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Package ‘rnoaa’

October 6, 2020
Title 'NOAA' Weather Data from R
Description Client for many 'NOAA' data sources including the 'NCDC' climate
'API' at <https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/cdo-web/webservices/v2>, with functions for
each of the 'API' 'endpoints': data, data categories, data sets, data types,
locations, location categories, and stations. In addition, we have an interface
for 'NOAA' sea ice data, the 'NOAA' severe weather inventory, 'NOAA' Historical
Observing 'Metadata' Repository ('HOMR') data, 'NOAA' storm data via 'IBTrACS',
tornado data via the 'NOAA' storm prediction center, and more.
Version 1.2.0
License MIT + file LICENSE
Encoding UTF-8
Language en-US

URL https://docs.ropensci.org/rnoaa/ (website),

https://github.com/ropensci/rnoaa (devel)

BugReports https://github.com/ropensci/rnoaa/issues
LazyData true
VignetteBuilder knitr
Imports utils, crul (>= 0.7.0), lubridate, dplyr, tidyr, tidyselect,
ggplot2, scales, XML, xml2, jsonlite, rappdirs, gridExtra,
tibble, isdparser (>= 0.2.0), geonames, hoardr (>= 0.5.2),
Suggests roxygen2 (>= 7.1.0), testthat, knitr, taxize, ncdf4, raster,
leaflet, rgdal, rmarkdown, purrr, ggmap, ropenaq, vcr (>=
0.5.4), webmockr
RoxygenNote 7.1.1
X-schema.org-applicationCategory Climate
X-schema.org-keywords earth, science, climate, precipitation,
temperature, storm, buoy, NCDC, NOAA, tornadoe, sea ice, ISD
X-schema.org-isPartOf https://ropensci.org
NeedsCompilation no

2 R topics documented:

Author Scott Chamberlain [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1444-9135>),

Brooke Anderson [ctb],
Maëlle Salmon [ctb],
Adam Erickson [ctb],
Nicholas Potter [ctb],
Joseph Stachelek [ctb],
Alex Simmons [ctb],
Karthik Ram [ctb],
Hart Edmund [ctb],
rOpenSci [fnd] (https://ropensci.org)
Maintainer Scott Chamberlain <myrmecocystus@gmail.com>
Repository CRAN
Date/Publication 2020-10-06 15:50:03 UTC

R topics documented:
rnoaa-package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
arc2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
argo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
autoplot.meteo_coverage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
bsw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
buoy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
coops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
cpc_prcp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
ersst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
fipscodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
ghcnd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
ghcnd_search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
ghcnd_splitvars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
ghcnd_states . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
ghcnd_stations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
homr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
homr_definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
isd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
isd_read . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
isd_stations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
isd_stations_search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
lcd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
meteo_clear_cache . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
meteo_coverage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
meteo_distance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
meteo_nearby_stations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
meteo_process_geographic_data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
meteo_pull_monitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
meteo_show_cache . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
meteo_spherical_distance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
meteo_tidy_ghcnd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
rnoaa-package 3

meteo_tidy_ghcnd_element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
ncdc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
ncdc_combine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
ncdc_datacats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
ncdc_datasets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
ncdc_datatypes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
ncdc_locs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
ncdc_locs_cats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
ncdc_plot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
ncdc_stations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
rnoaa-defunct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
rnoaa_caching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
rnoaa_options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
sea_ice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
sea_ice_tabular . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
storm_events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
swdi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
tornadoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
vis_miss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

Index 88

rnoaa-package rnoaa

rnoaa is an R interface to NOAA climate data.

Data Sources
Many functions in this package interact with the National Climatic Data Center application pro-
gramming interface (API) at https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/cdo-web/webservices/v2, all of which func-
tions start with ncdc_. An access token, or API key, is required to use all the ncdc_ functions. The
key is required by NOAA, not us. Go to the link given above to get an API key.
More NOAA data sources are being added through time. Data sources and their function prefixes
• buoy_* - NOAA Buoy data from the National Buoy Data Center
• ghcnd_*/meteo_* - GHCND daily data from NOAA
• isd_* - ISD/ISH data from NOAA
• homr_* - Historical Observing Metadata Repository (HOMR) vignette
• ncdc_* - NOAA National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) vignette (examples)
• sea_ice - Sea ice vignette
• storm_ - Storms (IBTrACS) vignette
• swdi - Severe Weather Data Inventory (SWDI) vignette
4 rnoaa-package

• tornadoes - From the NOAA Storm Prediction Center

• argo_* - Argo buoys
• coops_search - NOAA CO-OPS - tides and currents data
• cpc_prcp - rainfall data from the NOAA Climate Prediction Center (CPC)
• arc2 - rainfall data from Africa Rainfall Climatology version 2
• bsw - Blended sea winds (BSW)
• ersst - NOAA Extended Reconstructed Sea Surface Temperature (ERSST) data
• lcd - Local Climitalogical Data from NOAA

Where data comes from and government shutdowns

Government shutdowns can greatly affect data sources in this package. The following is a break-
down of the functions that fetch data by HTTP vs. FTP - done this way as we’ve noticed that during
the ealry 2019 border wall shutdown most FTP services were up, while those that were down were
HTTP; though not all HTTP services were down.
• HTTP info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertext_Transfer_Protocol
• FTP info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_Transfer_Protocol
HTTP services (whether service is/was up or down during early 2019 shutdown)
• buoy_* - Up
• homr_* - Up
• ncdc_* - Down
• swdi - Down
• tornadoes - Down
• argo_* - Up (all HTTP except two fxns, see also FTP below)
• coops_search - Up
• ersst - Down
• lcd - Down
• se_* - Down
FTP services (whether service is/was up or down during early 2019 shutdown)
• ghcnd_* - Up
• isd_* - Up
• sea_ice - Up
• storm_ - Up
• argo_* - Up (only two fxns: argo(), argo_buoy_files())
• cpc_prcp - Up
• arc2 - Up
• bsw - Up
We’ve tried to whenever possible detect whether a service is error due to a government shutdown
and give a message saying so. If you know a service is down that rnoaa interacts with but we don’t
fail well during a shutdown let us know.
arc2 5

A note about NCDF data

Some functions use netcdf files, including:
• ersst
• buoy
• bsw
• argo
You’ll need the ncdf4 package for those functions, and those only. ncdf4 is in Suggests in this
package, meaning you only need ncdf4 if you are using any of the functions listed above. You’ll
get an informative error telling you to install ncdf4 if you don’t have it and you try to use the those
functions. Installation of ncdf4 should be straightforward on any system.

The meteo family of functions

The meteo family of functions are prefixed with meteo_ and provide a set of helper functions to:
• Identify candidate stations from a latitude/longitude pair
• Retrieve complete data for one or more stations (meteo_coverage())

arc2 Arc2 - Africa Rainfall Climatology version 2

Arc2 - Africa Rainfall Climatology version 2

arc2(date, box = NULL, ...)

date (character/date) one or more dates of the form YYYY-MM-DD
box (numeric) vector of length 4, of the form xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax. optional. If
not given, no spatial filtering is done. If given, we use dplyr::filter() on a
combined set of all dates, then split the output into tibbles by date
... curl options passed on to crul::verb-GET

a list of tibbles with columns:
• date: date (YYYY-MM-DD)
• lon: longitude
• lat: latitude
• precip: precipitation (mm)
6 argo

box parameter
The box parameter filters the arc2 data to a bounding box you supply. The function that does the
cropping to the bounding box is dplyr::filter. You can do any filtering you want on your own if
you do not supply box and then use whatever tools you want to filter the data by lat/lon, date, precip

See arc2_cache for managing cached files

docs: ftp://ftp.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/fews/fewsdata/africa/arc2/ARC2_readme.txt

## Not run:
x = arc2(date = "1983-01-01")
arc2(date = "2017-02-14")

# many dates
arc2(date = c("2019-05-27", "2019-05-28"))
arc2(seq(as.Date("2019-04-21"), by = "day", length.out = 5))
## combine outputs
x <- arc2(seq(as.Date("2019-05-20"), as.Date("2019-05-25"), "days"))

# bounding box filter

box <- c(xmin = 9, ymin = 4, xmax = 10, ymax = 5)
arc2(date = "2017-02-14", box = box)
arc2(date = c("2019-05-27", "2019-05-28"), box = box)
arc2(seq(as.Date("2019-05-20"), as.Date("2019-05-25"), "days"), box = box)

## End(Not run)

argo Get Argo buoy data

Get Argo buoy data

func = NULL,
of = NULL,
qwmo = NULL,
argo 7

wmo = NULL,
box = NULL,
area = NULL,
around = NULL,
year = NULL,
yearmin = NULL,
yearmax = NULL,
month = NULL,
monthmin = NULL,
monthmax = NULL,
lr = NULL,
from = NULL,
to = NULL,
dmode = NULL,
pres_qc = NULL,
temp_qc = NULL,
psal_qc = NULL,
doxy_qc = NULL,
ticket = NULL,
limit = 10,

argo_files(wmo = NULL, cyc = NULL, ...)

argo_qwmo(qwmo, limit = 10, ...)


argo_buoy_files(dac, id, ...)

argo(dac, id, cycle, dtype, ...)


func A function, one of n, np, nf, coord, fullcoord, list, ftplist, ticket, version
of of string
qwmo qwmo string
wmo wmo string. mandatory when using argo_files
box Bounding box, of the form: A) lon, lat for geographical coordinates of the center
of a box, or B) min lon, min lat, width, height, for geographical coordinates of
the center of the box and its width and height, and the longitude must given
between -180W and 180E. Width and height are in degrees of longitude and
area (integer/character), One of 0, 1, or 2, but can be in combination. e.g. 0, ’0,2’
See Details.
8 argo

around (character) Selects profiles located around a given center point. List of 3 or 4
numerical values depending on how the center point need to be specified: e.g.,
’-40,35,100’, ’6900678,2,200’, ’6900678,2,200,30’. See Details
year restrict profiles sampled on a single, or a list of given years. One or a comma
separated list of numerical value(s) higher than 0 and lower than 9999.
yearmin, yearmax
restrict profiles sampled before (yearmax) and/or after (yearmin) a given year.
A numerical value higher than 0 and lower than 9999. cannot be applied with
the other restriction parameter year
month restrict profiles sampled on a single, or a list of given month(s). One or a comma
separated list of numerical value(s) higher or equal to 1 and lower or equal to
12. The month convention is a standard one: January is 1, February is 2, ...
December is 12.
monthmin, monthmax
restrict profiles sampled before (monthmax) and/or after (monthmin) a given
month. Higher or equal to 1 and lower or equal to 12. The month conven-
tion is a standard one: January is 1, February is 2, ... December is 12. These
restrictions cannot be applied with the other restriction parameter month. At
this time, these parameters are not circular, so that the restriction chain: month-
min=12&monthmax=2 will through an error and not select December to Febru-
ary profiles. To do so, you need to use a coma separated list of months using the
month restriction parameter.
lr restriction allows you to impose the last report (hence lr) date in days. A nu-
merical value in days between 1 (profiles sampled yesterday) and 60 (profiles
sampled over the last 60 days). This restriction allows a simple selection of the
so-called ’active’ floats, ie those which reported a profiles over the last 30 days.
from, to select profiles sampled before (to) and/or after (from) an explicit date (included).
The date is specified following the format: YYYYMMDD, ie the year, month
and day numbers.
dmode (character) imposes a restriction on the Data Mode of profiles. A single value or
a coma separated list of characters defining the Data Mode to select. It can be:
R for "Real Time", A for "Real Time with Adjusted value" and D for "Delayed
Mode". See Details.
pres_qc, temp_qc, psal_qc, doxy_qc
Quality control. Imposes a restriction on the profile data quality flag. For a
given variable PARAM which can be: pres (pressure), temp (temperature), psal
(salinity) or doxy (oxygen), this restriction selects profiles having one or a coma
separated list of data quality flag. See Details.
ticket (numeric) select profiles with or without a ticket filled in the database. A value: 0
(no ticket) or 1 (has a ticket). See http://www.ifremer.fr/lpo/naarc/m/docs/api/database.html
for more details.
limit (integer) number to return
... Curl options passed on to HttpClient. Optional
cyc a cycle number
dac (character) Data assembly center code
argo 9

id (numeric) Buoy identifier

cycle (numeric) Cycle number
dtype (character) Data type, one of D for delayed, or R for real-time

area parameter definitions:

• Value 0 selects profiles located in the North-Atlantic ocean north of 20S and not in areas 1 and
• Value 1 selects profiles located in the Mediterranean Sea.
• Value 2 selects profiles located in the Nordic Seas.

around parameter definitions:

• Specification 1: The location is specified with specific geographical coordinates in the follow-
ing format: around=longitude,latitude,distance - The longitude must given between -180W
and 180E and the distance is in kilometers.
• Specification 2: The location is the one of an existing profile in the database. It is thus specified
with a float WMO and a cycle number: around=wmo,cyc,distance This specification can take
an optional fourth value specifying the time range in days around the specified profile.

dmode parameter definitions:

• Data from Argo floats are transmitted from the float, passed through processing and automatic
quality control procedures. These profiles have a Data Mode called: real-time data.
• The data are also issued to the Principle Investigators who apply other procedures to check
data quality returned to the global data centre within 6 to 12 months. These profiles have a
Data Mode called: delayed mode data.
• The adjustments applied to delayed-data may also be applied to real-time data, to correct
sensor drifts for real-time users. These profiles have a Data Mode called: real time data with
adjusted values.

*_qc parameter definitions: This information was extracted from the netcdf profile variable PRO-
FILE_PARAM_QC. Once quality control procedures have been applied, a synthetic flag is assigned
for each parameter of each profile under this variable in netcdf files. It indicates the fraction n of
profile levels with good data. It can take one of the following values:

• A or F: All (n=100%) or none (n=0%) of the profile levels contain good data,
• B,C,D,E: n is in one of the intermediate range: 75-100, 50-75, 25-50 or 0-25
• empty: No QC was performed.

File storage
We use rappdirs to store files, see user_cache_dir for how we determine the directory on your
machine to save files to, and run rappdirs::user_cache_dir("rnoaa/argo") to get that direc-
10 argo

API Status
The API weas down as of 2019-11-07, and probably some time before that. The following functions
were defunct:

• argo_search
• argo_files
• argo_qwmo
• argo_plan

These functions are working again as of 2020-06-12.


## Not run:
# Search Argo metadata
## Number of profiles
argo_search("np", limit = 3)
## Number of floats
argo_search("nf", limit = 3)
## Number of both profiles and floats
argo_search("n", limit = 3)
## return the coordinates in time and space of profiles
argo_search("coord", limit = 3)
## return the coordinates in time and space of profiles, plus other metadata
argo_search("fullcoord", limit = 3)

## List various things, e.g,...

### data assembly centers
argo_search("list", "dac")
### data modes
argo_search("list", "dmode", limit = 5)
### World Meteorological Organization unique float ID's
argo_search("list", "wmo", limit = 5)
### Profile years
argo_search("list", "year", limit = 5)

## coord or fullcoord with specific buoy id

argo_search("coord", wmo = 13857, limit = 3)
argo_search("fullcoord", wmo = 13857, limit = 3)

# Spatial search
### search by bounding box (see param def above)
argo_search("coord", box = c(-40, 35, 3, 2))
### search by area
argo_search("coord", area = 0)
### search by around
argo_search("coord", around = '-40,35,100')
autoplot.meteo_coverage 11

# Time based search

### search by year
argo_search("coord", year = 2006)
### search by yearmin and yearmax
argo_search("coord", yearmin = 2007)
argo_search("coord", yearmin = 2007, yearmax = 2009)
### search by month
argo_search("coord", month = '12,1,2')
### search by from or to
argo_search("coord", from = 20090212)
argo_search("coord", to = 20051129)

# Data mode search

argo_search("coord", dmode = "R")
argo_search("coord", dmode = "R,A")

# Data quality based search

argo_search("coord", pres_qc = "A,B")
argo_search("coord", temp_qc = "A")
argo_search("coord", pres_qc = "A", temp_qc = "A")

# Ticket search
argo_search("coord", ticket = 0)

## Search on partial float id number

argo_qwmo(qwmo = 49)
argo_qwmo(qwmo = 49, limit = 2)

## Get files
argo_files(wmo = 13857)
argo_files(wmo = 13857, cyc = 12)
argo_files(wmo = 13857, cyc = 45)

## Get planned buoys data, accepts no parameters


# Get files for a buoy, must specify data assembly center (dac)
argo_buoy_files(dac = "bodc", id = 1901309)
argo_buoy_files(dac = "kma", id = 2900308)

# Get data
x <- argo_buoy_files(dac = "meds", id = 4900881)
argo(dac = "meds", id = 4900881, cycle = 127, dtype = "D")

## End(Not run)

autoplot method for meteo_coverage objects
12 bsw

autoplot method for meteo_coverage objects

## S3 method for class 'meteo_coverage'
autoplot(mateo_coverage, old_style = FALSE)

mateo_coverage the object returned from meteo_coverage()
old_style (logical) create the old style of plots, which is faster, but does not plot gaps to
indicate missing data

see meteo_coverage() for examples

A ggplot2 plot

bsw Blended sea winds (BSW)

The Blended Sea Winds dataset contains globally gridded, high-resolution ocean surface vector
winds and wind stresses on a global 0.25° grid, and multiple time resolutions of six-hourly, daily,
monthly, and 11-year (1995–2005) climatological monthlies.

bsw(date = NULL, uv_stress = "uv", resolution = "6hrly", ...)

date (date/character) date, in the form YYYY-MM-DD if resolution is 6hrly or daily,
or in the form YYYY-MM if resolution is monthly. For resolution=clm can be
left NULL. If given, must be in the range 1987-07-09 to today-1 (yesterday)
uv_stress (character) one of uv or stresss, not sure what these mean exactly yet. Default:
resolution (character) temporal resolution. one of 6hrly, clm, daily, or monthly. See De-
... curl options passed on to crul::verb-GET
bsw 13

Products are available from July 9th, 1987 - present.
Uses ncdf4 under the hood to read NetCDF files

an object of class ncdf4

Citing NOAA and BSW data

Message from NOAA: "We also ask you to acknowledge us in your use of the data to help us justify
continued service. This may be done by including text such as: The wind data are acquired from
NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center, via their website We would also appreciate receiving a
copy of the relevant publication."

Temporal resolution
• 6hrly: 6-hourly, 4 global snapshots (u,v) at UTC 00, 06, 12 and 18Z
• clm: climatological monthlies; also provided is the scalar mean (u,v,w)
• daily: averages of the 6hrly time points, thus with a center time 09Z; also provided is the
scalar mean, (u,v,w)
• monthly: averages of daily data; also provided is the scalar mean (u,v,w)

See bsw_cache for managing cached files
We only handle the netcdf files for now, we’re avoiding the ieee files, see http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/wesley/wgri

https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/data-access/marineocean-data/blended-global/blended-sea-winds ftp://eclipse.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub
ieee files: http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/wesley/wgrib2/ieee.html

## Not run:
# 6hrly data
## uv
x <- bsw(date = "2017-10-01")
## stress
y <- bsw(date = "2011-08-01", uv_stress = "stress")

# daily
z <- bsw(date = "2017-10-01", resolution = "daily")

# monthly
w <- bsw(date = "2011-08", resolution = "monthly")

# clm
14 buoy

# x <- bsw(resolution = "clm")

## End(Not run)

buoy Get NOAA buoy data from the National Buoy Data Center

Get NOAA buoy data from the National Buoy Data Center

buoy(dataset, buoyid, year = NULL, datatype = NULL, ...)


buoy_stations(refresh = FALSE, ...)

dataset (character) Dataset name to query. See below for Details. Required
buoyid Buoy ID, can be numeric/integer/character. Required
year (integer) Year of data collection. Optional
datatype (character) Data type, one of ’c’, ’cc’, ’p’, ’o’. Optional
... Curl options passed on to crul::verb-GET Optional. A number of different HTTP
requests are made internally, but we only pass this on to the request to get the
netcdf file in the internal function get_ncdf_file()
refresh (logical) Whether to use cached data (FALSE) or get new data (FALSE). Default:

• buoy_stations - Get buoy stations. A cached version of the dataset is available in the package.
Beware, takes a long time to run if you do refresh = TRUE
• buoys - Get available buoys given a dataset name
• buoy - Get data given some combination of dataset name, buoy ID, year, and datatype
Options for the dataset parameter. One of:
• adcp - Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler data
• adcp2 - MMS Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler data
• cwind - Continuous Winds data
• dart - Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunamis data
buoy 15

• mmbcur - Marsh-McBirney Current Measurements data

• ocean - Oceanographic data
• pwind - Peak Winds data
• stdmet - Standard Meteorological data
• swden - Spectral Wave Density data with Spectral Wave Direction data
• wlevel - Water Level data

If netcdf data has lat/lon variables, then we’ll parse into a tidy data.frame. If not, we’ll give back
the ncdf4 object for the user to parse (in which case the data.frame will be empty).

http://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/, http://dods.ndbc.noaa.gov/

## Not run:
if (crul::ok("https://dods.ndbc.noaa.gov/thredds", timeout_ms = 1000)) {

# Get buoy station information

x <- buoy_stations()
# refresh stations as needed, takes a while to run
# you shouldn't need to update very often
# x <- buoy_stations(refresh = TRUE)
if (interactive() && requireNamespace("leaflet")){
z <- leaflet(data = na.omit(x))
z <- leaflet::addTiles(z)
leaflet::addCircles(z, ~lon, ~lat, opacity = 0.5)

# Get available buoys

buoys(dataset = 'cwind')

# Get data for a buoy

## if no year or datatype specified, we get the first file
buoy(dataset = 'cwind', buoyid = 46085)

# Including specific year

buoy(dataset = 'cwind', buoyid = 41001, year = 1999)

# Including specific year and datatype

buoy(dataset = 'cwind', buoyid = 45005, year = 2008, datatype = "c")
buoy(dataset = 'cwind', buoyid = 41001, year = 1997, datatype = "c")

# Other datasets
buoy(dataset = 'ocean', buoyid = 41029)
16 coops

# curl debugging
buoy(dataset = 'cwind', buoyid = 46085, verbose = TRUE)

# some buoy ids are character, case doesn't matter, we'll account for it
buoy(dataset = "stdmet", buoyid = "VCAF1")
buoy(dataset = "stdmet", buoyid = "wplf1")
buoy(dataset = "dart", buoyid = "dartu")

## End(Not run)

coops Get NOAA co-ops data

Get NOAA co-ops data

begin_date = NULL,
end_date = NULL,
station_name = NULL,
datum = NULL,
units = "metric",
time_zone = "gmt",
application = "rnoaa",

begin_date (numeric) Date in yyyymmdd format. Required
end_date (numeric) Date in yyyymmdd format. Required
station_name (numeric) a station name. Required
product (character) Specify the data type. See below for Details. Required
datum (character) See below for Details. Required for all water level products.
units (character) Specify metric or english (imperial) units, one of ’metric’, ’english’.
time_zone (character) Time zone, one of ’gmt’, ’lst’, ’lst_ldt’. For GMT, we convert time
stamps to GMT. For LST, we look up the time zone of the station with its lat/lon
values, and assign that time zone. When product="predictions" we don’t
adjust times at all.
application (character) If called within an external package, set to the name of your organi-
zation. Optional
... Curl options passed on to crul::verb-GET Optional
coops 17

Options for the product paramter. One of:

• water_level - Preliminary or verified water levels, depending on availability

• air_temperature - Air temperature as measured at the station
• water_temperature - Water temperature as measured at the station
• wind - Wind speed, direction, and gusts as measured at the station
• air_pressure - Barometric pressure as measured at the station
• air_gap - Air Gap (distance between a bridge and the water’s surface) at the station
• conductivity - The water’s conductivity as measured at the station
• visibility - Visibility from the station’s visibility sensor. A measure of atmospheric clarity
• humidity - Relative humidity as measured at the station
• salinity - Salinity and specific gravity data for the station
• one_minute_water_level - One minute water level data for the station
• predictions - 6 minute predictions water level data for the station
• hourly_height - Verified hourly height water level data for the station
• high_low - Verified high/low water level data for the station
• daily_mean - Verified daily mean water level data for the station
• monthly_mean - Verified monthly mean water level data for the station
• datums - datums data for the stations
• currents - Currents data for currents stations

Maximum Durations in a Single Call:

• Products water_level through predictions allow requests for up to

• Products hourly_height and high_low allow requests for up to
• Products daily_mean and monthly_mean allow requests for up to

Options for the datum parameter. One of:

• MHHW - Mean higher high water

• MHW - Mean high water
• MTL - Mean tide level
• MSL - Mean sea level
• MLW - Mean low water
• MLLW - Mean lower low water
• NAVD - North American Vertical Datum
• STND - Station datum
18 coops

List, of length one or two.
• metadata A list of metadata with slots id, name, lat, lon
• data A data.frame with data

Scott Chamberlain, Joseph Stachelek, Tom Philippi

https://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/api/ https://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/map/

## Not run:
# Get monthly mean sea level data at Vaca Key (8723970)
coops_search(station_name = 8723970, begin_date = 20120301,
end_date = 20141001, datum = "stnd", product = "monthly_mean")

# Get verified water level data at Vaca Key (8723970)

coops_search(station_name = 8723970, begin_date = 20140927,
end_date = 20140928, datum = "stnd", product = "water_level")

# Get daily mean water level data at Fairport, OH (9063053)

coops_search(station_name = 9063053, begin_date = 20150927,
end_date = 20150928, product = "daily_mean", datum = "stnd",
time_zone = "lst")

# Get air temperature at Vaca Key (8723970)

coops_search(station_name = 8723970, begin_date = 20140927,
end_date = 20140928, product = "air_temperature")

# Get water temperature at Vaca Key (8723970)

coops_search(station_name = 8723970, begin_date = 20140927,
end_date = 20140928, product = "water_temperature")

# Get air pressure at Vaca Key (8723970)

coops_search(station_name = 8723970, begin_date = 20140927,
end_date = 20140928, product = "air_pressure")

# Get wind at Vaca Key (8723970)

coops_search(station_name = 8723970, begin_date = 20140927,
end_date = 20140928, product = "wind")

# Get hourly water level height at Key West (8724580)

coops_search(station_name = 8724580, begin_date = 20140927,
end_date = 20140928, product = "hourly_height", datum = "stnd")

# Get high-low water level at Key West (8724580)

coops_search(station_name = 8724580, begin_date = 20140927,
cpc_prcp 19

end_date = 20140928, product = "high_low", datum = "stnd")

# Get currents data at Pascagoula Harbor (ps0401)

coops_search(station_name = "ps0401", begin_date = 20151221,
end_date = 20151222, product = "currents")

# Get one-minute water level at Vaca Key (8723970)

coops_search(station_name = 8723970, begin_date = 20140927,
end_date = 20140928, datum = "stnd", product = "one_minute_water_level")

# Get datums at Fort Myers, FL (8725520)

coops_search(station_name = 8725520, product = "datums")

# Get water level predictions at Vaca Key (8723970)

coops_search(station_name = 8723970, begin_date = 20140928,
end_date = 20140929, datum = "stnd", product = "predictions")

## End(Not run)

cpc_prcp Precipitation data from NOAA Climate Prediction Center (CPC)


Precipitation data from NOAA Climate Prediction Center (CPC)


cpc_prcp(date, us = FALSE, drop_undefined = FALSE, ...)


date (date/character) date in YYYY-MM-DD format

us (logical) US data only? default: FALSE
drop_undefined (logical) drop undefined precipitation values (values in the precip column in
the output data.frame). default: FALSE
... curl options passed on to crul::verb-GET


Rainfall data for the world (1979-present, resolution 50 km), and the US (1948-present, resolution
25 km).
20 cpc_prcp


a data.frame, with columns:

• lon - longitude (0 to 360)

• lat - latitude (-90 to 90)
• precip - precipitation (in mm) (see Details for more information)

Data processing in this function

Internally we multiply all precipitation measurements by 0.1 as per the CPC documentation.
Values of -99.0 are classified as "undefined". These values can be removed by setting drop_undefined
= TRUE in the cpc_prcp function call. These undefined values are not dropped by default - so do
remember to set drop_undefined = TRUE to drop them; or you can easily do it yourself by e.g.,
subset(x,precip >= 0)


See cpc_cache for managing cached files


http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/ ftp://ftp.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/precip/CPC_UNI_PRCP ftp://ftp.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/precip/CPC_



## Not run:
x = cpc_prcp(date = "2017-01-15")
cpc_prcp(date = "2015-06-05")
cpc_prcp(date = "2017-01-15")
cpc_prcp(date = "2005-07-09")
cpc_prcp(date = "1979-07-19")

# United States data only

cpc_prcp(date = "2005-07-09", us = TRUE)
cpc_prcp(date = "2009-08-03", us = TRUE)
cpc_prcp(date = "1998-04-23", us = TRUE)

# drop undefined values (those given as -99.0)

cpc_prcp(date = "1998-04-23", drop_undefined = TRUE)

## End(Not run)
ersst 21

ersst NOAA Extended Reconstructed Sea Surface Temperature (ERSST)


NOAA Extended Reconstructed Sea Surface Temperature (ERSST) data

ersst(year, month, overwrite = TRUE, ...)

year (numeric) A year. Must be > 1853. The max value is whatever the current year
is. Required
month A month, character or numeric. If single digit (e.g. 8), we add a zero in front
(e.g., 08). Required
overwrite (logical) To overwrite the path to store files in or not, Default: TRUE
... Curl options passed on to crul::verb-GET Optional

An ncdf4 object for now, may change output later to perhaps a data.frame. See ncdf4 for parsing
the output.

See ersst_cache for managing cached files


## Not run:
# October, 2015
ersst(year = 2015, month = 10)

# May, 2015
ersst(year = 2015, month = 5)
ersst(year = 2015, month = "05")

# February, 1890
ersst(year = 1890, month = 2)
22 ghcnd

# Process data
res <- ersst(year = 1890, month = 2)
## varibles
## get a variable
ncdf4::ncvar_get(res, "ssta")

## End(Not run)

fipscodes FIPS codes for US states.

A dataset containing the FIPS codes for 51 US states and territories. The variables are as follows:

A data frame with 3142 rows and 5 variables

• state. US state name.
• county. County name.
• fips_state. Numeric value, from 1 to 51.
• fips_county. Numeric value, from 1 to 840.
• fips. Numeric value, from 1001 to 56045.

ghcnd Get all GHCND data from a single weather site

This function uses ftp to access the Global Historical Climatology Network daily weather data from
NOAA’s FTP server for a single weather site. It requires the site identification number for that site
and will pull the entire weather dataset for the site.

ghcnd(stationid, refresh = FALSE, ...)

ghcnd_read(path, ...)
ghcnd 23

stationid (character) A character string giving the identification of the weather station for
which the user would like to pull data. To get a full and current list of stations,
the user can use the ghcnd_stations() function. To identify stations within
a certain radius of a location, the user can use the meteo_nearby_stations()
refresh (logical) If TRUE force re-download of data. Default: FALSE
... In the case of ghcnd() additional curl options to pass through to crul::HttpClient.
In the case of ghcnd_read further options passed on to read.csv
path (character) a path to a file with a .dly extension - already downloaded on your

This function saves the full set of weather data for the queried site locally in the directory specified
by the path argument.
You can access the path for the cached file via attr(x,"source")
You can access the last modified time for the cached file via attr(x,"file_modified")
Messages are printed to the console about file path and file last modified time which you can sup-
press with suppressMessages()

A tibble (data.frame) which contains data pulled from NOAA’s FTP server for the queried weather
site. A README file with more information about the format of this file is available from NOAA
(http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn/daily/readme.txt). This file is formatted so each line
of the file gives the daily weather observations for a single weather variable for all days of one
month of one year. In addition to measurements, columns are included for certain flags, which add
information on observation sources and quality and are further explained in NOAA’s README file
for the data.

Base URL
The base url for data requests can be changed. The allowed urls are: https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn/daily/all
(default), ftp://ftp.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn/daily/all, ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn/daily/all
You can set the base url using the RNOAA_GHCND_BASE_URL environment variable; see example
The reason for this is that sometimes one base url source is temporarily down, but another base url
may work. It doesn’t make sense to allow an arbitrary base URL; open an issue if there is another
valid base URL for GHNCD data that we should add to the allowed set of base urls.

See ghcnd_cache for managing cached files
24 ghcnd


Scott Chamberlain <myrmecocystus@gmail.com>, Adam Erickson <adam.erickson@ubc.ca>

See Also

To generate a weather dataset for a single weather site that has been cleaned to a tidier weather
format, the user should use the ghcnd_search() function, which calls ghcnd() and then processes
the output, or meteo_tidy_ghcnd(), which wraps the ghcnd_search() function to output a tidy
dataframe. To pull GHCND data from multiple monitors, see meteo_pull_monitors()

## Not run:
# Get data
ghcnd(stationid = "AGE00147704")

stations <- ghcnd_stations()


ghcnd(stations$id[80300]) %>% select(id, element) %>% slice(1:3)

# manipulate data
## using built in fxns
dat <- ghcnd(stationid = "AGE00147704")
(alldat <- ghcnd_splitvars(dat))

## using dplyr
dat <- ghcnd(stationid = "AGE00147704")
filter(dat, element == "PRCP", year == 1909)

# refresh the cached file

ghcnd(stationid = "AGE00147704", refresh = TRUE)

# Read in a .dly file you've already downloaded

path <- system.file("examples/AGE00147704.dly", package = "rnoaa")

# change the base url for data requests

ghcnd(stations$id[45], verbose = TRUE)
## must be in the allowed set of urls
# Sys.setenv(RNOAA_GHCND_BASE_URL = "https://google.com")
# ghcnd(stations$id[58], verbose = TRUE)

## End(Not run)
ghcnd_search 25

ghcnd_search Get a cleaned version of GHCND data from a single weather site

This function uses ftp to access the Global Historical Climatology Network daily weather data from
NOAA’s FTP server for a single weather monitor site. It requires the site identification number for
that site and will pull the entire weather dataset for the site. It will then clean this data to convert it
to a tidier format and will also, if requested, filter it to a certain date range and to certain weather

date_min = NULL,
date_max = NULL,
var = "all",
refresh = FALSE,

stationid (character) A character string giving the identification of the weather station for
which the user would like to pull data. To get a full and current list of stations,
the user can use the ghcnd_stations() function. To identify stations within
a certain radius of a location, the user can use the meteo_nearby_stations()
date_min A character string giving the earliest date of the daily weather time series that
the user would like in the final output. This character string should be formatted
as "yyyy-mm-dd". If not specified, the default is to keep all daily data for the
queried weather site from the earliest available date.
date_max A character string giving the latest date of the daily weather time series that the
user would like in the final output. This character string should be formatted
as "yyyy-mm-dd". If not specified, the default is to keep all daily data for the
queried weather site through the most current available date.
var A character vector specifying either "all" (pull all available weather param-
eters for the site) or the weather parameters to keep in the final data (e.g.,
c("TMAX","TMIN") to only keep maximum and minimum temperature). Ex-
ample choices for this argument include:
• PRCP: Precipitation, in tenths of millimeters
• TAVG: Average temperature, in tenths of degrees Celsius
• TMAX: Maximum temperature, in tenths of degrees Celsius
• TMIN: Minimum temperature, in tenths of degrees Celsius
26 ghcnd_search

A full list of possible weather variables is available in NOAA’s README file for
the GHCND data (https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn/daily/readme.txt).
Most weather stations will only have a small subset of all the possible weather
variables, so the data generated by this function may not include all of the vari-
ables the user specifies through this argument.
refresh (logical) If TRUE force re-download of data. Default: FALSE
... In the case of ghcnd() additional curl options to pass through to crul::HttpClient.
In the case of ghcnd_read further options passed on to read.csv

Messages are printed to the console about file path, file last modified time which you can suppress
with suppressMessages()

A list object with slots for each of the available specified weather variables. Each element in the
list is a separate time series dataframe with daily observations, as well as flag values, for one of the
weather variables. The flag values give information on the quality and source of each observation;
see the NOAA README file linked above for more information. Each data.frame is sorted by date,
with the earliest date first.

This function calls ghcnd(), which will download and save data from all available dates and weather
variables for the queried weather station. The step of limiting the dataset to only certain dates and /
or weather variables, using the date_min, date_max, and var arguments, does not occur until after
the full data has been pulled.

Scott Chamberlain <myrmecocystus@gmail.com>, Adam Erickson <adam.erickson@ubc.ca>

See Also
meteo_pull_monitors(), meteo_tidy_ghcnd()

## Not run:
# Search based on variable and/or date
ghcnd_search("AGE00147704", var = "PRCP")
ghcnd_search("AGE00147704", var = "PRCP", date_min = "1920-01-01")
ghcnd_search("AGE00147704", var = "PRCP", date_max = "1915-01-01")
ghcnd_search("AGE00147704", var = "PRCP", date_min = "1920-01-01",
date_max = "1925-01-01")
ghcnd_search("AGE00147704", date_min = "1920-01-01", date_max = "1925-01-01")
ghcnd_search("AGE00147704", var = c("PRCP","TMIN"))
ghcnd_search("AGE00147704", var = c("PRCP","TMIN"), date_min = "1920-01-01")
ghcnd_search("AGE00147704", var = "adfdf")
ghcnd_splitvars 27

# refresh the cached file

ghcnd_search("AGE00147704", var = "PRCP", refresh = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

ghcnd_splitvars Split variables in data returned from ghcnd

This function is a helper function for ghcnd_search(). It helps with cleaning up the data returned
from ghcnd(), to get it in a format that is easier to work with.


x An object returned from ghcnd()

See ghcnd() examples

Scott Chamberlain, Adam Erickson, Elio Campitelli

ghcnd_states Get meta-data on the GHCND daily data

These function allow you to pull the current versions of certain meta-datasets for the GHCND,
including lists of country and state abbreviations used in some of the weather station IDs and infor-
mation about the current version of the data.



28 ghcnd_stations


... In the case of ghcnd() additional curl options to pass through to crul::HttpClient.
In the case of ghcnd_read further options passed on to read.csv



• ghcnd_version: Get current version of GHCND data

• ghcnd_states: Get US/Canada state names and 2-letter codes
• ghcnd_countries: Get country names and 2-letter codes


Scott Chamberlain <myrmecocystus@gmail.com>, Adam Erickson <adam.erickson@ubc.ca>

## Not run:

## End(Not run)

ghcnd_stations Get information on the GHCND weather stations


This function returns an object with a dataframe with meta-information about all available GHCND
weather stations.


ghcnd_stations(refresh = FALSE, ...)


refresh (logical) If TRUE force re-download of data. Default: FALSE

... In the case of ghcnd() additional curl options to pass through to crul::HttpClient.
In the case of ghcnd_read further options passed on to read.csv
ghcnd_stations 29

This function returns a tibble (dataframe) with a weather station on each row with the following
• id: The weather station’s ID number. The first two letters denote the country (using FIPS
country codes).
• latitude: The station’s latitude, in decimal degrees. Southern latitudes will be negative.
• longitude: The station’s longitude, in decimal degrees. Western longitudes will be negative.
• elevation: The station’s elevation, in meters.
• name: The station’s name.
• gsn_flag: "GSN" if the monitor belongs to the GCOS Surface Network (GSN). Otherwise
either blank or missing.
• wmo_id: If the station has a WMO number, this column gives that number. Otherwise either
blank or missing.
• element: A weather variable recorded at some point during that station’s history. See the link
below in "References" for definitions of the abbreviations used for this variable.
• first_year: The first year of data available at that station for that weather element.
• last_year: The last year of data available at that station for that weather element.
If a weather station has data on more than one weather variable, it will be represented in multiple
rows of this output dataframe.

Since this function is pulling a large dataset by ftp, it may take a while to run.

For more documentation on the returned dataset, see http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn/daily/readme.txt

## Not run:
# Get stations, ghcnd-stations and ghcnd-inventory merged
(stations <- ghcnd_stations())

# filter by state
stations %>% filter(state == "IL")
stations %>% filter(state == "OR")
# those without state values
stations %>% filter(state == "")
# filter by element
stations %>% filter(element == "PRCP")
# filter by id prefix
stations %>% filter(grepl("^AF", id))
stations %>% filter(grepl("^AFM", id))
# filter by station long name
30 homr

stations %>% filter(name == "CALLATHARRA")

## End(Not run)

homr Historical Observing Metadata Repository (HOMR) station metadata

Historical Observing Metadata Repository (HOMR) station metadata

qid = NULL,
qidMod = NULL,
station = NULL,
state = NULL,
county = NULL,
country = NULL,
name = NULL,
nameMod = NULL,
platform = NULL,
date = NULL,
begindate = NULL,
enddate = NULL,
headersOnly = FALSE,
phrData = NULL,
combine = FALSE,

or WMO, or any of those plus a-z0-9, or just a-z0-9. (qid = qualified ID)
qidMod (character) One of: is, starts, ends, contains. Specifies how the ID portion of
the qid parameter should be applied within the search. If a qid is passed but the
qidMod parameter is not used, qidMod is assumed to be IS.
station (character) A station id.
state (character) A two-letter state abbreviation. Two-letter code for US states, Cana-
dian provinces, and other Island areas.
county (character) A two letter county code. US county names, best used with a state
country (character) A two letter country code. See here for a list of valid country names.
homr 31

name (character) One of 0-9A-Z+. Searches on any type of name we have for the
nameMod (character) is|starts|ends|contains. Specifies how the name parameter
should be applied within the search. If a name is passed but the nameMod
parameter is not used, nameMod is assumed to be IS.
platform (character) (aka network) ASOS|USCRN|USHCN|NEXRAD|AL USRCRN|USRCRN|COOP.
Limit the search to stations of a certain platform/network type.
date (character) YYYY-MM-DD|all Limits values to only those that occurred on a spe-
cific date. Alternatively, date=all will return all values for matched stations. If
this field is omitted, the search will return only the most recent values for each
begindate, enddate
YYYY-MM-DD. Limits values to only those that occurred within a date range.
headersOnly (logical) Returns only minimal information for each station found (NCDC Sta-
tion ID, Preferred Name, Station Begin Date, and Station End Date), but is much
quicker than a full query. If you are performing a search that returns a large num-
ber of stations and intend to choose only one from that list to examine in detail,
headersOnly may give you enough information to find the NCDC Station ID for
the station that you actually want.
phrData (logical) The HOMR web service now includes PHR (element-level) data when
available, in an elements section. Because of how this data is structured, it can
substantially increase the size of any result which includes it. If you don’t need
this data you can omit it by including phrData=false. If the parameter is not set,
it will default to phrData=true.
combine (logical) Combine station metadata or not.
... Curl options passed on to crul::verb-GET (optional)

Since the definitions for variables are always the same, we don’t include the ability to get description
data in this function. Use homr_definitions() to get descriptions information.

A list, with elements named by the station ids.


## Not run:
homr(qid = 'COOP:046742')
homr(qid = ':046742')
homr(qidMod='starts', qid='COOP:0467')
homr(headersOnly=TRUE, state='DE')
homr(headersOnly=TRUE, country='GHANA')
32 homr_definitions

homr(headersOnly=TRUE, state='NC', county='BUNCOMBE')

res <- homr(state='NC', county='BUNCOMBE', combine=TRUE)
homr(nameMod='starts', name='CLAY')
homr(headersOnly=TRUE, platform='ASOS')
homr(qid='COOP:046742', date='2011-01-01')
homr(qid='COOP:046742', begindate='2005-01-01', enddate='2011-01-01')
homr(state='DE', headersOnly=TRUE)
homr(station=20002078, date='all', phrData=FALSE)

# Optionally pass in curl options

homr(headersOnly=TRUE, state='NC', county='BUNCOMBE', verbose = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

homr_definitions Historical Observing Metadata Repository (HOMR) station metadata

- definitions


Historical Observing Metadata Repository (HOMR) station metadata - definitions




... Curl options passed on to crul::verb-GET optional


## Not run:
head( homr_definitions() )

## End(Not run)
isd 33

isd Get and parse NOAA ISD/ISH data

Get and parse NOAA ISD/ISH data

overwrite = TRUE,
cleanup = TRUE,
additional = TRUE,
parallel = FALSE,
cores = getOption("cl.cores", 2),
progress = FALSE,
force = FALSE,

usaf, wban (character) USAF and WBAN code. Required
year (numeric) One of the years from 1901 to the current year. Required.
overwrite (logical) To overwrite the path to store files in or not, Default: TRUE
cleanup (logical) If TRUE, remove compressed .gz file at end of function execution. Pro-
cessing data takes up a lot of time, so we cache a cleaned version of the data.
Cleaning up will save you on disk space. Default: TRUE
additional (logical) include additional and remarks data sections in output. Default: TRUE.
Passed on to isdparser::isd_parse()
parallel (logical) do processing in parallel. Default: FALSE
cores (integer) number of cores to use: Default: 2. We look in your option "cl.cores",
but use default value if not found.
progress (logical) print progress - ignored if parallel=TRUE. The default is FALSE be-
cause printing progress adds a small bit of time, so if processing time is impor-
tant, then keep as FALSE
force (logical) force download? Default: FALSE We use a cached version (an .rds
compressed file) if it exists, but this will override that behavior.
... Curl options passed on to crul::verb-GET
34 isd

isd saves the full set of weather data for the queried site locally in the directory specified by the
path argument. You can access the path for the cached file via attr(x,"source")
We use isdparser internally to parse ISD files. They are relatively complex to parse, so a separate
package takes care of that.
This function first looks for whether the data for your specific query has already been downloaded
previously in the directory given by the path parameter. If not found, the data is requested form
NOAA’s FTP server. The first time a dataset is pulled down we must a) download the data, b)
process the data, and c) save a compressed .rds file to disk. The next time the same data is requested,
we only have to read back in the .rds file, and is quite fast. The benfit of writing to .rds files is that
data is compressed, taking up less space on your disk, and data is read back in quickly, without
changing any data classes in your data, whereas we’d have to jump through hoops to do that with
reading in csv. The processing can take quite a long time since the data is quite messy and takes
a bunch of regex to split apart text strings. We hope to speed this process up in the future. See
examples below for different behavior.

A tibble (data.frame).

Note that when you get an error similar to Error: download failed for ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/noaa/1955/011490-
99999-1955.gz, the file does not exist on NOAA’s ftp servers. If your internet is down, you’ll get a
different error.

There are now no transformations (scaling, class changes, etc.) done on the output data. This may
change in the future with parameters to toggle transformations, but none are done for now. See
isdparser::isd_transform() for transformation help. Comprehensive transformations for all
variables are not yet available but should be available in the next version of this package.
See isd_cache for managing cached files

ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/noaa/ https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/noaa

See Also
Other isd: isd_read(), isd_stations_search(), isd_stations()

## Not run:
# Get station table
(stations <- isd_stations())

## plot stations
isd 35

### remove incomplete cases, those at 0,0

df <- stations[complete.cases(stations$lat, stations$lon), ]
df <- df[df$lat != 0, ]
### make plot
leaflet(data = df) %>%
addTiles() %>%

# Get data
(res <- isd(usaf='011490', wban='99999', year=1986))
(res <- isd(usaf='011690', wban='99999', year=1993))
(res <- isd(usaf='109711', wban=99999, year=1970))

# "additional" and "remarks" data sections included by default

# can toggle that parameter to not include those in output, saves time
(res1 <- isd(usaf='011490', wban='99999', year=1986, force = TRUE))
(res2 <- isd(usaf='011490', wban='99999', year=1986, force = TRUE,
additional = FALSE))

# The first time a dataset is requested takes longer

system.time( isd(usaf='782680', wban='99999', year=2011) )
system.time( isd(usaf='782680', wban='99999', year=2011) )

# Plot data
## get data for multiple stations
res1 <- isd(usaf='011690', wban='99999', year=1993)
res2 <- isd(usaf='782680', wban='99999', year=2011)
res3 <- isd(usaf='008415', wban='99999', year=2016)
res4 <- isd(usaf='109711', wban=99999, year=1970)
## combine data
res_all <- bind_rows(res1, res2, res3, res4)
# add date time
dd <- sprintf('%s %s', as.character(res_all$date), res_all$time)
res_all$date_time <- ymd_hm(dd)
## remove 999's
res_all <- filter(res_all, temperature < 900)

## plot
if (interactive()) {
ggplot(res_all, aes(date_time, temperature)) +
geom_line() +
facet_wrap(~usaf_station, scales = 'free_x')

# print progress
## note: if the file is already on your system, you'll see no progress bar
(res <- isd(usaf='011690', wban='99999', year=1993, progress=TRUE))

# parallelize processing
36 isd_read

# (res <- isd(usaf=172007, wban=99999, year=2016, parallel=TRUE))

## End(Not run)

isd_read Read NOAA ISD/ISH local file

Read NOAA ISD/ISH local file

additional = TRUE,
parallel = FALSE,
cores = getOption("cl.cores", 2),
progress = FALSE

path (character) path to the file. required.
additional (logical) include additional and remarks data sections in output. Default: TRUE.
Passed on to isdparser::isd_parse()
parallel (logical) do processing in parallel. Default: FALSE
cores (integer) number of cores to use: Default: 2. We look in your option "cl.cores",
but use default value if not found.
progress (logical) print progress - ignored if parallel=TRUE. The default is FALSE be-
cause printing progress adds a small bit of time, so if processing time is impor-
tant, then keep as FALSE

isd_read - read a .gz file as downloaded from NOAA’s website

A tibble (data.frame)

isd_stations 37

See Also
isd(), isd_stations(), isd_stations_search()
Other isd: isd_stations_search(), isd_stations(), isd()

## Not run:
file <- system.file("examples", "011490-99999-1986.gz", package = "rnoaa")
isd_read(file, additional = FALSE)

## End(Not run)

isd_stations Get NOAA ISD/ISH station data from NOAA FTP server.

Get NOAA ISD/ISH station data from NOAA FTP server.

isd_stations(refresh = FALSE)

refresh (logical) Download station data from NOAA ftp server again. Default: FALSE

The data table is cached, but you can force download of data from NOAA by setting refresh=TRUE

a tibble (data.frame) with the columns:
• usaf - USAF number, character
• wban - WBAN number, character
• station_name - station name, character
• ctry - Country, if given, character
• state - State, if given, character
• icao - ICAO number, if given, character
• lat - Latitude, if given, numeric
• lon - Longitude, if given, numeric
• elev_m - Elevation, if given, numeric
• begin - Begin date of data coverage, of form YYYYMMDD, numeric
• end - End date of data coverage, of form YYYYMMDD, numeric
38 isd_stations_search

See isd_cache for managing cached files


See Also
Other isd: isd_read(), isd_stations_search(), isd()

## Not run:
# Get station table
(stations <- isd_stations())

## plot stations
### remove incomplete cases, those at 0,0
df <- stations[complete.cases(stations$lat, stations$lon), ]
df <- df[df$lat != 0, ]
### make plot
leaflet(data = df) %>%
addTiles() %>%

## End(Not run)

isd_stations_search Search for NOAA ISD/ISH station data from NOAA FTP server.

Search for NOAA ISD/ISH station data from NOAA FTP server.

isd_stations_search(lat = NULL, lon = NULL, radius = NULL, bbox = NULL)

lat (numeric) Latitude, in decimal degree
lon (numeric) Latitude, in decimal degree
radius (numeric) Radius (in km) to search from the lat,lon coordinates
bbox (numeric) Bounding box, of the form: min-longitude, min-latitude, max-longitude,
isd_stations_search 39

We internally call isd_stations() to get the data.frame of ISD stations, which is quite fast as long
as it’s not the first time called since we cache the table. Before searching, we clean up the data.frame,
removing stations with no lat/long coordinates, those with impossible lat/long coordinates, and
those at 0,0.
When lat/lon/radius input we use meteo_distance() to search for stations, while when bbox is
input, we simply use dplyr::filter()

a data.frame with the columns:

• usaf - USAF number, character

• wban - WBAN number, character
• station_name - station name, character
• ctry - Country, if given, character
• state - State, if given, character
• icao - ICAO number, if given, character
• lat - Latitude, if given, numeric
• lon - Longitude, if given, numeric
• elev_m - Elevation, if given, numeric
• begin - Begin date of data coverage, of form YYYYMMDD, numeric
• end - End date of data coverage, of form YYYYMMDD, numeric
• distance - distance (km) (only present if using lat/lon/radius parameter combination)


See Also
Other isd: isd_read(), isd_stations(), isd()

## Not run:
## lat, long, radius
isd_stations_search(lat = 38.4, lon = -123, radius = 250)

x <- isd_stations_search(lat = 60, lon = 18, radius = 200)

if (requireNamespace("leaflet")) {
leaflet() %>%
addTiles() %>%
addCircles(lng = x$lon,
40 lcd

lat = x$lat,
popup = x$station_name) %>%

## bounding box
bbox <- c(-125.0, 38.4, -121.8, 40.9)
isd_stations_search(bbox = bbox)

## End(Not run)

lcd Local Climitalogical Data from NOAA

Local Climitalogical Data from NOAA

lcd(station, year, ...)

station (character) station code, e.g., "02413099999". we will allow integer/numeric
passed here, but station ids can have leading zeros, so it’s a good idea to keep
stations as character class. required
year (integer) year, e.g., 2017. required
... curl options passed on to crul::verb-GET

a data.frame with many columns. the first 10 are metadata:

• station
• date
• latitude
• longitude
• elevation
• name
• report_type
• source

And the rest should be all data columns. The first part of many column names is the time period,
being one of:
meteo_clear_cache 41

• hourly
• daily
• monthly
• shortduration

So the variable you are looking for may not be the first part of the column name

See lcd_cache for managing cached files

Docs: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/data/local-climatological-data/doc/LCD_documentation.pdf Data
comes from: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/data/local-climatological-data/access

## Not run:
x = lcd(station = "01338099999", year = 2017)
lcd(station = "01338099999", year = 2015)
lcd(station = "02413099999", year = 2009)
lcd(station = "02413099999", year = 2001)

# pass curl options

lcd(station = "02413099999", year = 2002, verbose = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

meteo_clear_cache Clear meteo cached files

The meteo functions use an aplication

meteo_clear_cache(force = FALSE)

force (logical) force delete. default: FALSE

This function will clear all cached meteo files.
42 meteo_coverage

See Also
Other meteo: meteo_show_cache()

meteo_coverage Determine the "coverage" for a station data frame

Call this function after pulling down observations for a set of stations to retrieve the "coverage" (i.e.
how complete each field is). If either or both obs_start_date or obs_end_date are specified, the
coverage test will be limited to that date range.

obs_start_date = NULL,
obs_end_date = NULL,
verbose = FALSE

meteo_df a meteo data.frame
obs_start_date specify either or both (obs_start_date, obs_end_date) to constrain coverate tests.
These should be Date objects.
obs_end_date specify either or both (obs_start_date, obs_end_date) to constrain coverate tests.
These should be Date objects.
verbose if TRUE will display the coverage summary along with returning the coverage

There is an autoplot method for the output of this function.

a list containing 2 data.frames named ’summary’ and ’detail’. The ’summary’ data.frame
contains columns:

$ id (chr)
$ start_date (time)
$ end_date (time)
$ total_obs (int)

with additional fields (and their coverage percent) depending on which weather variables were
queried and available for the weather station. The data.frame named ’detail’ contains the same
columns as the meteo_df input data, but expands the rows to contain NAs for days without data.
meteo_distance 43

## Not run:

monitors <- c("ASN00095063", "ASN00024025", "ASN00040112", "ASN00041023",

"ASN00009998", "ASN00066078", "ASN00003069", "ASN00090162",
"ASN00040126", "ASN00058161")
obs <- meteo_pull_monitors(monitors)
obs_covr <- meteo_coverage(obs)

if (interactive()) {

## End(Not run)

meteo_distance Find all monitors within a radius of a location

This function will identify all weather stations with a specified radius of a location. If no radius
is given, the function will return a dataframe of all available monitors, sorted by distance to the
location. The limit argument can be used to limit the output dataframe to the x closest monitors to
the location.

units = "deg",
radius = NULL,
limit = NULL

station_data The output of ghcnd_stations(), which is a current list of weather stations
available through NOAA for the GHCND dataset. The format of this is a
dataframe with one row per weather station. Latitude and longitude for the
station locations should be in columns with the names "latitude" and "longi-
tude", consistent with the output from ghcnd_stations(). To save time, run
the ghcnd_stations call and save the output to an object, rather than rerunning
the default every time (see the examples in meteo_nearby_stations()).
lat Latitude of the location. Southern latitudes should be given as negative values.
44 meteo_nearby_stations

long Longitude of the location. Western longitudes should be given as negative val-
units Units of the latitude and longitude values. Possible values are:
• deg: Degrees (default);
• rad: Radians.
radius A numeric vector giving the radius (in kilometers) within which to search for
monitors near a location.
limit An integer giving the maximum number of monitors to include for each location.
The x closest monitors will be kept. Default is NULL (pull everything available,
within the radius if the radius is specified).


A dataframe of weather stations near the location. This is the single-location version of the return
value for meteo_nearby_stations()


Alex Simmons <a2.simmons@qut.edu.au>, Brooke Anderson <brooke.anderson@colostate.edu>

## Not run:
station_data <- ghcnd_stations()
meteo_distance(station_data, -33, 151, radius = 10, limit = 10)
meteo_distance(station_data, -33, 151, radius = 10, limit = 3)

# FIXME - units param is ignored

#meteo_distance(station_data, -33, 151, units = 'rad', radius = 10, limit = 3)

## End(Not run)

meteo_nearby_stations Find weather monitors near locations


This function inputs a dataframe with latitudes and longitudes of locations and creates a dataframe
with monitors within a certain radius of those locations. The function can also be used, with the
limit argument, to pull a certain number of the closest weather monitors to each location. The
weather monitor IDs in the output dataframe can be used with other rnoaa functions to pull data
from all available weather stations near a location (e.g., meteo_pull_monitors()).
meteo_nearby_stations 45

lat_colname = "latitude",
lon_colname = "longitude",
station_data = ghcnd_stations(),
var = "all",
year_min = NULL,
year_max = NULL,
radius = NULL,
limit = NULL

lat_lon_df A dataframe that contains the latitude, longitude, and a unique identifier for
each location (id). For an example of the proper format for this dataframe, see
the examples below. Latitude and longitude must both be in units of decimal
degrees. Southern latitudes and Western longitudes should be given as negative
values. A tibble is accepted, but is coerced to a data.frame internally before any
lat_colname A character string giving the name of the latitude column in the lat_lon_df
lon_colname A character string giving the name of the longitude column in the lat_lon_df
station_data The output of ghcnd_stations(), which is a current list of weather stations
available through NOAA for the GHCND dataset. The format of this is a
dataframe with one row per weather station. Latitude and longitude for the
station locations should be in columns with the names "latitude" and "longi-
tude", consistent with the output from ghcnd_stations(). To save time, run
the ghcnd_stations call and save the output to an object, rather than rerunning
the default every time (see the examples in meteo_nearby_stations()).
var A character vector specifying either "all" (pull all available weather param-
eters for the site) or the weather parameters to keep in the final data (e.g.,
c("TMAX","TMIN") to only keep maximum and minimum temperature). Ex-
ample choices for this argument include:
• PRCP: Precipitation, in tenths of millimeters
• TAVG: Average temperature, in tenths of degrees Celsius
• TMAX: Maximum temperature, in tenths of degrees Celsius
• TMIN: Minimum temperature, in tenths of degrees Celsius
A full list of possible weather variables is available in NOAA’s README file for
the GHCND data (https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn/daily/readme.txt).
Most weather stations will only have a small subset of all the possible weather
variables, so the data generated by this function may not include all of the vari-
ables the user specifies through this argument.
46 meteo_nearby_stations

year_min A numeric value giving the earliest year from which you ultimately want weather
data (e.g., 2013, if you only are interested in data from 2013 and later).
year_max A numeric value giving the latest year from which you ultimately want weather
radius A numeric vector giving the radius (in kilometers) within which to search for
monitors near a location.
limit An integer giving the maximum number of monitors to include for each location.
The x closest monitors will be kept. Default is NULL (pull everything available,
within the radius if the radius is specified).

Great circle distance is used to determine whether a weather monitor is within the required radius.

A list containing dataframes with the sets of unique weather stations within the search radius for
each location. Site IDs for the weather stations given in this dataframe can be used in conjunction
with other functions in the rnoaa package to pull weather data for the station. The dataframe for
each location includes:

• id: The weather station ID, which can be used in other functions to pull weather data from
the station;
• name: The weather station name;
• latitude: The station’s latitude, in decimal degrees. Southern latitudes will be negative;
• longitude: The station’s longitude, in decimal degrees. Western longitudes will be negative;
• distance: The station’s distance, in kilometers, from the location.

By default, this function will pull the full station list from NOAA to use to identify nearby locations.
If you will be creating lists of monitors nearby several stations, you can save some time by using
the ghcnd_stations() function separately to create an object with all stations and then use the
argument station_data in this function to reference that object, rather than using this function’s
defaults (see examples).

Alex Simmons <a2.simmons@qut.edu.au>, Brooke Anderson <brooke.anderson@colostate.edu>

See Also
The weather monitor IDs generated by this function can be used in other functions in the rnoaa
package, like meteo_pull_monitors() and meteo_tidy_ghcnd(), to pull weather data from weather
monitors near a location.
meteo_process_geographic_data 47

## Not run:

station_data <- ghcnd_stations() # Takes a while to run

lat_lon_df <- data.frame(id = c("sydney", "brisbane"),

latitude = c(-33.8675, -27.4710),
longitude = c(151.2070, 153.0234))
nearby_stations <- meteo_nearby_stations(lat_lon_df = lat_lon_df,
station_data = station_data, radius = 10)

miami <- data.frame(id = "miami", latitude = 25.7617, longitude = -80.1918)

# Get all stations within 50 kilometers

meteo_nearby_stations(lat_lon_df = miami, station_data = station_data,
radius = 50, var = c("PRCP", "TMAX"),
year_min = 1992, year_max = 1992)
# Get the closest 10 monitors
meteo_nearby_stations(lat_lon_df = miami, station_data = station_data,
limit = 10, var = c("PRCP", "TMAX"),
year_min = 1992, year_max = 1992)

## End(Not run)

Calculate the distances between a location and all available stations

This function takes a single location and a dataset of available weather stations and calculates the
distance between the location and each of the stations, using the great circle method. A new column
is added to the dataset of available weather stations giving the distance between each station and
the input location. The station dataset is then sorted from closest to furthest distance to the location
and returned as the function output.

meteo_process_geographic_data(station_data, lat, long, units = "deg")

station_data The output of ghcnd_stations(), which is a current list of weather stations
available through NOAA for the GHCND dataset. The format of this is a
dataframe with one row per weather station. Latitude and longitude for the
station locations should be in columns with the names "latitude" and "longi-
tude", consistent with the output from ghcnd_stations(). To save time, run
the ghcnd_stations call and save the output to an object, rather than rerunning
the default every time (see the examples in meteo_nearby_stations()).
48 meteo_pull_monitors

lat Latitude of the location. Southern latitudes should be given as negative values.
long Longitude of the location. Western longitudes should be given as negative val-
units Units of the latitude and longitude values. Possible values are:
• deg: Degrees (default);
• rad: Radians.

The station_data dataframe that is input, but with a distance column added that gives the dis-
tance to the location (in kilometers), and re-ordered by distance between each station and the loca-
tion (closest weather stations first).

Alex Simmons <a2.simmons@qut.edu.au>, Brooke Anderson <brooke.anderson@colostate.edu>

## Not run:
station_data <- ghcnd_stations()
meteo_process_geographic_data(station_data, lat=-33, long=151)

## End(Not run)

meteo_pull_monitors Pull GHCND weather data for multiple weather monitors

This function takes a vector of one or more weather station IDs. It will pull the weather data from
the Global Historical Climatology Network’s daily data (GHCND) for each of the stations and join
them together in a single tidy dataframe. For any weather stations that the user calls that are not
available by ftp from GHCND, the function will return a warning giving the station ID.

keep_flags = FALSE,
date_min = NULL,
date_max = NULL,
var = "all"
meteo_pull_monitors 49

monitors A character vector listing the station IDs for all weather stations the user would
like to pull. To get a full and current list of stations, the user can use the
ghcnd_stations() function. To identify stations within a certain radius of a
location, the user can use the meteo_nearby_stations() function.
keep_flags TRUE / FALSE for whether the user would like to keep all the flags for each
weather variable. The default is to not keep the flags (FALSE). See the note
below for more information on these flags.
date_min A character string giving the earliest date of the daily weather time series that
the user would like in the final output. This character string should be formatted
as "yyyy-mm-dd". If not specified, the default is to keep all daily data for the
queried weather site from the earliest available date.
date_max A character string giving the latest date of the daily weather time series that the
user would like in the final output. This character string should be formatted
as "yyyy-mm-dd". If not specified, the default is to keep all daily data for the
queried weather site through the most current available date.
var A character vector specifying either "all" (pull all available weather param-
eters for the site) or the weather parameters to keep in the final data (e.g.,
c("TMAX","TMIN") to only keep maximum and minimum temperature). Ex-
ample choices for this argument include:
• PRCP: Precipitation, in tenths of millimeters
• TAVG: Average temperature, in tenths of degrees Celsius
• TMAX: Maximum temperature, in tenths of degrees Celsius
• TMIN: Minimum temperature, in tenths of degrees Celsius
A full list of possible weather variables is available in NOAA’s README file for
the GHCND data (https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn/daily/readme.txt).
Most weather stations will only have a small subset of all the possible weather
variables, so the data generated by this function may not include all of the vari-
ables the user specifies through this argument.

A data frame of daily weather data for multiple weather monitors, converted to a tidy format. All
weather variables may not exist for all weather stations. Examples of variables returned are:

• id: Character string with the weather station site id

• date: Date of the observation
• prcp: Precipitation, in tenths of mm
• tavg: Average temperature, in tenths of degrees Celsius
• tmax: Maximum temperature, in tenths of degrees Celsius
• tmin: Minimum temperature, in tenths of degrees Celsius
• awnd: Average daily wind speed, in meters / second
• wsfg: Peak gust wind speed, in meters / second
50 meteo_pull_monitors

There are other possible weather variables in the Global Historical Climatology Network; see
http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn/daily/readme.txt for a full list. If the var argument is
something other than "all", then only variables included in that argument will be included in the
output data frame. All variables are in the units specified in the linked file (note that, in many cases,
measurements are given in tenths of the units more often used, e.g., tenths of degrees for temper-
ature). All column names correspond to variable names in the linked file, but with all uppercase
letters changed to lowercase.

The weather flags, which are kept by specifying keep_flags = TRUE are:
• *_mflag: Measurement flag, which gives some information on how the observation was mea-
• *_qflag: Quality flag, which gives quality information on the measurement, like if it failed to
pass certain quality checks.
• *_sflag: Source flag. This gives some information on the weather collection system (e.g., U.S.
Cooperative Summary of the Day, Australian Bureau of Meteorology) the weather observation
comes from.

More information on the interpretation of these flags can be found in the README file for the
NCDC’s Daily Global Historical Climatology Network’s data at http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn/daily/readme.txt
This function converts any value of -9999 to a missing value for the variables "prcp", "tmax", "tmin",
"tavg", "snow", and "snwd". However, for some weather observations, there still may be missing
values coded using a series of "9"s of some length. You will want to check your final data to see if
there are lurking missing values given with series of "9"s.
This function may take a while to run.

Brooke Anderson <brooke.anderson@colostate.edu>

For more information about the data pulled with this function, see:
Menne, M.J., I. Durre, R.S. Vose, B.E. Gleason, and T.G. Houston, 2012: An overview of the Global
Historical Climatology Network-Daily Database. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology,
29, 897-910, doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-11-00103.1.

## Not run:

monitors <- c("ASN00003003", "ASM00094299", "ASM00094995", "ASM00094998")

all_monitors_clean <- meteo_pull_monitors(monitors)

## End(Not run)
meteo_show_cache 51

meteo_show_cache Show the meteo cache directory

Displays the full path to the meteo cache directory


See Also
Other meteo: meteo_clear_cache()

Calculate the distance between two locations

This function uses the haversine formula to calculate the great circle distance between two locations,
identified by their latitudes and longitudes.

meteo_spherical_distance(lat1, long1, lat2, long2, units = "deg")

lat1 Latitude of the first location.
long1 Longitude of the first location.
lat2 Latitude of the second location.
long2 Longitude of the second location.
units Units of the latitude and longitude values. Possible values are:
• deg: Degrees (default);
• rad: Radians.

A numeric value giving the distance (in kilometers) between the pair of locations.

This function assumes an earth radius of 6,371 km.
52 meteo_tidy_ghcnd

Alex Simmons <a2.simmons@qut.edu.au>, Brooke Anderson <brooke.anderson@colostate.edu>


meteo_spherical_distance(lat1 = -27.4667, long1 = 153.0217,

lat2 = -27.4710, long2 = 153.0234)

meteo_tidy_ghcnd Create a tidy GHCND dataset from a single monitor

This function inputs an object created by ghcnd and cleans up the data into a tidy form.

keep_flags = FALSE,
var = "all",
date_min = NULL,
date_max = NULL

stationid (character) A character string giving the identification of the weather station for
which the user would like to pull data. To get a full and current list of stations,
the user can use the ghcnd_stations() function. To identify stations within
a certain radius of a location, the user can use the meteo_nearby_stations()
keep_flags TRUE / FALSE for whether the user would like to keep all the flags for each
weather variable. The default is to not keep the flags (FALSE). See the note
below for more information on these flags.
var A character vector specifying either "all" (pull all available weather param-
eters for the site) or the weather parameters to keep in the final data (e.g.,
c("TMAX","TMIN") to only keep maximum and minimum temperature). Ex-
ample choices for this argument include:
• PRCP: Precipitation, in tenths of millimeters
• TAVG: Average temperature, in tenths of degrees Celsius
• TMAX: Maximum temperature, in tenths of degrees Celsius
• TMIN: Minimum temperature, in tenths of degrees Celsius
meteo_tidy_ghcnd 53

A full list of possible weather variables is available in NOAA’s README file for
the GHCND data (https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn/daily/readme.txt).
Most weather stations will only have a small subset of all the possible weather
variables, so the data generated by this function may not include all of the vari-
ables the user specifies through this argument.
date_min A character string giving the earliest date of the daily weather time series that
the user would like in the final output. This character string should be formatted
as "yyyy-mm-dd". If not specified, the default is to keep all daily data for the
queried weather site from the earliest available date.
date_max A character string giving the latest date of the daily weather time series that the
user would like in the final output. This character string should be formatted
as "yyyy-mm-dd". If not specified, the default is to keep all daily data for the
queried weather site through the most current available date.

A data frame of daily weather data for a single weather monitor, converted to a tidy format. All
weather variables may not exist for all weather stations. Examples of variables returned are:
• id: Character string with the weather station site id
• date: Date of the observation
• prcp: Precipitation, in tenths of mm
• tavg: Average temperature, in degrees Celsius
• tmax: Maximum temperature, in degrees Celsius
• tmin: Minimum temperature, in degrees Celsius
• awnd: Average daily wind speed, in meters / second
• wsfg: Peak gust wind speed, in meters / second
There are other possible weather variables in the Global Historical Climatology Network; see
http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn/daily/readme.txt for a full list. The variables prcp, tmax,
tmin, and tavg have all been converted from tenths of their metric to the metric (e.g., from tenths
of degrees Celsius to degrees Celsius). All other variables are in the units specified in the linked

The weather flags, which are kept by specifying keep_flags = TRUE are:
• *_mflag: Measurement flag, which gives some information on how the observation was mea-
• *_qflag: Quality flag, which gives quality information on the measurement, like if it failed to
pass certain quality checks.
• *_sflag: Source flag. This gives some information on the weather collection system (e.g., U.S.
Cooperative Summary of the Day, Australian Bureau of Meteorology) the weather observation
comes from.
More information on the interpretation of these flags can be found in the README file for the
NCDC’s Daily Global Historical Climatology Network’s data at http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn/daily/readme.txt
54 meteo_tidy_ghcnd_element

Brooke Anderson <brooke.anderson@colostate.edu>

See Also

## Not run:
# One station in Australia is ASM00094275
meteo_tidy_ghcnd(stationid = "ASN00003003")
meteo_tidy_ghcnd(stationid = "ASN00003003", var = "tavg")
meteo_tidy_ghcnd(stationid = "ASN00003003", date_min = "1989-01-01")

## End(Not run)

Restructure element of ghcnd_search list

This function restructures the output of ghcnd_search() to add a column giving the variable name
(key) and change the name of the variable column to value. These changes facilitate combining
all elements from the list created by ghcnd_search(), to create a tidy dataframe of the weather
observations from the station.

meteo_tidy_ghcnd_element(x, keep_flags = FALSE)

x A dataframe with daily observations for a single monitor for a single weather
variable. This dataframe is one of the elements returned by ghcnd_search()
keep_flags TRUE / FALSE for whether the user would like to keep all the flags for each
weather variable. The default is to not keep the flags (FALSE). See the note
below for more information on these flags.

A dataframe reformatted to allow easy aggregation of all weather variables for a single monitor.

Brooke Anderson <brooke.anderson@colostate.edu>
ncdc 55

ncdc Search for and get NOAA NCDC data

Search for and get NOAA NCDC data

datasetid = NULL,
datatypeid = NULL,
stationid = NULL,
locationid = NULL,
startdate = NULL,
enddate = NULL,
sortfield = NULL,
sortorder = NULL,
limit = 25,
offset = NULL,
token = NULL,
includemetadata = TRUE,
add_units = FALSE,

datasetid (required) Accepts a single valid dataset id. Data returned will be from the
dataset specified, see ncdc_datasets
datatypeid Accepts a valid data type id or a vector or list of data type ids. (optional)
stationid Accepts a valid station id or a vector or list of station ids
locationid Accepts a valid location id or a vector or list of location ids (optional)
startdate (character/date) Accepts valid ISO formated date (yyyy-mm-dd) or date time
(YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss). Data returned will have data after the specified
date. The date range must be less than 1 year. required.
enddate (character/date) Accepts valid ISO formated date (yyyy-mm-dd) or date time
(YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss). Data returned will have data before the specified
date. The date range must be less than 1 year. required.
sortfield The field to sort results by. Supports id, name, mindate, maxdate, and datacov-
erage fields (optional)
sortorder Which order to sort by, asc or desc. Defaults to asc (optional)
limit Defaults to 25, limits the number of results in the response. Maximum is 1000
56 ncdc

offset Defaults to 0, used to offset the resultlist (optional)

token This must be a valid token token supplied to you by NCDC’s Climate Data
Online access token generator. (required) See Authentication section below for
more details.
Used to improve response time by preventing the calculation of result metadata.
Default: TRUE. This does not affect the return object, in that the named part of
the output list called "meta" is still returned, but is NULL. In practice, I haven’t
seen response time’s improve, but perhaps they will for you.
add_units (logical) whether to add units information or not. default: FALSE. If TRUE, after
getting data from NOAA we add a new column units. See "Adding units" in
Details for more
... Curl options passed on to HttpClient (optional)

Note that NOAA NCDC API calls can take a long time depending on the call. The NOAA API
doesn’t perform well with very long timespans, and will time out and make you angry - beware.
Keep in mind that three parameters, datasetid, startdate, and enddate are required.
Note that the default limit (no. records returned) is 25. Look at the metadata in $meta to see
how many records were found. If more were found than 25, you could set the parameter limit to
something higher than 25.

An S3 list of length two, a slot of metadata (meta), and a slot for data (data). The meta slot is a list
of metadata elements, and the data slot is a data.frame, possibly of length zero if no data is found.
Note that values in the data slot don’t indicate their units by default, so you will want to either use
the add_units parameter (experimental, see Adding units) or consult the documentation for each
dataset to ensure you’re using the correct units.

Get an API key (aka, token) at https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/cdo-web/token You can pass your token
in as an argument or store it one of two places:

• your .Rprofile file with the entry options(noaakey = "your-noaa-token")

• your .Renviron file with the entry NOAA_KEY=your-noaa-token

See Startup for information on how to create/find your .Rrofile and .Renviron files

The attributes, or "flags", for each row of the output for data may have a flag with it. Each
datasetid has it’s own set of flags. The following are flag columns, and what they stand for. fl_
is the beginning of each flag column name, then one or more characters to describe the flag, keep-
ing it short to maintain a compact data frame. Some of these fields are the same across datasetids.
See the vignette vignette("rnoaa_attributes","rnoaa") for description of possible values for
each flag.
ncdc 57

• fl_c completeness
• fl_d day
• fl_m measurement
• fl_q quality
• fl_s source
• fl_t time
• fl_cmiss consecutive missing
• fl_miss missing
• fl_u units

Note that flags are different for GSOM and GSOY datasets. They have their own set of flags
per data class. See system.file("extdata/gsom.json",package = "rnoaa") for GSOM and
system.file("extdata/gsom.json",package = "rnoaa") for GSOY. Those are JSON files. The
system.file() call gives you then path, then read in with jsonlite::fromJSON() which will give
a data.frame of the metadata. For more detailed info but plain text, open system.file("extdata/gsom_readme.txt",packa
= "rnoaa") and system.file("extdata/gsoy_readme.txt",package = "rnoaa") in a text edi-

Adding units
The add_units parameter is experimental - USE WITH CAUTION! If add_units=TRUE we pull
data from curated lists of data used by matching by datasetid and data type.
We’ve attempted to gather as much information as possible on the many, many data types across
the many different NOAA data sets. However, we may have got some things wrong, so make sure
to double check data you get if you do add units.
Get in touch if you find some units that are wrong or missing, and if you are able to help correct

See Also
Other ncdc: ncdc_combine(), ncdc_datacats(), ncdc_datasets(), ncdc_datatypes(), ncdc_locs_cats(),
ncdc_locs(), ncdc_plot(), ncdc_stations()

## Not run:
# GHCN-Daily (or GHCND) data, for a specific station
ncdc(datasetid='GHCND', stationid='GHCND:USW00014895',
startdate = '2013-10-01', enddate = '2013-12-01')
### also accepts dates as class Date
ncdc(datasetid='GHCND', stationid='GHCND:USW00014895',
startdate = as.Date('2013-10-01'), enddate = as.Date('2013-12-01'))

# GHCND data, for a location by FIPS code

ncdc(datasetid='GHCND', locationid = 'FIPS:02', startdate = '2010-05-01',
58 ncdc

enddate = '2010-05-10')

# GHCND data from October 1 2013 to December 1 2013

ncdc(datasetid='GHCND', startdate = '2013-10-01', enddate = '2013-10-05')

# GHCN-Monthly (or GSOM) data from October 1 2013 to December 1 2013

ncdc(datasetid='GSOM', startdate = '2013-10-01', enddate = '2013-12-01')
ncdc(datasetid='GSOM', startdate = '2013-10-01', enddate = '2013-12-01',
stationid = "GHCND:AE000041196")

# Normals Daily (or NORMAL_DLY) GHCND:USW00014895 dly-tmax-normal data

ncdc(datasetid='NORMAL_DLY', stationid='GHCND:USW00014895',
startdate = '2010-05-01', enddate = '2010-05-10')

# Dataset, and location in Australia

ncdc(datasetid='GHCND', locationid='FIPS:AS', startdate = '2010-05-01',
enddate = '2010-05-31')

# Dataset, location and datatype for PRECIP_HLY data

ncdc(datasetid='PRECIP_HLY', locationid='ZIP:28801', datatypeid='HPCP',
startdate = '2010-05-01', enddate = '2010-05-10')

# multiple datatypeid's
ncdc(datasetid='PRECIP_HLY', datatypeid = 'HPCP',
startdate = '2010-05-01', enddate = '2010-05-10')

# multiple locationid's
ncdc(datasetid='PRECIP_HLY', locationid=c("FIPS:30103", "FIPS:30091"),
startdate = '2010-05-01', enddate = '2010-05-10')

# Dataset, location, station and datatype

ncdc(datasetid='PRECIP_HLY', locationid='ZIP:28801',
stationid='COOP:310301', datatypeid='HPCP',
startdate = '2010-05-01', enddate = '2010-05-10')

# Dataset, location, and datatype for GHCND

ncdc(datasetid='GHCND', locationid='FIPS:BR', datatypeid='PRCP',
startdate = '2010-05-01', enddate = '2010-05-10')

# Normals Daily GHCND dly-tmax-normal data

ncdc(datasetid='NORMAL_DLY', datatypeid='dly-tmax-normal',
startdate = '2010-05-01', enddate = '2010-05-10')

# Normals Daily GHCND:USW00014895 dly-tmax-normal

ncdc(datasetid='NORMAL_DLY', stationid='GHCND:USW00014895',
startdate = '2010-05-01', enddate = '2010-05-10')

# Hourly Precipitation data for ZIP code 28801

ncdc(datasetid='PRECIP_HLY', locationid='ZIP:28801', datatypeid='HPCP',
startdate = '2010-05-01', enddate = '2010-05-10')

# 15 min Precipitation data for ZIP code 28801

ncdc_combine 59

ncdc(datasetid='PRECIP_15', datatypeid='QPCP',
startdate = '2010-05-01', enddate = '2010-05-02')

# Search the NORMAL_HLY dataset

ncdc(datasetid='NORMAL_HLY', stationid = 'GHCND:USW00003812',
startdate = '2010-05-01', enddate = '2010-05-10')

# Search the GSOY dataset

ncdc(datasetid='ANNUAL', locationid='ZIP:28801', startdate = '2010-05-01',
enddate = '2010-05-10')

# Search the NORMAL_ANN dataset

ncdc(datasetid='NORMAL_ANN', datatypeid='ANN-DUTR-NORMAL',
startdate = '2010-01-01', enddate = '2010-01-01')

# Include metadata or not

ncdc(datasetid='GHCND', stationid='GHCND:USW00014895',
startdate = '2013-10-01', enddate = '2013-12-01')
ncdc(datasetid='GHCND', stationid='GHCND:USW00014895',
startdate = '2013-10-01', enddate = '2013-12-01', includemetadata=FALSE)

# Many stationid's
stat <- ncdc_stations(startdate = "2000-01-01", enddate = "2016-01-01")
## find out what datasets might be available for these stations
ncdc_datasets(stationid = stat$data$id[10])
## get some data
ncdc(datasetid = "GSOY", stationid = stat$data$id[1:10],
startdate = "2010-01-01", enddate = "2011-01-01")

## End(Not run)

## Not run:
# NEXRAD2 data
## doesn't work yet
ncdc(datasetid='NEXRAD2', startdate = '2013-10-01', enddate = '2013-12-01')

## End(Not run)

ncdc_combine Coerce multiple outputs to a single data.frame object.


Coerce multiple outputs to a single data.frame object.


60 ncdc_combine

... Objects from another ncdc_* function.

A data.frame

See Also
Other ncdc: ncdc_datacats(), ncdc_datasets(), ncdc_datatypes(), ncdc_locs_cats(), ncdc_locs(),
ncdc_plot(), ncdc_stations(), ncdc()

## Not run:
# data
out1 <- ncdc(datasetid='GHCND', locationid = 'FIPS:02', startdate = '2010-05-01',
enddate = '2010-05-31', limit=10)
out2 <- ncdc(datasetid='GHCND', locationid = 'FIPS:02', startdate = '2010-07-01',
enddate = '2010-07-31', limit=10)
ncdc_combine(out1, out2)

# data sets
out1 <- ncdc_datasets(datatypeid='TOBS')
out2 <- ncdc_datasets(datatypeid='PRCP')
ncdc_combine(out1, out2)

# data types
out1 <- ncdc_datatypes(datatypeid="ACMH")
out2 <- ncdc_datatypes(datatypeid='PRCP')
ncdc_combine(out1, out2)

# data categories
out1 <- ncdc_datacats(datacategoryid="ANNAGR")
out2 <- ncdc_datacats(datacategoryid='PRCP')
ncdc_combine(out1, out2)

# data locations
out1 <- ncdc_locs(locationcategoryid='ST', limit=52)
out2 <- ncdc_locs(locationcategoryid='CITY', sortfield='name', sortorder='desc')
ncdc_combine(out1, out2)

# data locations
out1 <- ncdc_locs_cats(startdate='1970-01-01')
out2 <- ncdc_locs_cats(locationcategoryid='CLIM_REG')
ncdc_combine(out1, out2)

# stations
out1 <- ncdc_stations(datasetid='GHCND', locationid='FIPS:12017',
out2 <- ncdc_stations(stationid='COOP:010008')
out3 <- ncdc_stations(datasetid='PRECIP_HLY', startdate='19900101',
ncdc_datacats 61

out4 <- ncdc_stations(datasetid='GHCND', locationid='FIPS:12017')
ncdc_combine(out1, out2, out3, out4)

# try to combine two different classes

out1 <- ncdc_locs_cats(startdate='1970-01-01')
out2 <- ncdc_stations(stationid='COOP:010008')
out3 <- ncdc_locs_cats(locationcategoryid='CLIM_REG')
ncdc_combine(out1, out2, out3)

## End(Not run)

ncdc_datacats Get possible data categories for a particular datasetid, locationid, sta-
tionid, etc.

Data Categories represent groupings of data types.

datasetid = NULL,
datacategoryid = NULL,
stationid = NULL,
locationid = NULL,
startdate = NULL,
enddate = NULL,
sortfield = NULL,
sortorder = NULL,
limit = 25,
offset = NULL,
token = NULL,

datasetid Accepts a valid dataset id or a vector or list of dataset id’s. Data returned will be
from the dataset specified, see datasets() (required)
datacategoryid A valid data category id. Data types returned will be associated with the data
category(ies) specified
stationid Accepts a valid station id or a vector or list of station ids (optional)
locationid Accepts a valid location id or a vector or list of location id’s. (optional)
startdate Accepts valid ISO formated date (yyyy-mm-dd). Data returned will have data
after the specified date. Paramater can be use independently of enddate (op-
62 ncdc_datacats

enddate Accepts valid ISO formated date (yyyy-mm-dd). Data returned will have data
before the specified date. Paramater can be use independently of startdate (op-
sortfield The field to sort results by. Supports id, name, mindate, maxdate, and datacov-
erage fields (optional)
sortorder Which order to sort by, asc or desc. Defaults to asc (optional)
limit Defaults to 25, limits the number of results in the response. Maximum is 1000
offset Defaults to 0, used to offset the resultlist (optional)
token This must be a valid token token supplied to you by NCDC’s Climate Data
Online access token generator. (required) See Authentication section below for
more details.
... Curl options passed on to HttpClient


Note that calls with both startdate and enddate don’t seem to work, though specifying one or the
other mostly works.


A data.frame for all datasets, or a list of length two, each with a data.frame.


Get an API key (aka, token) at https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/cdo-web/token You can pass your token
in as an argument or store it one of two places:

• your .Rprofile file with the entry options(noaakey = "your-noaa-token")

• your .Renviron file with the entry NOAA_KEY=your-noaa-token

See Startup for information on how to create/find your .Rrofile and .Renviron files



See Also

Other ncdc: ncdc_combine(), ncdc_datasets(), ncdc_datatypes(), ncdc_locs_cats(), ncdc_locs(),

ncdc_plot(), ncdc_stations(), ncdc()
ncdc_datasets 63

## Not run:
## Limit to 10 results

## by datasetid
ncdc_datacats(datasetid=c("ANNUAL", "PRECIP_HLY"))

## Single data category


## Fetch data categories for a given set of locations

ncdc_datacats(locationid=c('CITY:US390029', 'FIPS:37'))

## Data categories for a given date

ncdc_datacats(startdate = '2013-10-01')

# Get data categories with data for a series of the same parameter arg, in this case
# stationid's

## Curl debugging
ncdc_datacats(limit=10, verbose = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

ncdc_datasets Search NOAA datasets

From the NOAA API docs: All of our data are in datasets. To retrieve any data from us, you must
know what dataset it is in.

datasetid = NULL,
datatypeid = NULL,
stationid = NULL,
locationid = NULL,
startdate = NULL,
enddate = NULL,
sortfield = NULL,
sortorder = NULL,
limit = 25,
64 ncdc_datasets

offset = NULL,
token = NULL,

datasetid (optional) Accepts a single valid dataset id. Data returned will be from the
dataset specified.
datatypeid Accepts a valid data type id or a vector or list of data type ids. (optional)
stationid Accepts a valid station id or a vector or list of station ids
locationid Accepts a valid location id or a vector or list of location ids (optional)
startdate (optional) Accepts valid ISO formated date (yyyy-mm-dd) or date time (YYYY-
MM-DDThh:mm:ss). Data returned will have data after the specified date. The
date range must be less than 1 year.
enddate (optional) Accepts valid ISO formated date (yyyy-mm-dd) or date time (YYYY-
MM-DDThh:mm:ss). Data returned will have data before the specified date.
The date range must be less than 1 year.
sortfield The field to sort results by. Supports id, name, mindate, maxdate, and datacov-
erage fields (optional)
sortorder Which order to sort by, asc or desc. Defaults to asc (optional)
limit Defaults to 25, limits the number of results in the response. Maximum is 1000
offset Defaults to 0, used to offset the resultlist (optional)
token This must be a valid token token supplied to you by NCDC’s Climate Data
Online access token generator. (required) See Authentication section below for
more details.
... Curl options passed on to HttpClient (optional)

A data.frame for all datasets, or a list of length two, each with a data.frame.

Get an API key (aka, token) at https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/cdo-web/token You can pass your token
in as an argument or store it one of two places:

• your .Rprofile file with the entry options(noaakey = "your-noaa-token")

• your .Renviron file with the entry NOAA_KEY=your-noaa-token

See Startup for information on how to create/find your .Rrofile and .Renviron files

ncdc_datatypes 65

See Also
Other ncdc: ncdc_combine(), ncdc_datacats(), ncdc_datatypes(), ncdc_locs_cats(), ncdc_locs(),
ncdc_plot(), ncdc_stations(), ncdc()

## Not run:
# Get a table of all datasets

# Get details from a particular dataset


# Get datasets with Temperature at the time of observation (TOBS) data type
## two datatypeid's
ncdc_datasets(datatypeid=c('TOBS', "ACMH"))

# Get datasets with data for a series of the same parameter arg, in this case
# stationid's

# Multiple datatypeid's
ncdc_datasets(datasetid='ANNUAL', datatypeid=c('ACMC','ACMH','ACSC'))
ncdc_datasets(datasetid='GSOY', datatypeid=c('ACMC','ACMH','ACSC'))

# Multiple locationid's
ncdc_datasets(locationid=c("FIPS:30103", "FIPS:30091"))

## End(Not run)

ncdc_datatypes Get possible data types for a particular dataset

From the NOAA API docs: Describes the type of data, acts as a label. For example: If it’s 64
degrees out right now, then the data type is Air Temperature and the data is 64.

datasetid = NULL,
datatypeid = NULL,
datacategoryid = NULL,
stationid = NULL,
66 ncdc_datatypes

locationid = NULL,
startdate = NULL,
enddate = NULL,
sortfield = NULL,
sortorder = NULL,
limit = 25,
offset = NULL,
token = NULL,

datasetid (optional) Accepts a valid dataset id or a vector or list of them. Data returned
will be from the dataset specified.
datatypeid Accepts a valid data type id or a vector or list of data type ids. (optional)
datacategoryid Optional. Accepts a valid data category id or a vector or list of data category ids
(although it is rare to have a data type with more than one data category)
stationid Accepts a valid station id or a vector or list of station ids
locationid Accepts a valid location id or a vector or list of location ids (optional)
startdate (optional) Accepts valid ISO formated date (yyyy-mm-dd) or date time (YYYY-
MM-DDThh:mm:ss). Data returned will have data after the specified date. The
date range must be less than 1 year.
enddate (optional) Accepts valid ISO formated date (yyyy-mm-dd) or date time (YYYY-
MM-DDThh:mm:ss). Data returned will have data before the specified date.
The date range must be less than 1 year.
sortfield The field to sort results by. Supports id, name, mindate, maxdate, and datacov-
erage fields (optional)
sortorder Which order to sort by, asc or desc. Defaults to asc (optional)
limit Defaults to 25, limits the number of results in the response. Maximum is 1000
offset Defaults to 0, used to offset the resultlist (optional)
token This must be a valid token token supplied to you by NCDC’s Climate Data
Online access token generator. (required) See Authentication section below for
more details.
... Curl options passed on to HttpClient (optional)

A data.frame for all datasets, or a list of length two, each with a data.frame

Get an API key (aka, token) at https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/cdo-web/token You can pass your token
in as an argument or store it one of two places:
ncdc_datatypes 67

• your .Rprofile file with the entry options(noaakey = "your-noaa-token")

• your .Renviron file with the entry NOAA_KEY=your-noaa-token

See Startup for information on how to create/find your .Rrofile and .Renviron files



See Also

Other ncdc: ncdc_combine(), ncdc_datacats(), ncdc_datasets(), ncdc_locs_cats(), ncdc_locs(),

ncdc_plot(), ncdc_stations(), ncdc()


## Not run:
# Fetch available data types

# Fetch more information about the ACMH data type id, or the ACSC

# datasetid, one or many

## ANNUAL should be replaced by GSOY, but both exist and give
## different answers
ncdc_datatypes(datasetid=c("ANNUAL", "PRECIP_HLY"))

# Fetch data types with the air temperature data category

ncdc_datatypes(datacategoryid="TEMP", limit=56)
ncdc_datatypes(datacategoryid=c("TEMP", "AUPRCP"))

# Fetch data types that support a given set of stations


# Fetch data types that support a given set of loncationids


## End(Not run)
68 ncdc_locs

ncdc_locs Get metadata about NOAA NCDC locations.

From the NOAA NCDC API docs: Locations can be a specific latitude/longitude point such as a
station, or a label representing a bounding area such as a city.

datasetid = NULL,
locationid = NULL,
locationcategoryid = NULL,
startdate = NULL,
enddate = NULL,
sortfield = NULL,
sortorder = NULL,
limit = 25,
offset = NULL,
token = NULL,

datasetid A valid dataset id or a vector or list of dataset id’s. Data returned will be from
the dataset specified, see datasets() (required)
locationid A valid location id or a vector or list of location ids.
A valid location id or a vector or list of location category ids
startdate A valid ISO formatted date (yyyy-mm-dd). Data returned will have data after
the specified date. Paramater can be use independently of enddate (optional)
enddate Accepts valid ISO formatted date (yyyy-mm-dd). Data returned will have data
before the specified date. Paramater can be use independently of startdate (op-
sortfield The field to sort results by. Supports id, name, mindate, maxdate, and datacov-
erage fields (optional)
sortorder Which order to sort by, asc or desc. Defaults to asc (optional)
limit Defaults to 25, limits the number of results in the response. Maximum is 1000
offset Defaults to 0, used to offset the resultlist (optional)
token This must be a valid token token supplied to you by NCDC’s Climate Data
Online access token generator. (required) See Authentication section below for
more details.
... Curl options passed on to HttpClient
ncdc_locs 69

A list containing metadata and the data, or a single data.frame.

Get an API key (aka, token) at https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/cdo-web/token You can pass your token
in as an argument or store it one of two places:

• your .Rprofile file with the entry options(noaakey = "your-noaa-token")

• your .Renviron file with the entry NOAA_KEY=your-noaa-token

See Startup for information on how to create/find your .Rrofile and .Renviron files


See Also
Other ncdc: ncdc_combine(), ncdc_datacats(), ncdc_datasets(), ncdc_datatypes(), ncdc_locs_cats(),
ncdc_plot(), ncdc_stations(), ncdc()

## Not run:
# All locations, first 25 results

# Fetch more information about location id FIPS:37


# Fetch available locations for the GHCND (Daily Summaries) dataset

ncdc_locs(datasetid=c('GHCND', 'ANNUAL'))
ncdc_locs(datasetid=c('GSOY', 'ANNUAL'))
ncdc_locs(datasetid=c('GHCND', 'GSOM'))

# Fetch all U.S. States

ncdc_locs(locationcategoryid='ST', limit=52)

# Many locationcategoryid's
## this apparently works, but returns nothing often with multiple
## locationcategoryid's
ncdc_locs(locationcategoryid=c('ST', 'ZIP'))

# Fetch list of city locations in descending order

ncdc_locs(locationcategoryid='CITY', sortfield='name', sortorder='desc')

## End(Not run)
70 ncdc_locs_cats

ncdc_locs_cats Get metadata about NOAA location categories.

Location categories are groupings of similar locations.

datasetid = NULL,
locationcategoryid = NULL,
startdate = NULL,
enddate = NULL,
sortfield = NULL,
sortorder = NULL,
limit = 25,
offset = NULL,
token = NULL,

datasetid A valid dataset id or a vector or list of dataset id’s. Data returned will be from
the dataset specified, see datasets() (required)
A valid location id or a vector or list of location category ids
startdate A valid ISO formatted date (yyyy-mm-dd). Data returned will have data after
the specified date. Paramater can be use independently of enddate (optional)
enddate Accepts valid ISO formatted date (yyyy-mm-dd). Data returned will have data
before the specified date. Paramater can be use independently of startdate (op-
sortfield The field to sort results by. Supports id, name, mindate, maxdate, and datacov-
erage fields (optional)
sortorder Which order to sort by, asc or desc. Defaults to asc (optional)
limit Defaults to 25, limits the number of results in the response. Maximum is 1000
offset Defaults to 0, used to offset the resultlist (optional)
token This must be a valid token token supplied to you by NCDC’s Climate Data
Online access token generator. (required) See Authentication section below for
more details.
... Curl options passed on to HttpClient
ncdc_locs_cats 71

Locations can be a specific latitude/longitude point such as a station, or a label representing a
bounding area such as a city.

A list containing metadata and the data, or a single data.frame.

Get an API key (aka, token) at https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/cdo-web/token You can pass your token
in as an argument or store it one of two places:

• your .Rprofile file with the entry options(noaakey = "your-noaa-token")

• your .Renviron file with the entry NOAA_KEY=your-noaa-token

See Startup for information on how to create/find your .Rrofile and .Renviron files


See Also
Other ncdc: ncdc_combine(), ncdc_datacats(), ncdc_datasets(), ncdc_datatypes(), ncdc_locs(),
ncdc_plot(), ncdc_stations(), ncdc()

## Not run:
# All location categories, first 25 results

# Find locations with category id of CLIM_REG


# Displays available location categories within GHCN-Daily dataset


# multiple datasetid's
ncdc_locs_cats(datasetid=c('GHCND', 'GSOM'))

# Displays available location categories from start date 1970-01-01


## End(Not run)
72 ncdc_plot

ncdc_plot Plot NOAA climate data.

Plot NOAA climate data.

ncdc_plot(..., breaks = NULL, dateformat = "%d/%m/%y")

... Input noaa object or objects.
breaks Regularly spaced date breaks for x-axis. See examples for usage. See date_breaks.
Default: NULL (uses ggplot2 default break sformatting)
dateformat Date format using standard POSIX specification for labels on x-axis. See date_format()

This function accepts directly output from the ncdc() function, not other functions.
This is a simple wrapper function around some ggplot2 code. There is indeed a lot you can modify
in your plots, so this function just does some basic stuff. Look at the internals for what the function

ggplot2 plot

See Also
Other ncdc: ncdc_combine(), ncdc_datacats(), ncdc_datasets(), ncdc_datatypes(), ncdc_locs_cats(),
ncdc_locs(), ncdc_stations(), ncdc()

## Not run:
# Search for data first, then plot
out <- ncdc(datasetid='GHCND', stationid='GHCND:USW00014895', datatypeid='PRCP',
startdate = '2010-05-01', enddate = '2010-10-31', limit=500)
ncdc_plot(out, breaks="14 days")
ncdc_plot(out, breaks="1 month", dateformat="%d/%m")
ncdc_plot(out, breaks="1 month", dateformat="%d/%m")

# Combine many calls to ncdc function

out1 <- ncdc(datasetid='GHCND', stationid='GHCND:USW00014895', datatypeid='PRCP',
startdate = '2010-03-01', enddate = '2010-05-31', limit=500)
ncdc_stations 73

out2 <- ncdc(datasetid='GHCND', stationid='GHCND:USW00014895', datatypeid='PRCP',

startdate = '2010-09-01', enddate = '2010-10-31', limit=500)
df <- ncdc_combine(out1, out2)
## or pass in each element separately
ncdc_plot(out1, out2, breaks="45 days")

## End(Not run)

ncdc_stations Get metadata about NOAA NCDC stations.

From the NOAA NCDC API docs: Stations are where the data comes from (for most datasets) and
can be considered the smallest granual of location data. If you know what station you want, you
can quickly get all manner of data from it

stationid = NULL,
datasetid = NULL,
datatypeid = NULL,
locationid = NULL,
startdate = NULL,
enddate = NULL,
sortfield = NULL,
sortorder = NULL,
limit = 25,
offset = NULL,
datacategoryid = NULL,
extent = NULL,
token = NULL,
dataset = NULL,
station = NULL,
location = NULL,
locationtype = NULL,
page = NULL,

stationid A single valid station id, with datasetid namespace, e.g., GHCND:USW00014895
datasetid (optional) Accepts a valid dataset id or a vector or list of them. Data returned
will be from the dataset specified.
74 ncdc_stations

datatypeid Accepts a valid data type id or a vector or list of data type ids. (optional)
locationid Accepts a valid location id or a vector or list of location ids (optional)
startdate (optional) Accepts valid ISO formated date (yyyy-mm-dd) or date time (YYYY-
MM-DDThh:mm:ss). Data returned will have data after the specified date. The
date range must be less than 1 year.
enddate (optional) Accepts valid ISO formated date (yyyy-mm-dd) or date time (YYYY-
MM-DDThh:mm:ss). Data returned will have data before the specified date.
The date range must be less than 1 year.
sortfield The field to sort results by. Supports id, name, mindate, maxdate, and datacov-
erage fields (optional)
sortorder Which order to sort by, asc or desc. Defaults to asc (optional)
limit Defaults to 25, limits the number of results in the response. Maximum is 1000
offset Defaults to 0, used to offset the resultlist (optional)
datacategoryid (character, optional) Accepts a valid data category id or a vector or list of data
category ids.
extent (numeric, optional) The geographical extent for which you want to search. Give
four values that defines a bounding box, lat and long for the southwest corner,
then lat and long for the northeast corner. For example: c(minlat,minlong,maxlat,maxlong).
token This must be a valid token token supplied to you by NCDC’s Climate Data
Online access token generator. (required) See Authentication section below for
more details.
dataset THIS IS A DEPRECATED ARGUMENT. See datasetid.
station THIS IS A DEPRECATED ARGUMENT. See stationid.
location THIS IS A DEPRECATED ARGUMENT. See locationid.
locationtype THIS IS A DEPRECATED ARGUMENT. There is no equivalent argument in
v2 of the NOAA API.
page THIS IS A DEPRECATED ARGUMENT. There is no equivalent argument in
v2 of the NOAA API.
... Curl options passed on to HttpClient (optional)

A list of metadata.

Get an API key (aka, token) at https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/cdo-web/token You can pass your token
in as an argument or store it one of two places:

• your .Rprofile file with the entry options(noaakey = "your-noaa-token")

• your .Renviron file with the entry NOAA_KEY=your-noaa-token

See Startup for information on how to create/find your .Rrofile and .Renviron files
ncdc_stations 75


See Also
Other ncdc: ncdc_combine(), ncdc_datacats(), ncdc_datasets(), ncdc_datatypes(), ncdc_locs_cats(),
ncdc_locs(), ncdc_plot(), ncdc()

## Not run:
# Get metadata on all stations

# Get metadata on a single station


# For many stations use lapply or similar

lapply(c("COOP:010008", "COOP:010063", "COOP:010116"), function(z) {
startdate = "2013-01-01",
enddate = "2014-11-01",
stationid = z)

# Displays all stations within GHCN-Daily (100 Stations per page limit)
ncdc_stations(datasetid = 'GHCND')
ncdc_stations(datasetid = 'ANNUAL')
ncdc_stations(datasetid = 'GSOY')

# Station
ncdc_stations(datasetid='NORMAL_DLY', stationid='GHCND:USW00014895')

# datatypeid
ncdc_stations(datatypeid=c("ANN-HTDD-NORMAL", "ACSC"))

# locationid
ncdc_stations(locationid=c("FIPS:30103", "FIPS:30091"))

# datacategoryid
ncdc_stations(datacategoryid=c("ANNPRCP", "AUAGR"))

# Displays all stations within GHCN-Daily (Displaying page 10 of the results)


# Specify datasetid and locationid

76 rnoaa-defunct

ncdc_stations(datasetid='GHCND', locationid='FIPS:12017')

# Specify datasetid, locationid, and station

ncdc_stations(datasetid='GHCND', locationid='FIPS:12017', stationid='GHCND:USC00084289')

# Specify datasetid, locationidtype, locationid, and station

ncdc_stations(datasetid='GHCND', locationid='FIPS:12017', stationid='GHCND:USC00084289')

# Displays list of stations within the specified county

ncdc_stations(datasetid='GHCND', locationid='FIPS:12017')

# Displays list of Hourly Precipitation locationids between 01/01/1990 and 12/31/1990

ncdc_stations(datasetid='PRECIP_HLY', startdate='19900101', enddate='19901231')

# Search for stations by spatial extent

## Search using a bounding box, w/ lat/long of the SW corner, then of NE corner

## End(Not run)

rnoaa-defunct Defunct functions in rnoaa

• noaa: Function name changed, prefixed with ncdc now
• noaa_datacats: Function name changed, prefixed with ncdc now
• noaa_datasets: Function name changed, prefixed with ncdc now
• noaa_datatypes: Function name changed, prefixed with ncdc now
• noaa_locs: Function name changed, prefixed with ncdc now
• noaa_locs_cats: Function name changed, prefixed with ncdc now
• noaa_stations: Function name changed, prefixed with ncdc now
• noaa_plot: Function name changed, prefixed with ncdc now
• noaa_combine: Function name changed, prefixed with ncdc now
• noaa_seaice: Function name changed to seaice
• erddap_data: See package rerddap
• erddap_clear_cache: See package rerddap
• erddap_datasets: Moved to package rerddap
• erddap_grid: Moved to package rerddap
• erddap_info: Moved to rerddap::info()
• erddap_search: Moved to rerddap::ed_search
• erddap_table: Moved to rerddap::tabledap
• ncdc_leg_variables: Removed. See NCDC Legacy below
rnoaa_caching 77

• ncdc_leg_sites: Removed. See NCDC Legacy below

• ncdc_leg_site_info: Removed. See NCDC Legacy below
• ncdc_leg_data: Removed. See NCDC Legacy below
• seaice: Replaced with sea_ice()
• lcd_cleanup: No longer available. See lcd docs
• ghcnd_clear_cache: No longer available. See rnoaa_caching
• storm_shp: Function defunct.
• storm_shp_read: Function defunct.
• storm_data: Function defunct.
• storm_meta: Function defunct.


The functions for working with GEFS ensemble forecast data (prefixed with "gefs") are defunct,
but may come back to rnoaa later:

• gefs()
• gefs_dimension_values()
• gefs_dimensions()
• gefs_ensembles()
• gefs_latitudes()
• gefs_longitudes()
• gefs_times()
• gefs_variables()

NCDC Legacy

The NCDC legacy API is too unreliable and slow. Use the newer NCDC API via the functions
ncdc(), ncdc_datacats(), ncdc_datasets(), ncdc_datatypes(), ncdc_locs(), ncdc_locs_cats(),
ncdc_stations(), ncdc_plot(), and ncdc_combine()

rnoaa_caching rnoaa caching


Manage data caches

78 rnoaa_caching


To get the cache directory for a data source, see the method x$cache_path_get()
cache_delete only accepts 1 file name, while cache_delete_all doesn’t accept any names, but
deletes all files. For deleting many specific files, use cache_delete in a lapply() type call
Note that cached files will continue to be used until they are deleted. It’s possible to run into
problems when changes happen in your R setup. For example, at least one user reported changing
versions of this package and running into problems because a cached data file from a previous
version of rnoaa did not work with the newer version of rnoaa. You should occassionally delete all
cached files.

Useful user functions

Assuming x is a HoardClient class object, e.g., lcd_cache

• x$cache_path_get() get cache path

• x$cache_path_set() set cache path
• x$list() returns a character vector of full path file names
• x$files() returns file objects with metadata
• x$details() returns files with details
• x$delete() delete specific files
• x$delete_all() delete all files, returns nothing

Caching objects for each data source

• isd()/isd_stations(): isd_cache
• cpc_prcp(): cpc_cache
• arc2(): arc2_cache
• lcd(): lcd_cache
• bsw(): bsw_cache
• ersst(): ersst_cache
• tornadoes(): torn_cache
• ghcnd()/ghcnd_search(): ghcnd_cache
• se_data()/se_files(): stormevents_cache

See Also

rnoaa_options() for managing whether you see messages about cached files when you request
rnoaa_options 79

rnoaa_options rnoaa options


rnoaa options


rnoaa_options(cache_messages = TRUE)


cache_messages (logical) whether to emit messages with information on caching status for func-
tion calls that can cache data. default: TRUE


rnoaa package level options; stored in an internal package environment roenv

See Also

rnoaa_caching for managing cached files

## Not run:
rnoaa_options(cache_messages = FALSE)

## End(Not run)

sea_ice Get sea ice data.


Get sea ice data.


sea_ice(year = NULL, month = NULL, pole = NULL, format = "shp", ...)

80 sea_ice

year (numeric) a year
month (character) a month, as character abbrevation of a month
pole (character) one of S (south) or N (north)
format (character) one of shp (default), geotiff-extent (for geotiff extent data), or geotiff-
conc (for geotiff concentration data)
... Further arguments passed on to rgdal::readshpfile() if format="shp" or
raster::raster() if not

data.frame if format="shp" (a fortified sp object); raster::raster() if not

See the "User Guide" pdf at https://nsidc.org/data/g02135

See Also

## Not run:
if (requireNamespace("raster")) {

## one year, one moth, one pole

sea_ice(year = 1990, month = "Apr", pole = "N")
sea_ice(year = 1990, month = "Apr", pole = "N", format = "geotiff-extent")
sea_ice(year = 1990, month = "Apr", pole = "N", format = "geotiff-conc")

## one year, one month, many poles

sea_ice(year = 1990, month = "Apr")

## one year, many months, many poles

sea_ice(year = 1990, month = c("Apr", "Jun", "Oct"))

## many years, one month, one pole

sea_ice(year = 1990:1992, month = "Sep", pole = "N")

# get geotiff instead of shp data.

x <- sea_ice(year = 1990, month = "Apr", format = "geotiff-extent")
y <- sea_ice(year = 1990, month = "Apr", format = "geotiff-conc")

## End(Not run)
sea_ice_tabular 81

sea_ice_tabular Sea ice tabular data

Collects .csv files from NOAA, and binds them together into a single data.frame. Data across
years, with extent and area of ice.


... Curl options passed on to crul::verb-GET - beware that curl options are passed
to each http request, for each of 24 requests.

An example file, for January, North pole: ftp://sidads.colorado.edu/DATASETS/NOAA/G02135/north/monthly/data/N_01_ex
a value in any cell of -9999 indicates missing data

A data.frame with columns:

• year (integer)
• mo (integer)
• data.type (character)
• region (character)
• extent (numeric)
• area (numeric)

See Also

## Not run:
df <- sea_ice_tabular()

## End(Not run)
82 storm_events

storm_events NOAA Storm Events data

NOAA Storm Events data

se_data(year, type, overwrite = TRUE, ...)


year (numeric) a four digit year. see output of se_files() for available years. re-
type (character) one of details, fatalities, locations, or legacy. required.
overwrite (logical) To overwrite the path to store files in or not, Default: TRUE
... Curl options passed on to crul::verb-GET (optional)

A tibble (data.frame)

See stormevents_cache for managing cached files


## Not run:
# get list of files and their urls
res <- se_files()

# get data
x <- se_data(year = 2013, type = "details")

z <- se_data(year = 1988, type = "fatalities")

swdi 83

w <- se_data(year = 2003, type = "locations")


leg <- se_data(year = 2003, type = "legacy")


## End(Not run)

swdi Get NOAA data for the Severe Weather Data Inventory (SWDI)

Get NOAA data for the Severe Weather Data Inventory (SWDI)

dataset = NULL,
format = "xml",
startdate = NULL,
enddate = NULL,
limit = 25,
offset = NULL,
radius = NULL,
center = NULL,
bbox = NULL,
tile = NULL,
stat = NULL,
id = NULL,
filepath = NULL,

dataset Dataset to query. See below for details.
format File format to download. One of xml, csv, shp, or kmz.
startdate Start date. See details.
enddate End date. See details.
limit Number of results to return. Defaults to 25. Any number from 1 to 10000000.
Time out issues likely to occur at higher limits.
offset Any number from 1 to 10000000. Default is NULL, no offset, start from 1.
radius Search radius in miles (current limit is 15 miles). BEWARE: As far as we know,
this parameter doesn’t do anything, or at least does not in fact limit the search to
the given radius. DO NOT USE.
84 swdi

center Center coordinate in lon,lat decimal degree format, e.g.: c(-95.45,36.88)

bbox Bounding box in format of minLon,minLat,maxLon,maxLat, e.g.: c(-91,30,-
tile Coordinate in lon,lat decimal degree format, e.g.: c(-95.45,36.88). The lat/lon
values are rounded to the nearest tenth of degree. For the above example, the
matching tile would contain values from -95.4500 to -95.5499 and 36.8500 to
stat One of count or tilesum:$longitude,$latitude. Setting stat=’count’ returns num-
ber of results only (no actual data). stat=’tilesum:$longitude,$latitude’ returns
daily feature counts for a tenth of a degree grid centered at the nearest tenth of a
degree to the supplied values.
id An identifier, e.g., 533623. Not sure how you find these ids?
filepath If kmz or shp chosen the file name and optionally path to write to. Ignored
format=xml or format=csv (optional)
... Curl options passed on to crul::verb-GET (optional)

Options for the dataset parameter. One of (and their data formats):

• nx3tvs NEXRAD Level-3 Tornado Vortex Signatures (point)

• nx3meso NEXRAD Level-3 Mesocyclone Signatures (point)
• nx3hail NEXRAD Level-3 Hail Signatures (point)
• nx3structure NEXRAD Level-3 Storm Cell Structure Information (point)
• plsr Preliminary Local Storm Reports (point)
• warn Severe Thunderstorm, Tornado, Flash Flood and Special Marine warnings (polygon)
• nldn Lightning strikes from Vaisala. Available to government and military users only. If you
aren’t one of those, you’ll get a 400 status stop message if you request data from this dataset

For startdate and enddate, the date range syntax is ’startDate:endDate’ or special option of ’peri-
odOfRecord’. Note that startDate is inclusive and endDate is exclusive. All dates and times are in
GMT. The current limit of the date range size is one year.
All latitude and longitude values for input parameters and output data are in the WGS84 datum.

If xml or csv chosen, a list of length three, a slot of metadata (meta), a slot for data (data), and a slot
for shape file data with a single column ’shape’. The meta slot is a list of metadata elements, and
the data slot is a data.frame, possibly of length zero if no data is found.
If kmz or shp chosen, the file is downloaded to your machine and a message is printed.

https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/ncei-severe-weather-data-inventory https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/swdiws/
swdi 85


## Not run:
# Search for nx3tvs data from 5 May 2006 to 6 May 2006
swdi(dataset='nx3tvs', startdate='20060505', enddate='20060506')

# Get all 'nx3tvs' near latitude = 32.7 and longitude = -102.0

swdi(dataset='nx3tvs', startdate='20060506', enddate='20060507',

# use an id
swdi(dataset='warn', startdate='20060506', enddate='20060507', id=533623)

# Get all 'plsr' within the bounding box (-91,30,-90,31)

swdi(dataset='plsr', startdate='20060505', enddate='20060510',

# Get all 'nx3tvs' within the tile -102.1/32.6 (-102.15,32.55,-102.25,32.65)

swdi(dataset='nx3tvs', startdate='20060506', enddate='20060507',

# Counts
## Note: stat='count' will only return metadata, nothing in the data or shape slots
## Note: stat='tilesum:...' returns counts in the data slot for each date for that tile,
## and shape data
## Get number of 'nx3tvs' near latitude = 32.7 and longitude = -102.0
swdi(dataset='nx3tvs', startdate='20060505', enddate='20060516',
center=c(-102.0,32.7), stat='count')

## Get daily count nx3tvs features on .1 degree grid centered at latitude = 32.7
## and longitude = -102.0
swdi(dataset='nx3tvs', startdate='20060505', enddate='20090516',

# CSV format
swdi(dataset='nx3tvs', startdate='20060505', enddate='20060506', format='csv')

# SHP format
swdi(dataset='nx3tvs', startdate='20060505', enddate='20060506', format='shp',

# KMZ format
swdi(dataset='nx3tvs', startdate='20060505', enddate='20060506', format='kmz',

# csv output to SpatialPointsDataFrame

res <- swdi(dataset='nx3tvs', startdate='20060505', enddate='20060506', format="csv")
coordinates(res$data) <- ~lon + lat

## End(Not run)
86 tornadoes

tornadoes Get NOAA tornado data.


This function gets spatial paths of tornadoes from NOAA’s National Weather Service Storm Predic-
tion Center Severe Weather GIS web page.




... Curl options passed on to crul::verb-GET (optional)


A Spatial object is returned of class SpatialLinesDataFrame.


See torn_cache for managing cached files




## Not run:
shp <- tornadoes()
if (interactive()) {
# may take 10 sec or so to render

## End(Not run)
vis_miss 87

vis_miss Visualize missingness in a dataframe

Gives you an at-a-glance ggplot of the missingness inside a dataframe, colouring cells according to
missingness, where black indicates a present cell and grey indicates a missing cell. As it returns a
ggplot object, it is very easy to customize and change labels, and so on.

vis_miss(x, cluster = FALSE, sort_miss = FALSE)

x a data.frame
cluster logical TRUE/FALSE. TRUE specifies that you want to use hierarchical clustering
(mcquitty method) to arrange rows according to missingness. FALSE specifies
that you want to leave it as is.
sort_miss logical TRUE/FALSE. TRUE arranges the columns in order of missingness.

vis_miss visualises a data.frame to display missingness. This is taken from the visdat package,
currently only available on github: https://github.com/tierneyn/visdat

## Not run:
monitors <- c("ASN00003003", "ASM00094299")
weather_df <- meteo_pull_monitors(monitors)

## End(Not run)

∗ datasets buoy, 14
fipscodes, 22 buoy_stations (buoy), 14
rnoaa_caching, 77 buoys (buoy), 14
∗ isd
isd, 33 coops, 16
isd_read, 36 coops_search (coops), 16
isd_stations, 37 cpc_cache, 20
isd_stations_search, 38 cpc_cache (rnoaa_caching), 77
∗ meteo cpc_prcp, 19
meteo_clear_cache, 41 crul::HttpClient, 23, 26, 28
meteo_show_cache, 51 crul::verb-GET, 5, 12, 14, 16, 19, 21, 31–33,
∗ ncdc 40, 81, 82, 84, 86
ncdc, 55
date_breaks, 72
ncdc_combine, 59
date_format(), 72
ncdc_datacats, 61
dplyr::filter(), 39
ncdc_datasets, 63
ncdc_datatypes, 65 ersst, 21
ncdc_locs, 68 ersst_cache, 21
ncdc_locs_cats, 70 ersst_cache (rnoaa_caching), 77
ncdc_plot, 72
ncdc_stations, 73 fipscodes, 22
∗ package
rnoaa-package, 3 gefs(), 77
gefs_dimension_values(), 77
arc2, 5 gefs_dimensions(), 77
arc2_cache, 6 gefs_ensembles(), 77
arc2_cache (rnoaa_caching), 77 gefs_latitudes(), 77
argo, 6 gefs_longitudes(), 77
argo(), 4 gefs_times(), 77
argo_buoy_files (argo), 6 gefs_variables(), 77
argo_buoy_files(), 4 ghcnd, 22, 52
argo_files (argo), 6 ghcnd(), 26, 27
argo_plan (argo), 6 ghcnd_cache, 23
argo_qwmo (argo), 6 ghcnd_cache (rnoaa_caching), 77
argo_search (argo), 6 ghcnd_countries (ghcnd_states), 27
autoplot.meteo_coverage, 11 ghcnd_read (ghcnd), 22
ghcnd_search, 25
bsw, 12 ghcnd_search(), 24, 27, 54
bsw_cache, 13 ghcnd_splitvars, 27
bsw_cache (rnoaa_caching), 77 ghcnd_states, 27


ghcnd_stations, 28 ncdc_datacats, 57, 60, 61, 65, 67, 69, 71, 72,
ghcnd_stations(), 23, 25, 43, 45–47, 49, 52 75
ghcnd_version (ghcnd_states), 27 ncdc_datacats(), 77
ncdc_datasets, 55, 57, 60, 62, 63, 67, 69, 71,
homr, 30 72, 75
homr_definitions, 32 ncdc_datasets(), 77
homr_definitions(), 31 ncdc_datatypes, 57, 60, 62, 65, 65, 69, 71,
HttpClient, 8, 56, 62, 64, 66, 68, 70, 74 72, 75
ncdc_datatypes(), 77
isd, 33, 37–39 ncdc_locs, 57, 60, 62, 65, 67, 68, 71, 72, 75
isd(), 37 ncdc_locs(), 77
isd_cache, 34, 38 ncdc_locs_cats, 57, 60, 62, 65, 67, 69, 70,
isd_cache (rnoaa_caching), 77 72, 75
isd_read, 34, 36, 38, 39 ncdc_locs_cats(), 77
isd_stations, 34, 37, 37, 39 ncdc_plot, 57, 60, 62, 65, 67, 69, 71, 72, 75
isd_stations(), 37, 39 ncdc_plot(), 77
isd_stations_search, 34, 37, 38, 38 ncdc_stations, 57, 60, 62, 65, 67, 69, 71, 72,
isd_stations_search(), 37 73
isdparser::isd_parse(), 33, 36 ncdc_stations(), 77
isdparser::isd_transform(), 34
rnoaa (rnoaa-package), 3
jsonlite::fromJSON(), 57 rnoaa-defunct, 76
lapply(), 78 rnoaa-package, 3
lcd, 40 rnoaa_caching, 77, 77, 79
lcd_cache, 41 rnoaa_options, 79
lcd_cache (rnoaa_caching), 77 rnoaa_options(), 78

meteo_clear_cache, 41, 51 se_data (storm_events), 82

meteo_coverage, 42 se_files (storm_events), 82
meteo_coverage(), 12 sea_ice, 79
meteo_distance, 43 sea_ice(), 77, 81
meteo_distance(), 39 sea_ice_tabular, 81
meteo_nearby_stations, 44 sea_ice_tabular(), 80
meteo_nearby_stations(), 23, 25, 43–45, Startup, 56, 62, 64, 67, 69, 71, 74
47, 49, 52 storm_events, 82
meteo_process_geographic_data, 47 stormevents_cache, 82
meteo_pull_monitors, 48 stormevents_cache (rnoaa_caching), 77
meteo_pull_monitors(), 24, 26, 44, 46, 54 swdi, 83
meteo_show_cache, 42, 51 system.file(), 57
meteo_spherical_distance, 51
torn_cache, 86
meteo_tidy_ghcnd, 52
torn_cache (rnoaa_caching), 77
meteo_tidy_ghcnd(), 24, 26, 46
tornadoes, 86
meteo_tidy_ghcnd_element, 54
user_cache_dir, 9
ncdc, 55, 60, 62, 65, 67, 69, 71, 72, 75
ncdc(), 72, 77 vis_miss, 87
ncdc_combine, 57, 59, 62, 65, 67, 69, 71, 72,
ncdc_combine(), 77

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