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1) What is a computer?

Ans: A computer is an electronic device or a machine that can receive, process, store,
and output Data.

2) What are the main parts a computer is made up of?

Ans: The main parts of a computer may include central processing unit, Hard Drive,
Keyboard, Monitor, Motherboard etc.

3) What is an operating system?

Ans: An operating system is a program that can manage all the function of the
computer. It is a program that is loaded when the computer starts. It manages all the
applications on the computer.


4) Differentiate between RAM and hard drive?

Ans: Both RAM (Random Access Memory) and hard drives are used to store data.

No RAM Hard Drive

1. It Stores Data Temporarily. It stores data permanentely.

2. It is Volatile Storage Device. It is Non-Volatile Storage Device.

3. It Loses Data when the computer is turned If the user switch off the computer it does not l
off. data.

4. It can access data fastly. It has slower access to data

5. It has higher read/write time. It has a lower read/write time.

5) What is a CPU?

Ans: It interprets and executes instructions, performs calculations, and manages data
flow in a computer system. It is found in the computer motherboard and performs all
the functions done on the computer.

6) What is a virus?
Ans: A Virus is a program that can infect a computer other program and affect the
functioning and speed of computer.

7) Differencetiate between software and hardware?


No Hardware Software

1. It is physically found inside a computer. It is not physically found inside the computer.

2. These are electronic devices. These are not electronic devices.

3. It is not affected by Virus. It can be affected by Virus.

4. Hardware can be touched. Software cannot be touched.

5. Dust, moisture, and overheating may Programming errors may damage the functionin
damage the functioning of the hardware. the software.

6. Examples of hardware include a Monitor, Software examples include Microsoft Office, Ad

Speaker, Keyboard, Mouse, etc. Photoshop, Chrome, Mozilla, VLC media player, e

8) What is a browser?

Ans: A browser is a software that help user to run websites online. Google Chrome,
Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge are some of the example of browser.

9) What is the use of a firewall?

Ans: A firewall is a security device that helps us to keep our computer away from any
unauthorized activities.

10) What is a bit?

Ans: A bit (short for binary digit) is the smallest unit that provides information only in
the form of 0 or a 1.

11) What is a byte?

Ans: A byte is a unit of memory. It usually made up of 8 bits. It represents letter or a

12) Differentiate between a LAN and a WAN?



1. LAN means local area network. It is use for WAN means Wide area network. It is used
connection over a short area. connection over a broad area.

2. Any private organization owns it. A private or public organization owns it.

3. The speed of transfer of data is very high. The speed of transfer of data is low.

4. It is Simple and less costly. It is complex and more costly.

13) Differentiate between ROM and RAM?


1. It means Random Access Memory. It means Read-only memory.

2. It is Volatile memory. It means Read-only memory.

3. It is costly. It is less costly.

4. It can read and write data. It can only read data but cannot write data.

5. It works faster than ROM. Its works slower than RAM.

6. Data can be accessed by the CPU directly. Data cannot be accessed by the CPU directly

14) Define IP address?

Ans: An IP (Internet Protocol) address is an address in the form of number that is given
to a computer which is connected to any network. The IP address of each device is
different. IPv4 (32 bit address) and IPv6 (128-bit address) are two types of IP addresses.

15) What is a compiler?

Ans: A compiler is a software program that is use to translate high level language into
low level language so that the system can understand the command.

16) What is a GUI?

Ans: GUI which means Graphical user interface is a platform where user can interect
with the system with the help of graphics such as buttons, icons, menus etc.


17) What is a cookie?

Ans: A Cookie contains information about the user's browsing activity and
preferences. Cookies enhance website functionality, remember user preferences, and
track user behaviour.

18) What is cloud computing?

Ans: Cloud computing delivers computing services, including servers, storage,
databases, software, and more, over the Internet. It is helpful for the users as it don't
require any hardware.

19) What is a motherboard?

Ans: A motherboard is circuit board found inside computer from which each and every
part of computer is linked such as CPU, UPS, Hard disk, RAM and other peripheral
devices. It is also called Printed circuit board.


20) What is Computer network?

Ans: When two or more than two computers, servers, printers are connected to share
their data and other resources is called computer network.

21) What is an input device?

Ans: An input device is a peripheral device that is used for the purpose of entering
data into the computer. Keyboards, mousece, scanners, and microphones are some
examples of Input device.

22) What is an output device?

Ans: An output device is a peripheral device that is used for showing output of the
data processed by the system. Monitors, printers, speakers, and projectors are some
of the examples of the Output devices

23) What is a backup?

Ans: A backup is the copy of the original data which is done in order to retrieve and
restore the lost data if the data is erased or deleted by mistake or due to some other

24) What is CPU clock speed?

Ans: CPU clock speed refers to the clock cycle a CPU completes in one second.
Processor can Oscillator which generates electric waves. One complete wave is called
one clock cycle. If the processor generates one complete cycle in one second, then the
speed is called 1 heartz. If a processor completes 1 million clock waves, the speed is
called 1 Megahertz. If the processor generates 1 Billion clock waves, the speed is called
1 Gigahertz.

25) What is a software update?

Ans: A software update is a release of improved or fixed software to provide users with
the facilities of newly added features or enhance the performance of the software.
Software developers usually provide it to keep the software up to date.

26) What is a mouse pointer?

Ans: A mouse pointer is a graphical icon on the computer screen that moves in
response to the physical movement of a mouse. It allows the user to select and interact
with objects on the screen.

27) What is a computer virus scan?

Ans: A computer virus scan is a process by antivirus software to detect and remove
viruses, malware, and other malicious programs from a computer system. It scans files,
folders, and drives to identify and eliminate potential threats.

28) What is the use of a password?


Ans: A password is used to verify the identity of a user. It protects your device from
any unauthorised access. A password must be strong and must not contain anything
that can be easily guessed.

29) What is a web browser cache?

Ans: A web browser cache is a temporary storage location on a computer or device
where a browser stores copies of web pages, images, and other resources. It helps
retrieve previously visited web content faster, reducing the need to download them

30) Give some difference between HTTP and HTTPS?

Ans: HTTP comes into affect when data is transferred between web browser and web
server. But these types of connection is not secured. There is every chance of data leak
by a hacker. Whereas HTTPS is the secured form of data transfer Between web browser
and web server. All the data are in encrypted form and cannot be hacked.

31) Define file extension?

Ans: At the end of every file name there is an extension which indicates the type of file
is called file extension. File extension is created automatically when you save a file.
Some examples of file extensions are .pdf, .png, .jpg, .txt etc.

32) What is cloud storage?

Ans: Cloud storage provides a convenient and scalable way to store data without
relying on local storage devices.

33) What is a URL?

Ans: A URL means Uniform resource locator is the address by which we can locate any
website. It mainly consists of protocol, domain name and the path of the website.

34) Define database management system (DBMS)?

Ans: DBMS is made up of three words Database which means collection of data,
Management which means to update, insert or retrieve data and System means to
organise data in a systematic and structured manner.

35) What is the difference between system software and

application software?

No System Software Application software

1. System software are installed with the Application software are installed after the installatio
installation of operating system operating system according to the requirement of u

2. System software can work Application software cannot run independently.


3. User do not interact with system User Interact with Application Software.

4. It runs automatically when the It run when the user runs the software.
computer starts.

5. Example - Windows Operating system Example- Adobe Photoshop, Visual Studio, VLC m
player etc.

36) What is the function of an operating system?

Ans: Operating system is used to allocate or deallocate memory, organise and manage
files on the storage device, manage input and output device, interact with computer
system etc.
37) What is a peripheral device?
Ans: To input or receive output from a system we need the help of some devices which
is called peripheral device. Every Input and Output device can be called a peripheral

38) What is an algorithm?

Ans: It is finite number of steps that need to be followed to solve any problem.
Algorithm is needed to design a better program. It provides a better approach to solve
any problem.

39) What is the difference between a hard disk drive (HDD) and
a solid-state drive (SSD)?

No Hard Disk Drive Solid State Drive

1. Hard Disk Contains moving Parts so it prone Solid State drive has no moving Parts so it is
to accident. prone to accident.

2. Hard Disk Creates sound while reading and It do not produce sound while reading and wri
writing data.

3. It is Cheaper. It is costly.

4. It is heavier and bigger than SSD. It is Lighter and smaller than HDD.

5. It has slower data transfer rate than SSD. It has Faster Data transfer rate than HDD.

40) What is the purpose of antivirus software?

Ans: A Virus is a malicious program which creates a lot of copies of itself and captures
a lot of space to slow down your computer. It may steal or harm your data. So to get
rid of this an antivirus is used. An Antivirus is a software that help in obtaining a virus
free operating system.


41) What is a cache memory?

Ans: Cache memory is the memory which is found nearest to CPU. All the current
instructions are stored in Cache memory. It takes less time than main memory because
it is nearer to CPU.

42) What is the difference between a compiler and an


No Compiler Interpreter

1. It checks the whole program first and then It checks the program line by line and
converts the code into machine language. converts the code into machine language.

2. It shows all the error of the program at the It Shows only one error at a time.
same time.

3. Execution time is less. Execution time is more.

4. Debugging is slower. Debugging is faster.

5. Compiler is used in language such as c and c# Interpretor is used in language such as

etc. Python etc.

43) What is the purpose of a modem?

Ans: Modem stands for Modulator and Demodulator. It is a network device that allows
user to use internet connection over his computer. Modem is divided into two parts
out of which modulator is used to convert digital signal to analog signal whereas
demodulator is used to convert analog signal to digital signal.

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