Job Interview Requirements

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(10) (9-7) IMPROVEMENT (6- (3-1)
GREETING Professional Acceptable Used typical Unacceptable
behavior and behavior, well behavior and behavior and
language mannered, language – did language
(handshake, professionalism modify behavior
“hello”,” thank somewhat to fit the Unfriendly and
you “, etc.) lacking interview not courteous

Friendly and Courteous to all Attempts to be

courteous to involved in courteous to all
all involved in interview in interview
interview setting
BODY LANGUAGE No fidgeting; Minimal Fidgeted –(i.e., Fidgeted –
consistently fidgeting (i.e., movement of (i.e., constant
used physical occasionally hands and feet movement of
gestures, shifting); frequently); hands and
facial average use of minimal use of feet); none or
expressions physical physical very poor use
and body gestures, facial gestures, facial of physical
movements in expressions and expressions and gestures, facial
a manner body body expressions
which movements in a movements in a and body
enhanced the manner which manner which movements
interview enhanced the enhanced the detracted
process. interview interview from the
process. process. interview
POSTURE AND EYE Sits up/ Stand Sits up straight, Sits up straight; Does not look
CONTACT straight, good posture; average at persons
excellent establishes eye posture; involved in the
posture; looks contact with establishes eye interview
relaxed and interviewers contact with process; keeps
confident; during the interviewers head down;
establishes interview 80 -90% during the minimal eye
eye contact of the time interview 70 -80% contact; does
with of the time not have good
interviewers posture;
during the slouching
interview 90-
100% of the
ABILITY TO EXPRESS Thoughts are Thoughts are Some thoughts Thoughts are
IDEAS organized and organized; lack not organized;
effective; appropriate organization; inflection is
appropriate inflection is inflection is inappropriate;
inflection is evident; word sometimes word choice
evident; word choice shows inappropriate; does not show
choice shows ability to some words the ability to
ability to capture and cannot capture capture and
capture and maintain and maintain maintain
maintain audience audience audience
audience interest interest. interest.
CONSISTENCY OF Role-playing is Role-playing is Some parts of Role-playing is
ROLE PLAYING done in a done in a the portrayal are not done in a
consistent and convincing not convincing; convincing
convincing manner; some arguments manner;
manner; arguments and and viewpoints arguments and
arguments viewpoints fit do not fit the viewpoints do
and role played. role played. not fit the role
viewpoints fit played.
role played.
RESPONSE TO Gives well- Gives well- Gives well- Answers with
QUESTIONS constructed, constructed constructed “yes’ or “no”
confident responses, does responses, but and fails to
responses that not sound sounds elaborate or
are genuine rehearsed, rehearsed or explain; talks
student unsure negatively
somewhat about past
hesitant or employers
Overall Overall neat Appearance is Overall
PROPER appearance is appearance somewhat appearance is
ATTIRE very neat; untidy untidy
Choice in
Choice in clothing is Choice in Choice in
clothing is acceptable for clothing is clothing is
appropriate the type of inappropriate inappropriate
for any job interview (shirt un-tucked, for any job
interview tee-shirt, too interview (torn,
Well groomed much jewelry, unclean,
Very well (i.e. shirt tucked etc.) wrinkled)
groomed (hair, in, jewelry blends
make-up, with clothing, Grooming Poor grooming
clothes minimal wrinkles) attempt is
pressed, etc.) evident

GENERAL ATTITUDE Appropriately Shows basic Somewhat Lack of interest

interested and interest in the interested in the and
enthusiastic interview; shows interview; shows enthusiasm
about the some little enthusiasm about the
interview enthusiasm interview;
process passive and

TOTAL: /80
SUPPORTING Necessary Necessary parts Some parts of The
DOCUMENT parts of the of the the necessary documents do
documents documents documents are not provide
supplement complement the missing support to the
and presentation. presentation.
/ X
(10 POINTS ) ( 0 POINTS )
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