affect the serum lipid concentration sig- goal. A decrease in endogenous cholesterol synthe-
nificantly in comparison with control. Moreover, no sis may be achieved through the consumption of red
significant effects were observed in individuals con- yeast rice which is a traditional Chinese culinary
suming barley β-glucan (41). In a similarly designed product, popular also in other Asian countries. Red
trial, a dose of 5 g of oat β-glucan added to industri- yeast rice is a product of rice fermentation and con-
ally prepared fruit drink reduced total cholesterol by tains mold culture (Monascus purpureus). The red
4.8% and low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol yeast rice contains a molecule called monacolin K
by 7.7% in a group of hypercholesterolemic volun- which is responsible for the inhibition of HMG-CoA
teers. However, no significant differences in the reductase, a crucial enzyme in cholesterol synthesis.
level of serum high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cho- The mold was originally used in the production of
lesterol or triglycerides were found when compared lovastatin, the first statin introduced to the pharma-
to the control group. Although the authors conclude ceutical market, and the drug appeared chemically
that the reduction in cholesterol absorption con- identical to monacolin K. Human intervention stud-
tributes to the observed hypocholesterolemic effect ies revealed that consumption of commercial prepa-
of β-glucan consumption, no decrease in lipid-solu- ration of red yeast rice causes a mean reduction in
ble antioxidants was demonstrated. (42). Data from total and LDL cholesterol and triglyceride and a
other studies showed that oat bran intake resulted in mean rise in HDL cholesterol levels (46). In a dou-
an increase in the synthesis of bile acids, which ble-blind trial involving 4870 subjects in China,
might contribute to the stated cholesterol-reducing with a history of high plasma cholesterol level and
effect (43). A controlled, randomized crossover myocardial infarction, daily intake of 1.2 g of a
study included 30 volunteers suffering from mild commercial red yeast rice preparation reduced the
hypercholesterolemia and the participants were prevalence of serious coronary events, in compari-
asked to consume daily 3 g of high-molecular- son to results obtained from placebo controls (5.7%
weight 3 or 5 g of low-molecular-weight barley β- vs. 10.4%) (47). The beneficial effect of red yeast
glucan or a control diet for five weeks, in the form rice was also observed in diabetics and the elderly
of crepes, tortillas, porridge, and chips. Results of (48). Besides lipid-lowering potential, the red yeast
the trial indicate that increased bile acid synthesis, rice also protects the functions of the endothelium in
rather than inhibition of cholesterol absorption or patients with CVD (49). Monacolin K in red yeast
synthesis, may be responsible for the cholesterol- rice and statins present a similar mode of action and
lowering effect of barley β-glucan. This effect prob- similar side effects as well. A thorough analysis of
ably depends on the high molecular viscosity of bar- the natural product and its efficacy revealed great
ley β-glucan (44). Although results of the interven- variability in monacolin K concentrations in various
tion trials with β-glucan products convincingly indi- batches of the fermented rice, presence of other
cate the health benefits in hypercholesterolemic sub- types of monacolins, and other chemicals of
jects, most reports are based on observational stud- unknown but potential toxicity. That is why red
ies in populations consuming whole grain and bran yeast rice is currently not recommended as a choles-
foods, and great diversity in the final outcomes terol-lowering dietary regime, due to the lack of
might result from the problem of inconsistent defi- assurance regarding its efficacy, safety, and proper
nitions of whole grains in the published studies (45). standardization protocol (50).

Red yeast rice products modulate the cholesterol Carotenoids and lycopene products
metabolism Carotenoids such as lycopene, beta-carotene,
Many longitudinal studies conducted recently lutein, and zeaxanthin are common ingredients of
revealed that LDL cholesterol contributes to the several edible plants (e.g., tomatoes, pumpkins, and
development of CVD, whereas HDL cholesterol carrots). Among them, lycopene was the most inten-
exhibits a preventive action. Since a reduction in the sively studied. Lycopene is a strong antioxidant
total and LDL plasma cholesterol levels has been mainly associated with the prevention of prostate

cancer; however, as it has been found to inhibit cho- scale and used in cancer and CVD prevention stud-
lesterol synthesis through attenuation of HMG-CoA ies and/or daily consumption with a regular diet.
reductase, resembling the action of statins, it has Recently, the Polish market of functional foods
been used as an agent to reduce the CVD risk (51). introduced an original product: a fruit juice enriched
In a large cohort study (1212 men, aged 61ñ80 in lycopene isolated from tomatoes. This is a rela-
years), a significant inverse correlation between var- tively recent achievement and no data on interven-
ious plasma carotenoids and atherosclerosis has tion trial has been published to date.
been observed in carotid arteries (52). Human inter-
vention studies assessing anti-CVD effects, espe- Phytosterol and stanol products
cially, tomatoes as a source of lycopene and other Discovery of plant-derived cholesterol-related
carotenoids are numerous, and despite the fact that agents (phytosterols and stanols), which are capable
the bioavailability of these phytochemicals is of reducing cholesterol uptake in the intestine and
enhanced by heating and homogenization, several lead to decreased plasma LDL cholesterol levels,
trials are based on the consumption of raw tomatoes propelled research in food technology to obtain phy-
(53,54). The most common tomato products tested tosterol/stanol-enriched dietary products, such as
in human intervention trials for their potential to margarine, dairy, and cereal products (58). In a nine-
reduce various CVD risks are tomato soups, sauces, week, balanced, double-blinded crossover trial,
pastes, encapsulated lycopene, but studies based on table spreads fortified with either soybean oil (non-
products that meet the criteria of functional food esterified plant sterols) or a shea nut oil concentrate
items are limited (55). (esterified plant sterols) were tested in 77 healthy
Human intervention trial conducted by Bohn et adult volunteers. Each participant consumed approx.
al. (2013) is an exception. In this protocol, nine 25 g/d of tested or control spread for three weeks.
healthy men and nine women (aged 21ñ40 years) The product containing soybean and phytosterols
consumed a soy germ-fortified juice daily (300 mL significantly reduced total and LDL cholesterol lev-
containing 66 mg of isoflavones and 22 mg of els in plasma (by about 4% and 6%, respectively)
lycopene) for eight weeks. This intervention trial when compared to the effect shown by control
was designed to assess the cancer prevention effects, spread, which did not alter the plasma HDL choles-
but it also provided data on the improvement of lipid terol levels and exerted a limited effect on plasma
metabolism. There was a significant increase in carotenoid levels. The spread fortified with shea nut
plasma HDL cholesterol levels (47.3 ± 15.8 mg/dl at phytosterols did not influence the mean plasma lipid
baseline vs. 51.7 ± 14.8 mg/dl at week 8), and the levels compared with control spread. The authors
ratio of plasma total cholesterol/HDL cholesterol suggest that the observed reductions in plasma total
was markedly reduced (4.25 ± 1.59 mg/dl at base- and LDL cholesterol upon soybean oil sterols con-
line to 3.63 ± 1.16 mg/dl at week 8). Additionally, sumption could contribute to a reduction in CVD
fractions of LDL and VLDL cholesterol appeared to risk by about 15% at age 40 and 6% at age 70 years
be more resistant to Cu(II)-dependent oxidation (59). In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-con-
(56). In a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-con- trolled balanced experiment, 95 normocholes-
trolled crossover study, 50 healthy men and 40 terolemic or mildly hypercholesterolemic partici-
women (aged 45ñ70 years) consumed a tomato pants consumed 30 g/d of fortified spread containing
extract-enriched orange juice (6 or 18 g of extract in soybean, rice bran oil, or shea nut esterified phytos-
200 mL of juice, equivalent to two or six fresh toma- terols or non-fortified margarine in four consecutive
toes, respectively). Placebo drink did not contain periods of 3.5 weeks. Within 2.5 weeks, margarine
tomato extract. The blood was collected at baseline enriched with soybean oil sterols (esters of sitos-
and 3 h after ingestion of a tested drink, and hemo- terol, campesterol, and stigmasterol) lowered blood
static functions were measured. In subjects consum- total and LDL cholesterol levels by 8% and 13%,
ing tomato-enriched juices, significant reductions in respectively, when compared to the effect exerted
ex vivo platelet aggregation induced by ADP or col- by spread not enriched in sterols. The rice bran oil
lagen were noticed, and the range of this reduction and shea nut oil sterol-fortified margarine did not
significantly correlated to plasma homocysteine or lower cholesterol levels in plasma. No influence of
C-reactive protein levels (57). the sterol-fortified margarine on plasma HDL cho-
Products used in studies conducted by Bohm lesterol was observed. However, a decrease in plas-
(2013) and OíKennedy (2006) were prepared specif- ma carotenoid (α- and β-carotene and lycopene)
ically for the trial purpose, although the authors sug- levels suggests further studies to elucidate and
gest that these products were produced on a large exclude this effect (60). Moreover, it was found
Functional food in prevention of cardiovascular diseases and obesity 951

plant sterols and stanols displayed more beneficial undesired pharmacological modulation of the prod-
effects on LDL cholesterol level when compared to uct (70, 71). The flaxseed-enriched diet of hens pro-
the effects shown by statin medication (61). duces eggs rich in α-linolenic acid (ALA) which is
Doubling the statin dose caused an additional the least desired n-3 PUFA in humans, whereas hens
decrease in plasma LDL cholesterol by only 7%, but fed on algae and fish produce eggs enriched with the
adding phytosterols to the daily diet was found to be most required eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and
more effective ñ additional LDL reduction by 16- docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). This modification,
20% was observed (62-65). However, phytosterol however, brings about a change in the taste of eggs
intake did not change the plasma HDL cholesterol which is not acceptable to the consumers.
level (64). Although initial studies investigating the
impact of phytosterol on LDL cholesterol provided N-3 PUFA products
promising results, recently published guidelines rec- Dietary products fortified with n-3 PUFAs at
ommend more attention with this class of food sup- the stage of industrial processing were tested in 16
plements. Epidemiological surveys revealed that male volunteers who took part in the intervention
increased plasma phytosterol concentrations corre- study and consumed diverse foods containing n-3
late with probable coronary events in groups of PUFAs either naturally (fresh fish, canned fish,
patients at high coronary risk (66). flaxseed meal, and canola oil) or fortified with fish
oil (margarine, milk, sausage, luncheon meat, and
Polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA)-enriched prod- dip). A significant decrease in total n-6 PUFAs (by
ucts 15%) and a marked increase in the proportion of
Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are a ALA (by 56%), EPA (by 174%), and DHA (by
class of lipid compounds that are found to be essen- 80%) was observed in the plasma of participants. In
tial for CVD prevention, and they are the con- addition, a significantly increased level of n-3
stituents of dietary phospholipids. Phospholipids are PUFAs was demonstrated in mononuclear and
mainly consumed with eggs and fish, and this has platelet membranes accompanied by a decrease in
led to the concept of manipulating the egg content the content of n-6 PUFAs. The authors of the study
through modifying the diet of laying hens, by then suggest that consumption of foods fortified
enriching the diet with fish oil, microalgae, or with n-3 PUFAs would provide the beneficial pro-
flaxseed pomace. The product thus obtained meets portion of phospholipids in individuals who do not
the criteria of functional food, and consumption of include fish into their diet, preventing the occur-
these eggs provides a recommended daily intake of rence of obesity, atherosclerosis, hypertension, or
n-3 PUFAs (between 1000 and 2000 mg/day) with- type 2 diabetes (72).
out the need for additional supplements and change
of eating habits. Moreover, additives added to the Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) products
hens feed enrich eggs with other micronutrients, Beneficial effects associated with the replace-
e.g., lipid-soluble vitamin E, carotenoids, lutein, and ment of saturated fats with PUFAs have driven
selenium (67). Such a composition of additives pos- attention to conjugated linoleic acids (CLAs), which
sessing antioxidant potential protects PUFAs from are present in animal fodder along with, linoleic
oxidative damage during egg storage and culinary acids, and other PUFAs. CLAs are formed naturally
processing. The main health benefits resulting from in the gastrointestinal tract of ruminants and occur
consumption of n-3 PUFAs-enriched eggs is an as a mixture of 28 positional and geometric isomers;
increase in the plasma level of these PUFAs and a the greatest biological activity is exhibited by trans-
decrease in plasma triglycerides, blood pressure 10, cis-12 and cis-9, trans-11 octadecadienoic acids.
(systolic and diastolic), and platelet aggregation However, they differ in the particular biological
ability (68). Some intervention trials also report a functions (73). One of the suggested mechanisms
decrease in plasma cholesterol levels following the behind the beneficial activity of CLAs in CVD pre-
consumption of n-3 PUFAs-enriched eggs. In the vention is probably related to an increase in the mus-
same study, however, in 2 of the 25 participants, an cle mass and the subsequent enhancement of meta-
elevation of total and LDL cholesterol was observed bolic rate and weight loss which in turn is associat-
after consumption of n-3 PUFAs-enriched eggs, ed with the diminished activity of carnitine palmi-
which might result from the individual metabolic toyl-transferase-1 (74, 75). The trans-10, cis-12 iso-
response to the diet (69). To decrease cholesterol mer is found to be the main form responsible for
level in egg yolk, the hens were treated with ator- anti-diabetic, anti-carcinogenic, and anti-obese
vastatin or garlic paste, the former resulting in an actions, while the cis-9, trans-11 isomer mostly

exhibits anti-carcinogenic activity. Furthermore, coworkers did not show any effect of the consump-
CLAs were shown to modulate mutagenesis and tion of 90 g/d of the CLA-enriched cheese on body
immune functions, prevent atherosclerosis and mass reduction, the study reported by Lopez-Plaza
reduce hypertension. The anti-obesity activity of et al. presented data on weight loss and waist cir-
trans-10, cis-12 CLAs can be attributed to decreased cumference reduction after 24 weeks of consump-
adipogenesis and lipogenesis; increased lipolysis, tion of skimmed milk enriched in a mixture of cis-9,
fatty acid oxidation, and adipocyte apoptosis; as trans-11 and trans-10, cis-12 CLA isomers (78, 81).
well as effects on inflammation, browning of adi- The presented examples demonstrating the possible
pose tissue, and energy metabolism. The mecha- effects of CLAs in CVD prevention are yet uncon-
nisms underlying these activities are complex and vincing, because some reports show no anti-obese
still unclear, also the link between CLA-dependent and adverse effects of CLAs on plasma lipid and C-
body mass reduction and modulation of inflamma- reactive protein concentration, pro-coagulant activi-
tion and thermogenesis is not completely understood ty, and induction of lipid peroxidation and oxidative
(75). Much data with regard to the impact of CLAs stress, which contribute to insulin resistance in indi-
on lipid metabolism have been obtained from animal viduals susceptible to type 2 diabetes (81-83). Intake
studies, and several reports describe the effects of of trans fatty acids augments the LDL/HDL choles-
consumption of alimentary products naturally terol ratio and thus increases cardiovascular risk
enriched in CLAs. Modification of ruminantsí diet (84). The opposite results may be the consequence
may result in a fourfold increase in the concentration of using a mixture of isomers and probably the
of CLAs and n-3 fatty acids and a decrease in the effects are CLA isomer-specific (85). These reports
content of SFAs by approx. 23% in milk, so thus suggest the need for the conductance of further
resulting in dairy functional foods might represent intervention studies in overweight/obese and lean
particular nutritional value in modulating lipid individuals by adding relatively pure preparations of
metabolism and CVD prevention (76, 77). In a study single isomers to alimentary products. Moreover,
reported by Pintus et al., mildly hypercholes- the combined effect of food matrix composition,
terolemic volunteers consumed 45 or 90 g of modi- food dosage, study duration, and participantsí char-
fied or control sheep cheese daily for three weeks. acteristics on assumed endpoints should be taken
Modified cheese was obtained from the milk of into consideration.
sheep fed on the extruded linseed, and the alimenta-
ry products of the two groups of animals did not dif- Meat modifications
fer markedly in total fat, protein, or sugar content, The proportion of n-3/n-6 PUFAs can be mod-
whereas the modified cheese contained less SFAs ulated to obtain meat-based functional food prod-
compared to the control cheese (45.9% vs. 59.3%). ucts. Other alterations include a reduction of fat con-
Significant differences were observed in the propor- tent and cholesterol levels, and enrichment of
tion of unsaturated fatty acids: n-3 PUFA and ALA sausages with probiotic bacteria, minerals, and vari-
(2.1% in the modified vs. 0.6% in the control ous antioxidants. These goals may be attained by
cheese), total CLAs (2.8% vs. 1%), and cis-9, trans- adopting various genetic and/or nutritional animal
11 CLA (2.5% vs. 0.8%). Daily consumption of 45 production practices. Nutritional modifications can
g of modified cheese did not cause a change in the be achieved by enriching the fodder of farm animals
lipid metabolism of participants, whereas the dosage with bioactive components that are then recovered
of 90 g/d significantly reduced total cholesterol and in the carcasses. Moreover, technological processing
LDL cholesterol levels and increased HDL choles- allows complementing processed meat products
terol and plasma CLA levels, with no impact on with pro-health ingredients. Finally, the content of
body mass. Consumption of the control cheese (90 the bioactive substances in the products may be a
g/d) also increased HDL cholesterol in comparison result of culinary preparation and storage (86).
to the baseline values. In volunteers consuming 90 Nutritional modification of pork and the resulting
g/d of modified cheese, a significant reduction in modulation in the phospholipid content of humans
plasma fatty acids and lipid hydroperoxides was consuming the modified meat was described by
found (78). However, other studies reported data on Coates and coworkers. Pigs were fed for six weeks
the susceptibility of CLAs to peroxidation (79). A on diet supplemented with 15% tuna fishmeal prod-
similar study based on the consumption of CLA- uct, which resulted in no change in the sensory pro-
enriched cheese showed a significant reduction in files of pork. Control animals consumed standard
inflammatory markers (IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-α) and fodder. Control pork and n-3-enriched meat were
platelet aggregation (80). Although Pintus and trimmed of fat and processed into various foods
Functional food in prevention of cardiovascular diseases and obesity 953

which were used in a double-blind, placebo-con- MUFAs and SFAs (0.70). Meat from both groups of
trolled intervention trial. Participants (16 males and animals was used in a crossover dietary intervention
13 females, aged 18-65 years) were randomized to study including 27 normocholesterolemic men.
consume either control pork or n-3-enriched meat Participants consumed five 114 g patties made of
(1000 g/week) for 12 weeks and instructed to limit ground beef per week for five weeks. The washout
all fish and seafood consumption to no more than period between treatments lasted four weeks. In
one serving per two weeks. Over the period of trial, each portion, there was 24% total fat, but low-
in the group consuming n-3-enriched meat, the MUFA patties contained more SFA, less MUFA,
DHA level in erythrocyte membranes rose by 15% more trans-fatty acids (18 : 1), and more ALA than
and fell by 5% in controls; however, no significant did the high-MUFA patties. After both interven-
changes in EPA was found in either group. The tions, plasma insulin and diameters of HDL2- and
serum triglyceride and thromboxane (TXB2) pro- HDL3-cholesterol particles were decreased, and
duction were decreased in the n-3 group when com- plasma stearic (18 : 0) and arachidonic (20 : 4, n-6)
pared with the control group. As the n-3-PUFA con- fatty acids were increased in comparison to baseline
tent in erythrocytes is considered to be an independ- values. High-MUFA intervention only caused a rise
ent negative risk factor for CVD and lowering of in plasma HDL cholesterol and fall in plasma LDL :
TXB2 decreases the ability of platelets to aggregate, HDL cholesterol ratio relative to baseline values,
the authors suggest that consumption of n-3- whereas there were no changes in triglyceride, total
enriched meat might impact profitably on CVD risk cholesterol, and LDL cholesterol levels following
factors in individuals who avoid eating fish directly both treatments. Moreover, among individuals con-
(87). Similarly, the chicken feed was modified to suming a high-MUFA diet, plasma triglycerides
contain 2% rapeseed oil and 2% linseed oil (RLO), were positively correlated with plasma insulin level
and control chickens were given a feed enriched and inversely correlated with HDL cholesterol con-
with 4% soybean oil (SO) rich in n-6 fatty acids. In centration. The authors conclude that a high-MUFA
a double-blind dietary intervention study, volunteers diet offers a beneficial rise in HDL cholesterol;
(11 males and 35 females, aged 20ñ29 years) were however, at present, it is not clear if the decreased
randomized to consume 160 g of meat of either soy- diameter of HDL2 and HDL3 particles indicates ele-
bean-fed chicken (SO group) or rapeseed/linseed- vated or diminished risk for CVD (89).
fed chicken (RLO group) daily for four weeks. The
sera of RLO subjects contained significantly higher Berry fruits and related products
levels of ALA and EPA and saturated 14:0 (myris- Edible berries deserve special interest because
tic) and 15 : 0 (pentadecylic) acids after intervention besides having high polyphenol (mostly antho-
when compared to the participants who consumed cyanins and ellagitannins) content, they are also rich
SO-fed chicken. Moreover, a decrease in the ratio of in fiber with low-calorie content. Moreover, they
arachidonic acid to EPA was demonstrated in RLO also contain vitamins E and C, selenium, and
individuals. The volunteers having low levels of carotenoids (90). The correlation between the intake
EPA and DHA in serum phospholipids (less than of berries and CVD risk has been analyzed in sever-
4.6%) showed an increase in the amount of these n- al observational studies where consumption of
3 PUFAs after four weeks of intervention with RLO whole fruits and related products has been consid-
chicken meat. In both groups of participants, there ered; for example, in Kuopio Ischemic Heart
were no significant differences in cholesterol (total, Disease Risk Factor Study, an adverse relationship
LDL, and HDL), triglycerides, and C-reactive pro- between consumption of berries and mortality was
tein concentrations as well as in body weight or noticed in men (91). In numerous human interven-
blood pressure. The individuals with EPA+DHA tion trials, berries were consumed as whole fruits or
levels higher than 4.6% of total fatty acids in serum juices or even encapsulated extracts, and only a few
phospholipids have been associated with a 70% studies used products satisfying the criteria of func-
lower CVD risk when compared to those with lower tional food definition (90). In the study performed
concentrations of these n-3 PUFAs, thus authors of by Kay and Holub (2002), eight healthy male sub-
the study postulate that a simple change in chicken jects (aged 38ñ54 years) underwent a single-blinded
feed can have beneficial effects in consumers (88). crossover trial. Participants consumed a high-fat
Cattle fed with grain-based diets produced beef with meal and a control supplement, and after one week
the ratio of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) to they took up the same high-fat meal supplemented
SFAs equal to 1.10, whereas animals grazed on with 100 g of freeze-dried wild blueberry
native pasture gave meat with a lower proportion of (Vaccinium angustifolium) powder. The measured

outcome was serum antioxidant status assayed as effects likely to occur either below or above optimal
oxygen radical absorbance capacity and the total concentrations of selenoproteins (97).
antioxidant status. The wild-blueberry treatment Discrepancies between results of studies on
caused a significant rise in serum antioxidant status, selenium vs. CVD in humans and evidence from
which is supposed to reduce the risk of chronic animal studies in which selenium prevented experi-
degenerative diseases (92). This impact on serum mental atherosclerosis should prompt future studies
antioxidant status was associated with the absorp- in this field. It was hypothesized that the association
tion of blueberry anthocyanins from high-fat meals between selenium and lipid metabolism depends on
in their intact glycosylated and possibly acylated the genetic polymorphism of genes controlling lipid
forms (93). transport and that selenium and lipids share common
metabolic pathways (99).
Selenium and CVD
Selenium is a microelement essential for the Perspectives
proper functioning of the immune and antioxidant Rapid advances in various scientific fields,
defense systems, is a component of selenoproteins, including animal and plant biochemistry, molecular
particularly glutathione peroxidase, is capable of biology, and biotechnology, have brought numerous
reducing hydrogen peroxide, induces oxidative spectacular applications in food science. Much
modifications of lipids, inhibits platelet aggregation, effort has been laid on studies that aim to determine
and reduces inflammation. Selenium is supposed to the health impact of natural products that might ful-
protect cardiovascular health, owing to its antioxi- fill the standards of functional food. Edible mush-
dant activity (94). However, results reported by the rooms form a group of natural foods identified with
studies investigating the relationship between great potential to prevent various diseases. They are
Selenium and CVD risk factors are inconsistent or neither plants nor animals; however, for a long time
even conflicting. Inconsistencies might be partly mushrooms have been considered as important ali-
explained by the variability with regard to selenium mentary products, which are collected from the nat-
status and selenium intake in various regions and ural environment or cultivated. Mushrooms contain
population subgroups (95). glycoproteins and polysaccharides, mainly of β-glu-
In a cross-sectional analysis comprising 5452 can type, terpenoids, sesquiterpenes, polyphenols,
adult men and women, selenium in serum was meas- alkaloids, lactones, sterols, microelements, chelat-
ured by atomic absorption spectrometry and related ing agents, nucleotide analogs, and vitamins. Besi-
to lipid metabolism parameters. Higher serum sele- des having nutritional value, mushrooms contain a
nium was associated with elevated serum concentra- variety of compounds that are known to perform
tions of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL diverse functions; hence, they are also used in drug
cholesterol, triglycerides, and apolipoproteins B and formulations as they exhibit anti-cancer, anti-viral,
A-I (96). immunopotentiating, hypocholesterolemic, and
The meta-analysis of randomized controlled hepatoprotective activities, especially in Asian
trials on the effects of supplementation of selenium countries and Russia (Siberia). In addition, mush-
as a single ingredient on changes in CVD risk fac- rooms can be used for the dietetic prevention of obe-
tors, CVD mortality, and type 2 diabetes showed sity and atherosclerosis owing to their low fat and
that there is no sufficient evidence supporting the high fiber content (100, 101). Mushrooms easily
role of selenium supplementation in the primary pre- absorb soil components which might pose a toxico-
vention of CVD (97). However, in a randomized, logical risk when collected from a polluted environ-
placebo-controlled, parallel-group intervention trial ment. However, if cultivated on suitable growth sub-
conducted for six months in 501 volunteers (aged strates under controlled conditions, they may be
60ñ74 years) with low plasma selenium status enriched with health-promoting compounds (102,
(approx. 88.8 ± 19.2 ng/g) and supplemented with 103). Hence, mushrooms modulated in this way
selenium as high-selenium yeast (100 or 200 or 300 might fulfill the standards of functional food.
µg/day), a significant decrease in total and non-HDL Several mushroom species, e.g., Lentinus edodes
cholesterol concentrations was observed in subjects (shiitake), Schizophyllum commune, Inonotus
ingesting 100 and 200 µg doses. The proportion of obliquus, and Ganoderma lucidum (reishi) have
the total to HDL cholesterol decreased with increas- been for long appreciated for their anti-oncogenic,
ing selenium doses (98). These results suggest that immunostimulatory, and chemopreventive potential
the association between selenium and cardio-meta- (104). Ganoderma lucidum has been supposed to
bolic outcomes resembles a U-shape with inverse attenuate the cardiovascular risk; however, results
Functional food in prevention of cardiovascular diseases and obesity 955

from a prospective, double-blind, randomized, These peptides are promising components of func-
placebo-controlled trial conducted for 16 weeks in tional food products and further studies are neces-
54 participants suffering from type 2 diabetes melli- sary to prove the in vivo efficacy, in comparison to
tus and metabolic syndrome (aged 60.2 ± 10 years) drugs effects, of these peptides when combined with
and consuming G. lucidum extract and spores diet on ACE inhibition in the treatment of CVDs, as
(encapsulated, 2980 mg daily) and in 30 placebo their low concentration in food may be the activity
participants (aged 57.1 ± 8.3 years) did not support limiting factor (114).
the use of reishi mushroom for CVD risk diminish- A deeper understanding of the impact caused
ment, at least in this group of patients. Although the by diverse nutritional components on health has led
applied alimentary product did not meet the stan- to the development of new food processing tech-
dards of functional food, the cited trial is worth men- nologies. They include specific manipulations at the
tioning for the study design (105). level of animal and plant production and contribu-
The use of algae as additives to food for laying tion from the field of genetics, namely recombinant
hens, applied in order to enrich eggs in the most genetic technologies, which have resulted in the pro-
required PUFAs (EPA and DHA), has been already duction of numerous genetically modified products;
discussed in the section Polyunsaturated fatty acid however, these are often not accepted by the regula-
(PUFA)-enriched products. This modification tory authorities and societies. In the recent past,
changes the taste of eggs which is not acceptable to development of new technologies like ìclustered
consumers; however, n-3 PUFA-enriched eggs regularly interspaced short palindromic repeatsî
obtained through such a method have become a (CRISPR) and ìCRISPR-associated sequencesî
source of phospholipidñprotein complex which was (Cas) have contributed to the emergence of gene
isolated, purified, and successfully marketed as a editing methods to improve the expression of genes
dietary supplement. Its application for one month in associated with a selected metabolic pathway(s)
patients with metabolic syndrome brought a signifi- through the precise modification of target genes,
cant decrease in systolic blood pressure, improve- which in turn helps in acquiring the desired trait
ment of endothelial functions, and reduction of (87). CRISPR-based genome modifications have
waist-to-hip ratio, but the product is no longer a already been applied in diverse fields of food sci-
functional food (67). Several algae species, ence, e.g., breeding of tomatoes with enhanced
Spirulina platensis, Spirulina maxima, Spirulina lycopene content, which is in accordance with the
fusiformis, and Chlorella vulgaris, have been cur- standard definition given for functional foods (111).
rently used in human food technology as meal addi- Legal aspects of innovations in the food industry,
tives and/or dietary supplements. They are consid- health claims, and safety assessment are the set of
ered to be a potent source of carbohydrates, proteins, problems that present a challenge to breeders, food
enzymes, fiber, PUFAs, antioxidants, and producers, and nutrition scientists, and solving them
carotenoid pigments (106, 107). Particularly, would accelerate the acceptance of functional food
Spirulina species have been intensively investigated on a larger scale. Directing the research toward
for their hypolipidemic, antioxidant, and anti- using genetically modified organisms as a source of
inflammatory properties; however, in the described functional food seems inevitable. However, citizens
human intervention trials, Spirulina has been admin- in many countries are still very skeptical about this
istered in the encapsulated form at the doses of approach and would prefer traditional agricultural
2.0ñ4.2 g for 3ñ4 weeks. The results of this trial con- methods of crossbreeding and selection of plants
firmed an increased HDL level and decreased the and animals with required characteristics. An exam-
low-density lipoprotein (LDL) level among healthy ple of functional food thus obtained is broccoli with
male volunteers and patients with coronary artery increased content of glucoraphanin, an ingredient
disease (108-110). that shows protective activity against colon and
Other kinds of marine products, e.g., alga Ulva breast tumors (24, 25, 115).
intestinalis and sea cucumber Acaudina molpa- Finally, the response of consumers to the des-
dioidea, have been tested for the ability of their pep- ignated food product has recently been a matter of
tides to inhibit angiotensin-converting enzyme analysis. Nutrigenomics (personalized nutrition)
(ACE) and reduce hypertension (111, 112). aims to provide individual dietary recommendations
Inhibition of ACE by plant- and animal-derived pep- basing on the human genome data; nonetheless,
tides is not a novel finding, and a large selection of research in this area is still at a preliminary stage
natural ACE inhibitory sources was thoroughly (116). Concerted action of personalized nutrition
reviewed (113). and personalized therapy (precision medicine) may

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