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CubesICONParty 1.5

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PARTY NAME _______________________________________________
CAMPS REMAINING _______________________________________________ Rewards 1 xp to the whole group when cleared
_______________________________________________ END OF SESSION XP
_______________________________________________ 1. Did you fulfill at least one ideal? 1 xp All ideals? 2 xp
CAMP ______________________________________________ 2. Was your character challenged or tested, through
1. Heal all hp, strain, effort, and statuses combat or otherwise? 1 xp Multiple times? 2 xp
2. Lose all personal resolve EXPEDITION 3. Accomplished ambitions? 1-3 xp
1. Define goal, camps, and choose rules 4. Invoked at least one burden? 1 xp
2. Set job and abilities
1. Collect rewards You can unlock new abilities or talents during a camp,
3. Define rewards
2. Heal all hp, strain, effort, statuses, and wounds interlude, or at the end of a session. You can level
4. Set out!
3. Heal Burdens and Pursue Ambitions up at the end of a session too, but can't gain more
4. Freeplay until you go on another expedition
CAMP FIXTURES levels than the current chapter allows.

  Aetherpearls (6 to buy, 3 to upgrade)   Forge (6 to buy, 3 to upgrade) D6 Cooking Result

+1 charm or command +1 endure or smash 1 No effect!
Y Extended Pearls Y Forge Kit
2 Ignore difficult terrain
Y Resonant Pearls Y Tool Rack
Y Silent Pearls J Y Improved Workshop 3 Saves are successful on a 9+
Y Relic Forge 4 Deal bonus damage in 1st round of combat
  Aethervault (3 to buy, 3 to upgrade) J Y Ancient Relic Forge (6)
Store up to 6 dust inside, generates dust over time. 5 Start combat with +2 vigor
Y Empowered Attunement (3)   Liftstone (6 to buy, 3 to upgrade) 6 Resistance to all damage in 1st round
Y Aether Sapphire (3) Fast travel, cooldown of 1 expedition or 3 dust
J Y Aether Ruby (3) Y Wakeful Stone D6 Fishing Result
Y Upgrade Condenser Y Resonant Stone 1 No result
J Y Grandmother Stone 2 Next time you fish, add +1d to your roll
  Cabinet (3 to buy, 3 to upgrade)
During camp, you can swap abilities and gear   Portable Library (6 to buy, 3 to upgrade) 3-5 Common Fish. Collect 2 of these fish and
Y Soulstone +1 tinker or study they can be sold at market for 1 dust.
J Y Great Soulstone (6) Y Library Kit 6 Rare Fish! Can be sold at market for 1 dust. Roll 1d6.
Y Training Manuals 1: Glibfish. Eat to gain +1D and improve effect on
  Cauldron (6 to buy, 3 to upgrade) J Y Focused Training all command and charm rolls for a scene
Spend dust to brew flasks Y Arkentomes 2: Musclefish. Eat to gain +1D and increased effect
Y Flask Belt Y Productive Research
on Endure and Smash actions for a scene
J Y Improved Flask Belt 3: Wrightfish. Ask the fish for advice. If you follow
Y Major Flask of Divine Speed   Kapkat Table (3 to buy, 3 to upgrade) it, gain +1D and improved effect on your next
narrative action.
Y Major Flask of Divine Strength Y White Demon Card 4: Elixir Fish. Can be drunk to gain a vigor surge.
Y Major Flask of Divine Luck Y Ruby Princess Card 5: Panaflounder. Eat as free action to end all
Y Major Flask of Divine Health Y Vessel of Avarice Card statuses and foe’s marks.
Y Major Flask of Divine Grace Y Sapphire Warrior Card 6: Golden Gizzet. Can be sold at market for 3 dust
Y Verdant King Card 6,6 Super rare fish! Can be sold for 3 dust at market.
  Cooking Pot (6 to buy, 3 to upgrade) Y Golden Maiden Card Roll 1d6.
Can cook a meal when you embark on expeditions 1-3: Wishfish. You can use the fish to perform
Y Foraging   Shrine (3 to buy, 3 to upgrade) one action roll as superpowered, expending it.
J Y Improved Ingredients (5) If you would die, roll d6 and fully heal on a 2+ 4-6: Godfish. Sells for 5 dust at market. At the
Y Variety Y Commune start of combat, expend the fish to give a
Y Masterclass Y Absolution character 10 vigor, which could put them over
their maximum
Y Grace
  Campfire (6 to buy, 6 to upgrade)
Tick a free burden during Heal Burdens   Spirit Idol (6 to buy, 3 to upgrade) Spirit Idol Player Character
Y Commonality (3) Gain an NPC or player character spirit Narrative: The spirit has 3 effort, 3 strain, and rolls 1 dice
Y Momentum Y Empowered Spirit for all actions. It heals all effort and strain at camp. If
Y Memories of Purpose Y Great Spirit the spirit takes maximum strain, it must disperse for a
J Y Memories of Hope Y Spirit Vengeance scene and can take no more action, then re-enters the
next scene with 0 strain.
J Y Memories of Home Combat: The spirit is a size 1 allied summon lacking the
  Survival Gear (6 to buy, 6 to upgrade)
intangible trait with 10 hp, 10 defense, 0 armor, and 4
  Elixir Stone (6 to buy, 3 to upgrade) +1 traverse or sense
speed. It heals to full HP after each combat. It can take
Gain one elixir per expedition Y Survival Kit a standard move and the following actions:
Y Elixir Brewing Y Rangers
Spirit Slash (1 action, attack, range 3) On hit: 1d6+1
J Y Deep Elixir Stone J Y Toughened damage. Miss: 1 damage
Y Clarity J Y Footwork Push (1 action) An adjacent character is shoved 1 space
J Y Advanced Footwork Spirit Blast (1 action) A character in range 3 is sealed or
  Fishing Pole (6 to buy, 3 to upgrade) weakened (spirit’s choice).
Can fish once per expedition near water   Thieves Gear (6 to buy, 3 to upgrade) Dash (1 action) The spirit dashes 3 spaces If defeated
Y Bait +1 sneak or excel in combat, the spirit disperses and reappears in a
J Y Improved Tackle Box Y Thief Kit space in range 3 from an ally at the start of the next
Y Beginner's Luck Y Skeleton Key round with half hp.
If defeated in combat, the spirit disperses and
Y Trophy Board Y Shadow Cloaks reappears in a space in range 3 from an ally at the start
Y Catch and Release J Y Whisper Cloaks of the next round with half hp.

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