Speech Example
Speech Example
Speech Example
building power. And the way we fight back against that is by telling stories to each other
about who we are.’ This powerful quote was stated by South American writer, Gina Green. I
am also a strong activist against misogyny and resolutely believe that it is an issue.
Misogyny refers to the dislike, contempt, or ingrained prejudice against women. It is a
profound social and cultural issue that has been present throughout human history and
continues to affect women today. Misogyny takes many forms, ranging from subtle and
implicit biases to overt acts of violence and discrimination.
Primarily, one form of misogyny is the perpetuation of gender stereotypes, which limit
women's opportunities and subject them to unfair treatment. For instance, women are often
expected to conform to traditional gender roles, such as being caregivers and homemakers,
while men are expected to be providers and leaders. Why should men leave their home and
have limited time to spend with their children when women are willing and capable to work
as hard as men. Another stereotype being that women are weaker than men. This
controversial remark is often quite frustrating upon women and does not make any sense
because it can cause meaningless arguments (lacks many forms of coherency and/or
rationality because of the discord it can create between genders). This can lead to the
undervaluation of women's contributions and the belief that women are inherently less
capable or competent than men.
Another form of misogyny is sexual harassment and violence against women. This includes
physical, sexual, and psychological abuse. This repulsive act caused by beasts manipulate
the mind of a woman to the point where they are suspicious and distrustful of even the safest
areas. Statistics state that 81% of females have experienced a form of sexual harassment
during their lifetime. These forms of misogyny not only harm individual women, but also
contribute to a culture that devalues women. The effects of such abuse can be long-lasting
and traumatic, and can result in anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, and lowered self-
esteem. Would you want to feel wary of your surrounding constantly throughout the days?
Misogyny is also apparent in the workplace, where women often face unequal pay and
limited advancement opportunities. Despite progress in recent decades, women still earn
less than men on average and are underrepresented in leadership positions. This is widely
noticed in most religions and is a controversial topic that is often ignored because of
established traditions within many different faiths. Inequality within jobs is partly due to the
persistence of gender biases and the assumption that women are less committed to their
careers due to traditional gender roles and stereotypes. Furthermore, women are often
neglected for a role because of possible maternity leave and other factors which is unfair
towards many women.
Finally, another example of misogyny can be seen in the media and entertainment
industries, where women are often sexualised and objectified. In most TV shows, women are
shown to be less capable and overly dramatic at times than men who are mostly
represented as determined and confident. This reinforces harmful gender stereotypes and
contributes to a culture that trivialises and degrades women. Moreover, the media often
inspires harmful beauty standards that pressure women to conform to a narrow definition of
beauty and perfection, which can have negative effects on their self-esteem and body
(In conclusion, misogyny is a pervasive and harmful issue that affects women in many
aspects of their lives. Addressing and combating misogyny requires a collective effort from
all members of society. This includes acknowledging and challenging gender biases and
stereotypes, speaking out against acts of violence and discrimination, and working to create
a more equal and just world for women. We need to be better; we need to work harder; we
need to strive for an equal world for everyone.)
To sum up, I would like to leave you all with the facts as follows: gender stereotypes create
discord and injustice between all, sexual harassment and violence can lead to a society
where women are dehumanised and insecure, unfairness in the workplace leads to wasted
potential of many dedicated women and toxicity in media can often result in women altering
their appearance for the appeal of others. All in all, misogyny can only cease to exist once
both genders can work collectively to get rid of it once and for all. We need to be better; we
need to work harder; we need to strive for an equal world for everyone.