I. Identity
School : SMK Pariwisata Triatma Jaya-Badung
Subject : Physics
Year/semester : X TIK/1
Time Allotment : 6 hours (6 x 45minutes)
II. Standard Competence
Apply the motion and forces Laws.
III.Basic Competence
Mastering Newton’s Law.
IV. Indicators
1. Proving the Law I, II, III Newton through trial and give examples of cases in
everyday life
2. Describe the blend of forces by using a scheme
1. Calculate the sum of forces through mathematic equation
3. Explain weight concept as influence of the earth gravity
1. Contras action-reaction phenomenon
4. Explain Kepller’s Laws to explain the motion of planets
V. Learning Outcomes
1. Student be able to proving the Law I, II, III Newton through trial and give
examples of cases in everyday life through class discussion
2. Student be able to describe the blend of forces by using a scheme through class
3. Student be able to calculate the sum of forces through mathematic equation
through class discussion
4. Student be able to explain weight concept as influence of the earth gravity
through class discussion
5. Student be able to contras action-reaction phenomenon through class discussion
6. Student be able to explain Kepller’s Laws to explain the motion of planets
through class discussion
VI. Teaching and Learning Topics
1. Newton’s Law about motion
VII. Teaching-Learning Method
1. Class discussion
2. Ask and Question
VIII. Teaching and Learning Process (6th – 8th meeting)
1. Preparation (± 10 minute)
a) Greetings and Introductions
b) Checking students attendance
c) Presenting the learning outcomes and the assessment procedure
2. Mains Activities (± 120 minutes)
Teacher Activities Student Activity Time Allocation Location
Motivate the student Students answer the
with some questions teacher question.
15 minutes
related to the topics
that will learn.
- Presenting the Paying a good
topics, collecting attention to the
information and teacher’s
problem that have explanation, Give
students information answer
- Guiding the the teacher’s
60 minutes
students to question
investigate Class room
understanding the
- Observing the
student’s activity
- Giving some - Doing exercises
exercises given by teacher
- Giving a comment - Correcting the ask
about the asks and according to the
45 minutes
giving a teacher’s
explanation if there comment
is misconception
- Post test
1. Evaluation Method: Test, individual assignment, small test.
2. Type of evaluation: Essay and multiple choice test
3. Instrument: cognitive and affective assessment rubric