Logistic Regression

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Logistic Regression

Logistic regression is a means of fitting a line to

data that fits into a binary classification (class). More
specifically, y can only be one of two values.
Usually, these two values are represented as true
(1) or false (0), and they are called the positive class
and negative class, respectively.
Even though the algorithm is called logistic
regression, it is actually a classification problem and
is only called this because of historical purposes.

Defining the Model

The main logistic function used for this algorithm is called the sigmoid function, and it fits an s-
shaped curve to all values between 0 and 1. With every function, there is a threshold, which
marks the breaking point for which data will be classified as positive or negative.

Also, the data is normalized to be centers around 0 on the horizontal axis (renamed z ),
resulting in both positive and negative input values. Doing so allows the output values to
always be between 0 and 1.

Along with being an s-shaped curve, the sigmoid function also represent a probability P ,
which is a core trait of why it is so useful. When normalized to the origin, this equation gives
the probability that an input value will be either 0 or 1. The sigmoid function is defined as

g(z) = = 1 − P (−z)
1 + e−z

0 < g(z) < 1

This probability can also be represented as,

g(z) = loge ( )

Remember, the linear equation is defined

as, fw ,b (x) = w ⋅ x + b. Even though the
linear equation and the sigmoid function

Logistic Regression 1
have different shapes, they represent the
same model of the line. This is best
explained with the graph to the right.
Therefore, the linear function can be set
equal to the sigmoid function.

z = w ⋅x+b

g(z) = = w ⋅x+b
1 + e−z

Since z and w ⋅ x + b represent the same input parameters, they can be substituted for each
other, giving the final logistic regression algorithm.

Final logistic regression algorithm

fw ,b (x) = g(w ⋅ x + b) =
1 + e−(w ⋅x+b)

Explaining why the function needs to be normalized to the origin of the horizontal axis and
how the functions are actually derived can be confusing. This video does a great job of
showing both.

Interpreting the Output

It is actually impossible for the algorithm to predict exactly 0 or 1, so the output is really a
probability. Essentially, the algorithm is saying there is a fw ,b (x) chance that y = 1.
Conversely, it is also saying there is a 1 − fw ,b (x) chance that y = 0. This can be more
formally written using probability notation,

P (y = 0) + P (y = 1) = 1

Research papers and other publications will often refer to this function in a more formal
notation. The following equation reads as the probability that y = 1, given input x, and
parameters w , b.

fw ,b (x) = P (y = 1∣x; w , b)

The Decision Boundary

It is important to note that the decision boundary does not have to be set at 0.5 on the y-
intercept, and adjusting the threshold is a common practice depending the application. For
example, consider a tumor detection algorithm, where g(z) ≥ threshold marks a potential
tumor. The threshold will probably want to be adjusted to a lower value, to reduce false

Logistic Regression 2
positives and make sure no tumor is missed. For this application, marking malignment tumors
as positive is worth the tradeoff.

^. It can be more formally written as,

The decision itself is represented as y

Is fw ,b (x) ≥ threshold ?
Yes: y^ = 1
No: y^ = 0

Now, the next question to ask is - under what circumstances do these two cases happen?

When is fw ,b (x) ≥ threshold

g(z) ≥ threshold

Since the function is normalized to the origin of the horizontal axis, this happens whenever z
is greater than or equal to 0. Moreover, since z = w ⋅ x + b,

w ⋅x+b≥ 0 w ⋅x+b< 0
y^ = 1 y^ = 0

Notice how when z = 0, it is included in the positive boundary, even though this is actually
the decision boundary itself. Since this is a binary classification problem, it must be added
along with either the positive class or negative class.

This logic applies exactly the same to non-linear (polynomial) functions, and is just a matter of
fitting the function to 0 too.

The Cost Function

The cost function for logistic regression is similar to linear regression, however, it cannot use
the squared error as the basis for the function. Instead, some adjustments need to be made.
Recall the cost function for linear regression,

1 2
J (w , b) = ∑ (f w ,b (xi ) − yi )

In the case of logistic regression, the squared error can be treated as a Loss function L,

L (fw ,b (xi ), yi )

This function can also be written as,

Semi-simplified Loss Function

Logistic Regression 3
⎧ −log (f (xi )) if yi = 1 ⎫
L (f w ,b (x ), y ) = ⎨ ⎬
w ,b
⎩ −log (1 − f (xi )) if yi = 0 ⎭
i i

w ,b

The further the prediction is from the target, the higher the loss. The algorithm is highly
incentivized to not have a high loss, because as the function approaches the wrong value (0
or 1), the loss approaches infinity.

Simplified Loss Function

L (f w ,b (xi ), yi ) = −yi log (f w ,b (xi )) − (1 − yi )log (1 − f w ,b (xi ))

Even though this equation looks much more complicated, keep in mind y can only be either 0
or 1. Substituting for both these cases dramatically reduces the function back to the it’s more
compact semi-simplified form above. This final notation expresses the function in one line and
without separating out the two cases.

Using the loss function in conjunction with the original cost function, the pre-derived cost
function can be defined as,

J (w , b) = ∑ [L (f w ,b (xi ), yi )]

Logistic Regression 4
Substituting in the simplified loss function, and while doing a bit of arithmetic arranging, the
final cost function is defined.

Final Cost Function

J (w , b) = − ∑ [−yi log (f w ,b (xi )) + (1 − yi )log (1 − f w ,b (xi ))]

This particular cost function is derived from statistics, using the maximum likelihood principle.
It has a convenient property that it is convex (single global minimum), which makes running a
gradient descent intuitive.

Gradient Descent for Logistic Regression

Given the cost function J and the gradient descent algorithms for w and b,

J (w , b) = − ∑ [−yi log (f w ,b (xi )) + (1 − yi )log (1 − f w ,b (xi ))]

∂ ∂
w =w−α J (w , b) b= b−α J (w , b)
∂w ∂b

The derivatives of the cost function can be calculated as,

∂ 1
∑ (f w ,b (xi ) − yi ) xj
J (w , b) =
∂w m

∂ 1
J (w , b) = ∑ (f w ,b (xi ) − yi )
∂b m

Then, solving for both w and b,

wj = wj − α [ ∑ (f w ,b (xi ) − yi ) xj ]
1 (i)

b = b − α [ ∑ (f w ,b (xi ) − yi )]

Notice how these equations are exactly like the linear regression equations. However, the key
difference lies within f w ,b (x), where the function for the line changes. Even though they look
the same, they are very different, due to the model function.

Regularized Logistic Regression

Logistic Regression 5
Applying regularization to logistic regression follows closely to linear regression. Considering
the follow cost function equation for logistic regression, the only modification needed is to add
the regularization term to the end of the equation,

m n
1 λ
J (w , b) = − ∑ [−yi log (f w ,b (xi )) + (1 − yi )log (1 − f w ,b (xi ))] + ∑ wj2
m 2m
i=1 j=1

Moving onto the gradient descent algorithm, consider the following equations,

wj = wj − α J (w , b)

b= b−α J (w , b)
When solving for the derivatives, they result in the nearly the exact same equations as those
found for linear regression. The only difference is the model function fw ,b (xi ).

∂ 1 λ
∑(fw ,b (xi ) − yi )xj + wj
J (w , b) =
∂wj m i=1 m

∂ 1
J (w , b) = ∑(fw ,b (xi ) − yi )
∂b m i=1

Combining the equations above, the complete gradient descent is formed,

Complete gradient descent of regularized logistic regression

wj = wj − α [ ∑ [(fw ,b (xi ) − yi )xj ] + wj ]
1 (i) λ
m i=1 m

b = b − α ∑ (fw ,b (xi ) − yi )
m i=1

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