CH 08
CH 08
CH 08
Image Segmentation
Chapter 08
• Histogram spaces
• Color space
• Texture space
Homework 8:
I = imread('pout.tif');
figure, imshow(I);
figure, imhist(I) %look at the hist to get a threshold, e.g., 110
BW=roicolor(I, 110, 255); % makes a binary image
figure, imshow(BW) % all pixels in (110, 255) will be 1 and white
% the rest is 0 which is black
roicolor returns a region of interest selected as those pixels in I that match the values
in the gray level interval.
BW is a binary image with 1's where the values of I match the values of the interval.
Thresholding Bimodal
Basic Global Thresholding:
1)Select an initial estimate for T
3)Compute the average gray level values mean1 and mean2 for
the pixels in regions G1 and G2.
v v
> w
w u
Gray Scale Image - Multimodal
Histogram of lena
Segmented Image
Course Completes
Projects presentation